HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-11-04, Page 8_ — Misses Brigham arid asci Twitchell and {, {, �( f. ] w���tDtr� ��,, �.5 �� �j„�, . � �"7��, �. �;� �--^7m � } � ,� �. �•,, Messrs. Marks and Bruck. Clinton, The Town Fathers Meet. � �``-J-"``.-� '``�•.�'_ �-�-�`�L.::T �-�"- ""�J.�.1' "•jl Mwere in town Sunday. — — Curling The Yattiit of Huron inulp There was but one absentee at • • ent will holdold a regular meeting -IJ ttneeting of the Town Fathers Monday evenniK. .• itiitr COLD CASH There will be Hol Couul'uniou at, held Monday everting, the s, Mrwly- WithoutY elect haviug taken their brats, ev 5t. George's next Sunday morning. Todd to the right of the genial ll,eeve St. George's Woman's Auxihacy and Deputy Jones at the other end of To ever cash purchaser of Goods to the value of $1,00 or over we give a Ile and it may be the meet in the school room next Monday the long table. A large number of Y P g y y afternoon. ratepayers were present, many doubt- one that will open the glass safety box which is on exhibition in our widow and if so you can Ice.- The howling green was deserted the less drawn thither with the expecta- take all the stoney it contains. This is our latest method of advertising and the way the Keys the past few days, the weather being tion of hearing a row over the Mentor- are going out shows that people appreciate it. Heretofore we sent mons in all kinds of too chilly fur the greatestenthusiasts at ial Hall, but they were disappointed, P Y the question of a chane of site schemes to call the attention of the buying public to our Goode but now some one customer The New Parlor Game of the gauze. g gets the direct benefit. On Jan, 3rd next f+ '!here will be a big shooting match not even being broached. "Your � g you can bring your keys and if you have the one moven • p clan than tt to become Own Satu' Cooper has laid the fouuda- that ills you take the contents absolute! free. The mons contaivad in this box will supply more popular than any hitti' gut• geese, turkeys, and ducks at Car- tion too dee �,nd solid for an re- Y Y Y erto produced. Itis fashion- tow nit the fifth, P Y many a wan. and there is no telling who will be the lucky one, utuva! now, be. the location right of be olio, scientific, sensational, ('ulthtNrt CLUB.—The following rue it wrong. The one ripple on the interesting. g Y Pip •��ti�w�r��e�►11r�• officers of the cortin��}, club for 1897-08: evenitt s proceedings Tho'rorooto Globe says "it it is President, W. T. IVelsh; Vice Pres., g P b' areae when 1 an exact re-pruduvtiuu of the Councillor Todd on it question of pr'ivi- ruarlicx' [;au,u with the advan- 1h. J. R. Shannon; Secy. -Ti U. A. lege arraigned the Mayor because of an lj. ����� Shirt Sale. t it can be pliayed iu the Humber; Chaplain, Re.v. Mark Turn- editorial utterance, ou the eve of the � (�it utu,eccsSary to bull. Committee of Mauageruent, D. election, ctalling into c uestion his bin brave thu chilling elements usually C. Strachan, 1). Holmes, W. Lane, 1 1 pp��44 round in a curling rink.” Todd's) qualification. Mr. Tadd lav- a.39 -� e Pres. and Vice Pres. The following ing had his say, and fur what else is titre are free to sonless that we have the largest and finest it is an ingenious and puha- were elected honorary uleuibers, M.C. a c uestion of Privilege raised; even in c% lar game for the wetter t;atneron, M.P., J. T. Gamow, At. P.P., 1 1 fz " selection of Shirts in the west, but the stock is too large evenings so arranged that the Commons arena, the matter drop- for this season of the year, and on Saturday next wet will Ex -Sheriff Gibbons, and Jas. Martin, pest, only, perhat s q tiny rexsouable number can Esq., of Scotland, Mrs. M. Hutcheson t Y, C at to . revived r, eomtuenco the greatest Slaughter Sale ever to (�•pa � '• (((iii��,((( play l different form later on. However, K „ 4� it. unci lira. Peter Adamson were