HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-11-18, Page 5World's WIl eat 811PplY• London, Nov. 14.-Apeording to Mr. Broomhill, the statistician of the N:ug- liah grain trade, Europe i9 in danger of a bread famine before the next wheat crop is available. His annual statement cif the world'e resouces has just been issued. Mr. Bromhill Says that the European crops amount to 140,000,000 quarters, compared wit11 185,000,000 last year. The deficiency, as compared with the so-called fauline year of 1891, is 10,000,000 quarters. North and South America, he reckons, produced 03,000,000 quarters, of which the United States raised 74,000,000, as compared with 59,(M),000 last year. The production of the Americas in 1891 was 101,000,000. Asia, Africa and Australia are reckoned somewhat in excess of last year, but fulliy 11,000,000 less than in 1891. The wol-I(1 s production this year is 278,000,000 quarters, compared with 298,00),000 in 1896 and 308,000,000 in 1891. The re- serves visible in Europe, the United States and Canada amount to 10,000, 000 quarters, as compared with 15,000,- 000 in 1896. Thus the aggregate pro- duc tion and reserves fall `20,000,000 quarters short of the e'stirri;tted require- ruents of the current season; 316,000,- 000 or 28,000,000 in excess of the total production and reserves. The conclus- ion is that nothing but a plenteous yield 1n Argentina 1n the coming har- vest can prevent an absolute dearth of breadstuffs in Europe. RECTIFYING DEFECTIVE SIGHT Consists really in supplying a second lense which, in conjunc- tion with the lease of the eye, will be equal to that lense Its it should be normally. Provid• it) g u sch a lense is sojlletimes a delicate and difficult under. taking but, being accurately fitted, results in perfect sight. The -accurate fitting of spec- tacles is our specialty. We fit difficult cases its well as easy cases. We give as perfect sight as is possible to give, 'We test free, charge moderately, for glasses and refund your money if not satisfied. It is our way ot'doin[I business and it protects you, • LEnt PERFECT ulsiou of Cod Liver Oil Contains 507, of pure Oil along with the hypopbosphates of Little and Soda. Regular 50c size for. 35c. We consider it the BEST Emulsion and the EASIEST TO j( TAKE that we have ever handled. The most delicate stomach can take it. Ask for the PERFECT. It has our guarantee behind it, Besides it costs less. Ouf' guatran- t.ee rneans, your money back if I not satisfied. From us only. •69®666• RhEN & WILSONI Graduate Druggists and Opticians. ® 6666660®66®®6®006st�®s®m®6 ®Y°e aTJ 6 • 0 • glaughter s a ® Sale • —Of $6,000'wot th of— 0* • • Watches, • • Jewelery and o • • • Silverware • e o A Everything in my store,at whole • sale prices or below, from now • until Christmas. We. ,nust, have e the money, and if you want the 00 ® goods .;It prices that cant he o beat, come to us. This is it genu- G ine sale., and every word that we 0 • say ave mean. Everything will a O be sold at cost or below, until • Christmas. Mind; we can 6 ogive you prices that no- a • body can beat, as we. are, 6 o bound to reduce our stock by 6 � $3,00() worth tit once. Urnne and • get these great snap-, because • they are worth coming miles 0 • to get. • 6 • e d. B. RUM t8111 Leader of Jewellery Fashion. ease 0000goes 000040eggs Goose Ip, a OLir Doctor of Refractiou 'Has made a special study of the human eye If your ]Eyes... Are weak or your sight poor, it is i niportant to have thorn oarefuIly examined. No Charge - - - Whntevor is made for tosting, Fine Stec frames including glassos tilled by our Spec. itast, $1.00. XWFull stock of Gold flpocs and Eye Glasses. 0 o W. Cooper & Co., a o Booksellers and Opticians, - - - OLINrON, - - Nrl t 9TRATFORD- ONT. The course of study in thia School IS up to Cho highest sta,.darcl of oxcellence; nnexeolled advantages in every department; inoderote rates; I)card cheap Rntor auytimo. write for afroulare. