HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-10-06, Page 3_—_ ....
. 4 009ftT
1, A110 THE Ou .
Cough -cure, the most prompt and
effective remedy for diseases of the
throat and lungs, id flyer's Cherry
Pectoral. A:l a n enlern'ellcy medi-
C.i.v, for the cure of
` N, Croup, .,ore Throat,
.Lung Fever a n d
< 1''hoopino Gough,
C h e r r y Pectoral
cannot be equaled.
II 1). D. Dis. Sec. of
�I the American Bap-
tilt Publishing Society, Petersburg,
't-„ Va., endorses it, as a cure for violent
`�i colds, bronchitis, etc. Dr. Brawley
11'iljiso adds: To all ministers suffering
• ,froibtt throat troubles, I recommend
me I "a 8
Chehy Pectoral
='!!warded Medal at World's Fair.
AYEWS PILLS Cure Liver and Stomach Troubles
ThE Huron News -Regi
1 25 a Year -81.00 in Advance
Huron Central Exhibition.
Team,C Dale, W Doherty & Co;brood mare,
Geo Dale, Jno Dale; spring foal, Jas
Chisholm, Geo Dale; year old filly or geld-
ing, Geo Dale, Jno Dale; two year old
filly or gelding, Jae Reynolds, J Carling;
beat horse or mare, Jas Reynolds.
AGUICULTURAL.—Agricultural team, Jno
Dale, C Dale; brood mare with foal, G
Stephenson, R B McLean; Spring foal, G
Stephenson, Jno Dale; year old filly or
gelding, G Dale, Jno Salkeld; two year old
filly or gelding, C Dale; J Cartney; best
horse or mare, G Stephenson.
J S Naftel.
ROADSTERS.—Spring foal, J J McLaugll-
ton• Harvey Davis; year old filly, H.
Davis, W Weston; two year old filly, W
Dale, S Beattie; brood mare, foal, W
Robinson, J W Yeo; road horse, Oliver
Johnston, Geo Dale; roadster team, H C
Barlett, W Whitely; beet horse or mare, 7
CARRIAOE.—Carriage horse, D A Forres.
ter, Mcdurchie & Cc; best horse or mare,
D A Forrester.
SADDLE. --Saddle horse, J J McLauglin,
D B Kennedy.
CATTLE—DunHAm.—Aged bull, W, J Big-
gins; two year old bull, H Plumsteel; one
year old bull, W J Biggins, Jae Snell; bull
' calf under one year, Elcoat Bros, Jas Snell;
milch cow, Elcoat Bros, Jas Snell; two
year old heifer, J Avery, Jas Snell; year
old heifer, Jae Snell, 1 and 2; heifer calf,
I and 2 Jas Snell; herd of Durbams, Jae
Snell 1 and 2.
NATIVE OR GRADE.—Milch cow, for stock
breeding, Appleby & Hunter, Jas Reynolds;
milch cow, for dairy, Jas Reynolds, Cante-
lon & Junor; two year old heifer, J Avery,
J Stanbury; yearling heifer, 1 and 2, Ap-
pleby & Hunter; heifer calf, Appleby &
Hunter, J Reynolds; steer calf, Appleby &
Hunter, Jno Stanbury; year old steer, El -
coat Bros, Jno lieyholds; two year ad
Steer, J Stanbury, J Reynolds; best cow or
heifer, J Avery; herd of two-year-old
steers, J Reynolds; herd of yearling Steers,
J Reynolds, Elcoat Eros,
POLLED ABERDFFNs.--Best herd, Jae Me-
IiEREFOADs.—Herd, W E,liott.
JERSEYS.—Milch cow, J Newcombe, A
McCrea; bull, any age, W Rooiuson, Jno
Gibbings; heifer calf, J Newcombn, J Van.
Esmond; year old heifer, J Newcombe.
FAT CATTLE,—Fat cow or heifer, J
Avery, J Stanbury: fat ox or steer, 1 and
2, J Stanbury.
SHEEP— LEICFSTERS.—Aged ram, G Pen -
bale, R Charles & Son; Shearling ram, Jae
Snell, W Glenn; Ram lamb, J Snell, Geo
Penbale; Aced ewes, G Penhale, J Snell;
Shearling ewes, W Glenn, J Snell; Ewe
lambs, R Chambers & Son, J Snell.
SHROPSHIRE.—Aged ram, Cooper & Son,
A Duncan; Shearling ram, J McFarlane,
A Duncan; Ram lamb, Cooper & Son,
Duncan; Aged Ewes, Cooper & Son, A Dun
Care; Shearling ewes, I & 2 Jas McFarlane
Ewe lambs, A Duncan, Cooper & Son.
FAT SHEEP—Jas McFarlane, G Penhale
PIoS—YonxsniRE,—Aged boar, J Stan
bury, Lindsay Bros; brood sow, Lindsay
Bros; young boar, H Plumateel; your
Sow, 1 and 2, Lindssy Bros.
BERKSHIRE.—Aged bo.r, Jas Dorrance
brood sow, W McAllister, Jae Dorrance
young boar, W McAllister, Jas Dorr&nce
young sow, W )McAllister, Jas DOCraDCe
boar over one year, W McAllister; sow ove
one year, Jas Chi,•bolm.
CHESTER WHITE.—Aged boar. Jae Foster
brood sow, Jas Foster, W Weir; youn
boar, G Penhale, Jas Foster; young sow
Jas Foster, Lindsay Bros.
POLAND CInNA.=Aged boar, W W Fiche
brood sow, 1 and 2, W W Fisher; your
boar, 1 and 2, W W Fisher; young sow,
d2 W
TAMWOIITHa.—Aged boar, W w Fiske
young boar, W W Fisher, Geo Baird
young sow, Jas McFarlane, Goo Bair
Pair b,Lrrtw pigs, Robb Fitzsimons, 1
Poumity.—Brabinas, light, G Irwin, V
Walker; Brahmas, dark, 1 & 2 G Irwin
Cochin r, buff,G Irwin, N Davis; Cochin
partridge, W Wallace; Langshans, Fair
service Bros, W J Irwin; Game. B B
N Davis, Lindsay Bros; Game, D
Walter Coats; Gans e, Indian,Walter Coat
Hamburgs, golden S, W Carter;Hamburg
Silver 8, W Carter, J Howrie;, Legborn
white, W Carter, W Hartry; Leghorn
brown, D Mellville, W Wallace; Le
borne, buff, Frank Hall; Spanish, bloc
W J Irwin, G Irwin; Minoroae, black,
Hartry, T A Walker; Dorkings, silver gra
J McFarlane, G Irwin; Plymouth Roc
barred, Walter Coats; Plymouth Roo
white; Lack Kennedy, D A Forrester; PI
mouth Rook, any other variety, W G We
son; Hondans, W Carter, Fairaervice Bro
Yolanda, W C B, 1& 2 W Carter; Poland
x-07, W dhrtei•• Polanda, 8 8 C, W Carte
Wyandottes, 4 or G, Appleby & Hunte
Jae Cartwright; Wyandottes, white, Fal
(service Bros, J 0 Gilroy; Andalusiane, bin
Eloost Bros; Red Caps, W Wallace; Be
.tame, game, G Irwin; Bantams, any oth
variety, G Irwin, C Oampbell; Fowl, any A LIFE MER TO MANKIND
other variety, l & 'd W Carter; Duoke, In p
1& 2 G Irwin; lluokg, Roues, W J T
Itwiu, J Allan; Duoke, Aylesbury, W Oar. T
ter; Geese, Toulouse, J Cartwright, J Al• is what Mr. George Benner
Ian; Geese, Bremen, G Irwin; Geese, any w
other variety, W J main; Robbits, Fair- Wiarton Ont., styles E
service Bros; Elhntt Dymeut & Bro; Plies• ► •a
auto, Lack Kennedy'; Canaries, Mrs T Cot, Dr. Chase's Kidney-
tle; Collection fancy pigeons, N Davis, L a
Dyment & Bro. Liver Pills.
