HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-09-29, Page 7A ~---��Q .; GlIntoa Sewing fflachine Wareroor�s.Stationery,:77 SP ECIFI� RLU 0—Fos 5r nrilll A "Since childhood, I nave been aillieted with scrofulous boils and sores, which caused me terrible suffering, 1'liysicians were unable to help me, and. I only grew worse under their cure. At length, 1 began to take AYER'S Sarsaparilla, a n d very soon grew bet- ter. After using A half a dozen bottles I was completely cured, so that I have not had a boil or pimple on any part of my body for the last twelve years. I can cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsa- parilla as the very Gest blood -purifier in existence." — G. T. REINHART, Myersville, Texas. ATHE ONLY WoI&LDIS FAIR Sarsaparilla Ala% Cherry pectoral cures Coughs and Colds The. Hmren News-Recora 51.26 a YeAf—sk.00ln Advance WEDNESDAY, .SEPTEMBER 29th, 1897 His Notlier's Son. -s. Beneath the hot mldsummer sun The men had marched all day; And now beside a rippling stream, Upon the grass they lay. Tiring of games and idle jests, As swept the hours along, They called to one who mused apart, "Come, friend, give us a song." "I fear I cannot please," he said; "The only songs I know Are those my mother us to sing For me long years ago." "Sing one of those," a rough voice cried, There's none but trite men here; To evory mother's son of us A mother's songs are dear." Then sweetly rose the singer's voice. Amid unwonted calm; "Am I a soldier of the cross, A follower of the Lamb I "And shall I fear to own his cause V - The ver stream was stilled, And hear s thahnever throbbed with fear With tender t oughts were filled. Ended the song, the singer said, As to his feet he rose, -'Thanks to you all, my friends; good nigh God grant us sweet repose." "Sing us one more," the captain begged; The soldier bent his head; Thbn glancing round with smiling lips, "] ou'd join with me," he said, "We'll sing thin old familiar air, Sweet as the bugle call, *All hail the power of Jesus' name, -Let angels prostrate fall.'" Ah! wondrous was the old tune's spell, As on the singer sang; Man after man fell into line. And loud the voices rang The songs are done, the camp is still, Naught but the stream is heard; But all I the depth of every soul By those old hymns is stirred. And from many a bearded lip, In whispers soft and low, Rises the prayer the mother taught The boy long years ago. POULTRY RAISING I have made arrangements with the NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY to handle their machines and ani prepared to offer the public an article unsurpassed for durability and the quality of work. They will be placed on trial free; we compete with tell machines on the market. I also have other grades at less money. Needles and parts supplied for all makes of machines. Sonia Hints to Beginners—Tire Market WASHING MACHINES.—I all) agent tor, the celebrated Authony Wayne •rho chief Alm, After All. I Washer, the largest manutacturers of Washers in the world. The machine cannot be beat in any respect. I still handle the Improved Ideal -and Manitoba If one could carry out the ideasad-Washers. Also Clothes 'ringers, the best in the market. vauced in books oil poultry-ralsiug, n R for eggs uud for metut, ve make it a W.L1; y` �+®V i V•g•', aliecialty, and, having overcome every W ii l�ii ,N-■' difficulty, and succeeded just as the • N oks and pauVhlets ;argue, and would J. M. McLnOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. ALMA COLLEGE wake one a successful man or woman a Stand, Huron Street, Clinton. in that line, the chain item would Still livery is well equipped with reliable horses and be light and warm, and, on the poultry farm, have in it a stove for heat- be to make sales wud handle the cash. For Young Women. Letter Heads In order to do this one must study the each Ht and markets at particular gni must be Observing, shrewd and goodl WM. N. WALKER, STAR RESTAURANT, figures. Above all things he muNt not —the reliable wire fencing of small meshes. The ynrds, eneb for a separate breed, despise the day aft Sinai] thin-gs. It is easyenough, if ex eiience, teaches -that UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS Duron Street, Clioton r it will do, to branch out and enlarge, MAKER, tltat while the fo'w'ls could see each dhher much