The Huron News-Record, 1897-11-11, Page 1THE
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....,.nnra_4r.Aoin Advance -
Town Topics. harnpa-9ne• MR. JOSEPH CoLCnship,, it the Base Murder %(�f�Line, Goderich township, has started
to build it fine new residence on his
A distingatehed physician writes: "Chum• farmT1
s body ten true stimulant to storyind and Bayflet-d Vbossy anile, rapid, votatae, transitory ana TIIE tlq�nual meeting, of the Huron O
Poultry Association will be held in the
harmless. Nothing aomforte and mete the
stomach bettor, or ism greater antiduto to Council Chamber this ('Thursday) even -
nausea.' Poor Champagne being, of al'f
vinous beverages, the most pernicious to Ing.
pz the health. our stook eontaines only the REV. MR. MILLYARD will take for l
brands of which we can guarantee the his subjects next Sunday„in the tnorn-
_ quality. The test wines came oblefly from ing •'Bought with it Price,” kind in the^ �Elliott Shot
the district of ChumPague, prunes. evening,evening,-Pitching Tents Towards Harvey
•_,�__ Sodom,"
Kennedy, LAST evening was the election of the r
Lac' Stewards of Rattenbu,ry St. IVlethodist and Killed. l
THE CLINTON LIQUOR STOREchurch, the following being elected:
ear Phone 54. --H. B. Chant, W. Doherty, W. R.
rs, Lough, F. Hodgens, W. tantelon, W• —_--
Robinson, J. Southcoinb. -----
To be Given Away-
Y MR. ARTHUR KNOX is having his
k, A 113 Piece China Dinner Set cottage at the corner of Orange and ,HIS BROTHER CHIRGED WITH Tnn CRI11
on January 3rd, IS98 Rattenhury streets raised,h, and a stone
To the person guossiug the nearest to the* number otherfounways ation placed
ei H Stevens in
ev the sealed envelope, The number is g Put it ' carpenter and Thos. Walker mason. --
even to careelves, Mr. A. J. Allan having p
the envelope and sealed the same, ou r6nanrosaud P
on it duplicate ticket, the p..rt with
guessu put in i xealodbox, you keep ilia other, and REV. MR.pSTOUT has'been transferr-
oa 3rd Janusr,v, 1898, the tickets in ilia box will he ed Kilkktnly nd Y ospBaldect Hillin to lin the charge
c unf The Coroner's Inquest Still Going On. Great Excitement
{sono over by 3I r. Allan sad Mr. A. Porter and the
ph- one bearing the number nenre t the one in the oil t of Middlesex. He occupied the pill-
will win the Set. The Chinn Dioner set is on yIn Btlyfield•
exb.tbltion in our North window ani someone win Mrs tStoutland pat Sunday
of the family week join
be tortnnote enough to get it—%Vhy not yea. y
hint. �
One Guess goes With every 500 THE annual match of Ithe Huron — 1
4{ Cash Purchase from now to Rifle Association will be shot over the
January 1st.' Atholcott ranges Friday of this week.
TO GUESS COSTS YOU NOTHING. Handsome prizes are to be offered and B,YFIELD, Nov. Uth.—The inhabi- There is con9iderable floating talk
i an all-round interesting competitionex-
Advertixing costa money but we believe this Ie a pecten. The local shots will go to the tants of this village passed an uneasy about a hard feeling existing between
cheap way to advertise. Some will won,`er, end we ranges somewhat handicapped, not night and awoke this morning to the the brothers over a village girl and
have been asked how we will make up the price of g, y recollection Ot the awful. crime com- I not a few Ascribe to Jealousy the
ef` the Sot, we will just say we expect to do that much haven had can practice this season.
extra trade—Pricea and Quality guaranteed, MR. IKE REID, assistant in Combe'a witted in their midst last evening to origin of the fatal quarrel, but
Come in and examine the Dishes ana remember drug store, broke glass on Friday. which the blood-stained gravel in front the causes, so far as we can learn at the
that every hoc lett with as givee you a chance to wln Whileengagedwindowcleaningthelad- of the Albion Hotel yet bears elute present time, are too much of both
t; the Set.
uuuuau�u der upon which he was standing began evidence. The terrible deed is `like temper and whiskey, together with the t
,. to bend and in turning to save himself
g Freta. Alliott having tea common practice of having a re-
t THE CASH GROCERY, took a header clean through the op unto that of Cain,
®���� A �o, posite window, breaking the glass of killed his brother, deliberately sonic volyer ready to lice.
