HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-10-06, Page 8I
PRUNING TREEs.-Mr.Searle con Stylish
A Waste of tributes thisely adviceeNow ise Jackson
the timeto prune shade trees, when Oney the tree is dry, but be sure and paint
• the wounds.
Seems so to advertise our Ten I'IArtvEs'r HOME. -Tile annual harvest Millinery
Cent Windot.
w. But is it? Be Poul.cihurohsoutsutdayland be ]Monday, tin She The Famous Clothing People,
cause ou've been coming here 17th and 18th, when Rev. Jeanes ofListowel 1
and got Soule of its values and and Rev. Canon Dann of St. Paul's 0
therefore practically KNOW its Catliedral, London, will be the special LCLI N TCS N •
advantage +,O you that peed not preachers.
keep us from talking q)Out it. LILAVING.-Capt, Ebsary and Lieut.
now about your neighbor?
barracks Will
farewell in
Does he Know? other ields ewe ore v e v ewe o ewe �ie�e -o e�Q� a de dem e� o.
of labor. They wish,
1[t contains a big assortment of Goods, through THE NEWS -RECORD, to thank
WATCH CHAINS in Leather the many friends who have been pray- Our Millinery Opening wad a big SUCC055, our large show room
tical in their assistance to the Army
and Steel, just a propel thing for singe they came to Clinton. was crowded to excess with delighted ladies Viewing
it working man. ArrREOIA'r[oN.-Editor NEWS-RECO1tD,— Our superb display of Hats and Bonnets in the newest
As we shall be leaving Clinton next Monday We have just passed into Stock
Several Games, Dolls, Mouth Or- I should like to thank you very much for shapes and patterns, copies of Paris and New York, e-
gans, Feather Dusters, Wall your kindness in publishing items of our Signs. Our display shows the genius and Skill Of Our
Pockets, Knives, Mirrors, work iwith
pest. I have always read your Watches and paper withhinterest and trust It will increase milliners in giving the finishing touches to their products.
Purges, Toy continually. God bless you muell -M. W-
50 Pairs 0f Pants
Banks, &o., &o. A Coup and
EUSARY, Captain. Publico inion awarded its the palm; and that we fully sus -
Saucer which is exceptional BRANCHING OUT. -Taylor & Sons p
Value. have bought the shoe stock and burl- talned OUr' well earned former reputation for stylish, Wear -
Alt are good value for the price asked, ness
r Taylor i
fBirss te tyesterday and
f Co
the able, up -t0 -date Millinery. NOW is the time t0 ChUOSB all our own make which we offer at
e c 110
some. are Very special value. county town of Bruce to take charge your Hat or Bonnet, w►lile you have such a choice assort- PON
When you come to buy you will of the business. Our many Bruce ment to pick from, or if you do not see one trimmed to $2,00,
a/L(.�3, oofind the price -ten cents -just friends will find in Mr. Taylor a com-
the same as that often times petant and trustworthy business man• suit, we will let you do the choosing and trim it wht e you
charged for much inferior goods. There was a very large congregation wait; offering you as an inducement the newest shapes,thP
We ask the favor of your inspec- in the Rattenbury street Methodist largest assortment, the smallest prices. We would like and we have no hesitation in saying
tion,feeling sure of its advantage Mi rMillyaed Sunday
pastor,`p preached a. a, t0 SBP all 011r old friends as well as the new. that they are worth 50 per cent. more
to you as well as to ourselves. very able sermon err "Influence, con- than we are asking for them.
00900000 was
and unconscious." The sermon
was well received and favorably im we have just placed in Stock some nobby
pressed the congregation. Mr. h Mill- They are well cut,
e W, D. fair GOr i yard a one of the deepest thinkers •snot best reasoners in the MethodistNeW Walking Hats and Sailors•body,Well made and
death of A. Harris left 74 inmates, O
A,yenEs Parker's Dye IVorks. but the arrival of David Brindley front Well trimmed
Goderich again makes Iii. The latter
is a hopeless idiot and it is but fair to
The. Hmren News-Recora tate that he has not been placed in And double discount the ordinary
proper quarters. In the sleeping
81.25 a Y•est-4i.00tn Advanceapartments the regulation air space per ***SNAPS*** Ready-mades.
should be 600 feet inmate, but we 1C�[
find there is only �i0 instead of 600.
