HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-11-04, Page 4The New Millinery Store... R u e �*rrrsa* 4 Toronto, who is it pronounced temper- Our millers are doing a rushing busi- I jwll n once advocate, when it does not inter. cess in gristing, several farmers coin. fere with his Grit[snt, posted off to the ttlg it distance of twenty utiles to ex- + t change for, It No. 1 Hour. The stills Parliament building to arrange a date are always supplied With Manitoba an si for a temperance deputation. Mr. hard wheat, Which is'required to mix 4 ""?I Spence is much interested in the good with our wheat to [sake at superior This to the complaint of cause, for has he not more than once grade of flour. thousands at this season.�� Fall thl't'Shing fs about finislied for I They have no appetite; food led prohibitionists into the Mowat and the season in the neighborhood and I doesnotrelish. They need the toning up of Hardy fold to receive promises thttt the yield of gritio is very good Smith's Block, Clinton. Just now we are offering it Hue lot of Ladles' Mantles Ata Bargain. People who t equir•t theta will save Money in calling to see thein and buying. 0 Millinepy. Our Stock is superior in quality and very reasonable in price. Call and see what we have. o•O•m•®o•o.�•o• MISS E. HILLIER, Milliner. Ernerson's old stand, near Clarendon Hotel. Our Standard is p�i�tabed a hoose and it is quite fitting that after his and lot it' town from Mrs. Couper and long aervicc and his advanced yearshe i•ernoves thereto shortly. 0 should be di upped into all office where sir. O. F. Oakes announces an auc- �41y Shades he u,ay lead it life of comparative hlx- ti(In sale cf his faro, stock told imple- ule"as for Tlaau slay next. ury and ease. And it is ,List-) Dir. Jas LnithWiaite, hats appropriate that he should be in a u,si_ purchased The cloth used in our Special Standard 1 ci c•uupl(� of Lhorohl'e<l ('heater white p tion to dissolve what, in all prohabil- I}igs front •t breeder in the vicinity of Shade is guaranteed to neither ity, will be the last Liberal Legisla- lo"OnLo•-Mr. H. Oakes is also keeping fade, crack, nor curl. The Cotton tore the province is to be afflicted to the trout, in (,hotuhied stock having used is the ver Hues[ that clan be purchased two Poland China i s front y with for some years. 1111. Fi"her•, of Cc,lbot•ut•. 1 g; procured, each side has three coats « » « Mr. Roht. Elliott, our enter Irisin of paint, and the work all done by I g Sir Wilfrid Litnlier is having many apple (}eater, is hustling the business specially trained painters. an uneasy hour these ditys so in this country and as far north as These SHADES can be had PLAIN or insistent have become the demands Pk`n0tRUgoi,hene where lie secured a with LACEor FRINGE, Price of his friends for the fulfihnlarge quantity.e°t Mir,. J. Gardner has it handsome trots 551 to $2.50 each. of the pledges made prior -to -the- straw shed a.lutost Completed. election, Thev besieged hini while Dir. Sil[nut•1 Burke still continues The Stair Shade on a recent visit to Quebec, they very low and slight hopes are enter - waylay him in the • corridors of twined for his recovery. Another line of Oil Shade made the House, and only the other day r TE er•e will be no service at Wilkell- in the leading colors. Plain son's on Sunday next owing to Quar- big French-Canadian deputation went Fringe or Lace, prices frorn 45c. terly meeting in Bayfield. Lo 750' up to the Capital to make it plain and On Wednesday evening last a nom - emphatic to Sir Wilfrid that politically her of the many friends of All.. (x. M. Alberta Shade they were disappointed, cold and Kilty gathered at his residence, Surt- aweary and needed a more nourishing tterhill, and with it suitable address, Extra heavy, but `Vater Colors diet than honeyed words. presented Mr. and firs. Kilty with a » « couple of handsome chairs and a are used instead of Oil. Plain, » prayer book :is tokens of esleenl