easier to add than to shrink and I quarter acre principally plum trees; good hard water; also small stable, good hen house. Price and terms reasonable. contract, viz., with aaRety for your SEAFORTH, ONT. 000006000000 capital. You need also a good ,honest in Parlor Furniture repaired and rocovered. We are wide open for the hot weath. celumins!OTI man the city. A young main writes: "I have a few Carpets sowed and laid • also cleaned and ro novatod at r•easoalable prices. er season and are after your patronage. hundred dollars to invest; will it do for we to buy six or eight acres at 511 per store, Off -Orders left at BROADFOOT & BOX'S Clinton or Scutorth, will be promptly at ICE CREAM, COOL DRINKS, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, acre and engage in poultry-raLging for tended to. CIGARS and TOBACCO. a Iii-ing business'? Shall 1 look to egg - Young male birds should drrss at leaist dors for Wood and COaI. W11;eh wi l be sold at production or raise for meat? I aml ----- EVERYTHING IN SEASON. young and hcive a wife. I think I aluould like the business. McLeod's Our parlor is'cheery and comfortable. We answer if you and your wife like business, in it, Right System Renovator Lunches at all. hours. Huron St., Clinton, the yes; engage Since theilaot weather has come we hear of great quantities of milk returned CHAS. WITTS, mamagc stent will yield eggs in mid winter. strong, speed expected. Will take p3ony Ili hands part payment, on inaLE` tf If these come to market in good condi- —AND OTHER— Minn., in 1893. The Cleveland au- tion they will sell tor a fair pr;ce. But large farut Tested Remedies, prove helpful: a hungry pig would be lot, in, and, of It being a pig's there is competition on every w•Ihem suitable buildings shelter the MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF _ Agents for "Queen Vic- WAN 'i rt) torn', Her Reign and fowls and where feed grain is so o.brvud p (+ r� SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Diamond Jubilee," Overflowing with latest ant that no one even thinks of feeding ted or delivored to the 'persons mentioned in sections 5 and 0 of the Voters' Lists Arts, f he and richest Ctures. Contains the endorsed biography Her Majesty with authentic His the hens, they can help themselves. On such places these silo is a great plenty For Impure, Wcak and Impoverished Blood, ]ly pupsia, Sleeplessness, Palpatation of the of tory of her remarkable reign, and full account of offal from the table and the dairy, Hoart, Liver Complaint., Neuralgia. Loss of of the Diamond Jubilee. Only $1.50. Big book. Tremendous demand. Bonanza for agents. The thirft and frugal houRsewife aces y Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption GallStoncs, Kidney and Urinary diseases, St, Coupnnission50purd•ent. Creditgleen. Freight, to it that the scraps go to the hens and chickens. We seldom feed curds now; .,allndice, Vitus' Dance, FumalDebilgt,ularities and Gen- erttl Debility. paid. Ou,r rr ritim Duty aid Write (4nnck for onttl6 and torrltorv. THE DOMINION they have dome into disrepute, but in COMPANY, Dept. 7, 356bearborn St„ Chicago, former years while living err a large LABORATORY, CODERICH ONT. farm, curds were made amd systematieal- Office Supplies, Job Printing, The News -Record Calls special attention to our Stationery and Office Supplies and Job Printing Depart- ment. We are unsurpassed.... 41 By any town or city in the Goods we handle or the prices we quote for Stationery and Printing and the quality of both is always guaranteed. A perusal of this announcement may suggest sometbing you may be in need of, and in such case we solicit your patronage, feeling confident that our efforts to please will meet with the approval of our patrons. ly fed to the chickens. J. M. McLnOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. ALMA COLLEGE When in Goderich do not neglect to secure The hen hotle3e aboard be roomy, so that the birds are not crowded; it sh,)uld Sold in Clinton by I livery is well equipped with reliable horses and be light and warm, and, on the poultry farm, have in it a stove for heat- J. lh UoMBF,'4nd ALLAN & WILSON. For Young Women. Letter Heads should ing the roost in case of a bitter cold night, and o2 these we have more or I'ss every winter. This stove and fix- 1 should be so ari-anged as