HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-01-02, Page 5Jammu 2ND, 1908 --THE BLYTH STANDARD -PAGE FIVE, 4141_... !at ,M► oXi ►`` o .► iari► .I► A!► ►re THE RIGHT HOUSE V A RELIABLE STORE WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SALE A AT MODERATE PR1UEa FOR 0,086 AND FARM PRODUCE, ! N ! yr Special n i!1 FA FAI Offerings N FAH ,,, rFalil r tvi Christmas ,,, ra I . . Goods J r Highest prioee paid for Farm Produce. r, E. BENDER, BLYTH rhi See our prices on Dressed Poultry r ►► I ► o r :► ► 'l► Mai► /► 4i ► i THE MUNICIPAL CANDIDATES. There will be no contests for the Reeveship, for Councillor s or for School Board this your as Reeve Dr, Milne was returned by acclatnation while two of limit year's Councillors, Gerry and Johnston, refused to allow their names to go before t e electors, Two new Councillors were put in to fill the positions. The Couneil this year will be as follows :-Reeve Dr W. J. Milne, Councillors I. 11. Chellew, Allan B. Bainton, Joseph Curter and Luxton Hill, Messrs, Emighwrd Heffrms resigned. for the School, Board four names were brought, forward to fill the three chairs accent this year, but ou Tuesday having Mr. Code resigned, Following are the names of those who were nominated and also those who proposed and seconded. FOR REEVE. Proposed by Seconded by Dr. W, James Milne A. 13. Bainton ,fames Cutt FOH COUNCILLORS. T. H. Chellew W. H. McElroy Jamey Cutt Allan B. Bsintou W. H. McElroy Joseph Stoshers Joseph Carter D. D, Carder James Cutt Jonathan 0. Emigh James Molturchie J. M. Hamilton Luxton Hill David Cowan 3. G, Moser John 0, Heffron E, Livingston S. 11. Oldte,y FOR PUyBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES, George lS hite W. 1I. McElroy W. A. Carter Adam Wetilaufer Joseph Stothers Frank Metcalf William Campbell A. B Bainton W. H. McElroy Thorns Code John Mains LuxtonIlill :Fbl(ptving are the names of candi- dates',In other roods, villages end townships :- Goderich.-Mayor- W. F. Clark, Wm. Campbell, (4, F. Blair, B. Thump - 111011. J. E. 'Tom, J. Elliott, A, H, Macklin, M, (4. Cameron. Reeve -11, Elliott, R, McLean, Deputy )iieeve- C. Reid, It. Thompson, G. M. Elliott, J. C. 1ikrtin, Commissioners -F. W. Doty, R. J. McGaw. Councillors -W, F. Callow, D. Brown, B. 0, Muuniugs, J. H. Robertson, J. T. Goldthorpe, I. Laithwaite, E F, Lynn, J. W. Craig. ie, H. W, Thompson, H. B. Beckett, 1', M urnoy, C. H. Humber, F. J. Prid• ham, A. M. Todd, East Wawanosh,-Reeve, J. E. Ellis, Wm. J. Parks., Councillor's -John Gillespie, SamuelBurchell P. Scott, Newton Campbell, Robert henry, Jae, Cumin?. . Brussels; -Reeve -John Leckie, S. Wilton. S. T. Plum, 0ouneillore-R, Graham, 8. T. Pion, A. Backer, Jae, Batlaityee, D. A. Lowry, 8. C. Wil - eon, R. Henderson. W. C. Smith, Jas, Jones, M. Black. Trustees -R, Leatit- erdale,.D. C. Ross, J. Elliott (ace ) Wingham.-- Mayor -Wm, Holmes, W. H. Green, Or, Irwin. Reeve -Dr, Irwin, Thomas Gregory. Councillors --D. M, homas Jobb, W. H. Green,. Henry Gordon,Roadhouse, Geo. Spot - ton, Robert Lockeridge, J, W, MaKib- bon, Wm. Bone, H. 11. Elliott, %Vm, Nicholson, John ,Kerr, David Bell, Thomas Gregory, D. McDonald, Geo, Hoene, W, J. Greer, Clinton, -Mayor - Harrison Wiltse (ata) Reeve -D. Cantelon, w, J, Paisley Oliver 'Johnson, B, J. Gib- hings,',l. A. Ford, A. T. Cooper, 8. G. Plummer, Jenne Fair, James Hearn, Jecoh Taylor, Turnberry,-Reeve-John Musgrove. Councillors -Alex, Kelly, D, Moffatt, John Rutherford, R. McMichael. All by acclamation. 