HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-10-27, Page 1TIE ]it R0_J6_ P NEWS -RECORD. 1 TERMS—$1.25 per Annum, 1.00 In Advance. IND1iPJ1NDIiNT IN dLLTA1NQS—N$UTRQL IN NOTHING'-.,yT� W.1, 1)IiTCrIELL, E.jltor.nrlOwuer� VOL. XIX CLINTON. H URON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1897 WHOLE NO. 987 spectai ottentioR. Special Attention has been given to the requirements of r Invalids, etc. ' 1 The Medical Profession is cordially invited to examine our stock. I shall be pleased to import any special hues I do not carry in stock. Lack Kennedy. The Clinton Liquor Store. Phe ue 64, AN ENDLESS DINE Oi Canned Goods, Fancy and Staple Groceries, as well as high grade but reasonably priced Table delicacies, may always be found at our Store. PALATABLE HIT. We have miade a palatable hit with our great sale of Self Rising Griddle Caka, Floor on the market. The flour is it combination of cereals which contain the most valuable nutritive ualities, and while it will be found most. pleas - j ng and appetizing to all, it will be it been to thoFe to whom buckwheat has always been objectionable. It i§ put Lip in 2, lb packages and sold at 15c or 2 for 25c, at the OGLE COOPER & CO. Lam— Phone 23. 1897 It.OaDBEb -s 1897 XCIAC MOM. rue. WEA T u Sri z e9Ar. rlwd. r a� 400-oft#.Ila MWAt r 2 4 J 6 2 8 9 1011 r,�1�'11l�16 rt r8 r9 20 ,�1 ,� i2�s iX,216X 2829&0 LOCAL NEWS. In anb Around the Hub, �a><v>x �ItXiA WANTED.—PotatoeP, Apples, Pears. High. est price paid.—G'A\TELWr Bxos. — —_Town 'Topics. MR. ALBERT ANDERSON shipped a car load of latnbs to Buffalo yester- day. MR. M. D. McTAGGART has sgld his 100 acre -farm on the London road to Mr. Levi Wilkey for $6,200. COOPER has sold her frame dwelling and J lot on Albert St., to Mrs. Garvie, Goderich town- ship, for $500, HILL & JOYNI;R, flour and feed mer- chants, have dissolved partnership, The business will be continued by Mr. Hill, while Mr. Joyner thinks of trying the West. A CHANGE has taken place in the " proprietorship of the Galt Reporter, Mr. Sears retiring from the firm to look after personal business in Eng- land. The new firm consists of the Jaf- fray Bros., Robert M. and James. P. THE first payment on subscription received by the new management was from Mr. Robert Elliott, Porters Hill in the banner towns'lip of Goderich and the next from Coun- cillor Walker of this town. MR. JAMES MCPHERSON, a former Clintonite and brother of D. and F, McPherson and M rs. W. Coats, died suddenly at Ogden City, Utah, on Thursday last. He was in his forty- fifth year. Mn. D. CANTrT.ON has shipped dor ing the past week front Clinton statin three car loads of pies to the British market and a double decker of hogs t Cellingwood. For the porkers he pal $4.60 per cwt. NIR. D. CAvtELON, the apple king, made a shipment of 2700 uarrels o apples to the Glasgow market las week and expects to follow it up this week with e.5( ) barrels. He has sixty packers at work and by the time th season wanes will have sent abroad ( 5f )0 bhls of prime Canadian fruit. ''• THE ehtertainnient givers by th I. O. G. T. Inst Friday evening wit t successful beyond the most sangauin expectations, the large hall bein literally packed and many being un able to gain admittance. In addition to the splendid �rogramme of voha ' and inst-rumenta music, an eloquen f and timely address was given by M C. M. Bezzo. FLLTOI'T & MTTCHELr„ of C•loderic township, are heavy dealers in apple and have, so Mr. Elliott assured us o ' Friday, already made the purchase o 4000 barrels, 208 6f whfc'h were deliver ed at Clinton last week. They a!- payin� from $1.50 to $1.75 ppet, barrel Mr. Elliott hits been in tlaa busines for a decade and occasionally takes shipment across the Atlantic. d , Town Topics. Now is the proper time to prune your grape vines and maples. CITIZENS whodes►re nice flower gar- dens next spring and Summer should secure btlbs now and plant them this fine weather. THE regular meetingof the W. C. T. U. will be held at, the home of Mrs. John Jackson, on Wednesday, the 27th inst., at 3 p. m. CANTELON BRos, made a large ship- ment of butter to Monti -eat yesterday. They are now purchasing potatoes for export. THE NEws-RECORD will be sent to any address for the balance of '£1 for fifteen cents, or until January 1st, 18') for one dollar. BUYER