HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-11-04, Page 9'Want of care does Mr. John Kennedy is on the sick HOlmesville.
Us more dainage list. _^
Than want of knowled e." Mr. Thos. Jackson, of Jackson Bros.,
� Mrs. Talbot, of Landon township, is
13ENJ. 1+RANKLIN. is in Toronto this week, visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. John -
We don't claim to "know it all" Mr. J. S. Jackson represented The son.
Globe at the BayfiNd enquiry.
but we do claim to be careful. Care- Dr. Woods is su 1 In the practice Mrs. E. Uourtice and son pard it
PP � g N visit to blr, J. L. Courtice.
ful in buying, careful in our state- of Dr. Rutherford, of istowel. Mr. and Mrs. McCattuey, of Walk-
ments in advertising, careful that JAs. L. HEARN and S. Smith each erville, are visiting friends in the Special goods at low
everybody is treated fairly it, our shipped a car load of cattle yesterday. neighborhood.
store, we make no distinctions. We Mr. J. T. Powell, a graduate of the The cheese factpry closed on Satur prices will always sell
strive to make our store a place where Clinton Collegiate, has been engaged day They have, made from 95 to 100 and here is What we
to teach in S. S. No. 9, Goderich town- tons of first-class cheese this seasonoiler
people of fortune can be suited exactly ship• �� This is counted good work for one have t0 et.for Sat -
and where those who have to count Mrs. Whitehea and the Misses saason, Urdily next.
their dollars carefully can get as good Little returned hot a on Tuesday from Mrs. Elford has returned borne after
or better value tot, their money than Londesboro where they were visiting a lengthy visit to Stratford and other 200 pairs of Mone heavy Gloves
elsewhere. Thea Broach of Christmas friends, points. ,, and Mitts, worth in the regular
Pl Walker, who bhs been
suggests that you remember and Mrs. H. R. Walker,
., confined to the house since last Sept., The quarterly services were well at- way from 75c to $1, your
tended on Sunday. At the business choice as long as they last for.. 500
apply this careful feature of ours. OP
attended service at the Ontario St. meeting on Monday, all the former
Our new goods are coming to us ill- Methodist Church on Sunday last. stewards were re-elected,,
most daily and it is very interesting The following editorial reference in Next Sunday morning Rev. G. W. These goods were b•-ught from a
work marking and placing them in the Saturday Mail and Empire to a Andrews will preach it sermon on,
Clinton boy, son of Mr. W. Cooper of "Our Class -meeting s " � fu nufa0lurer who was hard up for
stock. They are very dainty, repre- this town, shows what brains and per- n funds and a special cash offer got what
senting a veritable wonder of novelty serverance carr accomplish. Mr. The following is the result of the
and newness They are of a class of Cooper is making a success of the recent promotion and review examired we wanted.
Canadian Magazine, notwithstandiu tions:—II to 11I, total 880, required
their own and present a striking con- g g 340—Henry Badour, 4f13; Florence Nobody who wants Gloves or a
where cheap kind. Perhaps you con
that the field is rather crowded and Y
trast to. the gaudy and sold every- the keen competion of the cheaper Trewarthea, 457; Roy Pickard, 432;
- American Magazines. The Mail and
Mabel Wilson. 418, Birdie Wilson, 4W; . + good pair of butte can afford to
seder it earl to talk Xtnas Goods now, Empire said:—"The Canadian Maga- Eddie Williams, 3oll Blanche Part ,t, miss this chance,
Y 378; Edith Mulholland, 346. Part TI
but ain't it high time to et our dolls zine, under the able editorship of Mr,
g g Y John A. Cooper, reserves its high to II class, total 700, required '350— Duck
c•ostunie or to start that piece ori' P P g Frank Evans, 582; Mervyn Evans, 558;
fancy Avork. Ctrs 1)011 Stock is an character, and for this month gives an Wilfred 'Colclough, 478; Evalena, Me -
immense one and will interest careful anniversary number of undoubted ex- Cartney, 478; George Colclough, 417;
buyers. Already we trust you know cellence. Of the many articles of in- Permdla Halsted, 305; Daisy Wil -
Out' a llitude in su t 1 in you with all terest may be mentioned the first of EL M1fF S
} 1 p y' g , � li�tms, 3118. Pt. I to Pt. II total, 5U0,
materials for the wanufacture of Art series by r. Bourinot on the makers required •250—Oscar Tebbutt, 385; 1+7dgy
Needle Work. One of our chief claims of the Dominion of Canada, an article Wilso;,, 305; Arthur sturdy, 2:57.
