HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-11-18, Page 1ssMEL w, TIE 0 ti �NEWS RE�)ORID# ,0 . TOLLBI8—$1.00113, Advaneo,. Y^' INDRPAND&NT IN ALL THING S—BRUTAXL IN NOTHING} W.J. MITCHELL, Editor sad Pseprictor. VOL. XIX CLINTON-. HURON COUNTY, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1897. W ROLE NO. 990 1 Town Tonics. �hampagme. W. DU & Co. ripped four of erg carloads of organs to i4verpool last rr week. Adisthaguleho,l physiolan writes: "Cham• YOU read THE NEws-RzCORD. Are T plague is a true stimulant to mind and you a subscriber? Only one dollar to body alike, rapid, volatile, transitory and end of next year. n harmiess. Notbing comforts and rests the p stomach better, or is a greater antldute to SEXTAN BENTLEY oil Friday Y*T plitced nausea." Poor Champagne being, or on the broken lock on St. Pain's porch t dont- b to new one, the third in as 1 vinous beverages, the m ,et pernicious to y the health. our stock contaiues only the many weeks, brands of which we can guarantee the THE Tax Collector insists upon all quality. The best wines come chiefly from taxes lei nI; paid before December 14th g the district of Champagne, France. and further states that delinquents c will have costs added. i Lack Kennedy MRs, BIDDLECOMBE has put a plate r glass front in the jewelr store oc- THEi. CLINTON LIQUOR STORE. copied by Mr. Grigg which enables a Phone 54. A. J. to display his fine stock to still better advantage. o To be Given Away. MR. W. MURPHY, just without the t A 1l`3 Piece Cltina Dinner Set corporation limits, is moving this week into his new residence" which re out January 3rd, 1898 . • • pplaces the one destroyed by fire last To the person guessing the nearest to the number May. He will be cosily demociled. in the scaled envelope. 'rhe number is not known t even to ourselves, Mr. A. J, Allan having put it in HAVE you ever noticed that when the envelope and seated the same. Y,mr guess is put you meet a doctor he says: : "How are on aduplicate ticket, the p..rt with your name and y �� y guess is put in a sealed box, you keep the other, and you A newspaper Irian i.,quires, on 3rd Janaar.v, 18`08, the tickets in the box will be 'What do you know?" But the, law- a gone over by Mr. Allan and .Air• A. Porter and the er hits on Ol] the back and a aclrltLLea, one bearing the number nerve t the one in the en. Y y J vetoppe will win the Set, The China Dinner Set ix on asks,ave tare c)you going?re(lAnd cher ezh ition in our North Window awl someono will be fort wateenough to get it—Why not you. this is the hardest one to answer. One Guess goes with every 50c B. AURRAY, of Montreal, and H. f Cash Purchase from now to Day, Wingham, were at the Ratten- Jauuar ' 1st, bury Rouse last Thursday and pur- y chased eight horses, all big blocky animals and intended for the lumber TO GUESS COSTS ..YOU fVOYHic■ Woods. The prices paid were good, l DAdvertheng costs monoy but we believe ails Is s• the seller in almost every ease getting cheap way to advertise. some will (von er, amd we have been asked how wo will maks up the price if his own figure. the Set, We will Just say we expect to 40 that much extra trade—Prices and Quality guaranteed. THE good prices being }laid by the Come in and examine tho Dishes and remember produce and grain dealel•s ]leve is, hav- that every too left with as gives you a chance to win ing the. effect of drawing trade from the set. the district:; adjacent to surrounding berm towns. And wfren the farmers near• I t kers what lie has to sell in Clinton, it THE CASH CROCER 1, is only natural that Ile feels disposed GLS COOPER ®' to inesnrllZp its (heCCl]ar dile otber business urea. The tiller of the soil ® Phone 23. can not only sell well, but lie can also buy well in this town. of Clinton. Cash paid for Good Butior and Eggs. TIIF, Guild of St. Paul's church are Arranging for a series of lectures and 1897 .n,.YOVrjVfFE&— 18-97 entertainments to be held during the �vM MoM TvE, WED. Tu. 2 -RI aGr, winter months. On next 1londay rwm„�r P 2 F'T evening the first of the series will he iuen in the S. S. roon) when Rev. F. 2' 8 9 to 9f x2 _ilj G. Newton, of Strathroy, will lecture 5 �1 qj' 10 11 .)