HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-11-25, Page 5I
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TPIRDIS-51.001n Advance. INDEPENDENT IN dLL THING'S—N.817TBAL IN NOTHING W..r. ]1IITCAIIDGG, IDr:liLor vr.d Praj»Lelor.
Fine Old Jamaica Ram.
This Liquor comes direct from the West
Indies, and when old is the most whole.
some distiatiation known. It induces pers-
piration, and is invaluable in oases of cold.
The finest qualities are to be obtained only
by the exercise of great care and judg-
Phone 54.
Have you had a Guess
On the lucky number in the Sealed Envelope
that wins the 113 piece China Dinner Set, that
we are giving away on Jan. 3rd? Yours may be
the winning number. To guess costs you noth-
ing, one guess with every 50o. Cash Purchase.
How About Your Christmas Cake ?
Christmas Cake, like wine, improves with
age. Now is the time to make your cake when the
fruit is at its best. New Raisins, Currants, Poets,
Nuts, Figs, oto., for the Xmas trade.
If You Fear Temptation
Don't look Stour neat Xmas Goods in Dinner,
Bedroom and Fanoy Chinaware. We have oppen-
ed out this week some very nifty Dinner and I1ad-
room Sets for the Holiday Trade. In Fanny
Goods our Stock is complete. Fancy China
Salads, Fruit Sets, Broad and Butter Plates,
Water Sots, etc., etc,
If you thinly it is too early to buy, come in and
have us put your Xtuas presents away for you.
We will be pleased to show you our Goods
-- 41bs. Ginger Snaps For 25e.
Glood Raisins 5c. a Ib.
Caah paid for Good n_oater and Eggs.
Phone 23.
1897 —YoYE,vm - 1897
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2V �Gcy C/D tom- r.,ratl Min 0
l0h —
An sago Aronud the 1111b,
All the Local News that's fit to Print,
WANTRD.—Poultry of all kinds, Highest
price paid,—CANTELON Blaos.
SATURDAY was a big day for the
THE NEws-RECortr) until the end of
next year for one dollar.
A srLclAt greeting of L. 0. L., NO
710 will he held Friday evening. A
full attendance is requested.
SEvEv cal -loads of wheat damaged
in the elevator fire at Goderich have
been brought down here for sale.
THAT frame dwelling on Mary street
owned by the Dale estate was bought
by Mr. S. Cooper on Monday for $12:5.
their apple operations Saturday by a
four -car shipment from Clinton and
two frotr Goderich.
MR. D. CANTELON shipped a car-
load of apples in bulk the other day to
Norwich cider mall.
THF,R is heavy trafiie oil die L. H.
& B. Thirty car.-; were sent out for
distribution from Clinton station
MRA. (4ARVEY; of the 16th con-
cession, Goderich township, moved in
la-t.ri idaay and took possession of the
r6iidence which she lately purchased
from Mr;. T. Cooper.
Farmers Marketing Their Grain.
GRAIN is pouring in front the town-
ship,,, in wagons principally, thoagh
several ratrwers were out with their
sleighs lo -day. There has been t
throng around the mill all dray.
Sale of September Cheese.
MR. .IAB. Gi)NNOLLY, Salesman for
the Holnaesville and Summerhill cheer
factories, made a sale 0n Saturday o
the 5cptember make, aggregating 64
boxes, int 8 1/16 cents per lb. The put,
chaser.; were BallaiiLine & Son, Strat
Morning Electric Light Servica.
THERL is now a mor ning electricligh
service, the current being turned on 11
6 o'clock. This Is a considerable con
venience to those early risers who hav
the system in their houses as it is mile
easter touching the button than hunt
r ing up lamps and matches.
Fire Fighting Apparatus.
THE Town Council has just added t
its fire -fighting apparatus: -2 Babcoc
fire extinguishers, a heater for th
steamer and the necessary ladders t
comply with the requirements of th
Underwriters' Association.
