The Huron News-Record, 1897-10-06, Page 4Goderllch• visiting schools in the south the past i Ashileld.--------
1�TeW 1V�i11 ia] ery meek. circ. Jae. Steep of at rd was ( Tan lefoot
TInIE AND 'CHIC HuUtt.-The Guderich in the circular town on Saturday _ lTEms• -1hn druufh stfll continues All
AND-- Au,ateur Dramatic Co. will travel to Mr. W. Brydoneof the Hut) wits in the and the ground is getting very dry. They g
�^1 Blyth this evening and present the county town last Saturday. -The ser- -Mi-.Mr.. W. Barber, 12tH con., West Wit. Wilson Fly Pads,
Mantle Store dramas, Time and the Hour, vices in connection with the first anus- wanosh had un auction sale of horses, ! "There are tads is Come
-IN --- .-_ THE SEwuRs.--The contractors for versary will be held in St. Peters cattle and Implements last week. -The medicine as weri as in
11 the extension of the sewerage systeul church on Sunday November 14th. - trees in the woods are beginning to 'other things,"said a bus Insect Powder,
" , ptit on their frill dress, the maples aro Y
CLINT � are pushing ahead and it seems is if Fellowship meetings were held it) I druggist, but the most Back
.f.�l • they will C0111plete the work next North (Lad Victoritt street Aletho(list ice. 1't71g to assutuu a pretty appear- remarkable thing about Hood's Surae. Insect Powder Guns.
uro,ith. churches on Sunda tilts. and Miss enc..
•(DO®®o®o Y' -' rtrilla ie that customers who try other
FUNERAL ON MONDAY.—011 Alonday Fannie Blackstone were visiting '-"'t • �' — p Y
leN` � the remains of tho late Maude Hutson friends in Clinton last week. --The first I Hatitford. remedies all coma back to Hood's, and
pyyyy ••�y were rattail in Maitland cemetery lit Meeting of the Collegiate Institute thif is why the enormous sales of this
V SI IJLJL Y INOTKS.--Mr. J. B. Moore of Both- t
the presence of It hu ti utultber of tela• Literttry SoeietY will be field oil Fri- greet medicine keep up while
I Y day evening r well, fornPrly teacher here, visited the y, 7
tires and t'rieuus. 1'he deceased pass- Y h wvhiw the cettific•ates village !Fast week looking well. He is Others come ®and In a short COrr� l e S' Iron
SATURDAY,SEPT.�Ur Paned Lt the rrti(1:
ell FLwyFI)' Ulf SFttl11'lltLy w(11'llillg atter a st111111te1• exaluil)a• Vill ,e lust hllbl(IeNa.-Al 1'. 8Il(1 AIPH, tiyYle go out Of eight entirely,
lung illness and uiurtt syrt)pathy is tions will be dishihnted.-The srhoO11 T. Cain and daughter Nellie of Luck. "Why is it?" "O, simply beeaust Blood
I will on Saturday evening open expressed for the bereaved ones left to er Youill with 800,0W feet' Of lnutber now were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hood's Sarsaparilla has more real Dura- �lOOC Pill
„, wu I - for Mi. N. Dylnent arrived on Satur- D. AlcLaren last week—Mrs,
Cain and tive merit than any medicine I ever sold." • •
IN EMERSON S STAND, clay front Thessalon.-Mrs, Geo. Cox This is of dais
MORE DWFLLINGs.—Buchanan and Miss Nellie McLaren took in the ex- y occurrence in almost
is visiting uteulbers of her family {u cllrsion to Buffalo, where they visited Y 8 ' p Are Ili i
near the Clarel)don Hotel, it tine Ithyllaii are building two dwellings fur Chicago, and in it few weeks will visit ever drug store. Hood's mad stills great demand al
lot of New Millinery and Mantles, Wul. Wallace ou corner of Wateeluo other tnewbers in Dakota. -The dust fl lends. -Mr. Bradford, ourhltacksmith, Ihaa cured more sickness, and made more the year round. They ar
and have Much pleasul•e in inviting told Lighthouse streets. One, a two has secured the services of Ben Grain• happiness through restoration to ,health
Y Y g, was very bad the paint weekk finite e. ger. Nelson Hor•ney is still laid uti Y
