HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-01-02, Page 4PAGE POUR —THE, BLYTi-i STANDARD--Jn, 19o4, JAS. M c M U RC H I E glutin giaitbartt. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. BANKER. A GENERAL. BANXING BUSINESS '1'RANSAWED, BLS"1'H, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes aspeofalty. Advances made to farmers on their owe notes. No additional seourtty required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates lye of'er every x000111 nodatiou eon - dada with safe aid conservative banking prntolples, WIRD PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Heal (:state at lowest rates of Intore8t. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING 01 all kinds promptly attended to, INSURANCE, Na represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and respect• fully solicit your a000uut. OFFICE HOURS; 10 A,sl, to 11 P.m. Business Cards. A. B. 1IACD0NALD, Tiarriatei Solicitor, Notary, 11o. Si,'e ee,nor to f '- le, slant Moe over Stan. dard Bank, Brussels, Solicitor for Metro. politaa Bank. Ptt')tJDF00T, HAYS do BLAIIt. Hatristera, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Flo. Olnces-Those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderieh, W. Vroudfuot KO,; R C (lays, G P. Blair. 0. T LONG L.D.S., D.O.S. Dental Surgeon, (It actuate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, An honor graduate of Toronto University. Office over .fames Cutt's store, Pretoria block.. Blyth. At Auburn every Monday o a.m. to a p,n1. W. .1. M1LNE, 1l.D.C.M. Physician awl Surgeon, M.D.C,11t., Unl. verslty of Trinity College; M.U., Queen's University; Fellow of Trinity 131edieal College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons ot Ontario. Cor• oiler for the County of Huron. 011ioe, one dour north of; Commercial hotel, Queen street, Myth. F. COTT BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County 'terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the Ace o! PRE STANDARD, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sale Otables O 00 00 00 0 Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. O 00 00 00 0 First•olass Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Comtnerolal Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable, KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH. THE LEADING SCHOOL ¢_neral: 1' r11 tratford, • 1HUItSD1Y, lAAN..22..1008, People We Kiiow 4i) Promptly a 1" o'clock noon the Delgravo. The bane of Mr. and lira. Malcolm Walsh, two utiles south of Bello ave, WAS the note of a very pretty wed. ling 011 Tuesday, Dec, 24th, when their only datighter, Mary L,, was united in tee holy betels Of niatri. atony with 11r, John Stewart Bel - grave. Rev, G. W. !fivers, 13. A„ B. De 1)0 1, 1miug the ceremony. 11r. and Airs, J. G. Moser, spent New lear's111Hamill, Mr. and Mrs, S. A. Poplesione, epeut New Year's in Exeter. 1h'. Taylor, of binrpeth, is the guest of Dr, J. E. Charlesworth, 311s, 1). D. Crittenden, of town, was 0 holiday visitor in Exeter. 31r, George Wambold spent the past week at his home in Dashwood. Mr. Miller Begley. of Leamington, spent New Year's at tris home to town. Mr. T. G. Tunny, of Hamilton, has been spending the holidays fn town. 11r. and Mrs, Waugh, of Stratford, spent Xmas with lir, and Mrs. J. 0. Emig, b. 11r. Jas. Meehan, of Mitchell, has been visiting his mother, Mrs, Henry Taman sr. Mr. Don, McLean, of Golerieh, was n. welcome visitor in town fur a few days. Mrs. and Miss Claxton, of Strat- ford, are the guests of Mrs. J. E. Charlesworth. The Misses Goldthorpe, of Gode• rich, ept:nt Sunday with their friend Miss Fanny Masan. Mr, and Mrs. George Moore, of Goderich, ere visiting at the home of Mr. D. Kennedy, Miss 'Mime Ai1en, of Detroit, is visiting her friend, Miss Mande King this week. Miss Nettie Brown, of Braude, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. J, Leslle herr over Sunday. Mr. .1. Brigden, of Toronto, spent a few days nt the home of Mr. and !Mrs. John Wilford. Mr, and Mrs. W. II. Kerr, of Brus- sels, spent a few bouts at the home of the Editor's on New Year's Day. iWe are pleased to see Mr. bind; Cunt, Jr., able to walk clown street after being on Ole sick list Mr some time. 11r. and Mre. Creme, of Shake. spears, are visiting with this lade,!''