HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-10-06, Page 7BUSINESS . DIRECTORY' ��. Cetlnty Cllrr� _ f� �- Constipation + Hal, Rutledge, of lutLl, con -4 Gotle Scrofula is a Word you L. 0. L. No. 710! WE ARE tau fes fully halt the nickname in the world. It rich Township had N, uuluber of fine lriuftttt dont quite understand, but if CLINTON• retains the bowels cabbages which he waN intending t° Meets anoosD Monday of every and produces biliousness, torpid liver, lndl show at the Great Northwestern. The you talk with your doctor, TRI IObSO1�S 0111 month. Hall 2nd flat, Maxay other evening FL V161r(Ir wits in and Mrs. he ill tell you that it 1s blade, Visiting brethren always Rutledge told her of the tine exhibit of ' made welcome. S�_ Hood cabbages they were going to have and generally believed t0 be due J. P. BFEPPARD, W. M, , o• RIGHT Incorporated by Actot Parliament 1856, P. CANTELON. JR. Seo, THOS. BEACOM, D. M asked the visitor to view thein as they C Y At the verge of a period of were growing. To the surprise of both to the same cause which activity. If you want gestign, bad taste, coated ladies it Wits found that only OAPITAL $2,000,000 i ��1�iI�+�. proofufthlscometoBiddle- tongue,slek headache, ht• one head was visible, all theg1VeS rise t0 Consumption, REST, - $1,400,000 Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M. meets combe's and see what we somnia, eta. Hood's PlUe ' Is others having been taken by CLINTONv every Friday, on or after the mean. visit have cure constipation and all Its some party unknown. when Mr•. It appears mostly in those Head Office. - MONTREAL. I Ing brethren cordially invited results, me. All druggist& Rutled a was informed of the loss of J T.O. BRUCE, W. M. E. MaLEAN, ere. ,g who are fat -starved and thin WM. HOL80N MAOPHER(}ON, President. Pre aced b C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Maen. his cabbage he mildly remarked that Ar F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. Clinton, Dec. 0, 1896. ATTHE-��--1 The only Pills to take.withRood's Sarsaparilla he hoped the petson who took there, usuall In earl life. A would divide up the prize money if y y Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts $, 0. T. M. u I they were exhibited at the Show• course of treatment of Scott's issued, Sterling and American ex- News Notes. change bought and sold. Hearns Teat No. 60, Knights of the Maccabees of � The Rev. Theodore Cossman, D. D., Emulsion with the Hypo- INTHRHAT ALLOWHD ON DYPatlITH the World. r 100, 00. and SB,e t Policies. ncip Mean- Blegialining the oldest Lutheran minister in Can- THE CARELESS hoSites wherever Scrofula berahlp over 100,(!0(]. Assessment principle—hoe p SAVINGS BANK. never e=oeeded 12 aasossments in a year. Cheapest ada, died at Lunenburg, N. S., Wednes- Interest allowed on sums of $1 and up' and enfertIn existence. Meets in Orange Hall, Clin- day, aged 90. He has been sixty years manifests itself, will prevent ton, first and third Friday of every month. _ the Fall Season. Ourin the minihtry. F'.gR1�2HlREJAND INDIFFERENT the development of the dis- _ - St Stock of Jewellery, Specta- An old lady, antn inmate of the House Money advanced to farmers on their own notes , cles, etc., and prices will of Industry at Kingston, Ont., known COOKS FI40NR atilt you. ease. Let us send you a with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re. y as Doctress Orr, die -1 on Tuesday quired as security. night, aged 112 years, having been book. Free. H. O. BREWER, Manager, & FEED STORE _� Our Silverware � hoin oil the 8th of May, 1785. Suffer Intense Agonies This December, 1896. Oi,tNMbx. ! n Clinton. The hod of Henry Lake, of Barrie, 9 SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, Ont. The prices on these are Ont., was found on the shore at Hawke - VI D 1l�oTaggart BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Away stone, Ont. Deceased was manager of