HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-10-06, Page 1TIE t HURON J, N�;ws-REcoRD. T8RD18—$1.A5per Annunr, 1.00 an Advance. INDRPNNDBNT' IN ALL TH1NaS--NhUTBAL IN N07HING A. 111 TODD,Edltorand Owner VOL. XIX CLINTON'. HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1897 WHOLE NO. 984 • • decency the Committee should have I ELECTRIC LIGHT—Account for Sept. partment. Other years there has been If Your Digestive held oft their decision and allowed the $4.85. space and to spare, but this year Council, who are directly responsible CEMETERY—R. Reynolds $30. through• the indirect efforts of one man to the people, to decide the question. there were Some five hundred birds Powers—� 1tECFIPTe—lawn scales $17.45, rent ( ,y A dollars; worth of work is worth a shown; three or four times the usual of hall $20, comet lot $0, work dollar. The laborer is worthy of hire. amount ofaccotrimodittionlwasrequired Are deficient you need some- First-class mechanics acre worth what $7.0, station scales e$ .80—$(11.15. and the single judge had work enough thing new to create and main- they earn. The work on the proposed TREASURER'S STATHMENT. for three or four and was compelled, r twin strength for the daily building should Ire well performed and Receipts including balance to Oct. through the bad arrangenYentor classi- round of duties. of a Substantial nature. Chief Wheat- 1st, $9,72418, and expenditures $2,139.- fication of the birds to citll in assis- Strictly pure Malt Beverages. ley and Clerk Coats were paid well 44, leaving balance in hand of $7,584,84. tante. The show of stock was really All the popular Brands of Ales because they were well-qualified and UNFINISHED BUSINESS. grand, and the entries numerous. and Porters. competent to fill their positions, but Mr. Searle wanted to know if the Horses, cattle, sheep, pigs and the Council or people would not be poultry figured so well nuawrically ustifled, because some incompetents Stavely mousy was lying idle, olferei to do their work for less mons The Clerk said no. On advice of and in quality that all fanciers were Lack Kennedy y' well pleased beyond measure. to replace them. He also instanced Finance Committee it was being used On the whole the Huron Central the pay of superior mechanics at the instead of borrowing money. Mr. was a success and THE NEWS -RECORD The Clinton Liquor Store. Doherty factory. The library build. Gilroy said it was saving the town 3h is pleased to note that it was. In ing in his opinion could not be built per cent. pointing out some of the defects we Phone 54, for $3,500, and referred to the House of NEW BUSINESS. are doing so in the best interests of Refuge. In referring to tire many Mr. Searle, said he would move that ;our town and country citizens, and in mistakes connected with the build the site between market and Dinslep I the best interests of the Show itself, ing of the town hall, he characterized corner be reconsidered. There was no Our business men and manufacturers:i i it the present cellar as nothing short seconder. He then wanted his action should be encouraged to fill every inch "ADZ,. 7i of a breeder of disease and fever• recorded, but the Clerk said it could of the hall, and they should toe indue- �I�I ��s Air Swallow could not always agree not be recorde_t when there was no ed to nlalte exhibits on the grounds. with Mr. Searle, but he could do so seconder. Town and Country should unite with now at least in one view—to make the Huron Cen- lis, ";;," ` part. In his opinion O the Stavely Committee had no right to GRAVEL' tral a huge success every year. This # 'i' bind or sign contract before the Com n- On motion of Taylor and Gilroy it can only be accomplished by determin- cil bad ratiRed the bat gain. was decided to let a contract for $6Q ed and united action, and we hope to The Mayor replied that Mr. Somal- worth of gravel to be put on Isaac see such action, and the initiative law's opinion was not worth a rap of street from the railroad to the Bayfield taken at an early meeting of those in. P road, it being understood that the terested in the future success of the I his finger and endeavored to show townships of Stanley and Goderich