� • X�j+ course, but fortgnately escaping with- allege, but what is much more likely The Elliotts are old residents d this
a OGLE V out so much as a scratch. without any previous intent what- village and have been engaged in the
s` �_ Phone 23.
EDITOR NEWS•RECORD.—Sir,—Atthe war. It was while they were hotel business for years. The grim
cash paid for Good Butter and Eggs. last meeting of the Council it was quarreling and reaper had not passed them by,
g both half drunk, q g P
decided to place another electric light excited that the deed was com- the head of the family dropping sud-
,`' ,+,, .., in St. John's ward oil Isaac street
`+E tl897VENBBR� w�` south I do not say the light is not witted. In the heat of passion denly dead a year and a ha ago,
duh, Mat! 2%rx. WE& Tv. Fkr- a`r required. if it is, one is also required the self -cocking revolver was point- and a son was killed while in bathing,
"70"" f C! 5 6 re ui George's ward n Princess street ed, there was an explosion, the a companions in play jumping upon
10 11 12 IS west, and another on Princess street ball )arced Harvey Elliott's. breast him as he wits swimming on his back.
15 16 JT A5 M 20 east near the organ factory. However, P
ea should remember that It is illegal above the heart and in less than five Another also lies, beneath the j
1. minutes he was a corpse. This all took sod in the village graveyard. The
`, `,�5 ,i�6 2r to make contracts for the incoming r
•,4 2 9 Cy0 r� crtsar. � * Council. Any elector• can bring all place About ten p. m. in front of the oldest son, who is a resident of Detroit,
iJ action agiiinst the Committee for me to -day and the two daugh-
Albion Hotel, which is conducted by came ho
doing so, and the contractor will run
�� N�T]CTS. a big risk in securing his pay.—W. C. Mrs. Elliott, mother of the boys. tars live here. Mrs. Elliott is an hon-
SEARLE• The deceased was a turbulent young est, hard working woman and a good
rly w
man, ptarticulahen under the in- manager. She Is highly respected by
THE following are the officers elect fluence of liquor to which he was ad- the villagers and patrons of her host
g dieted. Yesterday afternoon he elry. The boys who brought this
In ane Around the Hub, of Clinton Star Lode I. O. G. 'T.
_ for the ensuing quarter :— spent in Varna ears of age
In company trouble upon the borne Are twenty-one
Chief Templar, T. H. Brownlee. with in
Woods and Louis and nineteen y, re -
Chief Past Chief, Albert Downs. Dumart and when they returned spectively, the deceased being the
in the evening are said to have been older. The younger boy, though, has
GWANTED.—Potatoes, Apples, Pears. High- ViceTomy, r, Mise H. Dodds..
x, ry, C. M. Bezzo. ratherintoaicAted. An hour or so after- been his mother's mainstay and
wit price paid.—CANTELON BRos. Secreta
Assistant S., Miss N. Brown. wards they were for starting out has carefully looked after the business
Financial S., M'ls. J. W. Moore. for some place of amusement since the father'sdeaths fi quant
1118. A. J. GRIGG'S et pug was Treasurer, Mrs. Seaids teed brother proposed
Elliott, tothemAkeunthe ars of threwd beyond
shouse years,
swho were as
poisoned last Friday night. Chaplain Miss LilyFerguson.