'West WAwanosh,-- Reeve -Wm. Bailie, John McLean, Councillors - D. B. Murray, A. Anderson, S. Medd, 8, Thompson (ace) Stephen, -Reeve, 8. Webb. Deputy Reeve -J, Kellerman, Councillors - A, Hicks, W. D. Sanders and W. Yesrl'ey. All by acclamation. Osborne, - Councillors - Geo, An- drews; John Moir, Wm. Atkinson, 8, Routley. Old Couucillore by occlams- tion, Grey, -Reeve -Wm, Fraser, Coun- cillorte--John Brown, John 0, Grant, John Cutt, James) McFadyen, All by acclatnetiou.' Howlek,-Reeve-T. G. Shearer, 3, Gowdy, 'Deputy Reeve -Joseph Hain- atock$ Andrew 'Doig, Councillors -M. H, Gregg, J. \Vattern, .T. Underwood, W. Renwick, J. Downey, J. T. Winter, Morris, -'Reeve - George Taylor, Councillors -N. Taylor, C. Campbell, W. McCutoheon,' A, Shaw. Ali by ac- clamation, • Exeter, -Reeve -A, Q. 'debtor, Wm, Bswden, Councillors -W. 3, Heit- man. A. E. Puke, W. W. Johns, J. J. Knight, W, H. Levett, Hullett.-Reeve-Thomas McMillan, Wm. Patterson. Councillors -John Barr, Benj, Churchill, Robert Clarke, H. H. Hill, James Leiper, John Tam- blyn, We desire to return our thanks forthe patronage ex- tended to us for the past 3o years, and to announce ;that we have decided To Retire From Business as soon as possible. Every- thing must go. There are Bargains for Everybody Retiring Sale com- mences next Monday morning. FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. FOR SALE, -Chopping mill and dwell - Mg hoose. The mill has four lots con• named with 1t, about one acre and one quarter acre where house deride. Both l' lacwill be sold together or separate - es . For terms apply on the premises, Alex, McCretaht, Blyth. FOWL WANTED DONT forget to write 1908 now. \VAT01t night service was' held in the Methodist Church on New Year's' eve. '1'n>•: meeting of Morrie district L. 0 L. will be held In the Orange Hall here on ,fan, 14th. IF the cold weather keeps on the open a'r rink of Carter & Dada will 8000 be in running order. WrrEat buying mention to the store• keeper that you saw the article en- nouncad 1n TUE STANDARD. LAST 'Friday evening another as- sembly was held b1 Industry Hall and a good time was enjoyed by all. A number from here attended the Leap 'leer Balt given by the Young Ladies in Brussels Thursday evening, WE notice from au item in the .WMg- ham Advance that Dr. W. J, borne, presented the hospital with an invalid's ()hair, Pnont A FORMER TOWNSMAN, -Pleas change address on my paper to Wats ford, Ont., although absent our interest in the Blythites does not wane. Bost wishes for a prosperous New Year, -0. W. Vail Br looking at the advertisement of Frank Metcalf the people of Blyth and vicinity will be surprised and sorry to hear he is going out of business, and will retire as soon as the business is purchased. DEAD, -Robert Cunningham, one of the oldest and hest known residents of Guelph, died Tuesday night. He was stricken with paralysis some days ago and had since been in e. serious condi• tion, He was a prominent insurance agent end a staunch Conservative, A, P, & A. M.