HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-11-25, Page 44
Circular City Brietsill a •Combe's Baking Powder -----------------
111n Waiting Goderich, Nov. 22—Miss Annie Flet-
cher, (4 Nuw York, is visiting ill town F i rst We have this wiloili.placod in our Store a now Mixing
to be used in manufacturing our
and will romain till 1898.appeara. Letiand all the time Hood's Sarsaparilla Machine
Miss Duncan, of ter It leasant visit
hie been advertised an a blood purifier.
at the residence of Mrs, t W. Logan, Its great cures have been accomplished
left for home last week. Pure Cream of Tarter Baking Powdep
Mate. Thos. Babb, of dredge No. 9 through purified blood —cures ofecrofula, I
Satita to) is ""' ""' the W""' """" malt rheum; eczema, rheumatism, neural. This Baking Powder has, met with such continued success that
For Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lee returned last 1,, catarrh, nervousness, that tired el- have decided to manufacture it on a large scale, and hope to
week from their honeymoon trip. Mrs. ing, it cures when others fail, because ft do the Baking Powder business of this county.
Lee was "At Holue" yesterday and will
Ci�us'o be "At Houlel" to-littorrow and on Wed- a TWEL Y. w,OL . IMS FOR OUR BA KING P0 W9EI?
nesday and Friday of next week. ----
The G. T. It. wrecking train wits at Always It is perfectly Mixed
o the dock last week and lifted axid took I It surpasses all others for Purity
A N 0 away the wheels and Lhis ii -On work of Strikes at the root of the disease and It I's composed of the finest and purest Cream of Tartar, and a special
the four burnt cars. ' eliminates every germ of Impurity. grade of Bicarbonate of Soda.
Anniversary services were held fit Thousands testify to absolute cures of
North It grade
%va3 a reliable, is not all experimeli
49 street Methodist church last blood diseases by Hood Sarsaparilla, It has been before the public longer than t any Druggist Biking Powder
although discouraged by the failure of
lOv8IY other medicines. Rembmber that
11-t ida� and Saturd�ity were manufactured in
gave thettliorof "The PS It makes better and ligh or iscuits than any other Baking Powder made
0 day. and this
of the Snows a roil set back. Oil the t b
(3 last ilatiled clay buys were swillallin Of ullifurl" Strength and quality
'OofO in the river. 9 00ollowit:41
The R.tuk of Montreal has addedIs strictly up -to date
much Lo the convenience Of its CUS- HNOWd Is sold under a positive guarantee
ARE YOU READY FOR CH RISTMAS? toinevs by putting in at larger will- And last of all fulfils every claim made for it.
dow. Sarsaparilla
We will save yod something on every purchase from our Mr. N. Dyment has had it new office ' We will1be pleased to furnish fres SAMPI08 to any
splendid and satisfying assortment of ueautiful Holiday built ou the G. T. R. track- to replace Is the best — In fact the One True Blood Purifier,
Goods. the one desti oyod by the fire. Baking Powder. one Who has not tested our
pills to buy, easy to take,
The G. T. R. employees were in town Hood's easy to operate. 26a. Put up in lb. and half pound packages.
last week and laid t single track in Price 25o. per lb.
place of the doubleone recently des-
troyed. Po�r�iar Prices. the last regular tneeLingofthe Colle- —0
The steamer Myles arrived in port giate Institute Board Dr. Ure was !tp- Iffil-W
last Thursday with 40,000 bushels of pointed chairman pro Leip. On motionManufacturing
wheat forOgilvies'Seatorth mill. of Jno. Acheson and Dr. Tavlor the.
