HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-11-18, Page 6t
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the LIu�O� A/���,� be�Q j trip occupied 50 days. The ponies the carcase by rail to the mines. At COSTS NOTHING -WORTH
67 *% I] they nut shod. When oxen were used other lttac. the pout are driven to MUCH. I �Recopd
' the wee@ shod with shoes mala learn the mines. Without the railroad jv,
$t.Ue aYoar„In AQvancs. Y ----- the
copper hoop$ of gunpowderbarrels. Gh@re aa'ould he no mines to aperik of, Ther@ are societies which spend aTnURSDAY, N Rniimu 18th, 1897, From St. Paul to Fort Garry the rate In the Vernon district the farmers are deal of money in printing and crreulat-
was $5 per 100. The business of cart- raising immense crops of hops for the ing useful literature among the peo-
- -__-- :,_ ing was in the hands of half-breeds. English market, a trade which must pie gratuitously. Somer,imes the sub- Our very large Sales this fall in STOVES, RANGES, FURNACES,
At a more recent date I. G. Baker & also be put to the credit of the locomo• leets are of a social or seleptifle eharac- ETC., of the Old Daps. ETC, is explained in the following Company used to sassily Alberta with Live. Cigar -leaf tobacco Ie raised at ter but commonly moral or religious. ' P B
gaols from St, Louis that were con- Kelowna, where his Lordship has an- These publications are of up ill var. We keep the largest assortment in the County and buy only from the Leading
veyed up .the Missouri to Benton and other. ranch, but I should fancy that, mus forma, in di{P@r@rat languages, and Mantrfacturate in !ho Dominion and sail such world famed Stoves
MEMORIES OF TFIE CARIBOO carried by bull team to Fort Macleod. next to cattle, the Staple crop of the eclat out to aU countries o which the as the
RUSH OF '(12. the Tate from Benton alone being future will be fruit and vegetables. inhabitants can read, .
$3•60' DEPREDATIONS OF WILD HOUSES. Now It seetna to me that, no matter gassy ThoU.g"ht •Radiant H02ue,
PACKING IN THE MOUNTAINS. There was a fall show at Westmin- 'what a man's faith or views of the �
Revelstoke, s B. U,, Oct. 26, -It is Here among the British Columbia ster last week and the stock and fruit subjects
a isy organized, aybe, he cannot If he is Honor Bright, Famous Model,
60uT@rim@9 asked in the east, "Mow is mountains carts and buil waggons frgm the Chilliwack Valley would p h fail to sympathise
it that miners in the old days did not cannot travel along the narrow trails, have done credit to the Toronto Ex• wIt the spirit and .motives which Welcome Pearl
require railways whilst the miners of and freighting is done by packing, i. e., hibitiou; the apples 'and pears were prompt this work. Macauly was, as .
to -day are clamoring for them ?” by ponies loaded with from 150 to particularly fine. Stange to say,the we know, ver far from beim a papist,
The answer is that the mining of the 260 pounds, that move in Indian file, ranchmen round about Trout eek yet one of the most eloquent pend Over 80,000 families WOW in the Dominion gra enjoying the comforts of the
old days was placer -mining, poor with the pricker himself heading the and Penticton suffer from the depreda- touching pass es he ever wrote is
man's training, whereas the mining of procession. Rates are, of course, high, tions of wild horses, supposed to be that in �sc�b�ary character In and THE RADIANT HOME 1897 pattern, is not only beautiful in deaigp,�b�}t is a
to -day is quartz -mining. an industry of the Red River driver curried bacon, the progeny of animals that escaped powerful beater and a fuel esver.
a very different kind. The placer•- flour and pemmican for his own ra- from the pack trains of forty years sufferings of the Jesuit missioniuiea i
ruiner carnes into a country; he. is now tions, while his horses fed on the Arai ago. In the report of the Provincial in foreign lands, under circumstances THE HONOR BRIGHT is exolusively a farmer's rStove and requires only to
occupying the Klondike, for instance, rie grass, whereas the British Columbia Minister of Agriculture they are treat- of personal unpopularity and dan- be seen to be appreciated. Every Stove Warranted.
as 30 years ago he was lord of freighter, as he likes to be termed, has ed of in a chapter devoted to "noxious ger.
