HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-10-27, Page 3O
"Saves My Life"
"Several years alto, while in Fort
Snelling, Minn., 1 caught a severe
cold, attended with a terrible cough,
that allowed me no rest day or
night. The doctors after exhaust-
ing their remedies, pronounced my
case hopeless, say-
ing they could do no
more for me. At
'F this time a bottle of
Cherry Pectoral was
sent to me by a
r ' a, "friend who urged
" me to take it, which
I did, and soon after I was greatly
relieved, and in a short time was
completely cured. I leave never had
much of a cough since that time,
and I firmly believe Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral saved my life." -W. H.
WARD, 8 Quimby Av., Lowell, Mass.
.wherry .Pectoral
Highest Awards at World's Fair.
AYER'S PILLS cure Indigeation anis Headache
The Huron News-Re;ora
1 25 a Year -81.00 in Advanca
OUR RENT 701,10S.
In every part of the province the
feeling is growing stronger that the
Hardy government will be 'overturned
at the coming elections. The speech-
es of Mr. Whitney, Mr. Matheson, Mr.
St. John and others of the Opposition
have aroused the greatest enthusiasm
and set the people thinking. Mr.
Mowat's reasons, given in December,
1880, why the government of Ontario
should not be composed of men of the
same political stripe as that at Ottawa
are as sound to -day as they were at
that time and are widely accepted
among the people. The alliance be-
tween Messrs. Hardy and 'Parte is
more than Ontario can stand.
,the Engledue deal, or as it Iran been
called "steal," is another specimen of
how Mr. Hardy's governwent treats
Canadians. The premier wits at first
opposed to the proposition made by
Mr. Engledue but when J. K. Kerr,
the president of Toronto Reform As-
sociation took the deal in hand Mr.
Hardy- changed his mind and handed
over 100,000 acres of the best mining
locations in the province to the com-
pany to have and to hold the exclusive
right of occupation and development
for three years, for it paltry sunk com-
pared with the value of the tract. A
greater act of injustice to Ontario
prospectors and capitalists was never
committed in the History of mining
operations in the province. With
such at'nwe 11 t in power is it any
wonder eat the development of our
mining ter 'tory is it) such it baokwal-d
as corn aced with other arts of
state h
. P
Millions of cash left by the Sand -
field Macdonald government squander-
ed; millions of 'debt incurred to pay
running.,$xpenses of the machine at
Toronto; millions of the tinhber wealth
of the province gone to enrich Michi-
gan lumbermen while Canadian mills
are closed and thousands of onr hardy
young men are forced to cross the lines
to find employment in Yankee saw-
mills and workshops; such is the re-
cord in part of the-Ontar•iso govern•
ment, a headless, friendless, discredit-
ed; played -out old intistitution that
lives only on the reputation of a form-
er leader who abandoned the ship
when he saw that it must shortly go
down, When Mr.- Frazer died one
half the brains and the greater part
. of the honesty of the, administration
departed. When Mr. Mowat left it
only political jackals remained behind
and matters have gone from bad to
worse ever since. New men and a new
order of things are demanded by the
people. Economy, justice and honest
legislation by men with clean hands
and upright intentions are Ontario's
greatest need at present:
gays: "I had Itching Piles for about
ten or twelve years, and tried every-
thing I could hear or read of, find found
that nothing did me any. good. Mr.
tr I Hilburn, the druggist, gave me a
sample bo* of Chase's Ointment, and
,, from the first application I found relief
and was able to go to bed and steep. i
P':• then purchased one box and that one
cured me so that I have not been afflict-
ed since, and that is over a year ago."
60 Cents a Box.
i, -
By all denier,, or
JEdrn.mon, aur, k Co..
Toronto, Ont.
I ,
What do the eleetorb think of Mr.
