HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-11-04, Page 13,, .
Clintoxi, Out.
AD\'1:nTISUVn rtA'17d�.
- - 1 YR. 6 110. 3 110. 1 No.
1 Column ....... $60 00 ,0,3,5 00 $20 00 $7 00
1 Cohtmn........ 35 (0 20 (t0 13 00 3 00
Column ....... 20 00 12 00 7 00 2 60
`olumu ....... 15 00 H 00 5 00 1 00
rich.,........ 6 00 3 50 2 00 1 25
L ilSpeelal position from 25 to 5J per cent, extra.
'or transient advertistnnents 10 cants per flue for
e arst insertion; 3 cents per line each subsequent
•sortion—nonpariel measuro. Prolessionalenrds,not
4xceeding one inch, $5.00 per annum. Advert,se-
meo!s without specific dirbetious will be l5ublished
till furbit! and eharged for acenrdirgly. Transient
notice•,—"Lost," 1117.und," "Por sale," etc. -60
cents for first insertion, 25 cents for each subse-Incnt
it ser, ion.
Tlia N)cws Rsconn will be sent to ery address,
free of postage, for $1.00 per year, payable in All'
50 may be chnrged if not so paid. The
date to which every subscription is paid is denoted
h • be on
by the number the add res label. 'r
s e . %. , paper dis-
continued until all arrears tire paid, except at the
option of the proprietor,
Editor and Proprietor.
�alv �c�uartia�entaats.
Notice—John Steep.
One Price---Hodgens Bros,
Champagne—Lack Kennedy,
Overcoats—Jackson Brothers,
Millinery—W. H. Beesley & Co.
Wet Goods—Jackson & Jackson,
Xmas Goods—The W. D. Fair Co.
Dissolution Male—Gilroy & Wiseman.
Rundown Systoris—Allen & Wilson.
Look Around—Broadfont, Brix & Co.
Some People Don't Know _P. B.
Cottage and Lot for Hale—W. C.
Thorobred Stock for Sale -W. J,
Meeting of Huron County Couu-
cil—W. Little.
The Hljrcn News-Recora
31.00 a Ycar, in Advance.
THURSDAY, Novi mnER Hill, 18p7.
The members of the Hardy Cabinet
still continue dilligent in lining their
brothers,P'sons, uncles and cousins up
to the official crib and given another
four-year term they will have fastened
upon the long-suffering ratepayers of
On-tay-re-o such a family compact its
the Dominion has not yet seen. The
province needs less of nepotism, not
Mr. Lonna, the Liberal member for
Centre Toronto, has resigned, having
the proinise of a judgeship ul his
pocket, so itis said. And thus the good
fight, for the independence of the
Memhers Of Parliament goes bravely
Mowat always contended that the
Ontario Government should be in the
hands Of men of a different political
Stripe from those in paver at Ottawa
and his friend, warmed their paints
and hurrahed 1 The Little Premier's
argument still holds good so for
sweet consistency's sake its old stand -
byes will doubtless be found •just as
zealous to maintain It as ever.
Whitney Will «Win.
Mr, James F.migh was visiting; Bufi-
alo the past week.
On Saturday the sitting of the 12th
Division Court was held in the Indus -
trey Hall before his Honor Judge Doyle.
The (-;is(! of Bone and Morris was t rigid
by jury which lasted ;Lel day. The
jury allowing Bone for doing stone
work $-10 and Morris $15 for' horse,
each to pay his own costs. Campion
for plaintiff. Proudfoot for defendant.
On Friday a number of the C. O. F.
attetlded the funeral of the late Bro.
T. Neilans in Hullett. It was claimed
to be the largest funeral ever seen in
this section, the deceased he ing so well
known, having been tax collector for
upwards of a quarter of a century.
On Sunday morning quarterly meet-
ing was held in the Methodist church.
In the evening Reeve Willford, occu-
pied the pulpit fn the absenco of the
Holy Coin rnunion was held in Tr•im-
ity church on Sunday Morning.
Divine service will he held in Trinity
church on Thursday art 8 p, I . after
which a meeting will be held for the
purpose of S. S. Xtua.s tree and enter-
Large quantities of grain keep pour-
ing inro market daily at good prices.