and 351., Patterned 40c. Now that an East Grey Liberal Con- good will toward there. Both were ventfon has endorsed Hon. J. 1. Tarte, totally surprised, but. All" Kilty trade Curtain Poles the Minister of P ftrlit• Works1vill con a vary neat reply, being moved to tears. Ha intends mn moving to Londo A 2 choice line front 231. sicder himself fully absolved, a man to attend Huron College. s without a political past. We are quite to $2,00. without �' safe in entertaining the belief that the From Another Correspondent. resolution alluded to was machine- 'i'be special services which Miss Our selection is unequalled wade, for it cannot be that any honest Lincoln, evangelist., ryas ecnducting ih Dole's church closed Friday tljght last. for Choice or Prices, Liberal, least of all one who has read after a month's clastics. MISS Lin - the report of the evidence in the recent Coln is now laboring itt Bayfield where, Tarte-Grenier libel suit, would endorse we understand she intends remaining ®•o®O®O® I a politician who brazenly acknow- a fortnight. ledged in a court of law that riot to Dir. Henr y Curwen, one of our pro- p-ressive farmers, goes in for inipruv. Wo C C taking office his principal occupation lug stock and has purchased a that-' was passing aroauld the hat and gather- oughbred Dnrhaui bull front Mr. it. ing a boodle fund front government Biggins, of 1-1111lett, paying for the contractors :u d railway Inagnittes. aniutal $100. Very true, Hen. A. S. Hardy has form- ecd an alliancewith Dir. Tittle, but CLINTON. then the present Provincial Preruier• Our townsman, Air. J. 13. Kelly, has never aspired to It very high stun- secured the situ;Uion of taking charge dart} of political morality. of the electric plitut and waterworks it ¢tU ICpI'1tl f 11xI'lil . Goderieh. lie eonrnlenced his duties " » nu Saturday. Weare. sorry to lose J. Hon. Ditvid Mills will be t.hP nest B. ;Is a citizen, but what is our loss is AVi^s-Prof. Dorenwend' Dlinister of Justice. He is a man o1 Cai)derich's gain. Colin cash -Jackson Bros. There was no service in Trinity Card of thalnks-A. Al. Todd. ability, integrity and somewhat in(le- Church of Sunday. Jewelry business -A. J. Grigg. pendent and will worthily fill ' the The sittings of the 12th Division Buy's clouting -T. Jackson, Sr. portfolio shul•tly to be vacated by Sit, Coalr•t is to he held in Blyth on Satur•- Wedding present -P. B. Crews. Olivet• :iowa,.. dray in Industry Hall before his Honor A complete stock -Jackson Bros. » » Judge Doyle. Hot water bottle -Allen 8t Wilson. K On Saturday the members of the L. China dinner set -Ogle Cooper tit Co' Dir. Henry Georgi, the gr8at apostle O. L. No. 9113 made it bee and re-shing- �Vindow shades -AV. Cooper St Co. of Single Tax, died suddenly on Fri- led their Hall. Dissolution sale -Gilroy tet Wiseman. da Ile was err On Saturday night Halloue'en was engaged 3'• In a Lt's a cud g g vi crrou g thing -1V. H. Beesley & g s observed by the young urchins, but Uo. campaign for the Mayoralty of Greater very little (Ianuage was done. Cnrling without ice -The W. D. New York and the exciting strain holy Corutnuniun in Trinity Church Fair Co' proved two much for A constitution ollSunday, none too strong For years past. If a On Wednesday last Russel Sellars, The- third son of our poet, ",et with a e NOR NOWS Record "tart can be fortunate in death who serious accident whilst driving a cow Passes off at the zenith of his fame, horns frorn i,ast,tive. He was leading rs lublished every TBVRSDAY, at the" henry George died happy, and it with it rope, having it fastened to Tim Nnws-RECORD Printing Rouse, Albert St. one of his hands, when the animal took among his disciples his memory will Clinton, Clot. fright and the little fellow trying to long be revered. lie was in of igina: stop it ran around a post and in cluing so GOOD thinker and honest in,his advocacy of Kot a finger and thumb so lacerated nnvErrrrsrNn RATES. schemes for the welfare of the InassPs. that the doctors had to take some 1 YR. onto. suo. Imo. » portion of Lhe injured membersoff. 