to trade consideration is our com iletu by Mr. J. S, Willison, dealing with the Useful around the house, sells
1 Holinesville School annual examina-
various Premiers of Ontario, and an tion will be. held on Pt ,
stock and our supreme desire to he Friday, Dec. 17th for 15e.
CAREFUL that you are suited. article by Mr. Cooper himself on the and S. S. No, 9 on Monday, Dec. 20th.
Fenian Raid. Dr. Bouriuot is evident-
e�o�s��ti ly going to produce a valuable history,
geographical in its tenor. His initial Bltteyale.
The 1. D. Fair Coll Instalment deals with the discoverers g Congregation
of the St. Lawrence, whose labors are A veru large con re anon assembled
lost in antiquity and whose voyages in the Presbyterian chuich yesterday Just as soon as w@ get some mons w@ are
are too little known. A new feature to hear Rev. Fenton Hartley,of Mani- g y
in the Current v a contribution robs son w the late pastor Rev. u n all after a Ke of the Cash Box now on ex—
A!lerEts .j�arkcr'g pye Works. headed "Current Events Abroad," by Hartley, who preached an eloquent y
Mr. A. H. M. Colquhoun, an accom- and instructive sermon from the text: hibition in Jackson Bros.' window.
plished writer, who has made an espe- St. John 14 chap. and 23 verse. The Undepdo-thing,,.-
The Aaron News -Record cial study of foreign political matters collection taken up at the close of the �� ��'� ��� �Ov��t. a�� v o� �o . o
and their relations to events nearer service amounted to over$30, tVe
_ st.00 a Year, In Advance. home. The fiction and poetry is of a understand that the Rev. gentleman something special In Ouercoats
N high standard: and altogether Mr. will at the close of his holidays (which
TutURSDAY, NovRmBun 11th, 1897. Cooper is giving tis an admirable takes place next week) return to Mani- The "LEADER," Price — "
monthly," tuba and take charge of a congregation $5.00 Our Leader" at 25e
Z:_ in South western Manitoba. The ``BONANZA," Price - $7.00 The "Jubilee" at 50c
Purely Personal. �— ExeteExeter.Mlrc. Yetatl—
atld preached in the The "FAMOUS," Price $8,00
Afethodist church here y est,erday to a
Mr. Geo. Beattie, afor h, was in Mr. Thos. Dodds, student of Knox very large congregation. ` The "JACKSON," Price — $10.00 Are still selling by
town Sunday. College, Toronto, visited his cousin, Miss M. Isbister, of Morris, visited dozen and with
Mr. John Ansley, of Vi ham, was Miss Bena Dodds, a few days last Mrs. F. B. Scott yesterday. The above lines are the Cheapest Goods offered in the trade ever cent of the
in town Monday, week, He occupied the pulpit of Miss Mary . Scott is visiting at Mr. y
y' Caven Presbyterian Church on sun- and our Great Sale of them is mood evidence that the are right.
n� >Lr Wm. Isbister's on the 2nd line Morris 5 y g »
Mr,.a d ,.rs. Toward, Blyth, were day morning ast. this week. , ,/ , Caps.