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 0th, 1SD7 This defect or overcrowding should be 32 in. 10c• Flannelette for � - 62C. Our Boy's Knee Pants`
remedied by the County.
-- ---- —- 15c.
COUNCIL.—Clinton Reeveis with 1 line Tweed Dress Goods at -
.LOCAL NEWS. out a Deputy -Reeve, the Council havtion
ing accepted Mr. CoOQer's resignation Ladies' Blk. wool ribbed Hose 35e for 25C. ' ' ' ' AT....
last Wednesday evening. Up to yes- 2
In and Around the HU terday no O nc steps had been taken - r 5c. 50, 60 and. 75 cents
tO •tcancy. On Mondry Ven- Ladies' Plain Black Hose 30c. for
Uouncillor Searle resigned ani his
�J�jv1X salt resignation wits accepted. THE PEO
Large coneigmonts of poaches and toes PLE should he represented and prompt A r75e Corset for 50e. a70C Corset for 250. are going out by the dozens every week
neLar eciconsi i Cantelon peaches
action should be, taken to fill the vac- 45e a lb
dailyancies. Some Fay it is not necessary 2 and 3 ply Factory Yarn and no boy should be without them.
W,J.PJTRD.—potatOee, App 'ears. High- to do so. If such were the case, how Our Leader
eat price paid.—CANTELON �tOl3. would• it be if •PveCy inemher of the Men's wool Sox, 2 pairs 25c, 15c, 20c. & 25c• " " in UNDERCLOTUING at 25c. 1s a
- Council resigned? There can be but wonderful line and sells like hot cakes.
one answer. —�
DIED IN HARNESS.—Drayrnan Dun- ��
ford met with a serious loss last Thurs_ DEANERY MEETING. -The regular o
day. He was engaged in moving the annual meeting of the Deanery of
heavy iron targets from the Atholcott Huron was held in St. Paul's church
Rifle Ranges t° the new ranges. S. S. room on Monday at 10 a. m. The Q.
'through some u in then cause his horse principal business transacted was the BEESLEY
dropped dead in the harness after election of the Missions Committee,
with its load. The which consists of Rev. Rural Dean
eros,is h the river
lo.9s,is heavy oft Mr. Dunford, who had Hodgins as chairman soil Revs. Higley '. 7
recently engaged in business. of Blyth and Bray of Exeter and
Messrs. J. Ransford of Clinton and F. ' FAVORITE ESTABLISi-IMENT.1
ON'A VISIT. -Mr. George L. Fulton, Holniestead of Seaforth. It waTHE LADIES
"FAVORITE de- The Famous Hatters. y
who resided in Clinton with his parents cided to have a paper prepared by a _
some 18 years since, is here on a brief clergyman and another by IL layman -__..... . _ __ _._.__.._ -_-. __-_-- -- - -•--
visit. His father, now deceased, was for the next meeting. Brief Town Topics. Brief Town Topics. Style,
wen and favorably known to many ACCIDENT AT THE HOUSE OF REFUGE. Quality and
DEWS^RECORD reader in the good old-Arscott Harris, who comes ftom T. Jackson• Sr., was in Toronto this BMrk is on at opweeks hhlidMyltriip.
times and those who have met his Stephen, met a sad death at the House week.
worthy son°style him "a chip off the p Miss McRae has returned from a Mr. and Mrs. S. Pentland, `Tile, were
olil block." The viRitor's home is at h Refuge a Thursday is evening. He Good Value
Mount Clemens, Mich. He is engaged had but one leg. It is supposed that three months visit to Calumet, Mich. among Clinton friends last week.
he went to the closet on the second Lack Kennedy has sold his driver to on rr . (Dsit .) Freeborn
left npthnreday
in farming and deals to a considerable storey, from the hallway Of which B Aubrey of Montreal.