elected while the discussion lasted it was suffi- rho public. We are noted for our good goods, and the Mr. J. Page, secretary Galt Y. patronesses. A. N, McLaren, lt. P. g , C.A., reoomnteud, it to all societies 1 ` ciPntly warts to recall among the prices which we quoto below should be sulficient induce - and associations and says it is a and A. McD. Allan were elected repre- Fathers reminiscences of by -gone game WWI f -v if any cuivals, sentative uaetttbers, The following sword crossings between his worship menta to make a quick sale. The styles and patterns are ucS,1'. M. Pratt, Toronto Y, NIX. gentlemen were appointed skips fur and the ,iuuior representative of St. � the latest, and newest goods and our special prices will A. also speaks very highly of it. the ensuing year, l� , T, Welsh, C. A. George's ward, who have just about as make a great rush, so be in time and et first choice. Those who desire latest Humber, Dudley 11011neS. T. N. waren It love for each ether as news- g ga,tue, one that, is liked by ,Dancey, D. C. Strachan.paper unen ,ire in the habit of enter - all, should call uud_examtnt GOT A ME68A0E.—Wm. Lee got a taining. The business brought before Boys,Department. it. message from his grandson in distant the Council, and carried to a, successful LINE NO. 1—Boys' Fancy Sateen Striped Shirts �► Ne" ada, and as the yuuug gentleman conclusion, will be found epitomised ill o o l Y P only arrived in Virginia City the day the following resolutions:— sizes 12, 122, 13, 131, extra good value at 400., este T}gyp W. D. Fair Co before it wits it great though )leasUV- The • able suarico do. 1 Kennedy—Ford That this Council price to grandpapa r { _ have the wetter curse between Huron LILINENO.. 2—Boys' Plan nelette'S11irts, 12, 121, 13, 131 Clinton, Oaxt• A LITTLE RuN.—Alex, McIver left street and Mary '•street deepened so as regular 25c. goods; sale price 15 cents. The Toronto Globo and 31ai1 and at noon Tuesday for Stratford, and to carry off the water that accumu- Finpire reduced from $s to 111, reached that city at 2.51. After to stay lazes at 1liddlecuuibe's coruc" Men's Department. « 17 What are Your subscription is re,pocifully of 10 minutes he turned homeward, Say you doing solicited. and was at Emerson's cycle livery at Kennedy---Todil—That this Council I S aboutan OVERCOAT. — 5.5(i. Tlie journey of ninety miles was tender a vote elf thanks to the rate- LINE NO. 3—Two dozens of odds and ends in sizes l4 We make the statement that nowhere taken for exercise, and to show what a Payers of Stanley and Goderich for f 14!r, 16, 1G-, regular price run up to $2, sale price 50e, Can you find such a selection at such _ wheel is capable of doing. the prompt manner in which they low prices. The following :are our p< g. The greatest snap ever offered. They will be picked u _ —_ -- have put girtavel oil the new street. Y P P Leading Lines HOTEL BOUGHT.—A. B. Cornell has Junes—Ford—That an electric light i❑ a hurry. g The Huron News -Record Purchased the Maitland House from be placed at the corner of Isaac and LINE NO. 4—A fine Regatta lino of Shirts in regular Q the Uuiun Loan Company, of Toronto,sThe 'LEADER," Price $5.00 a 0o. Year, in Advance. and is having it thoroughly overhaul- Dunlop streets. sizes, one, turn down collar, nits pattern and a good seller "BONANZA," $ ed and put in first-class order. The Jones—Swallow—That a stove be at 75c, sale price 50c. ^t The BONANZA, Price X7,00 TELURSDAY, NOvEmBrit 4th, 1897• roof has been re -shingled, and many procured for the use of the market I,INE NO 5.—New regular goods, white bodies The "FAMOUS." Price $,O0 improvements are being trade in the clerk. ° B. , fancy The "JACKSON," Price$10, 00 interior of the building. Todd—Kennedy—That the by-laws' fronts, ono of our newest and boat selling linos. Price Tiny PLAYED SWEETLY.