the Ladies of Clinton to enure :uul star Due is ready fur veneering, }tad number of aur citizens took in the than an other medicine. ai direct food fur the blgod
inspect my stuck of Stylish Fall the foundation of the other is just re -
Clinton show Inst YVHdnesdayy.-Re •n_ work.--McCot•utick & Johnson have '
And Winter Millinery. See the completed. ]FLr meeting of �laitltnd Lodge No. -313 "loved to their Godeviell brewery lit Hood's. the use of these gills will
display of New Bird, Wings, Tips, TH19 1,ATEJOS1IIJABEL(7Hr1t.-AlatL' A. F. and A. M. next Tuesday evening.the dock, where they have commenced
Flowers, Velvets, Ribbons, &c„ issue of the AI •unit Pioneer records Y operatrnns. Mr. J. Kuntz of Aubtir•n change the pale and sallow
also our New Veilin ra, l+ -Ales. Pnu1s is Walter
in Detroit.- hits cornuienced relitting the brewery
b the death of Mr. JoshntL Belcher, par- Mr. and Mrs. �'L'}titer Saints are un a
here. Air'. John, Kennedy is engaged complexion into the ruddy
We will also lie delighted to give you ser on the steamer Atlantic, which ran week's visit to relatives to Detroit.- ,�'a�'�a aY�
a perfect fit in our nubby Mantles. to tile Sault. Deceased was a cousin Miss Annie Campbell of Seaforth was with Mr. Kuntr..-We will hereafter g� ' a glow of health. Price *o:
of Mr. E. Belcher of this town, in town the past week. -Mrs. R. G. miss two famdliar faces, both good Citi- p
Rerneniher our openings, Saturday FINKD FOR, DISORDERLY CUNDUOT,— Reynolds was one of the judges oil Lens, in the removal of Messrs. James Is the standard -the one True Blood Purifier. per box or 5 boxes for $1•
evening, Sept. 251h, told following 1 W,11,and John Bell, who have moved
On Saturday, D, Carney, Rubt. Oakes, fanc-v work at the Lucknow show Inst { , cure Liver Ills; easy to
week. and F. AIILII were charged before till, week, -'The breakwater contractor with the Gudericht brewery. They '1 nod's Qi]15 take, easy to operate. mu, pgp®o Qq
will nut however, >e f;u away. -Mr•
MISS E SILLIER P. M. with disorderly conduct, and the commenced putting in the frame(,OIdthorpe's new brick store 1s pro_ -
former was also charged with living .,fi work last week but almost as soon its
it pistol. At the conclusion of the case he started he wits stopped by the en- gressln the first storey being up. Gist NawanosL.
AIIltO>er. Carney way fined $5 aatd costs, and gineer because the timber wits not -Mr•. Fdi Symonds took in the Bay- Jas. He C
Emerson's old stand, near Clarendol, Oakes and Allen $1 each and costs. placed right. -The editor of the Star fieldshute;tad reports having spent a WAVELETS -Miss Sara Leishulan
good time. -Mr. D. McLaren is erec-
Hotel. A YOUTHFUL' BURGLAR. -A child week in the Detroit excursion last ting it handsome two-storey brick resi. wits
ssltMa yeNthe
t eevy.-est l` h ayylor of 0heruistand Druggist.
natued JFts. Currell, of Loudon who is week. -bliss A. Wiunifrede Ball Of the dPI,E,e on the corner of Wolfe street, Kinloss has purchased the McDougall
- visiting in town, hroke into the G. T. Crediton public school spent St.turday Goder•ich.-Major Beck wits. in Bel- estate the p rice beim $4,3N).-Missco
T�� Neu)
oliice Fit the station breakingit and Sunday tit the, old home. -The P g----- _
window acid insertin r his hand and schooner Curisande brought tL Cargo of grave on Monday looking after the Jenny Deacon is visiting under the
). g voters lists. New& Notes. e
fitting the catch. He was seen by Mr. lumber frown Georgian fray last week parental rout.-19ne, Misses Agnew
Parke in the office, •Lid was brow rbt for N. Dylnent,-There was Hol - ` were "At -Home" to a few of their The design fur a new Canadian post -
before the 1'. M. oil the charge. After Comulnniun at St. George's en Suq friends on Friday evening, -J. Shoe• age stamp has been approved of by
g the Postmaster General.