He mines in primitive fash- to carry provision both for #nan and animals" and classed with the wild -cat Some things in this world, even —OUR STOCK OF
ion, digging in the beds of rivers and beast. George Laforme, a French• and panther as enemies of mankind. though the purpose Ili creating or con -
creeks, or on their "beaches" and Oapadian, who is the chief freighter The wild -cat mine boomster might be structitig them may have been partial- Hardware, Tznware, Ouse Furnishingsand
"bara," and separating the nuggets between Revelstoke and the Big Band included with advantage in the stip►e 1 or wholly selfish, apppear to be or-
.from the sand by means of a pian with country to the north, Charges at the category. Occasionally the farmers' trained nevertheless to administer good Small Wares
•a sieve -like bottom. If the diggings rate of seven cents per pound for ten the bottoms are drowned out by floods, in some way to the p@opts at large.
are rich and he happens to be lucky, miles for the greateer part of the jour- but the risk is reduced by a system of Thus St, Paul s Cathedral was built Is complete and prices right. We have a uantitf
.he ,nakes big money. In the Cariboo ney, Last winter he Ili -an into" a dykin first adopted ori a large scale simply for a place of worship, yet it is �`
qy o
rush in 188'2 and thereabouts large snowstorm three miles out from his in theVittMeadows. a vast stretch of a sort of hub to the great wbeel of Second Hand Stoves Ch
fortunes were made by a few. The stables; the snow was three feet deep, prairie -like country a little to the east Loudon, And a monument whereby to Cheap.
.most famous miner was Cariboo Carla- frozen at the surface, and he was fora of Vancouver. On Vancouver Island, identify and locate the city. For AMERICAN AND CANADIAN COAL OIL.
eron, a native of Glengarry, or of that ed to abandon the freight and shoot 20 where the Champaign is like that of many miles on every side of the big v
neighborhood, who, on returning to of his ponies rather than turn them Sussex and Norfolk, with a cliniate metropolitan octopus ►you can see the
Victoria on one occasion brought loose to starve. The French -Cana- resembling that of Devonshire, fruit of great dome of St. Pauls Swelling up in HARLAND
Gyheap Stove
$166,000 in dust and nuggets -sterols- diens, descendants Some of them of all kinds rows to BROSO)
tion mal ,load -as the b g perfection and the air; and you have ,just got to say product of six the Red River voyageurs, are adepts cattle range the mountains in the to the inquiring stranger who fs seek -
months' panning. The cost of food at packing; for that matter, they are interior, ing the center of the hugest town inHouse.
and transportation is a matter of no adepts at everything except making The rush to the mines is bound to the world, "You notice the dome of
inoment to the placer -miner when he money, Joseph Bourgeois had the be followed by -a rapid settlement of gthe Augest Cathedral? Yes? Well
'is striking it rich, Mr. Turner, Prem- honor of discovering the famous Le the lands adapted for farming. That YO as for that church and you will ONE HONEST MAN. The Workshop on Wheels Has Re -
ler of this Province, told me yesterday Roi mine at Rossland, and the equally wits the case in the Pacific States. gnd yourself in the heart of Loll- Dear Lauer. -Plena Inform your readers, that it
that he was in Cariboo when flour was famous North Star (silver) in East dou.' written to Confidentially- I will mall, In a scaled let. turned.