Month. • • Down. the Barrie Electric Light Company, A PERFECT TEA BANKER Small Quantities. Repairing all and was about fifty years of age. t, fuseless ; we shall see them with stiffen- ed muscles ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs, Choice Oatmeal for Bushel a kinds guaranteed to give satisfaction. DAVID LYNCH'S QUEER WAYS. MANY MEN AND WOMEN IN no �DNSODN Oats in the I Near the village in which my hoy- GREAT DANGER, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS sleep at night, and morning felt worn out and exhausted, worse Estate hood wits spent lived it man who was Dr. Bruce Surgeon Dentist Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. :ege, Toronto. TRANSACTED. D. COOK. CLINTON. rheumatics?" sayunhesitatingly g Y there is. The agent that cures at once one (if the most intelligent and Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the p� Furniture Dealer, fiXCi. weeks I bite to leave ro work owing Y ' g to the bad attacks at my heart. 762-tf T ]Biddle t1 . et> 1be_ slackest of human beings. Among the , THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND THE TEA Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. al attention pre- servation natural teeth. Residence—Rattenbury street, west, Clinton Ont. aorta and conditions of seen I hitve come upon since, I never saw at) to To Such Mortals Paine's Celery Y FINEaT TEA -- PLUMS. Interest Allowed on Deposits, PRODUCE EXCHANGE match him. He was it farmer, and his na.rne was Lynch -David Lynch. His Compound Guarantees a IN THE WORLD FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA Cllr Clinton, JuneStb, 1891 668y HILL & J OYN E R, -- house had never been painted, and the Cure. IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. ������■ Corner Store, Albert St., Clinton. Dealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds, We are headquarters for Plums, Honey and Unions. Come and get a supply cheap. My broken windows were stuffed here and there with rags and old hats. His Now Life. "Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea e Ill(�iIX• a fn High Street. After taking it. 1 etc. TP,its a specialty... Headquarters for all kinds of Field and Gordon Sooda. We the largest Stock the Apiaryy being too large, I can soil 10 blues res- sonable, C. HOARL+', Huron Central Fruit Form, barna were open to the winds, and his cattle and horses near) froze in win- Y ter. His garden was full of weeds, ry The Great Medicine a Sure Cure growera as a sample of the best qualities of Indian Teas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original DR. W. GU N N R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. Office — carry and largest variety of Seeds. 981.41 One mile north of Clinton. which also choked his crops—when he p pound is offered to you? aokages, thereby securing its purity and excellence. Put up m j� Ib., t lb. and S Ib. packages, and never On street Clinton. Night calls at front door of I residonee on Rwtteubury street, opposite Presbyter All Goode will be Bold at lowest prices for Cash. We pay Cash for Eggs. Any kind of grain NOTICE. had any. Everything belonging to David was musty, fusty, and down at for Rheumatism and Sciatica. sold in bulk ALL QOOD'OROCERB KEEP I7. Ian church. takon in exchange for Goods, same as Cash. HILL & J OYN E R. 1V the heel. He was always in debt, yet it never seerned to worry him. Sur- daof each month Y It your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to a little of it w en needed since kept in good health. My family also have DR. TURNBULL. Agents Sell "Klondyke Gold Fields" There being some misunderstanding with re- rounded by his own rack and ruin, he Thousands of people die annually of STEEL, HAYTER dt CO. r CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP. J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; gard to wreckage, tet it be distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind