HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-10-06, Page 2ASuffererCured 11 Every season, from the time I Liras two years old, i suffered dread- fltlly from crysilwlas, which kept growing Worse until my hands were inmost useless. Tho tones softened so that they would bend, and several of my fingers are now crooked from this cause. On Frey hand I carry large scars, which, but for AYER'S Sarsaparilla,, would bo sores, provided I Was alive and able to carry anything. Eight bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla cured me, so that I have had no return of the disease for more than twenty years. The first bottle seemed to reach the spot and a persistent use of it has i„rfected the- cure."—O. C. DAVIS, Wautoma, Wis.. AER'S THE ONLY •WORLD'S FAIR Sarsaparilla AYER'S FILLS Promote Good Digeetioa The. Hwen News-iRecora $1.25 a Test--E1.00in Advanee WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 0th, 1897 ILnportant to Subscribers. ALWAYS PAY IN ADVANCE. On and after the first of January, 1898, subscribers to THE NEWS -RE- CORD are requested to pay strictly in advance. For many years we have carried from $2,000 to $3,000 of small accounts, —sometimes more. To us this is it large amount, but to our individual patrons it is a mere drop in the ocean. What THE NEWS -RECORD will insist, is advance patrons. On the first of January, 1898, all names in arrears for more than one year will be struck off our list. Every patron can afford a dollar a year in advance. . The advance order is now open to old and new Subscribers. You can have a trial trip to January, 1898, for 15 cents in advance. Our old patrons are asked to renew promptly ii,nd new ones to take ad- vantage of the cheap trial trip. Always pay in advance. DEATH'S COLD SWEAT STOOD OUT IN GREAT BRADS UPON HIS FACE—A VICTIM OF HEART DISEASE SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE BY THE PROMPT USE OF DR. AGNEW'S CURE FOR THE HEART—RELIEF IN ALL CURES IN 30 MINUTES.' Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heartposi- tively gives relief within 30 minutes after the first dose is taken, James J. Whitney, of Williamsport, Pa., says: "Cold sweat would stand out in great beads upon my face, and I indeed thought that my end had come. But relief was found in Dr. Agnews' Cure for the Heart. After using It for a short time I feel now that the trouble is altogether removed,” Its effects are magical.—Sold by Watts & Co. At a convention of the Conservatives of Frontenac county at Kingston on Saturday, Mr. J. S. Gallagher, fv wealthy farmer, of Harrowsrriith, was made the unanimous choice, of the party to contest the riding at the com- ing elections for the Ontario Legisla- ture. — After serious Illness Hood's Sarsap- arillia has wonderful building up power. It purifies the blood and re- stores perfect health. While out 'shooting on Governor's Island on Friday, Mr. W. W. Griscom, of Philadelphia, Pa., who has been staying at his summer residence on an Island twelve miles from Penetan-, guishene, Ont , was insrantly killed by 1 the accidental discharge of his gun. For Over Fifty Years MRs. WINSLOW'S SOOT31ING SYRUP has been used by millions of motbers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child Buffering and crying with pain of Cuttingg Teeth send tit once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow`s sooth- ing Syrupy for Children Teething. It will re- lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about Do- Fend It cures Diarrhoea regulates the Stomach and bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and qqi ves tone and energy to the whole system, 'Os. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea - rant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five ants a bottle. Sold by all drugglsts through III out the world." Be sure and ask for "MRs. W INSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP Yonge St. Fire Nall, Toronto, March pith, 1807. Gentlemen,—I have used Dr. Chases Kidney -Liver Pills for Biliousness and Constipation, and have proverb then) the best that I have ever used—will use nothing else its long as they are obtainable. —Remaining yours re- spectfully. E. C. S WEETMAN. A Dublin despatch says it is reported on the highest authority that Baron Edward Gibson Ashbourne, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, will soon Suc- ceed the Enrl of Aberdeen as Gover- nor-General of Canada. SKIN ERUPTIONS CURED FOR35 CENTS —RELIYF IN A DAY. Eczema, tetter, salt rheum, bar- ber's itch—all itching and burn- ing skin disenses vanish where Dr. Agnew's Ointment is used. It relieves in it day and cures quickly, No case of piles which an ftp - plication will not comfort in a few minutes, If you have used high-priced ointments without benefit. try Dr. Agnew's Ointment at 3,5 cents and be cured.