Misses Neilands and Newton of
Wingharrt were fn town on Friday.
]vire. Robert Howard paid the huh a
flying visit bast week.
Rev. T. E. and Mrs. Highley and
Miss Thompson returned on Monday
from attending S. S. and lay workers
convention which washeld In the Forest
city last week.
j The Rouse of Refuge
Hardy Ovepepowdedo oy d
Is essential k
f Health. Every nook
With Blind, Idiotio and and corner of ...Blood
system is reached by the blood, and ou
Insane Paupers. Ito quality the condition of every organ da•
pends. Good blood means strong nerves,
1 good digestion, robust health. Impure
h There Mast be it Weedinm Ont or blood means scrofula, dyspopsia,rheutna-
it Larger Building, or Both. Ham, catarrh or otherdlseases. Tbesurest
Governor's way to have good blood to to take Hood's
b Sarsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi.
To the visitor who has been through talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends
the House of R('fuge, froth the lase.- the elements of health and strength to
e merit where a Circular Town idiot ' )- very nerve, organ and tissue. It creates
dulges in yells that are scarcely human a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep
s but make the whole building ring, to and cures that tired feeling. Remember,
the more airy upper rooms where 0 1
eleven Insane fewalea elope away the
hour's, the most pertinent question
is:— ,Did the taxpayers of Huron in H 0 d s
tend the institution its an annex to
the provincial asylums or the Ilople Sarsaparilla
for Idiots at Orillia,.
to the best — to faot tbo One True Blood Purifies
.When formally opened two years
since many thought, the building fru , ours Liver Ills; easy to
exceeded the needs of the county, but hood a Pills telt., easy toeperate, 25a.
instead it is now too small and beds
E! ---
have had to be placed in the corridors'
Witha capacity for seventy intuates
Quarterly meeting services were
there are now seventy-eight and the
The New
more oPit; filo purity of our public lifalso dolnands that this method of brib
church last Sunda ulstre.e
Y g•
ery shall vease,but this is not at all like
Ml��r efrr�
h to came is pass while Mr. Hard
holds rite reins of power.
« «
St• George's church on Sunday morn.
A chorus of hanks would ascend f
the Ontario Legislature could abstain
Up to date the tax collector is $3,000
fora session, at least, frour tinkering
Smith's Block, Chilton.
with the laws already )pun the
I O. L., No. 1,45, Goderich township,
u0ehrated the 5th with a hot
statute books, already so numerous
sit per
1Lrid entertainment fu their hall In
and complicated that even the legs
Just note we are offering a fine lot of
fl•ateruity cannot keep pace with
Huron Lodge, No. 30, R. A, M. will
While the C. Councillors are delib_
meet i) regular session next Tuesday
them. A law receives the Governor'
1 ���
sanction one session; at the next it i
Prone Fort William on Friday with 88,.
amended and from year to year addi-
tired acres could be worked wore ecun-
tions and changes are made s
owically than tile, 474 flow belonging
before the fire.
that in short course of time riven the
At a Bargain. People who require
father of the measure fails to recognize
theta will save luouey in railing to see
his offspring. This breeds dispute
them and buying'.
and lawyers follow as surely as dark
�'V. R. Robertson. is making ar-
ne§s the day. Even the judges sitting
I•ang(lulent.8 to start it )light school it)
farm to keep its acres fertile.
in all dignity upon the bench laugh lit
The House of Refuge is being abused,
even the County gaoler unloading Ills
troublesome boarders upon it. The
nlSherif Reynolds wits in the (ween
Statutes Of Ontario,
City l+lst Thursday.
1'he harbor park was crowded all
creature was confined in the Castle,
clay . vie-wing the burned
until tiring of hila the keeper by some
incuns or other, and, an enquiry into
St. George's Women's Auxiliary
Whitt a gay tune the members of the
illeet every Monday at 2.30 p. in.
Laurier Cabinet have been having
Oar Stock is superior in quality
and very reasonable in price. Gall
those four tuonths past with jaunts to
and see what we have,
Europe, across the continent, or to the
d Q o e,0 v o
resorts where pleasure revels. Follow -
I a the example of ing the
have been improving the shini❑ hour
A phlnk sidewalk hits been put in
and the echo will sound when the pub-
i►I Illbxer.