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Some People l Don't Know Why it is that they al- ways get Watches one grade better in quality here than anywhere else for the same money. The reason is veryplain, Our store expenses are 60 per cent. less than other stores, therefore we add our grade in quality to every line of Goods and that will then leave our profits just the same as though we gave you regular goods W ln"lhaia. Some days ago, when Mr. W. J. White, Press Immigration Agent. Ottawa, was returning from Detroit, he met two Englishmen on their ,way toWinghatn, Ont. They Stett- ed they were going to Wingham to purchase furniture for the english market. Mr. White asked theru how it crime that they Should be in Canada fol -Such It Nur lose. Their answer was that tlley lord heard so much about Canada during the past summer that they had been led to come here to see what they could get to the way of furniture. 'Tbgy were going to Wing- hrtm, they said, to ne rotiate Several large shipments. Mr. hite also met other English representatives, who were purchasing horses, and others again looking for butter and eggs. Mr. White says that most of those he met had been attracted to Canada after hearing so much about Canada at the Jubilee celebrations in London. News Notes. and had large store expen- ses. This is a, point worth looking after when you want the best Goods for your money. Our Goods are Neat, Our Goods are all New. 0--0-0 P. B. Crews, Jeweller and Expert Watch Repairer. To at Novenrlber Dandelion. Child of the greensward I greet thee, This lovely November day : Could I but send thee to Kipling In thy bleight golden array I'd send ttJoe as a Thanksgiving From Huron so far away. Thou wouldst tell him, that no artist Could depict thy beauty rare, Growing among the maple leaves % hich fluttering thro the air Fall around thee in rho glory Gorgeous Autumn's leavos all weal•. Thou would'st tell r'ngland's great poet That our "Lady of the Snow's" Is giving then a holiday And every flower that IgrowB Purple pansy, and sweet pea And fragrant, crimson moss rose. While she lift her snow flake robes O'er our land, from sea to sea; And, bowing low, her stately head With curtsey graceful and free; You'll revel while November lasts Our Queen's year of Jubilee. ELOrsE A. SiciAs MINOs Godorich, Out., Canada Nov. 4th, 1897. NZ*s,N0teS. Hon. Mr. Sifton was banquetted at Edmonton after addressing a public r meeting. ` Mr. W. H. Taylor, AI.PP., North Aliddlesex, was re -nominated by a Lill- r eral convention held at Ailsa Craig. It is understood that Mr. David Mills trill he swore in as Minister of Justice It is rutuoured that negotiations are on foot between Austria, France, and Germany in regard to the opportune - less of con veningan international con- ferance to secure It general agreement If the diminution or abolition of the sugar bounties. The first Scientist church in Chicago. and the largest in the world of that denornination, was opened on Sunday. It has at seating capacity of two thous- and. Dr. Thomas W. Evans, the famous .4 merican dentist, who aided "the light of ex -Empress Eugenie in 1870, lied in Paris on Sunday. Ile was ieventy-five years of age. Six hundred reindeer ate to be col- ected from the United States Govern- nent her ds in Alaska, to take part in :he expedition to be sent to the eight xhaldrs ice -bound in the Arctic. The late Mrs. Rombough, of Napa - lee, left a will which is perplexing the Single Court itt Osgoode hatll. The first three clauses of her; will devised to her ion Jacob her farm, to her son James ,hree village lots, and directed in what nannev her personal effects should he 1,vided, the fourth clause stating it to )e her will that her sons should "share old share alike equally." The fifth ;louse caused the problem by willing Tall money" to her son Jiaines, who by its counsel claims a half share in the real estate. and other personality, and (;1,280 cash, His brother Jacob ob•jec•t's �o this construction, and asks the :ourt for an order upon his brother for lalf the cash. Edward Fink, of Chicaga, 20 years )]d, waved at his sweatheart a hand :ontaining a bottle of carbolic acid. 