The Huron News-Record, 1897-11-18, Page 7The Huron News-Relora
1 25 a Year -$1.00 In Advance
18 h 189"
Feeding The * Colt.
Butter and Choose
Instructor Reports,
OVEMBER t , ,�} - • o PRIZEN.
- TIONS THAT INCLUDE ALL Strong Letters From
Dilemma THE NECESSARY DEAR SIR. -I hav� your request for
A Girlls Dilemma r ELEMENTS. a report of my work, as one of the ins- Reliable People. 1St Pl'1Z9 .... $200, 00 . , .. .... 200.00
Woodstock, Nov. 9. -In the Il
1895 the papers hereabouts co in
` the announcement of tun "rc Ilan
marriage" of Miss Maggie 1 out
who was then organist at the alit
Methodist Church, Woodsto
iy Win. Henry Pye, sometimes knu n
Wm. Andrew Irwin. The inau
here +and called himself Irwin, rep
Senting himself to he till agent for
insurance company with headquiart
at Toronto. He fell it, love'with A
L Thowits and finally induced her
elope with him to Ingersoll, wh
they were married. Mrs. Thomas
word of the elopetnen.. shortly of
they had left, and imtnediately star
in pursuit, but got to Ingersoll
S late to stop the wedding. Howe
she was not too late to induce the
to return to Woodstock with her
after the ceremony. It was sal
i had
gaently discovered that Irwin ��� wife already, who, with a family
children, was living on Shuler str
�y Some weeks later Miss Thomas w
�+ to Chicago, where she secured empl
I ment and also a divorce from
la whildom husband in the sight of
law. The next thing heard here
to June last that Miss Thomas was
h be married to a wealthy banker
(( broker of Chicago and Indianap
ft named Peter A. McDonald. Notice
ft the marriage wits sent to the W
stock Review by Mr. McDonald h
self, who also stated that ,its 4b wedd
f present, he had given his wife
deeds of a large house find lot in
dianapolis, formerly occupied b
United States Senator. The next n
was that Mrs. 'Phomas had entre
some of her money to her son -in -
for speculative purposes, and had til
quite a nice pile during the ria
wheat. Part of the looney she
supposed to have withdrawn and
remainder to have left in the hand
Mt. McDonald. Then came a le
from McDonald to the local press
timating that his wife rind her brat
Charlie, whom he bad taken fro
good "sit" in Woodstock to work in
office, had gone to California owing
the ill health of the -former He
intimated that he (Mr. McDon
would shortly be in Woodstock
Some capitalists whom he was ill
esting in the matter of construe
an electric line from Woodstock
Ingersoll. He also mentioned
he had just succeeded in establish
forty-seven telephone companies
opposition to the Bell Company.
'Next came the startling news in
shape of a message from Chicago
the many people who had been fo
by an alleged banker and br
named Peter A. McDonald, Of Ind
apolis, were very anxious to Ineet•1
be having skipped.
But there aro more developemen
this Peter A. McDontald• is the s
man as Alex. McDonald, who mar
Miss Sarah M. Sulith, the daughte
Willittin Smith, one of the most
spected fartners in Sarnia Towns
and then deserted her. Mrs. Tho
beard of this case 'Incl proceeded to
vest Lie it, with the result that A
and peter McDoilald are one and
same man.
It was in October of last year
Miss Smith, a school teacher, ran a
to Windsor with the oily -tan
stranger, who pretended to have s
wealth, and who prayed at Alethc
prayer meetings. The two were t
rted and then returned to Sarnia.
Donald was discovered through
wedding announceuieut, which
supplied to the Sarnia paper, an
which several false statements 1
made, such as that his brother
been at the wedding as faroomsi
Miss Smith's parents prevented
martial relations being continued,
Miss Smith is now nuts'ng a t
month's -old baby.
Those who know the roan Alex.
Donald, who represented himself
coming from Paisley. Scotland, de
that his methods and the method
Peter A. McDonald are .the sante,
express the belief that the two Are
man. George Lucas, chairman of
Management Coin mittee of the S'
School Board, talking of Alex.