—Tile Ital coininitme be instructed to consohdale $1.25, sale price 75 eente. The above lines are all. made from Circular City Brief's. tan harpers were in town the past the town by-laws and tLaCCrtallt the LINE NO. (i—.Extra good Uailt Of 1 CenCL 1Le atta extra Hood Goods cut,, and trimmed in week, and concluded their Goderich cost of 500 in book form, printed. 7 ° q y g in the ,lost up -to -dote style :and with Y playing Y g P P Todd--Walker—That the SL:tvely l) a goods, the newest patterns two eollare and separate cutis, exception one of the best ranges in tour b for the our eu les GODERICH, Ont., Nov. 1st.—LIT- I tt $1 5 l ERA.R.Y SOCIRTY.—On Friday even- ing there was a large attendance at the open meeting; of the Collegiate Institute and Model School Literary Society. The programme, as is usual, was a good one, the debate and the journals being excellent. The proceed- ings commenced with a solo given by Miss Sheppard with much expression. This was folloaared 'by A recitAtion given by Mr. Tim Williams in his hest style, and then the debate on "Resoly- ed. that Walpole was a greater states- man than the Elder Pitt" took place, Mr. Gregory find Miss Colborne tak- ing the affirmative and Mr. Naftel and Miss Carter the negative. Miss Rtliel R'hyna.s read the Collegiate Institute Journal which was brim full of good things, Miss Cantin sang a sweet solo in French, Mr. Strong answered ques- tions from the question drawer, and Miss Tye recited exceedingly well. The judges, Messrs. Fraser, Alex Mc- Donald and Johnston, then Fave their decision on the debate, which was in favor of the negative. They were, not unanimous, however, but two to one. The Model School Journal was read by Mr. Clarkson, and as itcontained some tid. bits and lots about football it was lunch ap} reciated. The Glee then sang "Hot Time" and kept. good time, and God Save the Queen closed tine proceedirgs. UNDER THE DOME,—There was a very large attendance at the ppeifor- rnance of Under the Donne on Friday night and as the play was well staged, and the company - it strong one. there was much applause. The scenic effects were really good, and although the company was rather cramped for room in manipulating the scenery, everything passed of successfully. A boy named Smith was fined one dollar and costs last week for trespass- ing on the opera house property and the P. M. intimated that a much heavier fine would be inflicted should the offence be repeated. Rev. C. A. Seager, M. A., won Rev. W. B. Carey'c prize fat• reading and Miss Marian Sheppard received the degree of B. A., at a recent convocation of Trinity University. Charley Blackstone, the old Clinton - kin, still serves the linest and freshest bivalves. All along the lake shore on Tuesday there was a dense fog and the fog horn had quite a concert. Messrq. Will Raatson and o. Penning- ton are hunting in the.Bruce Peninsu- la. St. Peter's church anniversary will he held on Sunday week. A special musical prograinine will be presented at each service, Miss Chute, the newly appointed or- ganist of the North street Methodist church, tool: charge of the musical service oil Sunday. The Victoria street Methodist church anniversary services on Sunday :and Monday evening were largely attend ell. A one-time pastor, Rev. if, Irvine, preached at both services On Sunday The new grist trill conunenced sin- ning last week, A cargo of coal was delivered at the Water \\forks the past weak. Mr. W. 1). Fair, of Clinton, was in the Circular town on Saturday. Mr. Goo. D. McTaggart, of tare Hub, visited the county town 14'riday. Mr, James Scott, of Clinton, was in Goderich last Thursday. We had some fall weather the past week, and our merchants were pleased at the change. The harbor works have been pushed along the past ten days at a more lively gait. Perch have been hauled out of the harbor in very large numbers the past week. Among the an lers were several ladies one of whom hauled over one hundred in one day. It snowed lightly on Saturday morn- ing. Deputy Reeve Thompson's new dwe] - ling on Victoria street will soon be ready for occupation. The Council will meet in regular session on Friday evening. Reggular meeting of Maitland Lodge No. 83, A. F. and A. M., next Tuesday rarvening. ho) .it the Bedford, when the played t they P Y tnent lake committee he instructed pct ascertain �• ce , sa a price 75C. Canada. I, sweet selection. the cost of the extension of the Stavely 1 LINE NO. 7—Oar best line, all the vowast and latest HE OWNS IT ALT..