Ha rdy's government receiving it depu-
tation of Michigan lumbertnea in
secret to consider the timber policy of
Ontario and then agreeing to all de -
wands of the foreigner in direct oppo-
sition to Llhe exprebsed wishes of the
()tnadian lumbermen y is such a gov-
ernutent wurthy of the suppol t of loyal
'' ZeS
In bl
' •race's S P
r tit
The l I
the present government of Ontario
after the following fashion: "As it
financier, Sir Olivet, Mowatt cannot be
said to have been a success. The cash
surplus of four and at half millions, left
by John Sandfleld Macdonald has long
since disappeared, and an indebted•
ness of nearly five trillions has been
incurred. The chief source of Sir
Oliver's term of power was his skilful
use of patronage, which heaccomplish-
ed by a far-reaching policv of centrlh.li-
zation. Excepting school teachers,
policemen, tax -gatherers and assessors
lie held the appointment of all the
executive and administrative officers
of the province. Magistrates, license
commisssoners, Crown attorneys,
Crown counsel, clerks of court iegis-
trains, woad -rangers, land agents, ex-
aminers a rid inspectors form in them-
selves it small arrny of persons whose
interest 1I111St
have been lLt
to keep their patron in power.
While Sir Oliver thus accumulated
active agents in every part of the
province, he sensibly affected the inde-
pendence of the Legislature bykee ung
before the members, the hope of office.
Now than lie is gone, the work of
decentralization wast begin, for
centralized power istoo dangerous to
he exelelsed by the politicians who
will follow him." The politicians who
have followed Sir Oliver uh the control
of provincial affairs are not trusted by
the people. They are looked upon as
tricksters rind wholly reckless of what
follows eo long as they arth permitted
to draw their salailes and provide for
their friends and relatives at the ex-
pense of tilt, province. A change
cannot come too quickly for the best
interests of Ontario.
The at lit In black! The vessel reelsl
slow staggering o'er the boiling surge,
No heaven-sent star its flash reveals
To light us on the uceau's verge.
Wild shrieking winds sing requiems hoarse,
For souls engulfed here long ago;
Dark 8hadolo cluster round myy head -
As the dim lump swings to uud fro!
Wild stormy haute! A Titan fight!
Solus--fie)t 11,
, e•ruth.
e lashed to
While thrutgti the dark and gruesome
The huge ship plunges on lts path!
The buutswuln's whistle shrill rewunds--
Itude trampling feet my slumbers ittl fl -
Hard by, upon the Hebrides,
The stornh swept billows hoarsely break)
But, In my heart, a trust Is born!
I marked to -day the petrel's flight_
The tiny storm•drruehed Ariel
Who rides the waves this fearful nightl
The One who guides that wandering sprite.
Bolds ocean to His mighty hand!
Aud lie will sha])e our course aright,
And bring us safely unto land!
-Richard Henry savage.
It was the year I built my store
and gut the Corners post office, which,
by the good will of providence and my
friends, I've held ever since, •rw matter
who was "in" at Washington, that I
first took notice of Shiftless Rufe Dun-
ning. He lived with his father and
mother just across the
Bats at the
of West Hill its the edge of the Big
Woods. You know, all this region was
pioneered late, and although nearly
everything was cleared: up ou this side
the valley and the pine timber had long
been cut off the Hats, there was a heavy
growth of mixed hardwood and hemlock
to the west that stretched away buck I
don't know how many miles. Here and
there the little "openings" on the side of
West Hill lug houses were still to be
seen and the folks living In them were
sometimes pretty primitive.
The Dunuings were probably the
most no -account of the iclt. They lived
in a little shanty old Rufe had knocked
together out of some slabs given him by
the saw mill boss. They bad only a lit-
tle patch of ground, and they lived on
what they raised, the fish they caught
and what they trapped and shot. 'They
didn't steal, its 1 know of, but they were
all mortal shiftless, and young Rufe was
worse than either his father or his mo-
ther. Iit fact, lie was so all -fired laz%, if
I must put it that way, 'that even t'12
old man felt discouraged about him.
Young Rafe was 22 before anybody
suspected that he could possibly have
y .. .. ,M
• , O., , ,V
harsol-a hand that was callouited with I
hares wa,rk in spite of its litth-w-ss.
"Mr. "I
Duuu;ng," she said, 6,,p:• you'll
• R• iST
aipain wafted acros,v the valley and this
keep your lgirgaoill faithfully us t shall
And so it went on, day after day, till
is 880. If
!crap aline. After you have worked hard
)refs ed the
1 t
'for at your you may come uud sttih••tnu--
winner can
Once. Whether you may come ab'uiu or
ssiging. So -,vhe.n it was noised about
that young Rufe, of all the world, had
et will depend on yourself. Good
e h1
evening, r. unuing•'
Nobody had evor ealleil Shifticxi-s itufe
Mr. Ditunmg before, arul the title ax(N)
Win far more than the notion of W(wk-
1St Pr'1Ze .... $200.00 .... ... 0 200.00
Inli every Jay fart l_. louse ,until 1 paien
the bene lie ►eft the big house than night
2nd Prize .... 100.00 .... .0 as 100.00
Ili, was fit to drop the titlp "shiftless."