Marshall, John tarter. quartette. He locked up
sister and of what he had done.
up the bar, much surprised as horrified in hearing
THE NEwe-RECORD will be sent to Deputy M., Miss M. Twitchell gave the day's receipts tt9r
` any address to the end of '98 for one Guard, Mrs, F, C, Cook, pocketing the revolvert which was his The village of Bayflel3 is beauti-
;;, dollar Sentinel, S. Kern custom to keep in the bar by day and fully situated upon a bluff over-
{ LLLIOTT cQL MITCHELL shipped three Organist, Miss Lily Millar. in his room by night, he was ready to looking the lake. To the north
join them. Harvey Elliott objected, the Bayfield river, its weary
j. car -loads of apples to the Liverpool RECENT sales from the Elmhurst for wild as he was himself, he prefer- meanderings over, loses itself in the
x, market last week. Herd of Shorthorns:—Mr- Jaynes Tabb, red seeing his brother remain at home, waters of Huron. The river forms
tM JENNTE, the 13 year-old daughter of of•Auhurn, has p�rchkased from W. J. and thus the row commenced. Mrs. the harbor, now but little used except
;> Biggins the red hull "Royal Mariner, Elliott and her daughter vainly en- by the boatsof the fishermen who make
Mr. B. Churchill, had the misfortune to a first -prize winner at the Central deavored to pacify them, while Albert this their'headqutu kers, More than a
Show, his dam is Ryebeck Rose, by Woods threw his arms about Harvey score of years, ago this wits a busier
break her thigh bee one day last to restrain him as he was moving lace, It was then a great grain mar -
week. Imported General Booth (54tow Mr, kat Mr. J. Gardener, the present post -
MR. OAKE'S auction sale in Goderich Henry Corwen, of Goderich township, towards the brother with the evident
' township ]kat week was largely attend- has secured "Rufus" a red, dam Im- intention of forcing him back into the master, was a heavy dealer in those
J, orted Red Rose by Perfection (37185.) house. It was at this point, when the early clays and paid out thou -
:.j ed and the biddingg brisk. The live Mr. Michael Schwanz, of Benmiller, a temper of the brothers had been sands of dollars every week, Buring
stock sold parLicular'ly well. Auction- short tickle ago, ))ought the roan match- aroused, that the prisoner is alleged to the season, fur farm produce which
! ser Howson wielded the hammer, " Y have said :—"Stand back or Ill shoot was chi ped by schooners that
;-; less calf "Monaco." The are all p
,Y THE Thanksgiving supper of Rattan- calves of extra good quality and you The shot almost imincdiaately stood off from land while being
.�1 bury street Methodist church will he substance and sired by Imported followed and Harvey Elliott slipping loaded by smaller boats. The
` y ( ) . 1 from Woods arms fell upon his face villagers are anxious for the deep.
held, on the evening of the 22nd or 23rd Royal Don 64717 a silver medal sweep- P ening of the harbor with the expectta
nest. A good programme is being pre- stakes winner and several firsts at and the bloods spurted from his mouth•
used and the ladles intend snaking local shows. He was at once carried into the house tion of drawing commerce to their
lioth supper and programme better A LETTER addressed as below was and a doctor sent for, but before assist- doors again, but it is as a summer re
than of last year. ante could arrive detach en§lied. He sort that Bayfield will in future find it
ALL recently received b the Mayor of never once spoke after being struck. ggreatest prosperity and as such it i
THE Guy Bros. drew a good house Owen Sound from a lady in Birming- t,ecoming each year more popular
Monday evening. The Co. is larger, ham, England, and nserves toinl ,Great than the pe Petr torstrate The deed was no �ealized t dread- Last season was the busiest yet am
and its old Acquaintances say, better the prevailing g among the visitors were many plessor
?; than in past seasons, and it Inas been Britain of :the geogGraphy of this fill nature sand became frantic with seekers from American cities.