Mr. Cook Encounters a Nall.
LAST Friday Mr, 1). (ionic, Sr
stepped upon a nail which ran throug
the shoe and penetrated his foot.
a consequence he bas not been movin
about for a few days but. rather nur
ing the injured member.
The Collegiate Board Meets.
THE Collegiate Institute Board on
Friday evening transacted all the busi-
ness before it in ten minutes. Indeed,
there was little to do but pass these
four accounts:—Harland Bros., coal,
$138,11; John Ridout, insurance, $12.75;
O. Cooper & Co., supplies, $3.50; W.
Cooper & Co., supplies, $4.20.
An Indian Ramo Sold for $5.
MR. W. COATS, one of our chief poul-
try fanciers, has been making several
deals of late. A fete days ago he ex.
changed three of his birds with a Dur-
hamite and last week Fent to Kingston
one of his Indian Games for which he
obtained five dollars. There ought to
be a living profit in poultry at such
Collision on the L. H. @ B.
THE jiggger Rang and the southbound
train on tha London and Huron collid-
ed some distance north of this town
Friday morning last. The jigger was
smashed to smithereens and the loco-
motive pilot so damaged that the train
was held here :L short time for repairs.
No one was hurt, but the section men
got out of the way none too soon.
Electricity for Fair's hill].
AIR. JAB. FAIR is putting an electric -
lighting plant in his mall for greater
convenience and the saving of time
Nuel Expense, The lighting of his big
mill means ar, considerable outlay, as
the machinery is kept running.both
day and night for a good part of the
•year. It has not been closed down,
except, of course, on Sundays, since
A Dislocated Elbow.
On Tuesday as Mr. I, Cantelon was
emptying; a tilt) of water• oft Ole hack
verandah of the Coyne House the rail-
ing gave way and he. fell to the ground,
a distance of about 12 feet". A dislo-
cated elbow and hadly sprained area
was the result, bit he is to he congra-
tulated on escaping with no worse In-
juries. His place of the 'bus and in
the house is being filled it) the rneatn-
time by Mr. Jus. Roberts.—Mt. Forest
Butler Broke His Leg.
MR. JOS, E. BUTLER has himself
been a resident of this town for some
time but only quite recently
proved down has wife and six
children from Formosa,. His oc-
cupation is roofing and it was
while so employed at Seaforth
last week and descending from the
roof that the, ladder broke and lie was
thrown violently to the ground. His
being a. heavy -weight made the fall
the harder and he sustain -d a fracture
of the thigh and an injured back. He
was brought borne on Friday night's
The Conservatives Organize.
Clinton Conservatives met Mouda,y
night and re -organized. There was a
good attendance and a buoyant feeling
aniong all present. This certainly will
be a shoulder -to -shoulder fight so far
as the local Conservatives are concern-
ed, A strong executive was elected, as
President, Dr. Bruce
Vice -President, Geo. Rorke,
Secretary -Treasurer, J. P. Doherty
Chairman of Ward Committees, O.
Cooper, T. Walker, A. M, Todd, T.
Big Shipment of Apples.
Din. D, CAN'FELON wound tip his
apple -shipping operations for the sea-
son last week when he sent forward
his last consignment. 11 is total vill-
cha-e aggregated 17,:100 hNs., was made
up front the counties of growLh is fol -
1 )ws:—Hnrou 401), Perth 1500, Water-
loo 2500, Oxford 2(. ), Brant 45(3, Nor-
folk 163), Prince Edward 2(- ). The
hest quality of fruit was obtained in
Perth, Waterloo, Oxford and Prince
EdvVard county where the price aver-
aged $2 per bushel. During the past
month Mr. Cantelon has paid out in
hard cash no less than $40,630, which
included the Cost of the fruit, barrels,
wages, etc,
A Stratford Vardmait Killed.
A very distressing and fatal accident
happened at Stratford last Thursday
,tor•ning at the Grand Truck yards.
