HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-10-27, Page 4. The Nein Millinery stofL_^ .. . Smith's Block, Clinton. •.deme%•<s•Qv Just now we are offering it fine lot e Ladies' Mantles At a Barga;n. People who i equi them will save money in calling to se them and buying. Millinery. Our Stock is superior in qualit And very reasonable in price. Ca and see what we have. ae•�eov.o� MSS E. HILLIER, uulinE Emerson's old stand, near Clarendo - - w Hotel. - D U L L S We have, with the exception of a brief period, been prgmine iblyconnect- 'f re II '' th b of legalised deception in almost every departipent of the Mowat -Hardy -Roes I Cures J, ed with this journal since its advent in Government, are vigorously demand- - we advocated healthy partyism. This Clinton in December, 1880, and a . The Nein Millinery stofL_^ .. . Smith's Block, Clinton. •.deme%•<s•Qv Just now we are offering it fine lot e Ladies' Mantles At a Barga;n. People who i equi them will save money in calling to se them and buying. Millinery. Our Stock is superior in qualit And very reasonable in price. Ca and see what we have. ae•�eov.o� MSS E. HILLIER, uulinE Emerson's old stand, near Clarendo - - w Hotel. - D U L L S We have, with the exception of a brief period, been prgmine iblyconnect- 'f re II '' th b of legalised deception in almost every departipent of the Mowat -Hardy -Roes I Cures ' �o mbe S Baking Powder ed with this journal since its advent in Government, are vigorously demand- - we advocated healthy partyism. This Clinton in December, 1880, and a ing a change. If my past patrons du A We have this week laced in our Store ore a new Mixing Maohino member of the "Art Preservative" their duty, let the Ontario elections ;`Cures talk "fn favgr to be used in manufacturing our since about 1871. During all those years we have furnished the come when they may, success, will erotyn their efforts and corruption will of Hood's Sarsaparilla, as for no other medi- � I cine. Its great cures recorded in truthful, Pure Cream of Tarter Baking Powder general public with a first-class local be replaced by honesty throughout the convincing language of grateful men and This Baking g Powder has met with paper. Like the miniature acorn, Province, and the Hurons will help women, constitute its moat effective ad- vertising. Many of these cures are mar- such continued success that we have decided to manufacture it on a large scale, and hope to `r nurtured from year to yarn•, the paper has until now its circula- on the change; Enough has been said, velour. They have won the confidence of I the people; have given Hood's Sareapa- , do the Baking Powder business of this count v• TWELVE CLAIMS FOR OUR grown however, about politica, but we iiia. rills the largest in BAKING POWDER : tion, influence and general patronage not part with our patrons before say- sales the world, and have made necessary for its manufacture __- It is perfectly Mixed is like the mighty oak. ing a word or two more:-- the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's It surpasses all others for Purity THE Nrws-RECORD has in the past If this poll)apS your patience Inoue, Lot reason and experience Sarsaparilla is known by the cureq it hall I made -cures of scrofula, salt rheum and It is composed of the finest arid purest Cream of Tartar, and a special grade of Bicarbonate of Soda. been clean in tone and British -Censer vative in all its utterances. Its col- prose. Ili 1892 the writer, Mr. Todd, took a i eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, dyspepsia, It is always reliable, is not an experiment It e uinns have always been open to friend Prominent part in the Dominion elec- cures of liver troubles, catarrh -cures which prove has been before the public longer than any Druggist Baking Powder manufactured in this County and foe alike. Though fearless and tion, when Hon. J. U. Patterson WtLsS pains its sources and measure its possibili- It makes better and lighter biscuit,, than any other Baking Powder made open, kind and charitable, ill no in- elected, and was afterwards Stric- ken Hood' Is of uniform strength and quality IS economical Stance have we ever struck below the with la grip. For some appearance by the time our new stock (which is Is strictly up -to date belt. At times we have been time his life was held in the Sarsaparilla Is sold under a positive guarantee severely censured by opponents in the Valance. Medical aid for a year illi. Mitchell, our successor, is And last of all fulfils every claim made for it. v heat of political battle, but as the and three-quarters did not bring Is the best -in fact the one True Blood Purifier. We will be pleased to furnish free samples to any one who has Iublic, Safeguard of a great British- F ZY g' relief, much less recover An Y• cure liver Ills; eau to + Y Hood's Pills take, easy to operate.