visiting this town as regular as clock brightest t he lackin ofon thentain. r
part cried, bitterly',Ah owlive as I to b incg � this The village is one of the oldest i
work for years. Several feature Bp , y p these counties and claims the distim
the programme were decidedly good. not the
o ludi isof asthat of the er."ham is terriblehe141 r. put him underorthe in- tion of municipally covering a greate
A &fEETING of the Clinton Liberal- Cockney who would have it, whether fluence of a sleeping drkurght, but area than any other incorporated tow
Conservative Association will be held or no, that Halifax, N. S., and Sarnia, when he awoke at sunrise his condi- or village m Huron, embracing withi
in the Orange Hall on Tuesday even put., are connected by A suspension tion became even more pitiable. its limits no less than 1,700 acres. It
ing next for the election of officers and bridge. The chirograpby born evi- The heart -broken mother spent corporation dates back more tha
It is dente of good penmanship, but the hours soothing and comforting twenty years ago. The population
transaction of other business.
is desirable that there should he a address I him. With Spartan fortitude she now 850, but the hotels and tents a
large attendance. Maur Beck will be remained calm while ill his commodate as many more during Jun
J THE LORn MAYOR or ONTARIO rasceta, lint had no sooner Jul and August.
present. Owen Sound, Canada, U. S. A. crossed the threshold of his prison y
Fishing unci 'saw milling are ti
' THE Gun Club has been laying low THERE was a scene, lively while it charnher than she was completely chief industries. There is an electr
this season which is rather Surprising lasted, on the arrival of the train at prostrated, and broke down, lighting plant, a public hall, -end
considering the number of first-class the Blyth station last Friday morning. Dr. St.anbury, the Coroner, began brass band which flourishes most du
I shots there are in town. Perhaps the It,seems there was an unusual number the inquest this morning, but on re- Ing the hot months.
fine weather has had somethiA to do of applicants for tickets and though quest for postponement from the Clan Gregor Square is the centre
with it, but now
that the orthodox all -the ,tent hustled he had mol supplied County Attorney he granted an sad- gt residences fa
koruna. days are upon its the till -lime thele all when the express steamed in. jtturnment until to morrow at ten BayfieldReeve Burne' handsome two-sto
w" interest in the snatches will likely re- Neither ha.d the trunks, and there o'clock. Dr. Sheppard, -of this piece,
vive. The Club is strong in a member- and Dr. Gray, of Clinton, have lust brick is on one side And Dr. Stanbur;
were diany of them, been checked.
ship of gennine sports and financially But the conductor wouldn't wait. performed the post-mortem examma- on the other.
as well. In both respects it has no ',I'm live minutes behind time now" he tion. Their finding, stripped of techni- The Orange Lodge wits organiz
superior in Western Ontario, It owns said, and away the train Steamed, calit,ies, is that the cause of death was a over fifty years ago and is now me
t its own ground and pays an annual with part of the luggage on board but bullet wound. The followigg is the vigorous than ever. It's n t is
five per cent. dividend to its stakehold more on the station platform. The jtlry who will hear such ev'Ll n1ce as which will show how early in the h
ers. baggage, too, was mixed, more than will be presented to -morrow to -morrow: tory a Ontario John ism o obtain
Tibbitt, S. Moore, R. Rowatt,A. Brown, its charter. Mr. John Pollock, is t
WEIILE a couple of boys were busry one of the: travellers finding that some W Osmond, T. Clarke, R. Elliott, J• present Master. He has held I
stealing resin from a barrel in Combe a of his trunks had been put aboard and Donaldson, G• T.
Clay on, D. Dupe, J. position for several years.