The way freight, which leaves at 6 in
the morning was heing made up, and
David Dryden, a yardman, was coup-
ling two, cars, when the,, draw -bar
slipped past; and the two cars cane to,
gether, crushing him very severely in
the region of the abdomen. All the
lower rihs wore broken and crushed in,
and the unfortunate roan lanced at
once into unconsciousness. He wits
removed to his home, and died lane
a that afternoon. lie leaves it widow
`and. one child. A. peculiar feature of
the affair is that it happened in almost
exa,cdv the sante spot where Alfred
La Int) was killed last year.
e K. O. T. At. Re-Unloo.
f ON Monday evening there was •a
0 very successful re -union of the Knights
of the Maccabees in the Orange hall
here, older• the auspices of ](earn.
Tent No. 06. A number of visitor
were present, front Varna Tent, also
t from Senforth. The meeting was
t graced by the inresence of a number of
ladies who took an active part in pro
e>, vid'ing arid serving one of the mos
th palatable spreads ever tendered here
Sir Kt, Frasnk Crich, the efficient Coni
hander, occupied the chair. Sir Kt
Reid, of Varna, delivered it very inter
"ling address on the duty of member
0 of the Order, ,while Past Commando
k Todd dwelt for A short time on th
e value of social gatherings of the kind
o the neves its of society insurance and
e the roi eq ,protection to th
widow and orphan. Record Keeps
Layton was happy in his tirnely'•re
marks, anal it nil ht be added that h
be is one of the Tent workers. A vot
h of thanks was tendered the ladies h
As Sir I(t. L. Beatty, of Varna, and unan
g imously carried, when the meeting rad
s- journed, all being highly pleased wit
the evening's proceedings,
Concert at Varna. THE TWO A.J'S. d O
A CONCERT will be given tit Varna Huron Rifle • Asso'n Matches � Q
on tte evening of Friday, Dec.10Lh,
under the auspices of the Piccolo;Band. -- We erre offering X1030 2c5 ��
A good programme is being prepared. SHOT OPP LAST'FRIDAV, WEATHER AND . . '� ` +
Ont. A. and E. Union. ATTBNDANC13 PAIR. This week '
THE 19th annual mePtin of the On- — 1 n Our Trade has increased
tario Agricultural and Experimental I The weather the latter part of last Two Special Lilies during the present year
Union will he held in the Agricultural week turning out unexpectedly favor -
College, Guelph, on December 8th, 9th able the matches of the Huron Rifle f n Q �n up to the 1st Of 1\iOvem-
andXh• Association were called on Fri- Of Underclothing bei $1030.25, which
The Hockeylsts Will Organize. day. The notice, was short, but it was go" to prove 1f a man
A MEETING of the Hockey Club to either that or they knew not what. gets satisfaction • he will
organize for the season will be held at The attendance was in consequence Which have been received
the Hotel Clarendon on Friday evening comeback and bring a
at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is re- lessened somewhat, but on the whole direct from the mills. We
quested.—I, R. Reid, Secretary, the tournment was a success. Most of ubte friend With ilim. We
Patronize the Cricket Concert. the local shots had not been on the q do not claim to be giv-
'THE programmes are, out for ranges for months, so that there was a ing Special inducements
Thursday night's Cricket concert satisfactory number of Nearly Possi- Suits for 75e worth $1
which promises to be a treat, Among bles. Captain Wilson, of Seaforth, Suits Scotch wool for 81 but Our ordinary prices
those who will contrihute are --Miss plugged more bullseyes than did 'any- are as low as other peo
Fisher and Miss Acheson, Goderich, worth $1.25 I ]e'S specials.
and Madame Wall. body else, but then he is an old Wim- p p
bledou man. Colonel Wilson was also A few BOYS' READY-MADES left to
St. Paul's Choir Strengthened. at the ranges, but did not score up `2 pairs Woolen Socks for 25e go at cost, front $1.10 up, _ a
ST. PAvi.s Church Choir was rein- We keep....