Presbyterian consulting with the President, of the lits.-Thei-e was a gond attendance at HRILLING 1{, }j SLUE t)()tLotn 5 new resiaence is nearing cunl-
Childern's Aid Society and the boy's the reciting contest on Monday i11 jLaiiNV a pletion.-J. B. Bone returned to Tor- Church dignitaries in Rome are
uncle, it rennd was ]node till Thurs- Vktoria hall. -The portrayal of the onto on Monday, where he'will resurne afraid thP, Pope will not rally from the
day, when he was released on suspend- Fitzsimmons -Corbett contest drew a his studies at, the "Varsity". -Jas. extreme feebleness and exhaustion he
Book ® Pulse ed sentence. good audience. Agnew left this week to resntne his now betrays.
A YOUNG LTJFL SAVED IN A RE- Veterinary g Mr. Leblanc
111ARRILD.-A very quiet wedding ponde:ut. studies at the � eterinar College. r FMOIII all OI,CM1ti1011141 (!o17•CH ,one of the ltcenae com-
AIARKABLE MANNER, -John Lonlit hits rented it portion of inissioners of Ottawa, dropped dead
took place un Wednesday nioirnin� at 1Trrltt of INTHREST.—Miss Anna his farin to Mr. J. Butchardt for a
the residence of the bride's father, while at t meeting of the fight. lu Club
Capt. T Walls returned to Toledo. Ohio, oil �w',e,:Lrly rental of $1G5. -Miss Lizzie in that cit
Hits had anjunusually large stile p • ' • N. Dancey, when his young- Friday, accompanied by her utother vLORxNCE STURDIVANT, OF GRIND. Menzies is at present visiting her Yon Thursday night.
uncle, Geo. Powell, Blyth. Up to four o'clock Friday sixteen
all Over Conada. Some of the eatdttughter, Miss KFLtN, was united in and baby sister• Alias Wells iotPndH STONE. ISLAND, SAVED FROM AN UN. suicides and sudden learns had been
navriage to James S. Ihtrrison, former- spending the %vinterthere. Airs. Wells T131ULY DEATH—HUR PARKNTS SAW SCHOOL R1svoltm--The following is chronicled in New York cityas having
Editions have been entirely Iv of town
but now of London. The and bFLhe will return to 'Godei-ich in a I11+.1L DAWGEROUS PItICDIcantKNT, I3Ur the strinding of the pupils in S. S. No. happened since earl
sold out and new Stocks had to cereniony was perforuled under It week Or two. -Mr. William Atistay, WERE HELl'LKSs-To' AID HER -HOW 8 as determined by the Inst bi-month- ph Yin the morning.
rioral hell of morning luriw and car- he poultry breeder, left oil Friday for SHE WAS RESCUFI). 1 examination :-P. S. L. -John A deputation from Lindsay, Ont.,
Ile cabled for. k t Y Friday vv}cited upon Sir Oliver Mowat
nations, free. Joseph Edge Officiating. Toledo to visit: his uncle FLud aunt, Mr. Cunningham, Alaggie McCallum, 111
Outside. the family of the bride, no and Mrs. Hobson of that city. Look Among• the Thousand Islands is one Annie'\' Walsh.-Fourth.-Mlan Wheel. •Lid urged hint to appoint Mr. D. J.
This wePic we expect to again have guests were present. The young out, you r11111ot•cz, breeder's at our win- called Grindstone. It. is seven miles er, Julitt, Anderson, Josie Campbell McIntyre, Police Magistrate Of that
Our Stock Uomplete and shall couple left on the early morning train ter show. -Mrs. Stowe and her long ar.d three wide. The inhabitants Ida Bone, Sara McCallum Pd. Walsh. towvn, as junior judge for the Comity
be able to supply pl you with an for their future home at London. daughter, Miss Marie left On Satur- of this island area well-informed class -Sr. III. -Roy Wheeler, Jas. 'MCCFLl- et Victoria.