�6s. � not tested our Baking Powder. Canadian country and a God-given operation afterward b its citizerts, together with glowing nc•_ ' Put up in ]b. and half pound packages. Price 250. lb. heritage THE NEws-RECORD has never experts and a winter's confinement P «'hic•h we ascribe to heaven ; the fated sky Gives us free scope; only doth backward. pull per been weighed in the balance and found gave relief, new energy and better Endorsing AIr. Tarte. o wanting. Like human mortals we g tat times have erred, but if such health. Again, however, rest is re- haired frons the.worrtes of newsp:L er p The North Grey Ret coma met at Markdralc last week to nominate scan-_IanUf'lcturing � Co�lbv �rata JaS.y In nation "building t lie Conservative of farmers who have nta,de it the didate for the Local House.Chemist, Physician Vas been the case, the world has our activity and we have decided "pot Having performed the task they Supplies, &e, record and we are not ashamed of it. better, for worse, to take at least a passed the following resolution I carne sate, and, as the result, insets Out- life and work has been one of few months rest brfore deciding our " We feel very much pleased over the complete vindication of the char- The Plague of Text hooks. I J piesistency and we hope faithfulness to Home and Country. In our future. In the meantime desirous actor of Hon. J. I. Tarte, who was so basely traduced by the Opposition -_ Hamilton Herald. The trouble is that under Pub- WE REQ career•, while .the Reform I arty was we are of press and speakers, as witnessed by our lic political utterances we cannot say settling all the accounts we owe and to the outcome of the recent criminal pro- school system the text -book plays too large a art and too much re- that every fond hope has been collect all clue us. All subscril,tiona ceedings against Grenier." striction is laced u p yon the individ- realized, but from the beginning THE due THE N t}'s-RECOrtn must be paid biThis is a curious but suggestive corn- nation of cireutnstances-the nom;- utility of the teacher. With the f-ar of the examination before her RIG HT and its management NEWS-RECORDAssembly to Mr. Todd up to July, 1897; and all nation of a candidate for the Ontario eyes, Q^��� she must restrain her freedom of no- never designed to raise a noble Cana- advertising and job pt inting accounts and It vote of confidence in Mr. Tat to and his principles. tion, suppress her individuality and keep her pupils grinding at the text- At the verge of a period of diad structure(nation building) on it upto October 21st, 1897, Those in- But the meaning is plain. book facts. > activity. If ou want quicksand, but rather to build up debted to the writer will find it It very The Local Ministers -Messrs. Hardy There are too many text -books. One proof of this come to Biddle -° reason why there are so many is that combe's arid Canada, and all its integral parts, on a easy matter to make it a point to and Ross -helped to make Mr. Tarte the Master of the Administration. see what we it paps well to write or compile a have school text -book and it solid foundation. We. were not al- Settle early and thus assist us windingb He is to belp them, as he did once get authorized by the Education Department, TheATTHE4 ways on the popular side, but the have up promptly rt lot of business. We efore, with his subscription, chief requisite in this sort of book -�- New Sum for building in this country k due And they are to use the machine to making are a pair of shears, a paste - lived to see the proof that we have al- earnestly ask you to give us that as- hold hien in office, no matter what he pot, capacious cheek and a political ways been on the right side on all sistance. does. pall. How many of such educational fakes and frenics have been unloaded great public questions. Often we have We desire to most sincerely thank - -- - on the long-suffering School Boards of Beginning blessed our enemies, seldom have we our thousands of personal acquaint- A Bold Stroke for Canada,. this Province, who can tell ? "They have their day and cease to he," mak- 01 = _V .been at variance with our friends. ances and loyal patrons for their con- Canadians are very generally aware ing way for others, the products of d Death successively removed several of it t h new compilers who demand e nal Of Every child is fond of a Doll and con- �Vhlle in ,,pendent m our criticisms, slstent sit art for so pp m:Ln y years, and 1a, ey ave now reached tin emt- nence f out which they can look back. q re- cognition and favor. t e Fall Season. Our Stock of Jewellery, Specta- sequently there are more dolls we advocated healthy partyism. This to assure them that no matter where ward with relief and forward with It would be a good thing for the cles, etc., and prices will sold than any other toy Country must have two Y political our lot May be cast, our heart will ,,fulness: The p year has been an eventful eventful one for Canada. It