that he (Swallow) was not pursuing a P Y Huron Central. will pay over (;rants to that amount as The names of the prize winners will consistent course. P r soon as the gravel is put on. he found on another page of this paper. Mr. Swallow replied that he did not Councillor Ford wanted it tile drain care what the Mayor thought, He flow the end of Chas, Carters lot to BAYFIELD SHOW. (Swallow) believed he wits not only the railroad, St. John's Ward, which 110 consistent, but right, in his present was on rnotion granted. It Was a Great Success. opinion. Z Mr, Searle declared that the Stavely Mr. Searle, when the Mayor was in " (iO1711Yllttee had lots Of time and tOUK such •gOo3 humor, he said, would again FINE WEATHER—NUMEROUS EXHIBITS lots of time to consider the matter. If a second time tender his resigna- AND A BIG AZTENDANCE. i, the were in hurt to decide the tion. Y Y The Stanley Branch Fall Show was Mayor should have been manly Kennedy and Taylor moved its Fie- held at Bayfield last Thursday and Fri- enou h to have called a special meet- ceptance. _ � .• 'iii g P day, and the management were fortun- ing of the Council to consider and The Mayor said Mr. Searle had tend- ately favored by the clerk of the ` reason out the whole matter, line by ered his resignation two years ago its weather. The inside exhibits were !,t ` 1' I line from cellar to garret of the whole chairman of the cemetery committee g Y more limited than in previous years, 1 building. He had it lot of expensive and Mr. Joseph Chidley was appointed but the outside departments were experience in buildin and all this in his place, when he said to the Mayor ahead of anything ever shown in Bay- ^ -Shirt Comfort eomes with shirt fit. A shirt i Y g that tits feels best and wears best. If the neck- would be given free. to start, there is that the members of the'Council were field, and this is saying a great deal. band fits and the body and bosom are made to a quicksand foundation to build on it lot of fools, but he did not explain Never at any of the shows in Huron, tit with that particular neckband size, then and this must be seriously considered just what connection there' was be- thousands of people remarked, have that's Shirt Comfort because its Shirt fit, and as well as ever other detail. tween the cemetery committee and the Tooke's Shirts are made to fit all sizes of men. Y Y they seen anything to beat the magni- Every neckband size, every body size, to cor- Reeve Kennedy could not see any use Staii $10,000 memorial hall, ficent displays of horses, sheep and respond, We'll be furnishing Shirt Comfort if in so much irrelevant discussion after The resignation was accepted and Nigs. Exhibitors in several depart - you buy ofd ie the whole thing had been settled. Mr. Searle thanked the Mayor and merits were present from Perth, Lon- Laundried Shirts .. 50c Council for their kindness. dun and other distant points. In addi- Laundried White Shirts ..,... 50c to $1.50 Mr. Taylor chided Mr, Searle and charged the latter with bein g incun- The Council then adjourned• tion to the magnificent stock exhibits, Your money haat for any tau t, meat g o farm implements and high-class vehi- orfancied. sistent when he had a chance to be put P g on the Stavely Committee, but had TUE UVRON CENTRAL. cles were Chown by several reliable Ci. Jul el�son. ►_ 1C',� refused the honor. The Conlmitte firms. The show, oil the whole, was one Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters.was just as representative as the The Show Successful. of the best we have seen, and Presi- Victoria Block, - - - - - Established 1554. Council. The Council should not dents Townsend and Penhale, Secre- ---- -- quibble when the- contract has been A GOOD CROWD AND A GOOD SHOW, tary Irwin and the other officers are to CLINTON COUNCIL. let. In the contract one or two bun- be congratulated on the eminent sne- u"' Y _ died dollars would not make much The Huron Central Exhibition, held cess of their efforts. Bayfield is di'ffetence, but so many hundreds of in Clinton last Tuesday and Wednes- beautifully located and its people as That !