There is no market so profitable to the ter, particulars of a genuine, honoat,home Duro; b
worth $3a5 a Barrel. Flour, tea, bacon, Kootenay, but I am carry to say he farmer its EL mining cam in luck. For Obli a me now h readin the sub- winch I was armanemay restored to hearth an
clothing -everything cost the sato@, or did not get resorb for his pains. ` I can g p g y g man,I vigor, a�ter years of suffering from nervous The celebrated S}totne}d Cutter, E. Ta tor,
many years to CUtnO, however, if sat Joined letter, arid the little talk that debility, sexual weakness night susses agd weak has returned to Clinton and will remain or a
In the Same proportion, the Ori final t{iSCOV@r," the pont' fellow says, >'btlt for all time, British Columbia will t»ay follow it, and you will understand shrunk parts, Iwas rol,be4 and swindled byy the short titre. The workshop on whao,, }tarn be
rice Of the ai•tlCle CtltLing no pure Somehow 1 cannot develo Leduc, hnecksuntilInearlylostfaithInmankJnd,butthank p
o p•" have to depend for touch of her food the why and wherefore of what has al- heavens am now well, Vigorous andsiroag,andwtsh rebuilt and a new steam engine house added
y the side of the tremendous trail.-' anotherFrench-Canadian, who disco v- supply upon the farmers of Alberta ready been written, ireakethis c certanothinin means oof uredkno known
• All kinds of grinding and sharpening of cattery,
portatiori charges, Cariboo wits eyed the richness of the Klondike, has ,and Manitoba, whilst the bulk of her "In Sept of Iasi year," (1896) says a but beuugum a believer or bel univer unioi�iherhood p%ne tle knives, azorsded to., Pon and ack will be
reg lied by a journey of 300 milt's from been more fortunate, probably hersage groceries and factory goods will come, correspondent, '1My health began to p g c'°ate to roblaapedvand made as, a of well as
Yale on the racer. Sher;tf Redgrave that is a lacer countr r regatnlhelrhealtitandhaDppfnese, �IApromtse�iro"uper• good as now, as wallas
p Y• as now, from Ontario and Quebec. fail me. I felt low, 1V@ak and tjCed, eta fectsecrecy. Addresswithst-Z4,T.MIILFgtip, umbrellas and parasols repaired and bought.
earn@ in with a party from pper THE FORTY -NI"_ Rates from the east have been greatly if I had no strength left. M tL Agento'suppues,Fo.Bot[68,st.Aenrl,que. All kinds of saws sha>rpcited, cross -out saws
Canada across the plains and through reduced o£ late y ppetiteenaCEeudea to noweuTdhe steam workshop oil
the Peace River pass. A dollar per pound per 10') miles is ,and will be cut lower, was poor, and after eating I had at ._-...,-_ _
not an extortionate rate on '°hard" • no doubt, when the Crow's Neat Puss nagging pain at the chest through to - wheels will be found on Diusley's corner,
GOLD FROM THE ROCKS. trails like those running north into toad is completed. my (lack. Very often I was in agony Jas. J. Kelley, who has been on trial Albert street, Clinton.
Placer gold is gold torn from the Cariboo and Cassiar. The Forty -Nine, There is feeling of buoyancy and and had to apply hot flannels and in Dover, N. H., for the murder of - - ------
rocks by erosion, by the action of built at.Colville, in the United States, hope among all classes, One of the poultices. Clammy sweats used to Cashier Stickney, on the opening of NOTICE: _ �` `
storm and flood and mountain torrent, ran up the Columbia as far its Laporte, best authorities in the United States t)reak over me and I felt completely the court yesterday pleaded guilty to .LV
Renee when the placer diggings are 30 miles or so north of this town. She points out in a recent article that exhausted. I could only take slop diet, the charge of murder in the first de -
exhausted, a new set of men, usually carried 700 miners, saloon -keepers, British Columbia is mostly virgin ter- and soon I was too weak to walk gree. Them being some misunderstanding with re.
another generation, comes along to gamblers and roustabouts of both ritory to the prospector, and expresses across the floor. I could not lift my gard to wreckage, let It be distinctly understood
look for and work the rocks there- sexes into that country. The passage the belief that it is "destined to be. my hand to do anything, and sat in �`- - teat it any person takes possession of any kind
selves. This is quartz -mining, and it from Colville was $50, the rate for conte a most remarkable minis conn- the chlor quite helpless. For Over Fifty Years of wreckar;o and fails to report to me I Shan st
g q [� ► once take proceedings. Remember this to the
demands a great deal of capital anti. freight from $75 to $125 per ton. In try " This expert has seen it for hint. "I had a doctor attending me who MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTTIt:ia SYRUP has been last warning }shalt give. CAPT. WM. BABB.
experience. Except in places where the rapids she had to "line up." A self. Better testi still is furnish- used by millions of mothers for their childre„ Receiver of R racks, aoderict,
rr ty gave Ilae medicine and injected same- while teething. If disturbed at night and Goderich, sept. 7th 1891.
fries -milling ore is found, It necessitates rope was thrown ashore and made fast ed by the capitalists from Montana, thing to ease the pain, but I got no broken of your rest by a sick child suffering the establishment of smelters. To to a "dead -man" or post; the other.06d Washington, Idaho and Colorado, who better. I sAw two other doctors, and and crying with pain of Curtinq Teeth send at
operate a smelter you must have flux
was then wound round by the windlass are investing in reining properties all went to the Newcastle Infirmary, once and get a bottle of "Mrs. lyins)ow's Booth- CLINTON.