forced last Sunday by at least half so well as his namesake of lower rank. Leather Bracea 35c a pair,
a dozen members, who the Sunday be- Great is Seafort for Wilsons and ML+'N'S S 4IOCI(S, OVERALLS, ria
fore were unable on ac•connt of illness Do you need anything in Gloves. READY-1IADE PANTS and
great anis the Wilsons in military �k
to he out. St.Paul's choir, under the matters. In addition to the Colonel OVEROO ATS.
leadership of Miss McHardy, is con- -�
sidered one of the most efficient in this and the Captain there is also a Major A. J. MORRISH. A. J. HOLLOWAY,
town of good choirs. Wilson.
Tire roost familar figure at the ranges CLINTON. CLINTON,
Col. Buchan Visits the Armonrles.
Colonel Buchan was' in town SaLur- was Mr. Nichol Robson, who has scored ,axswaacoa.
day on a tour of inspection and visited niore bulls and more possibles in his
the armonries of Companies 4 and 7 time than any other member of the Your Winter Overcoat
which he foltud in as near Lo apple-pie Association. Three o£ the four Cups
order as it is possible to keep
such places. Captains Combe and put up for competition were won by
Shaw have charge, respectively, of 4 him and together with several medals
:and 7, make, a handsome collection. The If bought here will be satisfactory is every detail, well
Pattison and Rumball Busy. best of his trophies is a forty -dollar made, good fit and not costly. We leave one of the bi�-
5hipments of apples to cold storage, Cup which he captured thrice out of _ ]•tin eS Of Men's OVeI'COatS t0 be found an wllel'e,
flour to Halif<•ax and Montreal and the five times it was shot for, malting gest g y
musical instruments to vat ious points
keep G T. R. Agent Pattison and it his absolute property, t)1 r. Robson Men's Heavy Frieze Ulsters, wool lined, storm collars........................$5 00
Assistant Runballbusy, Mr. Pattison was, indeed, for years the local crack " rr la it slash pockets, half belt ....................... 6 50
has also heen ticketing parties to shot and Inas competed as well at a :: �� " wool lined, strip seams, hall' bell......... 88 & $10
distant points of late, California, Da- the big meets it Ottawa, Toronto
kota and St. Louis. if you want good Overcoat- ualue, inspect these lines.
and elsewhere. On one occasion he
Entertaining Meeting of the 0. G. T. went in military garb and they say it
A PLEASING and instinctive pro-. to the cloth of two ordinary red„ Men's Tweed Suits, all sizes, plain and fancy patterns .....................j5 to 88
grainine has been prepared for this " Blue and Black Serge Suits................I...............,..............$7 00
quarter and all nlernwrs are cordially coats to ft hill) out with a fairly snug s
invited to attend. Last Friday's meet- tunic. Unfortunately Mr. Rohson's Fancy Tweed Suits, our own make..................................S10 ,� $12
ing was of special interest including a eyesight is not as good as it used to he; We are not surpassed by any house in the trans for Clothing
question drawer which caused much the sight of the right eye is gone
thought as well as amusement. Next Values.
Friday a literary programme will be altogether, so that he is not able to
given. make his old-time scores, but his inter- See our Spacial Line of Men's Lined Kid Gloves at 50 eta, a pair.
W. G T. U. Meeting. est in the tournament is just as keen We are Still selling "Jubilee" Underwear at 50 ets. per gartnent, all wool,
Tap. regular meeting of the W. C. T. as ever'• soft finish, nogbetter value ever offered.