—E. C. Brydges, Memorial Hall :tower and the cost of to be in the Patterns, two collars and separate cuffs price X1,50 solo NECKWEAR the latest is 1.1 in Derby P , 1 in all the Newest Checks. Price 25c. of the Dominion carriage factory, has a memorial clock placed t price $1. 40c. We purchased the l.)lacksrnithing clepxrt- same. regular price got abigsupply " big hence the low in connection with the establish- now controls tate whole The Finance committee, Mr. J. C. braving the LINE NO. 8—Consists of a fine Knit Top Shirt in five at a gond reduction prices. we❑t, and Gilroy, chairman, passed colors, usually sold for 75 cants, sale price 50c. business. following accounts, the Council order- ( That Line of Underclothing called St)ox BE THROUGa.—The sewer con• tractors are now working on the south ed that they be paid:— l"MucTio,, AccoUNT.—H. Andrews Tho above gouda which we ober at such tremendous reductions, the "Jubilee" avert o❑ Saturday by the dozens. It he big Victoria , are all new goods, and as there will be a rush for them, intending must value or else end of South and North end of 1 $3, J. Leslie $'L, AV. D. Fair 10c, Mnni- purchasers should be in time. the quantity would not be sold. streets and their contract will soon cipal World $3.05.—Total, $8.15. �`� completed. They avere delayed sever' 1 days waiting for pipe. INSURANCE ACCOUNT.—imperial In- oar 1.a was o e �� CLOSE SEASON.—The close season f r' trout and white fish commenceays. on Monday and lasts thirty days. sura,nce Co, premiurn $23, North British and Mercantile $2).—Total,, $43. RECEIPTS.—R. 1te nolds Work $9,75, Y JACKSON 0S, During that period these fish cannot balance on S. Wilson's lot $1, $10.75, be caught, bought or sold. BEING ADDED To.—Morris' planing R Welsh, receipts from scales $28.75, R. Welsh, receipts rent of hall $22, J, ! mill oil Cambria Road is being extend. Wheatley, receipts from scales $19.00. � The Famous Clothiers Clinton. ed by the addition of an engine house at the north end. —Total, $81.40. Contintied on page 4. �,"A Qt"iA G� ` �a •FL_2§r,` L p_g�p `�,a– .n n. q .e ate` It's A Good Thing To remember that when you buy off us you get the quality and save money at the sinal] price you pay for the article you buy. Milliner� ................ V (Baby This has always been a speciality with tis. W e have made it such, We attribute our success to this and to the fact that we have given it our spec- ial attention. Our fine show- ing of Trimmed Hats and Bon- nets, Ladies' Walking hats and Sailor Hats, and the fact that the iminense business we do and which is still growing is evidence that it is the popu- lar place to do shoppin; in Mil- linery with public. We are showing all the latest styles. See our .,..SPECIAL LINE Of Trimmed Hats at $1.75 to $3.00. Girls' Cloth Trimmed Tams in Crearn, Cardinal, Navy, Brown and Black at 25 cents. Girls' Wool Tams, 35c. 45c., and 50c. Children's Wool To- ques 25c., 35c , 45c. and 50c. Special Navy and Black Dress Serge, 48c. Wear In Baby's Silk and Wool Hoods we are showing the fin- est goods for duality, style and price that have ever been shown here. Baby's Silk and Wool Hoods, fi5C., 75C.) SSC., 9.7c., ,$1, up to $1.05. Baby's Eiderdown Wool Hoodsand Toques,4'0e. and 50c, Children's Eiderdown Coats at $1.45, x,2.35 and °,3.25 with Toques or Hoods to match. Baby's Wool