'Hurrah, I'm c.ffl" he shouted, and lvained the contents. Fink stood op- yosit the home of Miss Minnie Peter. ;on. She sat by the window watch - ng her youthful ldver, with whom she lad quarreled. She. saw him raise the )ottle to his lips and heard bis adieu. the saw him swallow the poison and 'all to the ground. Then she rushed cross the street anti knelt by his side intil an ambulance came. Fink died Ln hour afterwards. The trouble started in a lovers' quarrel Saturday I at a party. Card to the Public. oil Thursday by the Governor-Getleral Mr, IN% A. Ross, God�rieh, having disposed of his ay-shtrttlo Rag Carpet Lnnnt to Mr. (icorue Potts, in ToroI1LU. tlitlton, would cordially reconuuenil her to his many Political Changes are impending ill euetouaors as fully capable of giving s,ttisluction. Spaia), and it is genernily adinitted 11'. A. R089. that. Gen. Weyler tvil! platy kill iniport- Citnton, Nov, 17111. ant part in the draggle for power. -------- - -- - ---- The early retirement of .Judge Ross. Important Notice, of Counly Carleton, is predicted, anti --.- '1 1 •fish ('il � solicit, n of UI .Ir. xlclnu ) �. 'I'hc nndcrsigncd, having di:po,ed of 'rnt�: Lawn, it is 1)elieve c1, uvill he his sec- Xrnv::-lis;t elan plant ruin bu,ine„ to 111', IV. J. Cetiu)r, "a \1,Tcup:r.t., it . is imper;rove that all note int,be The teuiperitture, which Nvas high ,ettled promptly. :A11 Nub,criprloa, alp to J1113 In97.tunlnllA1Iv(.rtiSillgnndJoh Printing last heck in the United J�iugdolo, np to 0etobcr•llrt, IS17, most be paid to A. 1I. 'rofld. Subscription, from lnly, 1517, folward suddenly dropped on 5nn(laty, and nA-t be paid to .111•..11itchUll- snow hill fallen in SCOOau)d and the. A. 11. TODD, nort.11 of England. Clinton, October 21st, 1497. Frederick 1). Trft, of Berlin, Ont., \vho was released froul Kingston penitentiary it few days ago because Cottage and Lot -for Sale. ' he hard a cancer grnwth in his throat, _ — fell dead in Berlin yesterday. The under,igoed orrom for :+ale t frame Al r. lay. Fisher, NLP.P. ., Manitoba, cott)tgo of four rooms, with lean-to. Centrally. situitted. Good waterand (1r11inage. '%Vill bo oaccompaniedhe Di;urt to 1lud- wh t veld cheap. Apply to son's 13ay, says Lhe straits are open fur W. C. SF .A RLE. navigaLion for three months and a Clinton, NOP. 10th. half each year. - ---� --`-- `— Prof, W. Ii. Von Rieitl, of Munich, Meeting of Huron County Council. the publicist and historinn,.is dead. Sit, Oliver Motvat attende3 his last rhe Council of the Corporation of the COurty Cabinet, Council Tuesday, of Huron will meet in the Court house in the. 'ruwn of Gocicrich oil Tuesday, November 30th, It has been determined in New Yolk inst., at :3 o'clock p, in. to appeal to the public at large for W. LANE, Clerk, subscriptions to a memorial for Henry Dated at Gocicrich, November 8th, 1897. Geor e ---- g. The first shipment of. five hundred carloads of potatoes, in bund, from Canada to Cuba, passed through Saratoga, N. Y., Tuesday. The grand jury at the assizes at Cay- uga, Out,., Tuesday brought in a true bill against, Mrs. Olive Adele Sterna- rnan for murder. Serious tension exists between Japan and Russia, owing to the batter's ef- forts to control the Corean Customs, and sortie of the. Japanese Ministers go to the extent of advising war. Mr.