Galeas.•—Brahmae, light, 1 & 2 Lack a
Kennedy; Brahmae, dark, Ii Plumsteel, G Not that I am at all fond of havingm 7
L•wiI.; Coobine, buff, 1 & 2 G Irwin; Lang- name nb in nolle 1a00a, but as tib
Shang, W Hartey, W J In, Game B B sayer to mankind, I hereby state what Dr, a
it, 1 & 2 F Willis; Gains, Pyle, I & 2 Wal- A. W. Chase's H, -L. Pills did for me.
ter Coate; Game, Indian, W J Irwin, Wal- For nearl four ears I was resit iron- °
ter Coate; Hamburge, S S, Fairservioe bled with Constiyation and agarol weak- Il
Bros, J S Howrie; Leghorn i, white,' W Car- Hess in the kidneys, and in my perilous
ter, Jae Howson; Leghorns, brown, J B position was Strongly advised to use D
Rumball, F Willis; Leghorns, buff, W Wal- Chase's Pills, and to-do,y I can safely
lace, J D Mellville; Minorcas, black, T A and truthfully State that they have saved y
Walher, N Hartry; Minoroae, white, 1 & 2 my life. bl
J S Harland: Dorkings, grey, G Irwin, J I GEO. BENNER. &
McFarlane; Plymouth Rook, barred, T 3
Walker, Chas Walker; Plymouth Rook, To all who find themselves with health
white, D.A Forrester;Plymouth Rook, any gradually slipping away, Kidneys and Liver
variety, W C Watson; Houdans, 1 & 2 W so disorganized that they are inovable of tt
Carter; Polands, 4V,0 B, W Carter; Po- keeping the system free from Poisonous d
lands, S S C, W Carter; Polands, G 0, W waste material, Stomach Disordered, 1
Carter; Wyandotteg, S or G, G Irwin, J Bowels Constipated, Head Aching, Back 0
Cuninghame; Wyandottes, white, 1 & `l J Paining, take Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver t
C Gilroy; Andalueiane, blue, Walter Costs, Pills. The quick way they help you back a
W C Watson; Game, bantams, 1 & 2 C to health will surprise you, h
Campbell; Bantams, any variety, C Damp- All Dealers sell them at S
bell, W Hartry; Fowl, any variety, F Wil- ZG C:l1IW'T'8 A BOX. a
lits, W Wallace. f
GRAINS.—White winter wheat, M Pre-
thour, 6 Puree, Red winter wheat, D Bre-
thour, M Brethour; Spring wheat, S Furse, oatmeal cake, D Tiplady, S L Scott; home
M Brethour; White oats, D Brethour, M made bread, white, D Prcttso, Cantelon & f
Brethour; Black oats, M Brethour, D Bre- Junor; home-made bread, brown, S Wise,
thour; 6 -rowed barley, D Brethour, M Bre- W Carter; collection pickles and sauces,
thour; 2 -rowed barley, D Brethour, M Bre- Mrs G Nott; Canned tomatoes, J Howrie,
thour; Small peas, M Bre.hour, John Mrs Walker; collection preserves, D Prouse,
Salkeld; Large peas, J Sallaeld, M Brethour; Mrs Nott; peaches, Mrs G Nott, J Howrie;
White beaux, J Salkeld, S Furse; Red pears, J McFarlane, D Prouse: plums D t
clover seed, M Brethour; Timotby seed, D Prouse, W Carter; quinces, H Walker, J J
Brethour, M Brethour; Alsike clover, D Howrie; citron, D Tiplady, S Wise; jelly,
Brethour, M Brethour, J Howrie, S )Vise; maple sugar, M dreth- J
APPLES. -Winter, B Tyreman, C Will- our; maple molasses, G Baird S Wt -e;
isms; Cooking, W Elliott, Jae McFarlane; grape wine, S Wise, G Nott, 1
Desert, J McFarlane; Golden russets, J LADrEs' Wort Ii—()OiIPCtIOn of ladies' work,
Allan, W Weil; Northern spies, B Tyre- Mrs Nott, Mrs Avery; cotton crochet work,
man, J McFarlane; 20 -oz pippins, C Will- S Wise, Miss Symington; crochet work,
iams, W Elliott; Seek -no -further, C Will- wool, J Howrie; embroidery on sills, or satin
iams, J McFarlane; Snow, B Tyreman, W :Miss Symington; table cover or scarf, ora -
Ontario, C J S Naftel, J Wiggin- broidered, Mrs Avery, S Wise; embroidery '
ton; Po'rnme Grise, Elcoat Bros., W Car- on felt, Mrs Avery, Mrs Nott; embroidery
ter; Blenheim Pippin, F Hall, J Allan; on flannel, J McFarlane, Mrs S Coats; ar- I
Wealthy, C J S Naftel, G Baird; Ben Davis, raeone embroidery, Mrs Nott, Miss Sym-
C Williams, Elooat Bros„ Tollman sweet, ugton; gold or silver tinsel work, S Wise, i
B Tyreman, C NVilliams; ithode Island Mrs Nott; chenille work Miss Symington,
Greening, .J Allan, G. Irwin; Spitzenburgs, Mrs Nott; slipper case, Mrs C Campbell, W
C Williams, J McFarlane; Baldwins, G Hartry; darned net, Mrs Nott, Mrs Avery;
Irwin, B Tyreman; Vandevere, W Elliott; pillow shams, Mrs W Downs; drawn work,
King Of Tompkins Co, B Tyreman, W Mise Symiugton, Mrs Walker; mantle
Carter; Ribston pippins, J Cartwright, 0 drape, Mrs S Coats, Mrs Nott; tea cosy,
Calton; Alexanders, D Tiplady, J Cart- Mrs Nott, Mrs Avery; sofa pillow, Mrs
wright; Cayuga red streaked, Elcoat Bros., Nott, Miss Barlett; lady's fancy apron, B
Cantelon & Junor; Fallwater, C Williams, Ty:euian, S Wise; drawing room screen,
B Tyreman; lluchesa of Oldenburg, EI- Mrs Nott; patched quilt, Mies Symington,
coat Bros., G Nott; Gravenstein, Lindsay S Wise; crazy quilt, Mrs Nott, Mrs,J Car -
Bros„ B Tyreman; Maiden Bluab, Glrwin, ninghame; crochet quilt, J Howrie, Mrs
W .Elliott; Roxboro russett, B Tyreman, J Van Egmond; etched quilt, Mrs Avery, Mise
S Howrio; Wagner, B Tyreman; Mann, G Symington; knitted coverlid, Mi,S 61kJott, '
Irwin, W Weston�,Colvert, C Williams, J Mrs Hartry; etobing in silk,•MrSNott, Mrs
Cartwright; Grimes Golden, A McKenzie, Walker; Roman embroidery, linen, Mrs C
J B Rumball; Any other variety, W El- Campbell, Mrs J Avery; knitting, woollen
liott, J Allan; Heaviest, any variety, J Al- stockings, Mrs Nott, S Wise; knitting,wool-
lan, Elcoat Bros, ton socks, S Wise, Mrs Nott; knitting,wool-
GRAPES.—Brighton, S L Scott; Concord, len gloves or mitts, bliss Symington, Mrs
0 Hoare, J Cottle: Rogers No. 19, B Tyre- Nott; rag mat, Mrs H Walker;'• Mrs J
man; Rogers No. 4, B Tyreman; Delaware, Avery; yarn mat, Mrs H Walker, Airs
S L Scott, C Hoare; any other variety, S L Nott; whisk holder, Mrs Nott,Mrs S Coats;
Scott, Jae Cartwright; collection of grapes, parlor sachet, Mrs Walker, MiSS Syming-
S L Scott. ton; table mate, crochet, wire S L Scott,
PEARS.—Fall pears,B Tyreman, S Furse; Miss Barlett; table mate, embroidered, Mrs
Bartlett, W Elliott, G Baird-, Flemish S Coats, Miss Barlett; fancy tidy, Mrs
Beauty, J Salkeld, W Elliott; Duchess Nott, Mrs S Coats, fancy foot stool, Mrs C
D'Angoulef ie,J C Gilroy,li.Downs; Clapp's Campbell, Mrs H Walker; toilet set, Mrs H •
Favorite, S Purse, .Elcoat Bros.; Seohel, B Walker, Mrs C Campbell; pin cushion, rtlrs
'1'yreman, W Carter; Keifer, C Hoare, Jno C Campbell, Miss Barlett; shawl, crochet
Salkeld; Sheldon, W Weston, W Robb; or knit, Mrp Nott, Mrs C Campbell; point
Josephine de Matinee, T Holloway; Louise lace, Miss Symington, W Ilartry; netting,
Bonne de Jersey, B Tyreman, D I rouse; \V Elartry, T Cottle; linen centro piece,
Souvenir de Congress, J Cuninghame; MISS Barlett, W Elartry; linen centre piece,
6eurre Bose, B Tyreman, S Furse; ulair- lace work, Mrs Nott, W Hartry : kitchen
goau, S L Scott, D Prouse; D'Angou, B aprou, Mrs Walker, 1-2; home-made blan-
ryreman, S Puree; any other variety, B kets, S Wise, S Furse; handkerchief case,
Tyroman, D Prouse; Quinces, H Joyner, Mrs J Avery, Mrs Nott; easel drape, Mrs C
R Coats. Caml:bell, S Wise.