$ mother, ivies. 1, C, Wilson over New Year's. 11r. Geo, Colvin and the Misses Col 410, of Brussels, were in town on Monday calling on relatives and friends, By giving'a better course of training than that given by any outer similar In- stitution mstitution to Ontario, we have become one of the leading business training tauten, In Canada. Our graduates are In demand 0e else assistants- and business college teachers. Our courses bring the best, our graduates succeed. If interested In your own welfare write now for our caw Logue ; fh Is free. We have three (Jennrt- went., Commercial, Shorthand and Telt • graphic. Winter terra opens Jul. IP h. J:111Orr & AfLACHLAN. Principals. �'"' "/`ter'✓ �rW $1 upwards bridal couple, who were ttuuttetled, entered the parlor to the strains of the wedcling march played by the bride's cousin, Miss McClinton, of 11'estlletd. The bride was given away by her father. After the ceremony and congratulations, about 60 invited guests, mostly relative of the cuntracting parties, sat down to a sumptuous wedding dinner, to which all did ample justice. The afternoon was spent in pieneant con. vcrsution, singing, etc. About 4,30 Me bridal couple, accompanied by about a score oi' young people, bit home to hake the cello at Blyth to spend their honeymoon at George- town and other points. The mune useful and curtly presents brought by guests testified the esteem In which both bride and groom are hold. After New Year's the !nappy couple A High Class College. lir. A. A. Whiter, 1!..A., Ph. D., who is a Literary 'Teacher o1' high standing and one of the strongest Commerciai Teachers in the proles. siun, has been ehgaged 0) take charge of the Coinnereial D''part. mein of the il'ulgham Business Col. lege, Mr. Milner, lets not telly held the chair of Higher blatheittatieo and modern languages, in Jhe Canton College, for three years ; the chair of Ancient and Modern Languages in Austin College, three year's, but has had many yearn experience in teaching and in mttnnging 801110 of the largest Commercial Colleges in the country. 31r. IIibner is a specialist in the highest sense of the term, A arae 01' resource d strength of character, always inspiring the pupils with his own with0311(91.I0 ulethed3. Ile is thorough disciplinarian and it willing teacher, pleasant anti entertaining, and keenly alive to the rapid pro- gress and best interests of those under his care. Tia Shorthand Department is in charge oi' Hiss E. Virginia Grant, who is the mast widely expericuced Shorthand teacher in the Province, and is a grad« Into of the Author of the syeted14 tuttgbt and highly re- comtneeded by him. with these two departments in charge of so capable olid widely ex- perienced Specialists, we 5113101 pate the most flattering results. 0 Col. lege rapidly increasing in attend• atter, growing in influence and et C and ig , comml+nding the re. spect and recognition of Canada's most enterprising business men, 31 r. Hibner will assist Principal Spotton in completing` Atoll Cour es in Matriculation, Civil Service, ole., which he hopes 10 have 111 operlith'n by early Spl log. nye understand that the 33' Ilghan, Business College tt113 its branches, iocated nt'Clinton, Walkerton, Orangeville and Gnde rich, reopen for Winter terin Jan; 6, h. Whether your bread is good or bad, the cost of baking is the same. You pay a few cents more for Royal Household Flour but those few cents in- sure good results every time. It is the finest, whitest, purest flour that's milled. It's the fiour that is always good. Ogivie Fivnr MWs