drug store last Friday, Captain others left behind. The drummers but Faulkner,
Combe appeared upon the scene And un r long suffering es all
tint W. Brandon. a
upendingg the barrel made prisoner under the circumstances an outburst pp
one of tine lads. he other was also might have been expected, but they a avenin was their bi- church, gave a very intereating taut
captured and Chief W heattl�e a escorted they left
we a du nfoundedsuddenly
tare sky on Moodmeeting e a ing Ontario League
I RrchEv. MR. PococK, a the to 1
then. to the Mayor's a y remained its normal color. This is one monthly literary meeting. Papers Missions to the Rattenbury Epwo
were badly frightened and v ery Oren gg
so after a fatherly admonition of those cases where the blame
mull Heiber Clement and onto weer by Mr. Monday evening the two r111ethoc
his worship allowed thein to ,go on be chiefly attached to gill ,
promising never to da it Again. 1 Kwan °osyCo.tnarrowly escaped n 1 ke ex nextMondaynd yseveninghwill meeting
charge gDehertlin OntarioSocieties
is used by such mischievous lads erience at Qoderrch depot yesterday of the Rattenhury street League and Ratteubury St. Society will be
Bow atring strumming which produces a morning. something good is anticipated. sponaible for the programme.
nerve -grating sound.
^' ----^W. J. DIITCHEBLL, Ldttor and Proprtetor. e
___ __ — — — �Y "N I k Cl A
W 11V1LjL' 1N V. 000
19��THE TWO A. J.`S-
ast Now..... I
An ®peri
We are offering some splendid
lines of
Taterproof Goods
At remarkably close prices.
Shrewd buyers who require any-
thing in this line should see
It is an open secret that we are
what we have before they buy.
giving good value for every
dollar that is spent i Iour store.
Good value in
We have them in all qualities
and prices. A special line at
I 1
Berges and
'loves ancl----
Tnderclothingo o as
I Tweeds. =
Our Fall and Winter Lines are
A special line of
all right. We have what you
want and. would ask you to call
;Tweed Suitin Sat
and see what we have and how
' . $13.5Q.
reasonable we can furnish you
with everything in the furnish-
ing line,
are here and we want to show
their to you before you buy.
--v Q 0—
/1. J. emorrish. ' J. J. Holloway.
`As the Twig is bent
rhe Free is inclined."
If the boy is annoyed every blessed minute he is awake by an ill-fitting
and ill looking suit that doesn't give him ease and comfort, what is the
probable effect on his disposition. Such an uneasy boy isn't to blame,
its the suit.
,ontrast such a buy with the rollicking, romping, light-hearted fellows who
wear easy -fitting and durable suits that stand the strain and do not
cause them a moment's discomfort, and you have the difference, ?lot in
'boys, but in Suits.
Boys' durable 2 piece Suits $2, $2.50 and $3
" 3iece Suits - - $3:50. $4 and $5
" p" long pants $5, $6 and $7
OUR BOYS' CLOTHING is not surpassed by any house in the trade.
We'll prove this if you call and see the Goods.
See our "Jubilee" Underwear at $1 a Suit.
Clothier, Furnisher and Hatter,
To Jackson, Srs Victoria Block. Established 1854
Town Topics. Town Topics.
MISS MAUD MIDDLETON, second The 2 A. J's. are offering bis bar -
daughter of Mr. Geo. Middleton, and gains in Underclothing and Overcoats
one of Goderich townshi'p's most popu- this week.
lar young ladies, was united in marri- MR. VonDE T, of London, line mana-
age yesterday to Mr. Chas. Lee, it pro- er for the C. P. R. Telegraph Co. was
mment young business man of Gode- g town Wednesday to adjust some
rich. trouble on No. 1£1 between Clinton and
AN exercise entitled "The Junior Goderich. He found the wire broken
Garden" in which there are ovgr sev- about two miles out of town.
enty-five children taking part, is being TILE ftrst rehearsal of the Choral
prepared by the different Young Society was held at St, Paul's school
People's Societies of the town and will h+ntse oil Friday night and was 'a
be given in the town hall some dreided success. The Chorus uratle
time about the last of Novem- ga,a,d progress with the music selected
her, under the auspices of
the Clinton Young People's Local cult isattractive
h anext reheaarsal will be ion
Union. A fuller description will Tuesday Nov. 16, same place at 8
be given next week. o'clock and all who have sent in their
ENSIGN WAKEFIELD, the present narnes its members, and others who in -
commander of the Salvation Army tend to do -,;o, are urged to be present
forces' in this town, has hit without fail.