1 Column ....... $fi 00 $85 00 $90 00 ISI 00 " Inspector Paisley, of the Hub, was CoNnin.,..... 37{;0 20 no 12 00 n 00 Henry George; death was uudoul)t- in town this week. Culnrnu,,,•••, 20 00 12 00 7 00 2 50 edly a benefit to Tammany and the Mr. Connell, of the Circular town, Column....,,. 6 mhaving 00 0 00 5 00 1 00 hiItou ht the brick store of the lInoh.......,., G00 350 200 125 Tiger swept the metropolis, having a g g Kelly Estate, fat merly occupied by VGpspedal position from 25 to 0 per cent, extra. pl"r•ality Of upwalds of 75,M0. The M. Jessop & Co, was here o" Saturday For translant advertisements 10 cents per line for result is not flattering to the' greatest letting the job fixing the 'interior up . file first insertion; 3 cents per line each subsequent city in the Union, hilt it is stere] for the purpose of renting insertion-nonpariel mcaaure. Professional cards, not Y the 1 1 g It. Mr. exceeding one inch, $5.00 per annum. Advert -se- I'e-action frnni the nior•al wave which James McGee got the contract to do menta without specific directions will be published rolled over New York a Ecru year's ago. the work. tut forblu and charged for accordingly. Transient n9tiCe,i--"Loot," "Fouad," "For sale," etc. -so It ensures the rule of Tammany for cents for first Insertion, 25 cents for each subsequent '130illlop. insertion. years to &Jrle, for with almost un - Tim Naw•a•RarORD will Ile sent to ary address, limited powe�{�ltrgnage and pickings Mr. James Bell and his son Robert free of poonge, for $1 00 nor year, payable in ad- at its disposal an army of Parkhurst left for Muskoka nn Monday, the for'- vancc-$l 50 may be charged if not so paid. The titer to visit his brother, and the latter date to which every subscrtptlon Is paid is denoted will be required to again uproot it, f(`4r• the p g by the number on the addie� s label. No paper dis- purpose of working there cdur- continued natid and arrears are paid, except at the Tammany stands for all that is cor- ing the winter. option of the proprietor, rapt, ail(] conscienceless but expert in The members of L. O. L. No. 813 in - W, r. MITCHELL, p1jtICS. tend giving Editor and Proprietor. P g• np, it concert in the lodge --- -- « room on the evening of the 5th of No- - Whitney Will Will. vember. Sonne musical talent has ONE TILING AVD ANOTHER. been engaged for the occasion. --" Mr. George Kistner hag purchased Port Albert. it new traction engine and separator. 'The Ontario Legislature will meet George will make things 1111111 g Fall ploughing is in full swung just now. November 30th. The date ie unusually now. The forepart of this month was Most of the farmers are far behind early and may indicate the intention too dry to plough, but the late rains with their ploughing. of the Government to rush the session are; just what the doctor ordered for the t'armer, Fall wbeat is pi king up Miss Emina Jane Glass, who has and -bring on the elutions at as early pretty well, some fields Inde d look been with the Salvation Army for a a date its possible. Therein lies its remarkably well. niunber of years, is home for it visit. only hope, but unless all the signs fail Fishing at the harbor had bee very Miss Glass has been promoted to the Mr. Hardy's efforts to hang on to the good during the past ten days, 1nd position of captain. emoluments of office will be as futile the river its far up as the Mills is it] ve Mr. Robert Munn has started a with young herring, fifty dozen to tdhte blacksmith shop on the Leadbury line. as those of the now historical granny square foot. It will be a• convenience. 