$!0,000 AgainAl:skes dollars makes a big difference. day was a success. well as those for miles around are of Trouble. Mr. Searle replied that he was not During Me years the manage- the class that work with a will to give like Councillor Taylor, He (Searle) ment have created the Huron Central the masses a good show and extra, COUNCILLOR SEARLE'8 RESIGNATION always attended the various meetings a "purely agricultural show." `Last value for their money. With Queen's ACCEPTED. promptly, and never required the pre- year the inclement weather militated weather, it is not to he wondered at sence of the town constable (Yrs Taylor against it materially in attendance as that the Show of 1897 was a success in The regular meetin of the Clinton did to -night) to bring him to the meet- well as financially. This year, how- every respect. The receipts at a low Council was hereon Monday evening, Ings. He (Searle) then went over the ever, the weather was all that could admission tee were $65 or more in ex - seven out of the eleven being present— dialogue of the several Stavely Com- be desired. cess of bast year. The splendid Band Holmes, Reeve Kennedy, Coon- mittees appointed by the Mayor Year after year the citizens and of Bayfield, an organization that de- Mayorcillors Searle, Ford, Swallow, Gilroyserves great credit for through the Council and declared that business men of Clinton have encour- persistency and and Taylor. he (Searle) had refused to act on the I aged the Huron Central liberally, the faithfulness, was on the ground until The regular minutes were adopted, second committee because the Mat or umalority here becoming members, not the races were completed and delight - as were also those of a special meeting or Council had not cancelled the first because they exhibit anything or ed the thousands of spectators. `4 e held last Wednesdiryevening. at which Committee. because they were doing so for prize do not see why the Bayfield Band ?' the resignation of Deputy -Reeve Coop- Mayor Holmes became heated and money, but because they desired to should not branch out and receive oat - ',';.y er was accepted, y see the show rove successful and side engagements. They are worthy P declared that the first Committee was P of more extended support. The best COMMUNICATION. quite satisfactoryto Mr. Searle, and have the government grant reach the of order prevailed throughout the day that his statement wits untrue. limit, which is $1.10. Our country From the Canadian Fire Under- and all seemed to unite in fostering friends have not, with few exceptions, NEWS- Ye - writers Association, asking if improve- Air. Searle then charged the Mayor cud will and amity. THE NEws- anted in the same spirit. Those in ments for fire protection as demanded "with illegally serving on him a notice i the country who become mern- WECORD went through the friendly had been complied with. of the special council meeting, assert, bers, its •t rule, have somethingto pump -handle motion until ouvarrn and ing that the Clerk should have served • shoulder' seemed weary and we did not DEPUTATIONS. show and the names of the prize the notice. find ONE who was not enthusiastic and The Ma or ex lained that Messrs. winners demonstrate that they reap z; Y P The Mayor replied that it was not the benefit in this respect, friendly: The several hotels and pri- ;,L, Innes and McKeown were to have been necessary that the Clerk should serve vate citizens provided the inner man present to tell the Council thin they This yeiu the entries in all the inside to the satisfaction of all. To wind up the notice. • would be prepared to proceed with the departments were far short of other the business and pay the prize money, gravelling of the new street about, the Gilroy and Taylor moved that the years, some TO less in fact. Of the the Directors and officers will meet at ,'; •< same time as Clinton commenced the report of the Stavely Committee be total there was a big shortage in fruit, Mrs. Elliott's hotel at Bayfield on Sat - other streets. adopted, which was carried on the which can easily be accounted for, but urday, October 16th, at one o'clock p. following division :— this does not foot up the sum total by m, the names of rize winners will he STAVELY COMMITTEE REPORT. p YEAS.