The Huron News-Record, 1897-11-18, Page 8. Right now Is the time To stop And think about what will soon be the upper- most question in everyones' mind— the selection of your Christmas` Gifts. November heralds the festive season and we herald the occasion with the an nouncement of our daily arriving Holi- day Stock which will so soon be burst- ing into view at our store, It will be arranged to afford quick and easy buy- ing and every facility that our experi- ence can suggest will he secured, There will be many lines of beauti- ful goods clamoring for notice. P+rtt'et�� lYho have seen Sonic of our h6w gouels spealt so well of them, which fact makes us feel very oom- fortaW, particularly when their purchase verify their statements. When it gets time to make your selections come and look over our mock and if you don't buy it won't be OUR fault, We urgently suggest early buying; for it is much u)ore satisfactory to you ac+ well as ourselves to have you choose rather than scramble. We have at good livening Game "Louisa," a regular fifty cent grime, a few left. They go now fur thirty-five cents. 66009006 The W. D•, Fair Go,, CLINTON. Agents Pearkcr'a Dye Works. The Huron News-flecord $t.00 a Year, In Advance. THURSDAY, NOVEMnrit l8tb, 1897. 1Vest Tuckersinith. Rev. Mr. Clement, of Ontario St. church, Clinton, conducted (quarterly services for this circuit at Turner's appointment on Sunday last. The Quarterly official board met on the Monday following and transacted the regiilar routine of business. Motber earth once again donned her white mantle and once again has cast it off. The farmers are waking use of the fine weather and are turning over their sod • The weather has been fine and the roads superb right up to the past week. We have this week the privilege of recording one of those pleasing and happy events, which transpired at the residence of Mr.W, Dale, of the Huron Road, on Wed. Nov. 10, thecontractiug parties being Mr. lddo Crich and Miss Maggie Dale, eldest daughter of Mr, Dale. Rev. Mr. Clement, of Clinton, tied the nuptial knot which made the twain one, ill the presence of 0110 -hun- dred guests. The presents were pretty and numerous. Mr. and Mrs. Crich will take up their home on the 2nd con. L. R. S. in the spring;. We extend to then) our hest wishes, hoping that they may have a long and pleas. ant journey down life's rugged stream. Mr. McDonald, of St. Thomas, col. Iector for the Daily News, and at one time a well-known resident of these parts, died very suddenly front heart disease in Alynler on Saturday, the 0th inst. Ne at one time kept the old hotel at Granton Corners, London Road. He leaves a wife, three sons and .three daughters to mourn their loss. Mrs. W. Crich was in St. Thomas last week attending the funeral of her father, Mr. McDonald. A number of farms have changed hands in this.section in the past couple of weeks. H. Cudinore and 1V. G. Plewes have bought 50 acres from Root. Plewes, pitying in the neigh- borhood of $2300. LVL•, W. Urich hits disposed of his 50 nacres to his brother Iddo, he having ))ought Mr. F. Fow. leis farm of 100 acrespaying; $5,500. F. Fowler has purchased it fine farm near Seaforth from his uncle, W. Fow- ler, paying $0000. Mr. John McKen- zie, of the London Road, sold his choice farm of 100 acres to G. W. Lay- ton receiving $6100, Miss Nettie Crich, of Grey town- ship, spent Suuday under the paven- till roof. Mrs. J. G. Crich is visiting relatives at her Koine in Ustmrne. Miss Jackson, of Blyth, has the past week been the guest of her old friend, Airs. W. C. Landshorough. Rev. Mr. Findlay has returned to his work feeling refreshed after his month's vacation. Mr. C. Crich has returned ]ionic from Ills work iu Seaforth. Mr's. H. O'Brien took her departure on Thursday Inst and Mr. Holmes is flow domiciled oil the farm recently bought from her. -- &'otter's IC>tE1 Will Elliott, has been engaged its teacher for Porter's ilill school at, $17-7. The trustees have done well in secur- ing hint again. Mrs, McGee, London, :attended the funeral oaf the litre Sitruncl Burk. Mrs. Lawrence, of Luc•know, is visit- it)r fi icnds in I he vicinity. NIrs, AleManis, of Colborne, was down attending thce fillwral of her brother, rho late Sainuel Burk. Rev. Mr. Graham, of Bayfield, preached to the Chosen Friends in Bethany church last