'who attempted to turn back the tide We have the ninst temperate town Mumps are quite prevalent in the With a broom. in Western Canada. A glassof"grog" section around Malton. « » « could not begot for love or money. Rev. Mr. Tiffin, who underwent an I We have no use for Paisley whatever, operation in Toronto Hospital recent - The date for the session was no notwithstanding that gentleman is it ly, is doing as well as can be expect - sooner announced than Mr. Spence, of I pretty good fellow. ed, have never been fulfilled and pledges that were only made to break. He is is Moldy party man, but if his zeal leads Irina to believe thin the probik,i- tionists can again be deluded by be- fore election fair words he is making a big mistake. Eatly sessions of the Legislature tire the exception not the rule. Here tire the dates of the early meetings: - Met 27th December, 1807; prorogued 4th March, 1808. Met 9th November, 1808; prorogued 23rd January, 1800. Met 3rd November, 1800; prorogued 24th December, 1809. ➢let 7th December, 1870; prorogned 15th February, 1871. Met 7th December, 1871 ; prorogued 2nd March, 187.2. Met 12th Nuvetnher, 1874(second ses- sion) ; prorogued 21st December, 1873. Met 24th November, 1875; prorogued 10th February, 1870. Met 12th December, 1882; prorogued 1st February, 1883. By the way Nawd-RrscoRn is your I 'hmtt•keL report" correct � Wheat. shows up good at the "Hub" and some of the fanners in this locittity intend to pass by the County Town and take in your market, wheat 80 to 82c. per bushel. I understand Hutt Mr. A. M. Todcd, the litte editor and proprietor of THIe, Nxws-REcoitD, steps down and out and you, Mr. Mitchell, assume Control of that spicy, well conducted and reliable paper. I run very sorryindeecd to part with this old acquaintance in a newspap+1'er point of view, front the fact 1 have 11oOWtl thi, papier since before it had the "Re+ord" attached to the 'News," awity back in thy seventies when my old friend Whitely (now of the Cu -toms) was his ablepartner•and I have every reason to believe A. Al. To has gone out of the, newspaper. business with clean hands. However, I ant extremely sot•ry it was caused by an attack of the "grip" brought on froth over exertion at the tittle of Patterson's election, but I trust that with it few months' rest front the editorial chair he will be himself again, and perinit sue to say just here, that the only diH'erence to that unfortunate (to us) election, was : Todd gut. the /Sir Oliver Mowat becomes Lionten- "Grip" and "'Pony" gut the "Boots." ant -Governor on November 15th so its to he in a position to open the session Goderieh Townshifl• inperson. His appointment is popular Mrs Garvie h• ' • I the stomach anq digestive organs, which a course of Boodle Sarsaparilla will give them. It also purifies and enriches the blood, cures that distress after eating and Internal misery only a dyspeptic can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and builds up and sustains the whole physlea I system. It so prompt- ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptiesymp- toms and cures nervous headaches, that it seems to have almost '" a magic touch." 3 Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best -In fact the One True Blood Partner. P111are the befit after.dlnnac Hood's PHIS plats, aid digestlun. no. Holmesville. The remains of 1. he late George Johnston were interred in the Holmes- ville cemetery Monday afternoon. Mr. S. Sheppard, of Nile, was at W. Stanley's on Sunday. Miss Rudd, of Marlett, Mich., spent a few days with Miss Holmes. Miss Lit.wrence, of Lucknow, is the guest of Mfrs, E. Acheson. Mir, Brown is visiting Mr. fi. E'Iford. Miss Lorena Talbot Lias left for it shot t visit, to her parents. Mr. W. E. Andrews and sister are visiting friends at Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson and Mr. NV. Johnson were callers at W. Stanley's on Monday. The Council met on Monday. Lengue rnet Monday evening, the wePting being Consecration anti Roll Call. The subject. "Our Wasted Re- sources" was handled by R. Forester. The quarterly services will be held next unday. Londesboro. Miss Mary Agnew, of Belgrave, is here visiting