' Donald, says that he is of the opi
that he is possessed of some hvp
ppower. Miss • Smith as well
14liss Thomas are exceedingly pr
After his marriage to Miss S
McDonald is said to have been tr
as far as Chicago. A rumor
8 sprung up that he bad a wife
childr-n already, but it was never
firmed. A paragraph which app
q in November of last year ggave a
tt more sensational tone to Miss S►
escapade. Here it is:
1• "Thomas Miller-, the school to
1 and Sunday school superintendent
on July 1st married a Miss Will
Capper Cliff, Algoma, while lie
had a wife and six children at Cli
Ontario, has deserted his second
and left for the States. His dap
was discovered through the sdve
Copper Clift of a Clinton roan n
Perdue, who brought with him fl
Miller's children. Miller took e
of the little ones and left Miss
coining as far as Toronto with t
Here he put the innocents on the
i for Clinton and umped on all
train and prom ad to Port
-Since then he has not been
There were several featnr@s coil
ed with the Smith episode whic
Sarnia people to believe • that
q of Copper Cliff was the same mart
married the Sarnia girl. First
McDonald represented to several
he came from that section. H
said thathad a brother 1n Fort W
l and its it turned out the man's at
i in Sarnia in regard to church
school matters was the same a
ascribed to the man who went b
name of Miller in Copper Cliff.
Meanwhile, Alias Maggie Th
alias Mrs. William Irwin, alias,
A. McDonald, is in California, an
reported that she looks for'
being a mother in afew months.
Thomas is distracted. She has
tigated the Sarnia story, search
Peter A. McDonald, and has no
to meet her daughter.
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tructo►s. employed by the Butter and 2nd Pllze .... 100.00 . . .. .. 00 100.00
Cheese Asaoeiatictu of Western Ontar-prove the Worth of Paine's
Mr. Hubert 'Bonner Said that hu al- to during the season just closed on Oct. 3rd Prize 50.00 . .. . 50.00
vays could do anything with the size 31st. i propose to make this report Celery Compound. 2 Prizes of .... 25.00 each .... 50.00
if colts by the feed that lie gave U1011 • in a series of short letters, and com-
'lenty of feed and of the proper kind, mence with the following few items 5 Prizes Of 10.00 each a0.0O
riven so that the baby would neverthat may be of interest to the factory -
The Public Dernand for a 10 Prizes of 5.00 each 50.00
+toprowing, and the breeder will I men of Western Ontario. The district Great Medicine Fast
lave horse'of perfect development, m which I was to work was Increasing.
with ' on bone and muscles of steel. the south western portion of 5UU.00
T sensible plan in feeding any ani- Western Ontario, comprising all
is to find out just, what old llama To the Twehty people who solve this Puzzle, it there are so many Correct,
atu'a has given it to sustain life, and south of the main line of the (it The proprietors of Paine's Celery we will give the above Prizes IN CASH.
.)y following that article as nearly as Trunk Railway and west of Oxford Compound have never given to the
Dossible secure the proper growth. In County, with a few of the Oxford Press a the country any exaggern - AND N o A /!1 O N Ems/ WITH YOUR
care's milk we find 9.95 per cent of statements, and have never axagerat MONEY T ANSWER.
'od (d0y matter), and of this the food ed either the virtue of their wonder -
nes and tat production (but er Although my work was to commence ful remedy or the astonishing charact- If more than Twenty should be correct, every correct one will (in addition
and milk sugar) amount to 0.02 ler 01-1 lay 18t, as many of the factories , or of the testimonials it has received.
�eut. This leaves the casein or muscle in my district start manufacturing Paino's Celery Compound, the great to.the Motley Prizes) be awarded our famous "Faithful Timekeeper Silver
forming element 3.40 per cent, or more eiuly, and some requested Illy services, est and most marvellous of all blood Watch," of
than one-third of the entire quantity. i commenced on April 14th. Ihbre pnrifiere and restorers of nerve force
Thus the colt receives in bis mother's were two things that were not as they and power, and which bias a greater which the net A word here The qualities
milk a little Wrote than one of uitroge- should be that came under m notice. ULmoaning
Y public demand than all othercomhined factory Brice • •TO • ''iruo to the or our
[lolls to two of carbonaceous elements, First,. was the starting to manufacture remedies, has been a blessing to thou- Time."