Sundayy. M. William Blair's half, oine, new, brick -veneered residence is just about ready for the family to move in. It will be it comfortable its well its a nice- . lookingdwelling. Mr. H. Cook, of Clinton di }l the brick c work. Nuf said. Mr. Samuel Bnrk, whosc decease was recorded in last week's issue of THrr Nrws-RrcortD, was one of the pioneers and much respected. He was a native of County Pyrone, Ireland, from whence he emigrated 53 years ago, when a lad of fourteen He un. derwent his share of the hardships ac- companyin, the settlement of this count.y. the pall -hearers, all old corn- rades of the deceased, were: --W. I.l- liott, 13. Lindsay, H. Beacom, J. Cook, S. Cox and J. Wallis. Rev, Mr. Shaw, of Bityfield, conducted the funeral services, Holmesville. News Notes. It is estimated that the amount of Rev. S. Bond,. President of London wheat delivered by western farmers Conference, Seaforth, will conduct since Sept 1 to date is 17,000,000 bush - Missionary services on Sunday, els. The W. M. S. had a Sewing Circle on The Dominion Government's action Wednesday afternoon and served a against Senator Ogilvie arising out of tea in the evening. The proceeds are the Exchange Bank difficulty has been to be sent to the sufferers of the dismissed. Wind- sor tire. Ottawa wants to be the meropolitan Miss Dowzer, of Clinton, spent Sun. Anglican See of Canada, instead of day in the neighborhood. Prince Rupert's Land, which at pre - Mr. Lennoard, of Bright, spent afew sent holds the honour. days with his brother. Mr. George Goodwin, of Ottawa, the Miss Stephenson has returned from chief financial hacker of the roller boat, Michigan. says the machiue will not be given an - Miss LawrencA bas returned to Luck- other•trial this year, now accompanied by Miss E, Ache- Mr. Chas Northwood, one of the son, most prominent and highly -respected citizen of Chachatrl, Out., died there -- - yesterday of diabetes, in his 57th year. Auburn. The National Union Conservative As- sociation has elected Earl Cadogan as Rev. Mr. Hamilton, of Londesboro, president, and adopted a resolution in preached in Knox church, Auburn, favour of a Royal residence for Ire. taking for his text Matt. 13, and part land. of the 38th verse; the field is the Twenty thousand dollats in gold ar. world. He was listened to with great rived at the Customs Department in attention by everyone present. The Ottawa on Monday, as duties collected discourse was boar able and instruc- cn miners' outfits at the port of Lake tive and showed what Christian people Tagish. ought to do with their income. A good programme of vocal and instru- President Fetterolf, of Girard Col. mental music and recitations followed, lege, Philadelpha, hits issued an edict then refreshments were served by the against footb{tll, and henceforth the Social Committee. Everything was a students of that institution must keep decided success in every way and the off the gridiron. meeting closed with prayer by the The leak of French military secrets pastor, Rev. Mr. Henderson. All re. has not been stopped by the deport.a turned home saying it was good for tion of Captain Dreyfus, and suspicion them to be there. points at Coutta Esterhazy, who has 1'he Young People's Society of demanded an investigation. Christian Endeavor held an open meeting last Tuesday night when the A message sent by the Mayor of C. E., of Smith's Rill, and the Epworth Belleville to the City Council recoril- League, of Auburn, were invited to mends that the Grand 'Trunk be re• take part. The subject—Influence-- quested to fulfil the agreement under why to get it, how to keep it and how which it bonus of $25,000 was given to use it, was taken up, a great mai,ny there in 1874, failing which that the taking part in the discussion. return of the money be demanded. Mrs. S. Nichol has returned home The inquest into the death of Julia after a lengthy sojourn with friends at Kles, which tooik place some time ago Ethel. under mysterious circumstances, wits Mr. Edward Cumming, after a to have been resumed at Humber - month's visit here with friends, has stone, Ont., yesterday, but a further returned to Chicago, 111. adjournment was oracle until Monday Shooting matches are the order of next. The woman is supposed to have the clay here. died front arsenical poisoning. Mr. Robert Medd is