Eulerson's old stand, near Clarendon
lie accounts come ftp for examination.
Then it will be seen who pays tlae pip-
not the Alimisters, it ru(ty be taken
for granted. By the ivity, Israel
Tarte is packing his grip fol' it trip to
But ope and will call upon His Holiness
at Rome, of course. How many more
members of our Canadian Government
fully in modern langculgcsand attain -
intond beseeching the guidance of the
ed bel' B. A. degl'ee a fe\\' days Since.
Holy See?
evidence of the presence of it watchful,
Having worked the Jubiloe to the
careful mlatrnn, an efficient assistant
Tint Payne, of the Sign tl stuff, left
'r.i sari • now
uttermost, Sir Wilfrid L el
•••••O•••••••• 2, 4 and 8
goes on to Washington to discuss re-
where he ]las it sit.
1 THEY MAINt.lEr), — The following
ciprocity. When he reaches the Cavi-
; folcl... ..
tal lie must talk and it will be surpris-
("outts, the gonial, whole-s:mled ware-
Ing if lie doesn't profess, while with
house "an Of the Union Dock & Stor-
Uncle Sauls, to be still it Continental -
Complete Stock
ist, his ardent Imperialism while in
" — -- ---
Britain to the contrary, not.withstand-
In all lines.
ung. He has tilt) happy knack, it
should he acknowledged, of adapting
Illilid. All, anti Alr.s. Coutts have
hiulself to his company and his ex-
pressed sentiments etre quite as often
street,.anl.l their 1llany frirnds wisll
a matter of expediency as principle.
The daily papers lust week gave con-
THP: aNNI\':?I; 4ARY. — tlnni\ersat Y
siderable space to it cock and bull
Gloria Saxony
story, purporting to come from the
oily, Nov. 14, high Illass, lwiif be Sunp:•
gold fields of the frozen north, of a
Fane Yarns.
proposed raid of Yankee ininers
11 10 it. el., atter which His Lordshi),
upon the treasure grounds. The Cana -
A complete line of Voyles,
dians are to be driven out, so goes the
Splashevs, Tray Cloths,
yearn, the police corralled and the
Table Covers and other
officials placed in durance vile, so that
stamped linens.
the adventurers may have a few
Polito, will lecture. The choir are pre-
months of undisturbed "cleaning up"
Pompons, Cords,
along the creeks and valleys of the
Tassels, etc,
Yukon. "There aint nothin' to it," its
Art Silks in all
the late Mr'. Pape would say, for reek -
less of lite and law its the Yank is
bridge, Rev. Fr. McKeon, St. Angus -
while in the mining regions of his
Our stock in :ill these lines is new
own country, he' becomes quite a
an, *down to date in quality and price.
changed in to when the Old FI:tg \vitves
the local poultty inen was held in Mr.
Lane's office last Wednesday evening,
over the cainp. One officer, a ciaunt-
less Soot ch-Canadinur, mainNined order
It11 P
Cn�,-t��q fy •��0 STORE
in Rnsslaucl in its most, boisterous clay,
and when it swarnied with citizens of
tS .li{i
the united States, who obeyed the Irtw
and behaved themselves, from lie-
Council room, to complete tile. arrange -
eessity not force of habit. So
The Huron Now&RaGala
will it be in the Klondike
which will be ,j:ist• as law-abiding
Is imblisbed tvely THl'RSDAT, at
and orderly as can be expected of so
TRIP Nsvvs•It,;coun Priiiang Boase, Albert St.
eager and cosmopolitan a population.
M «
Clintoxi, Out.
AD\'1:nTISUVn rtA'17d�.
- - 1 YR. 6 110. 3 110. 1 No.
1 Column ....... $60 00 ,0,3,5 00 $20 00 $7 00
1 Cohtmn........ 35 (0 20 (t0 13 00 3 00
Column ....... 20 00 12 00 7 00 2 60
`olumu ....... 15 00 H 00 5 00 1 00
rich.,........ 6 00 3 50 2 00 1 25
L ilSpeelal position from 25 to 5J per cent, extra.
