HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-11-04, Page 61 ���CO��C from each other, the contract being ( a mime to. She found herself weary. Y� itself the sacrament and the sacrament Ianuid, and fatigued, as after• a lung being itself the contract.[ an arduouti journey; yet she had not am ',CATHOLICS MAY NOT AB81ST. left home nor (Ione tiny uullsulAl wu) K. FOR Sit"tonin■ If non-Catholic-;arW satisHec wwith 11 She lost her life and energy as rho might have lost a shilling, without all mere secular contract of marriage we idea how it care to ass. ".Since childhood, i have been p afflicted with scrofulous boils and 1[111 not quarrel with them on the sub- "I had a foul taste in m liwut•h " ject. We have neither the right nor Y , sores, illicit caused lite terrible the power to force the gifts of God she says, "rut(] no wish to eat. After Buffering. I'lrysich were unable, upon thein, But it is the right Find taking the least Innrsel I at once began rho indispensable duty of the rulers of to suffer pain in my chest ar:d between to help me, and I only grew worse the Catholic Church to prevent her the shoulder• -blades. My head got so under their care, children from taking part in all pro• bad that when I rose suddenly front At length, 1 began ceeding that conflicts with their )atho- the chair, or stopped for any pnrpuse, to take lie faith and degrades what they be- I everything seemed Lo 14o whirling Neve to he a sacrament instituted by around lite, and I felt as If I must fall I • AYER'S our Lord Jesus Christ for the sanctlli- toethe ground, f cation of the souls of wen, It is de- At this point she speaks of her Sarsaparilla, and plor•able that any Catholic should assist terrible dreams, already alluded to, ver soon grew bet- at A, ceremony which robs Christian and then continues: "My hands and Y marriage of its sacramentid character, f@et were cold and claininy, and I lie. ter. After using thereby bringing it down to the level ca tie pale find wan of death. All till, half a dozen bottles of it market bargain, and making it blood seemed to be gone frons lie, lu I was completely rescindible, thus opening wide the the night -beside the awful dretuna- cured, so that I have not had a boil door for adulterous concubinage. By I wits troubled witty sweaats which took cu pimple a any part of my bol such an act he dishonors the all -holy away the remnant of Illy strength. y Redeemer of the world, who is the "With all that, Find with lack of for the last twelve years. I can, author of every sacrament and of all power to relish and digest food, I cattle cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsa- grace. It is still more deplorable, and to, be so low-spirited and weak that 1 more heinously criminal before God gave up going outside Lite house. And pasilla as the very best blood -purifier and inen, that a Catholic lady should what gave me most anxiety wits It fear, tot. existence." - G. T. REINHART, I not merely assist as spectator of such a that wits going into a decline, my '*01 Myersville, Texas. scene, but should dress herself up as father and sister having died of con- oue of the actresses in the drama, and sumption. Every day I grow weaker parade herself on the platform as one, until my husband incl friends gave up of the principal performers. all bopes of rue. 1 had medical treat - Let not those who went to that ineut, but I did not avail. I ER'S house of unbelief for the putpose of "While it this condition, abotit as AY ONLY WORLD'S FAIR witnessing the spectacle try to excuse much dead as :Alive, any husband read themselves from the charge of criuli- in a hook Of the cures wrought, often r s a p a ri 11 a nal participation on the ground that in desperate cases, by Mother Sl,igel's they took no part in the act, and (le- Curative Syrup, Ile urgred the to try der'sChenypectoral cures Coughs and Cold& sired only to'Imusethemselves, its they it, butlansweredhlmindififerentlyhav- would at it theatre. Their voluntary Ing no faith in it, However, he got presence at the scenic entertain- the a bottle at Mr. C. N:: Davies' chew- -_. p __ -,/_ relent was of itself it parti- ist, King Street, Cfuunirtilc+n, and The Huron News'/7PiQorU cipation in the act, and was after halving used it fur only x manifestly all in ult to the holy week I refll!•red Flrl hnprovernent. Aly faith they profess. 