HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-09-29, Page 9Kt the seting I THEIR ANNUAL HUNT.—On or about t 1st November Messrs. Ed. re and ions Chas. 1)uwzer, Jno, Maguire and � TO T000iV0 a fair Com- Jno• Forrester leave for biuskuka to enjoy the annual hunt. nery t pensation for our GOodS ANNUAL MEETING.—The annual Jus and without pretense of meeting of the W.O.T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Washington■i�� . . generally giving some. Thursday afternoon, Sept. 30th. A full attendance is requested, it being Th thing for nothing, The W. the end of the year, election o gfft era be- Our millinery opening was a big success, our spacious cud other business I9 to be brought be - D. Fair Co. tenders• its fore the meeting. showroom was thronged with an immense crowd of delighted Like is store and services to LEGAL NOTE.—Alfred Brown,ltinspec- ladies. If you were not able to attend we will be pleased to for for the Ontario College of Phar- r We have passed into Stock one of the greatest lines of those who appreciate good niacy had Messrs. Beattie and Cairns, show you through at any time during' this week. You don't storekeepersof'Varna, before the Police wan't to miss our display. Thidin ► stream qualities, careful and Magistrate on the 27th inst. for viola P y• ere s a never ending tservice and honest tion of the Pharmacy Act. Both cases of newness about it. I �� prompt were dismissed. E. N Lewis for pro - prices, believing that with secutor, E. Campion, Q. C., for defend- their modern and Con- ants. VIOLIN INSTRUCTION.—Miss Laura The Best Qualities���� �— U 1 1 a Acheson of Goderich has arranged to 1111 � Boy Clothing veniently located and spend Saturday of each week in our arranged store Con- town for the purpose of giving instruc- tion in f Sit. liaa Acheson, who f9 a The Least Prices taininn a varied, uni- pupil of Si nor Dinelli, Toronto Con-— que and complete Stock, ser•vator•y o Music, is well known as a soloist and teacher and needs no forth• That is to be seen in this section and we are now ready the Call be of real and er recot mendation to the people of y y P p to ]et the public know something about this Stock. We Clinton as to her ability. Any infor- claim that our rices, considering the qualities, cannot be profitable service to the TheNewest Styles p g usatiou desired regardingg hours, terms, equalled to this lection and the many new customers purchasing public of Clin etc., can he secured by addressing which we are daily making show that good Goods are Miss Laura Acheson, Box 186, Gode- still bein a r eciated. On ton and vicinity. We are rich Ont. g PP Often the Cheapest—Al_ The results of n thorough knowledge of the buaine9s, it is our specialty, p Ttica RIFLE.—We are Indeed pleased ways the Best. The favor to learn that the Huron Rifle Associa- and we wake%Such. Our Milliners have the knack of trimming stylish Of OUC Iris ACti011 iS res- tion is receiving new life and Y p that energy is being enthused and up-to-date Millinery. SATU RDAY NEXT pectfully invited. into this grand institution. A • IArge Olid etltllusiastic meeting �i�i•ii�i was held alt Spooner's hotel on �„�, we will show a full range of Tuesday evening, when the various fair Workin committees were a ointed. 1�'+D+�New �d satisfactory ranges have13oy's Knee Pants at - 50c.,'75c. and $1.00 been secured over Mr. Joyner's pr'o'alT DaU Baigaimnspetty and arrangements are being ZMen's Tweed Pants our new line at - $2.00 CLINTON. made for every necessary detail. The elected officers are:—President, Capt. Men's Tweed Pants, our new line at - $3.00 Agents Parker's Dye Works, Combe; vice-president, Lieut. Spooner; secretary, Lieut. McTaggart; treasur- 32 inch Flanneletteil0c quality, The above Goods are all Our Own Mike . •-- --------- -----'—' er, N. Robsons Capt. Combe has and we guaran- !P Huron News-Reeora applied fur the modern Martini rifles for • ..... • • . • • • 62C tee them the best value in Canada. fur the matches. $1,254 yesr-81,00in Advance HURON'S MODEL HOME.