PLB)1S. — Peach plume, T Holloway; Fim, ARTs-1'i:OFJ.SSIONAL LIST, OIL,
Green (sage, T Cottle; Glass Seedling, 1 (OrIgIrlTl).—Any deeliil painted, J A Fow•
Holloway, T A Walkor; Jofferson,C Hoare; ler; m,rine view, J A Fowler,
Niagava,T Holloway;Victoria, T Hollaway; ,t,AI.ATRUR LIST, OIL—Landscape, Cana -
Imperial Blue, T Elolloway; Reine Claude dian Subject, W Hartry. J Gibbinge; mar -
de Bavay, T H011otvay, Miss Fowler; Lom.
barJs, T i;olloway, Miss Fowler; Pond's ine. view, Canadian subject, Mrs Campbell,
J Gibbings; animals, from life, J Gibbings;
Seedling, R Coats, T Holloway; Duane flowers or fruit, Mrs Campbell, J Gibbings.
Purple, T A Walker, T 1,ottle; Imperial .
Gage, T Holloway; Bradshaw, T (Mottle, T PROFESSIONAL LIST, WATER COLORS, (ori-
'llolloway; Smith's Orleans,: C Hoare, T sinal).—Any design, painted, J A 1 0 ,
L[olloway; Yellow egg, Alrs LV Downs, T marine view, Canadian subject, J A Fow-
Holloway; Coe's golden drop, T Cottle, '1' ler; Sepia, J A Fowler; pen
and int(, J A
A Walker; German prune, Miss Fowler, T Fowler.
llolloway; General Rund, F Hall, T Hollo- AMATFurt LIST, NATER CoLORs.—Land-
way; Shipper's pride, T Holloway, Miss scape, Canadian subject, Mrs Campbell;
Fowler; any other variety, Mrs R Downs, marine view, Canadian subject, Mrs Camp -
T Holloway. bell; pencil drawing, any subject, J Gib-
Peaches—Crawford, W Weston; any oth• bines, T Cottle; Pastel, any vublect, Robbie
er variety, It Coats,. W Weston. Stewart, Mrs C Campbell; flowers or fruit,
VEGETABLES — Collection garden ve�got- Mrs C Campbell; collection of pictures, J
ables, by market gardener, J Allanson;pot- P Tisdall, 1 and 2.
atoes, D Prouse, G Baird; white elephant, Judges—Fruit, T H Race, Mitebelll; Do -
Lindsay Bros, J McFarlane; Burpeesextra mestic Manufactures, D Cantelon, Gole-
early, Mrs Walker; empire state, Lindsay rich: Vegetables, T C Naftel, Godericb;
A Bros J Allanson; Freeman, H Hibbs, M Dairy Products, H McCartney, Brucefield;
Brethour; puritan, M Brethour, T HOIIO- Grain, Tbos Trick, Jae Connolly; Ladies'
way; any other variety, Lindsay Bros, J work, Miso MoTaggart, Mrs Robb, Clinton;
.Ulanson; long mangolds, J Salkeld, J Al- Miss Hutchison, Mies Proudfoot, Goderich.
, lanson; globe mangolds,J Salkeld, H Hibbs•; pigs, E. Bell, Londesboro. Poultry, W.
' Held carrots, J McFarlane, C Calton, swede Grieve, Seaforth. Heavy horses, James
turnips, W Weir, Lindsay Bros; short Connolly, Goderich township; L. Bell, Hul-
g carrots, J B Lindsay, J Mianson; grey- lett; W. Rinn, Hullett. Light horses,
stone turnips, C Calton, J Allauson; long John Grieve, Seaforth. Sheep, John Gov -
blood beets, J Allanson, J Salkeld; blood smock, Winthrop. Grade cattle, S. Smith,
tur.iip beets, B Tyroman, D Prouse; vege- Clinton; T. Ross, Blyth. Thoro-breds, H,
tableoyster, M Brethour, J Allanson; par- Smith, Exeter.
snips, C Calton, J Allanson; radishes, Jog
rAllane ,n; winter cabbage, J Salkeld, J At-
lanson; pickling cabbage, J Salkeld, J Al- East Wawanosh Fall Show.
. lanson; surehead J Allaneon, C Colton; ---
Savoy, J Allaneon, C Calton; cauliflower, J The fall exhibition of the hast Wa-
g Allanson; red onions, D Prouse, C Hoare; wanosh Agricultural Society was held
' yW1ri-i,y9V,,`
takdr, H Walker, J Lanxon; silver at Belgrave (in Thursday and Friday,
r l Prouse; yellow onions, J Allanson, and on the whole was a Success, both
ise; English potato onions, T Hollo- in attendance and financially. The day
1 H Walker: silver skin onions, J Al- being fine, allowed many farmers to
lanson; sweet corn, J Allanson; corn, any be piesent. We are indebted to the
i for the
Anderson, 'gala ,
Fisher variety, J Allanson, ,I Salkeld; water mel- Secretary, Findlay 1. ons, J Allanson; musk melons, J Salkeld, prizelist as follows:—
d. S L Scott; citrons, J Lanxon, cucumbers, 11ORSE1,—HEAVY DRAUGirr—Brood mare &
`f J Lanxon, W Elliott; red tomatoes, T foal, M H Harrison; spring foal, At Il FIarrison;
Cottle J Allanson; purple tomatoes, H BcvaYntwo year11old s gelding, ng,rJae. Forster, rylor
V %Volker, J Lanxon; pumpkin, J Allanson, (fuming; team harnessed, Jae Forster, John E
C Calton; largest squash, D Fares, J How- yells.