� CIl "�1(,w to p1113 Jamil it (,•ti 111�1•ll and r 4 ,Geo '26 2Z, how to build it a ).' This is certainly ,,„, , ,,,,Q,, ..., r„o..a a lecture worth Baring. Instead of 2(5 29 C70 eta an admission fee there will be a silver collection taken up at the door, so that ff �y ` o every oue who wishes may attend. � cI AVE �-`r �, r r 6• THE Union meeting of the Ontario and I2,attenbury street Leagues, in the In tlnti Around the ]tub, Ontario street church, on Monday evening, (vas one of the most enjoy- able Meetings that has been held for All the Local News that's fittoPrint, Some time. The progi-alun)e,which Was WANTRD.-1�Ot(at00i, Apples, Pours. high- given by the Rattenbory League, 1Vas est rice yidlItAtON•ri;rct;i'les, s, thoroughly en,joyccl, It consisted of a p 1?' Bible reading on Thanksgiving incl f malate 111 Ulr. for M of gviartettes, ducts -- ` nd solus. ThLmeetingfor nextMoutlay J. IRELAND has changed Ills dairy will be in charge of the Missionary from W. Weir's farm to B. Churchill' committee. ED. WATSON, Blyth, shipped a car THE Cricketers are waking prepar •- load of lambs to Buffalo from Clintons tions for a hig concert to he given in station last Friday. the town hall on Thanksgiving night. The beat of local talent, and possibly MR. FELIX HANLON bas sold his some from outside ],point., will contri- d'welling on Princess St. to James hate to the programme. The Club is Flynn. deservlug of it generics pittronage, for DON'T forget the lecture In St. Paul's not only does it pot up cricket. which church S. S. room at 8 o'clock on Mon- is acredit to Clinton, hat it is training the youngsters so well thiel, the next day (22nd) evening. n will be both generation may be able to do even instructive and amusing. Silver col- better with bat and ball than the pre - lection. sent. THE Thanksgiving supper to be giv- UN'ruesday morning death claimed en by the Rattenbury street Methodist another of our pioneers. in the person church next Tuesday will be followed of Mrs. James Johnson, who had reach - by a better-than-es'er progn.mme. No ed the ripe old age of eighty-two years. effort is being spared by the manage- The deceased was a native of C`onnty nient to make the evening an enjoy- Tipperary, Ireland, but for forty-six able one. vears and until 1801 dwelt in Goderich THE correspondents of THE NEws. township). Tht :e her husband died in IiEI`URD rare doing splendid work, but 18N3, 1l is w, the first empty cll lir some sections etre not yet represented. and the ffi:yt. interment in the family The co-operation of the old friends of: plot in the Holmesville cemetery, but The P'eople's Paper is particularly re- now that the good old mother, too, quested in such places. has gone, there are four. For sonic. tinge Mrs. Johnson has been in poor UxioN Thanksgiving services will be health so that the end was not un( -x - held in Rattenbury St. Methodist pected. •The funeral will take place church at 11 A. ru. on the 25th inst., this afternoon. when Rev. Mr. Clement will preach. A collection will be taken up for Tule meetings conducted by Ensign charitable purposes, and Mrs• Wakefield, the new officers who have recently taken charge of the OwrN a to the illness of the night- Army operations in thi9 town, are in- watchman,been