extent in stock and we are leased to there is a window. Whether the win- 4 4�(yj"
learn is doing well. The Flultonseased at dOw was up or whether et raised it - Councillor Plummer was in Mt,- Postmaster Porter spent a wee or fJW J ';
one time owned the splendid and well not known. At all events he dropped Clemens. Mich,. during the past week. mbir. i and Mrs. 1rRyan home. arid Mr. and Combined
tilled farm now owned by Mr. Will front the window to the ground. His A. S. Chrystal of the Goderich (roil Mrs CeasJLr of Dungannon were the
Weir. good leg was broken above the knee er Works was in Clinton on Monday. guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Cook.
Mrs. Grieve returned to McKillop Miss Annie Fitzsimons is visiting
pHEEP WORRYING. -In another and his law and nose broken. Dr. last Thursday. While here, the lady are what you Hod in our fall and winter dress goods. There's it
part of this paper a correspondent Shaw was promptly in attendance, friends in Blyth.
refers to a number of sheep being but the old nian, whose age was 83, Mr. Wm. Colville Of Toronto wits velties and stylish medium-priced
s in was the guest of Mrs. A. M. Todd. better assortment of high class no
worried by dogs in Goderich township. died in three hours after the accident, town this week on business. Secure a map of Huron while they goods than we have ever had before. The variety we show in both
Last Friday night dogs entered '1 he decease) wits a Methodist and pp plain and fancy goods is wide enough to"suitalmost every taste, and
the field of Albert Wise on the Rev. Mr. Millvard officiated at the Major Beck, the prospective M.P.P. I lJust now ast. The supply will not last long. values are the kind that make it pay to buy dress goods here. Two
Bayfield Road, across from Wig funeral to the House of Refuge ceme- for here Inas B�ron, et many friendls dyed lots. they are going out in hun-
ging�on's, and committed havoc tery on Saturday. s cimen items that will give you an idea of the way we are selling
asno g •his flock. It is slip- THE CLINTON SI-low.-Seaforth Ex- Mrs. J. C.Stevenson is visiting Mr_ Mr. R. Heaman of Exeter has ac- r
used the dogs came from Clinton. positor;-The Clinton show was held and Mrs. IvNrm Stevenson, Henfryn, cepted a position with Jackson Bros. Dress Goods.
O matter where the dogs come from, township of Grey. and tomes to Clinton highly recorn-
g on Tuesday and Wednesday last. It P
some steps mould be taken to have was One of the best and most success- Miss Flo. Watson was last week the mended. Fancy Boucle Cloth, black mixed with myrtle, light green, brown,
them chained up or destrblyed.. Farm- ,fill slows held in.,tlte county this peat•. guest Of Miss At Fitzimmons and car of ]ilius]on hexa] shipped
o eC oll ngwood Lon blue and red, extra good value .................................. aUC
ers cannot afford to lose such valuablo In the hall some of the departnents other friends.