'Whosoever goes to appetite wits better, and whist I fit(, $L.00 a Year, In Advance. _ - a theatre to w}mess what he knows to n reed with me and gave rite strength. _ g --.- _.._ .. -- __ _ - -- - - be ft performance offensive to his nit- I ills. as you way suppose+, ulado ❑u' THURSDAY, NovErani n 4th, 1$07. tionalfeelings or the credit of his fame- hopeful; anti 1 willingly consented to) --- — ly is chargeable with hoproprtety, Fit- continue with this urc:dicine--the only though he is merely a spectator, In one that done toe any good. Briefly, fact, our code of criminal lave rigidly than, after having taken two bottles maintainsthis principle of participation more 1 wits completely (,tired, and have in crime by voluntarily assisting at the kept well ever since. I have related vel deed. We these fat the e ( is • f to U many FLn O persons, e s ms and you e y ,Mandate.� , ' in this p nowise blame non-(.aLhc hes ti,r•(: at liberty to publish them, if you matter. They act in conformity with wish, for the; g•uidanve of others sinti- _--- their conscience. But we do Marne tally afflicted. (Signed) (Mrs.) Ann(, - and condemn. the weak-minded C,atho- Davies, Cilarddu, Conwil, near Car - Archbishop Cleary Issues die who knowingly and willingly be- rnfutlren, December 6th, 1894." littles "the great sacrament" its St. That Mrs. Davies did not have Or - Paul designates matrimony, find by so gamic disease of the lungs tonsure > . doing belittles Jesus Chrisc and His tion) is shown by her rapid.and co n. a Pastoral, holy church.' plete recovery. But she hada (]!seals(, MAY NOT ATTEND FUNERALS, which simulates consumption, and is There is another irregular}ty that (ill a large sense) even more dangerous -chroni • a t n c infix ke.wF r r irntru h lukewarm ator • 'sed dvs x' tali rat tt is y cit 3 times Y lie i P Kingston, Oct. 2I. --At High Mass in St Mar 's Cathedral to -day Very hep. Vicat• -General Kelly, Archbishopp Cleary's secretary, read from the pul- pit the concluding portion of his Grace's pastoral instruction on "Catho- lic education of the children and es- sential duty of parents" •,Ind the -Unity andindissolubility of the sacra- mental marriage-" To -day's docu- ment promulgated a mandate to the Catholic people of the Archdiocese of Kingston. It read as follows : - A MANDATE PROMULGATED, We, have been much grieved and the conscience of our Catholic people has been shocked by a gross scandal nWy h took place in, this, Our metropoliittan city, quite recently, and which indeed was the occasion of our addressing you this pastoral letter of instruction on the sacredness of matrimony as a sa- crament of grace instituted by our Di- vineLord for the sanctification Of the family and the reptioration of society. A marriage was to be performed here according to announcement on a cer- tain day. The contracting parties are non-Catholics, members of some little sect. The place where the contract was to be celebrated is known its the church of that sect. Thereacher who pronounced the form of contract is likewise an adherent of that sect, so also the majority of the spectators. Throughout the ceremony, from be- ginning to end, thete was no reference whatever to the sacrament of matri- mony nor to the supernatural graces it communicates from the Redeemer's wounds to the two souls entering into wedlock. Every word, every act, all the circumstances were in accord with the creed or profession of those who took part in the ceremony, that the. marriage of two Christians is not a sacrament; that our Lord Jesus Christ did not attach to it any sacramental grace; that it is a mere secular con- tract, not a whit more sacred than the marriage of any two heathens. If it be only a secular or worldly engage- ment, there seems to be no reason why a church should be selected as the place of its celebration rather than the ('ity Hall or the Opera House. A SACRAMENT Moreover, if the marriage is not it sacrament it is rescindable by the au- thority of the State in like manner as every other worldly contract is silt)- , ect to the civil power for the regula- tion of its conditions of validity, and consequently rnay be dissolved by the same powerer whensoever VCC til@ 6 e 'Ale - men epresenting the State have found, lir fancy they have found, sufficient cause for this dissolution. It is the blood of Jesus Christ, the Sun of God, sealing the Matrimonial