Dr a proportion of one of muscle form- cheese in It factory before ally cleaning sands of homes in the Dominion of is $I0. If watches
ing to two of fat forming elements. had been done In it, and second, was Canada. This medicine that makes prafered, the which are
This says emphatically that the colt the want of provision for keeping the eople well receives monthly scores of Our Proud
requites food rich ul muscle form' factor • warm, which it is necessary to p winner can STposition acknowledged
g 3 letters of praise from men and women F•IR • in the watch
elements, and that it is a greatulistake have done ac that season. rescued from disease and death. chooses gent. Trade. to be the
to use foods" rich in starch, such as Before a load of milk arrives, the •Every month of the year hundreds are ine Gold•
corn or even barley, for the young factory should be thoroughly cleaned restored two new life, but many being - foremost
colt. Corn is not a proper food for and everything in readiness, with a diffident in nature, and not wishing to eased Watch A word which in the English
colts, its it is not only too starchy, but stove set up and t fire on in the teak- be recognized by the public, refrain of the same& EX • • • here moans
it is deficient in lime and phosphoric ing room. from writing for the press. they will last and American
acid. It is a well known fact that The whey cans should have been Paine's Celery Compound being a value. s Iiia -time.
bone is made up of phosphate of line. pp Markets.
Horses m+t look
all right. When the cleaned out the halt before. A little guaranteed medicine, the public have As this
Y 8 y washing and it good scalding out will faith in it. The cures effected for wonderful etre, is onl made to advertise our far-famed Silver �'lratebee, every
tire raised on an exclusive diet of corn, make theta nice and clean to receive lhnee who in the past were burdened Y
but any ens- who uses such animals the whey from the first day's illake. with rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney Competitor must read the following conditions and comply with them.
will tell that they are subject, to all patrons should be very Careful to disease, liver trouble, dyspepsia, heart
kinds of diseases of the ,joints, as strain and Cerate the milk, as soon its troubles and . blood diseases are in 1. gond your answer on an "International Poet• largest amount, and so on. If not more than twenty
spavins, ringbones, splints, etc, drawn from the caw, especially at this many cases truly wonderful. Success Card"which can be bought at the post•offlae (price win and receive the Watch and Chain, and if these
Bran should be fed liberally to colts season, when the milkingis dune in- after the doctors fail is a great boast 2 cents). There Is no entrance fee or charge what do nit buy anvtbing from the Catalogue, the whole
g ever, of the prize money will be equally divided among
as soon as they can digest it. A mix- the stables. From the appearance of of the world's po<r . medicine, 3. In addition to the Cash Prizes, ever one who them• { lving $25 each. All amounts in this
tune of corn, Cats and bran will supply the strainer ill most of the factories, Paine's Celery Clompotrild• sends the correct answer will thereby win one of our advertisement are tak8u at the exchange of $5 to Al
lime and phosphoric acid with the ni- one would judge that there wits very Airs. A. Perry, Port aitlaInd, N. S., "Faithful Timekeeper Silver Watches which we Pell 5. A f.,rm will be sent free to you which most be
trogen required fuir. leaking muscle A,; little of the milk strained before It writev as follows, � in England for $lo each, and which could be sold filled up ani forwarded to reach us by December 26th
well its the stared and fat for vital carne to the factor Here is where a retail in America for 015 to $28 eacq. of'all Goods ordered on account of these Prizes.
y' "For two years my system was all S. Every winner of the Watch is required to pur. 8. The names and addressesa of the cash prize
heat. Two pounds of linseed meal great deal of the trouble in having winners will be printed in the Wines, Daily Tele.
given through the week will serve to had flavored cheesy arises. The cheese- run down, tend I suffered more than I chase one of our SPLENDID ALum inexpensive Solid graph and Standard, of London, on Dee, sial next,
g can describe from nervous prostration silver Albert chains to wear with the watch, as per tl P
regulate tile trowels and aid the skin inakers cannot always detect ill the P our unprecedented offer which we will send.' These and subsequently in the Now York HearLd, Drafts
to throw' of the waste inatter Of tile milk the flavors which often develop and insomnia. At ti)ies I +hh)OSt IOSt challis are Hallmarked on every link by the for the Prizes will be posted come day,
system. Strange as it is, few breeders only after the cheese go into the illy reason from severe pains at base English Government. If the same Watch is required 7. Write your name and address in full every
realize thin the skin, with its thous- r of the brain. My husband advised with Gold-filled case Instead of Solid epver, n Chain time you write to as to avoid mistakes.
curing roon k, The cheese buyer collies roe to try 'Paine's Celery Compound, to match may, if desired, be chosen. 8. Orders for these Prizes Way be sent in separ.
ands of small opening or pores, as to inspect the cheese. culiS out all bad which I did, and the effects were 4. With our watch and Chain von will I'l:eeive our ately from time to time, and you will be credited
they are called, througt the persplr•a. flavored ones, or wants a reduction on mammoth Catalogue quoting Wholesale Factory with the total of all when you send in the report
tion gets rid of more waste matter the month or half month, its 1 he case wonderful. I soon began to sleep Prices for Jewellery, Plate, etc. The First Prize will form as above,
than the bowels. might month
The blame is all laid on the. well; the pain left my head; my whole be given to the one who solves the Rebus. receives 9. When sending Orders please remember that the
w enjoying
was strengthened, and I am the watch and Chain, and orders altogetber the letter postage to England Is 5 cents, per half ounce.