Next inoru.iure
g, as Bon as it was light.
3rd Prize .... 50.00 .... - - - - 50.00
the sharp ring of h6 ax wits heard
aemss the' valley, biting out the chins
Z Prizes Of .... 25.00 each 50.00
as he chopgwd down the Host tree of This
year long stent. Long before %ioOli that
5 Prizes Of .... 10.00 each .... 50.00
dart' his big, pulpy litwuls wore blislert•d
and swollen and by sundown they were
10 Prizes of .. 5.00 each .... 50,00
it sight to behold. That night his moth-
A til'
er eried over them avd urged hhu to stop
Kitty, there wits it general uproar.
chinking about the,proud, stuck-up
", $500.00
girl on the other siile of the valley.
"'l'he itimr!" muttertvl the old woman,
between the whiffs at her clary pipe,while
To the Twenty people who solve this Puzzle, if there are so many correct,
she dressed Shitltless Rufe s hailer. "1)6
we will give the above Prizes IN CASK.
you think Kitty Sylvester will look at
-,vasn't anywhere ueor as hard to swill-
• rt, era.
t • aft w
ycru just heeause you've been fool
enough to work a whole year? Why,
It's I knew you
puftlekly rkliklis. alhis
was a little light in t•he head. Rufe, but
will be injurer! nand that all Its life thea'-
1 d.dn't think you'd )rice a fool of Your-
self for no conceited Sylvester girl."
Ifmore than Twenty should be correct, ever correct one will (in addition
To this and much more cyf the same
to the Money Prizes) be awarded our famous "Faithful Timekeeper Silver
:.ort, both front his father and his
mother, Shiftless Rufe made no reply.
Watch, of
but while yet the next morning rv,as
which the net
grey the sound of his biwy ax wall
• R• iST
aipain wafted acros,v the valley and this
factory price
omtinued to the gf)ing down of the sun.
A word which
I hero illana
they will last
a life -time.
And so it went on, day after day, till
is 880. If
the fall anti tbroin0h the winter. 'No
)refs ed the
1 t
clatter how (444 the snow, or hnw
stormy the weather, ILnfe toiled on un-
winner can
c•ensiugly. When the days were short-
ssiging. So -,vhe.n it was noised about
that young Rufe, of all the world, had
est, in the middle of the winter, he
son tir,xs began More dayhrmak emd
worked after dark, splitting the
"Ierhgths" he had ehoppcvl frarm tile+
ckeed Watch
felle(! trees into "four -foot wood," by
shirt, dixskiu pantaloons, and a bro:ul-
the light of a tallow dip stuck into a tin
of the. Berne
lantern of the pattern so oollini.on when,
the "Corners" wits new, but now rarely
A til'
• B
A word hero
nmca sling
"True to the
Our Proud
IllLiI0 Watch
Trade. L
The qualities
of our
which are
to be the
• R• iST
it was regularly given out that no
young man nerd ever think of keeping
when the fall began it was still biting
out chips and splitting up lengths. At
A word which
I hero illana
they will last
a life -time.
in the English
and AmericanI&END .
• • r9
Before spring folks got to going by B IB
Rufe s ax and lantern in beginning wonderful offer is only made to advertise our far-famed Silver Watches, every
and leaving off work ruorning and
nights the carne at; they gw) by the big Competitor must read the following conditions and comply with them,
tannery whistle down the valk•y now
and rhnbod;Y who began to work av ea`ly 1. $end your answer on an "Internatinnol Post -largest amount, and so on. If not more than twenty
as Rufe dtd R
and worked till ulad
fe's - Card" which can be bought at the post -office (price win and receive the Watch and Chain, and it these
torn wan out at 'night Was counted 2 cents). 'there is no entrance fee or chaigo what• do net buy anything from the Catalogue, the whole
ha�v ever. of the prize money will be equally divided among
Anil Rufe did mom than Chop Cord 2• In addition to the Cash rrizes, overyone who them, gluing $35 each. All amounts in this
r He learned to reed
sends the correct aWswer will thereby win one o[ our advertisement are taken at the exchange of $5 to $1.
wood that winter,
h we ell f r will he eons free you which mast be
"Faithful Timekeeper" Silver Watchox which x I b. A u m to
and this both his motber and his father in England for $10 each, and which could be sold filled up ani forwarded to reach us by December 26th
Ccrw*lemd at fax moil` `•ritllkilis" pro- retail in America for $15 to $28 each. of all Goods ordered on account of those Prizes.