'or transient advertistnnents 10 cants per flue for
e arst insertion; 3 cents per line each subsequent
•sortion—nonpariel measuro. Prolessionalenrds,not
4xceeding one inch, $5.00 per annum. Advert,se-
meo!s without specific dirbetious will be l5ublished
till furbit! and eharged for acenrdirgly. Transient
notice•,—"Lost," 1117.und," "Por sale," etc. -60
cents for first insertion, 25 cents for each subse-Incnt
it ser, ion.
Tlia N)cws Rsconn will be sent to ery address,
free of postage, for $1.00 per year, payable in All'
50 may be chnrged if not so paid. The
date to which every subscription is paid is denoted
h • be on
by the number the add res label. 'r
s e . %. , paper dis-
continued until all arrears tire paid, except at the
option of the proprietor,
Editor and Proprietor.
�alv �c�uartia�entaats.
Notice—John Steep.
One Price---Hodgens Bros,
Champagne—Lack Kennedy,
Overcoats—Jackson Brothers,
Millinery—W. H. Beesley & Co.
Wet Goods—Jackson & Jackson,
Xmas Goods—The W. D. Fair Co.
Dissolution Male—Gilroy & Wiseman.
Rundown Systoris—Allen & Wilson.
Look Around—Broadfont, Brix & Co.
Some People Don't Know _P. B.
Cottage and Lot for Hale—W. C.
Thorobred Stock for Sale -W. J,
Meeting of Huron County Couu-
cil—W. Little.
The Hljrcn News-Recora
31.00 a Ycar, in Advance.
THURSDAY, Novi mnER Hill, 18p7.
The members of the Hardy Cabinet
still continue dilligent in lining their
brothers,P'sons, uncles and cousins up
to the official crib and given another
four-year term they will have fastened
upon the long-suffering ratepayers of
On-tay-re-o such a family compact its
the Dominion has not yet seen. The
province needs less of nepotism, not
Mr. Lonna, the Liberal member for
Centre Toronto, has resigned, having
the proinise of a judgeship ul his
pocket, so itis said. And thus the good
fight, for the independence of the
Memhers Of Parliament goes bravely
Mowat always contended that the
Ontario Government should be in the
hands Of men of a different political
Stripe from those in paver at Ottawa
and his friend, warmed their paints
and hurrahed 1 The Little Premier's
argument still holds good so for
sweet consistency's sake its old stand -
byes will doubtless be found •just as
zealous to maintain It as ever.
Whitney Will «Win.
Mr, James F.migh was visiting; Bufi-
alo the past week.
On Saturday the sitting of the 12th
Division Court was held in the Indus -
trey Hall before his Honor Judge Doyle.
The (-;is(! of Bone and Morris was t rigid
by jury which lasted ;Lel day. The
jury allowing Bone for doing stone
work $-10 and Morris $15 for' horse,
each to pay his own costs. Campion
for plaintiff. Proudfoot for defendant.
On Friday a number of the C. O. F.
attetlded the funeral of the late Bro.
T. Neilans in Hullett. It was claimed
to be the largest funeral ever seen in
this section, the deceased he ing so well
known, having been tax collector for
upwards of a quarter of a century.
On Sunday morning quarterly meet-
ing was held in the Methodist church.
In the evening Reeve Willford, occu-
pied the pulpit fn the absenco of the
Holy Coin rnunion was held in Tr•im-
ity church on Sunday Morning.
Divine service will he held in Trinity
church on Thursday art 8 p, I . after
which a meeting will be held for the
purpose of S. S. Xtua.s tree and enter-
Large quantities of grain keep pour-
ing inro market daily at good prices.
Misses Neilands and Newton of
Wingharrt were fn town on Friday.
]vire. Robert Howard paid the huh a
flying visit bast week.
Rev. T. E. and Mrs. Highley and
Miss Thompson returned on Monday
from attending S. S. and lay workers
convention which washeld In the Forest
city last week.
j The Rouse of Refuge
Hardy Ovepepowdedo oy d
Is essential k
f Health. Every nook
With Blind, Idiotio and and corner of ...Blood
system is reached by the blood, and ou
Insane Paupers. Ito quality the condition of every organ da•
pends. Good blood means strong nerves,
1 good digestion, robust health. Impure
h There Mast be it Weedinm Ont or blood means scrofula, dyspopsia,rheutna-
it Larger Building, or Both. Ham, catarrh or otherdlseases. Tbesurest
Governor's way to have good blood to to take Hood's
b Sarsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi.