died in old age, and lies to -day in a rave without a slab to mirk the s Ot. p rheumatism, et ever, ver ease could have been Y 11 and 18 Front Street East Toronto M., Victoria Univ. M. C. P do S. Ont, ; b Ilow -- of wreckago and fails to report to me I shall at once take proceedings. Remembsr this ie the P g till, he was a, gentleman, and it good g g cured if Paines Celery Com - pound had been used in time. Y Willey, Manor Place, Houlton, Devon, of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late •,f London, Eu g., and Edinburgh hospitals office:— FORD &MURPHY, last warning I shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Receiver of Wracks, Goderich, deal Of it SC1101aC. He knew a lot, but never applied it to any practical pur- TOO many men and women Showa YEARS• Dr. Dow stand, Rattentiury St. Night calla airaviered at Office. "(Successors to J. W. Langford.) 8 Goderich, Sept, 7th 1801. Ose. ea, yes; i1 queer chap was I' ►narked indifference when in spine + EXPERIENCE. `AJ DRE SHAY . Having bought out the above business, we infend to conduct it on the cash principle, and will supply David Lynch. And the funniest thing about his] wits that, although in earlyagonizing WO['k. Sone foolishly iliia-our gille thin bright, warm dry form, the dread disease commences its(:OE The McKillo,n Mutual Fire customers with the best meats at the lowest pay. was killed some time ago by falling down the'elevator shaft in the Medi- cal Council building. g. life he had mastered the carpenter's and weath-Office-Ontario � .. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR., ` str6et opposite English urch, formorty occupiod'by Dr. si let on. ng prices. FORD &MURPHY. lnSuranee Company. trade, he wLver nailed up the loose boards on his huiYdill{rs. `Vhy didn't Toolazy,yousay: Well,letitgoand zit that. er will banish the intruder, and they (}etermine to trust themselves to time circumstances. Others place their hope in warifter clothing and the fre- DE MARKS.LIVE (��ttt��he? Jas. Freeborn D his bodily house were 8ub9tancialj and last- ing. And that is a great point for I.1. .4y1 L. H. & Q. 0. P., L, M. o. P, & S, o., &o., &o. Graduate of Sing's & Qhoon's College or Physicians, HOGS ��NTED ' Farm and Isolated Town Pro er- p Now take the c�, total! diff_ Y kind ., quant sae of liniments, while scale ex- perient with electricty and baths. ESIQNs, RIGHTS &a. Dublin, Ireland. Licentiate Of the General Medical �� Office—Over Daais' Drag Store. Money to loan: ' ty only Insured. erent of Ina t�l9b' nev'er`thbless, tailed to repair his house. The story As the days pass, the careless and in- different Anyone sending a sketch and description may' guloir aeoertntn tree, whether an tnventlon to Quickly Council, Great Britain. Member of College of rhyeiaiAia ecu surgeons, cataria. Formerly real- Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton oyrresRs. ar he tells it, runs thus; find themselves deeper in the mire of suffering, and they experience probably pstentable. Communications strictly eonedenttal. Oldest agency for securing patents America. have Washington deDt o bhe Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gynw- �ological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of Highest Market Price Paid. George Watt, President, Harlock P. O.; James g "For many years," he says, " I suffer- all the countless twin twinges, and agonies in We a office. Patents taken through Munn & Co. racely womenandohtldren. Office and residence,liattenbury St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist arsonage. p D D. CANTELON, Clinton. Brosdtoot,vico-Pres., Seatorth P. o.; W. J. shoo, non, Secy. Tress., Seaforth P. O.; Michsdl Murdie Ing lances, ed from weakness and exhaustion. I always felt tired and languid. I had Y g of the disease. The have chills, Ain Y p in the hack quickened pulse c special notice inthe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 