—Kennedy, Ford, Gilroy, Tay- any means and does not explain the found below:— To the Council of the Town of Clinton. lar. shortave in other entries and the plain HORsea—HEAVY DRAU011T.—Brood mare GENTLF,MEN,—Your Stavely Cony- NAYS.—Searle, Swallow. lack of interest on the part of town with fool, Geo Dale, John Salkeld; Foal, mittee beg to report as follows:— FIRE AND WATER. stud particularly country people. Geo Dale, J Salkeld; Two year old ggi]ding 1 That in accordance with your y In the inside diartrnents there was or filly, G Dale; One year old gelding or instructions we duly advertised for Chairman Swalln,w reported verbally a huge vacancy in flowers; but this can filly, J F Dale, G Dale; Span working that the new tank was as satisfactory tenders for the erection of the propos- as could be expected. The dark lan- easily be accounted for from the fact horses, 7 F Dale, W Douglas. ed S6pvely Memorial Hall. ) thin the Horticultural Society has GENERAL PURPOSE.—Brood mare with '. 2 Ti iat the following tenders were tern for the night watchman will he secured in due season. The night robbed the Huron Central of this very foal, R B McLean, Salkeld Bros; Foal, R B important feature and has virtual) McLean 1 and 2; Two year • ofd gelding or ` received.— P y watchman has done fairly well; he killed the Huron Central in this one fill A McPhail, John Reid; One ear old t Thos. Mckenzie, work complete ..... $t6.17 00 had missed seven registers; some were y' y 2 carpenter & frame work 12111 00 im ottant department. But thin is gelding or filly, J C Reid, H Barr jr; Span 3 Honey Stevens, work Comp lets...... 4404 nU one hour, one and a quarter short. p :' 3 carpenter co fat .......... 4404 00 Reeve Kennedysaid he knew that only one department. To get at the working horses, W Elliott, Robt Luker; t 5 Humber & Ca say,pent work complete.. 440'. W bottom we must go farther. The Best walking, team, W Cooper, W Ster• t:t+ 6 E. A, Cawsay, masonery &c., only... 2485 00 the cause was on account of rows, management believe in a "purely Agri- ling con 6. 7 B• S• Cooper, work complete........., 3500 00 which compelled the night watchman cultural show" and have given it it ROADSTER.—Brood mare witb foal, John 8 John Cron, plastering ................ 165 00 to look after the peace and well-being fair trial. Clinton is so central- Yeo, W Sterling con 4; Foal, S McPhail. 10 J.3XishiU &iSon ti tG stone .... 123 0 of Clinton, ly located that •t "purely agricul- J Yeo; Two year old gelding or filly, B I4 Prior & Guttridge, masonery, &c.... 2718 00 Mr. Swallow said the Watchman, tural show" could not better prove. a Lindsay, R McIlveen; One year old gelding 3 That your Committee has let Mi. McRae, had registered five mina- success on a moderate scale. he anti- or filly,A Evans, S Hustcn; Span roadatere, the contract to S. S. Cooper, the low- tea from the town hall to Fair's mill. cipated success has not attended the E Greib, W Fee; Single roadster, Dr est tenderer in accordance with your He thought more time should be taken show here. Why? Beeaase there has Whitely, R Graham, /instructions, between (these points, the business been no legitimate attractions to draw CARRYAOE.—Brood mare with foal, J° 11 ` 4 That we herewith submit the con- portion of the town, Night after the people. Wilde; Foal, Bert Lindsay, Jae Cooper & tract signed by Mr. S. S. Cooper. night one hour and fifteen minutes had These fall shows are all proper and Sone; Two year old geldingor filly, Conrad Respectfully submitted, been taken between Doherty's °organ good in their place. They are educa- Traemner; One year old gelding or filly, W P factory and the town hall. He did not tors, providing the exhibits are Butner- Weston, W Sterling con 4; Span carriage Roti. HoLMEs. Otis and competition keen to create horses, P McDougall, G Lindsay; Single thi think s necessary. The adoption of the report was mov. Mr. Searle said he Wright have called healthy interest. Parents come to the carriage horse, T J Berry, D A Forrester; ed by Gilroy and Taylor. at average fall show to view all that is to Lady driver, Miss Elliott, Mrs E Bossen- Mr. Searle objected to its adoption, Mr. Stvttllow suggested that the be seen, particularly what applies to burry; Saddlo horse, Harvey Davis, 1V Sts he believed some of the Council- Committee might look after the faith- their own vocation. Young men and Sterling con 6, lora did not understand the plana ful performance of his duties. women come to see this and it great TESTS OF SPEED.