In the conditioning of horses this is cheese -maker, who very likely spent it o in cod health. largest amount of Goods from the catalogue ; the and if inenlflcient postage is used the lettter is liable
a most important matter and too often couple of hours extra au these Baine now y g ver y g second Prize to the winner who orders the second to go astray. w
overlooked by the trainer. if the skin cheese to get the flayor off the I would cheefully recommend
is not ?in good condition, the kidneys Paine's Celery Compound to any one Send you answer at once 1 You are sure to win a Prize if correct, while
Y curds.
have double work to do, and'if this is mother thing about these early suffering from like troubles. You
continued for any -length of tinie the have my best wishes for the future even if not correct it costs ypu nothing.
spring cheese is the patting them on „
breeder will find that he has a permau- the market within a few days after success of your excellent remedy. ADDRESS
ently injured animal. Too much int- they come from the hoops. I know of - -- -• -- --- f
portance cannot be attached to this cheese this season which were shipped The Natftakcrs Alliance & Ernest Good's toren,
host materi art of the animal life.
from the factory when fourdays old, at Hood's Sarsaparilla is prepare by
Oily food has a ricer action on the over one cent per pound more than is experienced pharmacists who know LIIYl11TE
pores of the -skin and keeps thele open offered at the present time for the fin- precisely the nature and quality of all Incorporated according to Act of Parliament-Ca2ntal.00,000 ($.Qw0,000).
so that the pers}n 'Inion can escape est September cheese. It would be a Ingredients used. LARGEST ENGLISH WATCHMAKERS,
without any trouble or ill any way great deal better for the reputation of -
conflicting with the work of the rest out, cheese industry, if none of the fac
of the organs. On the other band, if tories would make cheese before the KIDNEY GRIND. 1 �4 USJE•Or( ►Streets aJ0]Ci 071a
the. bowels tare not looked after, it will 1st of May and if the buyers would
be found that the skin is shouldering not ship any froth the factories until SOUTH A]11761CAN KIDNEY CURE THE Cable Address: "CLOCKLtKE, LONDON," Business Established 1886.
the most of the work, And trouble is they were At least, tell days Old. I ONLY SPECIFIC EOR KIDNEY DISEASE -
bound to corse. found a number of the cheese makers -A LIQUID AND SOLVENT -NEVER
Linseed oil fora medicine whon itis
absolutely necessary and the meal for 'using tau much sour milk o a eltrarter. rA.1LS. Receipts and Expenditures. Others allowing the milk to stated too Y ,
food cannot 1>e praised too highly. i lung before applying the rennet, Medical Science lwq proved beyond
do not believe in medicine that is causing the product, in hoth cases to be it doubt that the solid particles which rr��
given by grooms lir by the ordinary harsh acidy cheese, it cheese buyers do pass through the kidneys in the orditl- �
ult) who owns a horse. If it becomes out want. I found Others making a try course, of circulation -and which MORE: THAN A AfILLION DOLLAR
necessary to give medicine, call in it fide cheese to ship At froul eight to ten in tune so grind And wear these or- WORSE THAN LAST YEAR.
vet.erinhrian and do as he directs. clays cld. These cheese if left on the gans that they become diseased and ANY 'Phe schools are note sending out liven shelves a week of• two longer, very will nut perform the functions f LARGE DEFICIT THIS
who know their business. See that quickly go Off flavor for the want of a which they were created -require it YEAR.