to be well securtd a ainst fire• naso have guards of 1 Millers Omalbus Line, Goderich Ont. 7 A residential sehoel. Collegiate and Pre- PParatoty Studies ti ma Floclubc, Fnc Art, "" Iaocut!un.R,sh,,. s In this line we have a very fine stock of writingpapers suitable foi- p p every class of business represented I,: 1 g some kind to prevent the hens from light- t, the milk through an aerator, or if you have none use the dipper freely puu•ang ing upon it, :and thus burning their feet. When in Goderich do not neglect to secure The south side, cis pecially, and more or Miller's Omnibus to all parts of the town. Our lew the east side,should have large glass livery is well equipped with reliable horses and windows and double sashes. When one good rigs, and prices will always be found relt- conivs to examine the matter by figures ,enable. Stables on Fast Street, near the Square—telephone No. 51. g- cry expensive, The ithese things are not v JONATHAN MILLER. windows nod not he large, and r•houdd. Goderich. on the outside, at least, be guarded by Electorg are called upon to examine the said List and if any omissions or any other errors wire fencing of small meshes. The ynrds, eneb for a separate breed, Property for Sale should all center in the buildine. which, For sale, on Princes, street., Clinton, a one of course, should also be paTiitioned SO storey frame building containing three bed- tltat while the fo'w'ls could see each dhher rooms, front room, kitchen, ppantry, &c.; over lot, bearing ore Bard, thoy could not mix, Tap raise. "fancy stock" is not the idea quarter acre principally plum trees; good hard water; also small stable, good hen house. Price and terms reasonable. nY all; but to have Select and choice For particulars apply to PHEL1x HANLON, breeds certainly is. I have known a Goderich P. O. farm where no new blood had been ill- nurses in the United States. Price twenty-ilve a bottle, Sold by all druggists through out the world.” Besure and ask for •.Yllts. SYRUP. -trodnced for years; the breed of "dung - CLINTON. hilks" had run out so that a full grown Iy his a pla 11 for fattening; bogs a fowl dressed would only wt i,h about WOOD AND COAL YARD• one and a half pounds. Tit certainly call - of wreckage and fails to report to me I shall rot be profitable to raise such stock. Subscriher is prepared to pronpt.ly till all or Young male birds should drrss at leaist dors for Wood and COaI. W11;eh wi l be sold at frpttr to eight pounds, These are only lowest rates. Orrice on Isaac St,recl, at LAVIS' hints, which we hope may be of use to IMPLEMENTS ROOMS. W. WHF.ATLEY new beginners. — of blooded animal which it was desired For Sale—Bargain. Care of Milk For Factor„. to fatten. The scheme was to let the Since theilaot weather has come we hear of great quantities of milk returned Bay horse, 4 year,; old, well bred, good size, to patrons because of being sour and strong, speed expected. Will take p3ony Ili hands part payment, on inaLE` I gassy ,when it reaches the factory. At E. N. IS Goderich, the Ontario factory on Monday morn- Minn., in 1893. The Cleveland au- ing, July 5th, over 15,000 pounds was re turned. The following suggestions will Voters List, 1897. prove helpful: a hungry pig would be lot, in, and, of It being a pig's See that the cows drink nothing but MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF pure water, and breathe air untainted CLINTON, HURON CO. by bad odors. That green, scum -covered pond hole must be shut out. —'- Notice is hereby given that I have transmit: Milk with clean, dry hands, and keep ted or delivored to the 'persons mentioned in sections 5 and 0 of the Voters' Lists Arts, f he the milk free from stable dust or other copies required by said sections to be so trans - contaminating particles. nnitted or delivered of the list made pursuant Strain at once, thoroughly, then run to said Act of all persons appearing by the last For Over Fifty Years the milk through an aerator, or if you have none use the dipper freely puu•ang revised Assessment Holl o the sats nnicipal- 7ity, to be entitled to vote io the said Municip- MRS. Wt-TSLOw'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been and stirring. rla- Live at elections for members the Lotions. used. by minions of mothers for their children, while teething. If disturbed at