has seen Public school system if half the text - t books were thrown out of the schools. surf you. v made. parties; there is not room for more, beat for them to life's end. the great wealth of British Columbia clinrnte, to show that. the with its ice,is f, thousand miles north Our Silverware � ' call them by what ever name you will. Faithfully yours, acknowledged by alining experts from British Collunbil the Great. son nearly lost his life yesterday, He, Our fall stock is now on exhibition and In our retirement we are indeed � �j e have every assurance that this country in Europe; the gold finds 'n the region have also The following from Harper's Weekly The prices on these are contains many remarkable p1°erLsure-seekers of the world during great gamily journal will continue .Klondike attracted the. world's attention, whilst uirespect to British Columbia is all in- Away Dolls; noted esnpeially for their glad to have the privilege cf the lead, and we ask our faithful and the social and political occurrences in dication of how thoroughly that mag- Down. betauty and extremes low Y once rfu)re repeating that we are P g alert news gathering correspondents connection with the Jubilee year have the niftc•ent province is appreciated by all wit have taken any to examine Repairing of • all price. proud of our Country, that we of the past to continue their much been of incalcuable value to coon- try. TORONTO SA•rURDAY NIGHT'S pains its sources and measure its possibili- kinds guaranteed Our To department Toy p promises a gay are i•oud of the garden Province P g appreciated assistance to the new CxRTSMAs NubinrR has been prepar- ties . VV th not a thousandth of its to give satisfaction, appearance by the time our new stock (which is of Ontario, of the good old County plop-ietor., ed with a view of gaining for Canada as Witch as possible from this favorable part res trees developed, its fisheries only in their infancy, the forests ®� « Estate note arriv- of Huron and also rood of the Town P illi. Mitchell, our successor, is state of British feeling, and of correct- mines, and soil only in its D. Kelly of Tol Tito. Every home ing) is all placed, dead, now ing, palpable misrepresentations scratched places, heritage occasionally so that they CLINTON. The Huron Huts -Decor .i Is published every TBURSDAT, at Tae NRws-l(ecann Printing house. Albert St. clinton, Ulnt. 0066 AD'b:RTISlN() RATES. 1 YR. 6 )10. 3 Mo. 1 Br O. Column ....... $80 00 $35 00 $'30 00 $7 00 Column.....,. 35 00 20 00 12 00 3 00 column,....,. 20 00 12 00 7 00 2 60 uolmmm ....... 15 00 0 00 5 00 1 00 Inch.......... 6 (:0 3 50 2 00 1 25 9@?-Opeeial position from 25 to 5, per cent, extla. For transient advertisements 10 cents per line for the first inso•tlon; 3 cents per line ouch subsequent insertion —non pa,icl measure. Protessionaleards,nnt exceeding one inch, 91•00 per annu,u. Advertise- ments with, at specific directions will be published till forbid and charged for acenrdir•gly. Transient notices—^Lost," "Found," "For Hale ,'• eta -50 cants for first insertion, 25 cents for each subselaent i1_sertion. Tam Nsws•Rccnun will be sent to ary address, free of postage, for 81.00 pew I ear, payable in ad- vance—$t 60 may he charged if not so paid. Tho date to which every sub,cription is paid Is denoted by the number on the addloas label. Ne, paper dis- ventinoed until all arrears aro paid, except at the option of the pr)prieror, W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor. 'giew Uertis"tlive Itto. Silverware -P. B. Crews. Good goods ---Hodgins Bros. Important notice --A. M. Todd. Baking powder -,I, H. Corobe. Quality -W, H. Presley & Co. r.� That box of ut(mc•v--Jackson Bros, Fountain pt•n--Tho W, D. Fair Cu. \ A great success--(Tilrov & Wiseman. 1 Those aching even --,Men & Wilsrnl. ! A wnrni voc•option -Thos. Jackson, Sr. An endless line-�Ogle_Cooper & Co. The. Hl!ren News-Recora IS1.00 a year, In Advance. _ WEDNr,,sr)A,Y. OCTOBER 20th, 1897 A Our Retirement. With this issue THE NEWS-RrCORD conies under it new ownership, the gentlernall being Mr. W. J. Mitchell of Bruce County. Mr. Mitchell comes to Clinton very highly recommended as a loyal' citizen, find good business man. He is it practical newspaper than and is personally acquainted with the greatness and requirements of this Greater Britain -the Dominion of Can- ada. of Clinton where so intch of our bread installed, and we sincerely bespeak for of our climate and r,�sources. Tho,ls- poptication of 10,000 confined to the coast and one river valley, the revenue JN �1C1C�)<eCOYril1?e� and halter has been honestlyearned him that liberal patronage accorded ar-ds of copies of the U11RISTMAs Num- HER are sent to Great Britain, and returns rank British Columbia as third and received.. As this column declar- THE Nkws-REcORi) for so man ears, Y Y this year the editor attempts to correct anionthe provinces of the' Dominion. ed