leer sister, Aliss 11. Agnew, Mr. 13ert Allen, of Harlock, spent Sunday in the village. Wilfrid 13. Crisp is.spendinga week with Hat -lock friends - Dr. and Mrs. Taylor, of Goderieh, worn calling on Londesboro friends on Thursday, Musses DIable Kerr and May Biggiirt, of Clinton, wheeled to Londesboro on Wednesday. On Sunday the quarterly seryice will be enudnoted fit the Methodist church here, and On Monday int 2 o'clock the quarterly Official Board will meet, The special meetings in the Methodist church will be cout.inued this tveck. Blucvale. �h Mr. Samuel Burgess, of Brussels, is the -nest of Dir. Jahr. Burgess. ,Air. Rer;, Hailey, i:nd ,lir.Adianlsof Trowbridge, spent Sunday i" towlr,, Rev. Mr. H+atlantvne, of Dlolesworth, and ,Air. \Arent exchanged pulpits last, Sabbath. A very large crowd is expected at the Box social on Nov. 5th. Don't forget it. Mr, James Robertson has rented the favor of All., Tininlius, of Toronto, which has of late been otenpied by Mr, Thornton, Itev. Fenton Hai I lov, son of Rev. A. J. HILI-tlry, is visit ing it town. Mr. Matthew Hutcheson, of Mott- trral, is renewing old acquaintances here. The cheese factory will make cheese of patron~ for two weeks in Novem- b(r, when the butter NCL'.)ry will conl- nience work. Dir. John McIntosh is ablts to be -out again. .I THE TOWN FATHERS MEET. Continued from page eight. S•rREj.,r Accoux•r. J. Hecker, 221 days at $1.3.1......$:30 04 C. Carter, 20!i (lays at 1.25 ..... '2;3 93 S. L. Scott, 7 days at 1.'25...... 11 38 J. Carter, 8.S (lays at 1.2.5...... 10 62, O. Crich, 0 days at 1.25 • ... . 11 25 C. Dunlavy 12 [lays at 75,... .. 9 00 Akr.Wheatley,66loads cat.50...... 33 00 15 iH) ). Steep, 45 loads at 50...... 22 50 J. Steep, 3 clays at 3A).... , , 9 1)0 W. Steep, 45 toads at 50...... 2'2 50 W. Steep, 3 days it 3.00...... 9 00 1). McCu+lig, 45 loads at 50..... • 22 50 G. Pickett, `28 land, nt 50._ , .. , 14 00 G. Pickett, I (lay at :3.00 ... , . 3 M G. ,Johnston, 18 loads at 130...... 9 00 t _ J Diltfu • tlearning d, tPuunp,............. ,� 0) $255 72 CHARITY ArcouNT.-Mrs. Devine, 1 month's rent $2. SALAnY ACC(H7NT•---,I. Wheatley, $108.75, R, Welsh, $08.75,,. IV. Coats, $87.50, A. McCrae $50, 11. Holmes $2, H. Stevens $2. -Total, $319. CIFAT 3:TERY ACCOUNT. -R. Reynolds $:30. J. Dunford $1. -Total, $31. FIRM ANY) NATER ACCOUNT. -Wood, Vabance c\, Co., 1 dark lantern $1,50, S. Pratt, 3 months salary $18.75, J. Rider $11.25, A. Seeley $5. ---Total, $30.50. 'WOOb«IS I`I30�iP130DINE. The Great Eng11#4 Itemedr. Sfa,ea duarante¢d to pro dsil and permaaontly a our an forms of Nervous Weakmss. EmissionitAperm- >w atorrhea,ImpotencyandaR effects of Abuse or Excesses, Mental Worry, excessive use Before and After. of Tobaaoo, Opium or Stimu- rants, which soon read to In- firmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Ras been prescribed over 86 years In thousands of codes; Is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine known. Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodinei it be offers some worthloss medicine In place of this, Inclose pr nlettor,end'tsditIU,X-►,'t-•i- mail. Prlco, ono paokago, $11 six, $5. Ona eWU please. sin, wi cure. Pamphlets freo to anynddreaa, The Wood t7oxrypany, Windsor, Ont, Canada. W -Sold in Clinton and everywhere In Canada by all responsible druggists. Com-be's Baking Powder Ws have this week placed in our Store a new Mixing Maobine to be used in manufacturing our PRre Cream of Tarter Baking Powdoil This 13aking Powder has met with such continued success that we have decided to manufacture it on a large deals, and hope to do the Bakiog Powder business of this county. TWELVE CL4/M8 FOR OUR BAKING POWDER :---_ It is perfectly Mixed It surpasses all others for Purity > It is composed of the flu0st and purest Cream of Tartar, and a special grade of Bicarbonate of Soda. It is always reliable, is not an experiment It has been before the public lougor than any Druggist 