edition. 1 1 Y Y - - Y . DEATH OF MRs. YouNG.-Ward 'nits day for Detroit, where 'they will spend of people who dex-ot.e their energies to tum Maud Robertson, Maggie Ross. The official stenographers of the
been received by Mr. and Mrs. Janli. it couple of weeks. -Mr. S. Morning- farllting atnd (luarryingforalivelihood. AlenYa Pearen, Lizzie Reid. -Jr. III. civil courts in Montreal have gone out
sun Ried of the death of their laugh- star has returned after a short visit to !n the home of one of these islanders. -Maitland Henry, Lillie Anderson, on strike. They refused to take �
Cheap linea at $y 10, `ter, Mrs. Annie Young of Detroit. Welland county.—A poultry fancier resides Florence J. Sturdivant the Willie McLean, Mary Grigg, Ed. Me- twelve cents a hundred words, and
Though she had been in poor- health soya : I'Ow about our `Vinter Show of four -pear• -Ord daughter of Mr and Lean, Fred Scandrett, Howard Wight- demanded twenty cents, i
20 and 30e. for surae tints the news of her death Poultry . It is than the poultry teen Mrs. Willi;un H. Sturdivant. In Feb- nlan.-Sr. IL -Mary Anderson, Janie It is asserted that the prosecution '
wholly unexpected, and was FL began to think about it. ruary, 189(4, she wits taken with scarlet Bone.--Jr.11-Stanley MeBurney, Percy in the Lnetgert murder case at Chi-
sever•e blow to hot- many relatives and faver, and after the usual run of the McLean. -Sr. caro will p the witness
Better ones U. to + part II. -Austin (.stat t; produce upon '
p friends in Guderich. Deceased was — fever she was left with a weak hack bell Robbie Wheeler, Vinnv Pearen, stand three of the women whom wit -
horn in town 24 years agu, a. Ll was and ridualt began to lose strength, Alice Skinn.-Jr. art Il. -Lillie Mc_ nesses have identified its Mrs. Luet-
6.5� each. ClintonLricleet Club. g ; Y g g p•
married to Herbert Young some five until finally despite the best efforts of Lean, Stuart McBurney. -Sr. part 1. get t.
A nice, line of ymrs ago. She was home in July on •'S
Uphysicians her life haugip the balance.-L+'Igin tlnderson, lIPnty Skinn.-Jr. Ali-• E. Horsman, pro(mieter of the
a visit t0 relatives. The remains 1Lt'- REPORTREPORTTF N:ASU\, 1s97. It ww'a_4 alt t71a Cl'IsiS, wV}fell :Lll Sel'T12eC1 pati L --Ella TlLylor, Lillie Pe:u•en, Grigg House, Londcn, assigned and
rived on Tuesday front Detroit acco,n- ClintonCricketers Lave every reason dlirkest, that an angel of health a p .\label Grigg, Charlie Wheeler, John was arrested at the instance of Mr. T.
BIBLE AND HYMNALp;anic<1 the I>ei-eFLVed husband and , peered on the scene and released lithe McCallum, Nettie Skinn, Bella Rob- F. Kingswill, a local ;merchant, on the
Ij to feel proud of their 18J7 play. ,
Only child, leer brother \Neatly and hot' W1)ile ter+ must acdinit the su erwrtt Fluretwe front ]titin and suffering and e-1son. charge of obtaining goods under ,raps(;
brother-in-law, Robert Hurd. Her p S' restored her to strength and health. pretences.
Ucpluhined from GUt . to $1,2�. of our cricketers, at tunes unfavorable g Donald A. Parres
decease was very sudden and was cans This remarkable occurrence, is best a �a
weatherand grounds militated :against gnat car,
ed 1)v peritonitis. Phe funeral ('in thorn. in the face of these unforseen told in the words of the father. County �Rt•rei,C3'. porter On the North Bay route of the _
ilflAlL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTEND- Weci lvar ay to Maitland c.eull'tery was clt-1). treks Clinton is uu tel and (Grand Trunk railway, attP7rl}pted bo
attended by a tai go, uitrr,ber ol'reliltives Iltticll of the success is (ertainl blue. tO 6�, Mr. Glen of Usborne bought the board a moving street car in Toronto
=-ED TO-- "Old friends. The pall -bearers were. Alr. ferry, who has had churls of the Dobie faun, Tuckersinith, for $d,;i00. Thursday afternoon, slipped, and wits
Messrs. Belcher, A1cwJicar, AlLirney, team. The, official 1892 charge
art and thiowcn tinder the trailer, which )kiss- �(
Goode Grant and Shane. p Mrs. Geo. A. K. McLeod of Exeter 1
®tBo®e®eo averages are appended :- }>\ �' II had on(+ of her toes timputated on Mon- ed over hint. He died in two hours, lit
at ` ti. 1II�! g 1
THF Nrw GRIST AIILr..-Tire Dewe i.,,� day. Of late that member hats iveu St. Michael's hospital.
