The Huron News-Record, 1897-11-18, Page 2i In 1three like her. Nobody kin see how TWO PICTURES. Thp Il i!ren News•Reeora shL- kin do it. Some thinks she has a I 1897 New Dried Fruits 1897, machine, but nobody can't get no - - - Y1.U0 a year, to Aavanaa. further into her house than the fj'Ont tl One Rioh, Bright and Cheerful; the room late years, and nobody can't find PUY& It 11 ERY Other Gloomy, Dark and Muddy. Ra1S1YlSS—Ma�ajra, Valencia and Sultanas. THURSDAY, Novumimtt 18th, 1897, out nothiu , _- _ At about 12 o'clock one night the Currants -Flhatra8 and Fine Vostizzas. Fort California Prunes and Elime Figs. -'- next week my door bell rang furiously, � Forty-five samples of colored c•luth and when I went down I found Cal FARM DAIRY. are shown on the Diamond Dve sample Cal V"npoPt Vanport waiting for me. His face card, from which can be produced over CROSU and BLACKWELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron. U P ' was pale and he was evidently much Description or a some Oreamery VMery one -hundred gond solid colors, Every NUTS -Filberts, S, S. Almonds and Walluuts. excited He said his mother was very Nancy Butter Is Made. dyed sample is full rich, brilliant and and he hoped I'd hurry. I Pound her fast, showing jauayt what any woman of COOKING FIGS for 60, a 111. NICE OLD RAISINS for 6c. a lb, nut nearly so bad o8' as Cal had feared, In nearly all oases where there is a ordinary intelligence ranee can do with llia- At 22, Cal Vanport, six feet tall, though she would hrtye to ata abed creamery in the neighborhood it pays Mond Dyes, This is picture ui caber ---Road uartorB for- - strong, swarthy and handsome, was kit I some days, and preparing scene medi- farm people to send their milk or tile- once the most interesting and the Y+ P p g P P nine with my own hands, I gave it oream to it to be worked n Still The common inittation dyes, And TEAS, SUGARS, CROCKERY GLASSWARE AND LAMPS ulnar unpopular dwelt wiharacterth in all North Cal instructions for giving it and start,- e dyes composed of soap grease as it t ' Pisa, N. Y. He dwelt with hi Y rutil- there are asses where a well equipped :: J■ �. �� ed to go. Cal followed me into the principal ingredient, show but kt dozen T� p er, It by birth, washerwoman by ard. home dairy is the tiling to be desired. or tll'teen colors, anci so imperfect il) McKay, Block, trade, and relict of the only Pure y Where private customers can be obtain. color tone and power that tilt, sulall ��Clinton. blooded H ]lander ever known ill the "Nobody must know mother is sick, i village, ir�rt whitewashed Cottage he said, earnestly, "and I'm going, to collection looks gloomy, despotdeut fronting a little -used side street. tell you why. Doctors have to keep and sickly to any individual with a Aside front Deacon ()"Cott, of the it good many secrets, and I guess you tures for the beautiful. This is pie- 1 Freewill Baptist church, who wits too call keep mine.Cure number two. Robsons Snow -flake Baking Powder old to work, and besides had a little To those in doubt we stay, send yor —� mono laid h•, and old John Tum- Then Cal Vanport told ore his own 1 1III address to Wells & Richardson, C o., y > sten It took hint an hour kir more, � ( Ill• Ia absolutely pure, is Canadian, is economical, is a high de linson, who lived it) a bit, white house Y , 1luntreal, for a color card of Diaukon , 8 R but it uutde him more interesting to Dyes; it will be sent free. Baking Powder, with It you can use lees shortening, you can use across frons the post office and was I y' ' '+ rich, being worth $10,000 at least, and rrre than ever, turd it7Von for hire :L de- I The Diamond Dyes being the easiest fewer eggs. One Ib. Can for twenty-five carte. Those who have Inaybe Illuro Cal was the only grown voted friend. A month or six weeks t to dye with give all the grand results , used it Bay it is equal to any 50c. Powder, later -talon in the fall call North asPisa in beauty arid fastness in Color that Now Raisins New Currants New figs, Finest Teaa Monsoon Japan's, Young nlxn u) the occupation. Nilo seemed Lu have knew Cal later-along story as well as 1 no regular occupation. did, arid when the facts came cTTaa.