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The Huron News-Record, 1897-11-18, Page 4
we The New to gain by a change. The habitan Is wiser than he looks, but does not his milking mood bode tiff" for the On- tario cow P Sohool Settlement Disapproved, 1 1 ul yLaurier-Greenway rran School A 9- Laurier has promised to make Ot- tawa the Washington of the North, ment Meets With the PO e's regardless of the expense, and has also Disfavor. Manitoba CathOIics hinted that he will bridge the St. May Not Attend the Public Smith's Bleck, Clinton. Lawrence at Quebec. His colleagues Schools.—Their Constitutional are equally its lavish with pledges which, if carried out, are bound to Rights Declared to be Violated. Just now we. are offering a fine lot of bring about gt'Vat activity in from the Montreal Star's special cor- f cable construe- • ' tion work, and, to that extent, better Ladies' tunes. All file while the Public Debt By caruapundent in London. continues to mount hitcher and higher London. Nuv. iii.–The Pope's utter Mantles and the receipts to fall short of the ante on the Laurier -Greenway Mant- expenditure. A progressive policy is , toba school settlement will be pro- ,. what this Dominion needs, but it I rn111gated on Wednesday of this week. Ata Bargain, People who lequfr•e In the tleantiine, I le,tru oil uniur thecal will save money it) calling to see should not these days entail additional preachable authority the points of His thein told buying. indebtedness. The Liberals apparent- Iioliness's decipiou. The utterance _ ly have not profited by their eighteen deals very exhaustively with the filets Years' study of econorny, or, at ally of the case, Lra,cing them h1 detail to Millinery. tin - rate, are not putting into practise what doubted light of tht whal, is ae Manirned litobats n Ro- they preached. man Catholics to separate schools and " showing also the alleged infringement A fight is on in Centre Toronto so it of this right by the action of the Mani - Our Stock is superior in quality will be seen if the Government Call toba legislature. )tnd very reasonable in prfge. Call wield as much influence in an rhe Pope declars that the Catholics and see -what we have. Ontario constituency as in the lower Must not attend the public schools; ruvince. That the will strain that they must, like Roman Catholics KISS E. HILLIER, p Y everywhere, loyally and obediently n every nervi: goes without saying, and support their own school system, even as Mr. Lount had it majority of bp- where the State refuses to assist. 1111111nor- tween two and three -hundred they The Supreme Pontiff declares that Emerson's old stand, near Clarendon. have considerable to come and go no opportunity must be lost of assert. Hotel. in the claiuts of Roman Catholics to t upon. Then there is the active army the full enjoyment of their constitu- of actual and prospective office -holders tional r•ight.s. RE EA 8ER..• whose patriotic zeal has passed into a SUII His holiness advises the Mani - proverb. On the other hand, the Con- toba Catholics not to be too grasping sarvatives have been "getting it in the and aggressive, but persuasively, and it Christmas will be here neck" so often of late that the are by all peaceful methods, to impress the Y justice and fairness of their telnporar'i- five weeks from next scarcely in fighting condition, but the ly lust cause upon their fellow citizens tanks will in all probability close up into of other faiths, in the hope that event - the old solid phalanx before the polls uaily their full rights may be restored. attll'tl ay . �� p op -n. Centre 'Toronto is not by any Means it Tory seat and if not The Iilowat-(lardy Way ! Have you made ally pre. again carried by the LfbVrals, now that parationa fqr it 1 fortune favors then), the blow will be significant. We ]lone you have as we Mr. Lount denies resigning to upon have been, buying choice lines the way for Ii is ascension to the bench, suitliblH for coli stock from We are only too willing to accept his word for it, though it places him soli - many different sources for the tary and alone among