—Sold by Watts & Co. I . � t Political Pointers The Grit press affects a hollow mirth at the idea of Mr. Whitney including the lone pig at the )(ork piggery in bis coo prehensive arrangement of the Hardy government. Mr. Whit nay is all right. In his able indict- ment of governmental incapacity he goes the whole hog. The Liberal papers at one time had a great Ileal to say about Sir Charles j Tuplrier's use of thepersonal pronoun I. Sir Charles was dubbed the "Great L" Well according to the report of Sir' Wilfrid's speech at Montreal, a cor- respondent writes, that "he (Sir Wil- frid) by actual count used 'I' 105 times, and 'we' culy 19 times, knocking Sir 'Charles" I -I -I silly.' Our correspondent continues : "His speech covered three and one half columns and for right - down egotism eclipses all the Tuppers that ever lived." OFFICIALS WARNED. Mr. Whitney has given a much need - en warning to the meddlesome officials of the Ontario government. For years past thousand of independent thinking electors of the province have been cajoled, or by threats coerced into voting for candidates of the govern- ment. By the aid of the numbered ballot and a friendly official, employers of labor have cracked the party whip over the heads of voters and woe be- tide the man who dared to mark his ballot contrary to the instruction of the Grit boss. T4eeb is no secret vot- ing in Ontario provincial elections. The Liberal party dare not give a secret ballot. They prefer to keep the people in serfdom in election affairs and for the empty glory of a party victory a' majority scented content that it should be so. But in the end the people pay dear for the partisan triumph. The municipalties are robb- ed of their local funds thereby neces- sitating increased taxes for local req uire- ments ; parents are robbed in the price of school supplies of every kind and thousands filched out of their pockets annually for "examinations' ; favorites of the government are paid high prices for supplies for public institutions which articles should be bought by tender; the timber wealth of the pro- vince has been recklessly wasted to replenish the treasury depleted year, lifter year through extravagance. Bailiffs with writs in their pockets; whiskey inspectors and commissioners; crown land and timber agents; ignor- ant magistrates full of venom and pre- judice; and heelers, suckers, office seekers and political bums of all kinds are abroad during election campaigns, each working along his own Particular lines to thwai t the will of independent voters and coerce men over whore they have, or are supposed to have in- fluence, to bolster up the government by supporting its candidates and beat- ing down the opposition. Let these nen beware. Their vulgar interfer- ence on such occasions will not be tolerated longer and if they are wise they will studiously refrain from making themselves offensive partisans in the coming struggle. They are paid for doing public service and not to be the active agents for Hardy -Ross & Co. The electors are set for a change of government at Toronto and their will be it change of officials also in every case where interference with the free choice of the voters is proven. The secret ballot will come when Mr. Whit- ney comes into power. Electors will then enjoy electoral freedom and gov- ernment oftir,ials will be kept in their own proper places. ' Ontario's Gest interests demand a change: VICTORY FOR EAST SIMCOE. OF ONE THING MR. W. H. BENNET, THE CONSERVATIVE STANDARD BEARER IN EAST SIMCOR, IS SURF—HE SUF- FERED FROM CATARRHAL TROUBLE AND FOUND SPEEDY AND FIXED RE- LIEF IN DR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER. --- In the corning by-election it will not be settled until the votes are counted, whether Mi. W. H. Bennett, who hits represented the constituency with abi- lity for years, will again be the success- ful candidate. One thing Mr. Bennett is perfectly certain of, whatever turn the elections may Lake : When attending to his duties in Ottawa two sessions ago he was taken down with catarrhal trouble in the head. He used Dr. Ag - news' Catinrrhal Powder and over his own signature says that it worked like a charm, and quickly removed the trouble and made bio fitted for his parliamentary duties.