property and we are sure the owners were sparsely represented, but, the su- Mrs. Brooks and children Jtre the to do ay, The will shill another car,
cat Fancy Black Dress Goods, all wool, fine finish, a variety of small
of dogs addicted to this destructive perior excellence of others made up (rests of the lady s parents, Air. and Y• p and medium patterns, 42 in wide .................................. Goc
habit will take prompt action in pre- for the lack in roots, fruit, etc. The Airs. Will. Cantelon. $5.35•
venting it. outdoor show was really excellent. In Win. Grigg of Toronto, representing His Honor Judge Masson, W. Proud-
FLOWER.—Ill OF A BRIGHT FLOWER. -In poultry the display was such as is set- the Massey Harris Bicycle Works, is in Beck passed vthrougchidfoot and Cl'int >n onMMoni- O
Mon -
the death of Annie Pearl, only daugh- dom seen at a local show. The show town. day to Belgrave, where voters' list
ter of Mr. and Airs. J. W. Langford, a of horses was also very fine. In cattle, g y court was held. In Millineryvery bright and loving flower has horn while there were many fine animals, Ills Honor Jud a Do lO was in fawn Mr. Hengy Stewart of Seaforth, whoremoved from this world of trials. the competition was not so keen :is at yestertbty on his way to W iugham t° has been ill for Over a yeJtr, wasgin
Her age was four years and 8 months. some other shows, but in sheep and attend to official business. •, e
She bad peen ill for some time, but. swine thee was a very fine show. David McLennan, who died a` Strat- town Saturday. We regret very
ford, was a former grain buyer and much that he is not yet approaching
seemed a recover and was able to ed The weather, both days, was delight- lived in Clinton some years ago. recovery. We Lead.out in her little carriage and chsttted fill, Jtud on Wednesday afternoon there At a meetin of the Undegtakers g Mr. C.antelon of Indian Head, N. W. gwith the writer quite recently. Annie the whole,ethe how wasea sue ess nd g Association of Ontario, held in Ottawa @ @ @ @ @
Pearl wash bright and promistngchild, � T., who tell from a buildin and brokel
but Providence has willed her a happy must have been satisfactory to all his leg, is able to go out on crutches. last week, J. C. Stevenson of Clinton
future. The funeral took place to parties concerned. Mr, Tom Burrows of Goderich, son was appointed one of the executive. Millinery opening continues all this week. Thus far it has been one
Londesboro on Monday, the pall bear- ADDRESSING THE MAYOR OF CLIN-• of the wide-awake seedsman, attended There is 478•members in the organiza- of the most successful we ever held: You are welcome to call any
err being Bert Dayment, Percy John Tc,N.-Just a few words. Your rulings the Huron Central Fair on Wednes- tion. time and see just what is correct, in Millinery for the coming season.
Ston, Harry Dowzer and Russel An- at the Council Board during the pros- day. Mr. Jacob McGee of Egmondville, You'll not be pressed t° buy if you only tyish to look. On Saturday
Brews. Much sympathy is expressed ent year have been overbearing and Cantelon Bros. are buying all the one of Huron's noble pioneers, visited
for Mr, and Mrs. Langford in their most tyrannical because (thought dif- potatoes and pears they can secure Clinton, attended the Huron Central, we will show some very nol,by American`Lilors and Walking Hats,
very sad bereavement, ferent to you on public matters. Your and are pitying the highest market anti palled on THE NEws•RECOB•D last the very latest shapes out.
FINE DISPLAY.-Broadfoot, Box & reports as published by you have been price. Wednesday. It takes .two days for a �\
Co's fine display of furniture at the so misleading that no reader could in- Lieut. Spooner, B. J. Gibbings and letter or paper to reach him from ,�
Huron Central consisted of a curly buck telligently understand them. At the J. Miller were at London yesterday and Clinton, and we can drive from Clin-
bed room suit,. dressing table qr. oak, last Council meeting you stated that I took part in the Western Association ton to .Egmondville several times in a Mantle_,,,x`-ksideboard qr. oak, extension refused to act on the Stavel,y (oromiL matches. day'
oak, 2 ladies writing desks qr. tee, but you did not give the reason, 2 centre tables r. oak, I card but in re 1 to me referred to the James Colcrongh of the Base Line C, loc. Ebsary and Lieut. Burrows of
table r. oak, 1 Wilton rug couch qr. chairmanship of the Cemetery Com- will engage in the dairy business and the ]Deal S. A. will farewell next Still -
oak, ek
mak, 1 duke of • ork corcloro reclinin * mit.tee. How consistent I The reason deliver milk for 4 cents a quart the ere Since ular coming
hnour people, succc se o snobby you
ntles you Acan find tanywhe a nearthrough
here. PeoliTe t ^tl us
chair, ] e of ycurly hock yrocker, I did not, act on the Stayely Committee year round. appointed librar fill in their chosen work, and faith -
library table qr. oak. Broadfoot, Box was beeaase I was satisfied ,your ap- Mr. John Bean was app that our rices are lower than those of other stores.