829-1y v98-tf. of Seatorth P. 0, DtReoroRs, James Broadfoot, Seaforth; kEjJahael Mardis, Sea• but little energy. I had a foul taste in gY• the mouth, and my tongue was cover- ed with slime. I had a dor appetite, P pp ' , tion, loss of appetite, coated tongue, tongue, and the joints J y the knees, elbows DeantttnB Illustrated, largest circulation or any �emend°actjournal, weekly, terms *3.00a_your; V850 six months. Specimen copies and UAND BaOK ON PATsarTs sent tree. Address `• �+ N. W. WOODS Bever! Smith an Ancaster farmer, Y g wag'fined $5 and costs for assaulting ) L. R. C. P. L• L. M.•%.C. P. I.; L. M. Rotunda, J. E. BLACKALL,• forth; George Dale, Seaforth; George Watt, Harlock Thomas E. Hays,Seaforth; Alex Gardiner, Leadbury and after meals experienced distress had and wrists. Now is the tune of extreme danger, M UNN & CO.,�lin; Dpi M. It, C. S.; England; M. C. Y. and S., Veterinary Surgeon Y g Thomas Garbett Clinton; John McLean Rf en. pP and fulness at the chest. I an Now the sufferers realize that they are SO7 Broadway. New Yor,.. Onmrio. 989-y Consulations at the office recentiv ones led P bq Dr Turnbull on Rattenbur street Cl" t and Veterinary Inspector. Offi I • t t t N E • ffi MIRNTs. Thomas Neflane, Harlock; Robert McMillan Sea. ' aching pain around the heart, often so .bite that I fainted. paying the penalty of their citreless- nese. Many will soon be bel lase and would have kept his body in order if he had known how. No blame to him I rn n. from 11 o'clock a, m. to 3 o'clock p. m. week yedays, and other hours at the "Hut," Bayflold, lrlXij scan naa( s roe nex ew la o ce. Residence, Albert St., Clintn. - forth and James Cummloge,Egmondville. parties desirous to effect insurance or tense• „ I was very dizzy, too. at times, find when at my work or walking, I was t, fuseless ; we shall see them with stiffen- ed muscles act other business will be promptly attend• ed to on application to any of the above officers ad- dr ... adtotheir respective post offices, obliged to take hold of something to keep front failing. I got little or no and joints, and limbs twisted and drawn, , Some Ee "Is - B. THOMLINSON, �R1ltl lx • in the I will ask question, YETERINERY SURGEON SURGEON, sleep at night, and morning felt worn out and exhausted, worse there truly a cure for such helpless We Dr. Bruce Surgeon Dentist Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. :ege, Toronto. J. C. STEVENSON, tired in fact than at night. Ever few g Y rheumatics?" sayunhesitatingly g Y there is. The agent that cures ■ ! _ Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the p� Furniture Dealer, fiXCi. weeks I bite to leave ro work owing Y ' g to the bad attacks at my heart. effectually and scientifically is Yaine's OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Speto most modern andScientifio Principles. Day and Night Calle Promptly Answered. , THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND , "In this manner I continued for Celery Compound, It has cured thous - ands in the past -men and women of al attention pre- servation natural teeth. Residence—Rattenbury street, west, Clinton Ont. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. yenrs, and was almost all the time under medical treatment. The doctor the highest standing in every corn - munity -and these have given the N. B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday, and Thursday afternoon during the summer. r 1 Geo Trowh�ll Horseshoer and General Blaok- Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Ont said I was suffering from weakness of the heart, but bis medicine did me little good. "In August, 1888, Mr. Prout told me of the benefit he had derived from strongest testimony for the encourage - ment of others, Besides removing the cause of 1 heumatism, Paine's Celery Compound is the only medicine in the world that guarantees a permanent y� p Dr. 1�,g11G'W L Strayed or Stolen. Smith, From