till get what they will eat with relish, little extra stilt. In all of rile twenty- solvent to dissolve and eradicate from
and shore all things see that there is eight tactorit-s I visited the whey is the great South American Kidney
plenty of the best water -for the young- rrturtled in the milk 'dans. Some of Clue hits proven to be the best and
stere. This is an iter), that is all too the whey tanks etre in a deplorable most sc•ientifle specific remedy for such, Ottawa, Nov. 7. -(Special.) -The big
often overlooked, but is, I wits almost c.,lndition. At the factories where the and the testiuvany of thousands who ledgers in the Finance Department
telnpteci to say, the most, important
consideration in 1111 stock t aising. Cer_ whey is elevated into :a tank iabove the have been cured by it when pill doses nolo contain the record of the first ADDRESS
onsid without it success si even a ground, the tanks are as ra general have failed is the best demonstration four n•ontbs of the present financial
t role w kind with the best ofenblood thing in fair condition, but it is the re- of the fact that to solvent must be ad- ear• They show that the receipts for ss�
and individuality is out of the nes- Verse where the tanks rue in, the ministered. If tri despair use this re- one-third of the year have been $505,121
Y q ground. This is where a great many needy. -Sold by Watts & Co. less than the receipts for the corre-
tion. Htave•the earth around the edge of the bad flavors come front ; the sour
of the well packed so that no surface whey going back in old rusty milk sponding time last year, and that the
water can by any possible means get cans and the cans not properly washed - - expenditures have been s of 1 037 more
and then with a drain from the and scalded before the night's Wilk is p•ogs aand Cas Burners. than for the same months of 1890. AI- T�.y1 }•7 1
trop h so that there will be no sloppy together, therefore, the treasury htaat �J 11 it
hOleguuder it the. Outside is in good pact in • In July and August neatly all That a .London fog doprives coal gas ing got less and given out more, to thiat
condition. -E. J. Riddick in Country of the cheese makers had gassy curds ' of 11.1 per cent. of its illuimnating extent, is $1,280,959 worse of than it
Gentleman. to eontpnd with every day. In till power will not Furpriso many of us, but was twelve months ago. Last year January
cases' these arise from bad flavors in that the searching light of an incan- was a year of a deficit, and it follows
the milk caused in a great many diner- descent burner is robbed of as much as that the present one is at this ratio,
- ant ways. A few of the principal N0.8 per cent. of its efficacy is certainly not only to have a deficit, but, a very
"ONLY THE BEST" causes are, 1, bad water; 2, dirty milk astonishing. The ,casco Professor Lowes considerably large one. The figures
cans; 3, not straining the milk ; 4, im- gives for this phenomenon is that both which the department has now on
Should be your moths when you need proper teration ; 5, having the milk the spectrum of the incandescent and the record go to show how far astray Mr.
a medicine. Do not be induced to stand too near the pig pe) or barn- electric light approach very nonrly that Fielding was when lie promised
take Any substitute when you call for yard. of the solar spectrum, being very rich in parliament in April last that for the
Hood's 'Sarsaparilla. Extience has Yours truly, the violet and ultra violet rays, and it Is year 1897-8 we would colrie out about for
p I .TAMES MORRISON. even. The Finance Minister went into
proved it to be the beet. tis an hon- preclsaly thane rays which cannot make •
est medicine, possessing actual and un. Will you kindly insert this in your theft ay through a London fog. This the subject with a great assump-
equalled merit. Be wise and profit by next issue. is the rehson why the still looks red on tion Of wisdom, and gave the
the experience of other people. GEO. HATELY, a foggy day. The violet rays are absorbed country the solemn assurance that he
Secretary Butter and Cheese Associa- by the solid particles floating in the had so arranged matters that there 15c la
HOOD'S PILLS are the favorite tion of Western Ontario. aqueons vapor of the atmegphere, and would bg no deficit for this year. His
family cathartic, easy to take, easy to only the red portions of thespectrum get exact l tun wage, giving the basis of his
operate. -_---- through. The old argand burner Is much calculatations, was as follows: -"If we
more succe."ful in battling with a Lon- would et our full estimate of the
___ _.__. WITHOUT A PF•ER-WORKS don fort than either of its morn youthful amountfromincreased dut.iAs on
�- MIBAULES. and fashiouablo rivals. -Scientific Amer -
Live Stock Points. spirits, cigars, and tobacco the sum
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is '=-�' will reach $1,7110,000. Of course Ignite
After you have taken hogs from pas- without a peer. This great remedy re- - realize that we may not collect this
tnre lisp them gradually to the solid lieves instantly the most aggravated sum, because it is well known that