grist mill being erected near the G. T. 4:Lrn. \rl, l bei- considerable trouble owvio to Canadian
the first trial shi �ment of
R. (,(spot by N. Dietrich is assuming it May 24th vs. Forest... ...... •....lost by 13 run r .!t)i#ulS�F diseased bone. g Canadian f,•uit to England to colt] stor-
finished appearance, Fuld will be open F.C.C. la 15 a (`�' I'll, :age, a cablegram has been received in
• tIM 1:3 wkts) r".F4 a �� While Alastev Robt. Aikens wits en-
for bIlSillUSS in',a couple of weeks. The C'.C.C, 1,t.3s i I r 1 ,' ' + Ottawa, stating that the perr•s, plums,
erection of the building was place(, { 'I 1F +)�:" "" I gaged at work in T. Bell & Son's furni- aril, towatocs arrived it) good b i Junc 8th VS. T.isto\VCI...1Fm11 l)y EUl IIl'(�`H and 3tlr�) 11, d„�!• :il'.'� tare factor \Vitt barn, on Alond11
g c d ecndi•
.r �
in L 5 Y+ g
he hand. of Buchanan & r.('.c., 1st 1st 1 � l� .'i' 'c'l 0,I� last, he had the misfortune to have his t:On, but the peachP9 :slid grapes were
W,C fi Bhynas, who have made a good jut) of L.('.C. Ist 3a f c ” ,� .,.' ° ; rY, ; too ripe. an( did not avri e in >uod
the w�l k. The will ut:tchinr•r 7s be Sud s; s , `,` l;l,�'' "� ^•'; %,F�> I i bt band come in contact with sone 1 �'
y t,,;;� •', condition.
CLINTON. s;�l y June 2a vs.l.onilonAs}lum;rlrannopv'; to ` ;''� �, '� of the nac•hinery and had th(, tips Tilly ,jury in the Tarte•Grenier libel
in' tut in b the.Stratford )lilt build 3t t4 ",
in r Co., and will soon he through. A. l.(.C. 78 (3 olEtsl k yN4,r tas taken off till the finger'S which ; 1 1tY case at Montreal, after• nein r out Only
S. Chi al is the eontr11etor fur boiler fray 1st vs, Foroitt iretiu-n) ......iron by 18 runs 1 �tt� °Ndtit ', a!\ A \ hirn up for a long t•i,ne.
a few u•iuntes f, Y
c'.C.(..1sCt•`i y >„« ,returned a verdict of
!1 CIV L �UEI•tl QllllLlt� i. and engine, and both of dle.w are now F.C.C.,stoa t; .+t,'.' yr t The auction sale of Mr. Caldheck guilty against the as(!nsc•Q Gr, ier.
heir„ played in Position, W)d will be July 2nd v.�. 1 atkdale.......... ...lost by 3 rano .i i Ir•d line, Morris, took place oft Tuesday. Ali i -rest of judgment wits ;it once
colt plete 7n a few days. lhL26 main P.C.C.t•tso a Stuck sold high. A yearling steer moved fill- by his counsel and granted,
tiVFintecd-(.'antclon Bros. 2nd 17 (4 a•ktsl went for $27 sheep from $8 tO $ll a and the case will now h( carried to a t•
building is'l two � to�-� one, •}11x 11), with ,
:11ill iner E us Bros. C.C.C. 1st 77 L Y 1
an engine house :..5x:, , and is most still- fair, ;and it. sticking colt. sold for $32, peal on the rulings of Judge Wttrtele,
The (clove -A. J. Morrish. July 13th Vs. Getclph........... .Nvon by 43 runs
ShLlltilully built, The engine i4 of fifty C C C. 1st 153 1•'LOREN(•6,:.J. FTURri1VANT, dr. Caldbeck of Morris has sectrr•ed a who overruled a considerable portion
Book of Praise -W. UoOper' of the evidence which the defeuee
Sale -11. C. Barlett. horse power, and will drive machinery G.C.C. let tw Mr. Sturdivaant sail : "Florence was situation in Toronto its policeman. pro-
Furnituretu }mind G0 harrels of flower and chop .July t4th Vs, Berlin .......drawn owtn to -sin taken sick with scarlet fever and we On Friday week last Miss Mar Pot posed to offer to rile jury,
Shirt Contort -T. Jackson, Sr. C.C.C. Ist sr g iluuiedialel called a physician. Fie ]oak, of 9loiris, bursted :L blood vessel
Bitsiness College -W. J. Elliott. Di- grind 400 hags of feed daily. Y l Y;' -' ifPOODg9 7�'SO�7E•I�ODII�TE.