U-. will he held at the horde of Miss Johnny Miller, of the Clarendon, CLOTHIF.li,, FURNISHER,
White, Rattenhury street, next Wed- has only been a competitor fur three m A (amu ��N S11
nesday. A full attendance is. desired. years but a prize winner from the first. 1 • f] C 111 � • AND HATTER,
as a special prograstnlne is beng pre- CLINTON.
pared. It is proposed that next Sun- He knew precious little about Established 1854.
dray he Te.uaperauce Sunday with (tae target, shooting when he went
local W. C. T. U. and appropriate ser- to his first match in '95, hilt —
mons be preached in the different FIRST MATCH. j Visit of the S. A. Marine Band.
churches. had been for the five years previous
the championship billiard player of 200 Yds. 500 yds. 'total. The Marine Band, said to be the
Death of Mr. Depew. J. Johnston. •.... , .. 22 22 4.4 Salvation Army's finest musical aggre-
Woodstock. Billiards and rifle shoot- Capt. Wilson ...... 23 20 43. gation in Canada, visited the town
MR. P. Depew, father of Mrs. W. ing ma riot seem to the uninitiated E. Hovey 20 20 40 Monday and after playing upon the
Doherty, died at his residence in !, Y y' ""'
Wardsville ati air early hour Monday to go haled in hand, but Johnny says Capt, Roberts...... 20 19 39 gore ratidd:ay and evening gave an en
morning ':after a long illness, The that it was with cue and balls that, Ile B. J. Gill» ngs...... 18 18 36 t�i•te n�mberient ngathered Barra listen to her the
deceased, who had reached the ripe mess of eye arid N. Robson... , „ , ... 17 18 35 g
t acquired that ker Capt. Todd ......... 20 15 S5 really excellent hand music. The
old age of seventy-six years, wqs steady nerve that now enables him to W. Doherty........ 18 15 33 Marines number eleven, four of whom
some twenty-six ,years ago a resident
of Clinton and is well remembered by stnash clay pigeons or pink the disk D. Macpherson ..... 13 17 30 are lassies.
Lieut. Spooner., 19 10 29 William Jackson for Mayor.
the old citizens, with so much success. y
John Miller.......,. 17 11 28
E. Hovey went down to the ranges Lt. -Col, Wilson..... 18 10 28 Tot•, fe.0ling h;ts now b0cnuu• goner%al
The Bruce Men Expected. »
MR. W. COATS, Inspector of the as a connpurative "greeny, he hadn't Jas. Howson........ 18 06 21 that. all infusion of new blood would
been there for four years, but he scored Capt. Cornbe........ 12 09 21 brighten up the Municipal Cornu it and
}louse of Refuge, went down to the so well as to surprise both the boys 1 t)0. Mn excellent thing. Ac•Live limirds
G. T. It station Monday and Tuesday SECOND DrATCH,
and himself. Ben. Gibbings is one :rf 'finds have La•cu•ked tcoudcrs at
a. in. expecting, according to cor- 400 yds. 600 yds. Total.
of the cracks. Ile won a score. Of dol- tunes, but, it the absence of such an
respondence, a delegation clown f,•orn Irtr9 at the London mattcles, W. G, C:apt,, Wilson • ...... 2t) 21 45 organization here the (luties which
Bruce to visit the Ii. of R. for intor- Doherty was the winner of the Nursery Lient. Spooner...... 2-1 15 < 3c) ' would devolve upon it nnnst t)0 tak0n
oration reletting to the cost of equip niatcll and is a cool stead shot. E. Hove .. 22 1G 3'. up hy\�the Coalicil. Dir. \Villiauu
anent and management of such an Y y,.....••.
institti0o))hut: the Bruce men did Don't mention Martini to stalwart D. Macpherson..... 17 17 34 Jac•ksnn is being urged to accept
not, for soros reason or other, put in an LicuLenant Jack Spooner. He tried B. J. Whhings.. , .. , 1.9 15 34 the Mayoralty and though he
Appearance, that rifle for his first three shots at Lt,-C,ol. Wilson..... 21 13 3.1 hits not yet de(inikoly decided to
the ut,J yard range and got "u111d" Cap t, Roberts...... 21 12 33 offer himself will probably yield to the
Steer Clear of Alfalfa. every tine, so shying it into the fence J, hillier............ 20 12 32 solicitations of his many friends.