- George Bertram was last even- ing nominated by a convention of Lib- erals ars the candidate of their party in Centre Toronto in the approaching el- ection for the house of (:ominous. Dr. Howard of Carleton Place was given it verdict, of $10,0(10 against, Mr. Specht of Virginia for libel, at the Perth Assizes. In dingle Colt t• yesterday Mr. Jus- tice Ferguson appointed Mr. E. B. Ogler interim liquidator of the Farm- ers' Loan &t Savings Company. Miss Bell' Johnston of Ottawa was shot through the jaw by a boy named Laroche, who was playing with a r•e- volver wnich he diad not know was loaded. Details have been received in Lon- don of the gallant charge of the Gor- don'Highlanders lip the Dargai ridge. Without a moment's hesitation they plunged into the fire zone, and carried aalI before them. The new club -rooms of the St. John's Ward Liberal Association of Toronto were formerly opened last evening, when an address was delivered by 1 Israel Tarte, Minister of Public Works for the Dominion. It is started than the reason Mr. `sovereign resigned from the offiee of Grand Maaiter Workman of the Knights of Labour wits that. he might have free hands to run for PrOsident of the United States at the close of Mr. McKinley's term. TOR ANY, wmlaww� ADDRESS, 0111=1001110� Until January '98, .for IOC. The News -Record Will be Sent. DISSOLVING PARTNERSHIP. @ Every Day Brings 1 Ona Each Day gives It Nearer.. ? BuUefs mangy Bargaing I 000000000000006.0000 Our Men's heavy soft Shirts and Pants, I 1 only extra Beaver Cap, regular price they say always have been 75c else- $5, sale......................$3.90 where, here sale ................ 49c 2 only fine grey Lamb Caps, regular r Heavy all wool ribbed pink and grey price $3.50, sale - - $2.29 � hints and Pants, regular •90c, sale 67c Beautiful fawn blown Arctic fleecy Boys `aealette Caps, with and without r Shirts and Pants, for people who peaks, regular price $1, sale price 74c y can't wear wool next their flesh, Men's black Astrachan Caps,S1 for 776, 60c, sale 49c, 75c for 67c, 90c for 75c 75c for 61c, 51.10 for 89e Aw A grand line, heavy ribbed, blue, grey Sealette Caps, 81 for $4c, 90c for 71c, fand flesh, warm, 40c, sale 33C 51.25 for 98c, Boy's grey for 47c You all know those fine heavy Scotch -� grey wool Shifts and Ponta. Well Big lot Men's and Boy's Tweed Caps, this sale has laid these goods before Men's 25c, Boy's 19c you at from 49c to 98c, regular Men's and Boy's cold weather top prices were 60 to $1.00 Shirt-, with collar attached, Men's dl ­ 01— Heavy wool Cardigans are now in de- from 49c to 98c, Boy's from 25c to 44c 0- mand, as cold comes on, at $1 and Splendid wearing Tweeds, regular price J r $1.25, regular $1.25 and $1,60 40c, sale - - - 29c Full line all sizes Boy's E.hirts and Another line, regular 35c, for - - 25c Pants, in union end all wool, regular Don't go cold when our regular $7.50 o. 1 to No. 6, were heavy, long, tweed ]fined, big collar, prices from N from 20c to 60c, now sale prices are wool Ulsters are going at this sale for No. 1 18c up, fo No. 6 for 50c; at - - - $5,5 5 y f Union 10c cheaper for Nog, 5 and 6. Another heavywarm long Ulster rega- Some fine fall Cloth Caps latest make ]ar $6, sale - - $4,25 and style, regular 75c, sale........ 60c Boy's Fritoze Ulsters, long, heavy, Another, tarn down at sided, regular warm, from - - $3, to 54'.95 fisc, sale........................ 49c Men's good to wear all wool Twee( CO -01- Fine navy blue, regular 50c, sale - -- - 40c Suits, during this Dissolution Salt MP- .ft - 2 only, fine Beaver Cap.3, regular $4, from $4.78 to $8 80, stro-ig, warn sale price $3,10 each and good r , 411— GIL HMM",o Y & WISEMA iV r r- 6a•6eoo600e6000ee••6 r d Ql - CLINTON. �dJ1bJbUbbJlbJ►bJ►bJ1►J►b1b►JlbJbbJb►J►►JbbJ►b�bbJl►l►bJ11 J►►Jb►JbbJIbJ11J►►JbbJ►bJ►bJIbJlbJbbJ1►JIbJIbJ11 MARRIAGES. Special F urnitu're VOW]'-, LL—('ncllltAN H,—,lt the tianse, winpht. on Nen�ember 10th, by the iter:. D. Perry, tar• T. A, wry �y� .rr. Powell,nf raue,of l- to yVawi +un, daughter o[tLr. Bride 'rep int S leber. James Curhraue,of 1?est \l'uwamsh. Sale l'Ri Y/ �/7JG/��11YiI MCGLINN—GIBRU\S.