Our Suburb Holiday Stock The schooner Kolpage left for Wal- followingaccounts were ordered to be Jas, U. combe Chemist, Physician
laceburg last Thursday, aid ]ch.n.L, & Rhynas, $126; Stev- Supp,lies
R. Ransford, of Clinton, was in the enson & Finattle, $20.10; postal cards,
Is full of QUALITY, VARIETY, BEAUTY and GOOD TASTE• county town lastweek. $1. Moved by J. A, Colborne, second -
Jas. Pettigrew, of Montreal, is the ed by JILS, Al. Sheppard, that the athle-
guest of Manager Logan of the North tic club begranted Uric ofgyninasiurii oil
New Toys, Leather Goods, - Fancy Chinaware, Anierican Chemical Co. saine terms its formerly, and those cou-
Miscellaneons Books, Silver and China Novelities, Goderich has been Suffering from an tame
in minutes of meeting, Oct, 20, A ������m skiitj�.,0 0 0
attack of burnt wheat and some days 1803—Carried. The conditions are
Brass and Celluloid Novelti6s, when the loaded wagons pitssiog that the Club comply with any rules
through the Streets were more than Mr. Stxang rutty think advisable, that
usually numerous the stench was aw- the Club employ the caretaker of til(i
--DON'T DEL.ILY, COME NOW. fully unpleasant. InstiLute, and that the Society furnish AKING the bed takes little time
"Side Tracked," played to it fair its own fuel and light, --------- and less talent. Buying the Bed -
audience on Monday, wits it really good Bia VERDICT.—A jury In Judge
play. Frazer's court, Detroit, it few weeks room Suite is a different affair.
0. Our grain buyers are shipping con. since awarded Mrs. Mary O'Connor it.,
0 P E R `
CLINTONi - 6.� . The comfort of sleep rests much in the
siderable whear, to the old countyy. vertliel, of $6,000 in her $10,G30 daujage I I ;,, 'l, "" L� .
Our city fathers held their usual suitiagain9t the city, In the fall of bed; -one wants to combine beauty,
seini,rbonthiv At Home in the council 1894 her husband, city.
L � comfort and economy.
t Friday evening. was entiployed its it carpenter oil the No better
ment extravagant in promises The Chosen Friends will meet in newsinallpox hospital. The building, CY
will— ei-1, rei -.)n Thursday evenitig. se. which are selling
The New 'l at his back, Moreover, he is practi- ular sessi wascontiguous to the pesthou. chance than now. We ,
-i: he Oddfellows tire requested to at- wits full of patients, and be contracted 1111414 some Bedro6in Suites at wonderfully
tally in the field some weeks in ad- tend in full force at the regular meet.- the disease and died. The action wag
vance of his opponent and in so short Ing on Thursday evening. haled oil the ground thata, representa- low prices, prices that will make you
/W illin e ry it campaign every hour counts. Mr. P. McEwen is re -building the tive of the board of health wits slLid to wonder how we can make them for
road to the lumber mill burned away have assured the carpenters thrilt, they 0
by the late fire. were in no danger whatever of con- the money. Call and see them. No
store, The speedat which the Government That old Clintonion Chailey Black- tagion. Mrs. O'Connor is now it resi- trouble to show you our Furniture.
es by the, dent of Ashfield, and her inarly friends
measure or dished tip in any style. will be pleased to know that she ob.
its rushing' the election in Centre To stone, sell, delicious bivalves 0
Smith's Block, Clinton. ronto is suspicious. Other constitu- The Hockey Club had a meeting on twined a verdict. 0
encies have been left open for months Friday evening. CUR101378 ACCIDENT.—On Thursday
but here the late member's resignation Misses Rusk and Stewart, having re- aftLrnoon a boy working for George Tff 1%T 3D -U3 X-`1 rZr lk 3EK 7T _TQT C=4.
pen- gained their health, have returned to Curvel), of Ashfield, was driving it 'ing Department is complete and strictly up-to-date, with a
Just now we are offering a. fine lot of is hardly cold when the polls are 0 gth"e i , duties at the Central school. teltol with it load of oats tip the Sitit- Our Undertaking
ed to choose his successor:' Why this The sewer contractors, Messrs. Stev. ford bridge hill, when he noticed one larger select inn than ever before, and prices to suit everyone's needs. We have
Ladies' gallop in one riding and it snail's pace engon and Firiane, have completed of the horses suddenly stumble it bit, itquantity ()fsuitttl)lecliairsto be used at funerals, which we will lend fre e of
in others? As a matter of justice and their contract and will leave for home and stopped them, to find that the charge, and any orders that we are favored with shall receive our best atten-
in It day or two. aninial was ladle. Dr. Clark was Scott tion. Night and Sunday calls promptly attended to by our Funeral Director,
'all' play it should be set forth in the �turo�iy Bros., grocers, the old Gode- for and when he arrived he found the J. W. Chidley, residence King Street, opposite Foundry.