MR. JAS, FAIR has had experience corner he sighted his trusty Snider and J Johnston........ • 20 11 31 If he t.%Llces the Held (here will not
with Alfalfa clover and as the result undo a succession of bulls. Isis trio W. Doherty...... • . 2) 10 30 likely he annv opposition of erect. We
his advice i a clover nd i of e r He in Martini misses, though, put hill) low J. Ilowson.......... 20 07 27 understand he agrees with TtH: N -W18 -
seeded down a Held last spring with of the tins aggregate. Capt. Combe........ 15 08 23' Rt,cO tD that now blood is necessary
Alfalfa and another grass but wont AGGREGATE MATCH. and desirable.
g Captain Todd was among the tom- Total.
, repeat it. Cattle are not fond petitors and had among his prizes 'Tim anniversary of the Rattenbnry
of that clover, says, and it is was it box of prime Havanas.'.,About (,apt,. .Wilson ............... 88 St. Met hodist church passed off very
a diflJcith illiatt.ter to eradicate all the practise lie has had of E. Hovey ..... • ..... . ............ 77 succes,f Illy Tuesday night,. The att:
the root,~ which reach so deeply late was obtained Wednesday at John ,Johnston ... . ....... . ...... 75 tendance was large and the coffers
'Clown. In a sample hunch bran};- �I�plmesville where he won aL B. J. Gihbings............. ..... 70 must have been considera lily rte )len-
ing in W. Fairs office the roots . tiufcey at a cost of a dollar slid a halt Lieut. Spooner .................. 68 fished thereby. The laches provided a
measure live feet, four inches in land considered it good vafne at that. EXTRA SERIES, fifty -cent sapper and so bounteous was
length. Though he retired Borne three years 10 shots 200 yds. Total. the provision that there was enough
ThePayrnnsterDJstrlbutesCheques. since from military life, the Captain and so much to spare that 11110010"
takes jest aboutas lively aau interest CaptZVilsnn ....................• 45 sti)perwas given the fnllotving ewell-
PAYMAS'rEIL Mason, of the Middle in No, 4 as ever. The ole} ConlpauY is Lieut. Spooner 4t ing. 'the programme was
as girrn
Division of the G (nd Trunk, whose splendidly officered by Cktptitin COMI)e Ii, J. Gihhings................. •.. 43 below and was heartily enjoyed. all
territory extends from Toronto to the arta Lieutenants MClaggat L autl (,apt I,oberts ....... , .... • • , ... 43 those who cnnbrihnted did w011, but
Tunnel, passed up <ind down Lhesc. W. i)oherty............. Madaune WaIPs solos were par',acularly
lines birin[,Y the past week distributing . • ......... 3`J well received, Rev. 1Ir. MillyaO•d
the p%ty cheques to lite Cntployc es• Mr. John Jdhnston is decidedly fond ('atrt, Todd, .......... 36 tilled the chair well.
{ of rifle shooting and a gond'uu at it- J, Miller ................
Mr. Mason hits upon has roll 7,(H,) re est or J. Johnston..... , ... • ....... .
naunes and prays out $10,000 per month. whether it be for turkeys, } ' . ; J Anthem ... • . , ... .. lblUenbl"T Choir.
He is on the rood eleven days and the cash, He is one of the Agsociatirin's NURSERY MATCH. , Solt) "IVllen the heart is young'
question will l ad eleven
arise where is pushers, active ill arraaiging the pre. 5 shots 4C0 yds. Total. Dladame Wall.
lfnlinal.ies. Perhaps he was scale- Selec•tion............ (;linton Ovchestra.
the 0cemomy In paying by cheque in- what handicapper} Friday by his good W. Doherty ................. • . 20
stead of in cash so long as the pay .. 20 Violin
Sol........... Ir-. F Chntvn,
master, with hisstaff analtrain, still mature in lending his Snider, 11 in u.. J. Howson• ........... .... •.... 20 hirn, F. Watts,
. make one, which wars so continuously in u.se J. Mi11eN•... . ....... . ... ......... 1G Solo......, .... , , Mr, W. P. SpanUditg.