upon a very happy Plan to Varna.
solve a "Knotty" problem, viz.,
the heating of the Salvation Artoy
Barracks. He; invites all those peo- Mr. Elliott, of the North West Terri-
ple in the town who have "knotty" tory, is at present visiting his Baugh
sticks of wood which the owners can- ter, Mrs R. Pollock, of Stanley.
not split and which, at the same time, Mr. and Mrs. John Parke and family,
have a tendencyto make the splitters of this vicinity, have returned from
indulge in "nauhty" words, to let him visiting friends at Parkhill.
or any Salvation Army worker know ! The Orangemen, of Varna, had all
and the Array Patrol waggon will take oyster supper at Mr. John Raid's, Sr.,
the "knotty" wood in charge and have and it was quite a success.
it "converted" into ashes in the Bar- Another pioneer, of this Township,
' rack s stove. has passed away, in the person of l t
William Graham, Babylon Line,
IN the issue of THE N OWS-RECORD Several of thc: young people of Bay -
of last week appeared an interview I geld Road church visited the Blake.
with Mr. D. Cautelon on the pork 1 Christain Endeavor hast Sunday even -
trade. This week it is a talk with
i Cantelon Bros, on the egg ques- in Ve are pleased to hear that Mrs.
C tion, of interest to every farmer, Peck, of the, Byfield Road, who had
r but more especially to his bet- the misfortune to get her arm broken,
r ter half. These dealers are strong- is recovering.
ly of the opinion that the prat-M'i. L. Cla ri :, of Goshen Line, has his
ntice of holding' hack the eggs beyond handsome residence nearly completed -
s ' the fresh period is not profitable to I Mr. W. Smith, who was engaged
the owners of the poultry yards. They with Mr. L. Clark through the stitil-
say:—Eggs should not be held by I met, months, is now engaged with
farmers before being brought to mar- Mi.. W, J. Stinson, of the Sable Line.
ket longer than one week during sum- l --
[e mer months, and at any time they 1,oudesboro-
ic should be disposed of when newly laic..
a The system of candling is so universal Mr. T. Bell left here ]list Wednesday
r- in cities and candlers tare so expert A to visit London, Detroit and ;Vlont-
their work that eggs, which are not gomarY•
of strictly fresh, can be detected, and Mr. J. Neelands and G. Newton, of
m stale or old eggs have to be sacrificed Wingham, were calling oil friends on
ry in order to effect a sale. Last fall and Friday last, they being clown to the
+'s winter, in fact up to March of this year, funeral of the late Thos. Neelands,
the amount of held eggs placed on the Miss Nettie Webb, who has been
ed market was very large, and the loss to visiting friends in the wnship of
dealers who invested in them was very Hibhert for the past six weeks, returiv
Via, heavy. Farmers should look after ed home this week.
}s• their own interests and immediately Miss Annie Braithwaite is on the
jd dispose of all stilted or held a gs which sick list. We hope soon to sea her -
lie they may, have on hand, as there will around again.
.at be, judging from last winter, enough Miss A. Crisp spent Sunday ands
of picked and newly -laid eggs to Sup- Mondayy with frjends in Staffa.
ply requirements. The attention and Mr. Campbell has got moved into his
care now given to hefts during winter new residence.
months is much better now than some Quite a number from here attended
ist years ago as bank barns are plentiful, the funeral of the late Thos. Neelands,
Of Harlock, who passed away
on so new eggs ate to be had at almost all cruhcr
7th times during cold seasons. The ad- denty on the 2nd. He was a m
ext vance in prices during the last three of the Londesboro Court of Fortes-
ret months was due mainly to the demand tern.
to- for Ciinadian eggs in the British mar- Mrs. Stewart, after a lingering' ill -
.'he ket Sas farmerarealize afmoatcityprices ncksa of about. a year, passed away on
re- chR chants whom they'sefrorn ll them.e mer afternoonFriatfuneral 2 o'clock.
"ing on Sunday
-_..-,...,,.-.o,,. A