s' interest, r- wat.chrnan, Chief Wheatley hiL9 cr(a ing inseveral scour doing double duty for several days. cions hiavmg t.itken place lately. Uapt. It is not making hint any the less good- George Snaith, the advant• agent for natured though, or reducing his the S. A. Marine Band, was in town avoirdupois. this week making arrangements for the visit of the banal which will con - MR, JAMES CLUlir, one of the pio- (lnct at groat. musical entertainment on neer•s, died yesterday morning At the Monday evening next, Nov. 22nd. residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Robert The band is composed of first-class Miller, of the Base Line. Mr. Cluff musicians and is reported to be one of hall long passed the allotted span of the finest travelling bands the Army life. He was well and favorably has ever organized. The Salvation Tho s • tl lh . tar c.ri district. know in this a Array work of He.1F Denial takes. place will leave at 11 o'clock, a, III., friday from Nov. 21st to Nov. 27th. Ensign for the Seaforth cemetery. Wakefield fund local corps lire anxious to raise $80 by this effort.' TNI, Morden (Man.) Chronicle, of Fr cosi-, Nov. 11. --"The Fingal form which, by the way,, the editor is an old dr owned h p Clinton boy, in its issue of the 31d inst. y y Messrs. Alae hersort had the following: ---The Rev. Mv. Co., manufacturers of threshing mach Hartley has accepted the call foto the inery, wits burned to the ground t.bi Roland and Clegg Presbyterian con- morning. The fire broke out in th gregations. A meeting of the Presby- paint shop abont 4.30 o'clock. Th tery will he held in, Roland on Tuesday fonn(lrq had been closed'up for Severn 2.3rd inst., for Mr. Hartley's ordination Weeks and the origin of the fire is and inducation. mystery. Macpherson t& Co.'s work. are the main support of the village, BuTclinn FiTz8lmON8 cot up a The burned building was fairly wel big buck deer Monday and venison insured." This is the second fire th stews, stakes and rousts were plentiful Messrs. Macpherson have had, the firs about town. The hack tipped the taking place in IPM, The works NSerE scales at 100 pounds and was the heav- established in 1848 and the (Tinto lest Mr. Fitzsimmons ever handled fonnclry, an -offshoot, in 1862. Thenar here. It was killed in the Muskoka located here because of its bein Woods, a victim of Ed. Cantelon's skill the centre of to fertile a Stretch o ,with the rifle. The head Ed. will have country. During all these years prac treated by a taxidermista.nd preserved tically the only changes made in th as a trophy of his hunting trip of V7, flim title were caused by death. 'Town Topics. o o THE TWO Ad'S, m OANTELON BROS. Imide large ship. Purely Personal Mention. rents of roll and tub butter to the — We are offeringWe have an excellent Maritime provinces on Friday and uesday lust. The Weekly Record of the Comings This week Range of.... OWING to concert9 and other engage- and Goings of Clintonians or r tents of the members there will be no Two Special Linos O VEROOA TS ractiae of the Choral Society next Persons Known to 'them, • week, but the churns is requested to urn nut full strength on Tuesday fol - owing. Miss McHar•dy spent part of last Of Underclothing At from $5 to $10 week in Teeswater. OWTN(i to a misunderstanding re- 'which would be ardiug time and place the meeting of Mrs. Andrews visited Mrs. D. Johns, Which have been received good value at r� town, Liberal -Conservative Asso- Exeter, last week, *pon announced for Tuesday even- Dr. Bruce and A. M. Todd were in direct from the mills. we more money. ng has been postponed until to -mor- Bayflelcl Thursday. ow (Friday) evening. Time, 8 o'clock; quote place, Orange Hall. All Conservatives Miss Jackson, brussels, is