; rie; hubbard squash, J 411anson, S L GENERAL PuarosE—Brood mare and foal,
a' Scott; vegetable (narrow, J Allanson; win R Scott, Barber Bros, M Cardiff; spring foal,
g Barber Bros,.) Casemore; two year old filly,
R ter celery, J Lanxon; white plume celery, J Owens, D Scott & Sonsi two year obi gelding
W J Lanxon; heaviest mangolds, J Salkeld, J Taylor] year old filly; J Taylor, J Owens: year
Elcoat Bros; heaviest Turnips, H Hibbs, J old gelding, Barber Bros; team, 0 Taylor Bros,
Coats Allan; heaviest carrots Bloom Bros. J Owens.
s, ROAD AND CARRIAGE—Brood mare and foal,
DAIRY PRODUCE -1.0 ]be crock butter, Jae J Brandon, W B Wilkison, N. Qeddes; sprb g
s, foal, J Brandon, L Tasker; two Year old geld-
s Van Egmond, S Wise; butter in prints, U ing, R McMurray, W (leddes; year old gelding
Tiplady, G Nott; butier in rolls, G Nott, D. J Brandon T H Taylor; single driver, Robert
k, Tiplady; home-made ehees>, Miss Syming- Moindoo Y Scandrett; haelt horse, in saddle,
Levi Lott- team, J Brandon.
ton; factory Cheese, J Hil), CATTLE —TnonottonnRED—CO*, •O Sowlar,
ed R'Corley, R Corley- two ear old heifer, R Cor -
honey, DGDIFW arty, WAC Tyre Jar honey in
�1 toy, D Cook; year old hos er T H Taylor; heifer
honey, W Hartry, B Tyreman; honey in calf, T H Taylor, R Corley; imll calf, R Corley,
�O�o� IN���
blbc�ruJml1libmlls L°Tu r .bb; agtfd vw�esy
.! bb, 1 and a; shearllnl( ewes, J Tabb, L
ewe lambs. J Tubb, L Tasker.
PI(q}�S—LARGE BREED —Aged boar H Ed-
brood sow, It Scott, Fl
ards, R b o r,,R y
awards; boar, I Edwards 1 and E; sow, H
!�O ������•
SUALL BRRED_.$rOUd Bow, R McMurray, 1
boar, H Edwards.
1st Pl'1zH .... $200.00 . , . • . ... 200.00
POULTRY—(luese, ll 'howers,T M Hendar-
n; ttukeys, 11 Showers, 1 and l; dual+s, '1' 1V1
2tid PI lze .... 100.00 100,00
• • • • • '
enaersou, 1 ttud'l; Ylyntouth vectis, TAI}len-
1 and 3 Legghorns, W 'Taylor 1 and 2;
TAI. Flenderson, 1 and? Wyandottes,
• •
3rd Prize ... 50.00 .... . _ _ _ 50,oQ
M Henderson; Cochins, T m 1�ondereon, 1st
2 Prizes of ..... 25.00 each .... 50.0!0
IMPLEMENTS — Farm gate, H Edwards;
W Taylor; pump, 0 Morniugstar, D
5 Prizes of . - . , 10,00 each ... ' 50,00
lumber wagon, J Brunsdon; baggy, ,l
ruusdon, J Walker; plow. w Gannet, 1st and 10
Prizes of . • .. 5.00 each 50.00
' ' '
gang plow, W Gannet; washing machine,
B Anderson,
GRAIN -WLite fall wheat,T Mc-Ngndersonl
H Harrison;red fall wheat, if EdiNards, G
& son; six rowed barley, it MuAlurray;
auk oats, H Edwards; white oats, C Proctor
son, R Mo Nurrlty; small pori, R Scott; large
To the 'rwent people wbo solve this Puzzle if there. are so man correct
Y, P p r y r
R McGowan, H Edwards; timothy, It
we will give the above Prizes IN CASH,
R McGowan.
FRUITS AND rLOWERS— Golden russett
pples ill it Harrison T :tl Heudereon; bald-
W fled-
ins A McGowan %V Geddes: snows,
as, J Owens; ltlMote island greenings, G Sow-
W Geddes northern epos, J Owens, w
eddos, Ben Davies, R McGowan, C Proctor:
If more then Twenty should be correct, every correct one will (in addition
auadta reds, It MoGtowau• G Proctor; king of
Sowlar, D B Anderson; winter to
the Money Prizes) be awarded our famous "Faithful Timekeeper Silver
pples, W Cleddes, C Prootor; apples, Al Look-
art D B Andel•s°n; full pears Al ll Harrison
„ ..
Watch, of `
M iienderson; winter pears .Al Lockhart{ W
Cott, variety of grapes T At konderson• crab
pples, R McGowan, J (wens: plums. W Bona
J E. Fells; collection of
which the net
factory price
A word hero
O O TH O UL"True to the
The qualidw
of our
Scott; peaches,
ruit, T al Henderson, R Corley- table boquot,
Sackrider, Mrs Henry; hand Coquet $ewers
is $10. If
W'T•ay�or;flower in pot, Mrs H
E Sackrldier; collection of house
E SaekriderI Mrs H McLean; collection
oliage plants, E Saokrider, Mrs H McLean,
fered the
pro r
winner can
O O 0 position
JU STOur Proud
suite Watch
which are
acknowledged '
A14NUFACTURES—Union flannel, J Owens;
1 Trade,
to be the
J Owens, T M Henderson; coarse
Haugh, lstand 2nd; men's fine boots
Haugh; home -mode wine, R McGowan, T A�
ine Gold.
ROOTS AND VEGETABLE'S—elephant nota-
nes, W Geddes, W'Paylor; ntatchloss 'torlies
weed Watch
of the same
n A ward which
& 0 K O O G hero means
they will last
In the English
and American
Coultes, C Proctor & son; empire state, E
M H Harrison; any Other variety,
rel us.
11 a llte•tim0.
t MCGOwan, W Taylor; cabbage, E Sackricler
As this
W 'Taylor; red pickling cabbage E ,5'aokride-,
w Taylor; cauliflower I'' Sackritler W=;
T Al 11011 rson;
wonderful offer is onlymade to advertise our far-famed Silver Watches, every
ong blood beets, W Taylor,
nip boats, W'raylor,TMI{enderson; man-
Competitor must read the following conditions and comply with them.
wurtzels, E Sacrider, W Geddes; swedo
J Coultos, VV Scott; field carrots, E
it Aicmu ray; early horn carrots,W
1. Send your answer on an "IliternatieNl Post-
largest amount, and sn on. If not mare than twenty
C Proctor &Son; parsnit)s, E Sackrid-
Fl Edwards, onions from seedd E Sackride
Card" which can be bought at the post•o(11ce (price
2 cent,). There is no entrance fee or charge what
win and receive the watch and Cbain, and If these
do nit buy anything from the Catalogue, the whole
W Taylor, hall' pock onions, E backrider,
of the prize money will be equally divided among
Taylor; celery bV 'Taylor, E Stwkridor; corn, R
McMurray, Ili, McLiowan; water melon A
melon, W 'PaY-Timekeeper"
2, In addition to the Cash Prizes, everyone who
sends the corroet answer will thorchy win one of our
them, giving 825 each. All amounts in this
advertisement are taken at the. -exchange of 85 to £1.
A be fre to must be
h haw E Sackrider; musk
Keil a
or, E Stack'ri,ler• pumpkin, l: Sackri(lor, VV
E 5aekrider, H Edwards; eft-
Silver Watches which we aell
;,) England for 81east,• and which could be sold
5. L,rm will sent you which
filled up ani forwarded to react us by Dooetnbor 26th
of all Gonda ordered on accouuG of those Prizes.
Geddes; squash,
-on E Sackrider HiEdwards; plate tomatoes,
R A1'eMurray, v\� 'Taylor; boars, E Sackrider
retail in America for $15 to $28 eaeh.