contract that gives It inviolability and per- emptorily excludes the State and the Politicians front all power to lay un- holy hands on iL : ,,What God hath p it together hit no man Put asunder." hence it is that, in every country where the sacramental chnratc•ler of matrimony is ignorer] or denied the Politicians of batter tines take the whole ruatter into their own hands, make laws regulating tile re(I Ili reorients for validity of the contract and issue bills of divorce for the severance of the conjugal bond. In this they may seem to be logical ; and, in I ruth, if the marriage he only it profane contract it is subject to their power like every other civil engatgenient• But if 'the contracting parties lie validly haptised persons their marriage is it SACIAlloWnt, whether they or the politicians think so or not. For the Catholic Church, speaking as the witness of Jesus Christ a.nd His fevelation, touches find has taught from the earliest days of Christianity, that the marriage con• tract between two haptised persons is always a sacrament, whether it be re- ceived worthily or not; that the con- trActand the sacrament are inseparable w.lh!,��.51aklt" f16. Purest and Beat for Table and Dalry No adulteration. Never cakes. Catholics. They take a fancy to enter- tiny non- .a (1 IG t ( learnedly called, gastritis. Tills dis- ing non-Catholic churches in older, ,to ease, with its sequences, sweeps away assist at what is called "a service for r'ol'e lives than consumption, and is the dead," which all non-Catholics, its infinitely more productive than suffel- well as Catholics, in these countries ing. Yet Mother Selgel's Syrup will know and proclaim to be of no service cure it. Let its keep that fact always before our to the dead. Here again we attribute minds. no blame to those who through }nor- _._ _ , anee of the Christian religion c Isbe- Sir Louis Davies, Allnister of Marine lieve the revealed doctrines of purga- and Fisheries, has purchased the resi- tory and intercessory prayer and the dente of Sir John Carlin ill Ottawa communion of saints. We. roust, how- for eleven thousand dollars. ever, reprehend with all authority , those Catholics who show so little respect fur themselves and their For Over Fifty Years religion as to participate in a perform. AlltR..Vl INRi.Ow'8 SOOTI[ING SvRvp has bocn anee of this kind, directly at vat lance used by millions of mothers„ for their childre,. with fundamental Christian dogmas. while teething. If disturbed at night and The doctrine of a middle state, where- broken of your rest ))y a sick child suffering and crying w•ith.pain of Cuttingq Teoth semi ,tt "Mrs. in holy souls that have. passed away once and stet a bottle of Winslow's anoth- from aas In God's peace and charity are before admission ing.Syrup for C%ildren Teething. It will re- 11eve the poor little sufferer immediately. lie - erfectl unified perfectly „• to the abode of heavenly glory, roto. r pend upon 1t, mothers, there iH no mistake about tt. It euros Diarrhoea, regulates rho tit OITn:LCh which nothing defiled shall cuter and bowels, cures Win Colic, snftons the likewise the doctrine of relief being t0 those suffering suints by out Gume,reduceslnflammation•and gives tone and oner to the whole s •s n gi j t(tt. "Alm �1'InHIU W6 Sootjtin1 Syrup" for teething is given ptous sufferages, through the holy children plea- wtnt to the taste and is the prescription of one Mase and supplicatory prayer and fasting and alms -deeds and ott>et good g of the oldest and beat reinale physicians and nurses iu the United States. Price twenty-five bottle. works; moreover, the ninth article of entA a Sold by all druggists through out tilt world." Fie sure and ask for Mies, the Apostle's Creed, affirming the WIN81,01V'a.5.00TRING SrRUP, "covilmunion of saints",. all these car- _ dinal truths of Christianity, so sal'- tary to our deceased friends and ao Two youngchildren of Mrs. Eager sweet and solacing to the living, are ex- Bridge atewere burned todeatlu and , ' clucl most distinctly and pertin:t- ciously front that cold, dray, heartless Alts mother was probably fatally ill joie(], in :I fire which.destroyed tried and unmeaning ceremony paraded lie- dwelling. fore the world as ,,it service for•the dead." NEURALGIA TORMENTS. Wherefore, having; invoked the At - -LI) with mighty God, we hereby declare, with mighty COI '['LLL