the lot 24, con. 1, Goderich Mother Seigel's Syrup, and I procured Cure. premises, township, on the night of Sept. 22nd, 1897, a bottle of it from Mr. Clapp, grocer, Will sufferer, in DENTIST Albert Street North - Clinton, + black mare about 14 years old, with white star a fn High Street. After taking it. 1 you, continue agony and danger of death when such a Office hours - 9 to 5 JOBBING A SPECIALTY. h front feet blG r- on forehand; has blemishes hershe ]fair having grown where wive had been blistor- found myself quite a new man: I had Y q ini ht remed as Paine's Celery Com - g Y Y y Wdodwork ironed and first class material and ed. Had no shoes on. Information leading to less pain at the heart and felt stronger. pound is offered to you? t work uaranteed ; farm implements and machines h P her recovery will be thankfully received by I persevered with it and felt better p Let us assure you, poor rheumatic ' At Zurich the second Thurs- rebuilt and repaired. DAVID CLARK, 983-tf Porters Hill P. O, � than for years; the medicine seemed to drive the languor awe taking y. `Vy I have sufferer, that the use of one bottle of Paine's Cele. ' Celery Compound will quickly daof each month Y TO THE FARMERS. a little of it w en needed since kept in good health. My family also have dispel any doubts that you may have. The effects will be so en - en - Agents Sell "Klondyke Gold Fields" Study your own interest and go where you can get Like a whirlwind. Experienced canvassers reaping the richest harvest of their lives; new found It beneficial. Had it not been for Mother Seigel's Syrup it i8 m Y P y be sours in that you will he forced g g to continue with the life-giving ���!ry �+�31Zo Q1 1 Q Reliable Harness[ beaa;�rnnerfi doing wonders. Nearly everybody 812,00 ni One young follow A a farm at A lady type - makingis $12.ter d alive. opinion I sboul not now p You may publish this statement, and an one to me. (Signed) John medicine till you are sound, well and happy. J. J. SCOTT- SCOTT, cle0.aring writer at $3.00 a week is clearing $11.00, A t $3.008 mechanic who had earned $150 a day is clear- Y Willey, Manor Place, Houlton, Devon, - -••� - Barrister ,p e. ' y I manufacture none but the BEST OF STOCK. Beware of shops that sell cheap, as the have p p, N Ing $5.00 a day• We want mire agents. Can- outfits Mete, worth $1.00 THE BRAD- Septepiber 24tb, 18W. Detective Wasson Toronto is ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. pot to time. ail Cal] and get prices. Order. vasging LEY GARRETSON CO., Limited, Toronto Lest I should forget it, I wish to call suing the Ontario Medicial council for ci Money to Loan. by mail promplyattended to Ont. the reader's attention to certain dates. $1,0,000 for the loss of his wife, who JOHN ��Y�L., HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTIi, O1vT By looking again at Mr. Willey's let- ter you will see that he was cured in the ]atter art of 1888. That is eight p g was killed some time ago by falling down the'elevator shaft in the Medi- cal Council building. g. ry v E. CAMPION, C , Q • Thoroughbred Poultry. y � .. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR., ` I have for sale some choice Black Minorcan, Yours ago now, and he has been well ever since. Therefore the rt airs clone on iTh•fop — GO TO THE NOTARY, 4c., a IjDIOn ShaVin Parlor Indian Game, Oreq Dorking. Male or famous. Will be sold cheap as I have too many. WALTER COATS, Clinton, his bodily house were 8ub9tancialj and last- ing. And that is a great point for ONE HONEST MAN. Dear Editor. -Please inform your readers, that If written ( confidentially, Iwill mallinasealed let- Godorieh, Clint. Mother Seigel's Syrup its a remedy for tome cure, by ter, particulars er a nentlne, honrestored which I was permanently restored to health and _ Agents for "Queen Vic• WANTED t Hia, Her Rotgn and Diamond Jubilee.' Overflowing with latest �� Office—Over Daais' Drag Store. Money