—At the residence of the 1 hride's pare„ts, 1,8st \Vnwanosh, on November 9th. j As we bare ;t Good and well selected Stock of Furniture nnw on hand which by Rec. FatherMcEwcn, Mr. P.9IcGlynn, of.Culross, I \1Y, Will utfer for sale during Oct.. •and Nov., at a very low price, in order t0 n Mr Y. Gibbons. t" 1lieeHonoru,dau;;hlar t clear the whole Stuck out. Any Person requiring anything in this line, will CtttCu DA1,E.-111 ltullet, on wolnesdiw, NO'. I find it. to their interest to conte and see 111y stock before buying elsewhere, lotus at the residence df the b1^de's harbor, tl r. Lt-rra. Dale, by R,.v. A. Stew,u•t, of Glutin, lddocrl:h, of Av \Ve have a choice stock of Bedrdouu Suites, Dining Brutes, Parlor Snite�s, •lu,•i:ecsnaiu,, to MEtrg.mt reahclla Dade, Lrtloges ;null Coaches, Easy Chairs and Rockers of all discriptions, which itos5-r,rr•rr,L, -At the tttusr, tlet;iunp, on No- Mast ;ill he sold if 1..,w Prices will do it, ven,ber 10th, by I ey. 1P. Musgrovol, Air. N , IIIILM We also keep a good stock of .Mouldings and Picture Frames and Furniture A ozauae,• Ross, to ) Repairingofcone ne^atlY ted cheap. Kindly call and see file before buying _ elsewhere. Our Undertaking Departmentw1LLIa,—t,1 Clinton, an November 16th, the wife of tar. G. ]vallis, of a daughter. Is well stockers with t he Best find Prices the Lowest. lfear•seand outfi cRICII,—In oesfortll, on ttouOay, Nov, 8th, the bitter than ally other its W-1- 113e,t and mint courteous attendance. w•ifo of Tnoms, (:• Crich, Clinton,artiof a (laughter. .� �J U, r FU ltttES'I'F.R, in Clinoon November 10th, the 1!' � � FL?R`iTL'It f: AND t;\f)1?ii,TAKF.Ii. wife of Mr, D. A. Forrester, of a eon. Heron Street, next Gilroy & Wisenian's. Ni;;lit and Sunday calls at residence No. 32 ROUTLF.DGF..—In Clinton, on Nov. 12th, the wife Huron street ,gpposito 13aptist church. of Mr. lid. RoutlBdge, of a daughter. lib,''/.ZO.-Iu Jlilwaukco, Wis., Oct. 8, to 11r, - - and . rs, \\'. H. 13ezZO, a ,Oil. misleading to quote prices at more $1.90 to $4.50; Testis steers, $2.80 to $4: than 3,ic, and several load- of excellent I N't'estern, $3.45 to $4.30; stockers and butcher cattle sold at 3 to 3-fe per ]h.; feeders, $3 to $1.50. 5hee Recei lts. secondary and common stuff sold at 10,000; market strong at yesterday's Mary ON.—ri,rCli on, on to srtm ebJr i6tn� 2g to 2.1,c per lb. Milkers are wanted, advaance aged A n S e aur d, months. • h at good figures for gond 'cows. Sheep . are avurth from 3 to 3. e per ib.; lambs CLUFF,--in nunett townshlp, on November 17th, # 1 Jame" Clulr,aged 91 years. I are firmer,, at 4 to 4•Jc, and wanted. Toronto li'.I.rmers' i611arkct. [v..t...... o r-honrrr.l. n.n.l a'hnice The Epworth League of London pro- poses forining a Christain Cifizonship ,League. Convicts Ir•ehurn from Port Arthur and Lawrence from Berlin have escap- ed frorn Kingston Penitentiary. CLINTON MARKET REPOR,rs. (Corrocted every Wednesday afternoon.) Fall Wheat, new ............. 0 82 to 0 88 Barley ......................... 0 20 to 0 23 Oats ................. N.......... 0 22 to 0 23 Peas .............................. 0 40 tG 0 45 Rye ................ 0 39 to 0 40 Potatoes, per bush, new... 0 30 to 0 35 Butter loose in basket.., . 0 14 to 0 15 Butter in tub ............... 0 14 to 0 15 Eggs per doz..............I... 0 13 to 0 13 Cabbage, per doz............ 0 0 40 to 50 day ............................... 6 00 to 6 00 Cordwood ....................... 3 00 to 3 50 fipples per bbl ............... 1 50 to 1 75 Apple's culls ..............•. 0 45 to 0 50 Dried Apples per lb........ 0 04 to 0 04 Ducks per Ib ................. 0 05 to 0 06 Turkeys per lb. . . ...........0 O6'zto 0 07 Geese per lb .......... ........ oVO5 to 0 06 Chickens per pair............ 0 30 to 0 35 Wool ............................ 