C. J. WALLIS will to -morrow ship it car load of live hogs to Toronto. There has been a hig drop in prices, the far rners receiving for this lot from $4.10 to $4.',). WE regret to learn that Veterinary Thouilinson, who received an injury to his eye some time ago, left yester- day for Toronto, where he will likely undergo an operation, L. O. L. No. 145, domiciled on the 4th concession of Goderich, intend - celebrating November 5th by an oyster sapper to be followed by an enter•tain- meut. AT Rattenbury St. Methodist church the pastor will take its his text next Sunavy morning:—"The Perfect Cap- tain," and at the evening service: — 'False Peace," a continuation of last Sunday evening's sermon. BY mistake the Church Boys' Brigade was called for Thursday of last week instead of Tuesdav of this week. They will meet however on Tuesday of next week, Nov, 2nd, at 7 p. m. at the usual place.. LuehNow, Oct. 23.—The cheese fac- tory at Paramount was completely destroyed by fire last night. The building and about $4.= worth of cheese were completely destroyed. The stock was insared to the amount ofc'$2,C ) in the London Mutual and the building to the amount of $1,500 iu the Waterloc Fire Insurance Com- pany. Cause of fire supposed to have been front stovepipes. LAST Monday tbeve was a very in- teresting trap shooting contest on the Gun Club grounds between two pick6d sides of amateurs. On the one side Dr. Bruce scored 13 out of 25, J. B. Hoover 16, A. Porter 0, E. Cantelon 19 —total 48. For the loosing side J. 'B. Kennedy sent ed 15, J. Miller 21, D. F. Macpherson 9, Dr. Agnew `2—total 47. .it is intended to have frequent con- tests during the fine weather. A SPECIAL meeting of the Alumni of Huron College will be held in London on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. A special session for the deep- ening of the spiritual life 'vas held on Thursday afternoon when the Bishop presided. "The Deepening of the Spiritual Life," by the Bishop, "Glorifying Christ," by Rev. A Mur- phy, and "Some lessons from the book of Jonah" by Rev. T. G. A. Wright, are among the papers to be read. THE old established jewelry business of the late J. Biddlecombe, for some Uwe conducted by the Estate, hits been purchased by Mr. A. J. Grigg, who takes possession next week. The hate Mr. Biddlecombe was one of the most respected business men of Clinton for nearly half a century. Mr. Grigg is a practical rnan, a native of Clinton, and served his time with the deceased uncle. We have pleasure in wishing the new owner success. TnE nominations for Deputy -Reeve and Councillor for St. George's Ward were held in the town hall on Friday evening front 7.20 to 8.30. At the close Retm•ning Officer Coats announced for Deputy Reeve: Win. Jones, nominated by W.J. Paisley and T. D. Johnston ; W. C. Searle,, norninated by Will. Mc- Keown and Jacob Miller; for Councillor: Wm. Robb, nominated by S. G. Plum- mer and Geo. Swallow; A. M. Todd, nominated by John Dayment and W, C. Searle. As we go to press it looks as if there will be to election, Mr. 'Searle having withdrawn • CANADA is breaking every kind of record this year. Least week it was the weather. Last Friday was the hottest October day of which there is n any 1•0co►d in the Meterological bureau British of Canada, the thermometer having o gone. tip to 86 in the shade. In 18r`t it d was 70 on Oct 1st; in 1854, 76 on Oc- tober Sed ; 1f.C2', 71 on October 9tb; ; 1567, 75 on October 16th ; 1877, 80 on October 1st; 1SPt. 81.15 on October 4th , f 18:11, 80.7 on October Srd. The heat t waves came from the Southern States and the cold wave followed very per- ceptibly on Saturday night.—Acton e Free Pres. THE Huron Anglican Lay Workers and S. S. Tem -hers Convention and e 1:,., -union will be held in Bishop s Cronyn Hall, London, on Wednesday e Thursday and Friday of this week. g The Bishop of Huron will preside at till sessions of the Conference and Stich names as Judge McDonald, of ' Brock- ► vitle, Gen. Trowhridge, of Detroit, Jas. t Morvan M. A.; of Barrie, Hon. S. H. Mr Blake, 4. C„ H, NV. Hustles, Q. C., of Osgoode, Hall, Bishop Sullivan, Pre. vost Walkins, Revs. Baldwin, M, A., h of Toronto, rind Mackenzie, of Brant• s ford, together with Miss Jeanette n Osler, and Miss Cross, Head Deaconess. f Deac.rness House, Toronto, are sure tc. make this