The. inill Will do misting its II.C.C. ist Ili 13 ivkt.$) n c sc ibed fat her and we foil need his in her stomach, hemorrhage of the
'Teacher wants>(1-Henry Murphy. 1' " July 22nd v,: London Asylum) .,iron by 16runH 1 The Great English Remedy.
Furniture-Rrondfoot, Box & UO. iws Haute iwplie:+, and cuter C.C.c. )st IK directions closely, giving (.in, littlo st,onu h set in and she has been very ,
fur local trade, ;nal when not n L.A,('. lst gg patient the best of care, After two ill ever since. We are )leased to my
Six Packages Guaranteed eo
Furniture S;LIe-Glh oy & �VisPlnitn. 1
Plllpl()yed (111 dleSe iteulS will grind Ao weeks t he fever subsided, but Florence that rat present she is improving nice- promptly, and permanently
Tall and winter Clothing -A. J. Hol- I g. Iii i H• London fieri. Ist 1rCt'n) ts. by 6 tvkts l p �'' cure all forms of Nervous
' wa for export.. The manager will be W. (:.G(-. 1Ht r>tl seas left with ;t very weak back. Severe ly. �i
Y' Eclllin, a well-known Hur)nite, who 2nd 51)0 weLtH) alms tVere CenStant tit the bFL(•k and � Weakn.ess.Emissions,Sperm-
1 waste of money -The AV. D. Alp L•A.C'. tet ta4 p Y Last Wednesday night the grim !F � ' atorrhea, Impotency and all
I was brought tip wvithiu sight Of the " tad 21 stomach. We did all ihat possibly reaper gathered to his last resting clPectsofdb,tseorErceeaes,
Stylish Alillinery-W. H. Iieesley & (('art 1{Dose• and whose father now RRstrLTO \t,iTCIIcs. could 1)e done to rrlicve our• little lace, Alexander Robertson, of the Mental Worry, excessive too
lives on the houlestead between Nile. sufferer, but to no avail. The ditii- )-ice,
road, in the sixty-sixth year of Tobacco, Opium orstimu.
%O• i'lased ..............•....., cult. seemed to 17nt11e thecfforts of the Before and.After. 7oonteadtorn
Tit(, Famous Clothing People -Jack- and Dungannon, au.ncl as he is vie Of ]won ..................... ') Y
g J 1 our most genial cit.lzens, he will doubt- Lost ...............•..... 2 of his age. Dir. ltohertson tilt with it
severe accident last Slimmer b his Arm.ity,Insanity, Consumption and an early grave.
SOTI Bros. 6 Drawn ...........................2 of FiCia11, Y Easbeenprescribed over 35 years In thousands of
When Telegraphing - Cooper's less Flttc•act it full share of trade, `Finally at the end of font months tears running away with the mower•.
Appended is a list of the avcrages :— caves; is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine
Book Store. Tin, L.17'E JOHN FARROW.—Speaking of treatment, we found our patient He had :tip )arPntly recovered and had
of the deFath of the late John farrow, BATTING AyF.RAOF7a. L'Ulll )Istel known. Aak(iruggtstfor WOod'sPhosphodlae;If
rlStrongliecotnmendatiun-Allen& == d y prostrated. At this tine attended FL threshing, where he cOn- he otters some worthless medicine In place ofth1%
Wilson. noted last week, uio Winharn Advnnce e � ` o. - � we called another physician, who tracted a cold which develoyed into Inclose price in letter, and we will send by return
says: The funeral on Monday Was ams 12 °"' agreed with the diagnosis Of our Own paralysis and ended fatally. Deceased mall. Price, one package, $1; six, $5. One will
conducted by the (';w:ulian Order of F. w. Terry.... .,. 1t 1 3115 7a 37, doctor, and s;Lil thFet the trouble re- was rip Old resident Of the. township ykeLee,sixwiBouru Pamphletsfree toany addreaas,
Foresters, of which he Nits a charter 1, l(cnuod)• ....... 11 1 rr2 27 12.2 stilted from the scat'let fever. He pre- FLud FL faithful adherent of the Bap] is
The Wood Company,
The Huron Neeus-Record nenher of Bluevale (7ourt, and Ire wits I', Cai.tclon........ 7 4 2:1 10 7.66 scribed it covr:se of treatment and we church. His bereaved Witt()", and windsor,ont.,Canada.