Interview nterview YY lth a College
From the Republican, Columbus, Ind.
Tile Hartsville College. situated at
Hartsvillet Indiana, was founded years
ago in the interest of the United
Brethren Church, when the state was
mostly a wilderness, and colleges were
scarce. The college is will known
throughout the country, former stet-
dents having gone into sLjl parts of the
any ambition at all. But Ulle day 11C
saw Kitt Sylvester. She was the
daughter of the first manager of the
big Barkley eatate. Old man Barkley-
the grandafther of the present Barkley,
who never comes near the estate -had
just put the place in a manager's hands
and moved away with his family. Now,
Kitty was a real sensiL&, gO-ahead girl.
STIC knew that the Sy lYCsters were a9
goer! as anybody around file Corners,
it not a !cells better, and she trioti U)
live up to the family reputation in all
ways. When a girl, her mother bud
been famous for the work she could tie,
and Kitty was not a bit behind. Every
morning in the winter she was up early
and got breakfast by carxilelight. All
day long she wove carpet, or quilted
comforters, or spun stocking yarn, or did
something else that counted. Every
morning in the summer she was up with
the anti, and every tiny when it went
down she had churned and worked more
hotter or mode more cheese, or in some
other way done more work than any
other woman anywhere around could do.
And she wa}s the savmgest girl in. the
country. Everybody said she was the
smartest young woman going, and, nat-
orally, she was considered a highly-
desirable catch. But she held herself
mighty shy of them all for awhile, and
Ceecling. Yet mare; ,he went too meth-
m'g � � Sunday as reJ,ularly es) the
n!oyt •p!otr5 and thrifty of the whole
n(4vil-borhood. Not than Ile bec;aimr+ Me-
eially rnligaotrs,so far as I klmw, bllL by
90,1119 to meeithw he caukl get a glimpse
or two every Sutirlaty o•f Kitty sylvve-
ter,and it was a little tliithg indeed foT
the man who was' Chopping cortl*ood
a whole Tear that he m -Wilt make Vne
call on her, to list" to a serrrwlm once
a week s0 that he could Sit fine a whole
h.cur urider the same roof with her,
Nobody knew tihen how' this devotion
of her once shiftless, silo.-a.cc•ount lover
affected Kitty Sylveetter,but we learned
afterward that the abound of his ax
from morning to nia;ht eejoilsg aetoss
the valley became as musk. in her eax%
and that the light of his candle shin-
Ing through the trees in tile mornings
and the evenings was the delight to her
eyes. At last the. long winter, with its
cold, it storms and Its darkne,*, wore
away, the spring passed and the sum -
mer with its heat curve on. •
"Now Rufe'll we.i.ken," said the loaf-
ers about the store. • It's all right to
work Kurd when it's curd and the air
is bracing, but he'll let up in the but
weather, stere."
But they were wrong. All through
the heated term Ru[e's ux gave noisy
notice that he was still working, and
6. Evart' winner of the watch is required to Per -6. The names and addressees of the cash prize
cha,e one of oar SPLENDID `•ALUs inexpensive Solid winners will be printed in the TGueas, Dail!! '1'era-
Silver Albert Chains to wear with the watch, as per graph and Standard, of London, on Dec. Slat next,
onr unprecedented offer which we will send. 'These sad subsequently in the New fork Ilearid, Drafts
chains are i1a11•marked on every link by the for the 1 rizes will be posted same day,
Lngliah Government. Il the same Watch is required 7. write your name and address in full every
with Gold-filled case instead of Solid Silver, it Chain time you write to as to avoid mistakes.
to match may, if desired, be chosen. S. Orders for these Prizes may be sent in sepsr.