—Farmer's Trot or and specifications. It teas specl- deal more: they come for profit and Pace—Mare or Gelding, the property h The matter was left in the hands of exhibit for three months. A purse Sed that the brick should be of amusement; don't forget the laztter, pI Mr. Swallow, who is chairman of the r No. 2 quality. He would like to know committee. o These shows roust not be turned into a of $10, divided into three moneyst, the •standard of No. `2 brick. Many circus, but they must be made attrac- for farmers' horses. All animals tha Irears ago he (Mr. Searle) mannfaC• FINANCE REPORT. tive outside the "purely agricultural" have won public money on race track tured brick at $6 per thousand. To- The report from Finance Minister ide+t—the "agricultural" part must be barred. Agricultural money not con day there are many prices and quail- Gilroy was adopted as follows :— in the ascendant at the same time. sidered public money. Four to enter, ties, even up to $25 and $30 per thous- STREET --,1. Becker $3.04, C. Carter At the present era, if some radical three to start. To be driven by far ,.+ and, and the Council should know $2.60, D. Cook teaming $2,90, Jas. change is not made, the premiums niers or sons of farmers, owner an what quality they are receiving, no Danford $1.50, Frank • vans $1 05, must he reduced. They should be driver to be wholly or actually engag matter what the claa¢ification. He Thos. Hillock 30c—$11.29. decreased in number or increased in eel in farming. Best two in three, would also like to know ns to the FIRE AND WATutt -J. Becker $2.03, value, and we incline to the latter. mile sounbeatdness General excellency, stet qurtlity of the it -on roofing, an article Chas. Carter $1.88, one box dials 85c., For some years the work has been and soundness consideredl There war that wits capable of deception, He un- Hiram Hill for tank $63, removing left to well-meaning and capable men four entries, S. McPhail Neingg fire derstood only one firm near Toronto materials $2—$69.76, A. Seeley 75c. with limited time at their alap oral to winner, D. Prouse 2nd, and J Lobb.3r would be awarded the contract, A PROPERTY—J, Becker $1.69, Chas. do the whole work. Every0mcer and OPEN To ALL.—A special prize o telegram had just been sent him from Carter $1.88—$8.67. Director should have time and energy $15 divided into three moneys; trot the Metallic Roofing Company of To- to push along every minute detail and or pace best three in live, mile beats ronto (which he here read) asking to CHARITY—Rent for Mrs. Devine $2. then we are satisfied better resul) s four to enter, three to start or no Com hold the order and stetting that parts- PRINTING—NEws-RecoRll, printing, would follow. petition. General excellency, style Ct are were on the way. In common $6, C. H. Mortimer $1.50, Take for instance the poultry de- and soundness considered. There wet a ��THE TWO d e ( d A. - FALL �P THE GLOME. I 6It1s Nearest to YIaxndf° And ought to be handy 1, get On. it be WINTER, Not only so, but should handsome after it is on. People don't object so much to the trouble of getting gloves on, as to the CLOTHING. worry about them after they +ire on. If you are proud of your hand wear a The Season is naw on and think- ing pen le want the best at the Perrin's dove. Closest Prices. We sell them in :ill sizes and colors, We Can lined and unlined. If you have little W reason to be proud of your hand you have greater reason to wear the /. You celebrated Perrin Glove. S L 1 Suit OURr� u A �+ R HA 1 ' "� Iu any line you require in Ordered Ready -Made Clothing — the all latter at very low prices to clear, Are the beat in the market and - stylish too. An excellent range of Don't pass us—corne Ties and Underclothing as well. and see what we have. cw- al. J. .J►.