(; he 1 heart can possibly desire. g "Yon see, doctor," Jab9z Ruggles, took a new position in the couuttunity ---- -- - - Hyson14 Highest prices paid for good Butter and Eggs, the wagon maker, explained to toe it once. one day, soon after I began practising Itis understood that filo Reichslug N Robson, Grocer, Albert St., Clinton. Ili North Pisa, "Cal ain't got no glullp- It all happened at a party- given at will be asked tot- it vote of three mil. i,`tl • son 1 tion. let fact, he's-wal, what you Squire Woodmansie s home to celebra- lion marks for naval improvement. might C:.11 shitless. He don't never tion, so it was understood, of an en- FARM BUTTER ROOM. The Supreme Court yesterday Ad - work noire at all, 'ceptin' when the gagetuent to marry that had at last. ed who will give a first rate price for juill nee} until December 0, for the put'- beansare ripe. 'Then he does go out been arranged between iitelen and fancy butter it will pay farm people to pose of tendering judgement on cases CLINTON SASH, DOOR, and BLIND FACTORY into the lield and pull, sometimes, Billy Fincheuer, the fruit farmer. now under advisement. though he didn't hast year. When he's Everybody of any standing Ili North take ex tra pains with rite butter. They it inin' to lee kill du more wui k'n any- Pisa and ,wound about for, miles was have control of the quality of the milk ----------- -. _. ___ -_. _ body l know, for- he's the ahlebodiest invited, and everybody came, for such a and cream, and every facility is in their 1i �1 —a .Islam :11,01111(i here, but you never, see social gathering was rare enough there. own hands. �ll,ol oil hl Grateful S. ry �,f hill) it pit.chim' no hay, ltor a-wurkin' in Of course I, being the village doctor, g y t S. S• `J OoPFjR, Proprietor. no ItArvest field; nor even such men as was invitedµ with the others, and, of Mr, Jared Van Wagenen, Jr., furnish - Super visor- Bulger or Deacon War•boys course, I went, though I at rived late es to The Rural New Yorker the de - is ulferil)' two an' a half a day to save and went away early, being called to scription and illu4tations of such a General Builder and Contractor.`" their' crops. attend it patient. In spite of the rumorAl R. STEPHEN BELISLE GLADLY "No, sit; he'd dr•uther live on his thele was no formal announcement, model family butter making dairy. we TELLS HOW H1+: WAS CURED. This factory Arr been under, the personal supervision and ownership f d nor old woman than to work, all' believer all the men winked knowingly make some extracts from the pleasant eight years. titi e carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plane and about all he does is to go'u Kit the whenever they saw Billy Filehenel• In story. give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the his Sunday go -to -meeting clothes and Mr. Van Wa enen says: closest prices, All work is supervieed in a mechanical wayand satisfaction alU'e6 111 'L BkISICIt Before abet wkLSlleS g Y AFTER IpT1IEIL REMEDIES FAILEll TO the tight boots, froal which he was suf-arantoed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. 'esu, au' keiry 'stn home af(erwards' el ingseverely. The supposed Bride-tv- GeuerallyI think the preferable lona- HELP x1af, DIL. WILLIAMS'' I1Nic PILLS g Y oil kin See till a-doin' that every tion for the farm dairy room will be MADE I1111f A HEALTHY bIAN. O, be seemed quite of sorts when I rile her, Lumber Lath Shingles, Lime Sash Doors Blinds Etc. n)uruin' au' every night reg'lar. What + I � , , , he does in the Meddle of the day is it and L wondered if, down iu her, heart, within or attached to the rear of the she Nus thinking of Cal Vanport. dwelling house. Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK manufactured mysL'ry Lu everybody. Soule clays he g From filo Montreal herald. . + nes it-fishin', but that's mostly on It was kill hour past midnight when It was after a good deal of thought iu Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing our orders. Sundays• Week days he gen'ally I rdrurned to the village front the Down on William street the bulk of P g Y sheLs )tnself up in the house jest. to, drive to attend nl patient, sed I that our own dairy room was located in Y' P ribs butter and cheese trade is dune loaf, T s'puse, I sh'd think ')would noticed as I drove past Woodnnansie the house instead of the barn, and on