convention one of the best e that nits ei ar been held. The invita tic,n to attend the convention ig PA s tended to all church workers, botl a men and women, in the Diocese ane to the Clergy as well as the Laity. + Town Topics. Purely Personal. THE Goderich Township Council will Mrs. Glazier, of Queen St., is visiting meet on Monday next, friends in Goderich township. ED. WATSON ships a car of lambs Mr. T. C. Doherty, returned from to -day. The lot imyy go to D. Manitoba, Wednesday last. BUYER COLv1N, of 'trit will Miss Clarke returned Thursday to -day despatch from Clinton a car of from a visit to Seaforth friends. live lambs to Buffalo. Miss Grace Bales is visiting friends iWorsteds, London and Forest. sympa- Trip, NEws-REcoap deeply in with the wife and relatives of Mr.thises Harvey Davis, liveryman, was in the late Mr. Neil Campbell, of Goderich. de Goderich yesterday on business. The gentleman had been ill for some Mrs. Hugh Moore, of Detroit, is visit - time and his demise is generally re- ing friends in town. gretted. Dr. Woods, of Bayfleld, was in town JACKSON BROS. the noted clothiers ' on Tuesday. the advertising line. are always ale) tin Mr. George Hall, of the Commercial They have a bo: of money in their Hotel, was in Stratford last week. pla,teglas window which walgotosome Measrs.'Eert Fitzsimmons and Robt. customer, but the one who gets the Werner were in Seaforth on Sunday. money most Hest have the key to fit E. Munroe and Buxton, Goderich, the lock. Of the seveeat hundred keys were in the Hub Sunday. only one in the lot will do the job and -' • Smith Kilby is visiting friends people will await with interest the in and around Hensall. name of the lucky person. County Commissioner Ansly, of 'THY Voters' List Court for the Town Wingham, was in town Wgdnes- of Clinton was held in the Council day. Chamber yesterday afternoon before His Honor Judge Masson. Up to the Mr. J H. McCool left yesterday on a a brief visit to his brother Robert, at time of going to press both parties Herrington, Perth county. were apparently well satisfied with the result. A. M. Todd appeared for Mr. Alex. Dower, of Seaforth,spent the Conservatives and was assisted by Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Fair, Jr. Maior Beck and Dr. Bruce, while Bar- of Clinton almost continuously for rister James Scott appeared on behalf Mr. Thos, Dowson, of the Mason of the Reformers. House, hits been laid up with EDITOR NEWS-RECORD.—MY name sciatica, having been placed in nomination for Mr. D. Cantelon come home from the office of Deputy -Reeve of the Town Woodstock Saturday returning again of Clinton, I desire to thank the elect- Monday. ors. The time is veru short until Mr. and Mrs. Swarts were in 'A another election, and this one would hatn hist week visitiog their sun, John cost the town conside -able money. H. Swarts. There wets not even time for a public Mrs. A. Hillen, and her daughter meeting to call the whole electorate Maggie, have returned from a three together and express tnv views on every public muter pertaining to the inonth's visit to her sons in Detroit. future welfare and heom,'V of Clinton, Editor Holmes left yesterday to at - v tend the Provincial Methodist S. S. I have therefore withdrawn my narne from the nomination paper and'am not Association, Hamilton. a candidate. 1 still believe, howevei, Mr. G. Hollinger, of the Hollinger & that the Mil 'iority of the electors Bail Chair Co., Hanover, called upon of Clinton ai e opposed to the the furniture dealers Tuesday. placing of the Memorial Hall on the market ground, and that Mr. James McMurchie, of the bank - it would he better even now to ing firm of MCMUrchie & Rance, Blyth, wits in town Monday. change the site. I do not believe in awarding public contracts at low Miss Minnie Rumball is visiting her figures and the consequent paying of sister Hattie who is attending the low wastes to neople who earn their University at Toronto. honest bread by the: sweat of their Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bartlett, of brow.