a guest at A F ew—� re cordially invited to attend. Mr, P. Cantelon's. r Miss Kennedy, Guelph, is visiting 't�UltB for (5C wOI'tll $1 MY'S ryTr�mryco suit bl interest vs. Proctor, Mrs. W. G, Dohert SUITS f considerable interest to Goderich y p5Ult9 Scotch WOOL fol• $1 ownship people where the interested Mrs. S. H. Rance is the guest of her piarties live, bad it hearing in Goderich son, Captain Rance, Bl7th. worth $1.25 I Left, r'el'y elleal). Our Or - Monday. Several witnesses were ex- Mr. Tltna. Ross, Win ham, was in aurined, but the argument wits post- Wingham, airs Woolen Socks for 26c dered Cool= Department i6 in poned. It will take place in Toronto. town last week. p Mrs. ,Proctor was not able to attend Mr. E. Munroe, Goderich, was in Leather Braces 35c a pair. I fill] swing. We think our he trial owing to illness, town on Sunday. f Do you need anything in Gloves. Values are right. THE tramp fraternity ars more than ilii. Herb. Cook, St. Thomas, is visit - ever cheeky this fall and act as if in- ing friends in town. HOLLOWAY, tilted if put off with iL "hand-out.” Mr. John 'Kennedy is now on the A..� . MO�,�IsH. A, J, Plain bread and butter alone dues not satisf them tat all; they ask for well- list of convalescents. y CLINTON, CLINTON. cooked meats and freshly -brewed tea. Mrs. D. Fraser and daughter, Tees - In short, they tire becomingan intoler- Witter, spent it few days with friends— Lble nuisance and pest measures will in town last week. yPt have to be adopted for their bene- Mr. W. Young, Goderich, was the fit• guest of Mr, and Mrs. T. O. Cooper Your Winter Oaerz-Gloat THE Juaior Garden referred to in Sunday. ast week's issue promises to Lisp one of Miss Mable Cluff and Miss Lillie the events of the season. It is an ex- Hudic spent a few days of last and this eI-else which was given by the Junior week visiting friends in IViciiillop. If bought here will be satisfactory in every detail, well Endeavorers at. the+ hit.eruational Coll- ventionl held in San Francisco last. Mr. Iirarvy Cole, who has been par- 111�t1e, g0ol{ ii, and not costly, %ire have one of the l)ig— July before an audience of 10,000 peo- chasing apples in Prince Edivurd ge9t riinges of Men's Overcoats t.0 be found anywhere. ple, It was also reproduced ,it St, County, bits returned hove. Thomas lits( month to delighted Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Ross, Goderich, Men's Heavy Frieze Uleters, wool lined, storm col)srs........................e5 00 tudiences, on three successive ossa- were visiting old friends in town yes- 'r ” 10 " slash pockets, half hell ........ .:...... •....... 6 50 cions. It will be given in the Town g rr " " wool lined strip seems half belt ......... $8 t& $10 Hall on Monday, Nov. 29th, under the terdlay. , ! : auspices of the Clinton,Young People's Deputy -Reeve Jones has been visit- if you want good Ouercoat value, inspect these lines. Local Union. ing friends in Goderich and vicinity THE weather of Friday last' proving the past week. so very unfavorable the annual tourna- Electrician Brown straightened out Men'a'rwEibd Saila, all sizes, plain and fancy p,lttt iBa ........... ........ ip to $S inent of the Huron Rifle Association a kink in the electric system at Blyth " Blue and Black Serge S'nits..........................• ....................$i 00 had to be postponed indefinitely. In' last week. " Fancy Tweed Suits, our own wake....................•............