To the visitor who has been through talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends
the House of R('fuge, froth the lase.- the elements of health and strength to
e merit where a Circular Town idiot ' )- very nerve, organ and tissue. It creates
dulges in yells that are scarcely human a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep
s but make the whole building ring, to and cures that tired feeling. Remember,
the more airy upper rooms where 0 1
eleven Insane fewalea elope away the
hour's, the most pertinent question
is:— ,Did the taxpayers of Huron in H 0 d s
tend the institution its an annex to
the provincial asylums or the Ilople Sarsaparilla
for Idiots at Orillia,.
to the best — to faot tbo One True Blood Purifies
.When formally opened two years
since many thought, the building fru , ours Liver Ills; easy to
exceeded the needs of the county, but hood a Pills telt., easy toeperate, 25a.
instead it is now too small and beds
E! ---
have had to be placed in the corridors'
Witha capacity for seventy intuates
Quarterly meeting services were
there are now seventy-eight and the
held in the North street Methodist
number is much inure likely to in-
church last Sunda ulstre.e
Y g•
creltse than decrease, so that a huger
Holy Communion was celebrated 'in
building is necessary. It Is understood
St• George's church on Sunday morn.
the (.'utility Councillors have the mat-
ter under consideration and lire hav-
Up to date the tax collector is $3,000
Ing plaits preFmred. In the nlenthiMe
the congested state he
allead of the same period last year.
of affairs can
relieved by a weeding out and a ship-
I O. L., No. 1,45, Goderich township,
u0ehrated the 5th with a hot
went to the Lunatic Asylum at Toron-
sit per
1Lrid entertainment fu their hall In
to or olsewheve and to the Refuge for
Friday evening,
Idiots at Ovillia.
Huron Lodge, No. 30, R. A, M. will
While the C. Councillors are delib_
meet i) regular session next Tuesday
erating as to building, what have Ihey
to say about au extension to the farm
The Steamer St. Andrew arrived
as well, It is contended by those who
Prone Fort William on Friday with 88,.
are in it position to know Iha.tone-hue-
000 bushels of wheat for the G. T. R.
tired acres could be worked wore ecun-
elevator but only discharged one half
owically than tile, 474 flow belonging
before the fire.
to tile House. They say that on till•
It(!ViVal lueet.ingS were lleeld last
larger farm no Igor,: hired help wouf(1
week Ill the North street Methodist
be, required, hitt that additional stock
could be kept, and all good fanners
�'V. R. Robertson. is making ar-
know that stock Is necessary ab(UL it
I•ang(lulent.8 to start it )light school it)
farm to keep its acres fertile.
the Central. Those desiring to Attend
The House of Refuge is being abused,
should coun)uuicate with the gentle -
even the County gaoler unloading Ills
troublesome boarders upon it. The
nlSherif Reynolds wits in the (ween
bowling idiot alluded to is a sample.
For several luonths that unfortunate'
City l+lst Thursday.
1'he harbor park was crowded all
creature was confined in the Castle,
clay . vie-wing the burned
until tiring of hila the keeper by some
incuns or other, and, an enquiry into
St. George's Women's Auxiliary
his methods alight not be out of place,
illeet every Monday at 2.30 p. in.
had hint transferred to Ali-. French's
Already we hear of chorus prepar-
care. He should not have heen sant
Ing for Christmas.
to the House of Refuge, Old glen and
The sewer contractors arc nearing
worsen, victims, sulue of then), of
the end of their contract.
adverse circumstances trod others of
A phlnk sidewalk hits been put in
their own misdeeds, but •ill of Who 11
frons of G. N. Davis' store on Colborne
have fared badly and sadly to life's
battle and have in this Huron Shelter,
'Title one or two cool evenings, the
sought refuge from its storms, should
past week, glade the dry goods bnsi-
not be compelled to here] with the
nese it little snore lively.
overflow of gaols Or asylurns.