TilF SAbr all the authority of the church STORY OF ATISGRY, THAT WILLI:1b in its, its Archbishop of Kingston and DAVIDSON '1'FLLH—AND THOUSAND. Your chief pastor, that any Catholic HAVE TO -DAY T(IF (TAME SONG Oil RE ill out, metropolitan city or diocese JOICING—CURED BY HOUT11AMERI('A. who shall henceforth presurne. to enter NERVINE. . assist C` til 1' ' • lifice to assist at what is terrned "a marriage service' or "a service for trite dead," even though he should not take active part in the performance, renders himself guilty of mortal sin by dishonoring the religion of hi, baptism, and defying the laws of holy ehurch, and giving; public scandal before society, and we furthermore re- cerve to ourself alone the power to ,it) - solve ftorn this heinous crulie• May God's peace and blessing be upon Its fill, for the preservation of our holy faith in all its purity, and the holiness of our lives unto the day of eternity. This pastoral instruction, with its its several iodate shat 1 be react Find v m , Putts familiarly explained, by each priest to his congregation as soon as may be convenient after its reception. i•Janies Vincent Cleary, Archbishop of Kingston. By order of the Arelihishop. Thomas Kelly, V. G., Secretary. Archbishop's Palaco, Kingston, Feast of the Archangel Raphael, 1807. DRIVE' AWAY TIIP: DREADFUL DRE,A:i1S. "A DRRAM ('flmeth of a ritltltitnd(- of husioess," says an ancient 11ohrew proverb. Yes, and of Irlatly thltlgs he- sith-t business. The wisest roan on earth kne,w'ti no rnore than von do about how the holy and the mind live and work together. All we know is that the condition of the body gives character and direction to the faction of: the .,mind, whether we wake Or sleep. And the reverse is also largely true. The method of it is a rnystery, and it's no use trying to fathom it. The facts, and how far we can control them, are fill we need to trouble out -- selves about. Here, for example, is a women who says that at a certain time she yeas disturbed with ff•ightj'ul dreamx. They so broke hpr •sleep and tired her out that she rose from her tied in the morn- ing more exhausted Lhan after a hard R labour. That is ,1 da exact as it Y Y would he if, without waking yen, somebody should lance one of your veins and draw away it big bowlful of blood. The ailment which led to this result began, Rhe syyR, in June, 1801. At first there wets nothing she could give a "I suffered untold misery for over three months front neuralgia of tilt stoinaeh. Physicians dict their best to help trip, but a.11 attempts were t>afiied I saw South Airier ican Nervine adver tiled and resofvpd to try it. The firs bottle gave ]tie great relief, and after I had used six bottles I teas complete 1y� cured of this dreadful disease.' William Davidson, Thedford, Coot. Sold by Watts & Co. A writ has been issued on behalf u Mr. W. H. Ponton, late teller at Nap anee, against the Dominion B:tnk, ili Spector Bogart Find the Pinkerton de tectives, claiming $50,000 damages 1'0 theproceedings r• a ,tlnst him in conn f, cc. tion with the recent robbery. A cough which persists clay aftp day, Allould not be neglected any long er. It means sornethin rnore than I mere local irritation, nn(Fthe. sooner til better. Take Ayer's Cherry Pectonal It is prompt to act and sure to cure. The report that General Castillo, tlt Cohan leader, has been killed in nn en gFrgement with the Spanish troops i c 'firmed. Mr. Napoleon, McQueen, the Con servative postmaster lot Napiervill has been dismissed as an active polio cal partisan, OLD MEN AND KI DNRY DISEASE Aged persons tronbled with wer)I back, impaired kidneys, pain in th back and base of abdomen, sciddin urine, with a sinail quality of water It a time, a tendency to urinate often especially at night, Rhonld use D Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. Yo know the Doctor's reputation. ye know the value of his work, and tha Dr. Chase would not risk his reptitatio on an unknown and untried rpmedv I+.very (lrnggist in Canada sells an recomtmends Them. _- Tile. Protestant School Teacher Convention, sitting in Montreal, o Saturday endOl•sed. the new Canadia history. After serious illnesq, like t.yFtIt i fever, pneumonia, or the grip. }-fond Sarsaparilla lifts wonderful strength giving power. 