food Oji which they are to be fattened. and distressing forms of heart disease. 4vith it crease of duties the difficulties
Don't cram tau much into them at 1t is the surest and quickest :acting With the exception of sufferintrfront of collection becoine gre+iter. I have facial l
once. Keep your hogs warm and cont- fomula for heart trouble known to slight facaneuralgia. Prince Bis- also stated that we shall lose about
fortable throughout the cold weather, medical science; and thousandsOf marck is enjoying good health. $700,000 through reductions in iron,
the stock hogs as well as those you times has the hand of the grim destroy- , The eruption of Mount Vesuvius is woollens, and other goods. I have
fatten. The hog is easily chilled. er been stayed by its use. If there is increasing in activity, and the lava mentioned in the eat lier portion of my ����7
al itation, shortness of breath. pain flow is threafenin the adjacent speech that if we were continuing the l
Before oing into the business of P ,' g p
hot -house amb raising for the Christ- ill eft side, smothering sensatiana- towns, old tariff with the scale of expenditure
mas market the sheep breeder who is don't delay, or you may be counted -�� on which we entered we would need
new to the work should try the ordin- in the long list of those who have �_ about a take
0 mare than is provided. January
try way of havi)g lambs score in the gone over to the great majority, be So, if we take three-quarters of a mil -
spring and raise those for the fall cause the best remedy in the world �J��( A �] lion, which we might probably need in
market, today was not promptly used. -Sold CVl\lI� TIII� WORLD D that regard, and $700,000 we may need
I by Watts &Co. -perhaps tnat is a lame estimate to
Plenty of hay or millet or shredded make of the loss we wi 1 sustain from '991
corn fodder, with one feed of grain a he reduction of the duties --we will
day, will keep breeding ewes in good Jaw of a Sheep. Rheume,tism Ba' nish- Oorne out abOnt even." Mr. Fielding' -
order, enlculations which led him to the con -
One of the great western meat pack- There is it peculiarity in the mechan- ed Like MagiC. elusion that we world come out about for
ing companies had an -order for 40 ism of a sheep's jaw and grinders that even this year have proven, as far as
carloads of dressed beef for shipment helps one to understand the reason we have gone, to have been a million
to Siberia. It was to feed the .men why sheep are able to ggt so much A Marvellous Statement- Re- or two astray.He was warned at the
who are building the railroad through time by Mr. Foster that he was reckon-
g nutriment from their food. In notic• lief from One Dose.
Asiatic Russia. A shrewd traveller ing a sheep chewing its end it cannot ing without his host in expecting to
from this side of the Atlantic who had Mr. P. W. Sherman, proprietor of the $100.0
but be observed that the jaw has a get the full benefit Of the incrpasect
been touring Russia remarked lately eculiar motion from side to side. Sherman House, Alorrlsbnrg, oat. to known spirit duties this year. The distillers
that avast trade cotthl be built tip in p by thousand9 of Canndlans, hence the fol-
thi ro American beef be Russia. The ,branches of the lower jaw are lowing statement from Mr. Sbermnn will anticipated the move, and took iqu0
'shipping closer together than the molars are in be read with great Interest and pleasure. out of bond considerably in advance of
-__...-_ the upper. Then in the molars their '•I have been cured of rheumatism of ten the needs of trade. Consequently the I
edges have different slopes. In the years' standing In three days• one bottle excise receipts tire, so far, about $700,000
AN UP -TC -DATE CATARRH upper row the face of the inolar slopes of SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUAIATIO less than they were aver year. The
CURE. very decidedly from the higher inner CURE performed this most remarkable cure. post-offlee' receipts have increased
r Woodville, Ont., Feb. 23rd, 1897. •edge of the lower outer, while In The effects of the first dose of south nmerl- couple of hundred t -d
hou-and, thju,-
v It gives ua rear leasuie to testif molars of the lower jaw the face slopes can Rheumstlr Corr were truly wonderful. I the demand far jubilee stamprjNews-Recorg g p }' have only taken one bottle of the rem•
to the excellent effects of Dr. Chase s from the outer edge to the higher etly nod now haven't any stun lit rhenma- ing net lose of revenue Of sho
Cure., It has completely inner. These thingq, together with tram In my system. It did me more good a million.. There bias, on the
cured me of catarrh in the head, I the rough surfaces of the molars, gives than an the doctoring I ever did In my hand, been an increase of thrpraise it as an up-to-date cure. a•'b'e'eirthe power to thoroughly grind life•" -2C• tern of a million in the ordinWill be Sent,
JAB. STUART, Harness Maker. l its food.-Professer J. A. Grigg. Sold by Watts & Co. penditure. VV
_ilk.....a:. i.Fli.. Y�y.acs%1rrlit