Canadian M.P's, last six months. who, as it rule, do not show tiny incli- nation to abandon, without, a consid- eration, anything so substantial as it Now we are ready with seat in Parliament with no election in the choicest stock of prospect for four years. An apologist for Air. Lount endeavors to set that �`�1��J � ®��� gentleirnan right before the public by explaining that he retired solely to escape the importunities of office_ Toys and seekers, who gave him no peace either by day or night. As he hadn't a sitffi- cfent number of berths to provide for Books each and all of the beggars, he sought safety in flight. What a victim to a lt:vel'y bi'onght to Clinton, sense of duty is Mr. Lount, ex -1i, P. Eighty per cent.. of the population of OUR LOW PRICES Greater New York etre either foreign born or the iulmedlitte descendents of ��� EXTRA QUALITIES natives of another coanti v than the ARE SURE TO PI `t�SE. United States; The blue bloods, who ciaim descent front a Pil„t un Father or a Father liekerbocker, are Weak in °nubs , and influence and do not figure in the government of the great rlooi. ,) f� '''ppp��� 1IUU!!IUl �J BOOK Ojjj,���,,, o city. 1 ri, eXI'lairts in it sense the stnn11;, hoh'I which Tammany has, 33E Y! ,,,fffJJJ though it's rale is corrupt, and deinoral- CL.iINTON. Bing to an extreme. lint, it. is that, self-satne "wide -upon" policy that is Tauvniuly's strolivest 1'ec•omtnenilation p yx,�s jpp p Tho ftfoq No YY a]– tJcoid with the fc)reign.btirns, Ifl i'ublished over, TlirraSDAT, At TIIE NEerA•RECORD Printing lfonv, Albert st. r The Don0nlon Alliance will not G'li>ntto><a, (,lit, allow the approaching session of the Ontario Legislature to pans without Goes asking for itnivildInents to the License ADVEICT)ylac nATRS. ' Act in tho direction of greater string - 1 Tn. G,Mo. 3 MO. 1510_ envy and a bromler ineasure of Ifolile 1, Coltlmn....... $it0 00 q-, 00 $•20 00 $7 00 collraul....... 35 oo 20 no t2 no a oo Rule. The electors of a municipality Uo3mm�•.... •.:30 00 12 00 7 00 2 60 .Olam...,,•..1500 91111 5IlU 1011 should have inure to say and Guvern- nch.......... (, 00 3 59 2 00 1 25 went officials less its to the personnel 1rrT5per1al position ficin 25 to" ,; per cent• extra. of Lhe license holders, say the Alliance For transient advertisements 10 cents per line fur people and itlong those lines they will Lhe first Insertion: 8 cents cr line each Lh NlC(I. ltin Action-nlai fel rotro. Profeascmale,irdS,not V1 ann%IC[ the Legislature. They will 11 oxenedtrig Onc inch, $5.00 per annum. Advertise. D101118 wilhOut Specific diroctlons will be pnblisbed ask frit two atnendments, one to enable 6111 fo,bia and aharge,l tot, ace,,rdiroy. 'Pranalent the majovity of the ratepayers of any notices—"LOflt," •'Geuud,^ "For sa'e, cents Nr first insertion, 2:, cents for each Nubsel rent sub-division to prevent by peti- irsort lot.. tion the issuing of It license within THE NEwA•REcnRD will be sent to ary address, free or 'ostnge, for Sim per ,ear, payable in rid- Tanen—t 50 may- be it their division, and the other is to enl- solver the majority of the municipal charged not. so paid. The date to which whiter on th(i aicrips la it paid is denoted by the mtmber on lbA nddroaS inbol. No paper d1A- eleCtol•s Of iLny IUCAllty In ftit t.her eonlduned nntil all arrears are paid, except at the option of the proprietor, limit the 1101119 during which liquor finny be, sold in places in which licenses IV. T. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor. riven tics given. * e Y�tRL1RIF.Ma1r is – -- --' N Sir Wilfrid LFulrier's "sunny" settle- ment of the Manitoba School Ques- tion dues not wein, most strange to Overcoats–A. J. Holloway, say, to have settled the ditTicnity after A'}illincry--W. H. Beesley & Co. Underclothing–A. J. Alorrish. till, at least not so fin• as the Pope is Business College–AV. J: 1+71hott. concerned, Isis Holiness having re - Right now'–The W. D. Fah` (,I(;. fused to a,ccel)t It, lie says that (;billy November•–Ifodgens Bros, Defective Eyesight–Allen Catholics must not attend public & Wilson, Your Winter