night and Then cool the milk down and stir again t.it•c Assembly and at the Municipal Elections. ip and that said list was first •posted up in my broken of your rest by a sick child suffering before retiring for the night. A deep office at Clinton, on the 12th day of August. and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send "Mrs. at, shotgun can tilled with cold water mal' 13;19, and renabns there for inspection. once and Ket a bottle of Winslow,8 Booth- inSyrup for Children Teething. It will re- be set in the large can of milk to do the cooling. Most expert cheesemen now Electorg are called upon to examine the said List and if any omissions or any other errors Iieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Do- upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about consider aeration more important than I are found, therein, to take immediate prd(? 0( - pend it. It cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach Wind Colic, softens the cooling, but when the latter is done in conjunction with the former the milk ings to have said errors corrected according to law. and bowels, cures Gums, reduces Inflammation, and givestoneand will cortaiuly keep sweet longer.—Lon- W14. COATS, Town Clerk, Clinton,, August 12th, 1697. energy to the whole system."Mrs. Winslow's Soothingg Syrup" for children teething is plea, don liarmer's Advocate. NOTICE, NOTICE, FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS sant tothetaste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and Tt f or I.atteninr t'ig - ingenious ever desent.s At nurses in the United States. Price twenty-ilve a bottle, Sold by all druggists through out the world.” Besure and ask for •.Yllts. SYRUP. The scheme vised be Yauk(4mind was that of a marl who )vi,ihed to claim as exclusive-li by WOn- E' 'J"U N N WINSLOW'S SOOTHING Iy his a pla 11 for fattening; bogs a that if any person takes pussesoon of any kin dollar each for the pleasure of answer- derful method. The pill[, was this: of wreckage and fails to report to me I shall ing questions. Then, if any fail toppotato Three pigpens were built, one having once take proecedings. Rernembor this Is th last w shalGoglive. CAPT. WM. BABII Mrs. Baker formerly of Chatham several lean scrub swine, known as "razor being BAKINC and Toronto, Ontario, and recently -backs," the ceutrul one ennpty, and the third containing the Goderich, 1901. r arrested in Cleveland on suspicion of blooded animal which it was desired — -- insanity, and while in coanfinenlent she to fatten. The scheme was to let the ® E stilted that she and her paramour bad fine pig into the• central yard and let murdered her husband in St. Paul's, him eat all he couldout of the trough. Minn., in 1893. The Cleveland au- ji'heH Ire bad so much as lie could hold, THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND thorities believe the woman is speak- a hungry pig would be lot, in, and, of It being a pig's L,ARGEs'r SALE IM CANADA, ing the truth, and are making an in- course. begin to east. vestigation. nature to eat as long as it saw another Vi, pig do so, the man rvasoned that the e� Some days nothing will "come out right;" from the titne you rise till you retire. Ten to one, the trouhli-. is in yourself. Your blood is in a ball con- dition, and overy organ suffers in con- sequence. What, you need is the cleansing, invigorating influence of Ayer's tiarsapartlla. The Ontario Government Tuesday decided not to enforce the manufacture in Ontario of timber cut under Govern- ment licenses, at least during the pres- ent license year. The Sense. of security against midden emergencies from croup and bronchitis, felt, by those who are provided with a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, would be cheaply purchased at telt times the cost of that remedy. in all lung complaints, it is prompt to act and bure to cure. (J scan Straw For Shoev. It has been well attes.ed that 'bean straw is a valuable feel for sheep, and that they RTP gond of it. The bean., tike clover, is a leguminous plimt, and uutuy farmers say that the straw, though coarse and Marsh, has nearly as Qnueh nutrition as clover hay. fit makes a very rich manure when fed to either dhewp or cows. That is shown by its rotting very fast when Pile:] acrd giving off 6,he strong smell of antrllOn:ia which conics from feeding any mmaure, rich in ndtrogenous uu-tritiori.Dakota iel Fd and Farm. Burn All Diseased Plants. Dkwased plants ahould never be add- ed to the manare hemp, ae they con- taminate the whole mass. It is possible to spread plant disea_ves over The entire jam fathrough the agency of manure, anld no farm will get rid of any disellse thot attacks plants until all refuse is burnt: m...