—Tlle Wing- 500 yards Light nark .Prints to Our $1.25 and $1.50 Pants, while not our ham Jotu•nal speaks thuS:—Mrs. Waud- by, who was taken from here to the be sold at bargain own make are without doubt extraordinary WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th, 1897 House of Refuge at Clinton, was back in town this week. She was on her value. LOCAL` [)[ way to Walkerton to have her goods A 5C Corset Or ...... ...... 50C .LJOc t1L NE V`%S. shipped to Clinton. The old woman is Our great lines of ---- highly delighted with her new home . .t for A SOC COTSe UL ---.�- and Speaks great praise for Mr. and • • • • • • • • • 75C in ani! Around the Hub, Mrs. French. The old lady fought mEN9 hard against going there as she. said Ladies' black ribbed wool Bose 35c for .... 25c she heard so many had stories about > zwo gath. the place, but she says, "Don't you be- lieve them. Its a good home. We Ladies plain black wool hose 30e, for 25C Largo consigments of peaches nod tomatoes have all we want to eat and drink of arceivoddaily at Cantelon Bros. everything its it comes in season and everything is so clean and tidy about Alen's plain all wool shirts .. 5oc At $7.00 and $10.00 are still. to the front the place." _ A JUST COMPLAINT.—A qualified Men's and it is astonishing the quality wo sell. Veterinary Surgeon has a ]etter in CHORAL SOCIETY.—It has; been pro en s wool hose, 2 pts. frit .. 25c another column complaining of the posed that some atteu)pt be made to unwarranted action of the Ontario get rt. good chorus together this winter o Government in appointing an "Inspec- anti give concerts in which chorus for of Tuberculosis in CM -Ile". It ap work shall he the leading feature, pears that the appointee is not a quali- There isplenty of good material in the Sed veterinaeian and the only town land in order to make the work as conclusion we can :arrive at is attractive as aor elexpense for W + H • BEESLEY & U0., that farmers re not fools enough music anything else se should be put to engage• and pay •a useless gov upon tine active members, but it should einment officer when experts betaken out of the proceeds and the are to be found within almost a stone balance be devoted to soine good throw of their premises. It is simply cause, such as providing- a small sti- THE LADIES' FAVORITE ESTABLISHMENT. The Famous Hatters. another case of the Ontario Govern -pend for a permanent chaplain at the silent converting power to itself at the house of refuge. All singbrs, who are expense of the people. B all means willing to takepart in chorus work as read the letter and when a test is re- above suggested, are requested to send HOG $HIPPING.—The price of hogs The quired engage the professional man their na mes to Mr. W. Q. Philips (salt continues well up and farmers who who has spent years in educating hire- office) in order that some idek may be have there to sell are reaping a big Thee self and who has paid well for the privi- I obtained as to the number availableben fit. C. J. Wallace shipped is car I Millinery • lege of doing so. The farming corn- and a meeting culled to make prelimin_ loaf to Toronto on Monday for which munity should he the last to encourage ary arrangements. he paid $5.35 live weight. quacks of all kinds. STOPPING PAPERS.—In a village not RATTENBURY ST. C arTRcH.—Next I Rest A GOOD TuING.—Mr. W. A. Ross, far from Clinton THF NEWS -RECORD Sunday the fellowship meeting will formerly of Clinton, now of Goderich, has a very large circulation, larger take place at 10 a. in. and preaching at 11 Mill - showed at the show there last week an than any other paper in the county of y incubator of about 1255; egg capacity. Huron. Several people have taken yard, the m. and 7 p, tit. Rev. Mr. Mill - tor, will occupy the , pas������ The machine was manufactured by upon themselves to enter into ,t con- pt?ipit. In the evening the subject himself and he is makingthem for s ir•ac to stop the paper goin to •will be "Influence, conscious and un - P Y P a p gg conscious. Last Sunday evening �Vc hold our Fall Millinery Opening every day this week and invite sale. The one ou exhibition with 80 some subscribers because s"rnething there was a very large congregation. you to call at any tittle