4. With our watch and Chain ?,on will receive our ately from time to time, and you will be credited
mammoth Catalogue gnoting wholesale Factory with the total of all when you send in the report
Prices for Jewellery, Plate, etc, The First Prize will form as above,
beiven to the one who solves the Rebus, receives
g the tWhen sending 5 rOrders eremember that the
the watch and Chain, and orders altogetherletter onstageE ts, per half ounce.
to ngland is 5 cents,
largest amount of Goode from the Catalogue; the and it insnfflclent postage is used the letter Is liable
second Prize to the winner who orders the second to go astray. .
Send you answer at once 4 You ars euro to win a Prize if correct, while
even if not correct it costs yoq nothing.
I -
1 ..
The ��tehmak��rs Alliance & Ernest Goods Stores,
Incorporated according to Ace of Parliament-Capttal x''00,000 ($!150,00(/).
1S4 Oxford. Street, London„
Cable Address: "CLOCKLIKE, LONDON." Business Established 1885.
various medicines and different physi-
CI+LnB. Finally, I wits able tel return to
it was regularly given out that no
young man nerd ever think of keeping
when the fall began it was still biting
out chips and splitting up lengths. At
Cattle Itainching in Bruce.
did it.. Last spring we turned a lot of
brood sows in a slnaLll padlock of about
company with Kitty Sylvester who
wasn't her match both at working sad
hist the ytmr -,vas nearly Up, and old
Sylvester had begun to ask himself Nvhe-
eve clip the following from aril ex
two acres well set to blue grass. They
p,st anim,ne of
gruT'll in pruportiof
ssiging. So -,vhe.n it was noised about
that young Rufe, of all the world, had
ther he hart- not made an, exceediugiy
bad bargain offer all. 1''or Bitty was
than e : Dr, .Lowry of Brantford
g .
did not seeni to appreciate the blue
grass and rooted a great deal. We
f"t u
reef!. 7'htm sha• reset of maint.t'tia(r is
got him a pair of fine boots, a ruffled
plainly uhuch interested iu the patient
has taken steps for the organization
harrowed it down level, but weeds
shirt, dixskiu pantaloons, and a bro:ul-
lover who had toiled so lung anti w
of it cattle ranch in the Bruce pc uinsll
Carrie. instead of joassl_ixl the rooted
cloth coat, and HiLd begun to shine up to
steadily for the privilege of calling on
la. He bah Secured some ;i,5(1t) acres
places and last week we turned in the
Kitty, there wits it general uproar.
her "just once," and it might be, the
for this purpose, and alreadv has one
sheep, and in one clay they had it
Folks couldn't believe it at first, but it
old maw reayuued, that she would allow
hundred head of rattle on the ground,
cleaned up, except a few of -the wood-
aabilities are thmt the digestive orglns
-,vasn't anywhere ueor as hard to swill-
• rt, era.
t • aft w
lour to call the secuud time, and perhaps
u thin anti perhaps- Bu h+ til li ,it
ti e , t t. v
[ I g
and expects to arid. four hundred more
fest of stocks. Another trial like this
will be injurer! nand that all Its life thea'-
e• what came
low a s w
You see the uutgiviug that had been
-,, us too awful to entertain and Ulu old
amu ta) dismiss it. Failing in
to this number shortly. His intention
is to organize a joint stock cournany in
will clean them all rip. It, Nessus to its .
that no farm is complete without a
made about the kind of a chap
husband would have to he h,•ul sifted
that, he questioned the girl, who refused
order to carry can the undertaking on
few sheep. -Exchange.
the young fellows out a whole lot. !lies*
to answer satisfactorily, and the two
nn extrnhive scale. lie will use refuse
fo°?taY. Rood night?" t
YrR, wild the old man, `you may,
curnroot. by any kind of feeding hr til, re-
after made what Gt ought to hP,
of Utem were willing to -,vork and will"
had a quarrel iu which ]firs. Sylvestirr
frenn the Brantford starcll work, as aif
Medals for Veter.ins.
I To Breast a Bottle.
Ing to save, and they all admired Kitty,
joined, taking Kitty's. part must vigor-
addition to the feed obtained from the
Ther, f,e called Kitty ,into the room.