Violin Flo o......
continues Lo male, the rounds .Ls of 1 p Address ............ R.ev. Dir. Uleuu+nt.
yore. that the gin hardly got fair tray, W, tMccool....................... 13
a 14Ir, Ogle Cooper cilLel for the Sulo .. . ...... . ....... t)9 iso Ida Harland.
s Good Work for Eadenvorers. Nursery where at the last nl Ltc•h, (,?nartette.............. Ontairin Choir.
THERt•; are being sent out all over much to his own sur �arise, he made Solo, .......... • . I ...... Mra. Hoover'.
9 Bast `�'aw:itt0s11' 'Solo "The holy, City" Madame.' W;111,
Ontario by the "Lord's Day Alliatncct" three bolts, an inner rsn(t epic one er i Solo "Oro Pro Nobis" Madame Wall.
from its headgna iters in Toronto, pe- though he hadn't peeped over a The election of officers at the Brick Bass Solo....................R. Foster.
titions to be signed asking for the rife barrel for the previous twelve clttuch•E worth League on Wed nes- Selection...,,. .,.. C•linton Orchestras,
t aniendment of the present Lord's Day seats. He nude four Dints more than .da 17th resulted as follows:—Honor- N -
Act, so that it shall represent the true his firing plate ou Friday anti ary President, Rev. Mr, Oaten ; Presi- —' "'0•°a"'
sentiments of the people of this pro- obtained a prize. dent, Miss Alice Hoover; Vice Presi- Ashfield.
vince, and nrobibit. the doing of busf- The firing took place from within dent, for Christian Endeavor work, J.
ness or work by all classes of persons the corporation limits of Clinton,wbile Pattison; Vice President for Mission- T'armhrs are still ploughing, Ther
s without limitations; and by corpora- the targets stood in the township of axy work, Mrs, A. Hoover; Literary weather is very favorahle for work.
Commander tions, with exception only in favor of Stanley and not more than twenty Vice President, .1no. Doov ; Social Vice Large ga11ntitios of grain tire being
° carrying Her Majesty's mails, and car- yards from the township line of Gode y taken to market along the different
r in assen ers b way of thro' traf- President, Mrs. a Pattison ; Secretary, d Y g p g Y Y itch. n B. Reid; Corresponding �lecreL•ariy; reads,
Hc, selling drugs a�td medicines, and The Association was organized Sept, Miss Mary Bro3kes; Trea9urer, J. T. Some of the parties who went to,
e other works of necessity 'and mercy. g Manitoba are returning and t•eport
Keeper Onr Paideavorers can give their vale- 5th, 1872, at a meeting heldat the (tom Irwin. fisvorah}y in general. '
able help in securing- a large signaLture merciaal Hotel, and was for the first Miss E. M. Patterson, daughter of M W Baker iy about to irnce
e to these petitions. That shonlrl he at- year known as the Clinton Rifle Club. Reeve Patterson, has been engaged nY f tr•tn on the 12th Fcon, West Wat�vat-
e tended to at once, as the Alliance Among ll -lose present, at this meet- the trustees of Union school at Donny- nosh
Y wants them in time for the meeting of ing were:—Major Murray, chosen b,. )k. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Min
the Legislature in Toronto, Send President; Lieutenant, E. Grigg, A andcre- Mrs. and Miss Plunkett, of Owen Murdoch, of the 13th inn„ is irnprowincr
ppetition when signed to your• local M. tilry-Treasurer; Capt. Sheppard aand Sound, were the guests of 'Mrs. J. In healt}t after her severe attack of
h P. P., before November 30th, as theN.{Robson. managing committee, Capt. Pattison last week. illness.
Legislature meets then. McTavish and S. Davis,