Oyereoat–T. Jackson, schools, but loyally and obediently Sr. support their own school system, even Christunts good$ Coopers Book Store. if the Sttt0 as en off the supplies. As Sir Wilfritttpract tally pledged him - head The Famous Clothing People–Jock. • •- g 1 Cly self to satisfy of his church soft Bros. Dksolving partnership p Gilroy & he roust find hiuiself in an awkwardWiseman. pnsijinn. – Th Huron News -Re, Of) Saturday night Air. J. P. Whit - ney wound up his five months' tour which included a visit, and it speech or 1 26 a Year—g1.001n Advance series of thein, to nearly every con. Tul[IRSDAY, NoVEJ• stituency in the province. The full BEP. 18th, 18f)7. results will by and by become snore a.p- - parent for his campaign of education ONE T111N) AND ASOTFIBR, hits takmn right hold with the electors. '40 obvions N the reasoning cif the Mr. Whitney is much stronger than he Quebec- habitans that the beautiful when began the tour and baa put new life and vigor into theparty regularity \with which the bye-elec- suffering from the after effects of an tions In that province go Liberal is not unsuccessful Dominion contest, The at all to he wondered at. They have Conservatives are in good fighting convinced themselves, and there rest humor again and in the very hest of satisfied. that with a French Prettier, spirits await Mr. Hardy's announce - and another Frenchman in charge of ment of polling day. the greet spending department, they , have everything to loose and nothing Whitney Will Win. Weekly )1m). Here is what it costs the people of York rind Toronto fn fees that the On tario Government linty have fat Offices' for Its supporters :– Two sheriffs, net ................. $7,214 Clerk of the Peace, net.........2,196 Surrogate registrar, net.......... 3,5:33 County Court clerk, net.......... 3,92:3 Four registrars of deeds, net,.... 7,817 $2,1,188 One administrative head should snf- flee instead of nine. Ode to the holt. Israel Tarte. Come with thy bravery! Corrie with thy brass– Forehead and pocketful– (Our money, alas !) Wlly tarn thy coat it gain? This one will pay, Minions will vote again, Vive le. hooray! Vive lit temerite, Honour be. d ------d, Vive nus prosperite, Right he flim flamiued, Caine every vofel -duck, Come nril be killed, Down wi',h ,your ohl-tints pluck, The great Tat to has willed! Colne From i,hv railway deals, Glorious Tarte, Conte fP0111 the tritl:rss boas Put If,, in. heart, Tell its that black f, white, Brazen it out, Make out, foes slack with fright! Poll, thou Lo rout! –SPI'.`., Sir- Oliver 3lnw11, h;LS cuulpleted Ills Inst Clays' work FL, \IinisLer of Justice. On Thlirsdav he will hes\vr)lll in as Lieutenant-(;nvornu cif Orltnrio rot To'- ronin, and at the sain• tiuue lionI)nv- id AIMS will take the oath of ofliCe FLs Minister of Justices Circular City Brief's. GgDERICII, Ont., Nov. 16,–Ex-Reeve Johnston, of West Wawallosh, Was in he Circular -Town on Saturday. Perell fishingisnot so nrolitahle as it was ,it fow weeks since, though it rm g Cle Ilf'°$tl`I11 I ) May L )f hFtldf'll 111. h Y There will he early communion at St. George'$ next Sunday. CFLptILin A. AI. Aiiicgregor returned bonne Inst week. The Modelfte CIILS.9 are Settling down to work ill earne9t as the heavy part of the tet rn Is at hand. The coal rind wood ntcr•chants bright.- ened tip last week. Our curlers arc already ,polishing their stones for the first ice. The tug Cloths, that was sunk on the night of the tire, wits rinsed the past week. Air, Chas. A. Humber has returned to town having completed his sewer contract in Stratford. IlocK►rY.–The Oodei ieh hockey club reorganized for the. season Inst Thursday evening, and the new, or- ganization will %ve understand ,join the central association. ANNIVERSARY.