Co., Iii. t;,8 eteat eat. ei�ltyy mit' hCG r..,,.,,..,..._ FTteCld'rlWn:RSTANYVASyk>al> )1741( ;hit will take up t►teir residence In Bel - grave, Their 11180 frteuls join in wishing theta u' long and pleasant voyage together through life. A very pretty home wedding was celcbreted at the hum& of Mr. and Mrs. 1Vrn. Clark, Belgrave, ou the evening of Thursday, Dec. PGth, when their eldest daughter, Sara E., was united le =nine with Mr.I Alvin E. Meggison, of Waakada,' Manitoba. Promptly at the appoint- ed hour, 5 p. in., the bridal party entered the parlor where they were joined In wedlock by Rev. G. W. !livers. 13, A., 13, D.. under a beauti• fun arch bell. The bride, who was given away by her father, was at- tended by pretty little Isabelle Geddes, acting as flower girl The wedding march was played by the bride's sister, Mies Rose Clark, and while congratulations were being offered, Miss Teasie Halliday sang sweetly "Love me and the world is mine." Congratulations over, about 50 invited guests eat down to a bountiful wedding dinner, and their wants were supplied by young ladies and gentlemen, who acted as waiters. Alter dinner, the evening was spent very pleasantly in couversatior, music and games, until about 19 o'clock, when the guests departed leaving with the bridal couple many beautiful, useful and wetly presents, which testify to the esteem in which they are held. After a month's visit among friends in Ontario, the happy couple will go West and take up housekeeping et Waskndn, Man., where the groom is a prosperous taunter, and where the bride is well. known. All join in wishing this young couple abundnnt happiness and prosperity throughout their future life, East Wawanosh, A PRETTY XMAS Wi<no1No.--A very pretty &vent took place 00 Xmas Day at the home of Charles Armstrong, Jeasopvllle, when theft daughter Mildred, wda married to James E. Cooper, of Chicago, The eereutong was performed by Rev, W. J. Triblile,.,of Corbetton. By 6 o'clock the ,guests had arrived and were listening to Mendelasohn's wedding march which was being played by Mies Lilly Blair, Present- ly the bride entered the room as companied by her father, and took Iter piece beside the groom, who awaited her under a beautifully de- corated arch of evergreens. A mange had beep reserved for On bride by means of two strands c t ribbon extending from each side of Me arch to the door and held in place by Master Stanley Wallace, nephew of the .bride, and Miss Stella McConnnchie, niece of the groom. The bride looked very pretty in the dim Tight of the candles which were arranged on the organ and mantel. She was dressed in creast nuns veil- ing with chiffon trimmings and wore a bridal veil caught up with white carnations. She also carried is bouquet of pink and white carnations and maiden hair fern. After the ceremony about ninety guests s; t down to dinner. Among tllobt present were, Joseph Johnson, of Blyth, brother ot the br'ide's moth) r and w111innn West, of Chieng', brother•fn•baw of the groom. Tho bride received many beautiful and costly presents, (uncus which was a gold watch and chain from the groom. After a pleasant eventng fn which the guests were entertained by recitations, singing and music they left for their homes. The bride's going away gown was blue venetian cloth trimmed with silk and ovei lade. Their many friends Join in wishing the bride and groom many ycnra of happiness and prosperity, VALUABLE MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION Recommended by a Well-known Toronto Doctor, Whose Love for Humanity 1s Greater than till Prejudice Against Pro. prietary Medicines. The following very valuable pre• acription, by an eminent and success. fol physician, will be appreciated by many who are suffering from la grippe, cold, tough, pneumonia, or any throat, lung or stomach trouble, or run-down syatent, tie it is a certain care, and will save many a dootor's hill. It is almost a certain preventive as well "When yon feel that you are taking cold or have chilly feeling or aching in any.