Mantles Statutes in plain ternis that a constit- rich township boys, are preparing to leg broken in two and the upper part of
cents should not be unrepresented with the the boric badly split.. The animal had
At a Bargain. People who require longer than it month Or six weeks. SIX s
in calling
sr best fest(- to be killed.
them will save. money see vides. HENSALL No. 3.—County councillors BROADFOOT, BOX & C0.5 CLINTON,
t1lern and buying. The Steamer Myles I steamed out of John Terrance and Geo. 'AIcE%vanl-,of
The Laurier. Government is profess- port for Fort William oil Friday, No. 3, and Thos. R. Bays and.l. B.
e v Ire, There was early coinuitinion at Sf,. McLean, of No. 5, were in town nt the
dl* trade but is upporfing in George's on Sunday mollutrig, . call of Judge Masson, the Clerk of th'e
Centre Toronto it manufacturer whose A utunbov of Grand Trunk officials Peace and the Wanden,-the committee Tile Farmers' Retr.tyed.
Millinepy, I business is protected by it i3f) 1per cen t. were in town last, week viewing tllts fol, placing newly -organized villages aving pup
dutyand who appeals to the elector wreck 11111,de by the fire. Mayor Shan- inleotitity electoral districts. Although The Wo&klv Farmers' Sun,
ate nol accompanied them. I the named comillittee has full powell
Our Stork is superior 'in qualitv as an out-and-out protectionist. Air. LITERARY 80CINTY. — Oil Friday under the statute to settle the clatter'It has long been auspecte(I that the
and very reasona I Ae in price. Call Bertram elected its It protectionist to evening there was it, good- prograninio it was thoilght. better to got, the (1pill- Liberals had tipped the wink to the the Jewelry Busi-
and see what we bave, support a, free trade golvE-rilillent presented at the I neeting of the Col- ions, or the councillors con -l -lied, olid WaDU filet ure 1-s- - Air. George Bertram,
Would experb-nee soine difficulty at legiate and Model School Literary Soci- the result is that. Hensall 9""q '"to in accepting the Liberal nomination
etv. The following were the numbers Nli. :3 division with the approval of all hess of the late
tones in locating hillisc,,jr. But if the the parties. for Centro Toronto, declared that, the
MISS E. HILLIERY Govm,nnient wits really desirous 'of test. Instroinientlil Ouct. Iljss Dickson, tariff should he taken "out of politics"
arityof its tariff-tinkerii Miss Williams; Reading, All, togers: and thiLt the present tariff should
Milliner. mgthe popul, ig C. I ournal, I Jas. Biddlecombe
Emerson's old, stand, near Clarendor, policy why did. it lot Set up it freet Solo, Miss Robertson; U. C : I Port Albert. stand unchanged for 10 emirs at
Miss Itilyllas; Question Drawe.l., Mr. Iciest. Front Mr. Berta -at 's ( si i in
I am. increasing
Hotel. trader, stj(-Il all Ori -Is Lam ier professed Strang, .11. A.; I iisf runiental Duet, Miss I have to rtlig)pt, tile, sati dt,latlt I P., it 1) ) t, on
to be while ill E of Minnie, daughter of Widow 0110 party, it isjust to assillile that he theStockwhich
'iWalld Campion, Aliss Voss; ltvikaing, Nliss J. t, has not trade I
Dickson; lin )rout sp(-vvht-s, O. M. I'lerce of the 7 1 (-oil. '�,;hHeld, which ilis dee cation without
S. Journal, Mr. took place oil' the! I It'it il)st. just ()ov the wroval of his superiors. The Lib- will be found full
week after tli� of her brothel eral surrender to protection is, there -
Tho Huroo Nows-flocofa . How well (110 Dominion Govern- al, �Iisj O. Strang, Thomas and two %ars yotinger, viz., fore, vouipletol, The teaching of 2�) and complete...