- Following are the officers installed at the last meeting of th Blyth Lodge A. F. & A. M. Wm. Watson, .1. P. M. ' 11. Vint, W. M, ; Dr. Hamilton, S. V. ; R, Brown, J, W, ; O. ,lohnson, S. D. ; W. 3. Parks, J. I). ; W. Haan, I. G. ; S. H. Gilley, Chap. ; Dr, Long, Steward ; W. Brown Tyler ; J, 0. Emigh, Treas, ; 3. M. lromilton, Sec. To Ours HEADERS, -190 are unable to publish fill our correspondence this week owin: to being crowded with ads vertlsements, and on account of Xmas and New Year's coming on \Yednes• days we have been late in publishing THE STANDARD, We would ask our - readers to forgive us this time and we will try and do even better front now on, -Ed. DAVIS-JAstEso:v --A pretty wedding took' place Thursday afternoon, Dec, 26th, at "Pinecrest," Oakville the tome of '1'. H. and Mr's. Ashbury, when their niece, Miss Mabel Jame- son, was married to John Evans Davis, of Boston, The ceremony, which was witnessed by some 60 guests, wise per- formed by Very Rev, Evans Davie, Dean of Huron, assisted by Rev. Canon Davis, of Sarnia, uncles of the groom, The bride was attended by Miss Maud Davis, sister of the groom, and Dr. T. Agnew, of Wingham, assisted the groom, Miss Jessie Ross and Miss Josephine Fairfield were ribbon bear- ers. The bride wan daintily gowned in white liberty satin with trimmings of sequin lace and her beautiful veil of Irish limerick was an heirlootu. The bridesmaid wore a pretty gown of cram louisene. The groom's gift to the bride was a pearl anti diamond sunburst, to the bridesmaid a pearl crescent, to the ribbon bearer's pearl wishbone pins and to the groomsmen pearl star scarf pin. The bride's going away gown was green broedoloth, fin' lined coat 'with fur trimmings and hat to march. Guests were present from Wingham, Toronto, Saskatoon, Mil. ton, Trenton, Sarnia and London. Mr. end Mrs. Davis left by the 6,15 train for Buffalo en route to their home in Boston. ON Monday evening about eight o'clock a large number of the young people of Trinity Church, who had pre- viously organized a surprise party, dropped into the Rectory. They had not ari'ired merry tnhtntes when the object of their visit begun apparent and Stanley Buchanan stepped to the (rout and road the following address, while Leon Scott presented Mrs, Herts Inv with a heeutiful silver baker :- To Itev. and Mrs. Hartley ; Dear Friends, -The officers and members of Trinity Church A. Y. P.A. aletlesirous to, in some way, show their apprecia- tion 01 the valuable serviette you have both rendered our society since you came to Blyth, in the assistance you have given at our meetings in many ways ; the kind advice yon have given us Omni time to time, the cheerful way you have thrown open your house for our t'onveiienca. 1Ve feel that what- ever succesees our society has tnatie are largely duo to your efforts on our be- half, "Ve desire to take advantage of this occasion of Mrs. Hartley's birth- day to thus wait upon you and offer iter our sincere congratulations, and pray that she may he spared to enjoy malty happy returns of the day, and that the pleasant relationship, which now exists between us as minister end people, may long continue. We would ask your acceptance of this baker es a small token of our love aid esteem and we ask you to receive it at our hands, not for its intrinsic value, but ass token of our goodwill. \Visiting von both every prosperous and happy New Year, on behalf of Trinity Church A. Y. P. A. Believe us sincerely yours, Stanley Buchanan, President l la At, Metcalf, Secretary. Mr, and Mrs. Hartley were completely taken unawares, but Mr. Hartley in a few words, the best he could command un- der the circumstances, thanked the young people very cordially for the beautiful gift and for the bindly senti• menta expressed in the address. Re itsetired them of his increasing interest in them and the pleasure Mrs, Hartley and he had found workingmen them. He hoped the happy relationship ex- isting between theta would continue and that all would work In friendly harmony for the welfare of Trinity Church. Mrs. Hartley also thanked them sincerely for their kind remem- prance of her, and than a few hours of pleasant social pastime was enjoyed by all, We are ppaying the highest prices for Turkeys, Geese, Duette, ()Woks, Butter dud Eggs. Grain cheeks pald after hank haute. McMILLRN & CO. Winsley Street Blyth PUBLIC LIBRARY Onmenn.