to loan: ' For first-class Hair -Cutting g and Shaving. g chronic dyspepsia -which was our friend's trouble. Furthermore, noth- ing tears the house down its that mans vigor, after years of sufrertng from nervous debliliy, sexual weakness DI ht looses and weak shrunken parte, I was robbed -and swindled byY the quacks until Inearly lost faith inmankind, but thank '+ M. 0. JOHNSTON, ii BARRISTER - SOLICITOR - , Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton and richest pictures. Contains the endorsed blographyofHer M Baty, with authenic HiR- tory of her remarkable reign, and full account disease does. It is like wind, rain and rot combined. His heart affection, his heaven I amnow well, vigorous and strong,andwlah to make this certain means of care known to all our. •ferere. I have nothing to sell and want no money COMMISSIONER, E°1'C., J. EMERTON, Proprietor. of the Diamond Jubilee. Only $1.59. Big book. demands. Bonanza for agentR. dizziness, and all the rest, were sins tearing but being afirm believer In the universal brotherhood at man, 1 am desirous of helping the unfortunate to __ ^ TTS Q CO.v / Goderiiela, - - Ont. Tremendowi ommieaion50percent. Creditglven. Freight paid. OUTFITFREF. Dutyjpr�td. Writ quick of dyspepsia at work -at work things down, mind you. The Carpen- regain their health and happiness. I romiseuipe_r- ceeecrecy. Address wit hetampWM.TQMULFOIiD, Age g oto' Supplies. P.O.Box 59,St. earl, ue. Office -Cor. Hamilton and St.ndrew's Ste. �j I (a(t 7 CHEMISTS &DRUGGISTS for outfit and territory. THI1 DOMINION COMPANY, Dept. 7, 360 Dearborn St., Chicago. --'^ '" -" """" ter and architect that builds up is Mother Sefgel's Syrup. Now, listen to me ten seconds more W. BRYIZ NE. , WANTED -Old established Whole- WANTE aalolIouae wants one or BARRISTER - SOLICITOR. ' Great Northwestern Telegraph office, and m talk is done -for this time. my Y David Lynch knew perfectly well how Bever! Smith an Ancaster farmer, Y g wag'fined $5 and costs for assaulting ' , 1o0PAR, PUBLIC, tgG., Albert Street, Clinton. two honest and industrious representatives. t to keep his house and barns in good Willinnl Clarkson, his hired man, be• Can paya hustler about $12,a week start order, but didn't do it. He was a care- cause the latter was conversing with pUMpB PIIIYIPSt1iDyERTI86R, 1` CBI BEAU ,R BLOCK CLINTON. i Medical Building, Toronto. less, slack man. On the other hand Mr. Willey is an industrious man, who the farmer's daughter: -- NOTICE TO CREDITORRS. 8 74f -- It youwant a first -clasp, well -made pump, one tha would have kept his body in order if he had known how. No blame to him "For several months, I was troubled a' P ✓ will give you satisfaction, send your order to th nndereigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it a In the matter of the estate of George for that. A building of brick and with a persistent humor on my bead L11 --/ UTO 41 • the closest prices. He also handles a first -alae which gave me considers a annoy m FORCE Pup. McCartney, deceased. boards is - easy thing O understand. once, until it occurred to me to try _ _ Notice iR horeby given pursuant to chapter 110 of The bodya inn t. Os it He who Ayer's Hair Vigor. Before using one JAMES FERGUSONthe Rovlsed Stntntes of Ontario and amending note JOHN RIDOUT. n]Itde it reaallylly understands t ; but ex- bottle the humor was healed." -T. T. Opponit Queen'd Hotel - High Street Clinton, that all creditors and other persons having olnfine per1P.DCe Showa lis some things thief ' NCWS Notes. s Adams, General Merchant, Turbeville, against the Code is George county, of Into of the can ba depended on to repair It. Per- 00NVH/yANCEli, ContM1SBIONEIZ, ETC. 809-tf township ot0oderlch,in theoonnty of Heron, yea- p Va. The London medical preps warns the hsps the best of these is other Seig- n erewho a sal o ao»o about M en s. GrioRJ&leroud! el's Syrup. At least Mr. Wille public against a probable