IN iublished every THURSDAY at is managing the finances Of the Dxniz —YeSterday Wril. 18 y'lars. The years, and the solenin pledges give,,
'Tjlg NFWs-Rl'Cmtl) Printing Housv, Al"bert St. Itutsoll and O. Pennington returned e deeply sympa- Intending pur-
Dominion will he seen by the last thine with Mr.;. Ili(-rce ill heramictioll. prior to the general electioll aredis-
c,linto", qUftl't0rIy report vvbich collipaies very front Lheir huritingtrap in the. Bruce ill the Midst Of life WO al'(� in tinctly relinquished. It is said that chasers should
peninsula, bringing with thein two death." 1 also have to chroniclethetbe Conservatives hesitate to oppose
GOOD unfavorah:y with the corresponding fill(-, olver—afivoyear old stag all (.h(' Mr. Bertram, because the protected
death. (it W. J. Ifavilen, J. 111, o
ADVERTISING HATT II see it . . . . . .
,.1. plil-iod of 18,90although, notwithstand- good sized doe.interest, are now in he Liberal camp.
I YR. 6 rao. 8510. Imo. ing its policy, business all over the POSTPO.Vim.—The concert. which wastmvnshi. 0 a
to who died on the morning of the 21st, Th" hirillers who fooght, for trade re- 0 (D
'Aninn ....... $60 no M 00 $20 00 no couritrY litis improved. The Govel,r)- be held on Thanksgiving day, after it lingering illness. flei was 78 f orin under the Liberal flag have been
,boon..,,... 35 (to 20 00 12 f)o �, Oo in North Sb. Methodist Church has yearsofage. betrayed.
aIxunn ....... 20 00 12 00 7 01) 2 trivnt has notonly not bet -
60 .11 title to been postponed oil aCCOlInt, of (he Win ason-in-law of the late Captain
ON=....... 1.5 00 0 Oo 5 00 1 00 rillike ellds meet but has one consider- 'NIvangelistic services now being held 00h REPAIRING OF ALL
Lath...,..,.,. f; (10 3 60 2 UO 1 `5 Otway, of Hill, 'Alajestv's Navy, orld 0
I'! ably into debt in that. church. brother-in-law to H. & Otwn� fill 0 KIrMS DMIE ea
ZrSpedal position from 25 to 50 per cent, extra. RuLiEr, FUND COLLECTION.—ReV. G.
Revenue. IF96. 1E J7. niany years it inerchant of this 0 AND SATISFACTION 0
For transient adveitisementi; 10 centsper linefor customs ............ 12,49006 W. Andrewlq, B. A. of Holinesville, place Mid the late Robert Otway of 51r. John Skyliski, of Atwood, was G 0
.. ...$5,029,955.94 $5,5.
the tot Insertion: 8 cents per title each subsequent Excise ......... ........... 1.947,966.77 1,249.5,S:7d occupied the Vict.ot lot Street )ill It L on guest of Mr. Jarnes f3urgew; last
P-loffloo ... ............. 665,060oo 76o,o( i.00 Sunday morning and evening. The 0
Insertion—non pat let mna.0 re. Profesfilonalesirds,not Colborne. Thedeceased wasa volun. the GUARANTEED. 0
exv cling one inch $5.00 per annum. Advertise. Public Worlis, incivaing ceer in the "Little York" (now Toron- week.
=onto without specifte olfruatfon4 will be�),ubllsbed Church Relief Fund Collection was to),Oavalry troop in 1837 and fts�rlstvd Mr. William Gardner, who has been 0900"09006
till forbid and charged for aoic"rdiploly. I Railways .......... .... 1,031,4F652 1,1.119,983.47 taken up. 0,
transient Miscellaneous ............. 171,829.Ul 212 in the capture of the farnous "MonL- in Manitoba foil the past few months, (a
notices—"Lost," "Found," "For sals" etc.—So 721.42 BENEFIT CONCERT.—In recognition
goniovy. House" tit that, tinle the.,hot- has returned home.
cents for first insertion, 25 cents for esch'snitsel-aent $%846,208.28 $4,314,747.72 of the generous get -vices Miss E. An- 'the rebels. Ile and the Otways Mr. Walter Richardson, of Brussels, A
.,inspirtion. dee Ws has so often rendered, it coin- bed of
F:-.penditure ..............$4,•82,350.70 $5,477,1172M zilloved it[) to Ashfield froin Toronto was in Bluevale last week.