11 t 1' 1 � r c;cxu,:u�:r sum n�aa.a THE LATEST FASHIONS. lfusties will Be Features Ilk Autumn] Mules flints ou Frosheutur Up. grimiler sleeves are undoubtedly com- Ing into faehiuu. The late,it creattous in Paris show scarcely auPy fullness. At present the moat pupular sled-ve has a (small puff at the Will, and it is plain from the puff to the wrist. The pulling .nay be provided by the sleeve itsellf or by an add.1tiollal piece of Ina-teriul. A modern nwd•el is uutde perfectly plain, except for a few 1A tits seat in the ehouldcr seam. Sleeves continue to be cut lung, but the point over the hand is not fre- queni'tly acro. Lace frills ove-r the hand, however, are much in vogue, and they are seen in most of elle sulartest -to lets. Sleeves are also) nlatde w'it.h puffs aid rutlies tit the eibow. Tll(' untiutn cunt sleeves wild be diuninlshtd it' width, but a ceritailt breadth will be allowed til the top to acconutiodute the inside s:ea-vo. Bustles are coming 4u again; ht frtct, they are now warn by the uo)st up-lu- date women. They are very nitalvrale affairs, and they will prove a hlHill to many slender women. Tit(- newel; basile is Constructed in seedou.4-thin is, till- toil) he }rip piece's are cut out flood padded to lit the figure. They aro intended to be worn ander the corsais. It is rumored that white stockings 'will Ix• worn ag,'aiu. Clucks are also is fashion. D -191's in stockings are ralledt more l,lahurate thiln they used to be. Ribheld (-11'ects iu black, a�lterttateil with colors, e'omhined with ent•broidety, are deeuacd very snlatt. Seoitch plaids lit lisle and silk mixtures are esix,chilly attractive. Plain bunt o:u.- terns in black, with culortrl toil,;, al•e am nig the -novelties, as are alsu me- dallions of lake inserted In the illateps. It is st.qte•d that gluv(,s will be wuru with embroidered armlets, but they will have but a short life•. Biscuit colored linen ke one of Mite most popular fabrics of the summer. A pretty model has a skirt wrougpht a.rouu,l the he=, with tall tapering; spray's of white braiding and cording, the material being su ffciemtly heavy oto hang well and show the embroidery. 1+ A short tigint fitting coat i; drawn 64n ly }uta the waist at the back, tu•.l I also braided and corded in wiliG•. The I coati opens slightly ill front and Itis wide revers, one faced with melted white muslin and narrow valeucienne•s lace. the other braided and carded with white pmbroldery. The chpints(•tte is of ticke:l white muslin, which is set off to advant- age by a waistcoat of scarlet. cloth, richly embroidered in an orlenUil dewign Ili gold, ;silver, blue and yellow. Tit(- Russian he Russian blouse or mouj:k is mach worn. One built of whit, cashmere, to bo worn with a skirt of thv same material, has long „bauds of crea.ul gu4pure insertiou let fu at intervals in tbo, Leidy of bhe coat, which are lined with green silk. The collar has similar dccokrat101Lq, end in front is a lace jabot. over green chiffon• There is a barque of iten,g tabs, all finish- ed with bands of lace insertion, The belt is of green liyatrd skin, with an Old p ersian pattern. t Ale in ti►e 1 silver buckle Lace insertive is extensively eatployctT in various ways. It aplwartt on shirts as well as ort bodices, a.'ud on silk aid woolen fabrics as well as on thin fiLb- rics. When used ou skirts the lave is let Into the material in wtIveal lines from hem to waist, cit• it is owed at; a heading to flounces. An attractive bodice de- coration iia$ the insertion used it, length- wise strips down the center of the blouse and a scroll pattern ctrl each side of it. Insertions art inch wide are ar- ranged in sr -•rolls and bow knots wul ail- plieti to muslin; lace braid used in the same manner is very cffect}ve. A pretty b(idice of pink silk has a yoke striped with lace, and tate sleeves ase of lace and close fitting. Potrasola are more elaborate than they have been for many years, and six•cial atto-otion is given t) their linings. The linings are eyfteln of ohiffon, ruched, puf- fed or Ilihed and finished at the edge with lace friWilgs tra,d flounces. A novel and charming Itat is made of cost rose colored tulle• ovcT a wire frame. 7%e !runt and torp of the stat is entirely Cov- eted with a large {link silk poirpy. It is 'fiitished in the back by a itu•ge black velvet bow.. Fair dames are acre ady . adding bright notes of color to their hats that hint tlbatt autulntt 4s not far distant. It is naturally a Litt early to mention the season of crimson and russet f leaves, with a full month or more of warn] weather yet to came, batt there, is a practlertl view to ta.lce of the matWr. By this time the early summa r hat itis ,. done good service, .