and examine the New Fall Styles. You're chicks coming out of the shells one has been publi.hed that does not please welcome whether you want to buy or not. after another, proved one of the big- there. These conspirators are known MR. MCCAUGHAN s LECTURE, — ggest attractions in the various inside and will be exposed in due season. A The lecture to be delivered in The best assortment of Mantles ever FAIR WEEK MONEY SAVERS Vii._., departments. Mr. Ross made the few days ago a subscriber, whose the Presbyterian church on the imported into Clinton is that shown machine after his own ideas and thus a er was paid for to Januar next., eveufng of October 12th,, by Rev. P' p 1 Y here this season. Buying direct from far it has proved a success, hatching 75 p id for THE NEws-RECORD up to W. J. McCaughan, late of Belfast, Just a few items that will give you an Idea of er cent. of the e s laced therein. Jul 1898. On Saturda it was re- Ireland, now of St. Andrew's church, the maker and paying bun the cash g gg P y Y puts us in a position to quote the low- What We are doing ill the Way U# values. �he inside, mh.ere the eggs tare, is air turned to the office of publication with Toronto, should be well attended. est Mantle prices in the trade. With b tight, except for ventilation purposes a one cent sta morp. What we desire is Though he has resided in Canada for a and is heated h coils of hot waster that ever sutpscriber who does not few months only, Mr. McCaughan has styles right, values right and the best Y Y assortment it's no wonder the Mantle pipes, the temperature being kept at receive his or bet, paper, shall report becoute so widely known as a pro- business is coming this way. Values the same height by a wonderful auto- promptly to this officeand we prun)ise minent preacher and lecturer, that, he like these are bringir.g it. Fine Boucle Dress Goods in shades Heavy Shaker Flannel, soft and matie regulator. This regulator is to' look after the hold conspirators. needs introduction to but few people in t -of Green, navy, blue!', garnet, fleecy finish, fast colors in pink made of a piece of rubber tacked on to Weare after thein and determined to Clinton, The press has continued t,O Black rough cloth Mantles, six brown and black, the hest val- and greys ..................... ec a stick of wood, when the temperature give theta all the law allows. No speak in it most flattering manner of buttons, good material, braid ues we ever sold, special at.. , . 500 raises the rubber expands and binds patron is fool enough to refuse good his eloquence, and the words of Prof.trimmed............. . ...... $3.50 Heavy Linen Crash Toweling.. , ... 50 the stick by which the heat from the goods which he has paid for anti Robertson, D. D., of Belfast, declaringDouble fold Tweed Dress Goods in lamp is decreased, when the heat de- wants. him to be "one of the first preachers Tweed Mantles, brown sbades, 6 fancy mixtures ............... 17C English Tweed Shaker Flannels, creases the rubber contracts and the and one of the flrst speakers and lett- large ivory buttons, Cutts, a wide, double fold, for dresses regulator causes more heat to pass SAD AND SUDDEN DEATH or MRs. urers in Belfast—a man of powerful very serviceable garment... $5.00 Fine Tweed et, st Dress Goods, and waists, a great range of into the pipes. Hiscox.—A very sad and sudden death oratory" have been re-echoed with Ap- good weight, stylish goods... 23C patterns ...................... 20C CRICKET.—The Clinton C. C. finished occ tired in Clinton oil Tuesday, Sept. provM wherever Mr. McCaughan Black Niggerhead Mantles, 3 large Cotton Blankets used b nttan in - :31st, at the residence of Dr. Shaw, in has been heard. Mr. McCaughan hon- buttons, slash collar, wide inili- Heavy Black serge, hard worsted Y Y the season of 1897, on Friday, Sept. the person of `bits. G. T. Hiscox Ors Clintonwith his first lecture out terry and narrow torsi:, braid finish, 40iu. wide, regular 5c stead of sheets, white or grey, 24th, by playing a match between the _ ular- .. 50c special per pair ............... 