and fuel, and these can be got only and the vessel dragged up it few feet, over the Province, notably in Bound- where they talked of operating on me, ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will ro- WOOD AND COAL YARD'
through the construction of a eailway and soon to the next dead-nian, At ary Creek, Rossland and Sloean. but I declined „ta allow them to do so. lieve the poor little sufi'eror inunedlately. De -
end upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about
traversing or running within econo,m' sone places horses were employed. It These are men with experience of One doctor said my stomach was ul- i)t. It cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach Subscriber is prepared to promptly $W all or,
cal distance of time and coal. The Red was in the Big Bend that More O'Reil. mining, and their money talks. To cerated, and gave ,ne up, shying be and bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the dere for wood and Coal. which will be sold at;
Mountain at Roseland, large tracks of ly, Old Hill O'Reilly, rounded up the one who is no miner the great want could do no More for tile. I had a Gums, reduces Inflammation, anagivestoneand lowest rates. Office on tsaacstreet. at LAVIS'
the Boundary Creek country,the miners from the States and thus ad- a onorgy to the whole R stem. Mrs. tvinslow's IMPLEMENTS ROuMS. W. WHLATLEY
appears to be °population, which will nurse attending rare, being too .weak to ,Soothmg Syrup" for children teething is plea -
mountains of Sloean and East Soot- dressed them (adjeetiv@s and expletives come, of course, at the heels of capital• do anything for myself: sant tot he taste and is the prescription of one
nay contain enormous bodies of ore omitted) : - "Boys, if there's any shoot. It is depressing' to travel across the rI ave u all hopes of g of the oldest and best female physicians and Apples Wanted,
encased in the rook which cannot he ing, there'll be hanging, sure. This is Laine for a thousand miles, and for g p getting bet- nurseu in tire United States, Price twenty-five I want all the Marketable Apples I can buy
pp , ter, when in November (189(3)l react in a ..ents a bottle. Sold toy all druggists through pp
turned into account till there is cheap- British soil, and you're now under 6C) more across British Columbia, and out the world." Be sure and ask for "MRs. and will Pay the highest -price commensurate
Gook Of Cases like mine having been witli foreign quotations, Hold your apples un-
er smelting, that is to say, until the British law." The warning had the see $U few people. One feels like re- , , WCNSLOw�s $00'I'IIINa SYRUP.
railway comas along with coke from desired effect. But A time came, in pealing the prayer which Moes offer- cured by Mother Seigel's Curative til $'Oil have ascertained from me what I can
the Crow's Nest Pass. At Penticton 1365 and 1(300, when the di pings gave ed in behalf of Israel within $I ht of Syrup. A bottle ' of this medicine - - - pay for them, Do not make any mistake.
„ g was obtained from arid
Sloan, chemist 978 t -f D. CANTELON„Clinton.
the other da I saw several hundreds of out. On November 4 1 7, the old the Promised land: The Lord Ggcl The Liberals of East Elgin held a
' Bentinck Crescent, and aftertakln i
sacks of orfs sing an the wharf, They "Forty -Nine” brought the last salol of your fathers make you a thousand g t I convention yesterday at Aylmer, and •
felt that it was doing m@ good. I per -
had been peeked 90 miles oil horses down from Big Bend, il local abler, treses o many more as a are and nominated Air, D. McIntyre, reeve of To Improvers of Stock•
from the Boundary Creek district and iclei• says: "Saloons, billiard tables, bless oil." y seri•@red with it and soon could eat •
y + Yarmouth, as their candidate at the
were to be forwarded by steamer up restaurants, everything was left stand- and the food gave me no pain. I now The undersigned has on his premises, iswn
- ---- +. gained strength and was gradually re- coming provincial elections. concession, Goderich Township,
the take to Okanagan Landing, where ing And the place knew the owners no V aeon bounty Chrlstailn g y pains
they will he loaded On the Canadian more." ' stored to -good health, all m t A Thoroughbred Jersey Bull. Terme:-$i
Quartz -miners are new going Ie,Lv{ng rite. arid $2,
Pacific cars and sent via Sicamous to in to try their fortune; one or two GOOD TIMES COMING.