recurrence of Fire Insurance. Real ERGtto. Money to lend, Grund •Trunk Railway foot of the town of Godorieh, SolieltorR for Henry thinks so, and an immense lot of pec The bequest of $5,000 made by the influenza. a, Murphy and Samuel Lowery, the a=centore of the lea agree with hien. lute T. W. Yeomans to the library and The statement is repeated in London Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON. QNFICIAI, TIME TABLE. estate of the Raid deceased statements In welting p g casein rooms of Bridge Street Church, that the Prince of wales will shortly givirg their names and addAnsee with full varticn. The Allan and Dominion steamahi g lore and roofs of their claims and the nature of the p Belleville, has been paid over to the visit the Italian coact. ntelan Bros Buffalo and Goderich Dititrict:— secnr)ty tf .ny) held by them, on or before the lot lines are backed up by the Grard trustees. It is expected that the Sultan, backed l/■�; Going Woat, Mixetl............... • .. 1015 a. m. day of October, 1807, after which said data, the Trunk Railway in their refusal to call h Russia, will short! call on Great. v� Exprose................. 1.03 p. m. said exoanturs will prooeed to distribute tbo asoeta at Halifax unless the Dominion Gov- y y t t Mixed...... 1.03 P. m. of the enid deceased amongst the parties entitled GOOD BLOOD AND SOUND Britain to evacuate Egypt. ;ENERAI, G$bCERSPROVIS. Mixed ..... ............ 10.27 p. m. thereto; havipg regard only to the claim e of which ernt1ent continues the subsidies. The MUSCLES. Wm, BAnt of Oshawa and John the said Executors shall then have notice, and the Grand Trunk prefers to encourage Webb of Toronto fell from a 40 -foot ION MERCHANTS.Going Past, Express ... .............. 7.40 a. in. said Executors will not be liable for the assets so trade at Portlnnd to which point it has Scott's Emulsion is a blood -making scaffold at Owen Sound while working .. 2.65 P. m. distributed or anv part thereof to any person or ' Glass eC Clainaware " M1xed.. 4.35 P. m. persons whose claim shall not have been received at practically a monopoly oft the carrying and strength -producing food. It re- on the C. P. R. elevator. Both were Groekery, London, Huron and Bruce:— tho time of the said dtetribution, usiness. moves that feelingof utter hel less- seriously injured. �L6C1t,r ST,, CLINTON, ONT, I Going South, Exllrom................ 7.47 n. m. GARROW dt PROUDF001, _ _ _--_._ _-... __ .T__ ness which takes possession of one C.,R) P. m Solloitore for Executors. when Bu highest Cash Price for Batter and Eggs • • • • • • • •• • • ffering from general debility. Going North, . • • • • • • • • • • •• 10.15 a. in Dated at Goderich this 10th day of Angitat, A. D., If your child ;RZLpunyl fretful, trouhl• 521y - ................ 6.55 p.m 1897. dwi h gland) swellings, in amed __-- -- It is announced from Ottawa that e t ul golicitrR for•'Conada M. C. DrOxsox,l eyes, or sores on the heart, face, or An Encyclopedia of Dis• Pass. Agent. Estray Hound. df -PE Sir Oliver Mowat will shortly succeed body, A course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla WANTED.CYflRoyal Quarto Voinmes. I tSir. George Kirkpatrick as Lieutenapt- is needed to expel the scrofulous the ion paid weekly. A W. E. DAVIS, G. P. & T. A. Came to the premises of the nndorslggned, Man. Governor of Ontario and that the port. No, deiivering• ComtrrF,IR Mot]treal, chestar, oa 0th o rod, black and whlto HounA,V P humors from the; blood. Tile sooner canvasser reports his first week making over A. U. PATTIaON. G. T. R. The ownor to Sept.regneatod to prove property, PAY e= Purest and Beat for Tnblo and Dalry folio of Justice has been offered to savant dollarR pprofit•. Town eneoe and take the ted to away. Hon. David Mills, vUII begin to give this medicine the THE LINSCOTT COMPANY, Toronto, EOl away. YIINGHLUT• j No adulteration. Never cakes. I better. • t I r ..,. ,..�.: .,.. r t (