HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-10-06, Page 5v
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Four days only have passed since we began this great Clearing Out Dissolution Sale, and we can safely assure the
buying public that these days have been red letter days, and very satisfactory. The sale is having this effect, that it is
bringing people from a long distance to Clinton to buy, people who are in the habit of going to other towns to- buy their
stuff', say they will hereafter come to Clinton, since they see how much cheaper they can buy, particularly while this sale
lasts. Wednesday being the big day of the Huron Central Fair, our town was literally packed as a matter of course ; the
weather was most delightful and the people simply could not stay at home, so came out in great crowds to our fair and to
take advantage of attending our sale. We are safe, we think, when we say that not for many years have we done so fine
a days' business as fair day, from early morning till late in the evening we were busy as bees, and with strangers who came
to buy, some as far as 15 miles, faces we have not seen for years came out to renew old acquaintances and take home large
loads of goods at our famous low prices. Here everything is in full swing ; the Dissolution Sale is on and every article is
cut to such a low price that people can't help buying, and not one day or article only but every day and for every article
within our doors, will this sale continue(
Mantles are at $3'worth easily any place else $4.50 and. $5.00.
Every piece of our large stock of ]best Prints 32 in. wide, 121- c for T C. Thesesere a
If a Carpet is wanted of any kind or quality, now is your great opportunity. We have some
lovely things and they all must go.
Dress F abrics -nol.
This is where we shine, no other store in Huron carries so
large and select it lot of Cashmeres, Serges, Priestley's hest
Brocades and Serges, and Satin Cloths. All must go out.
Gents' heavy long Tweed Waterproof, detachable Cape
regular price $8,50, for $7.
Shirts and Drawers ...
35c,sale price 25c; 60c, sale price 33c; 80c, sale price 69c ; $1.9-5,
sale price 08.
Top Shirts .
60c and 65c for 50c; 75c for 09c; $1 for 80c.
Ladies' Tams .
60c for 49c; 48c for 35c.
Ladies' Vests r.. .
25c for 17c; 30c for 22c; 45c for 32c.
Gents' Ties .
25c and 30c for 19c.
Carpets ... .
uiec&8 wool, $1, for 78c. 1 beautiful Union, regular 50c
40c. 2 vieces36in. good part Union, 30c for 23c. 2 pieces
lovely Tapestry, 90c for 65c. 2 pieces fine Tapestry, 60c
for 49c.
2 only Ladies' Greenland S(,al Capes, 30in. long, 72in. sweep, regular $2,8.50 for $22 .50. 1 only imported Bear Cape, 25 in. long 38in. breast, regular
812.50 for $10. 1 only Greenland Seal, 20in. long, 38in, breast, regular $17.50 for$12.50. 1 only Ladies' Black Astractlan; 20 in, long, 34 in. bust,
regular price $12,50 for $9.75. 3 only Ladies' Black Cooney, 20 and 22in. long, satin lined, regular price $9 for $6.50.
5 r Y _+ liSA J`✓ y. rY'..15 ^• +,,i r '.t ,' l .n' } a 4• - or 01 (/ Y
'?.,;44.1 , t f. .r . • n,. r.N'r" n .r' ii r t I
+r ,.v•o.e e •e o o • o o
o . F YOU had something to
sell, you would consider C
you were giving a pretty
D good guarantee if you
tD sold it on the under-
standing that you would
D buy it back if your °
Pcustomer was tiotsatisfie(l. `lour
1 selling it on such a basis would 9)
7 be pretty strong proof that the
article was alright. So with us, °
we say we can give you no
P Stronger Recommendation of
our goods than this, that you
i may have your money back
if you are not satisfied. It is C
the best proof we can give you !'
that our goods are right. Cere °
we not sure of it no such guaran-
tee would he given. For reasons
stated in last week's a.dv't we ex- °
cerpt patent medicines from this
offer. Our Own Remedies We do C
l not except.
Pearl Tooth Powder is only P
one of our many valuable pre-
parations. It is prepared from °
the receipt of :r; good deutist Who Il
uses and recommends it to his f
patients. Chiefly it1eleanses and
preserves the teeth, the main l
purpose of it good dentifrice. It
also however, hardens the gums,
sweetens the breath and leaves a °
clean refreshing taste in the
mouth. In bottles, from its only, °
25c., and of course your money °
back if you don't like it.
Allen i GraduateGG
lY tl►7 DR
Nilson -AN.-
There is ,lo risl in bu PO
y ung .4poc tit-
cles from ns• First, weknow our
business and second, sou (t
buy on above basis. IV;11
you try 11.41
Bebe deb0 o• O"c►•o®.o d
ur Doctor of refraction
Has made a special study of the human eye.
Your eyes
e weak or your sightpoor, It is important
to have them carefully examined.
Charge ►jr I►j!
Whatever Is made for testing.
e stool frames including glasses filled by
falist, $too.
l oek of Gold Speoe and Eye Glasses.