�orrish. al. J. Holloway. (:LINTUN. CLINTON. :Hiss Nott, Mrs Neelin; Arrasene work, four entries, the successful ones being E. Bossenberry let, A. Duncan 2nd, E. Mra Campbell, Mise Nott; chenille work Bossenberry 3rd. on felt or plush, Mrs Campbell, Miss Nott; GRADE CATTLE.—Milahoow, RNicholson, tea cosy, Mrs Neelin, Mise Nott; tray W Sterling epqn,� 6; Two year old heifer, cloth, Miss Nott, Mrs Campbell; table col - W 1i Woods, R Nicholson; One year old er, embroidered, Mrs NeeliD, Mies Now heifer, W H Woods, T Stinson; Fat cow, W H Woods 1 and 2; Three dear old steer, netteddoilies, Mrs ;)tmpbell, Mrs Neelin: etching on cotto,: or silk, Miss Nott, Afro J W Stinson 1 and 2; Two year old steer, W Whiddon; Kent's I;nen sn:rt, Mrs W gter- Stinson, J C Reid; One year old steer, J C ling con 6, Mis4 Nutt; gent's flannel shirt, Reid, W H Woods; Bull calf, Charters & W Brandon, Alias Nott; ladies' uudercloth- Son, Elcoat Bros; Heifer calf, Elcost Bros, ing, machine make, Mrs Campbell; plain W Elliott; Herd of thorobreds, W Elliott. hand sewing, Mrs J'Whiddon, Miss Alar - BHSEs LEICESTER—Ram, G Penhale, tin; kitchen apton, Mrs Walker, Alies A Wise; crochet or knit slippers, Alra C Charters & Sons;Shearling ram, h Glenn, & Sone; Ram lamb, Charters & Sheppard, Mies Nott; laundry bag, Mrs SonCharters Ewes, G Penhsle, Char- Walker Mies A Wise-, handkerchief ea- chat, Miss Nutt, Mrs Nelin; drawn worm, tern &Sans; Shearling ewes, G Penhsle; ter3 Sons; h Ewe lambs, G Penhale, Charters & Sone; Mrs Walker, Airs W Sterling, con 6;patch Fat sheep, Charters & Sons, G Penhale. quilt in cotton, Mise Nott, Atrs Campbell; patch quilt in cloth, Miss Parsons, Mise A SuROPe13rREDowNs.—Aged ram, J Cooper Wise; knitted quilt, Miss Nott; crochet & Son, A Duncan; Sbearling Yarn, Jae Mc. quilt, Miss Stinson, Miss Pedhale; button Farlane, A Duncan; Ram lamb, Jae Me- holes, Mrs W Stirling, con 6; collection of Farlane 1 and 2; Ewes, Jas Cooper & Son, ladies work Miss Nott, Mrs Neelin. Jas McFarlane; Shearling ewes, J Cooper*uuld & Son, Jae McFarlane; Ewa Lambe, © the party who took number Duncan, J McFarlane, five table mats please return them to eras—BERxar3rnE.—Aged boar, Jas Chis- the secretary, H. Erwin. Y' holm, W McAllister; Brood sow, Boar Find PLANTS AND FLowERs.—Bongaet, large, Sow, all taken by W McAllister 1 and 2. Mrs Walker, Mrs W Sterling, eon 4; bou- CuEsTzu WHr'rE.—Aged boar, J Foster; quet, small, Mrs W Sterling, con 6, Mrs G Penhsle; Brood sow, J Foster, W Bran. W Sterling, con 4. don; Boar, R Turner, J Foster; Sow, Jos ART WoRx.—Penoil drawing, Mrs Camp - Foster, bell, Miss Parson; Crayon drawing, Mrs RED Pro.—Aged boar, W Parsons, W & Campbell; Water color painting, Mrs W Fisher; Sow, W & W Fisher, W Par- Campbell; Oil painting, Mrs Campbell, sons; Boar, W & W Fisher, W Parsons Mrs C Shepherd; Kensington painting, Sow, W & W Fisher I and 2. Mise Neelin, Mise Parsons; Lustre paiiii POULTRY.—Ducks, R Penhale, W J Irwin; ing, blies Martin, Mrs Walker; Paiii iYbg on Geese, W Bates, R Snowden; Dorkings, J silk, satin or velvet, Mrs Campbell, Mrs L McFarne, W McLean; Braltmas, W Me- Beattie; Map of the county of Huron drawn Lean 1 and 2; Black Spanish, W J Irwin, by children under 14 years, Wm Cook, J H Bauer jr; Plymouth rocks, W J Irwin, Reid. H Bauerjr; Brown legborns, H Baner, W IMPLEMENTS.—Covered buggy, J McKie, McLean; White legborns, H Bauer, John diploma only; Chilled plough with skim- Howrie; Hamburgs, W McLean 1 and 2: me;, L Beattie; Beam plough without Bantams, W McLean, Mrs Colin Camp- skimmer, L Beattie; Gang plough, L Beat - bell; Turkeys, R Penbale, R & T Snowden; tie; Pump, J H Welsh. Collection of fowl, W J Irwin, H Bauer, DAIRY PRODUCE.