$10 tC 812 deed, the (:lernents are so uncertairr that the. management may not hold it Air. HaL it Rorke returned Tuesday We are not surpassed by any house in tr;e trade for Clothing until next spring. The date arranged from a visit to his old home at Mea - for was rather late in the season, butit �vas ford. Values. executive who have to been wrce of aitink for, parents, Mr. and Mrs.Tavistock, ohn C roll,is gti is See our Special Line of Men's Lined Kid Gloves at 50 eta• a pair.' nearly three months for a supply of week. I We are Still selling "Jubilee" Underweay at 50.cts, percirmeut, all n•ou], Martini rifles, and though hundreds MR. JAMES HAUTwELL is moving ` soft finiskr, no better value ever offered. if not thousands of chem have been into the premises lately occupied by discarded by the authorities for the ``I CLOTHIER, FUR:tiItIIER, newer Snider -En yet somehow Arthur Twitchell, )Vlaple Street. T. J NCKSUN, SJR. AND HATTER, or other none could be- procured here. Mr. Secord Carleton, of Kincardine, CLINTON. The local shots did not. care to be ad- is the latest addition to the big staff of Established 1854. ditionally handicapped by the use of Jackson Bros. the old Sniders for, with two ov three Mr. `Lr H. Beesley has been on the -- - — exceptiolls, they have none other.' sick ilst for some days but is now { R I the Show the directors have de - about able to attend his business. Hurons Fowl Fenders cited to admit children free the tail end (if the ses.•ind clay. �i4lnIDltt�d far M�nslau titer. Mr. J. S. Lockie, Waterloo, was the The executive was strengthened by gueet of his cousin, Dr. Turnbull, Sun- ' the addition of the following citize ns of day and Monday, Held a Special Meeting in the Goderich, who are to help milk(- ready Police Magistrate Seager commits Rev. Nit'. Parke attended it lecture Council Chamber Thurs- Ifor the 25'tli, 26t11 itnd 27th: - J. Martin, delivered by Rev. F. G, Newton, of da Afternoon. 1 W. Warr,och, G. Mackay and yW. Fred Elliott on the charge Of Stratlrroy, in Seaforth Monday night. Y Ross, while Mr. J. I3, Rumball, of C•lin- Manslaughter. —The Prisoner in Mr. It, Foster has been on the sick ton, transfer Rev. air. Forel who las poor health. list for the past week or ten days, but The management of the Huron Fowl labor.transferred to fLnothec Held of is now nearly all right again. Association, a vigorous one-year old Another scene in the B t field t.rag- Mrs, Geo. Theobald, of Mount For- stripling, held a special meeting in the Enst l0awanosh. edy was enacted at Gooier l on '.Cues- est, au old time resident of Clinton, Cquncil Chamber last Thu_rsd'tq after - day when Police Magist to SLager, clil)ed on friends here on Tuesday. noon, There wits a full attendance, 'Ir. Cyrus Scott left, on Jlooday of after An exhaustive review of the e.vi- Mrs. x. Cooper' and Metars. W. W. denee, committed Fred Elliott for n R. Murphy grid G. Lavis were with the exception of Editor 'Mitchell' attend (l.mnueririitlf (%o11(n,l,Yi ,'rc he will la -4 wet trim], not oil the charge of rnur- Farr<a M 1 Y of the Goderich Star, who was touch called to Goderich Monday in the bin.,au:i.11lrs. W. N.. Scott Were "At dc'r but of manslaughter. The celebrated McCartney vs. Proctor scut. tato husy putting the finishing touches Horne" tap a few friends on Friday prisoner wa:a present, looking ill and depressed. He hits neverbeen astring Mr. Lester Scott, of D. Cantelott's upon his next day's issue to get down, evening. hay and it is said Will shortly have to staff, IIAS returned from Port Dover, He is itri unusually efficient secretary, bt. II. rued inn t < Spring :Ln hytirruilis undergo an operation. His confin p1 g but in his absence Mr. Lack Kennedy buil inserted n it spring br'loty Ills the rt >los of that district having been y brrildin}>e a.nd•Itniv h:pp °1'i3enty of fresh nient in the narrow gcarters of the all hought up' carefully jotted down a complete min- water running into both house and eolinty gab] will gg''o hard with hire. stmbles. There is consideralple sympathy felt Mr. T. H. Graham, of Inglewood, ute of the suggestions inade anti busi- ;hiss tiara Irwin has heen enraged for him its the tyrannical and rrt'tianly one of the partners of the Electric Hess transacted. The southern part of by the trustees of S. `•.. No. i? f, )le conduct. of the brother for months pre- Light plant, is ret town this,week t,tlk- the county was not represented. )ear 1tfUt3. vious to the shooting becomes better Ing up an early -morning service. 