�i�i r• The MCA1110P Mutual Fir Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. orrtealt11. George Watt, President, Harlock P. O.; Jamoi Broadfoot, \'ice-Pree., Seaf, rth P. o.; w. J. Shan non, Secy. Trans., Soaforth P. 0.: Michael 11urd" inspector of losses, Seaforth P. O. nlanoToas, Jamos Broadfoot, yeaforth;:tllehael Mnrdie,Soa forth; Goorgo Dale, Seaforth; George Watt, Ilnrloel Thomas F. Ifays,Sea.forth; Alex oardiner,Leadbur: Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; Jahn McLean, Rip, en. A6BNT11. Thomas Nellana, Harlonk; Robert McMillan, Sna forth and ,raines oummibgr,Ekmondtllle. Parties dealrous to effect Insurance or trine act other business will be promptly attend ed to on applleation to any of the above officers ad dressed to their respective poet 0010611. Moral .rod A--th u, Advanu,e.s AlTdi aped with V!o ­ :: University, College stands In an eight acre park i ­ rates. Forillustratcdeatalogucandpariicu!ar�,..d.;.,>- Rev. R. Warner, M. A., Principal, St. T1cmns, Cil To Improvers of Stock. The undersigned has on his promises, 10th couccssion, Goderich Township, A 'thoroughbred Jersey Bull. Terms:—$1 will $'l. A Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, regis- tered. Torras:—$1, with ttio priviloge of return- j ing. A thoroughbred Tam worth hoar, registered. Terms:—$I, with privilege of returning, This is it rare chalice to improve your stock T. C. EDM UNDs, 065•tf McKillop Directory for 1897, John Morrison, Reeve. Winthrop 11. Q. Win. Archibald, Deputy Reeve, Leadbury P. O, Daniel Manley, Councillor, Becchpvood P. O. Jos. C. Morrison, Councillor, Beechwood P. O. Will, Me('avin, Councillor. Leadbury P. O. Jno. C.,Morrison, Clerk, Winthrop 11. O. William Evans, Assessor, Beechwood P. O. David M. Ross,'I'veasurer, N'r'inthro 11. O. Charles Dodds, Collector, Seaforth Y. O. Richard Pollnrd• Sanitary Inspector, Leadbury. Removal of Night Soil, The undersigned will 'undertake the removal of Night Soil and thorough cleaning of closets. on short notice, and at reasonable rates. All refuse removed out of town. cW t -f ROBT. MENNEL. Poultry For Sale. u BARRM) PLYMOUTH ROCKS. I have for sale about fifty Barred Plymoit.h Rock chickens, all bred from superior thor- oughbred stock. The price will be reasonable. LORNE C. TODD, Clinton. Agents Sell "Klondyke Gold Fields" Like a whirlwind. Experienced. canvassers reaping the richest harvest of their lives; new beginners doing wonders. Nearly everybody subscribes. One young fellow on a farm at $12.00 a month is snaking $75.00. A lady type - t at $300 i week is clearing $1100 A mechanic who had earned $150 a day is clear- ing $5.00 a day. We want ln,re agent,;. Call- vassingoutflts Vets, worth $1.(10 THE BRAD- LEY GARItETSON CO., Limited, Toronto, Out. Thorouzhbred Poultry. I hove for Fale come choles Black Minorcas, Indian Gamle, Grey DorkinsMale or female. Will be sold cheap as I bave tco teauy. WALTER COATS, Clinton, Apples Wanted. I can In t rs ocallty, also for private use. Note Heads This useful size is kept in stock, the qualities being in several grades. Memo. Heads These fill an important place in com- mercial correspondence. See what we have got. Bill Heads If thep a -as- ou- o" plan waw the orderof the day thdemand for account paper would not be so great -, but there are some men who get so many dunners that they wonder if the stock will ever run out, We don't intend it to, and at present out' stock is com- plete in this line. Good paper and neat ruling. Statements Our stock is large. They come cheaper than hill heads, and are the proper thing to send, after a delinquent once a month. They are sure to fetch hitt 'round - sometime. Envelopes' We make a specialty of Envelopes. You know it, would be hard to get along without. envelopes, :and to keep up with the demand for them we keep a large stock on hand. Plain or Printed we are offering some great snaps. One line in particular is going