13aking Powder manufactured in ihis County It snakes better and lightor biscuits than any other P,aking Podvdur made Is of uniform strength and quality Is economical ' Is strictly up-to-date Is sold under a positive guarantee And last of all fulfils evory claim made for it. We will be pleased to furnish free samples to any one who has not tested our Baking Powder, Put up in ]b. and half pound packages. Price 25c. per ]b. e. Jas. 11. COm Manufacturing be Chemist Physician 9 Supplies, &e. Did You ever See_._ -- How Careworn Faces can be made .to look Fresh, lirfined and Younger 7 If not try Prof. Dorenwend's Z i .; .' Method. Seo him on hie visit to Yl C L I NTON AT- A Rattenbur a y House, �- 1 ox Saturday, Nov, 13, Thousands owe their good looks to his art and skillful devices. No ham Gentlemen's Wlgs and ,rr'+r ,rt'.•. , , Toupees, Ladles' Wigs, Half Wlgs, Bangs, Wavey, Fronts. Switches, Etc. It will pay yen to sea and have ','7 these Goode triad on, you will [hon be able to real- ize the true stats of•our personal a earan 3 P PP ce. t '' R��''„Per • .•. ,e1; r�� (, ,%�.,k}.� ''' � �l) ;� � •. i , tis • .t •'i � . VrRernemher at Rattenbury House Chilton, on Saturday, Noverul)er 13th; Harlock. Dir. and Mr's, J. G. Steep, of God- evich township, were theguests of MI!, and Mrs. D. Beacom last Sunday. .Mr. R. Pearson, of Grey township, and Miss Minnie Webster, of Luck. now, visited Dliss Kate Webster on Sunday last. Mrs. Uuderenek had a quilting bee on Tuesday th-itt was quite a •suc- cess. Threshing and pariug bees are quite the fashion. Dir. 'Phos. Kn,)x has secured it situa- tion with All,, S. Watt, DIr. John Dv;tttie has taken posses- sion of the furor he recently purchased. Mr. D. Beacom attended the funeral Of the late Geo. Johnston in Clinton on Monday. Mr. John Wells has had his house newly sided. THE GUY MINSTRELS. The Guy Bros. great minstrel com- hination occupied the hoards at the Opera House ]list night and gave a rare performance of the kind. It eclipsed anything in that line given hi Ottrtwit heretofore,not even excep-. ting Haverley, Primrose and West or` Cleveland. Front beginning to end it was entertaining and just as repre- sent(,(] on the fence bills. Guy Broth- eis are without in equal. Thele are sixof them, and they are the most clever black cork artists in minstrelsy. They give it show that is full of fun. It includes singing, dancing, gymnas- tic specialties and Instrumental selec- tions of in enjoyable character. To the brothers belong more praise than space will allow. Others who are pheno•tlenons in their specialties are Eddie McDonald, the Adonis statue, and Fred. Smith, the baton swinger. The show is clean throughout, ill, of is an exception to all others. -Ottawa Free Press. Town Hall, Clinton, Nov. 8th. Tickels for sale at J. S. Jack- son's. I Card of Thanks. To TILE ELECTORS OF ST. GEOitGF.'S Wnan,- Ladies and Gentlemen, -permit nto to thanK yon sincerely for your votes and influence on Friday last. While a member of the Council it will be my earnest endeavor to forward the best interests of St. George's Ward and the Towu. Your obedient servant, A. M, TODD. Having purchased the Jewelry Busi- ne ss of the late - Jas. Biddlecombe I am increasing the Stock which will be found full and complete... Intending pur- chasers should see it. . . . . . ® s o DEPAIIIINC OF ALL o KINDS DONE • AND SATISFACTION bE TIOPI s GUARANTEED. a e o•�oee•ee•®•Gm®rs®es�•o • e A. J. GRIGG New Shoes fOr Fall Wear. Considering the price, the duality of the leathers, the workmanship, the fit and the style of foot forms, you will fin(1 that we have the cheapest stock of boots a d shoes in the west. An Ill-fitting Shoe Is like a bad conscience -it is always troubling you. You will not know that you have anything on your feet if you wear our perfect fitting '- Shoes. We carry one of the finest selections in the west. 1.1,1��-1��-tib• JAC v00..,_ N&JArKSON The Noted Shoe Dealers, CLINTON.