3r understood. Harvey Elliott hastened Mite, MaVITTIE, from near Londes- Wily riot? Are there no Plymouth The matrimonial feverseeuls to have his own departure, from this wicked burn, has rented one of Mr. J. Jahn- fanciers or Adrnimrs of,the Minorcas struck this usually quiet spot. On Me - world, if ever it young nian did, ston's dwellings and will stove in next down there? Those who came out, I GlyTtwnn. nth ]rest„ led Patrick ltar The Magistrate takes the most lenient week. notwithstandingthe inclement of the 1 Miss tt• of Belydaug led to the illate vicLv of the arise and decided to release Rev. A. S4ewitrt exchanged pulpits y Mite Annie, daughter if the: late the prisoner ort hail, fixing the itmount weather, were:— Patrick Gibbons. p g with li,ev, A. 1liaedonlLld, of Seaforth, On Wedllesdia)>,10th lost., Mr. Thou. at $1.500. This is rather An unusuid Sunday. The Dr, does not Appear to McD. Allan, Goderich Powell, of Fordwich, and Visa (.'uch- lprocednre but Mr. Heager should be have lost any of his old-time vim and W, Warnock, `� vane, daughter of Jaynes C"och-viv, of III it position to know if the nature of is always touch appreciated here. C, Wells, the easterli boundary, were nnfted in the case warrants it. .fairs. NV. Dohertyreturned Thursday G. Mackay, y „ marriage, ILISi Mr. 13•'11, of NVinghaui, front Wardsville. Where she wits wait- W' Ansty, Lucknity aid Miss Charlotte (xrigg, of the 9th Goderich 1 ownsltip, ing upon her father who is ver ill, J. Lyons, con. Mit ha nincss and pros n a it be y Wingham y Pl 1 i ' y' but went back again Tuesrlty having W. Taylor, Srltforth the lot of the yEnnpg wedded couples, 11 most happy event transpired at received a telegriuri stating that he Dr, Scott, „ Miss Ithyau is visiting her vaster, the residence of Mr. John Baker, 16th hall taken it tutu for the worse. C. I', Cn ton, , Mrs. P. Gibbons, 10th con, ^ con., when his only daughter, luta H..fcihnston, _ y The Seaforth town council on Mon- ("onstance — �V. C,;trter, Jos - was dialed Inn itarringe to Mr. Isaac da.v evening presented Sergeant .los• W. Wallace, Londeshurc Exeter. Jones, of the wine concession, on Tires- eph tlibhw•t With it jubilee medal G. Irwin Alma -- s Witt I end - day of last week. The iitfair was pri- Qonlated by the citizens. Mrs. I,• Kennedy, Clinton Mr. John Gould, of London, all vete. Rev. Mr. Andrews, of Hohnes- of this toa•I is it daughter of the W. ("(tats, " ed the tnarviane of his cousin. Iritis ville, performed the cereniony. Mr. valiant, Sergeant, A..1. Grigg, � Kate Go�ld, to �ir. Arthur Andrews, and Mrs. Jones will reside here. 'rhe Rev. W. Craig, of Petrolia., who Pontiac, Michigan, an Wedoesdray numerous friends of both bride it Id passetl through on Monda}• evelling on Our if the object of the. meeting last, groom wish them abundant future Itis way to Goderich, lining called wits to arrange for the annual e.xhibi Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harris rule visit. prosperity.- there as iL witness in IL velehrated tiou which will }pP held in Goderich on in relatives and friends in Pitbnors- Dir. Lionel T.iL[t.latvait.o, who jourue•y- Goderich toavia�hip will disc, irs spend- January 25, 26 and L7, The rules and trngi, ed to 1l;aniloh;L recently, r•'tnrned of ing a tem days in (Tinton tine guest. of regulations of the Hociety were also Air. find Mrs. Eli, Snell spent. a Few v will be Shcl Craig 'a CO min • T}1 N K revised. 