—Yours, etc.., W. C. SEARLE. Seaforth, were guests at the residence We thought one so good aixd ti•uo Was loo your" to fade and Elio• of Mr. R. J. Cluff over Sunday. Chwage the Site? Miss Annie Cooper spent last week Though the conte^tcto; of the Meteor- with Mr. Jas. Connolly at Porter's Hill. ial Hall has began his work and is the township of Proton, with tan in- placing some of the necessary material Mr. John Powell, after a siege of upon the ground—flrvt-class material, grip and bronchitis, is able to be about by the way—there is a Strongand growing feeling in favor, of a .change again• Miss Josie Fair returned' Thursday of site. It is contended from a two weeks visit at -Rev. 'Dr. That the market square is not now Macdonald's, •-^aforth. Mr. J. C. c. ilroy returned Friday any too large. from Chicago w.rare had been at - That .by and b when a re ula•• Y. g f tending the funeral of his sister, Mrs. ef Mrs. market day becomes an established Mackay,, of Mackav & Carver. fact, it will scarcely be large enough. Mr. 1. Ratteahut•y left yesterday on That a public building, such as the a pleasure tt•ip to South Fiver, Mus - Memorial Hr.11, should be in as conspic- koka, where he expects to bag consid- uous a place as possible so as to show erable game. itself and the town t n advantpZe. Mr. Arthur Cook, who is extensively That the rear of the market square engaged in the apple business in the is not such a site and that a change neighborhood of Hamburg, spent Sun - Should even yet be made. day and'Monday at his home here. Ihelasttwenl,yvears. fisseemeefl'ects, Editor Bradwin, of the Blyth Stan - In and About the O. F. dard, was in town Friday on his way from Seaforth back to his own bailr- The O. F. means the Organ Factory, wick. Misses Cornyu and Martin, of Wing- Clinton's biggest industry d of gg Y anone bam. who were visiting friends in the most promising in the country. Clinton, left on Friday for Seaforth Recent and extensive additions and where they will spend a few days% improvements have been made, a Mr. and Mrs. R. Parker and family, formerly of Goderich, but receat- write -u of which will appear in it p i pl ly of DurhAm, have moved to Lake future issue of THE NEWS -RECORD. Temiscarningue, The following items were gathered by Rev. J. F. Parke left yesterday for our reporter while on a visit to the London to attend the Lay Workers and Diocesan Convention. Mrs. Parke works Monday:— leaves to -day. The factory is runnitlg twelve and a Messrs. A. A, Woods, of Montri al, half hours per day in order to catch up and (x. Vanderpool, of Toronto, were to orders, calling on Clinton friends last Satuv- A shipment of five car loads of organs was made Monday to Holland 'InY- Mr. Win. Kerney, of Brussels, was in and Germany. Clinton on Monday calling on friends, An order hits been received for, two prior to attending Anglicen and Layworkers and S. S. Convention I organs to be shipped to the di-ect'ov of London. the In,pei ial Musical institute of the Court of Japan. Mr. Peter Armour, who has been ill for some yeai s and was with his wife Accidents will happen. Mr. Hugh on it, visit to his brother George, has Rorke had his right thumb and hand been'removed to his home near Chi- ba31y lacerated on Monday while ca o, running one of the jointers. Mr. Mr. Fred Ross, of town, has'been en - William Chandler while working the gaged as stenographer with a Chicago ripsaw'was also so unfortunate as to m•rn and is now on duty. His nurnev- cu ;hie thumb badly. This happened ous Clinton friends will wish the young last week. gentleman well. Mr. H. Harford, of Otterville took Mr. D. B. Elder, representing the charge of the Clement guage lathe on Toronto Type Foundry, solicited bosi- Monday. ness front the local newspaper men Mr. J, W. Kerr, of London, became Tuesday. THE NEws-RECORD gave a Clintonian on Tuesday, having ac- hien an order for new type„ etc, etc. cepted It position in the action depart- Miss Worthington and Miss Lou ment of the factory. Wort•.rington, of Chicago,, are in town Mr. Ja.:kson, of the Jackson, Uoch- on it visit. Their mirnv told friends will be pleased to in rane Uu., of Berlin, manufacturers of wood working machinery, spent the lumtfiet£1, This "Personal" column' wiling de - past week superintending the puttin a vot.Pd to the comings and goings of Clintonians and their friends and the III.) of the machines supplied his fieri. co-operation of, the citizens is request - The engine an([ steam apparatus hits Pd that it may be made ag interesting as possihle. to be run id] night in order to dry fast Stewart, McMordie