Miss Shephard, of this town, who
The House of Refuge is well-ulanag-
had }leen studying at Trinity College
tile, plist Lhree yeilrs, prlssed success -
ed. Front bastrulent to attic every-
fully in modern langculgcsand attain -
thing is kept near, and clean and In
ed bel' B. A. degl'ee a fe\\' days Since.
Order. is ;Lel Over the building
Goderieh was treated to it full of
evidence of the presence of it watchful,
sleet )n Saturday.
careful mlatrnn, an efficient assistant
Tint Payne, of the Sign tl stuff, left
and a shrewd manager. The salary
A1r. and Mrs. French
town on Stcr.urday for Owen Sound
receive seems
small for the work done, but this is
where he ]las it sit.
1 THEY MAINt.lEr), — The following
a notile.l• 1Tla.Lt'er, w•• UUdurstand, the
Cuun.ty Council propose coosiclerim
I'voll, a Po't Pnron paper refers to it
forlllc`r (aoderich boy: "('apt. John
at its next session.
("outts, the gonial, whole-s:mled ware-
house "an Of the Union Dock & Stor-
Circular City Ilpiers.
age Co., was united in marriage to
hiss Rose Wynn, vu Alon(lav evening
school morn pn Monday afternoon.
There will he, an oppen meeting of
at 7 o'clock, at the residence of Itev. It.
the Collegiate and Alodel School Liter-
N. Vanduren, pastov of the 13itptist,
GODI:III('H, Ont.,Nov.lith.--Jl15t
church. lir. hr -d Davis acted its hest
Illitn, ,told bliss Mabel Ellison it,,; brideS-
after midnight Saturday morning, the
Illilid. All, anti Alr.s. Coutts have
Granct Trunk elevator way disenPere(l
taker 1 ill) thele' residence oil fort,
to be on fire, 1)ut before the hose could
street,.anl.l their 1llany frirnds wisll
be got in position] the whole building
thet)I evE`I•y jUy in theil' Illilted shite.
was ablaze. The sto•mi that had start.
ed some few hours before, increased in
THP: aNNI\':?I; 4ARY. — tlnni\ersat Y
Intensity and Ill less than loll ht)ri1' th('
I lilcling fell, though the hills with 30
Rr`I'\Iehy Irl ('Onllel'LI'Il With the (pen -
ill Of St Peter's \\ill be held on Sun-
th(ltSalld hnShl'1S Of whl!at, t't'lllallied
oily, Nov. 14, high Illass, lwiif be Sunp:•
some tittle lunger. Om the It. It. clock
by Rev. Dean ltun•phy, of frishtot\•n
were three million feet of iumb(`raud by
11 10 it. el., atter which His Lordshi),
a. OR. the last stick of it had been
burned to charcoal. kour curs
i3ishop O'Uounor, of London, will
preach and elect the new stations of
burned, two of which contained wheat,
Irl LIl
(i l't1:iH, 1-1 nllllibet'• The evening
The schoo.linr Toolinan hied her rigging
services will coul)enc•e at, 7 p. n1.,
destr'oved and her hall scorched, allot
(%ening with vespers. Rev. Father
O'Brady, (f St. Michael's College, To.di
several fishing tugs, the dredge Arnot-
and the tug Sitndford lust thou
Polito, will lecture. The choir are pre-
and hill their scants ill] opened
pitting special music. The following
with tilt) beat. The tishing tug ClucaS
el (1'g,y fuel] illi: expected 1.0 ire pr'esellt:
'twas sunk to save it. Tile firemetl
Rev. Fr. AleGilbe, Seaforth; Rev. Fr.
worked br;tvel but could not et near
y g
Valentine, Zurich; Rev. Fr. Courtot's,
Drysdale; Rev. Fr. Dixon, Kings -
the fire, the harbor on one side and the
bridge, Rev. Fr. McKeon, St. Angus -
hill on the other preventing theta.
The ground is now itluost its clean as
if it had been swept. The ties were all
THE POULTRY Mf?N.—A meeting of
wet -(-burned out and the fails wet-(- twisted
the local poultty inen was held in Mr.