wearing a six by John Murry, a farmer near Wood - fourteen smile. Why? Because it is a slee, has commenced a somewhat baby girl. novel action against W. Hillaorn, of AIr. C. Collis has returned from the Leamington, and Greening Bros., of Soo intending to settle his business Alonroe, Mich. Ile claims that tile, and return to Sault Ste Marie, Mich. defendants ruined one of his peach Success, gassius, trees, which had been imported front We were sorry to hear of the depar- h.ngland, by stripping off the buds last tore, of Ed. Mole for the Klondike in spring. He claims $1.090 darnages. search of wealth. But on going; as fiat' A Winnipeg despatch says:—The as Dawson City he got sick of his jour- ney and the surroundings and return- awheat returns Eros elevators at Fort William show for the past week re. ed home again. ceipts, 1,00[),0-10 bushels; shipments, Miss Henderson, of"Whitechurch, is 1,250,000; in store, 1,410,000 bushels. It a guest at the Manse: is estimated that six million bushels Mrs. Sharp, of Teeswatev, sister of are stored in interior elevators, Cars Rev. R. Henderson, is visiting at the I are said to be much less in demand on manse. all lines, Exports front Manitoba to the United States this fall have been greatly in a_lvance of last year. Dor- A Havana special says that nearly 'ing the month of October, returns front seventy-five per cent. of the four hun- Winnipeg district were equal to the dyed thousand'woolen, children, and returns of September, October and non-combatants affected by Gen. Wey- November of last year. The exports let's starvation pollcy are [lead. were chiefly cattle and fish. F'RIDA Y and ATURD. Y 0v. 12 & � 13, will be Special Bal-rgaln Dads In Millinery It's a good tiling to renlernber. that when ),oil boy off us you get the'quality and save money at the shall price you pay for the article you buy. 9900066009060690 )Millinery Every day Spee 1 offerings in Ladiea' Dress Its, Sailor Hats W,slking hats. .We have just a few too many flats and in order to reduce our Stock, we have maiked all our newest Sailors aS a price to clear. No- where can you get such it choice assortment of Nobby Sailors as we offer to you at the prices quoted :— Ladies' Sailor hats for...............45c 1 line of Ladies' Sailor flats 85c. for• . ................................. G5c 1 line of Ladies' Sailor Hats,$1.20 for.................................80c 1 line of Ladies' Sailor flats $1.25 for...................................85c 1 line of Ladies' Sailors Ifats$1.45 for.. • .............................$1.10 1 line of Ladies' Walking Ifats $1,25 for ........................... 85c 1 line of Ladioa' Dress Hate $1.25 for...................................85c 1 line of Ladies' Trimmed Hats $1.75 $2.00 and $3.25. Prices to mnko it worth ,your while to buy in both stores. Girls' doth Trimmed Tams in Cretarn, Cardinal, Navy Brown an Black at 25 cents. Girls' Wool Tams, 35c. 45c,, and 50c. Children's Wool To- ques 25c., 35c , 45c. find 50c, Special Navy a,nd Black Dress Serge 4be. 999999 The Great Milli Baby Wear In Baby's 'Sills land y Wool Hoods we are showing the fin- est goods for quality, style ant) price that have ever been shown here. Baby's Sill: and Wool Hoods, 65c., 75c., 85c,, 9.5c,, $1, up to $1.95. Baby's Eiderdown Wool Hoods and Toques,40c. and 50c. Children's Eiderdown Coapts at, $1.45, $2.85 and ,$3.25 with Toques or Roods to match. Baby's Wool Booties 15c, 20c, and 25c. Baby's White Fur Trimm- ing, 3 qualities 15c, 22c, and 35c, a yd. 1 It Saves Doctor's hills To visit Our Floisery and Underwear Department at the proper, time,. It has two things to recommend in which are prime vir- tues, Quality and Price. We show the best value in the trade. Boys' Undershirts 19c. Men's all wool Shirts 50c. 000006 ta.ery Emporium. W. H. BEESLEY & CO. THE LADLE ' FAVOR ITE ESTABLISHMENT CLINTON. C -h 0 illy um e'r November varus us that the time for warmer Clothinn of all kinds has come. ft it time to change lighter garraients for the heavy weights of winter, We were never in better shape for winter business than we are today. This season's stock of cold weather goods ig the best we've ever had, best in styles, best in assortment, best in values. Every de- pfu-•,rnellt is full to overflowing with bright, fresh, seasonable goods ; good qualities at close