0 18 to 0 18 The Live Stock Marli;et. TORONTO. Toronto, Nov. 12. -At the Western cattle yards this morn4ng we had a total supply- of 42 loads. There was some shipping cattle here, but no one appeared to want it, and prices were merely nominal, at from 3A to 3;gc per Ib. There was it fair demand for stock- ers at from 3 to 31 per ib. ; feeders sell at from 31 to 3Jc for choice, with an occasionally lc more for Superfine stuff. Owing to the light rum and cooler weather, butcher cattle was a little more brisk, and for good stuff a sbade firmer, but we had very little gqood cattle here; for the best it would be hogs on the market and the price was •Ic all around, and no more is likely to JJest yet; sows are worth 3e, and hogs 2c, per Ib. The yards were cleared to -duty of both cattle and small stutf. UNITED STATES MARKETS. East Buffalo, Nov. J2.---Cattle-Re- ceipts, but few on sale; good fat cows, $3.75 to $3.05; fair to good hulls, $325 to $3.7:5; veals, $5.25 to $7. hogs-- Receipt.s, 35 cars oil side; market slow and lower, but all sold; bulk sales, $3.674 to $3.70; it few coulmon grassy heavy, $3.00; toughs, $3.111 to $3.35, Sheep ;and Iambs -Receipts, 23 cars, ineluditiv nine Canadas; market active and higher for lambs; sheep firm; top Itunhs. $5.80 to $5.90; culls to good, $5 to $5.75; mixed sheep, *4.35 to $t.50; culls to gond, $4 to $4.2:5; Canada lambs, $5.00 to $5,80. ' New York, Nov. 12. -Beeves ---Re- ceipts, 4,647 head; market act ive; stendy for steers, firmer for rough butchers' stock; native steers, $4.35 to $t,95, stags and oxen, $2.75 to $4.50; bulls, $3 to $3,35; dry cows, $2 to $3.10• Cables quote American steers at lug to Illie; refrigerator beef, at 81 to 8ge; no ex- ports. Calves -Receipts, 401 head; market sleady all round;all sold;veaLls, $5 to $8; grassers, $3 to $4.*, West- erns, $3 to $4.024J. Sheep and' lambs - Receipts, 3,482 head; market active; sheep firm, lambs steady; sheep, $3 to $4,75; lamhg, $5.25 to $6, flogs- Re- ceipts, 3,001 head; market dull, at $3.70 to $4. Chicaga, Nov. 12,--Hogs--Estimated receipts to -day, 25,000 head; left over, e' ec i Ls to -mor- row, head; estimated r P row, 30,000 head; market fairly active, and 5c higher than yesterday morninm light, $3.40 to $3.70; mixed, $3.45 tc� $8.724; heavy, $3.25 to $3.70; rough, $3.25 to $3.85, Cattle - Receipts, 2,600; rnarket strong to 10c higher beeves, $4.10 to $5,40; cows and heifers, Toronto, Nov. 12. -Gratin receipts were lighter, to -day, there being 1,400 bushels delivered, in all 5()t) bushels of wheat sold at 83 to 8r c,and $6c for red; 1,000 bushels of barley and 100 bushels of peas sold at Thursday's prices; 3lH) bushels of oats sold at 26} to 27ic; .500 bushels of rye at 46 to 47c. About 25 loads of hay sold at $9 to $10; two loads of straw at,$9 to $9.50. Deliveries of dressed ]logs were larger to clay, but still sell it $5.80 to $6. Wheat, white, per hu..$ 83 to $ 85 do red ................ 85 to 86 do goose .............. 764 to 776 Barley per bush..,...... 27 to 36 Cats per bush.......... 2% to 274 Peas per hush........... 45 t.o 46 Rye per hush.... , ..... , . 46 to 47 Buckwheat per bush.... 3t to 34 Turkeys per ll)........:. 9 to 10 Docks per pr....... , . , .. 45 to 75 Chickens per pair...,... 30 to 50 Geese per lb............ 5 to 64 Butter, lb. rolls......... 15 to 16 F.ggs, new laid........ , .. 16 to 164 Potatoes new per hag... 45 to 50 Beans per hash...... ... 75 to 8.5 Onions, native, per bag. 50 to 60 Hay .................... 900 to 10(X) Straw ... .......... . ..... 9 00 to 950 Beef, fore ............. 3 to 44 do hind .......... ... 06 to 08 Lamb, carcase, per lb.. 0 06 to 0 074 Veal, eaarease, per lb.... 0 07 to 0 084 Mutton 5J to 64 Dressed hogs.......... 5 80 to 6 (X) DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter 5u ]plies more liberal of nll dairy, but there is no surplus. De- mand is good. Creatmery is about un- changed. (quotations areas follows: - Dairy, trill, poor to rnedianr, 11 to 12c - choice 16 to 16je; large dairy, rolls, 15 16c; snutlI dairy, pound prints, choice, 16 to 17c; creamery, tubs, early makes, 17 to 18ci hate makes, 18 to d9c; cream- ery, pounds, 19 to 20c. Cheese --•ball and easy. Dealers sell at 91j to 10c fort' early and Into makes, ' 'o