Lane's office last Wednesday evening,
Ili all inanner of shapes by ttie heat.
to begin arrangelneiAs for the winter'
Oar people turned out en -masse to secs
show. After it general discussion it
the sight, the town being is light as
was agreed to call it wee]ing Of the
day and the r•eflectinn from the blaze
officers and directors of the County
could he seen some 40 miles. The. logs
Arssociatiun, to be held at Clinton oil
is a little over one -hundred thousand
Thursday lit one o'clock in the Town
dollars and, unless on the { rain, there
Council room, to complete tile. arrange -
is no insurance. AI r. N. Dayment.
lose; $25.000, Will. Rutson about $3,-
tnents, prepare prize list, etc.
000, the Grand Tnink about the same
The fishing tug, ( lucaS, Captain Alex
snm as Dayment and the wheat was
Craigie, arrived home from Tober-
vaiued at W,00. How the fire origin-
moray, oil Tuesday evening. The
ated is not known, but there are many
Captain reports the sea: o,is catch as a
theories and when there are s(f uuuny
„fair one."
to choose from we pass the question.
The fishing tug, Sail, Gull, Captain
The Guy Bros. appeared in the opera I
Dan McKay,an ived to port on Tues -
(Illyafternoon front South Bay. Cap -
house here oh Friday evening to it full
titin McKay, who had a fair passage
down, r•e'.l)orts the seasons catch as
The town council, at its last meeting,
`blot, had,'
appointed J. R. Kelly, of Blyth, to the
The steam barge Sequin, from Port
position'of electrician with full charge
Arthur, with '3t,000 bushels of wheat
of the plant.
for millers along the G. T. R„ reached
&IIIe\ws, our photographer, has of
the Grand Trunk elevator last week,
exhibition some choice scent's of east-
Jas. Hays with it gang of diet unload -
ern life, eastern peaple, and eastern
ed her and got through the job expe-
The wife of Mr. A. Sands, collector
of Colborne township ,died last week
and the interment, it private one, tool: 'Cook'S
plaf!e in the township cculetery on
Cotton Root Compound
Is the only safe, reliablo
mA number of the members of Mait-
monthly medicine on which
land lodge visited their brethern at
ladies can depend in the
Carlow on Wednesday evening of last
hour and rinse of need.
Is prepared in two degrees
Mr. James Scott, lawyer, of Clinton,
in the Circular Town
of strenth.
last week.
No. for ordinary cases
A gang of men lilts been preparing f
is by far the best dbilat medicine known
the big mill for a cargo of Manitoba
—sold by druggists, ode Dollar per box.
wheat which is expected daisyy. The
No. 2 for special cases -10 degrees
grain will shipped tO the 8 ,.forth
stronger—tiold by druggists. One box,
Till][ as required.
Three Dollars; two boxes, Dive Dollars.
On Saturday (tiring the storm the
No, t, or No. 2, mailed on, receipt of
harbor was almost covered with seal
pinta and two 3 -cent stamps.
Miss Nellie Tighe, of Dulath; "T)rm-
The cook Conmpany,
erly of this town, -and a graduate from
dsor. Ontario*
the Collegiate, is now a notary public
in that
WSIold in Clinton and everywhere in Canada
by all responsible druggists.
Combe' Baking Powder
We have this week placed in our Storo a uow A4ixing Alachine
to be used iu wanufacturing our
Pure Cream of Tarter Baking Powdep
This 13aking Powder has mot with such continued ouecess that
we have decided t.o rn+uufaetllrn it on a large scalo, and hope to
do the ]laking Powdor butltne(iH of this county,
It is perfectly 1lfixed
It surpasses all 001018 for Purity
It is composed of the fiueet and purest Cream of Tartar, and a special
grade of Bicarbonate of Soda.
It is always reliable, is not an experiment
It bite been before the public longer than any Lruggist Baking Powder
manufactured iu this County
It snakes better and lighter biscuits than any other Baking Powder made
Is of uniform strength and quality
Is economical
Is strictly up -to date
Is sold under a positivo guarantee
And last of all fulfils evt ry claim made for it.
We will be pleased to -furnish free samples to any one who has not tested our
e Baking Powder,
Put up in lb. and half pound packages, Price 25c. per ]b.
Manufacturings. Chemist, Physician
Supplies, &c.