` Jubilee you get a•
1h town Thursday last. Mr. George Easterbrook is 0onflned Mrs. Mills, of the 4th concession Mens anF! Boys' Val s. —� ��
to his bed with an attack of sciatica. ! key which will per -
Mr. A. M. Todd was in Goderich a IG Turnherry, has rented her farm to her
Tuesday. Mr„ rael Smith is visiting her sun -in-law, Mr. Watt, for a term of Our Stock is most complete. A great line of haps be the lucky
father, Mr, I Eilber, at Crediton this fiveears and has moved into the
T.'A. Rose, of Broadfoot, ,Box & Co., wee 1�/ village. Boys' Caps .25c,, Girls' School Caps 30c•
Seaforth, was in town Tuesday. My'John Cudmbre is confined to his g ,s Boz social held on
home with inflamation of the bowels, The Orangemen
Mies Kate, McNaughton has been a air. Edward Jones is suffering from the evening of Nov, 5th Was a great
guest -of the Misses McMordie, of Hen- tumor in the bowels, and slight hopes success.
Sall. The flaxmill here is lookin for
are entertained for his recovery. g
'Mr•. Arthur McRae, night watchman We were visited by a light fall of more men as they are short hanci-
has been laid off a few days by sick- snow on Tuesday morning .last, the ed•
ness. first of the season. The cheese factory here is fitting
Mr. R. C. S arlin of Win ham, Died—Russell—In Pxeter North on tip its butter plant this week so as co
g the 3rd inst., John RussellI the third commence making hotter next week.
u s o n rot ers
well known here, has gone into the son of Mr. David Russell, aged 17 The township of Turnberry Local
timber business at Austin, Man. years and 10 months. Board of Health meets here to -day, °
Mr. Arthur Knox, Wingham, look- The Famous Clothiers, Clinton.
ed over his property here Saturday
and arranged for improvements._ -----
Mr. P. Cantelon and D. Cantelon, FRIDAY and Jr.,paid a business visit t0 BayfieldIVAIT
19 k 12, (Ill ink ptio
c p
3�otiday. Y
Mrs. D. Cook, who ha d been visiting ;:5aml: U RDA J. ! f
her-brothr.* at Nile for a week or so,
returned home Monday,
The "Only J. C. Green," slight of
hand artist, was in town Monday, He will be
is showing in Hensall this week.
Mr. Alf, Betts has returned from Special Bargain Days In MillineryManitoba whither he went on the bar- We do business on the "One Price" plan, it's the only fair way, to have the same price
vest-excursion.%1pWto everybody. It's easy to mark goods up and then come down, but if you buy -where
few weeks representing E. e'here athe
Toron It's a good thing to remember that when you buy you get "a cut" or "something oft," you never know whether you have ,got the lowest
to firm engaged in the apple business, off us you get the quality and save money at the price Or not. We ask our lowest price first. Our goods are marked as close as pos—
went home to the city Monday. small price you pay for the article you buy, sible, and if the price is changed for one it is changed for all, Our "One Price" is
Mrs. W. Doherty left Friday for « „
Wardsville, having been called there 0*000fa0000000060 generally lower than the cut price of most stores.
'thy the severe illness of her fatber, Mr.