-Alter R. lapse 01 two months Blyth Public Library is once more opened to the reading public, The Library is mill in the old stand and will he tinder the direction of (4, M, Chambers & Co. It will be open every day, Saturday night included, for the changing of hooks. Those who have their cards paid up will have two month's time given to theta, for time lost on account of the Library being closed. WARN travelling by the C. P. 10, purchase your ticket at town ticket office, All information 80 to rates, tinle•table and connections cheer- fully furnished by J, Mcdlurehie, C. P. 11, Rail and steamship agent, °HURON NOTES, The Pastor will conduct the service as usual in St, Andrew's church 5111 a. in. ou Sunday, '191e evening *service at 7 o'clock will be a union meeting and will he addressed by Mr. A. Cullens, Y. M. C. A. County Secretory, 4, 4 Jtnox Church Aubure will fold their Anniversary on the 19th inst., with 'Peameeiiug on the 20th. Full parti- culars) next week, 8020 lobe Two fashionable weddings took place in Goderich at high noon New Year's day. 8, N, Merritt, B. A , of Peterboro', was united in marriage to Miss Ethel Atctleson Rev, 4, N. frozen performed the ceremony at the home of' the bride, Fred Shen - pard, son of Capt. A, M. Sheppard, was married to Miss Lillian Webster, Rev. James Anderson, B. A, per formed the ceremony at the bride's residence. Seafortit defeated (}0derieb in the first game of the intermediate series here New Xear'a night by a score of 3 to 2: The lee was in poor con• dittos, wearing through to the boards and causing numerous falls. M, R, Hynes refereed. The follow. ing is the line-up :-Seaforth (l;) - Goal, Westcott ; point, McKenzie ; cover, Charlesworth ; rover, T. Smithers ; centre, Reeve - right wing, Stoddart ; left wing, Munroe, Goderich (2) -foal, D. Mcivor ; point, K. McLeod ; cover, J. Mc- Lean ; centre, H. Belcher • rover, Cl. McDonald ; right wing, Suet Mc - Ivor; lett wing, D. McDonald. A REWARD of $50,00 Is offered for infor- mation to prove who enteeed my gran- ary on ran•aryon Sunday evening and stole about 12 bags of barley and oats, -A. A. Pat- terson, East Wawanosh, Cutters G0 TO Ewan & Co. BRUSSELS for an up-to•dato cutter, Special prices for two weeks on cotters, All hands made and any color of paint, Piano Box and Portland Cutters and all trim- mings to lift out. Must Be Sold to make room for 150 buggies which Ewan & Co, are tanking for 1908, Don't miss this bargain at Ewan & Co's. Brussels Up-to-date Carriage Factory. ; All riga are guaranteed to be the best of material and workmanship eel never have been heat et any exhibit. It's Surprising How Christmas ateale upon a pers n. 