— Tub salt butter, R MANUFACTURES. — Home-made flannel Snowden; 26 lbs salt butter, Eva Nott, W white, Miss Nott, Miss A Wise- Colored ' flannel home-made, Miss Wise, iflSsNott; Stirling; 5 The butter, W Cook, Sam home- ton; home-made R Snowden; home- Woollen blankets, home-made; Mise Wise, Nott,cheese, made wine, Eva Nott, J Burne; honey in W Sterling con 6; Home-made rag mat, g Combe, Alex Smith; home-made bread, W Mise Nott, W Sterling con 6; Home made yarn mat, Mrs W Bates, Miss Nott; Sherling, R Snowden. GRAM AND SEEDS—White winter wheat, Skein of woollen varn, W Sterling con 6, J Salkeld,Mat Westlake; red winter wheat, J Salkeld, H "Baeur; spring wheat, Geo Iblin Johnston; Skein of stocking yarn, Miss A Wise, W 'Sterling con 6; Wdollen Wild, J a:alkeld; large white peas, J Sal- held, M Brethour; small peas, J Salkeld, D stockings, Mise A Wise, Miss Nott; Wool - len socks, W Sterling con 6, Mrs Weston; Bretbour; six rowed Barley, J Balkeld, H Cotton stockings, Miss Nott, Mrs Weston; Bei two rowed barley, J Salkeld, Geo Cotton socks, W Stirling, Miss Wise; W601 - len gloves, Miss Nott, Mrs Weston; Wool - Wild; white oats, J Salkeld, T Stinson; black oats, G Wild,J Salkeld; timothy seed, len mite, Mise Wise, Mrs Weston; Fine M Bretbour, D Brethour; corn, Geo Wilds, boots. S R+athwell; Coarse boots, S Rath - well; Single harness, B Higgins; Specimen J Salkeld. FRUrr—GrapAs, G Wilds, Miss Weston; cabinet work, Mme H R Walker, fall apples, W Elliott, Mra Weston; winter apples, Mrs Weston; collection of apples, JUDGm.—HOraes—Jas Connolly, J Me - Nevin, Ben Thomlinson, V. S. Cattle, J. W Sterling, con 4, R Snowden; pears, Wm Hearn, W Graham. Sheep and Pigs—G. Parsons, R Stanbury; collection pears, Wm Stanbury, H Beacom, W Madge. Dairy Parsons, Geo Wilds; peaches, W Sterling, Geo Wilds; and Manufaeturee—W Scott, T Johnston, J T Cairns. Grain—J Williams, J Thom - con 6, Mrs Weston; grapes, crab apples, Mrs Weston, Geo Wilds; son, Fruit—R MoIlveen, Albert Ander- plume or prunes, L Beatty, W Par•sone; baldwins, Mrs Weston, Geo Wilds; north- eon. Vegetables—Edward Robinson, Jas Campbell, F. Rutledge. Poultry — John ern spies, Mrs Weston, Geo Wilds. .King. Implements—John Merro, Mr Mc - N EOETARLEs—early potatoes, M Brethour, Kie. Ladies work—Mrs Jag Stephenson, R Penbale; late potatoes, W H Woods, R Mrs L Beattie, Mips Park. Painfing and Turner; long red marigolds, J Salkeld, R flowere—Mrs Dr Stanbury. Snowden; marigolds, yellow globe, J. Sal- kelk, R Snowden; beats for table use, J Sal- keld, R Snowden; cabbage, G Wilde, J Sal- i Three Years keld; cauliflower, Geo Wilde, R Snowden; carrots for table use,.R Snowden„ I Balkeld; W H Woods; pumpkins, W L'Lgo� parsnips, Townsend, 'W H Woods; equashes, J How- rie; potato onions, large Engliab, R Snow- den, Mrs Wedturnips,R no Sterling non 6, CASH (�L THE CASH GROCERY RTurner;fieldturnipS,RNnowden,GWilds; fieldoarrote,W Sterling con 6, R Snowden; white celery, J Salkeld; winter radishes, G 1 For Business --three years ago we did Wilds, M Brethour; citrons, R Turner, W Parsons; musk melons, J Salkeld, R not have a single customer, to -day, we can count Our customers by the Turner; watermelons, W Townsend;) Salk- hundreds, which goes to show that eld; large beans, W Townsend, J Salkeld; we are doing�s, business the right small beans,W Stirling, Mrs Weston;large catty, viii Tlfc Cash Plriuciple. tomatoes. Mrs H R Walker, Geo Wf1ad; We buy our Goods for (Dash and save small Tomatoes, Geo Wilde, R Snowden. the discount and are in a position LADYYse' WoRK—Pillow shams, Mrs J to give our custorners Goods at the Whiddon, Mies Eva Nott; crazy work, Mrs LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Nott, Mrs Walker; oroobet table mats, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Neelin; toilet mats, Mrs W Our Stock consists of the finest linea. Bates, Mies Nott; table centre piece, Mise of Fine and Staple Groceries, Crockery Nott, Mrs Neelin; mantle drape, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Neelin; eats pillow, not and Chinaware, and our increasing. business goes to show whether we are known, Mrs Walker; msarame work, Mrs selling them at the right prices or not. Campbell; crochet work in wool, Mre Hoping to receive a continuance of - Colin Cam bell, Mies Nott; oroobet work in cot- p Mre Neelin, Mrs Campbell; embroid- our Fist favors, we remain yours: Y P ton, on silk, satin or velvet, Miss Nott, Mrs respectfully ery f Neelin; embroidery on fancy g ninth, Mies Nott, Mrs Campbell; fanny whisk holder, OGLE COOPER & CON Miss Nott, Mrs Campbell; fancy pin cuah- ion, Mrs Walker, Mrs Neelin; knitting In THE CASH GROCERY. worsted, Miss Martin, Mrs Campbell; e point lane, Mrs Neelin, Mise Nott; tatting, Phone23.