P. Depew. In Millinery Baby Wear.
Mr. J. C Emerton attended the fun Wright'sWri ht's Health Brand Ameri- I HoS1@r -` V�'
eral of—•1Tis step -mother, the late Mrs. can fleece lined Underwear,
a.- heatvy weight...................$1 25
John Emerton, of Goderich, which en's extra fine quality all wool The size of our Hosiery Stock is very large,
took place to Maitland cernetery on When we will offer you , In Baby s Silk and Wool Shirts and Drawers plain or fancy $1 and comparison is the only way to judge the
Friday. , truth of what we say for it—that it is the
the Newest Styles at greatly 1 Extra heavy Flannelette Shirts,
Hoods we are showing the fin- �.� most complete, and the values are the best in
Mr. Elgin Harris, of Caledonia, g �TN l G>Ae
dark colors, cvauanted fast...... 50c
sent Monday afternoon in town reduced rices, our reason for A the trade.' The best English Cashmere yarns
P Y p est goods for quality, style and i ( Knitted top Shirts, all w ol, dark are used in the manufacture of all our Cash -
waiting for railway connection. He this IS We have too man and in colors ............. . 75c
on his way to join the staff of the y price that have ever been shown UNDF-RCj,,O,l i1IN mere Hose, and we import it ourselves direct
Wingham rimes. order to reduce the stock quick- here. Three extra good lines in Cardigan from the makers. Our Woollen Hose for
Jackets, strong and heavy, $1,$1.20 $2 Ladies and Children is made from imported
Mr. Arthur Cook was taken ill while 1 we offer them at a sacrifice: En lish worsted yarns. We buy them from
y . Heavy Wool Sox, two pair........ 25c g Y Y
apple -packing at New Hamburg last Baby's Silk and WOOL i;; t✓ + � the best hosiery mill in Canada a mill whose
ween. Mrs. Cook went down to see c �r "Jumbo" our extra heavy all wool,
hero 'Saturday. He is now getting 1 line of Ladies' Sailor Hats 85e. , , , , , reputation for turning out good goods extends
Hoods, 60c. � 0c. 85c. 9Sc. ribbed Sox ....... . .............. 25c
-alongnicely and expected home in a from one end of the country,to the other.
Y P for ..................................ti5c �'lr up t0 $1.3J. � � / ' Black Wool Sox, seamless worsted
;day or so. heel and toe ...................... 20
- ftle,7gk
'Ves. Leo and Adam Cook 1 line of Ladies' Sailor Hats,81,20 Baby's Eiderdown WOOL° i r heel t
hapsci Borne from the Newfor.....,............................80c d�o'sizehn.....................17c tot 25c
's heavy wool H0$en.• wo sled h 1 I ndgtaifYwhere they were 2, Hoods and �Coques,40c. rind 50c. Bo s' heav ribbed wool Hose,
1 line of Ladies Sailor Hate $]..5 Y Yeg. The remainder of the j worsted heel Sc t.oe. extra special 25c
home this week or next, for....................................85c Children's Eiderdown /b' �' " f A Quilt
the season.W. been �St about Over. with Toques or floods to J = Bargain. 01 kur e iron, st t28cf foror Bi�ie 5ovs 1, u line of
g d 1 line of Ladies Sailore Hate 1.45 Coats at $1.45, 2 85 and $3.20 • heavy rihlEed worsted that wears
11(fr. W. Iiorne Goderich, was in for ................................ $1.10 � � � pto80c
town yesterday while on his way to for 9J.
Wingham where he has secured a sit- 1 line of Ladies' Walking Hats mate � Ladies Wool Hose, heavyweight,
nation. As -was becoming, especially $1,25 for ...........................85c 4.' H We bought some White
on the art f 1a aid subscriber, he -� soft finish, worsted heeand toe.. 25c
P Q 'ft 0" s WOOL b, ties i5c Quilts last week- at a
caIIed and P44 a chat with the Editor. 1 line of Ladies' Dress Hats $1.25 y � � very low price, and are Our special ribbed Cashmere Hose,
for ............... 20C, and 25e. rater weight, regular 45c...... , 30c
Mr. Hugh ,Clark, of the Kincardine ....85o going t0 sell them at g g
Review, is climing the journalistic ]rid- prices that will make ery fine ribbed Cashmere Hose, 2
1 line of Ladies' Trimmed Hats $1.75 Baby's White Fur Trimm Men's Underwear. and I rib made from very fine
der. He liar accepted the editorial � ,, y you want them when _
management of the Ottawa Citizen $2,00 and $2.25. ing, 3 qualities 15c, 22c. and We believe we have the best Underwear you see them. We had arns, spliced heel and toe, extra
and was tendered a banquet prior to values in the county. That it is meeting to take a big quantity to Glue . . ..................... . . .... 50c
leaving Kincardine. Mr. Clark has Prices to make it worth your while to 3JC, a d. with popular favor is shown b the uanti- g g Heavy ribbed Cashmere Hose, soft
buy in both stores, y p p Y 2 get therrt, and are oin i
}von his spurs and is a shining light in Y ties we are selling every day. to sell them at a goo( finish, spliced heel and toe, seam-
Rews t erdom. (1 y� (Y 1 (y There is no longer an need of buying deal less than the re u- less, worth 100c. • ... . ... . ......... 47c
Dr. Bruce and 17r. Blackall attended It Saves Doctor's Bills harsh, hard finish, uncomfortable Underwear lar wholesale prices. reg
the meeting of Malloch Chapter of Girls' Cloth Trimmed of a few years ago. To day we can give yon 10-4 size, regular $2.50, for $1.50
Freemasonry at Seaforth Friday night fine finished 4oft, comfortable goods for less 11-4 size, re $ r For the Boys. . .