and itis there that the Montreal cold I hint 'shamed to hear the sound house, that its windows were still the whole we have never regretted the storage and freezing courpany's mium- of the sernbbiu, when his mother's to brightly lighted, though the guests decision. But wherever located it is of Moth building is located. IL (lie skill). work over the washboard an' he's were rapidly going home. As I drove Iter time, when exLensive shipments slow) b I caught sight of a tall prime necessity that it be constructed If you want laym' round, a doin' uuthin'. Y Y g g are being made, the big block is a veri- '"Some days the boys 'll git mad 'n broad -shouldered figure standing in the so as to be affected as little as may be table bee bive. Severin well known run hill) out, unless he braces up and deep shadows of a small shrubbery. by outside temperature -i. e., it should exporting firms have their warehouses - It was the figure of Cal Vanport. - be cool in summer and easily warmed in this buildin arid one of then) is goes to work. When that happens It a North Pisa'll git a notice in the noun- Suddenly there was it cry from the in winter, and the same methods in Wm. T. Ware&Co. There head ware - try paper, sure." house, then a bright light and long building will secure both results. This house man is Mr. Steyhen Belisle, who, Ins me of the wa on maker's storytongues of flames began to leap from means that it should have at least one ;is his name indicates, is a French - the windows. In an iucreditable short or, better, two dead air spaces in the Canadian and in the prime of lite. If P time the entire upper part of the ever there was a grateful man of the without knowing More concerning walls, separated by boards and building hill), and 1 invited talk about him house wits ablaze. In an instant there It should have no more face of the earth to -day that nkat i, Nas the wildest confusion, Men and Paper. Stephen Belisle, After suffering in- fronl various village magnates. Bolt Lvomen ran screaming from the burn. or doors than needed, and the windows describable agonies for several months, ■ ' ■ ■ ■ the testimony thus gathered was all ill structure, and there were frenzied should be refected b shutters or hese of uue Sorl.. It WASClear Lhat all the g '. P Y y he is iloN the picture of health and men of North Pisa both hated and enquiries for this one and that one. curtains, The inside would better be of feels that it is his duty to tell tell the dispised him its an utterly NorLhless All seemed to be accounted for- when ceiling stuff, either Georgia pine or any world how he was restored to health , suddenly the cry: • Where's Billy softwood aintedsomeli ht cream color, and happiness. Mr. Belisle explained AHI IDA 10 101ID9 b vagabond. The feeling of antagonism P g between Cal and his kind, however, Filchener?" was raised. The next The floor should be of cement or well his troubles, now fortunately a thing wits "like a jug handle, all on one illinute he was seen in a second -storey oiled matched pine or oak. The cement of the Past, to it reporter of the side," its I found when 1 Came w know window, to which he had struggled, floor is the most expensive, but if a sat- Herald recently. "My work called gaepmg for breath, and with his me to all parts of the wiuehousa," him personally. if ever r here vies a el ,Liles. on fire in half a dozen places. isfactory job is done will be best. Ce- said he "and sometimes I went into, DWI whd bore nobod • ill it was Cal It e had not been scat ed out of his mart floors, however, are often poor onor- Cal Vanport, and before I had toet either P the freezing room without lily coat or Cal kir his mother face to face, I per- senses he would have jumped and account of cracks and depressions due cap of and then back to the other ceived that some of the women of the saved himself, for he was not more to lack of skill in making. parts of the warehouse to the warmer lace held the nun man in beLter than 1'l of 15 feet from tilt: ground, Unless econoiny compels, even a small atmosphere. About a year ago I be- TT P g but as it was, he teas as bel less As it come ver ill with •L con) lication kit' , e. Try THE 1V EWS-RE- esteent. P ' dairy room should be supplied with a Y P he had Beau a thousand feet up. � diseases. I was suffering with indi- s" . "'they nray say all the mean things steam engine, Its advantages aro so r �t CORD Office. Our the want about, Cal Vanport.,' said It was then Lal Vanpoat came to many, especially that of having stearal gcation, bi.iousness and the resulting Y P the front. Knowing him as f had nervons disorders such as sick head - Mrs. Aliggs, the sturdy old blacksmith's for heating water and disinfecting all ` ` �71TQI'k 1S good and aurae to know hint, 1 should not have -whe and loss of appetite. 