—Sold by Watts & Co. Mr. Wm, Sillery of Tuckersmith bad it, close call on Monday of last week. He was going into Seaforth just as the morning train came along, itnd attemp- ted to cross the track in frotit.of the train, barelq escaping the engine, which grazed the back of the wagon. The engineer seeing the danger he was in, blew the whistle, which frightened the horses and made them jump, throwing Mr. Sillery off the wagon and under the wheels, which passed over his body. The horses continued their run up Main street, and in at- tempting to stop them, Mr, John Aber - hart was knocked down and run over. The horses were eventually stoppr{�fed none the worse for their run. [Vii'. Sillery was cut about the head and considerably bruised, ALWAYS FELT TIRED. "I suffered with severe headache and loss of appetite and I always felt tired. I concluded to try Hood s Sar- saparilla and after taking one bottle my headache disappeared. i continu- ed taking it until now I am never troubled with headache and myap- petite is good." LAURA GARLAND, 247 Claremont St., Toronto, Ont. HOOD'S PILLS act easily and prompt- ly on the liver. and bowels. Cure sick headache. On Saturday the three (days carnival with which the opening of the new steel bridge across the gorge at Niag- ara Falls was celebrated came to it close. The crowds were larger than on preceding days, but the affair was brought. to it conclusion with but very few accidents. ■ sop nal e0 eliv h it W ED Ha re. WIN off Th I it es o Au d. eat t, SUB or t r yo COO NFL OB s0 coo Lune an eats ia, flow ntal wit Onl Y ons redi yPFT Bajjrb CO Wo a n e;g and p 1, of r hi Bill Bu W c pr rth B of r I T ry Win Ito Be or, Len lath IICoe Wi car nap dorsa clew aeon n. OBT TII Iia ICoin wit C. T ant CA He old rom o an NTE The fo 0 Lord s tails sHer, Lim C10m Cho tho Money-,,-,�,,tw� BUR offlccl'� Suppliesi, J w MONEY to burn is a common expression with some p le, but Job Printing,they don't have it. To burn, that's more like It and get C that won't Coa transform into clinkers. We have th eputation for selling Hard Coal which is free of Ie Clinker Substance, it's Clean Stuff when d cred, and Hot Stuff when lighted. The only trouble with is that it burns, Leave your order with us. We are no delivering for the coming cold weather. LOWEST PRICES GUARANTE D. 0000000000 Harland .�, os., Stoves and rdware. Wzg� 4°1.7.XXt031-. - -2 ClIntoa Sewing JUachine Wa rooMs. —o I have made arrangements with the NEW HOME SE G MACHINE COMPANY to handle their machines and am prepared too the public an article unsurpassed for durability and the quality of work. T will be placed on trial free; wecoulpete with all machines on the rnarket. iso have other grades at less money. Needles and parts supplied for all mak f machines. WASHING MACHINES.—I am agent for the celebrated thony Wayne Washer, the largest manufacturers of Washers in the wort The machine cannot be beat in any respect. I still handle the Improved Id and Manitoba Washers. Also Clothes Wringers, the best in the market. WM. MOORE, The101d Stand, Huron Stree Clinton. l WIN. N. WALKER, RES TA relliable— STAR R•s•'ST RANTI UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS Huron SU , Clinton, MAKER, SEAFORfR, ONT. 6090..• .0 Parlor Furniture repaired and recovered. We are wide open f he hot weath- Carpets sewed and laid; also cleaned and re, er sensor. and are afro ut atirona e. novated at reasonable prices. p g WOrders left at. 13ROADFOOT & BOY'S ICE CREAM, L DRINKS store, Clinton or Seaforth, will be promptly at; FRU ITS, CO i CTIONERY, tended to. CIGARS and T ACCO. McLeod's EVERYTHING IN SEA N. Our parlor is cheery and fortablo. System Renovator hes at all hours. Renovator CHAS. WITTS, Hur St., Clinton. —AND OTHER— tt Tested Remedies, r 1 Ag for "Queen Vic - SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE WANTE) ET)- for Her Deign and Diamond Jubilee." Over ing with latest For Impure Weak and Impoverished Blood, I and richest pictures. Co ns the endorsed Dyspepsia, �Ieeplessnoss, Palpata.tion of the biography of Her Maiesty h authentic His Heart, Livor Complaint, Neuralgia. Loss of tory of her remarkable rel and full account Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, of the Diamond Jubilee. $1.50, Big book. .Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Tremendous demand. B nza for agents. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and Gen- Commission 50 per Cent. C tgiven. Freight eral Debility. paid. OUTFIT FRicr. Dut id. Write I ntek LABORATORY, CODERICH ONT, for outfit and tori 56b F, DOMhi`ago, COMPANY, Dept. 7, 356 be ern St., Chicago, J. M. McLEOD, LEGE �! Prop, and Manufacturer. ALMA LEG E Sold in Clinton b" �'••'� J. H. C OMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON. M1I1e1'S Omnibus Line For Young men. Lino, A residential school. Collegiate and Prt- Goderieh, Ont. pparatory Studies. Is Aiusic, Fine Art, Elocution, liusi ness. Moral and )Esthetic When in Goderich do not neglect to secure Miller's Omnibus to all parts of the town. Our Advantages. atrAffilia ted with Victoria livery is well equipped with reliable horses and n;yersity. College sands in a ht acre park. Low good rigs, and prices will always be found rea- rates. Forillustrated catalogue articulars,address: sonable. Stables on East Street, near the Square—telephone No. 51. Rev. B. Warner; M. A., PrincipeSt. Thomas, Ort, JONATHAN MILLER, ( _ Goderich. Property for Sale For sale, on Princess street, Clinton, a one storey frame building containing three bed. rooms, front roan, kitchen, lar antry, &c•; over quarter acre lot, bearing ord, principally PI trees; good hard water;lso small stnblo, food hen house. Price and rms reasonable. Nor particulars apply to YIrEII. HAxxoN, Goderich P. O. CLINTON. WOOD AND COAL YARD' Subscriber Is prepared to promptly 811 all or ders for Wood find Coal, which will be sold at lowest rates. Olff ec on Inane Street, at LA V IS' IMPLEMENTS ROOMS. W, WHEATLEY LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND �- WACON FACTORY, Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. First -Class Buggies on hand and mado to order. Prices to suit the times. Repairs and repainting promptly attend to. Prices reason- able, WANTED. I can pay ton c1a11arf weekly to n lady of mature ago, refinement and tact to dpond her time in a good Cause. T. H. LiNSCOTT, �- Toronto, Ont. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADP` The Workshop on Wheels Has Re- turned. The celebrated Sheffield Cutler, F. Taylor, Irma returned to Clinton and will remain for a short time. The workshop on wheels has been obuilt and a now steam engine house added, All kinds of grinding and sharpening of Buttery, pocket knives, rarors, Bobssors, &e , will be promptly attended to. Pon and pocket knives •obladed and made as good as now, as well as imbrellas and parasols repaired and bought, kit kinds of saws sharpened, cross -cut saws runimed find sharpened. Your wants should to attended to now. The steam workshop on whools will be found on Dhnsley's corner, kibert street, Clinton. To Improvers Stock. The undersigned has or s premises, 10th concessiorf, Goderich Town A Thoroughbred Jersey ll. Terms:—$1 and $2. A Thoroughbred Chester bite Boar, regis- tered. Terms:—$I, with th Ivilege of return- ing. A thoroughbred Tamwo oar, registered. Tcrms:—$I, with privilege churning• This is a rare chance to rove your stock . C. EDN -NDS, 905 tf-- -- -- ----_-_-Owner. McKillop Direeto for 2897. John Morrison, Reeve. op P. O. Win. Archibald, Deputy II , Leadbury P. O, Daniel Manley, Councillor, echwood P. O. Jos, C. Morrison, Council] Beechwood P. O. Wnr. McGavin, Councillor dbury P, O. Jno. C. Morrison, Clerk, 1V rop 11. O. William Evans, Assessor, hwood P. O. David M. Ross, Treasurer, nthrop P. O. Charles Dodds, Collector, S Orth R 0, Richard Pollard, Sanitaty I ector, Leadbury. Removal of I 11 i oil, The undersigned will un take,the removal of Night Soil and thorough nine of closets. on short notice, and at re able rates, All refuse removed out of tow 905 t -f R T. MF,NNEL. Poultry Forale, nARRED PLY6IOU ROCKS. I have Por sale about fiftyrred Plymouth Rock chickens, all bred superior thor- oughbred stock. Thu price 1 be reasonable. LORNE ODD, Clinton. Apples W ed, I want all the Marketabt pples I can buy and will pay the highest pt commensurate with foreign quotations. I1 your apples un- til you have ascertained f me what I can pay for thom. Do not mak y mistake. 