Tint Nuovs.RiscoRD will be sent to ary address, Derrease in Revanue ..... rnittee on behalf of the IOusi(,a,i circles away back in the fifties. Deceased rA. J. GRIGG
increase in Lxpenditure ....681,460 rg A shooting match will be I.eld at,
free (of postage, for $1.00 per }ear, nayable In ad. ........ 8I.5,,92]:P4 of Goderich tendered her it benefit con- leaves a widow, four sons ana ('our'
p I
v nee—$[ 50 may he charged d not so paid. The cert, III Victoria Opera. House, on daughters to inwirri the, loss if it kind tit ands' Hotel on Thursday. CLINTON.
date to which every stil)ltaription is paid Is denoted Alegregate defloliency as cinnipared with
by the number on the addieAn label. No paper dis- last year ....................... $1,846.781,91 Thursday evening, Nov. 18. The pro- husband and affectionate father.
continned until all arrears are paid, except at the rarnine was contributed by well- Peace to his ashes.
option of the proprietor, Clown ladles and gentlemen, and the I cannot conclude my correspond-
W.J. MITCHELL, Sir Oliver Mowat has at last retired tringical and literary numbers were a
.Editor and proprietor. from Active politics and is now enjov- treat for all who attended, .encs without, mention of thathealittivity
ONN To W0OT)STO(1I<.—D* M, Mc- the pleasure of the acquaintance for
G at Bayfleld in the Elliott family. 1 -had A Shoe Talk.
Ing the, luxurious vase of the Lieliten- Kay wh(l had been in the finishing de- many years of the father, now deceas-
ant -Governorship. lie was sworn in part;nent, of the organ factory for of
ed, those young boys and always
Thursday and it, was characteristid of several years past, left town for Wood- foundhiii;akinda.11(l chliging citizen Every person who 'does no
stock la.,st, week. The Jubilee club, of with
Watches—P. B. Crews. him that he held oil to big Do- which he was a inetriber, showed their and it wits wi deepsorrow I read have to pay strwa o on i
Cheques lost—Thos Bell. .9 1, eatectu and good will towards hini by 1)0 ulftliC0 UfOrethought, but an iteci- i the d
$1030.25—A. J. Holloway. minion portfolio 111) to the very late of this tragedy and no doubt. there was
alone is familar witl t.
Glove sale—Jacitson Bros. moment. The party will miss Sit, turning out and escorting hill) to the deut in a drunken Squabble. I had cult, problem of making a small I
Fine furs—l-fodgens Bring. Oliver sadly and though hi.q Ottawit station. The young iwtn has many always it kind feeling towateds the Income answer th;a re(InirenlentS
friends in town who wish hits success people of Bayfleld in their heat
to of these advanced times. Foot -
Jamaica runi--Lnolk i. Fair - in his new Held of labor, wear is oil(!' e)f the- unfailing
Perfume—Allon & Wilson. experience wits, perhaps, not very sat 1 ahead in improving their town necessities,
and it costs it gnod
The hand—The W. D. Fair (*'o. isfIlo-torY to hiluself, still he gave an WINTE it A,rHi.rTI(i,,-R. IV. Logan 1p".1941 do buslpe�ss -with the outside
hosiery—W. 14. Beesley & Co. air or respilebibility to the Cabinet of opened air athletic class in connection world, but. like ourselves (by the Rea)
deal in the course of it vear--if
A shoe talk--Jack4on & Jacksons spendthrifts for theteare with the Base Ball Social Club oil Fri- you get the wrong kind. We
believe triany who of gyni- the iroA heel of tbe oppressor gives don't keel) the wrong kind.