—The frost anniver- sary nt St. Peter's on Sunday wits largely intended, large congregations being presellt;Lt 01101 Of the services. DAMA014`6 WIIMAT. - The fire unlmr- Writ.ers have horn selling the wheat, Imrt.ly burned and thoroughly smoked )y the revent fire and faintr:rs have been hauling it, igvity the pt9t week. The wheat nnpart..s n strong smell all over town, and one can smell it load for five minutes after it hits passed a given point so al,rongly is it stru)ked. Itegnittr meeting of H11ron Encarnp- ment No, 28 I. O. O. F. next Monday evening. The temperance people held a uleet- int; in Temperance flail on Sunday afternoon, and, it is said, will coot inue them during the winter. Fred Elliott was charged before Police Magist.rato Seager on Friday with the wllfu! murder of his brother, Harvey, and at the conclusion of the case the P. Al. said he would give his decision on Tuesciny as to whether he would cotnntit for• initnshurghter or wilful innrder. E. N, f.ewis Itppeared for the crown and i4fl1fntt was de.tendcd by Alr. Wm. Prondfoot. Killarney on the Rhine was in Gode- rich on Monda yy. gide-Traeke(1, one of the most, topn- lar dramas of the day, will be played here next Monday evening, the 22nd lost, r St 0RRAMkq Nerves lust as surely come from the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla as does the oure of scrofula, salt rheutlt, or other so-called blood diseases, This is simply because the blood affects the condition of all the O' FJ �. s. 3. i) t\ tics 3,4 kt SJ bones, muscles and, tissues. If it is im- pure it cannot properly sustain these Facia. If made pure, rich, red and vital. ized by Hood's sarsaparilla, it carries health Instead of disease, and repairs the worn, nervous system as nothing else can do. Thus nervous prostration, hysteria, neuralgia, heart palpitation, are cured by �y i d's r Sarsaparilla Because it is the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's d�11lS pills, are the digestiobst n. Andrews Bros. & Co. shipped it car load of hogs to Collingwood last Wed- nesday. Miss H. Stewart had to go home re- cently on account of measles. Miss Blair took over her class in the Central, but in a few days gave np through in- disposition and Herb Robertson now handles the rubber. The December Session of the Peace will open three weeks from Tues- day. His Lordship the Chancellor of On- tario opened the Chancery courthere stn Monday. 'There were five citses on the docket. which were soon cleared and most of them were of little general interest. The'last. three days of the past week were decidedly wintery. Ont, new grist mill is doing rt good business, and as its work is up to No, 1 standard it will continue fu the run. Mr. H. J. D. Cooke, barrister of Hen - still, was in the Circular Town lftst Wednesday. Mr. Richard Ransford was in the county town last week. Air. F. F. Lawrence hits been appoin- ted N. W. telegraph agent in Gude- rich and will continue in the office so long occupied by Mr. Harry Arin- strong,, for the present. The tug Evelyn, wits employed ' last week for I lie. purpose of taisingwheat. front the harbor, some ten thousand bushels it is said having been dunped into it when the bins broke. Pity Turkey next, Thtu•sday. At the meeting Of the 0'1110giate and :Model School Literal Society oil Fri- day evening the certif rites won by the studetlts at the uliifsutntter exauli-_ nation, the prizes given by the teacher find Medal given by the Rector of 5t, George's were presented to the winners. Mr. Strang presented the cert.if Bates and prizes, and his worship Mayor Shannon in a few, well cho"k-11 word:: presented the inedal. The Al;cyor knows how to inake a presentation ut a few words, and his happy eliort of Friday wits nisch c•1lem1-wl by Lhe studeut_s Bye the Itye, his worship agreed to give it medial siroifar to the cue promised by ltm% Jlork Turnbull, so that next year there will be two happy"tudents. Mr.5trall" spoke nt. souse lcugth in presenting the c0ttiff- cates. He said that though there \vert• over nrtc•hnndrml only. 'tit had boon won by pupil, of the Institute, the other, heloohing to students who merely wrote. al the Inslitute. Ifv said thin, flodmrich otigbt, like some other places, clitinl all who wrote within thin huilding, hut, unlike some other places it never d; 1. Ife Iheti Ow t, nleltl;oomd u Y^ct. that uol nor of lite students frou) t..,• school who wrote no tho higher pope..., i. e., Second turd fit sLcla,ses, and inalric•nhrtinu, failed, and that !n tho wotticulatilm eblsscs, it Goderich pupil was first in Ontario ill French .11il (,erloltrt and sovonlh it) English, 111)1 couhinod was fits[ in the Province in I n (lern laugnanes. 