R. Every winner of the watch is required to puri
6. The names and addressees of the cash prime
winners will be rented in the Tearer, Daily Tete -
W Taylor: collection garden vegeables E Sazk-
W Taylor. '
Chale one of Our SPLENDID VALUE iueXtt)en81Ve Selid
Silver Albert Chains to wear with the 1Yatoh, as per
graph and Standard, nt London, on Dec. 61St host,
and subsequently in the New York 11carld, Drafts
))AIRY P1i.ODUCE-50 ib dairy butter, John
butter, C
our unprecedented offer which we will Bond. These
cbmins are flall•marked on every link by the
for the Prises will be posted same day,
write in full every
Coultes, Al H Harrison; crock of
Proctor; butter iu rolls or prints, t Coultes,
English Govergment. If the same watch is required
with Gnld•a1led ease instead of Solid Silver, a Chain
7. your name and addroes
time you write to no En avoid mistakes.
G owlar; home -glade bread, It AlcAturray H
W Suott, R Scott; }ac-
to match may, if desired, be chosen.
8. Orders for these Prizes may be sent in nepar-
Edwards; maple syrup,
choose, A Ketehbaw,
4. with our )Vetch and Choir you will receive our
mammoth Catalogue quoting wholesale Factory
nlely from time to time, and you will credited,
with the total of all when you send in the report
)'.LVE ARTS—Painting, still life, Miss L
Sparling, Miss Owens; pencildrawing Mrs
Prioes for Jewellery, Plate, etc. The first Prize will
be given to the oua who solves the Robus, receives
form as above,
U. wben sending Orders please remomber that the
Hole, Airs Fr Carder; oil painting, A1iss bio•
of oil
the Waioh and Cbain, and orders altogetbor the
letter pcstage to England is 5 cent., per half ounce.
Clelland, 1) B Anderson; collection
paintings, Mise Sparling, Miss Owens; Colles-
largest amount of Goods Prom the Catalogue ; the
Second Prize to the winner who orders the swoud
and if ineofficient postago IS used the letter is liable
to go astray.
tier, of photogral)hs Al lee Edwards. Alis
LADIES' D},,'AR� Mls'NT — Tatting,
Snarling, 91ra }tale; crochet Werk, Mrs Dr
Send you answer at once I '�Ou are sure to win a Prize if correct, while
Cardor, Mrs He!e; bead work, Alis AlcClelland
Mrs Hole, hooked wool skirt, Mrs Bridges;
Mrs McKenzie, Aliss AlcClel-
even if not correct it ,Costa you nothing.
gent's linen shirt, Airs Mckenzie, Miss
McClelland; gent's fancy flannel shirt, Mrs
Bridges, Airs McKenzie; braiding, Miss Brid-
h f
Ernest Good's tones,
Miss Sparling; featherflowers, AlissOwens
The Iffatehmakon Alliance &
ges ,
pair woolen stockings, Alrs McKenzie, Miss
AlcClelland; pair socks, Mrs Haugh, Airs
Airs Me-
McKenzie; pair woollen gloves,
mitts, M, iss
Incorporated according to fled of Pa?—Captlal 290,000 ($450,000).
Kernzie* pair br r�°7olien
n Owens,
AlcClelland; knitted quilt, lvlrsss Sow -
at, Mrs Scott; patched quilt, .urs Bone,
Mrs Dr Carder; rag rout, offs Henry, Airs Gad-
184 �a�'®mrd �t>r-e tet, �O1CaCi011e
des; Borlin wool work raised, Mrs Carder,Miss
Spurting•, Berlin wool work flat, Mrs Carder,
Atiss Sparling; sofa pillow, Alrs Carder, Mica
Cable Address : "CLOCKLIKE, LONDON," Business Establishetl836.
Spatting; silk quilt, Airs Hele, Aliss 2dcClel-
li ud; painting on satin, Mrs Carder, Airs "'il-
kinsow hair now I-$ :Hiss :11cclelland; embroi-
derpon silk, Airs }talo, Aliss Sparling; emhroi
dory ou linon, Mrs t'anlar, Miss McClelland;
c P.Ctat.00N, heft] nlOr111n•r Llld NVerrin I 'il'he Sel;tool Rook Question.
r, ' +•'
Battalion hated :uldt'd -
lace work, Aliss Sparlillg, Airs Hole; twine e
Mrs Ftole, A1i,•4 ALcCletl;;nd; rag Carpet, Mrs
the 31ird plait.
ingly to the prograultlle. The live' Speaking at West Tot•onto Junction,
Owens; colloctioll ladies' work, Miss McClel-
stock wits shown on the agricultural I Dr, Meacham, M. P. P., Said:—"The
)and, Airs Helo.,
grounds in the afternoon. The dis-
OI)position had some years ago pleaded
play of horses was the best ever
with the Government to dtOp the price
GOdet lath 'H'ownsltiD•
shown ill Huron, both in num-
hers and excellence of breeding.
of the drawing book to five cents and
had been ridiculed. The next year Mr.
SiIhEI' WORILIpIO.—Recently a 1111111-
bet• sheep owned by farmers on the
Thirty-seve Il hol's", were ShOwl) ill
Oile class alone, The cattle exhibit was
Boss made the drop and saved thous -
ands of dollars to the country. (Ap-
Bayfield Line have been worried by
froua the herds of the well known
pl ause.) At the present titne people
forty cents for ftnlrtlt
dogs, Those who have clogs addicted
this bad habit should see to it, that
breeds of this section, and could
hardly he equalled ill point of perfec-
were p;assns
book readers, The Opposition had
they ;ai.e destroyed or chinned up+
tion. The entries for sheep were equal
shown to the Government 'a dinilat•
book sold in Ireland at abouts 10& or 13
otherwise the owners will he compelled
to heavy (lavages. At, least twu
to former years, but there was a Sad
falling off in tha swine exhibit. The
cents Canadian money. No wonder
sheep were killed outright,
show of poultry and pet Stock was well
that last yr'ru' three different firms had
Gov(:rnlnent a royalty of
PERSosAL.—iSliss Elliott of Philo
up to the old line mark. The ring rat-
tractions, were the captivating fe;tture
paid the
$:x,000 each on school hooks. The put)
dlelphia, vy he wins on a four, weeks
of the day's proceedings. ine fan tit-
lic paid. the looney :and the Govern -
Visit to hey I.arents, Mr. and Mrs.
has returned.
em' trot was won by Robert Wilson's
rnent puts it in their pockets. (Laugh-
ter and applause.) Would it not be
Wn1. Elliott,
NEW St3ED,—The. congregation at,
Annie Laurie in splendid style. The
relay race between Seaforth and Eg-
manly, he asked, to cut the price of
Bethel Methodist church have decided
nlondville sprinters was won by the
school hooka? (Applause.) Perhaps he
crank, but he, believed that the
to build a new shed and are proceeding
This is n eomulend-
former after an exciting contest, The
receipts are in advance of foroler
was a
prisoners in the Central could do the
to erect it at cnlce.
able Step ,Ls the aecotnrnodation it will
Already the
work. The plates could be sent there
at a small cost. The rest of the work
supply is ulucll needed.
friends have contributed cash, timber
was simply manual, and would not
co Wath any other industry.
nud 1111uher. A bee fov work is to be
held the church SAt11rday first. 1111
d(oW it Afffeets Grey
would he a wise and good thing, and
interested rare invited to kindly help.
For the whole province the airount
the fourth book readers would thereby
he reduced to at lea -it 20 cents.
- —
. 1'______.&_1
which the Provincial Government
squeezes from the municipalities in ex-
(Applause.) Mr. Ross bragged that
cess of the former contributions is a
lie had but one aril iinetic.
was not true. His (the speaker's)
COUNCIL.—Council nlet on Monday,
.little more than a quarter of a million
'a $370,000 in round figures.
little ho had said the other
Sept. '27, all the rnerilhers present, The
yeln', ut'
day that he must have a new
collector's bond was accented sand his
This i� how the system affects the
arithmetic. On enquiry he found that
appointment contirale, by by-law.
county of Grey:
such was the case, a new edition con -
The clerks f,,',"..---- t e ditches and
twining two extra pages having
watercourse ;ret was fixed by by-law
rLt 10 c•ts. per h11ndred words and 11)cts.