1 begiur ell's, who had two grown sons t, her utensils. Of course the engine should doctoring, but I seemed to grow worse awn, "Anel I won't den ell<tt it, dues leen surprises} at what followed had g+ g s, Y it been Lhe girl that was in danger. I be partitioned off to avoid dirt and every day. I slept very little, and as �� look like ii hall potatoes std few in a rices right. hill 1'ar him to live cm his mother's uuast confess, however, that under the noise and, above all, fire heat from the tions wept on I was not able to do any � p g earnin's its lieears to; but they'd be circumstances I was thoroughly dazed. boiler in summer. work, and even the exertion of moving P y Sorne happier mothers in North Pisa There were no bidder's handy, and The churn and bettor worker should about would fire me out. I hada very handl time to raise them if there had poor a )ettite and what food I ate. did it all the sons was like him. I know Y be near each other and placed as seems P p! some young men in this village that been, for Filchener had evidently most convenient. Near the churn should not agree with tile. I also suffered work hard enough and sieve their tainted tend if re. cued at all trust be be a washing sink, supplied if possible frpxi a severe pain in (he hack land g rescued quickly. Ciel saw that tun g II P side. During that, time I had tried money that ain't near so kind to their fin,,h, and instead of waiting to discuss with running spring water. It should nlluly medicines bkit`ttiey giave Me m) mothers as he is. When illis' Va° things with atyune, he whipped ort be near rho churn, so that the water relief. 1 had become sn weak and niy �� You subsep"bep Port was younger an, Cal will out t ' to school au)' she used to go Dart to has coat,, threw it over his head to pro- can easily be taken to wash filo butter. system was so run down that life w•:ae welsh, which she don't do no more, she tett himself trout st)uke and flame as As near as possible to the buttes worker it buiden to n r'.. I was Advised told ►tie he never spoke ",I sassy word to its much as possible, and rushed should be the table on which to wrap to Lry Dr. 'Wii, ons Pink I ills, straight into the hurtling house. There which I did Nit.) extremely hene- her in his life. I whist everybody f, 1' print bettor. A marble slab is the or- - were ells of: '•Wil its Cal Van )Ort 1 ficial results. I commenced taking To The News -Record. . could say ;is lunch, ter thea• boys. I y' ,,, y' F thodox thing fora fancy dairy, but a •Mold rn r tan yistidd ' ' Stop him?" aid the like; and while the pills about Christ;n,is tittle And y y y, An at made hila clean wooden table servos the purpose read that some folks I knot, would these words were still sounding, Cal now I am fearing so good that 1 =� be williu' to have their boys is himself appeared at the window aVith Perhaps quite as well. Over tho wash- thought it my clrity to write the little lazier if they could onlysay what Filchenernr nlsarms. ing sink pure wator and live steam proprietors of Dr. William' Pink Pill, ,Its' Vanport kin, but they can't" 'she Then Cal disappeared to fight his should be on tap. Water can be heated and let thein know how e::t••elnely uncluded, in a tont; clear) showing it, wily down the stairs to life and air simply by turning a jet of steam into grateful I Am for the cure their, medi, y' o ltguin, fur lie dare not jump with his it, or the disagreeable noise thus pro- cine has effected in tire. I had (liken esy I n r confidential, which 1. ware "" only sax boxes when my condition of heavy burden. 1 though he Nuulel duced ettn be avoided b having a sac- Y ONE GIVES )r�El:..)