As she entered she rad for the Crf)
I When it is necessary to break n glass
for she wits as good looking Its she was
industrious and frugal, but her stand-
du the last day of the stipulate+il 12.
pasture. It is no used to buystock
in finiPlh them dor r fife
Ottawa, Oct. 20. -At the Militia De-
trot. ALvtx P. nARVABY,
ard was so high it scared the b/ys, and
wonllis Shiftless ltufe went to his wor•1:
the spring,
P g'
stlriltner and sell in the: fall. There site
partment to -day a despatch was re -
ceived, statin that its accordance
A reporter recently called at this
famous seat of learning and was shown
beaux gut to be mighty seldum on
earl y and begun with quick,euger strokes
to cut .a, big hickory, lie hall b.eculue
few parts in Ontario in which a scheme
with Lord Lansdowne's recommenda-
into the roots) tie the Prof.
Now, as it turned out, Shiftless Rufe
:w expert axman by this time, and the
of this kind could be pushed forward
tion, at, medal is to be given to all who
Alvin 11. Barnaby. When W;L seen by
thought more of Kitty than tiny of the
the very begimhing she
sun wits not yet high in the sky when
the big tree came dower with it crash.
with better advantage. The county of
thoroughly waters 1, there i, plenty
took hart iri the expedition against
the Fenian in 1800, and also to
the reporter Prof. Barnitb was in
delicate health. To -day he was sipper-gave
others, and at
ent. ot
gave him a little encouragemTr
It so happened that L was over lit tilt-
shelter, and the grass grown on the
those who took part in the Red River
ently in the best of health. In re-
to a sure, but enouglh to reforlu
hint coalipletely. He was naturally
big woods than day with a neddhbor
looking lit the tiniber. 1.1. e hoard the
limestone fordlation of the Bruce
is of peculiar richness.-,-
exp(.dition. .
sponse to kit inquiry the professor
Mighty bashful when he called' at the
big hotl.'(p, all fixed top in cl<rhjtt+s he
fere Esti! shad at the same time a scr�alhL
as if a strung rusuh were in wortul agony.
Walkerton herald.
It also states that all those who
have taikcn part in a subsequent ex -
"Oh, yes, i am mach better thar for
wavn't used to, and Kitty at first pre-
In a hurry 1 ran in the direction of the
pedition will be entitled to s1. clasp.
scene slate, I rem ndw in perfect
tended she didn't undinst-and tlw,t !x
had to sear her.
sound, guided by low muans that follow
the shriek. There, pinned ui5der a
TLC 11Setulne133 of Slteep'
The medal is to be tilt! carne its the
health, but my recovery was brought
ahc+ut in rather a way."ht'
"I'll will my father," she said. "Per`
branch of the fallen tree lay Shiftless
one of 181)n, the only difference being
thlLt the word "Canada" .alone is to tae
"Tell me �abuut it," said the reporter.
Ps you want to talk ubaut cutting
some cordwoo -l"
Rufe, badly crushed and barely con
scious. For the first time in the entire
Sheep are the most profitable stock
the farm, As a friend told the
on one side. This will he good news to
"Nell, to begin at the beginning,"
No, said Itufe, directly. want to
know if I cam keep c'Uuhpally with you."
year he bud misculculalted iu felling his
tree. As az we could my neigh-
writer the other day, They are, be-
alar re number of militia men.
said the rofessor, "I studie too hard
when at school, endeavorrAg, to edu-
The girl was started by his fatilure to
the bush, telt she answerer!
bur and I cut away the branch and re-
cause they art+ double he:tclers incl are
not liable to cholera or any other in
County Cnrreney•
cote myself for the profession. After
,heat about
quite as directly:
!,,used the your man. we got
together u stretcher of boughs on which
curable or preventable diseases." They
Mrs. Peter McTavish of the Mill
completing the common course I came
'Cert icily lint- You're too lazy to be
-,ve proposed to curry him home. As we
sire the most profitable for more rea-
Road, Tuckersnhith, died on Monday
here, and graduated front the theologi-
cal course- I entered the ministry andrdwoo
aslbowed to keep company with anyone.'
Then an idea flashed thrcnigh her mind.
lifted him he opened his eyes.
"I wises -you'd take we over to Syl-
sons than one. In the first place they
do not re uire so much food that has
of last week at the age of sixty. years.