The province used to give in cash
grants to the municipalities of Grey
ublished, and owing to he renumber-
of the pages and excercises the old
per- mile for delivering papers. A by-
$2,8<88 yearly.
one hard been rendered useless. If one
law was passed l y the unaanimolts con-
it drew from Grey $1,447 as license
were to question Mr. Ross about it he
sent of the council levying.3 per cent.
would laugh. He (Dr. Meacham)
on all I:axes not paid by the 11th of
December. The following accounts
The county was thus $1,411 to the
watlld not Say it was an idiotic
laugh—laughter—but when Mr. Ross
were paid :-1'eterBaLker, for removing
bridge, $`?; J.
had no argument to advance he just
stone under McCully's
Now there is no cash grant to Grey,
laughed. (Renewed rind ap-
Watson, for Writer., $3,02; Municipal
(7. H,Lrt-
' sand of the fees the Governolent takes
Vause.) There was another point e
World, for blank forms $2.3(3,
had urged upon the
]tib, for spikes, $ ); Rohs. ('oats Rt Son,
underclothing for Mrs. Bannerman,
The county pays $1,887 instead of re-
namely the need of a I;eogra}}Aly Prim-
er, costingahout live cents. (Ap)lause.)
$1,03. Council meets again cue Mon-
ce,iving $1,441, and is therefore $(3,328
The big hook was all torn up long lie -
day, November 20th, at one o'clock p.
worse off than before.
foie the pupil had gone through the
m, --J, T. UAIRNS, clerk.
There is now an annual provincial
various forms—(applause)—and if a
-.. _—
defleit of $400,000 yearly, and the que`i-
boy or girl stayed at School Until they
tion is what new assault upon the tax-
renched the last for111 they used up
Payer will he arra de.
I•geographies. AIr.I ss
re or for t
DOIN-09.--Miss Nellie Cline of Wing-
-- —
had still laughed, (Laughter.)
could not see anything but Toronto
ham is in town calling on
Mr, W. F. Tweddle was til Fergus last
,� Great Grain Comttry•
University, and he was hound to make
week attending the golden wedding of
essrs. Broadfoot, Box RL
A few days ago one of ourgrain corn-
an order from the Irrl-
a the "glory of Cho en.rth."( Laughter
and applause.) 'rhP carnnum School
his parents.—�
Co. are manufacturing a sideboard
ants+s received
penal Government of Russia for a
was, in Mr. Ross'opinioo, only a Step to
the. high school and the latter file
and (lining table for 1L gentleman
wfll cost $
of Ca.nadia,n Oat9,
stepping -stone to the university.
W Hartry; display of honey in
N Cuming; bull, two years or over, R Corley;
comb, W Hartry; display of extracted
bull, under two, R Scott.
GRADF—Cow, Al H Harrison, R Scott T H
& �on, C
t- honey, W Hartry, B Tyreman; homemade
e; buns, plain, D. Pronse, D Tiplady; home-
Taylor; two year old heifer D Scott
Proctor & eons• year old heil'er, D Scott & Sons
D Scott & song, Tin o
S, made buns, fancy, D Prongs, Mrs G Davie;'
I& 2; heifer calf, pbott
steer, C Proctor &
r; plate a pie pie, J Flowrie, Mrs H Walker;
Mrs It Downs, Mrs H Hibbs
year old
sone; year old steer, I Barr, DScott & Sons;
D Scott & Sons, J Barr.
r, pumpkin pie,
r- custard pie, J Howrie, S L Scott; tea big-
e, Mrs R Downs J Howrie• fruit cake, J
steer calf,
ram, N Curring, R G McGowan; shearling ram
J Coultes, N Cuming;
cult i
Howrie,Mrs R Downs;layer cake, JHOwrle,
J Conites; ram lamb,
aged ewes, J Coultes, N Cuming; ahearlin
J Coultes, N Curring; ewe lamb, N Cum -
Mrs R Downs; tarts,J Howrie,Mrs
�O�o� IN���
blbc�ruJml1libmlls L°Tu r .bb; agtfd vw�esy
.! bb, 1 and a; shearllnl( ewes, J Tabb, L
ewe lambs. J Tubb, L Tasker.
PI(q}�S—LARGE BREED —Aged boar H Ed-
brood sow, It Scott, Fl
ards, R b o r,,R y
awards; boar, I Edwards 1 and E; sow, H
!�O ������•
SUALL BRRED_.$rOUd Bow, R McMurray, 1
boar, H Edwards.
1st Pl'1zH .... $200.00 . , . • . ... 200.00
POULTRY—(luese, ll 'howers,T M Hendar-
n; ttukeys, 11 Showers, 1 and l; dual+s, '1' 1V1
2tid PI lze .... 100.00 100,00
• • • • • '
enaersou, 1 ttud'l; Ylyntouth vectis, TAI}len-
1 and 3 Legghorns, W 'Taylor 1 and 2;
TAI. Flenderson, 1 and? Wyandottes,
• •
3rd Prize ... 50.00 .... . _ _ _ 50,oQ
M Henderson; Cochins, T m 1�ondereon, 1st
2 Prizes of ..... 25.00 each .... 50.0!0
IMPLEMENTS — Farm gate, H Edwards;
W Taylor; pump, 0 Morniugstar, D
5 Prizes of . - . , 10,00 each ... ' 50,00
lumber wagon, J Brunsdon; baggy, ,l
ruusdon, J Walker; plow. w Gannet, 1st and 10
Prizes of . • .. 5.00 each 50.00
' ' '
gang plow, W Gannet; washing machine,
B Anderson,
GRAIN -WLite fall wheat,T Mc-Ngndersonl
H Harrison;red fall wheat, if EdiNards, G
& son; six rowed barley, it MuAlurray;
auk oats, H Edwards; white oats, C Proctor
son, R Mo Nurrlty; small pori, R Scott; large
To the 'rwent people wbo solve this Puzzle if there. are so man correct
Y, P p r y r
R McGowan, H Edwards; timothy, It
we will give the above Prizes IN CASH,
R McGowan.
FRUITS AND rLOWERS— Golden russett
pples ill it Harrison T :tl Heudereon; bald-
W fled-
ins A McGowan %V Geddes: snows,
as, J Owens; ltlMote island greenings, G Sow-
W Geddes northern epos, J Owens, w
eddos, Ben Davies, R McGowan, C Proctor:
If more then Twenty should be correct, every correct one will (in addition
auadta reds, It MoGtowau• G Proctor; king of
Sowlar, D B Anderson; winter to
the Money Prizes) be awarded our famous "Faithful Timekeeper Silver
pples, W Cleddes, C Prootor; apples, Al Look-
art D B Andel•s°n; full pears Al ll Harrison
„ ..
Watch, of `
M iienderson; winter pears .Al Lockhart{ W
Cott, variety of grapes T At konderson• crab
pples, R McGowan, J (wens: plums. W Bona
J E. Fells; collection of
which the net
factory price
A word hero
O O TH O UL"True to the
The qualidw
of our
Scott; peaches,
ruit, T al Henderson, R Corley- table boquot,
Sackrider, Mrs Henry; hand Coquet $ewers
is $10. If
W'T•ay�or;flower in pot, Mrs H
E Sackrldier; collection of house
E SaekriderI Mrs H McLean; collection
oliage plants, E Saokrider, Mrs H McLean,
fered the
pro r
winner can
O O 0 position
JU STOur Proud
suite Watch
which are
acknowledged '
A14NUFACTURES—Union flannel, J Owens;
1 Trade,
to be the
J Owens, T M Henderson; coarse
Haugh, lstand 2nd; men's fine boots
Haugh; home -mode wine, R McGowan, T A�
ine Gold.