off fast - 50 for 5c, Commerical Printing A vast amount of work under this head to enumerate would more than take up the entire space oc- cupied by this adv t,- but we do it all at TILE NEws-RECORD. Invitations to in "At Home" or tt wedding require considerahle taste in selec- tion sometimes, but the make it an easy matter by keeping in stock the very latest and best samples to be had. Call and see. If you want Circulars We excel in all the different kinds of work we turn out, and particu- larly in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable for all requirements, Programs of entertainments and meetings promptly turned out, from the plain and neat to the most elegant. Cards and Tickets These cover a large range of work, from a bread and milk ticket to a neat calling card, from an or- dinary admission ticket to a tasty business card or a handsomely printed membership ticket. Memoriam Folders In this line THE NEws-RECORD can supply every design, quality and price on the market. Posters Our facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced bL the fact that we always do goo work and give superior satisfaction in all respects. . Dodgers are greatly in demand. Our facili- ties are superior for this class of work and the very reasonable prices keep our presses busy. Sale Bills We make a specialty of them - promptness bemg our airs in this respect. A notice of sale will ap- peal• in THE NEws-RECORD free of charge when bills for same are secured here. All Kinds of Work in the typographicAl printing line can be done in this establishment in an expeditious and artistic manner and Our prices will be found very reason- able. Mourning Papers and Envelopes For correspondence we can give you up-to-date goods. also carry full lines of Pens, Pencils, We, V,, I Scribblers, Tablets, Erasers, Inks, Writing Paper, &c., &c. • In thanking our many patrons for the IToron oTont. very liberal support accorded us in -- — the past, a continuation of the same WANTED-Ag°ate for inign Vic- WANTED.- ie- liberal support is solicited. J toric, Her Reign and Diamond Jubilee." Overflowing with latest and richest pictures.C(ontains the endorsed biography of Her Mnlo,Sty, with Unthenic His- tory of her romarkab a rot n, and full account of the Diamond Jubilee. Only $1.50. Big book. Tremendous domandil. • Bonanza for agents. Commission 60 per cent. Credit, given. Frdotght. paid. 01TWIT irrtErc. Duty paid. THE DOMiiON for ontflt and territory. COMPANY, Dept. 7, 356 Dearborn St., Chicago. ifr �7 �n-7^� Old established whote• r WA it T 1 J L sale Houso wants one or two honest, and industrious roprosontat.iveg. T �T Can pay hustler about $12 a week to start CL.LN�C�y� with, Medical Building, Toronto. + r .. full pig; w•oul(1 immediately set to work J. V. 0EVIMIMiDWIVI The unhappy Mr. G. W. Ross is re. again and take another meal. When the razor -back was full he was to be Furniture Dealer, &c. duced to the necessity of providing a taken out and it third hungry pig set-off to the Tarte alliance. He de- flares that Mr. Whitney has is "Top- brought in, when the sumo performance would be gone through again.-i'hiladel- THE LEADING,�� UNDERTAKER AN er" alliance, and that "Tupper" wants r Ontario plain Times. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. get the gigantic surplus. NVe pity "Tupper" if be is looking for cleat vows From lnss°ttrl 'pp,)osite Town Hall, Clinton, Or tpie Ontario surplus, He is about Robert Cornwell, a Barton County twenty yes to late for ' that. "T'1ar,per" wrinkle on (\Io.) farmer, living near Golden City, after numerous experiments, thinks he But If wants a the subject of raising money when i,, nay succeeded in developing a potato They NOTICE, NOTICE, surplus is gone he will find it in Mr. that will ,grow without vines. grow entirely underground, sad will do - ROSS' department. It is a siinple pro- cess. You create st lot of school exam- away with the fear of potato bags, which cost so much to destroy each sett' There being some mieuhderstabding with r gnrd to wreckage, let IG be distinctly undoretoo inations and tax the school children a son, not to mention the damage they that if any person takes pussesoon of any kin dollar each for the pleasure of answer- do. A field planted with the vineless of wreckage and fails to report to me I shall ing