978 t -f D. CA LON. Clinton. AGENTbest popular ■ Li t Her Majesty 2 have ever seen' writes Lorne, about "Queen Victoria." Sale un procedent•ed. easy to make fivo dollars c . Big Co.='.. sion. Outflt free to canva . Tim BR.AD- I,F.Y-GARRETSON CO., ited, Toronto, Ont. Miss C. E. ent, Graduate Alma College, tea r of piano, Resl- donee—Ontario Strget Me diet Parsonage, Clinton, The News -Record F7fll RZ Calls special attention to our Stationery and Office Supplies and Job Printing Depart=* ment. j We are unsurpassed.... By any town or city in the Goods we handle or the prices we quote for Stationery and Printing and the quality of both is always guaranteed. A perusal of this announcement may suggest something you may be in need of, and in such case we solicit your patronage, feeling confident that our efforts to please will meet with the approval of our patrons, Letter Heads In this line we have a very flue stock of writing papers suitable for every class of business represented in this locality, also for private use. Note Heads This useful size is kept in stock, the qualities being in several grades. Memo, Heads These fill an important place in com- mercial correspondence. See what we have got. Bill Heads If the "pay-as-you-go" plan was the order of the day the demand for account paper would not be so great; but there are some men who get so many dunners that they wonder if the stock will ever run out. We don't intend it to, and at present our stock is corn- plete in this line. Good paper and neat ruling, Statements Our stock is large. They come cheaper than bill heads, and are the proper thing to send after a delinquent once a month. They are sure to fetch hint 'round— Sometime: - Envelopes We snake it specialty of Envelopes. You know it would he hard to get along without envelopes, and to keep up with the demand for them we. keep a large stock on hand. Plain or Printed we are offering some great snaps. One line in particular is going off fast - 50 for 5c. Commerical Printing A vast amount of work under this head to enumerate would rnore than take up the entire- space oc- cupied by this adv t, but wE do it all at THE NEWS-RRCORD. Invitations to an "At Home" or a wedding require considerable taste in selec- tion sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping in stock the very latest and best samples to be had, Call and see. Circulars We excel in Of the different kinds of work we turn out, and particu- larly in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable for all requirements. Programs of entertainments and meetings promptly turned out, from the plain and neat to the most elegant. Cards and Tickets These cover a Iarge range of work, from a bread and milk ticket to a neat calling card, from an or- dinary admission ticket to a tasty business card or it handsomely printed membership ticket. Memoriam Folders In this line THE NEws-RECORD can supply every design, quality find price on the market. Posters Our facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced by the fact that we always do gogl'3 work and give superior satisfaction in all respects. Dodgers are greatly in demand. Our facili- ties are superior for this class of work and the very reasonable prices keep our presses busy, gale Bills We make a specialty of them - promptness being our aim in this respect. A notice of slue will ap- pear in THE NEws-RECORD free of charge when bills for same are secured here. All Kinds of Work in the typographical printing line can be done in this establishment in an expeditions and artistic manner and Dur prices will be -found:very reason- able. If you want Mourning Papers and Envelopes For correspondence we can give you up-to-date goods. We also carry full lines of n, Pens Pencils, i Scribblers, Tablets, Erasers, Inks, Writing Paper, &c., &c. • M In thanking our many patrons for the very liberal suppo accorded us in the past, a continu tion of tb e same liberal support is solicited. TAB No WRR Q CLIXT. ON.