75e married and single members of the ("Pup Rattenbury) 536 Queen's side the city of Toronto. He comes round collar and down front, quality...... club. The game wits on the whole fair- avenue, London, which cast it, at the request of the board of manage- special value at .............. $6.60 Fancy French Dress Goods in Best quality Table Oilcloth 5.4..20C gloom over the whole commun- , merit of Willis church and under their teen and bloc; mixtures, very lyrepresentative and well contested, re- ity. Mrs. Hiscox came here. the auspices. The subject of the lecture Black Frieze Jackets, 6 large but g Axminster Door Mats, fringed all suiting in favor of the bachelors by 74 tour, Velvet collar, cutis lined stylish materials, six dresses rums. For the "Benedicts" W. Coats Saturday ntornmg previous on a has not., we believe, been finally decid ... $6.50 only, regular $5,25 the dress.$4.26 round ........................ 400 covered hirnself with glory by a well visit to her another, Mrs. William Rat- ed upon, but whatever it may be, Mr. I throughout ....... • .... tenbury, who has been ill for aorne McCaughan should a have good recep , Extra quality wool Mantle Cloths Men's wool Sox, good quality, 2 hit 21 as well as by making two very 131ack xnd Fawn Beaver Mantles, q Y pairs .......................... 250 brilliant catches. For the "Bache_ time. She looked the picture of health tion. 28 in, long, turn over collar, in red, navy, brown, myrtle, lots" M. McTagg,u•t payed a faultless was to esspirits. Cutts, front and and the ht of irits. She at- back trimmed black ........ .. . ............. $1.50 Fine black wool Sox, seamless.... 250 innings of 60 "not oat" and appear- tended the funeral of the late Charlie Brief Town Topics• with braid...... $ I3owers to the afternoon and in the 9'0O Ladies' H lean Ribbed Vests, ed to be once route iii' his true Euro) Yg� bleu's Loch Lomond Top Shirts, much to the delight of the specta- evening she and her sister, Mrs. It. H. Miss Mabel Cluff visited friends .° Children's Reefers, navy, nigger- open front long sleeves, just the best working shirt made., 50C Read, went down town shopping and Seaforth last week. head laid lined throughout, the thing for early fall wear, tors. Appended is the full score:— P un their return called into Dr. Shaw's Mr. John Wilford Of Blyth was in siren 3 to 6, stylish and service- sold in lots of stares ab `LGc.... 200 Men's tine woollen Underwear, the r1ARRIRD—IST IVINTITOR. for some medicine for bet, mother. town last Thursday. best line in the trade, per suit.. $1 L. Kennedy.... c, Couch.,.. b.McMurchic.... 4 able ................ ffi3.35 to 4.60 She ryas suddenly seized with ,i.n Joseph Allanson ,attended Seafurth Ladies' pure wool ribbed Vests, G. Barge ...... .......h. Torry....,...,......... U } R. Agiiex•......e.Terry.....6. McMurehio.... 8 i+hack of :apoplexy, Her condition washow. s Brown Covert Cloth Mantles, open front, long sleeves, soft Fur Felt Fedora Hata, stylish J. Hoover...... • • " b. Terry .................. 7 sO serious that her husband was teleptt- Messrs. E. Snell and John Ititchic of double breasted, turn down col- finish, a regular 75c garment 65C shapes, regular $1.25 and $1.60.1 F. Hodgins .... .,....,b.Torry 11 oned fur to London. Mr. Hiscox drove Wingham were in Clinton last Thurs- lar, six large ivory buttons, W. Spalding......... b. McMtrrchie...,.......1 6 Kid Gloves flne, soft Kid in Mens Kid Gloves, unlined, for fall J. and arrived here Sunday morning, cls Cliffs, a warm and serviceable shades Of Inn four buttons tc,g8c went tan shades re Dr. Br ee............b.Terry...... ...... .... fi y .............. $6.00 Pr. Bruoo-,.. .......b. Terry ................. 3 !nit already ,his wife was in a crtical Master Switzer Freeborn lett Wed- Coiat....., + + , pular $l.'L5., $1 '• T. Southcombe ....... not out ................... 7 condition. From that time she grad- nesday last for Brampton on ,t visit to gular We....... .black W. Coats... ... b. 'ferry .......... .....21 P Fiuncv wool, Dress Goods, .. inch, wally sank until her spirit passed away friends. Brown unci Black ruixed 'tweed •�Y I. Steep.r..•,..c. Terrry.....b. MoMurchic.... 2 n 5 o'clock Tuesday evening. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. McVittie of North Mantles, shield front, high Special hosiery^� all wool, good patterns.....,. 40C Extras ......................................... 3 Hiscox was the daughter of the late Bay tare visitidg Old friends .in this collar, small buttons, cuffs.. $8.00 All wool black Henrietta, extra — Win. Hattenbary, the first settler and vicinity. Bargainso�� fine silk finish, 46 inches wide, Total ......................... I............&3 founder of Clinton. Tn '1377 she wits SINt)LE-1ST INN[NOS. DC. and bars. Shillingla,w of Mitchell 10 est Ilius t0 Uy a Coat � is beautiful cloth ........ ..... 60C married to Mr. Hiscox, who with their were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Blackall is now, when the stock is at Ladies plain and ribbed Cashmere J. McMurehic......... b. Kennedy..... ........ 0 ) I A. McOarva„c• Southcombe.,,,b. Kennody..11 four children, three daughters and one last Friday, Fiore, all cI ittlities, it, set of travellers Fine fancy black Dress Goods, all F. W. Terry .... c. Coats ....,.,b. Kennedy 37 son, remain to mourn a i6ving wife Walter Coats was a ponitry judge. cat its best, and before the Choi- samples at prices very little more than wool, 42 inch, new patterns, M. McTaggart..:...,..not oil ........ ........00 and mother. The remains were taken Sea.foith. D. Cantelon was a liidge on a half regular. extra value at ................ 60C E:.;(iantelon............run out ...............1:i to London on Wednesday evening, the fruit and flowers. CeSt garments are gone. f .Wiler........ c.Cents ........ b,.Kennedy.. o pall bearers being W. W. F,trran, J. C a xby............ b. Kennedy ............... 4 1 g Mr. John Ransford attended a meet- P•Con oil .............b. Steep .................. 3 Ransford, F. Macpherson, W. Coats, ing of the Diocese of Huron held at D. McPherson.:.,.,, b. Kennedy ............... 0 J. Wiseman and J. P. Tisdall. The London last Thursday. D. floss... ... ......b.Chidley......... ....... 5 funeral took place from her late real- Mr. and Mrs, John Rathwell of Stan - w. Armstrong ...o• I{ennody.... b. Bergo-_ deuce 53(i Queen's Atcarte, on TIre s- Xxtras .................................... ....II , ley were the guests of their son-in-law "f — day aftf-moon at 2.30 to Woodland Mr. Thos. Dawson Inst week. Total. ......1b$ These )rices are for bland new goods and first-class qualities. The're low enough to mace Cemetery Rey. G�anon Richardson 1 b A complete record of the past conducted the service. A large num of Jas. Connolly Salesman for else season will appear in a hater her Of beautiful floral offerings were Holrnesville and Summerhill cheese it worth your while buying here in preference to anywhere else. More and more factories sold the last half of Aug. are 80 le filldlllt+ that it a 's t0 d0 their Dry Goods buying here. issue of this paper, containing sent by friends of deceased. Among cheese at Q cents to Ballantyne. people b p 3 the different results of the matches the relatives present, were Mr. I. Rat- There were 377 boxes.Your Mone back if Ohl W Hilt It played, together with the hut- tent)ury and Mrs. S. Rance, brother Mr. Jas. Horne of Colborne was n Cash and one Price, - Y Y ting and bowling achievements of the and sister of decenbed. Owing to the Y team. A general meeting of the illness of Mrs. Rattenbury a number of ('Tinton caller one day last week. We Cricket Cfuh will rsheld in the Council relatives were unable to attend. The hisreg'fa ily learn that have n Hodgens �►rUt�'1eiS charnher on Thursday evening, Oct. pall bearers at London were her four his family at intervals have been 7th, at 8.15 P. in. in order to discuss nephews: 1. R. Read, Clinton: 11. W. quito ill since ]est s )ring. His son ' matters connected With next season. Rend, London; EL T. Rance, Blyth; W. Nelson is at present laid tip with an All those interested in the welfare of flodgins, London; and W. Waugh and abscer•s in the face. the club are requested to attend. , J. Spry, of London. Additional briefs on gditorial page. I� IR ECT IMPwR l ER cam, ■ ' CL.I Nrip ON„ w