'There wits a good prograitote in addition to the presentations. (11•i's A Scoiteirpin. -A gentlemen who hail:+ from Godevich and who wheels under l.he engnonlen of George F. Emerson, whealed or rather flew into town on Fridav last. Ile hnre ovidence of a very rapid transit, and Its he alighted in front of the Review ofli::e he inquired the time: of day which was then 11:4. Ife informed the Review that lie left Goderich at 0:12 thus making the distance of 34 miles in 112 inintifes, making it. record of it ,nils in about, 31.3 miute.a. This .s Inrk travelling $ e enovh and undoqq)tod- ly hrenks the record in this district. –Kincardine Keview. BENCrrr CoNcli+air. ---In recognition of the generous services Miss 10j. An- drmws has so often rendered fn oar midst, IL committee on behalf of the musical circles of Godevich, will ten- der her a benefit concert on 'Thursday evening in Victoria Opera House. The programme will he. contributed by well known ladies and gentlemen, and a treat, is in store for all who attend. Admission, 2:5 emits. ic;ureka Council, No. 103 It. T. of T., which hits been Ineeting twice aruontil during tho summer, will sleet every Monday evening until fullbcr notice. S1 -i mn• 1'huul,:\us.–Nitmerons re- ports are to hand to the effect• that, shoddy peddlars are crtnvascing West- ern Ontario, and (lint, ninny farmers who linve been bitten by the 'rang are complaining about the way 6wy have heen robbers. A NTep RESIDENTIArr Bl.;()CK.–Next vvooI>,s I'730f33P3mODINE. The Great English Remedy. Sim Packanes Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently �y euro all forme of Nervous Weakness. Emisstans,Sperm. „ atorrhea, Impotency and all effects of Abusa or Eaieesses, Mental Worry, excessive use Before and After. of Tobacco, Opium or Stlmu• lrnta, which noon lead to In- ,flrmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early graver Fins been prescribed over 85 years In thousands of i casesl Is the only Rellable and Honest dledlolne known. Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodineilt he otters some worthless medicine in place of this, Inclose price In letter, send we will send by return mail. Price, ono package, Ear six, $5. One will please, stm win ours Pamphlets free to anyaddress. The Wood Company, Windsor. Ont., Canada OW -Sold fn Clinton and everywhere fn Canada by all responsible druggists. Com�e's Baking Powder We have this week placed in our Store a now Mixing Machine to be used in manufacturing our Pure Cream of Tarter Baking Powdev This Baking Powder has met with suoh continued success that we have decided to luauufacture it on a large scale, and hope to do the Baking Powder business of this county. TWELVE CLAIMS FOR OUR BAKING POWDER: ---- It is perfectly Affixed It surpasses all others for Purify It is composed of the finest and purest Cream of Tartar, and a special graJe of Bicarbonate of Soda. It is always reliable, is uut an experiment It has been before the public longer than any Druggist Baking Powder manufactured in this County It makes better and lighter biscuits than any other Baking Powder made Is of uniform strength and quality, Is ecellolllitial Is strictly iii) -to date Is sold under a positive guarantee And last of all fulfils every claim made for it. We will',be pleased to furnish free samples to any one who has not tested our Baking Powder, Put up in lb. end balf pound packages. Price 25c. per lb. 0 Jas,191111117 i C® e C lleistimist,anuact Ph by g Sitio° Supplies, &c. season the block between South and �UUk- Victoria streets oil the s8.'out.h side of Elgin avenue, will be one of the nicest residential blocks in town. In addi- tion dds I Around. ��� tion to the residences of Reeve Thowp- , rid a son, Dr. Whitely, and Jas. Stewart, four handsome two storey dwellings I oe00Does %00e.DOOm0/O®0s0000 are being elected, the builders being Reeve Thompson, W in. McLean, Nixon 1 r Z tlrf Sturdy, and Mrs. Harrison. ST. ANDREW'S.