-utol W; de,•oratioas rare dodbt e.%s a little fadod turd worn. Large leghorn or cream stri:w hats that have been ombellished with tulle and gatrha.nds of flowers con now be made to g look very sinart with a twist, of black f velvet abou�r. the crown, •l smart how 5 at the side and a hunch of Yblack plumi,s. Nothing gooks worse than a mussy sum- mer hat Adiong the elegan,t gents &r dress oc- casions are Arose in princes4 style, open at tit(- back and finished with �IIIrg ii- erite sleeves, and the boidi(•e• cut half duty to adroit of II pretty Freneli cbpm set -.e ) of some rich nialvrind. I)ainty gowns of v,h}te crcpe'do chino and of chiffon are tucked straight aer<ws the Ixxlice, frout t azul bark mrd at intervals tip the entire length of the sleeve, the tuck.~ turning; upward. The narrow girdle is trimnwd � with gold galloon. this jrlrnituTv .aI.-,) finishing the Ifnring( Xletl;ci coll:U, with - plaited nhiffon falling fruit it, Vie bodice fas'.enas oil the left shuuhler and under rbe firm, leaving the tucks un - broker) broken iters the front. Alany of the new twitcd evening gown.. of tILq ma- terial have rwwm off Valeuoitnu(-s lace in- - sert.ion on bodice allot skirt. Accordion- plaite•<i skirts of black silk grenadine, 1' Canvas, tulle,, blitck muslin tlotte�d V 4 ' silt. and eclnil:u• din tb:uu t4 t`,Wrr•ica nr t ZR built over foullodaderns of brilliant red and ycdl )%v sikv and fsatlum Lace walsGq made with bawitte, effet•t, both in black r and white, lu•cidne mom pvputar as the season advances. Entire gowns (f white I lace aTe much in vogue. They fire built e of ftovna•s or hiee•, seivm on shel,r cwt, the flounces put. on to overlap tau' au- otl cr, so that only the, lace 14 seen. Roth wide and narrow lace is us(11. The e boiicei; worn with the rullled skirt:; etre either endn,iy of lace or of bands of s the Insertion and net. A new model of crepe de chin+,, in a figniriA given and white patte•rii, has n yoke of hate at :due top of the skirt, which fits p,-tf(vtiy ov'•r the hips, and there is a yoke on rile p bodice ,to rnatuh. Coirswlet IIIc(, pie,4s also ox1orn many of the now frocks. A black and white mgtll, worn at a dinner given at ane of the eomitry clttb4 this week, had n corselet of black Prench lilve, which bell the full blouse in plac.•. The skirt was plain, (-xcrh)t fop• a michc t of blao-k Ince• at the hom. The sleocn's I! were also of the bNek lave over waitp g silk. t A recently imported frock In green entthmere velonte ,hao as little blouse, Dr cut to long; .points, trimmed with a par- t) tern in, black Anice (yntbrosidery, The yet bodice and aleeve9 acre of Plaid silk in t blues, greens aro} white. Another chic n French costume is of white, Swiss over n silk stip• The body is coint,p()9ed of ' Intent) wide yellow ribbon, with lace. The d re'ast front is trimmed on each azide with three full plaitings of the dotted Swiss, ven'y wide at the top and •covering tate 8+ wh.oulder amd mom of the sleeve. Till- It he n plaiti.ngs are finAshel just above,.te 11belt with. rrmet" of Sine velvet -WRIL jeweled buttems- The f4eeyves are made of ribbolon and hle`(, Insertion, aaul finish- ed at the wr6-k with a fall rd lrtep. The d held aired collar fur of violet velvet. Thr 'R Fkirt it; built with a deep Rpnnivh fi(,arnee - of Swias, with aibbnn insertioria, Raid a doll eu©hilng at the mop of the fiotmee. k) J[ ][ ICY -----, to -v.— 5)XBURN-1111111 :W� �,�� MONEY to burn is a cormnon expression with some people, but they don't have,it. To burn, that's more like it and get Coal that won't I C O A transform into clinkers. We have the reputation CA for selling Hard Coal which is free of the Clinker Substance, it's Clean Stuff when delivered, and Hot Stuff when lighted. The only trouble with it is that it burns. Leave your order with us. We are now delivering , for the coating cold weather. _� LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED, E arland . � . Bros., _ �y Stoves and Hardware. _-__ _- _._.__.________ _-. .. _. __-_-_ -_... ____ _.._-_ __ The VPorkshop on OVheels Has Re- NOTICE. ___ turned, There being some misunderstanding with re. The eclebrnted ShotHeld Cutler, E. 