ROOTS AND VEGETABLE'S—elephant nota-
nes, W Geddes, W'Paylor; ntatchloss 'torlies
weed Watch
of the same
n A ward which
& 0 K O O G hero means
they will last
In the English
and American
Coultes, C Proctor & son; empire state, E
M H Harrison; any Other variety,
rel us.
11 a llte•tim0.
t MCGOwan, W Taylor; cabbage, E Sackricler
As this
W 'Taylor; red pickling cabbage E ,5'aokride-,
w Taylor; cauliflower I'' Sackritler W=;
T Al 11011 rson;
wonderful offer is onlymade to advertise our far-famed Silver Watches, every
ong blood beets, W Taylor,
nip boats, W'raylor,TMI{enderson; man-
Competitor must read the following conditions and comply with them.
wurtzels, E Sacrider, W Geddes; swedo
J Coultos, VV Scott; field carrots, E
it Aicmu ray; early horn carrots,W
1. Send your answer on an "IliternatieNl Post-
largest amount, and sn on. If not mare than twenty
C Proctor &Son; parsnit)s, E Sackrid-
Fl Edwards, onions from seedd E Sackride
Card" which can be bought at the post•o(11ce (price
2 cent,). There is no entrance fee or charge what
win and receive the watch and Cbain, and If these
do nit buy anything from the Catalogue, the whole
W Taylor, hall' pock onions, E backrider,
of the prize money will be equally divided among
Taylor; celery bV 'Taylor, E Stwkridor; corn, R
McMurray, Ili, McLiowan; water melon A
melon, W 'PaY-Timekeeper"
2, In addition to the Cash Prizes, everyone who
sends the corroet answer will thorchy win one of our
them, giving 825 each. All amounts in this
advertisement are taken at the. -exchange of 85 to £1.
A be fre to must be
h haw E Sackrider; musk
Keil a
or, E Stack'ri,ler• pumpkin, l: Sackri(lor, VV
E 5aekrider, H Edwards; eft-
Silver Watches which we aell
;,) England for 81east,• and which could be sold
5. L,rm will sent you which
filled up ani forwarded to react us by Dooetnbor 26th
of all Gonda ordered on accouuG of those Prizes.
Geddes; squash,
-on E Sackrider HiEdwards; plate tomatoes,
R A1'eMurray, v\� 'Taylor; boars, E Sackrider
retail in America for $15 to $28 eaeh.
R. Every winner of the watch is required to puri
6. The names and addressees of the cash prime
winners will be rented in the Tearer, Daily Tete -
W Taylor: collection garden vegeables E Sazk-
W Taylor. '
Chale one of Our SPLENDID VALUE iueXtt)en81Ve Selid
Silver Albert Chains to wear with the 1Yatoh, as per
graph and Standard, nt London, on Dec. 61St host,
and subsequently in the New York 11carld, Drafts
))AIRY P1i.ODUCE-50 ib dairy butter, John
butter, C
our unprecedented offer which we will Bond. These
cbmins are flall•marked on every link by the
for the Prises will be posted same day,
write in full every
Coultes, Al H Harrison; crock of
Proctor; butter iu rolls or prints, t Coultes,
English Govergment. If the same watch is required
with Gnld•a1led ease instead of Solid Silver, a Chain
7. your name and addroes
time you write to no En avoid mistakes.
G owlar; home -glade bread, It AlcAturray H
W Suott, R Scott; }ac-
to match may, if desired, be chosen.
8. Orders for these Prizes may be sent in nepar-
Edwards; maple syrup,
choose, A Ketehbaw,
4. with our )Vetch and Choir you will receive our
mammoth Catalogue quoting wholesale Factory
nlely from time to time, and you will credited,
with the total of all when you send in the report
)'.LVE ARTS—Painting, still life, Miss L
Sparling, Miss Owens; pencildrawing Mrs
Prioes for Jewellery, Plate, etc. The first Prize will
be given to the oua who solves the Robus, receives
form as above,
U. wben sending Orders please remomber that the
Hole, Airs Fr Carder; oil painting, A1iss bio•
of oil
the Waioh and Cbain, and orders altogetbor the
letter pcstage to England is 5 cent., per half ounce.
Clelland, 1) B Anderson; collection
paintings, Mise Sparling, Miss Owens; Colles-
largest amount of Goods Prom the Catalogue ; the
Second Prize to the winner who orders the swoud
and if ineofficient postago IS used the letter is liable
to go astray.
tier, of photogral)hs Al lee Edwards. Alis
LADIES' D},,'AR� Mls'NT — Tatting,
Snarling, 91ra }tale; crochet Werk, Mrs Dr
Send you answer at once I '�Ou are sure to win a Prize if correct, while
Cardor, Mrs He!e; bead work, Alis AlcClelland
Mrs Hole, hooked wool skirt, Mrs Bridges;
Mrs McKenzie, Aliss AlcClel-
even if not correct it ,Costa you nothing.
gent's linen shirt, Airs Mckenzie, Miss
McClelland; gent's fancy flannel shirt, Mrs
Bridges, Airs McKenzie; braiding, Miss Brid-
h f
Ernest Good's tones,
Miss Sparling; featherflowers, AlissOwens
The Iffatehmakon Alliance &
ges ,
pair woolen stockings, Alrs McKenzie, Miss
AlcClelland; pair socks, Mrs Haugh, Airs
Airs Me-
McKenzie; pair woollen gloves,
mitts, M, iss
Incorporated according to fled of Pa?—Captlal 290,000 ($450,000).
Kernzie* pair br r�°7olien
n Owens,
AlcClelland; knitted quilt, lvlrsss Sow -
at, Mrs Scott; patched quilt, .urs Bone,
Mrs Dr Carder; rag rout, offs Henry, Airs Gad-
184 �a�'®mrd �t>r-e tet, �O1CaCi011e
des; Borlin wool work raised, Mrs Carder,Miss
Spurting•, Berlin wool work flat, Mrs Carder,
Atiss Sparling; sofa pillow, Alrs Carder, Mica
Cable Address : "CLOCKLIKE, LONDON," Business Establishetl836.
Spatting; silk quilt, Airs Hele, Aliss 2dcClel-
li ud; painting on satin, Mrs Carder, Airs "'il-
kinsow hair now I-$ :Hiss :11cclelland; embroi-
derpon silk, Airs }talo, Aliss Sparling; emhroi
dory ou linon, Mrs t'anlar, Miss McClelland;
c P.Ctat.00N, heft] nlOr111n•r Llld NVerrin I 'il'he Sel;tool Rook Question.
r, ' +•'
Battalion hated :uldt'd -
lace work, Aliss Sparlillg, Airs Hole; twine e
Mrs Ftole, A1i,•4 ALcCletl;;nd; rag Carpet, Mrs
the 31ird plait.
ingly to the prograultlle. The live' Speaking at West Tot•onto Junction,
Owens; colloctioll ladies' work, Miss McClel-
stock wits shown on the agricultural I Dr, Meacham, M. P. P., Said:—"The
)and, Airs Helo.,
grounds in the afternoon. The dis-
OI)position had some years ago pleaded
play of horses was the best ever
with the Government to dtOp the price
GOdet lath 'H'ownsltiD•
shown ill Huron, both in num-
hers and excellence of breeding.
of the drawing book to five cents and
had been ridiculed. The next year Mr.