Mrs. McTavish wails the eldest daught
accepted the charge of a United F�ret.l.i
But if You'll cut co-unday a whole
every day but Sunday and hull-
-,ester's Cost," be said, faintly. "I want
cost labor as do other kind of stock.
et,• tie lifts John cosi oat. She
ren church at'a small lace in Kent
cissa, you may come ntxi see me just
to cull on his daughter. She said I.
might cx�me to-night-auhd so did her
They are not very great grain eaters,
of hay
leaves a family of five sane incl three
daughters. Her husband
l,ounty, 1llicli. Being of an ambitious
once. Isere crones father, onr, You'd
father -and -maybe• --if you take me
butthey are great consume
they ,tire so
her three ago.
nature, I applied ruyse'lf diligently to
-bettew make arraTia ments to cut for
bane before I go there I won't be able
and grass. This is why
Grass and hay are very
some yearr
ray work and studies. In time I notic.
ed til+tt m health was f .ilia M
1 g• Y
an shares."
To Kitty's surprise Shiftless Rule
stood his Found, and when her fadier
to see heNto-night at all."
So -,-,e carried him actv)"y rthe flats to
gored to keep a the fertility o tie
p P,
in the com-
Details of a very hot fight are re -
trouble wits indi estion, and this with
came, in statrbed at once to discuss the
file big house on the Barkley (-state.
he ancon-
farm find sheep niche well
very ranch trouble.
potted from 5artrana Hills, India.
other trvul)les brow ht on nervous-
proposed artra'rrgenu•nt
"Wal, Mist' Sylvester," Rufe•
fart of the way was quite
scions and part of the way he Was Pit
bination without
A small flock on the farm is nearly all
The enemy in force occupied a strong
on tris Dargia ridge, and were
"My physician prescribed for me for
grasping tie ohl man's t►arltl, "I ain't
thetic•ally delirious, but when we reached
the house he wits quite rational, though
profit, for the are ke t Bah Easily that
Y p•
little required to keeping
able fire on the
pout, a th troop
sometime, and advised the to try at
change of climate. I did as he request.
ttever been no g+ma :basad to work, but
I ,list have a ek)aahoe to keep mmp'tLy
prey weak. And so it wits that I .was
Rufe Dunning made live
there is else
them than would otherwise go to
advancing British troops. The Gurkhas
n .
and Dorsetsth a regiments were rein-
ed and wits some improved. Bonn
with KLtity, and she says I may come
and see her after I've' chopped card-
Present when
to I{iffy Sylvester. Iiia lovpm.nldin g
waste. Do not understand us that
they nothing, for they cin, but
�, g
sorted ki the Gordon Highlanders,
after, I carne here its professor in
physics arid chemistry, :incl later was
wooxi a year. It wcAl't he rpo fun, I)ut
xmiot have Kitty, anal if I've got to work
1 didn't take long, for his strength was
about gone, but he bad time to say wllat
we mean to say that it,,, flock can
he kept a faun stocked with other
rind after a magnificent charge
the exposed platin the British forces
fivanclal agent of this college. The
change agreed with me, and for it
to girt her, why, then I have, arld that's
.Ul there ira about it."
he wanted to say, and to bear what
wanted to hear. And when, after a
kinds of stock, send they will almost
were able to dislodge the enemy,
fiPd pelt-tnell. Losses were heavy.
while my heatlth was better, but ray
$••Ivester was at first imloatetl to be
Kitty Rufe,
long look into Kitty's eyes, poor Rufe
peacefully closed his ow•h, his big han,l,
live on the weeds and grasses ignored
by the others.
- --- - - - ----
duties were heavy, and again I found
► t 11 • t ' ' r Tk; t'm ft
angry at for trifling with
bwt oonoludell to humor the aatultUo,
no longer soft rind pulpy, but sinewy and
J. ill onvert weeds
Ii y eon ) e re, "I.. .i,•. IS t C
wag mote severe and in the winter l
became completely prostrated. f tried'
and bfeklirng Kitty leave thri ronin IXAd strong, elosped her little one In the clasp
Y° mac the -,vds ready to make of an accepted and occepH(ble laver.
a bars,*sin with him.
The animal sha w c
and waste into cash is +i paying one.
It pays to have animals on the firm
various medicines and different physi-
CI+LnB. Finally, I wits able tel return to
"You can cut cordw000d off the es-
tate, an shares, Rafe, of course, if yeti
Keep Your Stock firowinC.