Cooper & Co,, a o
Booksellers and Optleians,
- - - CLINrON, - -
Estray Heifer.
e to the .premises of the rinderAgnod lot
atteoileGontnphbouhmddof Juno l, reddish
rear old Heifer. The owner is requested
pproyo property, pay expenses, and take the
inial away,
Aft Clinton P, O.
It's -'.rime...
To say something about ALAIIif
CLOCics.- The sun is not l'ising
as early as it did, and perhaps
•may)u ma Y )c )cd to follows its
exa ll)Oe and need a reminder
that, the day has commenced.
There is nothing better than our
INR IUF ALARM CLOCKS at $1.? -5, -
make enough noise to waken the
Sauncle t sli-eper. Good tituekeep-
ers too, and will last for. years.
An accmrate Watch is a nee-
cessity, not a luxury, as some
seem to think. To utilize every
moment of precious tune, to
meet trains, keep appointments,
to be always on time, one must
have a good Watch, Drop in
Lnd let us talk Watch with yon.
It will pay you to buy now, for
Watches, like wheat, are advancing in
IP1110 W1t#.eh 1Repttr!iulgX
A Spec i<11uty. ---
L`le•(crzi< ic/ $Y, 11Tai zsprrl i
$Y, a)W it will be dote
right if we do it.
ti•b1. -
o IU r ► S WhoR Telegraphing
r>-O•v O o -O -o O C>
Are evidences of refine)nent an
good taste, when the gems ar
selected with care.
Aire are showing some love]
Rings in -
Clusters of Diamonds,
Single stone I)ianlonds,
!lands of Opals,
o •sass °
and in Combinations, with
Pearls, Rubies, Sapphires, Tor
quoise, etc.
The prices range from $1.75 t
a UYUp
Leader of Jewellery Fashion,
Watch Inspector For The People
Jeweller and
Expert Watch
Ln of our students have taken situations
t within the last few weeks. Two appy.
ations aro now in and two situations etre being
Old until two of our studonts graduate. Clan-
da's leading Commercial School. Five male
:ushers; board low; excels oonlpr,titors in
arious ways, Enter now if possible. Free
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Northwest Transportation Co.
Through tickets to all points in
At lowest rates.
For all Information apply to above.
Quick Dispatch --
Prompt Delivery
Clinton 'Agency at
Teacher Wanted.
Ajlplicatlons for the Position of teacher of 9.
b No. 4, (.odorich Township, will be received
by the undersigned up to 3 ). m. on Saturday,
Oct. 16. Applicant must hold not loss thio, 2nd,
and stone sit arsy References required.
ii NRY MURPHY. Secretary,
2t Clinton, P. O.
An exchange says "After selling
80 -cent wheat, 'and while your
heart is swelling with gratitude over
your big crops and good prices, fail not
to remember the printer, and if you
ire indebted, to him walk in and help
;o make him feel good, too, h lank -
ng clown what you owe. He has to
ive as well as yourself, and has car -
,led many of you for years on his sub-
scription book. Vome in all yon fel-
ows and let its all feel good together."
i911111 iii14. Have you tried theme
GARDXVIt.--(>n Sept. 23rd the wifo of DIr. W •
G.Gardner, Cith('ou.,ofadau`opt '- Masses -Harris Bicycle
CUu'Wt•oft,--lu ,l[erris, en .: pLembor ' Ith, ' J,/ a (\/ JIL
the wife of Mr. John C olelough, of a son.
DIA80N.- lu Blyth, oil Sept,27th, the wife of
aur. Wm. Minion, of a Son.
SFRL,;v.-Ill Clinton, on Sept, 3001,
It is just what you have been looking for high] grade
the ,wifo
of Albort Seeley, of a daughter.
h b
easy running. rich in appec°l•,'1';1nce, strong and durable
3rr'.l e OfIloury cAlor's,,,i f pal Sept.,28th.
the wife of ]]curs 1IcD[m•dio, of a daughter.
You can't break them: For $85 or a discount for cash,
V1,vNN.- Ill Ifullett. on Sept. '2.2, the wife of
D. Flynn, of a daughter.
'11tri Til)lllliafItd Bayfield, oil Sept. 22, the wife of
d Chane, '1'ippOt, of it daughter.
' ` Rims
. /
Brantford Ruby. /i ,jj,s
e CASI'LE.--Ill Staulcy,oil Sept. '25, the wife of
G. Castle, of it son.
y 13l.Am.-In Brussels, on Sept. 22, the wife of
G. F, Blair, bitrrisi,er,
For $54•
of it sell.
Pte't{E9'9'- PRATT.-Ill SL•l1f01'th, oil Oct. 4t1,, at
your Bike need.
the Manns, by lie,. A. L. McDonald, 1). D.,
Frod Pickett, to illary, second daughter of Sir.
5ilats Pliltt, boils of ('linter,,
A[cllocuai,,,--STrwallo.-du Gorlcrich town-
ship onTuesday,Sept.28th, by Itcv. W. Graham,
of Bawfleld, Peter McDongwl, to Jessie, third
daugliter of Mr. 1Vm. Stirling, both of Godo -
rich township.