yy Tams in Cream Cardinal To visit Our Floisery and � • stelae• 2.75 for $1.7.,
on the occasloh of the official visit of ' money than ever before. 12 4 size, regular $3.25 for $1.05
Lbe District Superintendent, Mayor Navy. Brown and Black at Underwear Department In buying om Underwear we did not for-
Rhaw, of St. Mars and a former rest- as Men's Union Shirts and Drawers.. `25c We have only a limited get the boys, and have the most complete as -
Y ' 25 cents. at the proper time, It h , uantit and when the are p.
.dent of thio tow There wits it good Mens Arctic Shirts and Drawers, q Y• Y sortment of Boys Underwear• we ve ever b
uttendance;lCtiii a ter haven a large two things to recommend fleece lined, each ...... . ...... . . .. We gone there ll be no more at these .* y P
p g g Gllrls' Wool Tams 35C• prices. They ore worth seeing wo have it at a.. ,st an Ince to fit an
,membership in this district. + In which are prime ver- American fleece lined Shirts and and baying. sized boy.
Judge Doyle dined at the Clarendon 45c,, and 50c. Drawers, well made, good
Saturday evening while on his way tues, Quality and Price. weight, all sizes, each.. ... , . Boys pure wool, Shortland Underwear,..., 75c Just in this week soft, smooth finish Shirts, double
home from Blyfh whers be had been Children's Wool To- We show the best value Pure wool Shirts and Drawers,
holding a session of the Division Court. r C Shetland finish, extra special another lot of those purees breasted ......................40c to 60c
In order to made railway connection quer 25e., 35e, 40e. and 50c. in the trade• values, each ............... ...... 50c Linen Napkins, regU- A specially fine make; not as heavy as
his honor had to leave Blyth while the , Men's fine Shetland Shirts and lar $1.26 per dozen, we above but finer................600 to 750
jury were deliberating upon the last Boys' Undershirts 19e. 1? > Boys' Union Underwear, strop and ser -
jury Special Navy and I31aek Y Drawers, double back and front, B
case, but the sealed verdict was sent are selling at viceable........... . .... . .38 a 40c 45c
him Monday.Dress Serge 4Sc. sort finish, each ....... . .......... Esc l; c. -
g Men's all wool Shirts 50e, Men's pure wool, fancy sttipe This is all we Will be Boys' natural wool finish Union Under -
Men's Robert Gardner on Monday son, Shirts and Drawers, soft finish, wear, soft and comfortable, .80e to 460
wont to London to visit her •tti�r����r��• . Boys' fleece lined Underwear American
good weight, as good as we sold able t0etg Bo ,
Robert, who has been confined to the The Great Milliner Em orium last year at $1, special, each, .., 75c � 1 � ti.r 7.� 1 �A � �� make, *arm and serviceable... , .50e to Ede
hospital for some time by a double in- y p ,
Jury, knee wounded by a bicycle fall
and arm by a tumble out of bed while �� H.
�in a aroxysm of pain. This is the BROSO$
second of Mr. Gardner's fa 'I who • •
has been upon the bed yyof affliction
hce s heTnied lya fortnight
&.severe attack of typhoid. , CLINTON. Direct Importers of Dry Goods, Clinton.
•11 �.- 1
W: s