HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-10-27, Page 5e I ' �Broad,foot, Box & Co. In 31cinoriam. _ ' Furniture NEIL CAMPBELL. that for qua finish and Lith a child L r laid hirer to rest, rGreataccess• 'hisweek we have some new lines to offer you, q y with the ild'1 rheovedon hid breast; T���///���... pr1C0,11tta never been equalled in this section. Space will not permit us to quote Bravely he unet the Angel Death, prices bait tomo and sea for yourself what great snaps we have for you. And apako these •words with latest broath- y y You will be sore to et good value and at i'ar going t+, ray children four, I Bu out' Furniture from us and y g g To dwell with Christ for everntorc." 0 be �e e 0 a► w �r QO �D a 70 cl►p 4 the eamo tune save money. We can of ord to and do sell cheaper than any other dealer Irl the trade. And now the Octobersunset g Gilds their Bravos with glorious ray; R'N'i��C �y,ln this line Nye carry a complete Stock and have the God kuoweth bost-His guiding arnL, 6677!! Finest Funeral Outfit in the County. Our charges Wili be the widow'd another's stuy, PRIC ES area lower than the lowest. NiLOIaE A. �K1M1 N(#a. •••••••••••• Godurich, Out.,Oct. I7th, 18U7. Broadfoot, Box & Co., Fn,nitnroDeal dert _ ° Clinton. Undertakers. J. W. tCHIDLEY, MANAGER.111r. ntoodY's Tour. Night and Sunday calls answorod at Residence of our Funeral Director,J. W. Chidley, Ding Hamilton, Ont., Oct. 23. --Mr. Dwight 8t.,opposite Foundry. p Mundy, the noted yesterday stop- >7/ ` Draw the People 'Frown,ped over in this city yeNterday ou hie ' , way from Peterboro to Brantford, Special Furniture giving an address at One o'clock in - There iwas lag on 'Bible study ' Far and bear. � There was a large audience notwith• Sale, During October. standing the inconvenient hour at L" which the meeting was held, and the As we have a Good and well selected Stock of Furniture now on hand which servicas were appreciated by the gath- we will offer for sale. during Oct. and Nov., ILt a very low price, in order to or•irig. Mr. J. H. Burke snug several be be pc�ra� ovtD�l�to��c1 ��0�� rtear the whole Stock out. Any Person requiring anything in this line, will sacred songs, the audience joining i❑ o �e �Cr4lo p�09 p�®4 ©� ram �. find it to their interest to come rltd see my stock before buying elsewhere, the chorus. Several local tuinisters As We have a choice stock of Bedroom suites, Dining Suites, .Parlor Suites, were on the platform. Avery attractive list of prices for this week which can't fail to Lounges and Couches, Easy Chairs and Rockers of all discriptions, which _ must all be sold if Lcw Prices will do it. We also keep a good stock of Mouldings and Picture Frames and Furniture News Notes. increase our crowd. i, Repairing done neatly and cheap. Kindly call and see me before buying Women occupied twenty pulpits in elsewhere. Baltimore Sunday. one oeoe dere pc�oe� rr� Our Undertaking Department The Quebec Legislature is summon- © ve ��oo ocsEyeoeoaro� ed to meet for the despatch of business lOf4 Soft heavy Blankets, regular price 94o for Real unlined bunk skin Mitts, regular price Is well stocked with the Best and Prices the Lowest. Hearse and out fi' on the 23rd prox. better than ttny other in town. Beat and most courteous attendance. Mrs. Lily Langtry benefits to the ex -$1.25 for sale.......................................•986 H� AND UNDERTAKER. teat of three hundred pounds yearly 8/4 Factory Sheeting, grey and white, fine for by the death of her, hust)and, Winter Blankets, regular price 75 for .........61 00 Lined Calf Mitts 600, sale..............................490 Huron Street, next Gilroy & Wiseman's. Night and Sunday calls at residence No, 32, Lieut. Winston Churchill, son of Huron street ,opposite Baptist church. Lady Randolph Churchill, is acting as Beautiful Green and Cardinal, double fold Table 00 Ladies' Fancy Scotch Tame, regular 50c for.. •.....396 war correspondent for the Loudon Cloth, fast colors, regular price 600. sale...... 496 BIA Daily Telegraph in India., Children's and Miaees Fancy Scotch Tams......,... 320 The funeral services over tine re- Splendid Cottonades for 12c., 19c. and 22, regu. to Girls School Cape, navy, bleak, cream, regular mains of George M. Pullman, the lar 16c., 250. and 30c. "When a Women Chicago railway magnate, were held 00 256, sale...............................................196 on Saturday. Beautiful Crape Cretonnes, Cream, Scarlet, Rose 00 , wills The general disposition to increase and Black Grounds with beautiful Autumn Ladies warns Vests, regular 25c for ..................19u SHE WILL and when she naval armament can be gauged by the leaves and vines regular rioes 20c., 18c. won't, she won't." That is WEDDING fact that eighty-seven warships are ' g p d Misses and Children's warm Vests, from 19c to 27c Plain and and 256 for...............................140. and 16o �0 according to size, admits of no being built in Great Britain alone, of o g misundetstanding, Your which thirty-four go to foreign Gov- ernments. Heavy Fancy Check Factory Flannel, all wool, �� mons back if the Goods 190 a Overcoats Long and Warm. y purchase from us a, *e regular 25c for .............................. • you May take place to which you are An Italian magazine article, which is Boys' ion Ulaters regular 5 sale ....:...,,.....,$3 9$ not as we represent. This invited. You don't know just supposed to voice the views of leading 20 Colors of beautiful Gimps at exactly what oo y g ' g $ ' ie just as plain. No misan- statesmen, advocates the withdrawal of was aid for them. 00, Men's Heavy Frieze Ulaters, high collars, Tweed I detstanding its meaning. It what to buy for a present. It's a Italy from the Dreibund and tlieform- p is our standup nt;er and it •q lined ion skirt regular rice $7.50 for $5 25 hard question to decide. Drop in ing of an alliance with Great Britain. + g + g p is for you. It is an unusual Thomas La Terre and his wife, of Strong good wearing Tweeds, regular prices 356 0� wa of Join -tidiness of and see if we can't he] you out p�g Ladies' Mantling in Irish Frieze brown and bIk. P Y and 40c for...........................................� c h g + Y g Sherbrooke, Que., found guilty of cineav and warm re alar rice $1.35 for.. ...98c t course, but then, it is ottr of your dilemma. We've a floe attempt to cause the death of the ran y ' g p i for - Way and it protects you, assortment of inoet's little daughter by rneans of ill- Bleach Sweeting, ds wide, real heavy twilled treatment, were sentenced on Satul.- regular 35c and 40o for..................27c and 316 00 Fur Capes. Greenland Seal, 33 in, long, 72 inch g as sweep, regular price $28,50 for ............. 21 00 T�OSB day to five years each in the peniten- SILVEA1lYA�E, GUT - tiar'y. Floor Oil Cloth, 1 yd wide 35c for 25c, 1 wide 00 + l> h A pile of Boys Tweed Overcoats laid out to be It is again asserted that Lord Salis- 40c for 34c, 11 wide 50c for 40c, 2 yds wide i• sold from $2.48 upwards. This is Bargain pile Aebing (� (( rt ��11�% (1 ('1 bury will shortly resign, and that the was $1 for.............:............I................ 75c 1 C�LflSS; Fl1�IU 1 CLOCKS struggle for the Premiership will be 0� lien's heavy fast black Sateen Shirts, regular r between the Duke of Devonshire and fleavy Wool Sox, long and soft 25c for............1