away buck at the tin),, of our ad- As in the false im ressions about the (lanndian P Klondike British Columbia is emphatically the province of the future, the conntry of Escaped a Horrible Death. vent, we did not expect to have the past, clinrnte, to show that. the with its ice,is f, thousand miles north destiny, and the most valuable pos- Guelph, Ont., Oct. 23. -Robert Hodg- "staff of life' buttered on both sides ; Faithfully yours, of a ricultinal Canada, and that the g session of the British' Crown on this son nearly lost his life yesterday, He, St. Lawrence River should attract the continent. was digging a ditch about six feet dee we have had it well buttered, always A. M. Tann, p1°erLsure-seekers of the world during The same article furthermore calls in quicksand, When one of the sides have had enough and•t.o spare. - _ _______ the sulnrue.r. the province -'the key to the Pacific," and says that it is an assurance of gave way and hiewas buried up to his neck in the ditch. John Keleher hap - It iF with pride the writer, young as. To` the Public. The two beautiful. high -art, colored giipplernents which aro this year given Great Britain's commercial dominion on that ocean. Its coast is v. succes- pened to be -crossing the field and saw the head of the rrlan sticking up. He he is in years, looks hack and re:alires free with the book, also carry out the elan of inline, while the AruericaRs scraped away the sand with his hands the great strides made locally and b b Y idea. One is entitled :'The First, Mar- have only one good harbor for the Last and shovelled Iflai out.. Hodgson was Y Hearing bf the beatit of the low,, vest, in Canada," and div other, "Can- thousand miles of their coast line; and semi -unconscious for some time. Had the Canadian people generally. We, oda - Years After." These +ire it provides besides the only coaling Keleher been a couple of minutes later think it was the great orator Daniel of Clinton, the progressive stability of beautiful picUu s, painted by MI.. J. station on the coast. It is wholesome in,neriving Hodgs,,n would have been its business men noel the hos Italit (,f p D. Kelly of Tol Tito. Every home for Ca.nadilans to take a look at their- dead, Webster who said in his time :- Y that is, or has been, connected with a heritage occasionally so that they "Our remedies oft in ourselves CIO lie, its citizerts, together with glowing nc•_ farm will desire to have them framed for its walls. They are said to be the may not he overborne in spirit by the spectacle of sixty-five millions to the «'hic•h we ascribe to heaven ; the fated sky Gives us free scope; only doth backward. pull counts of the fertility of the surround- finest )pciulens of lithe r<t )hu+ art 1 g 1 south, We have a country here Cook's COIt01) Root CO OUII Imp our Slow designs when wo ourselves are dull." ing country and of the supet•ior class yet produced in Canada. whose wealth is hardly guessed as yet, Is the only safe, reliabI In nation "building t lie Conservative of farmers who have nta,de it the "Phe Graves of Three: Great CanrL land It is our opportunity to build up orio of the: most potent nations in the monthly medicine on whi r Party, under the guiding bund of the t arc en of the arden count of Huron g g: y digins," an article describing the list risting•plac•es of Sir John Mac•doniLl<t, world. Our membership in the Brit. P ladies can depend in the p � hour and time of need. late Right Hon. Sir John rt, Macdon_ I carne sate, and, as the result, insets Hon. Alexander Mackenzie and Pion. ish Empire, guarantees to us the },easeful possession of oar rights, and Is prepared in two degrees old, pursued a, manly and progressive the purchase of TuE NEW16-REMILD. George Brown, with photographic views of the sante, (Ind half tone por- :it the same time assures u;4that wa of strength. career•, while .the Reform I arty was Accordingly, gly, dear reader, it is in the traits of the three Ilion as wo knew shall never have the hostility of the first comrnereinl people of the world. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known of that feeble class whose listless hand ciaPacity of -editor and proprietor thtat them, will prove highly interesting, We have but to bide our time. There -sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. "hangs like deal) bone wltbin its 'skin. Canada has been I now, for the first-, tune, salute yoll, hevoval first class original stories by Canadian writers and Illustritiod by Canadian ar',isis, make np the hulk of are great things for its o,, the knees of the gods, and nothing is so foolish as impatience unless it be apathy. There No. 2 for special cases-ro degrees stronger -sold by druggist . One , Three Dollars; two boles, r Dollar . tvitlnerec uuade wh;Lt s he Conservative + In succeeding so populaq�a citizen the hook, while a Ilett/ feature will be a record of the leading sporting events is happily no chance for us to doubt the future, for we have only to look No. r, or No. 2, mailed on ceipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps. Party. The (Troia Canadian Pacific and so able and energetic it journalist of the year, with portraits of other triumphs. about us at the enormous potential that it is The Cook Company, Railway, and other great national as Mr. Todd I recognize that the work Each copy is strongly wrapped in a wealth of this country to see simply waiting for the coining of the Windsor, Ontario. works; to -day the adlnirttion of ahead will be difficult, but hope las ! pastchoard tube, The number is sure men and the ruoney.to astonish chili- zat ion.