(E)r. .ally ignored by promptly bidding her, Y g health wits A, paradise to what iL had ;;cud -day. never get out, but he did, though if tion tie," enabling one to draw astream ' P seetued hours before he staggered been for some months previims. Air. The more 1 heard about the washer- of water nearly to the boiling tompera- througlr the fluor with Filcheuef, soul_ Belisle is a quiet unassuming man •Lod � woman's shiftless sun, the more 1 liked paraLlvely unscathed. It had all taken ture without much noise. evidently not given to over, e nthus- "®lad•him, somehow, and the wit omniaker little more time than it takes to read The first illustration shows the in- iasul, but there was no mistaking his D®nSpend 1 told me a story two or three days later tt, and the "shif'less loafer" got round torior of the dairy room. This room is earnestness when recounting his ex - that added to lily interest. a ter round of the heartiest, cheers. fitted up in the rear of the house with perience to the reporter. He will for "There goes the girl that Cal Van- But although Filcheua•r was safe always be it firm believer in Dr. Wil - port wants to marry," said Ruggles, and sound, Cal was painfully hurt. A liarns' Pink Pills. I standing in front of his shop and broad red gash across his face Showed r � Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure byMedichs-ale pointing :across the street to a tall, that lie would probably be a handsome l_I going to the root of the disease. They good-looking young woman, undoubt- man no snore, and the moment after renew and build up the blood, and edly the handson)est in North Pisa. he was relieved of Fitchener's weight, K R strengthen the nerves, thus driving until you have tried "Yes, she is the daughter of Squire he staggered and .tell unconscious. 1 disease from the system. Avoid imita- Woodinansie, and when she was its had jun)pted from my buggyand I ran tions by insisting that every box you the same school here in the village to him, but Helen Woudwanske was purchase is enclosed in it wrapper filial Cal went to, the two got to think- there before rue: and she daLstied water, ��('9., a N bearing the full trade mark, Dr. Wit - in' a tot of each other. Of course her brought front the well, into Cal's face, +t plianas' Pink Pills for Pane People. r folks didn't like the idea of her Marry- while I hastily bound up the gash be F in' a washerwoman's son, and so they fore taking him to the little while- - sent her away to school for a year or washed cottage, which wits not fill - Mr. Blair, Minister of Tini)eays, two. At that time most folks kinder away. Helen went with it )c to the cut- E y signed, on behalf of the I)ominton sympathized with Cal, but now tinge and insisted on remaining lvhile I Government, ;t lease of Chs i)ruuuuund he's gruwed up so shiPless like completed the dressing of his wounds. County railwil.y. they don't no more. Her folks is It wits Helen also,, Of all the North OROUN1) PLAN OF BUTTER ROOM. a-tryin' to git her to marry Billy Pisa folks, who fiest learned what I DimmneionRof matnrooln,10by9feet. D- Filchener•, lite berry fanner. Ice's a had found out Smme time before. Mre. Door through whieb m; is is brought in and - You can buy them Int e paper 5 -cent cartons likelychap, with his land most paid Vanport had ;t washing machine, 111- talconout. W—Doortofuelsupply. ll" -Door ter, but somehow Helen, she , don't Heed, but it was human and not tt'uod to engine room. D"' -Door from engino room XDAUSTD seen) to care much for, him. a al Van- and iron, and its name tens Cal. His to dwelling. D-' -Door from dairy room pROSTRATED to ,. Ten Tabules for Five Cents. dwelling anal to refrigerator. S—Reparator. rOr'1. ;,0n't got no chaucet, though, and rnother s health had long been so bad C—Churn. A—Washink Rink, with running — n" pori is put up cheaply to gnal 2ffy the unlyer.present dai rad for a row prtoa Ie ally, a -t ryin' none, neither; he ain't, that he dare not leave ]lel' alone; And water and Rtoam at hand. LL—Line shnft, 10 got enoughggumption. I heard hire besides; he had found Lha) with his feetlong, hung toreiling. R—Cream ripening NO SLEEP -NO REST. ) tell 'Squire Woodmansie right here great strength, lie could earn more at can. T—Table on which to wrap print butter. If you dont find this sort of in front of my shop one night about the washboard than to the Ileld, and J-13uttor worker. HH -Two rows of shelves LL do not appreciate a year Ago that he shouldn't try to all the titne be had been held to be a for Rmall dairy .tools and Babcock test. N— I the words of John O. see Helen no more. I thou ht they'd ••shif'less loafer," be had Actually been Drain in floor. 