& Co, are making extensive ship- pointments were not common sense ian Monday night at a meeting of the fill to their sacred trust. While their p
men's of furniture to England and is not cancelling the first Committee Public Library. There were 13JLPpli' rn�tyrerisll strneere1ntweiehingl doth
have opgueJ1 up trade in Bermuda. you appointed. In order to make me L4lnts for the position. abundant future success. ° '
out a criminal, you stated that when Clinton should have a more modern
LECTURE BY REV. MR. MCCAUGRAN. the Ctitirl'eil accepted my resignation watering cart and the street to the Judge Doyle, and gx•hers who arrived
-The lecture to be delivered in Willis as chairman ofthe cemetery, committee station should be sprinkled before the a Clinton yesterday were nearly chok Uo Order•Church on Tuesday evening, 12th inst., I wits displeased and called them fools. arrival of every train. ed with dual between the station and Mantle'
on the "Royal Standard," ought to be "The man who tells only half the truth J. H. Callendar of Southend, Unt., Albert street. Like THE NEivs-R1;-
an event fitted to attract a full house. is the gteater liar.' Now, Sir, did I a foFmer resident of Clinton, has an in- CORD, visitors agree that the Town „
The subject is one which appeals e. not tell the Council the reason that I A fOIr [ er resident
fele in the Canadian edi- should extend the street watering ter- The Dress and Minnie Making departmer-t, in charge of Miss Mickle,
the imagination and heart of every considered the chairman and members titer and pay for the whole work. is turnip out garments that for style, fit and Huish are unequalled.
Sooner or litter this roust come, and g
true Briton. The emblem of a govern• of committee should go to the creme ton of the Reliable Poultry Journal. Y
went and ppeople with so brilliant a tery and decide the work for the year? Clinton Foresters (C. O• F.) att9nded a modern apparatus will be secured.. Charges moderate.
record are thlLt of the British govern- Did I not say that Mr. Kennedy would the funecsrl of their late Bro. We9tlake o
recon and people inay well engage and not do so? be took Mr. Plummer. I from Stanley to Bayfleld on Sunday.
display the very best effort of the could not get all three together, and The deceased was very highly respect- Londesboro•
orator. Mr. McCaughan has come to the Council considered the matter and ed. LOCALS. -Dir. L. Howaen of Chicago Cash and One Price•
this country with the reputation of accepted my resignation. By so doing The Womens' Christian Association pr�eached to a large :tudienee in the
distinguished eloquence and his efforts they recognized the unjust treatment of Ontario St. Church will hold a Mi Methodist church on Sunday evening
in Toronto so far have gone to estab- I received. Hence the words were cal and Literary evening on Thurs- last. -Miss Nettie Webb is visiting
lish that reputation. It is no small used 1ST roe. Now, Mr. Mayor, you are day Oct. 14th, refreshments will be friends in Staffa.-Mrs. Perrin of Bel /-\ ra Bros.,
honor and privilege to the people of not only criminal in the eyes of the served. grave is here visiting her. brother and O GClinton and vicinity that they should law hilt you are leading the members sister, Dr. and Miss Agnew.-Missbe the first in Ca+olds, outside of To- of tie Council to be liable with your- Mr. J. Daymen�,lsone3 l st Satet dog, urday Blanch Braithwaite is on the sick list 9
ronto, to hear this eloquent son of self for neingg that trust fund -the Dinmont, wasp this week. -Mr. J. Melville took flrat
Ireland, to whose lectures delighted Stavely t$10,000 -for town purposes. I night. The animal was harmless and praze for his driver at Brussels fair Clinton.
crowds were wont to listen in Belfast, believe in people practicing what they no reason can he surmised for the last Friday. r Direct Importers, C
pod other Irish towns and cities. ; preach. -W. U. $HARLIN. wanton act.
tt. :. . u., -,. ��' i .lt ,. ,. �� ., GiDud . - _ ••ar"��ti, �.....,,. �,:.. .. �,.nwc.nriYil...... ...u...� -..._ ....Yrpe...., - ._.... — --