a former student enough the irnmen§e amount of lura- of the Clinton Collegiate Institute but her required by the business. Mr. now of the University, Toronto, took it James Howe is in charge. very prominent part in Varsity games Mr. W. P. Spaulding, after having hist, Friday and won the champion - been laid up for two or three weeks, ship. has resumed daties at the O. F. Mr, G. F. Robins, an old newspaper Mr. R. Foster, of the finishing de- roan, but. now engaged in the photo pttrtrnent, has returned froiD a, very and laundry business ill Wingham, pleasantly spent fortnight's vacation called and hada chat with THE NEWS - visiting friends in Detroit and vicini- RECORD Saturday. He has decided tc ty, transfer his laundry plant to St. Marys Mr, Dick Worthington has accept- owing to the difficulty cf procuring an adegnate water supply fit Wingham. ed a position in the manual depart- Major Beck, of Stii'tford, was In town anent' Tuesday attending Court of Revision, Mr. W. Doherty wits partially laid This was our first, opportunity of meet• up last week by it sprained tinkle he ing him and must say we were very sustained while descending one of the favorably impressed. We don't won - stairways. He was able to make his •ler it his great popularity. The appearance right along, but locotuo- Major reports the prospects for victory tion was painful. as bright, indeed, all over the Riding ~'"1Z;- THE TWO A. .rust Now..... � An Open We are offering some splendid Clothing Business. Then, together lines of Waterproof Goods erSee�t -- N&W 0.rr 1 At remarkably close prices. are offering the following specials Shrewd buyers who require any- thing in this line should seegiving It is an open secret that we are good value for every what we have before they buy. dollar that is spent in our store. Unlbrellas1 . t1111160►@' Good value in We have them in all qualities iWorsteds, and prices. A special line at $1.25. Serges and Coves and---- 'Tweeds. Underclothing, . o o Our Fall and Winter Lines are all right. We have what you A special line of Tweed Suitings at want and would ask you to call and see what we have and how . .. $13.50. reasonable we can furnish you with everything in the furnish -are OUR READY MADE OVERCOATS ing line. here and we want to show them to you before you buy. HATS ASPECIALTY.-- y� T. Jackson, si Clothier, Furnisher and Hatter, Victoria Block. Establrshe J. 07"Orrielsh. J. 4-1. H01101ray. C7LINTUN. CLINTON. TO THE ELECTORS OF ST. GEORGE IS A arm Reception.,. Is ready for anybody, big or little, who will take the trouble to come inside our stole Next Saturday. We are going to mare the first real start in the Fall Clothing Business. Then, together with the fun of sell- ing' we'll have the fun of showing sights of people sights of Suits and Overcoats that will make you 6uit hungry. We are offering the following specials for nett Saturday, Men's Tweed Suits, 21 to 43, $7, 1 Boys' Suits, 2 pa, short pants, $4, for, .............................$5 00 for.............................. 3 Of Men's Tweed Suits, 36 to 42, $3 and $10 for ..... .................... 7 50 Men's Leather Braces, 50c, for.... 1` is Men's Tweed Pants $3.50 and $4 Men's Neckwear, all shapes. 115c, for................. ............ 2 4';1 for......., ..................... 25c Boys' Suits, long pal'ts, 33, 31, 35, $7 and $8, for 5 50 Men's Black Cashtner•e Hose, 3.ic•, ................... for................... Boys' Suits, 2 pc., short pants, $3, for,............... ........ 2 25 Kid Gloves, wool lined, 75c, for.. COc Yes they do I The talk about us Y and they send their friends to its. y� T. Jackson, si Clothier, Furnisher and Hatter, Victoria Block. Establrshe • d 1854 Bye -Election. In Memoriam. TO THE ELECTORS OF ST. GEORGE IS THIS from the Ypsilanti Commercial WARD, CLINTON. refers to the death of the youngest LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,—I Was brother of Mrs. B. COIe of Clinton:_ linton:— nominated nominated on Friday evening for Edgar A. Miichell was horn in Sea - Councillor for St. George's Ward, to forth, Ont., April 14tb, 1870, in Ypsi- fill the vacancy caused by the resigna- lanti, July 9th, 18157. When but a tion of Mr. W. C. Searle, Mr. Wm• Robb was also nominated. He does small child he removed to this lace P not desire an election and has declared