SiIhEI' WORILIpIO.—Recently a 1111111-
bet• sheep owned by farmers on the
Thirty-seve Il hol's", were ShOwl) ill
Oile class alone, The cattle exhibit was
Boss made the drop and saved thous -
ands of dollars to the country. (Ap-
Bayfield Line have been worried by
froua the herds of the well known
pl ause.) At the present titne people
forty cents for ftnlrtlt
dogs, Those who have clogs addicted
this bad habit should see to it, that
breeds of this section, and could
hardly he equalled ill point of perfec-
were p;assns
book readers, The Opposition had
they ;ai.e destroyed or chinned up+
tion. The entries for sheep were equal
shown to the Government 'a dinilat•
book sold in Ireland at abouts 10& or 13
otherwise the owners will he compelled
to heavy (lavages. At, least twu
to former years, but there was a Sad
falling off in tha swine exhibit. The
cents Canadian money. No wonder
sheep were killed outright,
show of poultry and pet Stock was well
that last yr'ru' three different firms had
Gov(:rnlnent a royalty of
PERSosAL.—iSliss Elliott of Philo
up to the old line mark. The ring rat-
tractions, were the captivating fe;tture
paid the
$:x,000 each on school hooks. The put)
dlelphia, vy he wins on a four, weeks
of the day's proceedings. ine fan tit-
lic paid. the looney :and the Govern -
Visit to hey I.arents, Mr. and Mrs.
has returned.
em' trot was won by Robert Wilson's
rnent puts it in their pockets. (Laugh-
ter and applause.) Would it not be
Wn1. Elliott,
NEW St3ED,—The. congregation at,
Annie Laurie in splendid style. The
relay race between Seaforth and Eg-
manly, he asked, to cut the price of
Bethel Methodist church have decided
nlondville sprinters was won by the
school hooka? (Applause.) Perhaps he
crank, but he, believed that the
to build a new shed and are proceeding
This is n eomulend-
former after an exciting contest, The
receipts are in advance of foroler
was a
prisoners in the Central could do the
to erect it at cnlce.
able Step ,Ls the aecotnrnodation it will
Already the
work. The plates could be sent there
at a small cost. The rest of the work
supply is ulucll needed.
friends have contributed cash, timber
was simply manual, and would not
co Wath any other industry.
nud 1111uher. A bee fov work is to be
held the church SAt11rday first. 1111
d(oW it Afffeets Grey
would he a wise and good thing, and
interested rare invited to kindly help.
For the whole province the airount
the fourth book readers would thereby
he reduced to at lea -it 20 cents.
- —
. 1'______.&_1
which the Provincial Government
squeezes from the municipalities in ex-
(Applause.) Mr. Ross bragged that
cess of the former contributions is a
lie had but one aril iinetic.
was not true. His (the speaker's)
COUNCIL.—Council nlet on Monday,
.little more than a quarter of a million
'a $370,000 in round figures.
little ho had said the other
Sept. '27, all the rnerilhers present, The
yeln', ut'
day that he must have a new
collector's bond was accented sand his
This i� how the system affects the
arithmetic. On enquiry he found that
appointment contirale, by by-law.
county of Grey:
such was the case, a new edition con -
The clerks f,,',"..---- t e ditches and
twining two extra pages having
watercourse ;ret was fixed by by-law
rLt 10 c•ts. per h11ndred words and 11)cts.
The province used to give in cash
grants to the municipalities of Grey
ublished, and owing to he renumber-
of the pages and excercises the old
per- mile for delivering papers. A by-
$2,8<88 yearly.
one hard been rendered useless. If one
law was passed l y the unaanimolts con-
it drew from Grey $1,447 as license
were to question Mr. Ross about it he
sent of the council levying.3 per cent.
would laugh. He (Dr. Meacham)
on all I:axes not paid by the 11th of
December. The following accounts
The county was thus $1,411 to the
watlld not Say it was an idiotic
laugh—laughter—but when Mr. Ross
were paid :-1'eterBaLker, for removing
bridge, $`?; J.
had no argument to advance he just
stone under McCully's
Now there is no cash grant to Grey,
laughed. (Renewed rind ap-
Watson, for Writer., $3,02; Municipal
(7. H,Lrt-
' sand of the fees the Governolent takes
Vause.) There was another point e
World, for blank forms $2.3(3,
had urged upon the
]tib, for spikes, $ ); Rohs. ('oats Rt Son,
underclothing for Mrs. Bannerman,
The county pays $1,887 instead of re-
namely the need of a I;eogra}}Aly Prim-
er, costingahout live cents. (Ap)lause.)
$1,03. Council meets again cue Mon-
ce,iving $1,441, and is therefore $(3,328
The big hook was all torn up long lie -
day, November 20th, at one o'clock p.
worse off than before.
foie the pupil had gone through the
m, --J, T. UAIRNS, clerk.
There is now an annual provincial
various forms—(applause)—and if a
-.. _—
defleit of $400,000 yearly, and the que`i-
boy or girl stayed at School Until they
tion is what new assault upon the tax-
renched the last for111 they used up
Payer will he arra de.
I•geographies. AIr.I ss
re or for t
DOIN-09.--Miss Nellie Cline of Wing-
-- —
had still laughed, (Laughter.)
could not see anything but Toronto
ham is in town calling on
Mr, W. F. Tweddle was til Fergus last
,� Great Grain Comttry•
University, and he was hound to make
week attending the golden wedding of
essrs. Broadfoot, Box RL
A few days ago one of ourgrain corn-
an order from the Irrl-
a the "glory of Cho en.rth."( Laughter
and applause.) 'rhP carnnum School
his parents.—�
Co. are manufacturing a sideboard
ants+s received
penal Government of Russia for a
was, in Mr. Ross'opinioo, only a Step to
the. high school and the latter file
and (lining table for 1L gentleman
wfll cost $
of Ca.nadia,n Oat9,
stepping -stone to the university.
Stratford which
—Dr. Acott is having is stone founda-
Still more recently the Department
Agriculture at Ottaw" hits been
tion put under his house on ,Goderich
by Mr. S. Ilolmes,—
asked to select ten tons of No. 1 hard
A ILnriltinfr tiers Pronounced In -
street, occupied
Duncan of Guelph is visiting
Manitoba wheat for shipment to
C11rallle by Right DOCtOVS
Miss Mwy
—Cured by Dr. Chase.
friends in town,
In both cases the grain is to be used
ALL SckeTs -The annual fall show
of thF TuckPlsinith branch Ae;ricnit-
its seed.
ago the Russian Govern-
Mr. R. D. RohhinS, l t8 Cowan Ave.,
—oronto, says: ---"i had a bad leg which
ural Aociety was held here on Friday,
the attendance being unusually huge.
Four years
ment purchased tintention of sowibarleng it.
he knee to ire ly ankle wasom one below
Owing to the burning of the Agricult-
hall allont three weeks ago, the
These facts cannot he too broadly ad-
sore, Eldoctors treaated me wit.h-
heEl h I was induced to try
indoor, exhibition wits held in the curl-
hoots and
vertised-, they give the world an idea
he of the cereals raised in
DI• Chase's Ointment which cured me,
ing rink on )•lain street.
of quality
Land all that remains to he seen are
vegetables of rill kinds were sadly de-
scars "
ficlent, in size suet quality, its was lL1N0
When a great agricultural country
the fruit exhibit. Grain of all kinds
was Superior' in every respect to that of
like Russia comes to ns for seed t,o im-
prove its production in three different
Lieut. -Col. Dawson dropped dead at
frit met ears. The ladies department
t' an new and nt-
bd'tter, Many
classes of grain it payer ns a COnlpli-
I must not be too food-
we m
his residence in Toronto Sunday even-
lug. Heart disease, was the cense of
wfLs uPver
tractive features were in evidence.
magi which
est to refer to.
death. "
'file. hall was literally packed with
.. ... . < ... ,,v J..