We Know how to give you a satisfactory job. Ite
ilAanlsoN-DANCEY.--At the residence of
the bride's parents, Goderich, on Sept. 29, by
member a dry goods clerk ma,y sell dry goods but it
the Rev. Joseklll Edge, Junnes Harrison, of Lon-
rlon, to Kate I .111ma 13,11, youngest daughter of
, ,
takes a machinist to repair a Like. We are not only
Thpl vl -ITA y'
Jlsrwts-HAnttln'ox.-At Indian Head, N.W.
machinists but we have the machinery to do your
T., on Sept 11), by ltm,. Mr. Burness, Edwin
Jervis, teacher, formerly of Goderich township,
work as it should be clone. _Give us a trial.
to Miss Lena Hamilton, late of Clinton.
WALKER-WINER.-At the 13apti8t Parson-
age, wingham, on Sept.30th, by the Rev. Jas.
Hamilton, Mr. J. W. Walker, of Turnberry, to
DIl•s. Rosetta Winer, of Rochester, N.Y.
The Onward Bicycle Co., Clinton.
Lrwts.-in C'r,dRon, on the 30th tilt., John
Lewis, ILgC[1 $() y'nars,5 niontlls and tell day's.
1 Lucknow, Sept. 21Lh, Walter
f (%mnpbell, ag,ct i 3ypars.
Furniture -'----Broad foot, Box & Co.
Bri.mcx.-In Iiowick, on Monday, Sept. 20th
Jeremiah Bolden, aged rib years and 7 months
on Sept. 23rd, 13;lira•
VnRarney, led
This week we have some new lines to ober you, that for quality, finish and
beth Varney, aged ;i'l years and 3 months.
52 years
p rice, has never' been equalled in this section. Space will not permit us to quote
DO Mold, --In wingham, on Sept. 26th, Marlon
prices but come and see for yourself what great snaps we have for you.
Louise, infant daughter of.Mr. and Mrs. Goo.
Buy your Furniture from us and you will he sure to gat good value and at
D-iftleld, aged 10 months and I day.
the same time save• money. We can aJjord to and do ,sell cheaper than any other
YouNo,-In Detroit, Mich., on Monday, Sept.
27th, 1807, Annic E., wife of Dr. Herb. 'oung,
dealer lit the trade.
and third daughter of Mr. Jamieson Reid,
God rich, 24 years and 8 months.
Iiithis line we carry a complete Stock and have the
Finest Funeral Outflt in taw County. Our chargor+
D eLo,io.-In Port Albert, on Tuesday, gent. are lower than the lowest.
28, 1897, Irene, fifth daughter of Mr, and Dors. I 00000000000
It. J. 11. DeLong, aged 4 years and 6 months I
Broadfoot Box &0Co. Clinton. Furniture healers and
7 7
(Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.)
Night a.nd Sunday calls answered at Residence of our Funeral Director,J. W. Chidloy, King
St„ opposite Foundry.
Fall Wheat, new ............. 0 75 to 0 76 • •
Barley ......................... 0 20 to 0 23 special Furn2ture
Oats ............................ 0 22 to 0 23
Peas ....................:::::.. 6 40 to 0 45
During October.
e ................ 0 89 to 0 40 Sale
BuP.t ter to per bush, new... U 40 to 0 40
Butter loose 0 12 to 0 13
As we havea, Good and well selected Stock of Furniture now on hand which
Butter in tub 0 12 to 0 12
we will offer for sale during Oct. and Nov., at a very low price, in order to
Eggs per dog .................. 0 12 to 0 13
clear the whole Stock out. Any Person requiring anyything in this line, will
Cabbage, per doe...,,,...... 0 0 40 to 60
find it to their to come and see my stock hef(ire buying elsewhere,
As We have a choice stock of Bedroom Suites, Dining Suites, Parlor Suites,
day ............................... 6 00 to 6 00
Lounges and Couches, Easy Chairs and Rockers of all discriptions, which
Cordwood ....................... 3 00 to 3 50
must all be sold if fz w Prices will do it.
kpples per bbl ... . ........... 1 00 to 1 50
Dried Apples per lb........ 0 04 to 0 04
We also keep a good stock f Mouldings and Picture Frames and Furniture
Repairing done neatly an cheap. Kindly call and see me before buying
Ducks per lb.................0 05 to 0 06
rurkeye per ................ 0 07 to 0 08 Our Undertaking Department
l3eese per lb ................ 0 Ob to 0 06
wool.. i;.. per pair..,......... 0 18 to 0 36
001............................ Q 18 t0 6 18
is well stocked with the Best and Prices the Lowest. Hearse and outfit,
better than fitly other in town. Best and mo8t courteom attendance.
Several earthquakes have taken He Q. '' -R -ETT FURNITURF. AND UNDERTAKER.
place in Borneo, and a new island has Huron Street, next Gilroy & Wiseman's. Night and Sunday calls at residence No. 32.
men thrown up. Huron street ,opposite Baptist church.