Vancouver and from there by stewmer hydraulic companies have been at Endeavor Budget. "I have since kept in good health A Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, reg}s-
to Tacoma to be smelted, The cost of work for some time. Mother Seigel's Syrup has saved my Under the use of Scott's Ell,ulsion Ing d, Terms: -$1, with the privilege of return -
transportation and of smelter treat- life, and I wish others to know of it. all the organs and tissues take on new A thoroughbred Tamworth Boar, registered.
inert amounts to no less than Steamboat rates were . exceedingly life. The mind acts with lac>w vi g
per high ori All the navigable waters. The Huron County was highly praised You can publish this statement as you vigor, Terms: -$1, with privilege of returning,
ton, a tariff which none but the very vessels had cost a lot to burs. And by the Provincial Convection at St. like. (Signed) (Mrs.) Mary Northy, 20, the heart beats st+•onger and the blood
richest ore can bear, The low grade Thomas. We lead the province in mem, Hul{ Street Newcastle -on T ne Jun@ Is greatly enriched. This ss a rare chance to improve your stack
g plied from one atoppin lace to an- hershi ' y ' T. C. EDMUNDS,
constituting C Creek
the bulk of the p and contributions to Missior►a. 2nd, 1897." -- --- - Owner.
Boundary Creek deposits, is of no other for local freight. ben they re- 965 tf.
Our idea of having a unior, gathering Let us now see if the two arts of this It- is expected that it. pardon will --
more actual value than so much Brass, ceived freight, say, from Edmonton for the S.S. and C. E. Conventions was pp -
for Sloean from the Canadian Pacific, favorably little article (rhe first And the last) Are shortly be granted to onths'r, who was
but the moment the Crow's Nest line y reported and recommended Poultry For Sale,
they charged the excessive local rate, going til. dovetail neatly to ether, condemned to six months' imprison p
is extended from Robson northward by the President Mr. Hard H g p
through that region the minis of low Trade with eastern Canada was con- y Aving suffered for about two months anent for libelling Mr. Tarte, Minister
grade will be become profit Fara sequently difficult. It was chertper to It is expected thin other counties with an attack of acute indigestion, of Public Works. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS,
buy at Colville, Banners Ferry or will follow our example. which no treatment availed to relieve,
if! the coke used at the smelter at Spokane, and pay the duty at the Mrs. Not -they read in a book of cases - I have for sale about fifty Barred Plymou
Trail was brought all the way from By Correspondence the' executive like hers having been cured h Mother T Rock chickens, all bred from superior the
Wales, and even Westphalia. The frontier. committee have decided that the '98 9eigel's Syrup It is of mat book I McLeod s oughbrcd stock. The price will be reasonable.
Canadian Pacific is now bringing it THE FREIGHTER DISAPPEARING• convention willbeheld in Wingl]am, would speak. More copies Of it in } LORNE C. TODD, Clinton.
from Comox, Vancouver Island, across All this has been charged'during the June 14th and 15th. successive editions, are circulated in System Renovator r �jj r, a�
the Straits fa Vancouver City and on pest year or two. The old steamers The previous conventions have been Great Britain and other countries, FOR ���t\�Y'SEIi E1� EARS
to Revelstoke and Arl•owhead by rail, have disappeared and new ones belong- held in the fall but owing to the wish than of any hundred other books com- —AND OTHER—
thence in huge barges down the lakes ing to'the Canadian Pacific taken their of our friends in the country Societies hired. Although the issuing ul' these NN"S and the Columbia to Robson. The place. The new ones are as well fitted and Sunday schools the date has been books is not ra philanthroic enterprise, Tested Remedies,
cast at the smelter is $11 per ton. lip firs the best on Lake Ontario indeed I think it safe toId N
When the Crow's Nest road Ira built cl angel to June. Our friends feats the figs t, rlt•,Lll the chat l-
it is doubtful if there is any steamer rural district will therefore show their ties of the country put together do less
the price will be cut in two. on Lake Ontario as well equipped with to� yally to the executive by booming real grad to the people. In simple SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE
NEED OF THE RAILWAY, modern conveniences as the •'Koote- Wingham for'98 words they describe the diseases lvhlch For Impure, Weak and Impover-18hod .Illood,
nay," which runs from Arrowhead to chiefly afflict us, and tilereinedy which lb"PlIlk", :ile(.1.,Icssness, 1'alpi"tion of the BAKINC
Such in brief is the reason why the Trail, The freighter is also disappear- Samples of twenty different leaflets seldom foils to cure theca. The hold Heart, Liver Colimlainit, Nouraigta. Loss of F% 0 .1
miners of to -day, unlike the miners of jn As the raih oAd Y Aimuory. Bronchiti , Consumption GrL118tones,
Joni; ago, are calling for railroad$, g penetrates the on the Temperance. question have been upr these important facts before the )itundice. Kidney and Urinutry i ISNIses, Bt.