J. McMe ........_ Ia a 66 37 66 followed it faithfully for three months, farnily have the sympathy of the corn- I W.9old in Clinton, and uvcrywhcre in Canada
_ LuriP(1 in the Bluevale ceuletery, his [;.Birgc .,,. 6 6 art 1) 6.33
t.d5 s Year -81.0o 1n Advance funeral being largely attended by M McTaggart 11 2 311 t2 Z. but instead of rnpl•oving, Florence mtinity in their affleition. I by allrospousible drugti,sts.
friends and acquutiutarices from far and 11. Miller........, •.• 5 1 15 10 3.75 failed.
-WEr)NEsOAY, U(rrosER Gth, 1807. llear, arnlun whorl were nam Al}lsolls J, Ilotr'Hon........ , 7 1 22 7 366 "Ajrs. Sturdivant Arid ill self wvel'P
g Y
It. Agnew ..... ...• ) 0 K la 3.11 y --
----- ------.- _.— ;and Orangemen who Mourned the loss F. HodginH...•..... 5 1 12 a 3. completely discourltged. A hrotherof
oFarrow so gond FL man. John arrow was A. McGarv,a...... !i t 19 111 237 ally wife, who was visiting us, advised 101, Hallett. born in Linconshire, t;n W. Spalding....... 4 a a 5 2.25 ' Shoes 1831• He J Ilmovcr.......... 5 u s a 1.6us to use Dr. Williams Pink Pills for
PiiizFF.-Sam Apppelby won a num- Ni n i to this country and settled at W. Dol)orty ...... o 1) Pale People, and I purchased a box of
New her of prizes ut Senforth Show, among Newcastle, county of'Durhmn, where -- - --- — -- the pills and began to give them to
thein lst rot- grade cow, 1st,and 2nd for he wooed anti wed Miss Francis Jones, Total ........ N,,3 12 7o3 7.72 Florence. This was in ctober, l8f)G.
• who died eight. years ago, leaving a aowt•INOAVEltnais.
L sant Did heifer, ]st for heifer calf and g After using the pills a short trine we
1st for one year old heifer. This ie;L husband sand One child, Mrs. Robert ° p could see an improvement. tier �f r
pretty g g g citisgi-ove. of 131uevile. In 1808 hP ] Strength began to return and she �lJl�
matt nod bhmviu forayoun farm- Name w
er. Mr. A elh also secured 1st in e;une to 7.urnberry and engaged in F. W. Torr ....,,• 511 2a a 4. P ppetiLe
pp y y , would sit u in bed. Het• a
Clinton for -cow, 1st for heifer CFalf, 1st tanning at lot 3l, concession 1, SPv- w. Doherty .... 3 t 1) 2 4.5 was restored and' at)(- ate heartily.