1: -Engine. F -Fuel storage. 110, bless, the sang, n who Wipans be a fight ►halt ni ht. Tile�Squire he saving money with which in time he cmnent floor and coilod with matched first Invented sleep:" TabullEv.5 called Cal a ehif less loafer, right to meant to ge away from North Pisa ba sswoodmuted light cream color, But appreciation Is P not wantlilg to those his face and swing his big cane real and begin ell over again, •with the en ine room lathed and las- threatenin' like. Then the Squire said 'Phis+ts about all thele is to tell about g p /i 1 who have suffered as q tc;red. .d liens. White, of tlnrnA��� Druggist's Helen didn't think no more of Cul than the case kit' Cal Vanport, except that 'Ip � Township Ont., n•hoLh�A ayellow dog. (JAI kep'still till then, but he got well in good Line, that he was The best method of cooling print but- becnnle so Ill with At LhkLL he picked the 'Squire up just ever attertvttrds the roust x> mlktr rmari ter is of importance. 'A large rofrigera- nervous troubles that, to e)uote her bro. l 1 ther, Mr. Douald Meftne, a well-known re- sit' he's been it baby an' kerried him im North Pisa, and that when Helen tor, sufficient to store 200 to 80o pounds silent of that Illustrious section of North tint in the street, a-kickin' ktit' G- Woodrnansle was married Billy Filch- of buttor at once, can be purchaiied for Ontario: "My sister had not alet,) n night Send Five Cents to Tim RtPANs CHF-MICAL COMPANY, No. 10 wi in' -like all possessed. enev wits not the brides rr•oona. from f'26 to e•b0 ttud \will robabl an- for over three months. She could net have k Spruce St., New York, ancT•they will be sent to you by mail; or gg 1 b D P Y stood this much longer, and It was only J' "It was their Cal said Ile shouldn't ewer tho purpose. The cream must, of when death seemed Imminent that Soutli 12 cartons will be mailed for 48 cents. Th: chances are ten to try to see the girl. But he told the ` +. , crn)rso, be cooled as soon as so Grated, American Nervine become the good phy. Q one that Ripans Tabules are the very medicine you ncefl. TIIO.-I' WORRYING} PILES. P slclan. After taking the flrst dose of the eu,aa 'Squire that. he'd better not mention --- and this is best -done by running it into Nervine she slept all night, nod gained ber name to him no more when he One application of Dr. A new's Oint- "shotgun" cans and sinking in a cold no sign until Itperfectly well, IRrin has dew a was n-speakin' about yellow dogs if he PP g wanted to keep out of trouble, an' the hent will give you comfort,. Applied well or in ice water. In our own easel a fill tnedleine in the severest eases of ner• -- - --- P every night for three to six nighG9 and disused well two rods from tate dairy vousness, and the greatest flesh-hufldor to huire she) right up An' went hotne. a cure is effected in the niost stubborn be Lound nnywhere in the world. --26• The Hamilton Board of Trade has does sometimes have it, bit of s )kink mora door contains water at about 47 There is a possibility of the Mon sent a memorial to the members of in him, but you'd think he'd Ile' kiln- cases of blind, bleeding or itching puss. g, 1t, Co. treat rolling mills moving to some I the Dominion Government to favor h degrees, into which cream is lowered. Aoki by Watts c in to let his mother k h d hard an, Dr. Agnew'a Ointment cures eczema - - ` lie do do et his n'. Why, say, the wash- And all itching and 4nvai►ig diseases. - Eastern Ontnrirl town before long. of the passage of a Dominion Insol- Ings that little old wumxn'll do in one It acts like magic. 35 cents, -Bold by THE NEWS-RECORDFOR$1.00TO 7 rentor is making a big bid for the (vency law. day sometimes big enEND OFough Per two or Watts & Co. works. 'f}8. 7 J iy� { d:� .• . .�.. ".,A�t,.._ _ -•. �....,...a„�"1'�'' ....�,._�,i,. � ��. a".li....� �...-. _ .�.,.�.r_.�=_.__�._ �c - 1 ."...��.. ......__..,.�;.�.._.�..�> ,..moi ,_... --- — -- — ��•. �:�:�� t t. p�l