Fivery former knows that' it Is while
thaLt will consunib the weeds, to W1Y
nothing of the profit obtained ollt of
the wool
my duties. In the spring of 1800 was
Want to, nuts I'll set aside so,1uC tree",
is young that }t mn.m the get -t t-
the, sae of the sire) unci
1 1,
elected president of the college.
light near your father's shantY on thi
p,st anim,ne of
gruT'll in pruportiof
that grows of eh hacks. There +Lee
Again i had considerable work, and
,other side of the flats. But you want to
f"t u
reef!. 7'htm sha• reset of maint.t'tia(r is
many kinds of weeds that would get a
the trouble, which had not been en-
tire! cured,, be an to affect me and
stake off them fine boats land thorn doe-
skin pants, and that +,here broa.deloth
less, and at least while the anknal is
surklin a part of ets feed is admir-
good start on the farnh if it were not
They are sure death
Emaciated -weary -gloomy. No one can
litst fall I collapsed. I had different
coat, and you don't want to put them
on again till y(nh've worked !hard a
o:blY atglnspted to ,of
growth. Flat
for sheep,
sour dock, dandelion and many other
adequately describe the abject misery Of
the sufferer from Dyspepsia and Indlges-
doctors, but none did uht, an ood.
Y g
Professor Bowman,twho is of
anhrile year. You're too shiftless to be
sheer in old be dKnin why yolntg
� stork Should fir fed zntifcir•ntly ten Ices+p
kinds of weeds that are hard to era-
field that wits al-
tion. South Amerlefin Nervine is the
In medical science
natural science, told men his expevi-
allowed to a einigle minute about
Kitty now, and I armppose You always
thrift. If Itis underfed, or fed so as
til fn ten rather thou to grow, the prob-
curate. We had at
most taken some years ago by morn-
greatest discovery
for the cure of all chronic Stomach ..
ence with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People to
will be, but-"
"You Mast'
aabilities are thmt the digestive orglns
ing glories. No shatter how hard we
troubles. It acts directly through the
nu disease. Thous -
and urged me give
needn't say no mare. Syl
will be injurer! nand that all Its life thea'-
Hoed to subdue them they would
nerves --the seat of
them atrial, because they had benefit-
vestee," .put bn 3hiitless ILnfe• "Bart
arPter that food it entg will do it le,"
masters. The field was put to pasttue
ands testify of cures made. belief from
ted him in a similar case, and Icon-
rmm't I see i{iffy nga.tn just Mag enough
gond tholh R shrruld. A stitntrd nn5nh.a1
find sheep, and when it was put to
the first dose.
rladed to try them.
fo°?taY. Rood night?" t
YrR, wild the old man, `you may,
curnroot. by any kind of feeding hr til, re-
after made what Gt ought to hP,
grain the sheep were turned in on the
"i was n greet sufferer from
find nerve troubles. Trled a
"The first box helped me, and the
second gave great relief, such as I had I
and I'll her we've made the bargiiJu
.ihe sing sted."
I To Breast a Bottle.
stubble and they did the reqs•
lot of briers that are
score of remedies. No relief. Half a
bottle of South American Nervine ;
never ex erienced from the treatment
Ther, f,e called Kitty ,into the room.
As she entered she rad for the Crf)
I When it is necessary to break n glass
if you have a
encroachin on the farm lands, we
worked wonders. six bottles made a
new man of me ' -w. H. shcrmnn,
of any physician. After using six
boxes of hhe medicine I was entirely
baol thattold Rufe, dressed he wasn't at act!
had looki and Uhat he eccauhed twice
jar or bottle evenly the ensiest. way ie
, to sonit a pieee of string in turpentine
know no better wn.y to eradicate thein
than h the use of sheep. We once
. Atorrlaburg, Ont.
I Don't oxporiment with now and
cured. To -da i +Lm perfectly well. 1
feel better than for
the rr,m be hand berm before. She kept
! orwl whatever ie it t tis to be hrkkvn,tlnndhth rn
pert a lot of blackberries in the orchard
dodntfui medloines-Take the tried
and stronger yearn. I
I certainly recommend Dr. Williams'
��oo feet silence until her father hard fin-
tahed� Then she reached out and took
, set fire to the string, The glass will snap
and afterwards desired to get rid of
do it no other way
I 21
nand tooted.
Pink Pills to similar sufferers and
big, soft pave ha her own small
off along the heated line.
them, and we could
than by turning in the sheep. They.
`cold by Watts tiC Co.
overworked people.
lldl 'fir
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