—Mon trey 1 Star, Sold in Clinton and everywherc in Canada by all responsible druggists. the civilized world, were bitter•- time rolls on :and the comtnunity and to attack great attention. It will he by far the best souvenir to send to ly apposed by the Reform Party. Every great 9tf1dC ll)af]C' 1R nationRlay I become be„t•er acquainted, that f succeed, In 'r1. 111('aSll1'e at 1CnSt, In your friends. It will be for sale in dealers. The publishers' address IH this town by the stationers and news.®es New Sum for building in this country k due giving satisfaction to tlie'friendsand ToitoN,ro 8A'rurumy Nrcllrr, SA•rult- to the Conservative Party, its lenders petrous of THE NEws-Itrcortn. DAY NmUT Building, Toronto. followers, W Gild the Conservative fo alive press, along with the loyal Reformers TuE Nrtvs-Rrc(tn will give f1. - _.— The Calendar. Wear,press, all who placed Principle and Country hearty support to the platform and October 25th is St. Crispin's Day, Cris})in and his brother, (h ispinian, ahead of Party. princiPles of the Liberal -Conservative lived at. Soi"ons, preached during the Unfortunately the grim monster party, andi , n the good work of Te_ (lay and made shoes at night. They furnished shoes for Che poor at a low Considering the price, the duality of the leathers, the Death successively removed several of deeming Huron, it will be found in the Price, and tradition Says that, rut angel workmanship, the fit and the style of foot forms, you will our great nnen, and unfortunately for van. Too long a tenure of office on au;iplied them with leather. They suffered ma.rt.yrdorn under the Em- find that we have the cheapest stock of boots and shoes the welfare of this Country some of the part of the Provincial Government perov Maximian, and the tradition is in the west. our leaders could not, or rather did not has led to abuse of power, and a die- that their remains were cnst ashore nt Romney Marsh, The brothers have d ngiec' noel allowed selfishness to over- regard for public opinion- after ale(_ long hoc+n regarded as the Patron saints of shoemakers. s (lie on An Ill-fitting Shoe shadow righteousness. Thisdisconl,ent tions -so "ft is lime for a chars change." the eve of til;. Crispin's Day, nn effigy was taken advantage of by our oppon- Mowat ballasted the boat., but Sir of the saint wag hang from n it wa.4cut down in the mornisteeple. nLy and "u Is like bad conscience—it is ents and they succeeded in deceiving Oliver has gone to his reward and'the carried in procession through t,h• town. At. the door of each .member a always troubling you. You will not know that you have the electorate and gaining power cares of state tire too much for his successor. IIs of the ,,raft a halt was made, It doru anything on our feet if you wear our per. fitting y y y i Mr. Laurier and his followers have, should be ►allayed, for inent, supPosed to be St. Cr•ispin's will, e+ b as THE NEWS -RECORD predicted the sake of Ontario, if not his own. 8 was rend, and some article, sopposed to have been bequeathed, was left be - shoes. before the elections, stolen. the Con. servntive as far as they clave. x + Trlr+. Nrws-RrcoR.n will continue to hind. The death -roll of the day is a long We carry one of the finest selections in the west. policy Our Conservative friends, we are Ile, first and foremost, a NEWSpaper. er P p' one, and contains the names of Demos - tbenes, King Stephen of England, pleased to say, are now shoulder to Bright correspondents will represent George Ii., Chaucer, Hogarth the it shoulder find we shall look for great future success and final victory. at all the different Hints. Its forte P will be Local news; its motto : "All ppLinter. and Torricelli, inventor of the ha. nterter•, The day is riven tor. f the versar of tine battle of Agincourt- Y AC KSo I\I ekeJACKSON Now the tide is turning in Ontario. the Local news that's tit to mint." "And gentlemen in England, now shod. Shalt think themselves accurst they worn not The Noted Shoe Dealers, The oppressed people of this flair Pro Yours Respectfully, vince, after a quarter of a century --- W. J. MITCHELL."peal`s And hold their manhoods cheap, whiles any CLINTON." That fought with u" upon St. Crispin'a Day" e