Besides furnishing cheap Mel and mineral regions. in the Northwest sent to every Society in the county, eye.; of the public as the dome of St Vitus Dance, 1'emrtlo Irroypilarities and Gen- WDER
he is as extinct as the buffalo, except and it is expected that many of the Paul's is lifted above the grime, slnoke� erul Debility.
rendering it possible to multiply ill the uttermost north• and his days Societies will order it quantity for and struggle of London. ]-let• chane- LABORATORY, COOERICH ONT. THE COOKS BEST FRIEND
smelters and reduce Cost of treatment, are numbered in Southern lit itish distribution, if any secretary has ing to get hold of a copy of that beak
the railroad will cheapen trausporta- Columbia.- Trade in eastern Canada, been overlooked, kindly let us hear it wits that showed Mra, Northey the J.51. :1Ir.Li OD, LARGEST SALE ltd CANADA,
flan charges for whicprovih
ps. machinery, counting Manitoba and the Territories, from you. -----'- ---- _ -__- ___
And so forth, which at present etre a g y . road to health. It cost her sorbin Prep. and itfanufactitrer, '--------
heavvitem in a mine's books; and build has reached large proportions and is Autos R. Wells ave a very forcible It Will coat you nothing, Get it and A PERFECT TEAT.
rapidly growing. For the first tune gg Gold in Clinton, bx
lip trills with Ontario, Quebec an({ address at the St. Thomas Convention rend it. For in a time of need, such its J. if. COMBF, and ALLAN & WILSON.
Manitoba, so that eastern Uanadra since her admission to the Confedera- on the .Tenth Legion, a movement tll)lr>s$ 1)r'irrgs+ the infrtrirratictn contain - JW
tion British Columbia feels that she is ed iq this srnrtll »tin hlef, will hP of
Shall j)rofit, too, A ride from Pentic- ) that is receiving special prominence pamphlet, - - - -- "- - -
ten UU
southward towards Boundary hart and pat eel of Canada. The pre- atilong all classes. `.Phe County Union gt'eal- rase to you than all the know- Removal Of Night � C1�,
Creek enables even a greenhorn to judice entertained by the early settlers would like to see a large number en- ledge hound up in the lihiary of, the
against Canadians has vanished. The British Muscill".
realize what a vast amourit of paten- mils £ram Toronto or .tiIuntreal is no rolled during the. coming year. i ho )u)dcrsigncd will undert.ako the remotyLl n
tial s. Eealth lies stored in the mountain longer a "North Arneriean Chinaman," Notwithstanding the many re - - of Night Soil,uut t.horoufCh etc,utink of clesct.w.
flanks. Every mile or two he comes hilt a friend land fellow -countryman. quests from time to t,imesorue•Societies ThP condition of the mrnlhers of the nil Alorl notdev, and •tt rensoimble rates. ,1u T,cs
across camps r men laying out work change their corres onditi secretary Turkish Embassy in Berlin is depor. refuse runioved out o. town. Frr,tSIT TEA
tip E A - ,
in the midst of rocks with surprisingly Railroad construction is likewise At ecgry annual meeting, rind neglect able, They have not received any alt , t•f }tu►1'r. 1tfeNNt•;I„ In THE WoRLo
hav surface indications, ` Are we to mrLki s known' the agricultural cepa- to notify the county, provincial, dis- salary for mors• than it year, and they --- ._ " -`` -- -- -- — - -- FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP
have the road here nest year?" is the, bilities of British C ltirni)ia, which are etre being hftrassed by their creditol•s. ----
stereotyped question, It is the cry in riot to be despised, Apart from the tvict, and general secretaries. g Agents Sell "Klondgke Golc{ Fields" IN ITS NATIVE PURITY.