+ppart of the holy or head, or feel Weak, bred, dizzy, unfit for work, pain b tIle head or back of the neck, do riot+neglect these dangerous syrup. tows, b send immediately to your druggist Aid get a bottle of Psychine (pronounced Si•ketn), and prepare as follows: "Payohine, 2 teaspoenfuls. "Sherry, whisky or water, 2 tea. spoonfuls. "Cboice of the latter can be made according to the judgment and pre. teroneo of the patient. "Mix thoroughly and take regularly before each meal and et bedtime," This prescription has been used in thousands of oases and has been ao universally successful that a number of leading physicians regularly pre. scribe Psychine in their practice for ane of the above troubles, or any run- down, wsatiug or Conetitutl0,ia1 d1f11• crtlty. It is the most reliable and valuable home remedy. It tones up i the entire system, giving a feeling of youthfulness and vigor, adding tetany years to the life of those who use it, Years ego r was ■lmoat a Ordeal emelt and wee suffering with lung troubles. friends sad neighbors thought I would never get tetter, 1 began to degetir myeelt, toting kith la my chlemewed another one who vaeons• mmendeed'thr Ah of r8001118E. It was ,W'prletng bevoud dear 1paon tit effect It had, I seemed to gain with every dose. luelde of two weeks 1 1098 CWe w attend to wy homework again, Time are no syiuptoma of no111n1110p01l sheat me new," itRa, RODBfiaeli, St. John, N.B. "I had been suffering hem Ga GrippAe, fly Ings were weak Dud t hadaeouah, but Maar clued tae." USR&. R. BEAK, Cteaptdde, Ont, Psychine can be procured from any druggist at 50e, and $11.00. It is s vary Seaforth. Mors. John Yeomans, wife of Jelin Yeomans, one of Medora's most pro• 11138 lig young farmers, died this morn - Mg from the result of iujurios re- ceived from the explosion of a cupol coat oil, AIr, Yeomans, before going 001 30 .10 the chores, lighted a fire h. the kitchen range, leaving scup of coal oil, part of which he had used to light- the fire, upon the top of tete range. .Mrs. Yeomans was in the act of dra9Sftg beside the range, when, without alumina, Mete was an «% ud03)0n. It1 all instant, she was 00v01' - •d \vita a 111x93 of flames, and b1 fore 'tele could he secured was so badly burner: that very little hope 00111d be held oat for Ilei recovery, Mr, and lits, Yeonulns had been married about a Year, and the ti'ttgedy has oast a gloom over the whole district, John Yrntnaus, the ljereaved husband, le a son of 8. Yenina'n9, one of the old.,t farmers fn the rjistrier. 'rho isle D1ra, Lizzie Mdiay, iorinerly of Seed th, M hate 1100 olrr,- Wheat 90-92 ; Barley '55-55 Oats 90-40 ; Peas '0-80 ; Bran ) t} -2J ; Shorts 24-24 ; Butter 2u >t lilkgs 20-91 ; Flour WOOCIOCOS Wish you all a Merry Xmas jand a Happy New Year. ; 2 has been at our store and left many nice and useful things. Probably some of these are for you. COME AND SEE J. A. ANDERSON 13LXTH enotaxmomosoese SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INVITED INTEREST PAI D QUARTERLY BTYTH BRANCH T. W. SCOTT - AGENT A. TAYLOR'S FOR Groceries and Fancy Goods FOR XMAS TRADE All kinds of Prepared Foods for brain machinery and stomach ease. GIVE US A CALL. AVE KEEP TETE BES'( AND THE CHEAPEST. A. TAYLOR - •BLYTH 8 0 OFFICIAL LABEL 400% tk Just try a blended flour once and see for yourself that it does make WHITER and tastier Bread and Biscuits— LIGHTER Pastry— MORE DELICIOUS Cake, And there's good reason for it, too. Blended Flours combine the rich nutriment, the whiteness, lightness and delicate flavor of Ontario wheat with the strong • qualities of Manitoba wheat. For all home baking—no flour, milled only from spring wheat, can compare with a BLENDED FLOUR. Look for this trademark on every bag or barrel of flour you buy. Take no other. "Made in Ontario" •., e 1411(100 OFFICIAL mime at+ PLOD LABEL