'raylor, gar(] leo %,reckage, let it be distinctly understood tits returned to Clinton and will remain fora y person takes possession of any kind short time. Tho workshop on wheels has been of wreckage and tails to report to me 1 shall at •ebuilt itad a now steam engine house added, once take proceedings. Remember this is the All kinds of grindinaandshe.rpoafugofeuttery, last warning lehall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. pocket knives, razors, scissors, &c , will be Receiver of wrecks, Goderich )mntpt.ly attended to. Yen and pocket knives Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. rebladed and mado as good its new, as well ns -, utnbrollasand parasols repaired and bought. All kinds of da WH sharpened, cross-eut saw's CLINTON. icnined and sharpened. Your wants should be attended to now, The steam workshop on WOOD AND COAL YARD - wheels will be found on Dinsley'H corner, Albert street, Clintou• Subscriber Is prepared to promptly fill all or _ dors for Wool] anti foal. which will be sold at 10%vest rates. Office on Isaac Street, at LAVIS' A Correction. IMYLhMEN rS ROOMS. W. WHEATLEY Mrs. Obe the Indian woman, who died Apples Wanted. in Galt last Wednesday, wits •baptised I want all the DfarketableApples I can buy on Tuesday forenoon by Father Slaven and will pay the highest price commensurate fit her request. An lntlitin tVho resid- \vtth fureign�quotations. old your apples lin- ed in the house with the late Mrs. Obe til you baro asenrtainod from me whatI can a for them. o pay 1)0 not ma n make any mistake. e. came tFather Slaven's residence td 9,8 t•f D. CANTILUY,;Clioton.asked hint to visit the sick woman, which he (Father Slaven) did and find- —'------- — ing '--' ---- ing that she was at the point of death Teacher wanted Ind hold never been baptised he gave Applications for the positior of tencber of S. S. No. her the necessary instruction through 9, Goderich township, will be received by the under - an interpreter and administered the signed 'up to 8 P, M. on Saturday. November 8th. sacrament of baptisrri to her privately, Appliaant to hold lat or 2nd class certificate and after she had roads a profession of state angary. GEORGE MILLER, sexy. 1 985•4t Clinton, P. O faith in the Roman Catholic church. _ _ She died next morning, having been Estray Heifer. visited by no other clergyman between a Wile ute of her baptisulfind her death. Came to the premises of the undersigned, lob 48, Maitland concession, Goderich Tow•nshlp --- _ - - - oil or about the middle of June hast, it reddish ONE HONEST MAN. to orover old Hti ifer. The owner is requested Dear Editor.—Please luform your readers, that if written to confidentially, 1 will mail, 1n a -sealed let- ter, particulars of a genuine, hoae..t, home cure, by which I was permanently restored to health and man vigor, after years of Buffering front nervous dell ty, sexual weakness night losses and weak shrunken parte, Iwas robbed and swindled bytho heavenuntil I I ain now wellost vigorous and aith In strong,)and ut wish to make this certain means of cure known to all suf- ferers. I have nothing to sell and want no monev but beluga firna believer to Ute universal hrot horhood of man, 1 am destrous of helping the unfortunate to regain their health and happiness. I promiae yyo__u per• feetsocrecy. AddresswlIhStation, LT.MULFOILU. Agent4' supplies, P.O. Boz Sfl; st. Henri, Qlie. Bagfeld. On Monday last the inhabitants of Stanley in the neighborhood of the farm lately tenanted by Mr, Win. Eagleson, were treated to an unusual entertainment in the form of lin impromptu hunt. The quarry, which was nothing rnore than a fat sheep, and intended by the Owner for mutton, appeared to be of the sporting and fleet nature of the sweet gazelle. It caused its pursuers Inane an exciting arid exhilarating r•nn before its final capture, when it was tied [toren, car- ried to Bayfield the city residence of its owner and butchered. It was not many minutes afterwards when the hunters and the fartlet's family were enjoying tit(- liver of the aforsaid vic- thn, and very good it seems to have been, for the Merry huntsluen were seen about mail time with glowing countenances and beaming faces. PILES CURED 1N 370 5 NIGHTS Piles, whether itching, blind or bleeding, are relieved by one application of Dr.Agnew's Ointment 35 CENTS. ' And cured in 3 to G nights, Dr. M. Barkman.