the Okanagan Valley as well, where Okanagan Valley, there are many flne Kindly note then it is in the inter- ltE.V. <'IIAS. FI ;H i• TJ- i Like. it whirlwind, i+;.vperlcnced r•nnvrts.ers „
fruit -groaners from Ontario etre plant- bottonis and slopes where fruit -grew. este of all concerned to have iL errtlan• r , I T IODIST tugs+ins the+ru•hc"t, haree�t of their rices; note Monsoon TCA is put up by the Indian Tea
pp MINlSrLK., ]!)21)[JNN AVE.,heKuumrs doing wonders, Hearty evor•ybody , m,v.ersasa sample Of the best qualities of Indian
ing peach orchards Mutt will avail ing :end Cattle -raising would pay well, ent corresponding secretary for each snllserilwN. (lite vurnrR fellow on a f+trirt lit �cas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the
not.hiug till they have access to the Old settlers are alarnied at the fall in Societyand that TORONTO, t;1Titl:1) , selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they
person should he a O!' I9U%h:MA. $1..rN)a ntnnth is makinfrs7:ion. A lady type.
outer inarket:i. The slopes of the pl'ices that has accompanied the rail. business -like ofilccr who will attend to wrilvr at $3.1111 n, weak is eloarinr; $11,111• A Put it tip themscivcs and sell it only in the original
mountains on each Rifle of file I(Lk(t road. Formerly Paeh Settlement wag correspondence promptly. Ahoutten years ago I felt tilt begin- Invehaniewhuhad earned $l on a.•riny r.•+ elortr-''ackagos,therebvsccurmg•its purity and excellence.
Ing $,eon a day. We tE ant. In+a•e rt , its. ('fill- Put up in % lb., r ib. and g lb. packages, and navar
rut init o r efts irrigation incl have all it market pato itself; when crops WC I C READING GOOD 1loO KS. rings of what, is eolnnlunly ltnown a9 casnini( nntfitn 2nets`wot•th $", sir �lft; RR:1i)- sold to bulk.
the sunshine the peach or apricot good there torts abundance, when they Eczema. The decertse. commenced ill i,t,Y (;AttmiYrsON CO3, Limited, Toronto, ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP t?,
needs. In these warm October nays failed there wits swnething like famine. it's not the privilege of every one to lily efirs and Spread entirely over both Ont,
they are beantiftil wit)r inany colors; As It matter of course prices wel 1 ' listen to the great Christian thinkers sl(lrs of eras bead and also developed -- _ . _. _ - _--. If yourmccer does not keep it, tell him to write to
the yellow larch and red dog inal:)Ir are torininecl itltogethel• by local Rnpply anti speaketR of our Lime when they on eras htlnds. During thou° ton peens ~- _ - -Thr hes nnpnlnr M STEEL, HAYTER & 00.
scattered through the green firs, a and demand, the condition of things in Visit this continent. Yet we Aro not I was a great Sufferer. Speeiatiet,9 on �GE NO" �. T,Ifr of liar 1la(osry I 11 and 13 Front tdtrogt East Toren
haze .shifts lazily about with the eastern Canada, the United States or entirely shut ort from sitting at their Rkin disertse treated ler. As i writ( liner else sw•n; wruos lli, o Lorne, shout to
breeze, beynnrl 1hr, tree line rises the Britain heing it neglectable qurautity. feet stud ,ear 19
their lessons, The this 11111,justednnu>n(•ing on the fifth (lIwen vietorht." isles nu irocedoulod.
sombre rnonntain top with snow on The railroad has btowght the inhabited Dress with it
nimble, tfkh .catches up box of Or. ('ilitsf!'s Uintntent and hJnsy to )Wako five dollars daily, Big eonl)tlis•
tlieir• nsiWR ells<l tnakea thetTl Otir per- + pion. (hrlfll. firers rn.ncht""cis. 9`rnt }Tit:\1)- 60 YCAr2S'
tile pinnacle; one can See t,? -re eagie parts into touch with the outside world p ` judgin from the rapid il)Iproverne nt 1,191'.UARRFT'NON CO., J,intitc(l, Tor)nto, - EXPERIENCIE.
tloatiug above anti amid the paintul and )rices are now in ntanent possession. We have a few ing
l groat measure etfocte(1, I ate c•et•trii I that, before the ant.