questions. Then, if any fail toppotato may be worked with the ordinary to once take proecedings. Rernembor this Is th last w shalGoglive. CAPT. WM. BABII pass, you give them it supplementary harrow. should the new pointe, prove be as Jlr. Cornwell r of ��I Wrecirth examination, and tax them $5 each. a good producer, hopes, it is likely to supersede the pre Goderich, 1901. r --- -- sent variety. — -- Some days nothing will "come out right;" from the titne you rise till you retire. Ten to one, the trouhli-. is in yourself. Your blood is in a ball con- dition, and overy organ suffers in con- sequence. What, you need is the cleansing, invigorating influence of Ayer's tiarsapartlla. The Ontario Government Tuesday decided not to enforce the manufacture in Ontario of timber cut under Govern- ment licenses, at least during the pres- ent license year. The Sense. of security against midden emergencies from croup and bronchitis, felt, by those who are provided with a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, would be cheaply purchased at telt times the cost of that remedy. in all lung complaints, it is prompt to act and bure to cure. (J scan Straw For Shoev. It has been well attes.ed that 'bean straw is a valuable feel for sheep, and that they RTP gond of it. The bean., tike clover, is a leguminous plimt, and uutuy farmers say that the straw, though coarse and Marsh, has nearly as Qnueh nutrition as clover hay. fit makes a very rich manure when fed to either dhewp or cows. That is shown by its rotting very fast when Pile:] acrd giving off 6,he strong smell of antrllOn:ia which conics from feeding any mmaure, rich in ndtrogenous uu-tritiori.Dakota iel Fd and Farm. Burn All Diseased Plants. Dkwased plants ahould never be add- ed to the manare hemp, ae they con- taminate the whole mass. It is possible to spread plant disea_ves over The entire jam fathrough the agency of manure, anld no farm will get rid of any disellse thot attacks plants until all refuse is burnt: m...�i�i r• The MCA1110P Mutual Fir Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. orrtealt11. George Watt, President, Harlock P. O.; Jamoi Broadfoot, \'ice-Pree., Seaf, rth P. o.; w. J. Shan non, Secy. Trans., Soaforth P. 0.: Michael 11urd" inspector of losses, Seaforth P. O. nlanoToas, Jamos Broadfoot, yeaforth;:tllehael Mnrdie,Soa forth; Goorgo Dale, Seaforth; George Watt, Ilnrloel Thomas F. Ifays,Sea.forth; Alex oardiner,Leadbur: Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; Jahn McLean, Rip, en. A6BNT11. Thomas Nellana, Harlonk; Robert McMillan, Sna forth and ,raines oummibgr,Ekmondtllle. Parties dealrous to effect Insurance or trine act other business will be promptly attend ed to on applleation to any of the above officers ad dressed to their respective poet 0010611. Moral .rod A--th u, Advanu,e.s AlTdi aped with V!o ­ :: University, College stands In an eight acre park i ­ rates. Forillustratcdeatalogucandpariicu!ar�,..d.;.,>- Rev. R. Warner, M. A., Principal, St. T1cmns, Cil To Improvers of Stock. The undersigned has on his promises, 10th couccssion, Goderich Township, A 'thoroughbred Jersey Bull. Terms:—$1 will $'l. A Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, regis- tered. Torras:—$1, with ttio priviloge of return- j ing. A thoroughbred Tam worth hoar, registered. Terms:—$I, with privilege of returning, This is it rare chalice to improve your stock T. C. EDM UNDs, 065•tf McKillop Directory for 1897, John Morrison, Reeve. Winthrop 11. Q. Win. Archibald, Deputy Reeve, Leadbury P. O, Daniel Manley, Councillor, Becchpvood P. O. Jos. C. Morrison, Councillor, Beechwood P. O. Will, Me('avin, Councillor. Leadbury P. O. Jno. C.,Morrison, Clerk, Winthrop 11. O. William Evans, Assessor, Beechwood P. O. David M. Ross,'I'veasurer, N'r'inthro 11. O. Charles Dodds, Collector, Seaforth Y. O. Richard Pollnrd• Sanitary Inspector, Leadbury. Removal of Night Soil, The undersigned will 'undertake the removal of Night Soil and thorough cleaning of closets. on short notice, and at reasonable rates. All refuse removed out of town. cW t -f ROBT. MENNEL. Poultry For Sale. u BARRM) PLYMOUTH ROCKS. I have for sale about fifty Barred Plymoit.h Rock chickens, all bred from superior thor- oughbred stock. The price will be reasonable. LORNE C. TODD, Clinton. Agents Sell "Klondyke Gold Fields" Like a whirlwind. Experienced. canvassers reaping the richest harvest of their lives; new beginners doing wonders. Nearly everybody subscribes. One young fellow on a farm at $12.00 a month is snaking $75.00. A lady type - t at $300 i week is clearing $1100 A mechanic who had earned $150 a day is clear- ing $5.00 a day. We want ln,re agent,;. Call- vassingoutflts Vets, worth $1.