* Binghamton. N. Y., writes: Send mo 12 dozen more of Ag- new's Ointment. I prescribe large quan- tities of it. It is a wonder worker in sjtin diseases and a great cure for piles. -23. (Sold by Watts & - Co. -I------- __ �4 A PERFECT TEA ME MONSOON THE FINEST TEA IN THE WORLD FROM THE TEA PLANT TO T141: TEA OUP P IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. nuinal away or y, pay expenses, and talo the JAluns LAITHWAITE, r it Clinton P, O. To Improvers of Stock. The undersigned has on his premises, 16th concession, Goderich Township, A Thoroughbred Jersey Bull. Terms: --$1 and $•l. A Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, re terod. TernnH :-$1, with the privilege of rete Ing. A thoroughbred Tamworth Boar, registered. Terms: -$1, with privilege of returning. I This is a rare chance to improve your stock T. C. EDMUNDS, 96,5-tf. — Owner. Poultry For Sale. BARREL) PLYMOUT11 ROCKS. I have for sale about fifty Marred Plymou Rock chfekcna,all bred from superior tho oughbred stock. The price will be reasonable. LORN E C. TODD, Clinton. Ch i o cc Farm for Sale That splendid farm on con. 1, Stanley, (Lon - (ton Road,) being lot 32, is offered for sale on • easy terniA. 97 acres, 91 cleared and ht high state of cultivation• harm is only 2 miles from (Tinton. Frame house and barn, bearing Or- ehard, wellwatered, and n most desirable pro- perty. -G. ll..McTAGGAItT, Clinton. Removal of Night Soil. The undersigned will undertake the removal of -Night Soil and thorough cleaning of closets. u oshort notice, and lot reasonable rates. All/ refuse removed mit of town. W t -f ROBT. \ , NEL. _ ._.__.._... __.- _ . ------- Agents Agents Sell "Klondyke Gold Fields" Like a whirlwind. Experienced canvassers reaping P the riches hit • g t nest of heir I • 1ta,a• new t be Gin he rs doing .v Dolens. Ncarl • everybody •bol Y sit .er[n H. Ono young fellow onla faim at $12.00 IL numlh is mukijig $75.00. A lady type- writer at $8.(s) a week is clearing 1110). A Ineebani ,'I h i c. \t to tic e.tu ned $1 ,50 it 6.3 is clear• ing t5.00 a day. We want m,n•e tri{ents. Can - v sing ontfiti+ 25ets, worth $1 n0 I HE BR All• I EY OARHETh'ON CO., I.imited, Toronto, lot. (., '9'ho hast popular AGENTS. i.ifn or Her Majesty I ` hnve ever seen." writes Lord Lorne, aibont "Qaecn Victoria." ;sllI unttrrr(.edented. Fitsy to make five dollbirs (daily. Ing cmnmis. Finn. Outllt free to (•nnvn4stvs. '['III,, IMAD- 1,I0'-GAItRETSON CO., Minded, Toronto, int., W• 1 <� Uld eshtbikhed whole.- j r V� AN 1 1Jn Ho.t0TIn114ewants nue or two honest will industrious representatives. ('till pnya hostler about $12 (I week to start. with, r, AnaT,RTrsILn, MMICal Bniiding,-Tooronnt-o WAT/ 1 i7� g oun ploy ton doliltts N .1 I i�.11• weekly a lady of r)ntnr•e.loge, reflnenient and tact to spend hon tine h1 at good (•wase.. T, H, LINSCOTT. Taranto, URC. I W,{4 T'� f 1 Soilleltors for "Canada ti, N 1, j�j �. An Eneyelopodla ori the Country," in flvo Royal Quarto Volumes. No. delivering. ('nmmission paid weekly. A canvasser reports his first week making over sovoatydollars prollt. TTIN i T\SCOTT COMPANY Toronto "Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea - . _ growers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian in _ Tena. Thcrrrore they use the greatest care til. the Tea its blend, that is why they Me$illop Directory for 1897, selection of and put it up thcmelveq and sell it only in the original -- _ xc I once. a ori ion writ and c c I 1 9 t, rcb cc n p g purity cka c I r v Put up in r� ib., i Ib. and 5 Ib. packages, and never \ l r ve. t Inf trio) i O. nr i Ant t r 1' .Toho M r Will. Archibald. llnput \ tie ,ve, L endburt)• P. U, sold in bulk. i)aniel Mnnley, Comirillor, necehwood 1 . O. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. fns, C. Morrison, Cnnneillor, Beechwood 11. U. Will. McOavin. Cotmeillor, Leadbii 11, O. C. Morrison, ('leekt &%'i 41 1 O. If your grocer does not keep it, telt h_im to write tv Jnn. . Willianf Rvans, Assnssnc'li,6'P+lfap(ro(1 P. O. -•::.., s STEELIy'�1=1AYTER 8l, 00. ® 1)avirl M• ftnsq, Tren.9tnri• iVlnt.hrow: P. O. Charles Doid(Is, Collector, Senforth P O. 11 and IS Front Strest East. Torontek I Richard I ollard, Sanitary Inspector,T.Dddbury •F., .. .v, x.uv.•�r. I' W. xtseaw %"..u- a*3E�. �. .... .w.:.. .. k.......'.a C,..,.`,"wy":.. '�ll�r .,..•.. ..,. ` 'W