cash prices,,c-_ -- OVERCOATS. TARN STOCI�M 0 We carry a great range of Alen's Warm stockings for cold weather; and Boy's Overcoats. They are all the, hest quali tries and the lowest prices. well and carefully )lade, :and nothing You cannot boy :anything; but gond but the hest Tnaterials and trimmings hosiery here. We do riot keep the are used. Not depending oil this line cheap trashy kinds at all. alone, we call afford to sell Oil it v5iq in Ladies' goods the have font, spe- art sloall margin. Here are four special tial lines of ribbed goods at tic. 39c, a* lines, 47e, and 50c, that are not equalled for s value. // Dark brown Frieze Ulsters, high For children, aline of rihLed cash- store, collar, twe5d lined, double breasted, all sizes .............. $4 75 niere, at 20c• for small sizes, np to 35c lines, for the largst; is it great seller, /,r- �_<;'•: a,i �'• Heavy rilining, slash ' darkandshades,large .,,t; ds For, Boys we have several gnarl hot the hest, is one that wears iron, pockets, high storm cellar, •a r regular $S coat ................ $tf 50 28c for size 5.4 up to 60c for fl. Fine: Beaver Overcoats, dark navy, We sell you Hosiery that wp'Ars, at r '' v„Ivet eolfar, twill Italian lining, prices that save you money. equal appearance to custom )made $10 9 i Boy's heavy Frieze Ulsters, high storul collar, fast colors, double I?. e n1 breasted, horn huttons, holt, slash and side, pockets, tweed lined, it great, coat to wear: three- 'This past week we freshened lip 0111• prices according to sizes, $1, $1.50, $o millinery stock with sonic stylish 1 : walking hats, sailors and tr•i0rrnings. We have new hats trimmed up show. tE; t, � IL4E„ l ing Lh5 newest styles in made and eei�� trimmed bats. D p By long Oddi; the biggest assort.- A SPECIAL AR�A�10p�� `�^ \V Ment and hest values rn staple cbq goods, those in everyday use in every Ladies' Sailor Hats in felt and household, that, is to he found in the camel's hair•, sills ribbon and ribbon The county, are here. It, 1"'monoy in your velvet hands, have sold everywhere all jt IC& pocket to do your staple ])(lying here. se oson itt, $1.25; is splendid lot just in. English Shaker Flannels, 27 inch, Chile they last yout' choice for Mantles 75C. 4- in dark and light colors, suitaahle for quilt linings ................. . acManl15; bosinoss ).his soason has boon Extra, fic>avy Flannelettes, close ::. - - - - -. - •• c� good. �V e have h,id [lac rtr.l,nt le stat k and strong, fast colors, it line Of tho county and the mantle business worth Sc ....... ,........ ........ 0c CI1iLDRlQN'Shas come tin• woy. Our stock is wall C��� `Vide Flannelettes,3 inch, a great T,& •asulrled with nohiay'slylish *arinviltas, range of colors .............. • .... ti.}c We are showing is bigger assortment bot the sooner yon buy rho bettor. Of Children's Coals than ever before. specie you will have. llere aro two Our illShfamous lino of heavy English NOIAW nlsters and reefers for specials. twill �hakcs. new patterns, fast from six to tw;4voyears for less colors ................... ........12 m naly .c Ladies Frieze Mantles, high turn - them you caul buy the eloth and make Tartan Checks in dark and light them up. Over velvet collar, two large and colors........... • .. ............. s0 six small imtions, buttons close Tweocd Reefers, double breasted, around throat, it warm, servic- Dozens of nnbhy patterns in dress velvet collars and cuffs six large Shakers, all English goods, 100, 12h .. $a >0 U) c ivory huttons........ ' g' $1.50 $7.i>$7.O.....5, styli ....... . ........... $5.1)0. garment, regular lbs, 18c. .. Same garment, collar and ruffs Extra choice. grey wool Flannel braid trimmed..... • ....$3.2:-> to $4.25 Didies'fineblack ni4gerhead Coats, dark and light, perfectly clean Children's Reefers, high tau Hover collar, cord edge, Dods, the best value we have , heavy hies g made, serge, bauble hreasted, tweed stitches) hack, regular $7.25....$5.05 ever offered ad.. .... ....12}c lined .......... , . • .$3.35 to $4.25 We have not more than half a dozen A special fins mads, sooff t tinish, 2g ('1111d1'eT1'. )Heavy twe5d Ulstel•s, of these lines. They are the best Man - inch wide • ....... • ............... 25c very nobby goods ...... $3.25 to $4.75 tle value we have given. o! H 0 D G E R U Direct Importers of Dry Goods, Clinton. I