(10 THE BRAD- LEY GARItETSON CO., Limited, Toronto, Out. Thorouzhbred Poultry. I hove for Fale come choles Black Minorcas, Indian Gamle, Grey DorkinsMale or female. Will be sold cheap as I bave tco teauy. WALTER COATS, Clinton, Apples Wanted. I can In t rs ocallty, also for private use. Note Heads This useful size is kept in stock, the qualities being in several grades. Memo. Heads These fill an important place in com- mercial correspondence. See what we have got. Bill Heads If thep a -as- ou- o" plan waw the orderof the day thdemand for account paper would not be so great -, but there are some men who get so many dunners that they wonder if the stock will ever run out, We don't intend it to, and at present out' stock is com- plete in this line. Good paper and neat ruling. Statements Our stock is large. They come cheaper than hill heads, and are the proper thing to send, after a delinquent once a month. They are sure to fetch hitt 'round - sometime. Envelopes' We make a specialty of Envelopes. You know it, would be hard to get along without. envelopes, :and to keep up with the demand for them we keep a large stock on hand. Plain or Printed we are offering some great snaps. One line in particular is going off fast - 50 for 5c, Commerical Printing A vast amount of work under this head to enumerate would more than take up the entire space oc- cupied by this adv t,- but we do it all at TILE NEws-RECORD. Invitations to in "At Home" or tt wedding require considerahle taste in selec- tion sometimes, but the make it an easy matter by keeping in stock the very latest and best samples to be had. Call and see. If you want Circulars We excel in all the different kinds of work we turn out, and particu- larly in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable for all requirements, Programs of entertainments and meetings promptly turned out, from the plain and neat to the most elegant. Cards and Tickets These cover a large range of work, from a bread and milk ticket to a neat calling card, from an or- dinary admission ticket to a tasty business card or a handsomely printed membership ticket. Memoriam Folders In this line THE NEws-RECORD can supply every design, quality and price on the market. Posters Our facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced bL the fact that we always do goo work and give superior satisfaction in all respects. . Dodgers are greatly in demand. Our facili- ties are superior for this class of work and the very reasonable prices keep our presses busy. Sale Bills We make a specialty of them - promptness bemg our airs in this respect. A notice of sale will ap- peal• in THE NEws-RECORD free of charge when bills for same are secured here. All Kinds of Work in the typographicAl printing line can be done in this establishment in an expeditious and artistic manner and Our prices will be found very reason- able. Mourning Papers and Envelopes For correspondence we can give you up-to-date goods. also carry full lines of Pens, Pencils, We, V,, I Scribblers, Tablets, Erasers, Inks, Writing Paper, &c., &c. • In thanking our many patrons for the IToron oTont. very liberal support accorded us in -- — the past, a continuation of the same WANTED-Ag°ate for inign Vic- WANTED.- ie- liberal support is solicited. J toric, Her Reign and Diamond Jubilee." Overflowing with latest and richest pictures.C(ontains the endorsed biography of Her Mnlo,Sty, with Unthenic His- tory of her romarkab a rot n, and full account of the Diamond Jubilee. Only $1.50. Big book. Tremendous domandil. • Bonanza for agents. Commission 60 per cent. Credit, given. Frdotght. paid. 01TWIT irrtErc. Duty paid. THE DOMiiON for ontflt and territory. COMPANY, Dept. 7, 356 Dearborn St., Chicago. ifr �7 �n-7^� Old established whote• r WA it T 1 J L sale Houso wants one or two honest, and industrious roprosontat.iveg. T �T Can pay hustler about $12 a week to start CL.LN�C�y� with, Medical Building, Toronto. + r ..