Inverness Camp, No. �rl, S• O. S., I
conteulphate celebrating St. Andrew's®O
_<___-_._--._-_�__ _•—__�J
flight, Nov. 30th, with a dinner at the
Bedford Hotel. Athole br•ose, the
haggis and a piper, wif he given the
19 41
place of honor. It is ex petted to have
F i
a list of speakers and singers which
will ensue the success of the affair,
—Miss McCall, who has filled the poli-
tion of organist of North St. AIethudist
church very acceptably daring the
past year, lilts been appointed organist
' i '' il'I'j'--' ""_1
of Knox Church.
The flshing tug Sea Ctiluoen, Captain
'ij 'r •
M. McDonald, milde this portlast.
I \l ;I!ILN
Wednesda ofGer aseaso's fishlngat
�,.- l
the Ducks.
'(''ll,i`'; �•
Gco. Emerson has moved into the
J�c i
store on West. St. known as Johnston's
, '
r J
�' \°j�• ;
Captain Lawson is adding a one -and-
j �)• ••••
�!l fti
a -half story addition to his dwelling
on Wellesley St.
The frame work of the residence
- Y'°
being erected for Mrs, Ilarrisun on
c c J
L+`lgin Ave. is almost finished.
The Women's Auxiliary held the
usual weekly meeting in St. George's
There are phases about your -
bolus where you need New
school morn pn Monday afternoon.
There will he, an oppen meeting of
Furnitut e. Perhaps it is a
the Collegiate and Alodel School Liter-
Bedroom Suite ov a Parlor
,lairs, you know what you
a)y Society to -morrow, (Friday even-
Ing), ail which occasian the certificates
most desire. You will ho
of the successful candidates it the
midsummer examinations will be dis-
able to have what you
want supplied small cost
tribitted, and the medal given
if you come to us.
by Rev. Mark Tormbull awarded.
S. I'. Halls has improved his part of
North St. by erecting a iron
fence in tront of his newlyerected
Furniture Dealers
and Undertakers.
William �Vil1l+Lee's brick veneered
dwellings on the corner of Wellington
and Lighthouse streets are nearly
ready for the finishing touch of the
perch were caught in n
last \week, (1st week in Nov,), and ship-
a ship -
ped in harrels.
TIRE ST. LAV RENCE.—Tile St. Law- i
reuse is the mune by Alrs. An-
fh[1 Je Cll11� R7iCVl-
he U ]Alli
draw Beek to her comfortable and
Pretty residence recently purchased
frons Dr, Thompson, and owned for so
�j' .f�
�q p
gess of file safe
)1 uy years by F. d. Lawrence. The
d\velhug IS situated on Alotltreal St.,
Dasa Bidd�eco�bo
one minute's walk from the square,
•ttld exactly rindway between the (I. T.
It. station and the steanlholat wharf, it
I am increasing
most desirable position for a first-
class boarding house. The 1)�tidling is
the Stock .which
surrounded by pretty shade
will be found full
pleasant lawn, and wiLhin every Coll-
venience will be found. The house is
and complete...,
wartlled by the hot water system (the
insist healthy one in use), and an incan-
Intendingpu —
ieseent light will be found in every
'oom. As the hostess is one of the
chasers. shout
lest -known characters in Huron, the
lining hall will one be one of the least
sere: it. ..
.Lttractions at the St. Lawrence.
Herbert CaLling leaves this week for
Stonewall, Manitoba, He is not new
to that province, having spent one and
a half years there about two years ago,
and was so touch taken with the
pro ice thin, he will take up land.
Mi•. John Daynlent, of Ulint•on, is
putting in new stables with ceruent
floors for John Beacom. When the
work is completed AIr. Beacom will
have sonie of the hest stabling inthe
township. Mr. Dayment is also re-
modelling Mr. Alex. 131dour's residence
and making it its good its new.
� p
0®6d•PO®®69®49 ®®•af®®Oi�•6
e o
Oui- Stock of dubber Goods
for the wet and sloppy
weather is full and compl ete.
We shove one of the largest and
most complete Stocks in the
We handle nothing but the most
reliable Goods in the -market.
Come and inspect.
"Nothing Like heather"
The Noted Shoe Dealers,