and 2nd for yearling heifers, anti 1st el'al yea- ago he sold his fitrn► and J. McMurchle... 143 i>Ft 1R. 36 5,a,i WP also noticed a gradual brightness
since then lived retired In the villa a G• franc 17 22 157 14 7.(i4 In her eyes. Considering the price the (Imality of the; leathers, the `
for steel' calf. lie shows rat, Blyth L. Kennedy,...,,.. ins la 156 17 1).67
te•dFiy. At Chilton he secured 1st for of Bluevale. He lil,s served Flt t to M. McTaiggart..... s9 12 70 6 111(;6 "WP eagerly purchased a further
Wyandotte hen and cock, on the board of ale t, wIletip and -- -- — supply of pills and watched with de_ workmanship, the fit and the style of foot forms, you will
on the board of trustees; he always Total........ 6i6 ata G.28
- -- took a prominent party ►n panic afrFLila, light the change for the hotter that find that we have the cheapest stock of boots and shoes
was in every wiry FLpnhlic spirited,
was being wrought daily. Froin sit, -
1111d in the West. war
IlurloClc.Holmesville. ting tip in bed at tines Boring the city
gena roes, wholesouled roan, straight- and at tunes standing on her feet,
ITEMS. -Air. and Mrs. Thompson and forward and reliable, true as stet', to ANNiVF.RRARV.--Do not forget the Florence finally became strong enough �+
Mi. 1111(1 All's. (%Inti', Mr. Jas. Beacom, his friends and honornble to his op- anniversary on Sund;uy and Mon- to walk a little. She gained in flesh AnIll-fitting Shoe
Sarah and Enna Beacon, of Goderich ponenO. day. It. is expected to lie the best and strength rapidly and Lha plains
Township spent last Thursday at I), ever held. Everybody is invited to gradually left her. In aL month's time
Benconls' and are greatly delighted (CIRCULAR CITY BRnaFs.-- Uhnrles come. she had recovered her health and
with the appearance ofthis ,(Pttlemena Blackstone still keeand the ,Pad Iii the NOTEe.-Mrs. H. Elford left on strength. Is like a bad conscience—it is
Mr, Sam ShPppttrd of Nile was also a oyster business and he ILIwFtys will
caller tecently.-There was a free con- while lie serves his patrons with such Thursday for Stratford and other "We cannot praise too highly the always troublingyou. You will not know that you have
cert in this village on Tuesday evening, delicious bivalves. --A nuinher• of 7Oints.-Mrs. Leech left on Thursday value- of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I finythin� Ori yOUC feet if you Wear our perfect fitting
Sept, 27, tinder the auspices of the Christian Endeavourers will attend Por Detroit :wad before returning will Iain positive that without their use. out p g
Horne Circle, Londeshorough. Mr. the meeting in St. Thomas this after- attend the W. Al. convention. -Mrs: child would have been to -day in the shoes. r
Barry Allen occupied the chait,-Miss !neon• --The Gocderich brewery is now Ed. Tehbtltt and daughterbavereturn- sane sail condition of her early sick -
M. Watt and Miss K. Reid left Titers- in running order and is likely to do it ed after spending a few weeks Ili and ness-a confirmed invalid -if in
day on a visit to friends in Wroxeter oo(d business. -Last week five or six around Toronto. -Miss IdW Britton of she had had the stTength to withstand We carry one of the finest selections in the west.
hundred los were blown into the ]lake CoriRtanc•e spent a few days with her so lou fidictton." t
arid ChesiPy. ---cuss Aggie Robertson g g the ills or her a
has returned after spending a two ( from the Guderich Mill CO's. boom cousin Miss A. Stel)henson,--Mr. El- (Signed) WILLIAM 11. STURDIVANT.
weeks visit in Greytownship.-All, but over two thirds of thein have peen ford of Wingharn ►s visiting his son
I Subscribed and sworn t7 before roe
Jin, Wells has the stone foundation I brought h}u•]( to the harb�pr.-Fa rtners H. Elford. -Mr. E. Johnson, wife and this sixth day of April, 1897.
under his house almost completed. , Around here state that fall Aoughim son of London spent as few days with
Mr. Jns. Murray, the competentbuild-F has been stopped by thr! drylspell and Mr. Johnson. -Mr. W. Staley ru7d H. W. c10RSR, Notary pli ie. JACKSON JACKSON
ris isdoing
ipur 1 ased kit new Br. (�}t. ntf rd that the full wheat tow n 19 dying for late Edward Wesd Fred tlaktile
, afuneral
Oil Mr. H. F. Shat wits elected mayor
the want of rFtin.-TbP Scotch � 3
ower wind mill front Mr. Hamilton of evangelists ccinducted the nervi I Sunrdoy•-'Mrs. Mitchell Of Souris, of St. Marys on wits
by a majority The Noted Shoe Dealers
p CP` in Victoria street Methodist Man., retu►•ned front 'Toronto after of ten Over Mr. ('has. Richardson to
Blyth, which he intends to have in rking shape in a short time. I church on Sunday -fns ector of spending a short dale their with 1`111 the vacaneq caused by the death of CLINTON.,Ct
public schools Jno• E. Tom was' friends. the late Mr. Dnnseith.
w� k