–The indications are ( it �Ji that St. Andrew'rl supper under the .I auspices of the' Sons of Scotland, at the Bedford Hotel, will be one of the best for many years held here, The list of speakers who are to respond to � F•" '1��� — I f p the torlsts includes gentlemen well 1�y qualified for entertaining social Bath- Brings, and the songs are in the. hands I �I� c of the best local talent, .It is expected that the haggis march will be full Ill ;'?� ; a')• piped. LEGAL NOTHS.–Sheriff Reynolds, as assignee of John MCNaugbton, on be. half of certain creditors, seeks to set – J nide a chattel mortgage made prior to '20'00 000006000000000000000othe actual assignment in favor of another anti named Green. The case There are places about your was heard before Justice Ferguson aft home where you need New Toronto, and judgment reserved. Furnditute. Perhaps it is a TutrY WILL. RESvivrE.–On the even- Bedroom Suite or a Parlor ing• of Thursday (this night), the 18th Suite, you know what you inst., the wenlbers of the Horticultur_ most desire. You will be at Society will Meet in County Clerk able to have what you Lane's office to commence their semi_ 'want sopplied.at small cost monthly discussions, Last winter at if you come to us. , the Society's meetings papers were 69609000 read oflowers, ve�eI,; es stud fruit. BRORDFOOT, BOX & GO., Although m the meeting is gotten rip by the Society, all who take an interest in Furniture D tilers flowers and fruit are welcome. and Undertakers, A NovEmnnit; WEDDING. -- Last Wednesday Alount, Pleasant in Code- J. VV ��� . CHIDLE'Y, Vlcll Township, the residence of Mr. Manager. Gentge Middleton, was the scene of of the nuptials of his much loved and �T �� �1y�(1 gyp popular daughter, bland A0win to purchased and ��'un. U. Let of tcttvn. (hyin4• n recent. bereavements in both families Only the tidos lfate relatives and one the Jewelry Busi- or two old fnir:rds were. present. 'rbc i'ou+r was gl:;cefully decorated with ferns and chrysantheniunis and with Ity� �yp p background of these the ccrcrnuy teas ness of the late perforated by Roy. AIark Turilbull. (� 1 , bl'1FIe was givblyl away by het fFLis I Jas. . Biddlecombe or, and assisted h • Ilii cousin, Miss (,� LLuii Marion Shephard, as bridestimid, while RIW. C. A. SL':lger acted FLS best olnn ta) I ant increasing the bridegroom. After the, cercoutnY g Alts. ,Middlet.on's hospitallle provision which wits dune full justice to, and eFn•nest the Stock and kindly, wishes for the welfare of will be found full the pair starting in their new lift given and responde3 to, The \wedding I and complete... dress twits Of electric Iliac fonlard re- lieved by pale pink chitFron, and the Intendiriig pur– fair Ill stood in excellent contrast to her brunette assistant, attired in chasers should silk of daffodil shot with violet. and SetC it v . velvet holero. The travelling costunle . ryas of u)ignonette cloth with white a wakicoitt and facing, of green velvet, o a hat and mantle to correspond. The 0000000000 happy couple left for the Fast iind after a short honeymoon will return to REPAIRING OF ALL reside in their new home by the lake. ® x Man and useful were the nesents tes- o BINDS DONE Y 1 ' rr tifytn„ to the esteem in which both , �0 AND SATISFACTION m Mr. and Mrs. Lee tore held by their 'D fg large circle of friends. The Inenlhels ® GUARANTEED. of St. James' church made it prerenta- o tion of a piayerbook and hymnal. also ®f1��®©®®®®o®® FL pair of Innidsonle candlesticks, evin- cing their love Fuld regret in losing the vnhtable services of one who has lived and worked anion ret there all her A. J.GRIGG life. Air. and Mrs. Lee arrivedrtt their house here ,Monday night. � CLINTON. Y 1111 } .f r ) "d'. •, , Our Stock of Rubber C -roods for the wet and sloppy weather is Full and complete. We. show one of the Largest and most complete Stocks in the Nest. We handle nothing but the most reliable Goods in the market. Come and inspect. "Nothing Like Leather" 1 -•0 -^®.ted 0.1► A- � JACKSON & JACKSON, The Noted Shoe Dealers, CLINTON. C �I