'There'll be Roast Tur- key, Plum Pudding and Cake and Santa Claus almost before We know it, And there'll be Allnce Pies and Christmas Cake plenty too, Now we can supply yell with your needs for your Xmas Baking Raisins, Currants, Dates, Ties, Peals and Nuts, all new fruit, Also Froth Mince Meat -package or hulk, and we have a full line of Candies, ?rats and Fruits. We keep n full line of Fancy China etnitable for Christmas Presents. CASH FOB ALL KINDS OF P110DUcle JAMES CUTT BLYTH tockReducing >t SALE SALEI Commencing Saturday, January 4th, end- ing January 25th. The big stock is now at your disposal. We have cut the prices of every article in our stock. Nothing Reserved. Everutiiing Must Ob. Come. Buy. Save. Make money. None better. None so low. This will be your opportunity to buy goods at SACRIFICED PROFITS Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots. Shoes, Rub- bers, Felts, Hats, Caps, Furs, Clothing, Car- pets, Curtains, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Millin- ery, Jackets, all cut in price for your benefit PUR COATS LESS THAN COST $60,00 Men's Coon Coats for 647.00 76.00 " " 59,00 22.50 Men's Black Dog Coat,,16.50 25,00 Men's Black Siberian Calf Coat for 21.00 97,50 Men's Blk, Galloway Coat with Astrachan collar99.00 27.50 Men's Corsican Lamb Cont 29.50 97.50 Men'e Dyed Wombat Coat 20.00 80.00 Men's Beaver Coats with furcollar, lined with ham liner and rubber, for 24,00 25.00 yleu's Beaver Coats, with fur collar, lined with rub - her and black Saskatche- wan, for 18.00 41.10..,......... Fur Lined Coats at less than manufac- turer's prices. 1170.00 Men's Fur Lined Coat with Persian lamb collar, Ger- man erman muskrat lining..., . 47.50 $75.00 Men's Fur Lined Coat with otter collar, German muskrat fining 50.00 $85.00 Ladies' Per Lilted Jacket with sable collar, German muskrat luting, beauti- fully self strapped 65.00 $50.00 Ladies' Fur Lined Jacket, dyed coon collar, German rotor krat lining, sell strap• ped front and back 48.00 Do You Want An Overcoat? $7.00 Men's Cloth Overcoats, Chesterfield style ..... ...,$5 95 7.50 ' ` " " fi 38 8.50 '' " " 7 23 9.00 " " " 7 65 10,00 " " " 8 50 6.00 Men's Frieze Overcoats, with storm collar...,,.,, 4 50 10 per cent off Men's Tweed Pants. 10 per cent off Men's Smocks, Overalls,and Cotton Pants. Everything in Clothing at cut prices for you. Don't forget our cut is good in - j- ,Groceries Ladies' Fur Coats, Ruff's, Stoles, Caperiines, Boas, Etc. at less than we can buy them to -day. $20.00 Ludies' Bleck Astrachan Cape 915.00 28.00 Ludies' Black Ast'uchnn Coat 21.110 9'2.00 " " ' 24.00 95.01) " 25.00 40 Oft " 7,utJ 50.00 •' „ " 43.130 with snbie collar end reveersl. 9250 Ladies' Electric Seal Corti, satin lined 25,00, Children's Cloth Coats'' at less than cost price Come early. 81,85 Children's Cloth Coats for,..81,25 ... 1.50 4141. 1,7u 2.15 2.50 2.135 2.75 3,60 3,70 4.0u 250 3.00 $3.75 at a price $2.00 Misses' Moll Coats We wish to clear out every Misses' Coat and have nmrked each one tt less than cost. $3.00 Misses' Cloth Coats for. ,,..$1.50 9.00 " " 2.0 3 3 75 " „ „„ 2.00 4,00 2.50 4.50 " 3,1111 5 00 " " 2.73, 5.00 " .. , 88, 50 Ladies' Math Jackets At Less than we can buy them $0.00 Lady's Light Tweed Jacket.$1,50 6,00 " 1310. Beaver " . 4,50 7,50 " Dads Tweed " , 5.00 10.00 „ w„ith ei10 braid and self strapping 7.00 tu,00 Ladies Dark Tweed Jacket, silk trimming 7.31) 1.2.00 Ladies' Black Kersey Cloth Jacket 8.00 Ladies' Long Rain Coats half price $5,00 only four left each .,.,82.50 Boots, Sttaes and Runners 10 per cent off old values. The. best Boot and Shoe stock. to pick from, and bought a' the very lowest prices. No goods punched on tickets No goods returnable, during the Sacrifice Sale. "Terms, produce or cash. Poplestone & Gardiner