with his parents. Edgar was a young that he does not desire to put the town man who won the love and esteem of to any expense and that he does not all who knew them. As a e}i'rld he desire the position. I have been a resident of the Town was kind and loving, as a man, noble of Clinton almost continuously for d true. He wits formerly enc ) anl doyad seventeen years and believe I under- at M, B. Schaffer's, where as a busi. stand reasonably well the requirements ness man he added many more frieftds' of the Town and the people. Many to his already large list. His pleasing acts of the present and previous Conn- cils I approve of, some of them I do manner and honest disposition made P .not, his appearance always welcome to his If there is to be it contest, I will- customers. But having an ambition guarantee to pay the expenses of the to further advance in this life, three election if I am not elected. I take this opportunity of soliciting the votes years ago he went with Mr. Park , then of this city, to DPt.roit, and influence of the electors of St. and their and their opened the grocery known George's Wai d. as the firm of Robbins & Mitchell, If elected, it shat} hem earnest en- be my but owing to failing health Ire wag ('('iii;ed to retire from the business a deavor to eshall P y to look after the very best interests of little over a year later. He tried the electors of St. George's Ward par- ire every wav to regain his lost health, and was treated by the ticularly and the Town of Clinton best physicians, but in vain, it,, generally, I ani, ladies and gentlemen, was advised to go to Arizoni+, Faithfully Yours, A. M. TODD. to which place be went, Feh, 3, but finding himself failing all the time, lie returned to h;s home Ahty Goderich Township. 7, and continued to fail until he passed STOT,FN HORSE RrcovER.ED.—The into the slee-n of the blessed. the rests mare stolen from Mr, Wm. Clark in Highlant, cemetery, awaiting the: some time ago has been recovered at resurrection of those, who sleep in than Staffa, Perth county. Lord. Miss Hicks, of Goderich, is visiting her btottievs, Hart and Guy Hicks this We thought one so good aixd ti•uo Was loo your" to fade and Elio• week. Lot. the angles came and calleel for Som To mansions in the sky. Mr. Florence Richardson, daughter of Mr. Jits. Richardson, has been re- We almo9t hero his voice once more, S"cal.ing In love wid sadness, engaged to t>ach for another term in Tobin;; us not tog .ave so sore, the township of Proton, with tan in- For all will meetin fila dness. crease of salary. M l . • heaven solace .lends so ldn Mr. Jas. Laithwait.e is on a month's 'fill they say, "Th ",It bo (lot)(,,' visit to friends in Toronto. And moo ng'In in t. ,c hand divine, Wbaresorrowwnever oonae ]{lytll, fire.i,hev� and sktrrs clear, father and urother too, Miss Patti, Einigh returned home He's not, lost, hutgone, li(-fore. front a fe-w clays visit among friends There's unfading Joy for all of you For r ye ou the goldon ,horo. in Blake. W. L. Large quantity of grain is coming to ---...-- — -- market these days, the grain buyers being very anxious for it. " UNI nrrt THE DovtE."—in Victoria ose,God(rivil,01)Fridoyevrn- Opera IIu Mr. Thos. Joynt shipped a carload of ing,will Int the greatest trent. file rosi- ashes 'to Uncle Siam's territory on d(uts of Huron have evor• hid for Monday. "Under the Dome" is the grealt•st On Monday Rev. T. E. Higley went, sl)cc•lacnl:u drama, placrelon t'll— i ;e• in to London to attend the annuli! S. S. Ihelasttwenl,yvears. fisseemeefl'ects, and Lay workers agsocialion which is teeing the most. wonderfnl and inagni- being held there tb;a week. fleenit (ver attempted in Canada.— No service in Trinity ch -,-ch on Cum. Sunday next. F. W. and Mrs. Scott were visitin friends in Brussels on Sunday. Regular meeting of the C. O. F. wi held iia Watson's Hall on Tuesdo evening. Our town fathers have had a larf quantity of gravel laid in place required on some of the streets. Auctlou Bate Register. T'Rrt'r � )..,., • +.i the.,, ,r ii.,.; nirl al Tn6: Nmvs•t•+.(n i nilce•v•'I be .'ccn ,i' iveNotice s!mt!er to 010 to' ow;ox ort" Iced, • oisolo•.. Tn(nAnAV, NOV 4 A's, rm stock, Implements, ote., Godorlchtownsb'p, at one o'clocklp. in. Twelve month's credit. (1. V. Oakes, )yopric- tor; James Howson, anct loncor. ,N]