Booties 15c, 20c, and 25c. Baby'4 White Fur Trimm- ing; 3 (lualltleg 15c, 22c. and 35C. a yd. It Saves Doctor's Bills To visit Our Hoisery and' L:nderwear . Department at the proper time. It has two things to recommend in which are prime vir- tues, Quality and Price. We show the best value in the trade. Boys' Undershirts 19c. Mq's all wool Shirts 50c, •0s�9666000• , The Great Millinery Emporium, W. H. BEESLEY & Co. THE LADIES' FAVORITE ESTABLISHMENT. CLINTON. A Complete Stock, - - There are few stores anywhere that carry so complete a range of everything that goes. to make up a complete Dry Goods stock as is to be found here. Buying from as you are not narrowed down in your choice to one or two patterns or quantities, but find variety enouI h to suit every taste and every pocketbook. We buy in quantities, keep quantities, because our business is big enough to Lyell quantities. Millinery j Ladies' Shaker Ours is the largest, brightest, 1 hest lighted show roorn in the I County. It's light enough oil the dullest day to see exactly what you're buying, and large enough for ,you to shop in com- fort. Our Millinery is new and what's fashionable, the styles' we show are right 1.11) -to -date. l7illinery businesshere isgood. Peoplo who want what is ex- actly right, just what fashion calls for, are finding ont that this is theplace to get it. New ;oods are coming in every week. The stock is always bright and fresh, and we've al- ways got something new to show. Ordered Mantles. We do a bin business in Mantles to order, and turd out some very stylish garments. -- Our selection of Afantle Cloths is very large, both in materials suited forladies' and for child- ren's wear. Just twot� three items to give you an ilea of what we've got, Fancy Tweed Mantle Cloths, for Children's ulsters and jackets ....75c Heavy Tweed Ulster Cloth, spec- ially good color.................$1.25 Fine Black Beaver, nice glossy finish .................. ...$1,50 Fancy Boucle Cloth, in myrtle, red, navep, brown, black, vei y stylish gooda...........................$1.50 Underwear. Flannels. The demangl. for Shaker Flannels seems to have .no limit. Each season sees the sales of these goods on the in- crease. We have in stock to- day thousands of yards of them and can give you many desirable lines you can get no. where else. A prominent fea- ture of our Shaker stock is the immense range of English. goods imported direct by our- selves. These are totally dif- ferent from any you will see elsowhere. 'We would draw particular attention to tlie fine r< assortment of Tweed effects and wrapper patterns. There ?i is nothing to equal them for a cheap dress. English ,nihaker Flannels, 27 inch., in dark and light colors, suitable for quilt linings ........ ..........I Extra heavy Flannelettes, clo rs a ill a: • r fast colo 1 d strong, n tan s g, worth 8c ................'........,. 8c Wide Flannelettes, 32 inch, a great E range of colors ................... 81Jo , d Our famous line of heavy English twill Shakers, new patterns.. .1210' S' Tartan Checks in dark and light colors..............................$o,:� English Wrapperettes.............1%6 Double fold English Shakers, dress patterns ..........................20c-1 I We are loin , a big business in La(lies'Underwear,thel:in(ls we are selling are the perfect fitting, soft, con)fortt� bl(, kinds that give satisfaction every time. Ladies' ribbed Vests, long sleeves, open front ........................20c Ladies' Hygeian Vests, open front, and long sleeves..................2.5c An extrit special line of Hygeian Vests, soft finish, good weight, but not clumsy, open front and long sleeves worth 40c, special at 29c Very fine ribbed Wool Vests, open front..............................50C Extra fine and soft finished goods, special at ........................75c Drawers to match most of above, and Children's Vests and Drawers of all kinds.