1 t u( t.. is c . g t Ix ret H •: forth Friday. He Lv:Ls on a visit.,t.nd sFie,Lka Mr. �V. Jackson. Mr•. (,rltlg wilt it esus last week an . L a h in high terms (if that far-off country. former Rector of St,. Paul's church and the second ho,40 under the Auspices of (if Mr. and Mrs. John. Dinney. hits many friends here. the Association. Last year, Sonforth On Wednesda morning one of thoso 11$luCVale. The Bishop of Toronto on Wedries- was the meeting place and next season ha events took place at the resi- da.y evening of last week performed it is expected, its it matter (if course, (lens y of Mrs .John Gould, When her to toric: to Clinton, the Huh of Huron. Nc Mr. Sinn C1Pghorn, who has been in the interesting and impressive Miss sere- daughter, iitia9 Kate, WILa United in 11limitobaL for some time has returned. Irony of setting apart )Lusa HPRaIPn, A nonitnittP.e was appointed sq lay Pontiac, Mich Mr. Arthur Andrews, cd s Mrs. Doc. Messer and eau bier, of of the Church St.rPet Deaconess' Home, the ib3" S Arte needs Of the. Assoeifa' Pontiac, Mich. Itev. Dr. Willoughby, e Hamilton, are visiting at Mr. William as a deaconess of the Church of En tion betore the Cn my Council and to ,(actor of Jarnes Ht Methodist church P Messer's. land. The ceremony took place -in the ask for an annual grant. Other cnun- tied the knot !n the presence of a num - Rev. Rev. Mr. West and George Me- Church of the Redeemer. Miss Hes- ties, Grey among the,n, lend financial her of invited guests. Miss Merle a Donald attended the tea -meeting At sten is well-known here, having been assistance so that the organized fowl Giuld'0 cousin of - the bride, acted as born in Clinton. She is a gPand- fanciers are encouraged to persevere. maid if honor. The, presents were g Molesworth on Monday evening. daughter of Mrs. W. Martin and niece If the C. C's can see their way clear to numerous and cost] showing the h! h Miss Jane Fraser was the guest of g vot.in , as tweet flue or fifty dollars, y I Miss Bell BurgfysS last Sunda of Mrs. Bentley. g 3' y- esteem in which the bride is held p e Mr, Lad Warwick, who Sunday been ---- it will, beyond question, be very ac- her many relations andfriends. Mr.. t working in the cheese factory for the PoULTRYis being marketed in lame CePtatble, The Provincial Showa art and Mrs. Andrews left rn tklc rnrnn- h hist, hall' year, has returned home• quantities these days. It is coming in Itinerant institution, to be held this ing train for their futt,te h ,lt o is n Rev, Ml. West will conduct Thanks- in geed condition, too, for the old year at Landon, annually receives $8(H] pi'ontliac, We extend congratrllp-. a giving service in the Methodist church fashioned habit of gorging the birds from the Government. The P. Show (.lona• g on thin drL a few hours before the final twist is frits it series of coops of a uniform size Mr. Thos. ('lark(- i� nt present 13•!ng yy which the Huron executive is tndea- dangerously ill at his ]nine oil An - f Although. we have loci a splendid not practiSe(i by this generation, Once vorin€t to secure for their meet at the g' y frill for workinu atroots sortie of the ilia while, though, a par -boiled fowl drew street. Ilis son Mr. Will. Clark,', e farmers around ipere have not got their I nifty be seen Its the result of too great Circular Town. of Toronto, was called to his bedside turnips in yet, haste in plucking. In otder to extend the popularity of on Tuesday last. t ..,. �..z�.iiutatac.,.�„riik.;�t�tt�.,. •,el ..i,.. :.;r�r ...:�. s _..a„ _ M J