Dissolution sale --Gilroy & NVIsernan. day evenin in the. High Scho its no show to help us tip. Those drib- "
that, 110 always shunned (iv(,n nasium. A.11 members of the Club who bles of gralits are lio goof, tlivrefor Not that we are more honest
A hedroon) suite—Broad d te—Bi-onod foot, Box & the veryappearatice of evil. Buthisro,,- intend joining the class are requested than the other dealers, but our
Co. C tiveineut, wenkeim the Provincial ( to itHerid next, tneeting. This class is we lived all the good reeling between" long experience has taught, its
Have you had It guess --Ogle ouller Jov- ourr(lves it kind Providmice can be-
& Co. ernment most of a,11.
open to rllf�rnbk-rs of the Social Club stow upon us. how to avoi(I being "stuck" oil
at politician,
Mr. ll.krdy I,; not only, ns the Club is paying all expenses poor goods.
litician. nor it manager vidier, after without extra, charge to members. This knowledge is necessar-
th -,starnp of the Little Premier by ;lily The class meets at 7:30. ily of henefit to our customers,
manner of IlleauS, 110r does the public 'rim Hociopy Cmiri—At the anullid nd t veauqe, (lie cheaper it shoe firm
The. Hliren News-flecora
Cook's Cotton Root compou
repose any such confidence in hill). Illeeting of the Hockey Club held in Is the only safe, reliable call btiy the cheaper it can aff ord
$1.00 a Year, In Advanne, I lie rooms of the Base Tial! Social (.nub 'monthly medicine on which to sell,
there was a large, Itt,t(ludlLneiii. The, ladies can depend in the "Cheap" doesn't mean pnor
I Whitney Will Will. election ar officel's wits th(A first busi. hour and lime of need.
Tii URSDAY, No vFuBnn 25111, 1807. olurtlity, however, for if it did,
CAPS4 Of 1 -hp Pvening and resulted as is prepared in two degrees '01 it r shoes would not be "cheap",
follows, viz, lion. President, A, MeD,
We keel) no poor quality goods,
ThsinksgvIng Day 1885. AllAn ;lion. Vice -President, R. S. Wil- of strength. f,
O.VE THING AND ANOTHER. No. I for ordinary cases no matter what the grade.
There are many to mniirn this Thanksgiving Day lutil-ts; l"resident, 1). B, Grant; Vice the best dollar medicine known For the husband or brother who (]tell faraway, do, R. W. Logan; Manager, G. F. El -n- is by far t The celebrated makers of
The fight in Centre Toronto is I)eillg And many a mother mourneth li�r A011 —sold by druggists, one Dollar per box.
Who was lin-unrit and gay, are the battle begun, ereas. 0iptitin, R. A. Field; Secy. -
watched with considerable interest Treas. Dan. Melvot, Jr. ; Ex. Com., J. No. 2 for special cases--io degrees J. D. KING„ &' 00.o J. & T. BELL.
SOfily potaloth the thimel, rtis Thanksgiving Day, stronger—sold by druggists. One box,
and next Ate-winy evening crowds will Rome hearts beat with Joy, while others cannot pray, Williams, Mr. MeVittie, R. A. Field,
gather about the telegraph offices all Fortitair hearts were saddened by the funeral knelt G. F. 10merson. It wits ogreed that Three Dollars; two boxes, Pive Doll?ars,
When their trlie-hearted nonaftt hattletoni fail• the annual membership fee be placed No. ir, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of
over the province to learn the result,. May fair ranads never stain her bi Ight page at 50 celits, that the Club do not join price and two 3 -cent stamps.
I With the evils of war, time cannot assuage the. intemediate 10110](1, And the dress The Cook Company,
The odds, we fancy, ni.ther favor Ber• i May Poison be her motto, o'er mountain and rill, JACKSON & JACKSON
tram, who lists the barrel, the machine I Tha pure heaven -born peace to men of good will. of tho (,'fill) be left in the hands of the 11 winditer, Ontario.
oysti A. Ritymiqlsos, exec lett ve-toren ill i ttpo%
and all the influence which a Govern' Godarich, 012t., Canada, Nov. 1897. COLLEGIATH INSTITUTE BOARD.—At WSW In Clinton and everywhore in Canada The Noted Shoe Dealers,
by all responsible druggists. CLINTON.
Y .60 of