stillneS9 regnla 00 by the Same tall-ernbrneing plrecious tittle, books justyissued from box is used I shall be completely --. -_
Hear the him) of torrent lone Iraw that flxes them for the Canadian t )e ptt'$s of ilsveli & Cu,, Toronto, dire(. lXr A �'t�TiTl 0Id estrthlishrd Whole-
And brooding mountain hes.' Arid American farrier, the Argentine which are specially suitable, for En- CtrAH. F im;, ltlethodist Minister WANTED fig l / snie}feuQv wan("mneor I
son and the deavorers. One is F. 13, bleyer's "Cast- two hnnest and indnslrh)us rctn•e"entGtl,trs,
An interesting chs ter mi ht, be p ryot of }IindostrLn, A 192 Dunn Ave., Toronto. ('rur Pa) a hustler about $rs n tvoeic to suer.
g �' g awa• ' rL hook on the higher life, most frith
written on transuortatlon within the tftrnine such aR that. which once fell excellently put anti as attractivc> aR a r
upon the Big Bend country i$ ire o9- 1'11(' DFL1rL E'aI:rLGe, which is vrLltted at AovF,n'ri-wu, Aledleni minmug, Toronte' TRAtSr MARKS,
region between Lake Hnperior and the p 1 y p story, Another is A. J. Gordon's "Yet
Pacific Ocean. Under the regime of Rible "Dwat aya, If the farmer is no a Million dollars, iR left almost in its - oEs}aNt3,
g longer ettin As much for his stack Speaketh' tYhich is as sweet as rL nut, entirety to Mrs. liana. 1 can ray ten dollars OQPYRtal2 S deo.
ribs Hudson 13ay Company the Red g g ' and u$ ltascious aR grapes, And delight- y ��r �T �t� t
River cart drawn b Indian )r)nies he really nets as much, or nearly ria _ __ ___ WANTED TI rD. weekly to a laity of lrnyereeondtnR nekotch and description may
1 much, aR he used to do b reason of some to muse upon. Another is
CAT'r{ed O(ld9 from 'art Garr west- umiliro sire, reflnemmnt and tact to Rpond her quick L1�v ascertain, free, whother nn Invention is
gg y the diminished cost of the by
"Christ Reflected in Creation" by D. C. limo in A. Rood cause. probnbly patentable. rbm,jnnleatinns strictly
ward. '1'lte rates per 1()0 pc3ttndR were MacMillian, a sliggestve little book for Ask your grocer for T. 14. I,IN*gV fTT. cnnsrlontlni. (» deat aireney orsocuring patents
AS follows ;- and conveniences be
n life, arid the PAR@ in America., We have a Washinpton offlee.
with which hfy can ship to the tninirs Dun Toronto, rant.
young people to read. The mind needs Pntonte taken through Munn do CV. r000lTe
To Portage In, Prairie( .... , .... , . , $ 75 and other profitable point t. At the food f ii4t as the body does. Suppiv it s--------- -- — special noticeln too
To Qu'Apppelle.................. s 50 y with what is good. Do you read the _t .-_ _ _ iml SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN
To Fort PeA Enderby mdse near Vernon, where txr r n GollcitmR fm•"t'anadn t
y • • • • • • , • • . • , , ...... 4 M Lord Aberdeen has a farm, wheat !s F.ndeavaar Herald ? YV 1- EJ R J. An Encyclopedia Oi beantifully illustrated, largoet circulation of
To Carlton ...................... 590 , It HtoCount:ry,"in five Royal Quarto Volumes. gany solonUf,alOurnai,weokly,termag£tAOa)3oar)
I.fEttehing 80 to 84 cents. Folli -year-old I resident Rev. J. 9, Henderson No. dotivoring, ronunission pairs weckl •. A .Asix montbe. sperimen copies and IIAm)
1'o Ic dmonton .................. l0 00 $OOIt ON PATRIM Sent free. Address ,
steers are wraith from $36 to $40 fit the Hensrill; Secretary, A. T. Cooper•, '• • canvasser reportR htR first wOOlc makingyoverIt was 1,000 miles to Edmonton; the+butcher's shop, rho butcher sending Ulinta Roventydollarsprofit. MUNN & CO.,
F?ofTable and Dairy, Purest and t es THE LINSCOTTa COMPANY, Toronto, 361 Broadwny, Nast• Y ori..
V. .