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The Huron News-Record, 1897-09-29, Page 6
F. n , ,v i u r w Aog % \�r m ll?? `►1A/'I �I`�`` epi% \1'`�` r/"f� \1�� <I� �'p►`� .l'rJ% - �1`�. -y'S�I \l��" �I�/,I �1'��'` .�'ii� \1�` "%� \1 -r'f�� �1 j'�j'� �� The partnership heretofore existing between Messrs. Gilroy & Wiseman will be dissolved on gftw.-,the first day of February, 1835, by expiration of time and mutual consent. --ggamb- Now then,* on account of said dissolution, the stock at present contained in our store, which is one of the largest and best in the County of Huron, will have to be either cleared out entirely or reduced to the smallest proportions possible. It seems a pity to apply the knife to such a large and beautiful stock as we have now on hand, having only within the last few days got through receiving and marking off and putting into position, one of t7.e finest and most thoroughly up- to'-date p-to-date Fall Stocks ever brought to this place by us, yet such is the fact that on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER -25th, '4 �• tA, We Commented a.- ------ ]zC)&wM4Mte olution Sal -e --•++When every article within our doors will be offered at Sale Prices, which will astonish those who come to buy. -- 50 to 75 pieces best wide Print, regular 121 for ......... . . . .....7jc 4 pieces Stylish Tartans, latest mixtures, reg. 450..............30c 2 special Black and Wavy 46 in. all wool Serge, reg. 60..........40c 25 pieces hest wide 32 in. Flannelette, reg. 8c and 10c .......... 6ic 3 pieces dd,uble fold 36 in. Dress Tweeds, reg. 25c..............15c 1 special Priestley's best 50 in. heavy Blk Serge, $1......... ...'Loc 3 pieces double fold 36 in Dress Tweeds, reg 45c................25c . � •74c Best all wool Factory Flannel, regular Silt for . . ............ 1 large piece beautiful new Tweed, new mixture, 35c......... ..24c 8 pieces best Fancy Wrapperette. goods, reg. 1211c and 15 ... , .9c . 6 pieces Fawn and Grey 40 in. Tweeds, reg, 25c................121c r v Dress ends, Beautiful heavy Navy Serge, 75c„ 90c., $1........55c 11 pieces best Fancy Wrapperate goods, reg. 17 to 20c ......... 12ic 2 pieces Fancy Tartan Dress Goods, regular 35e, .. .............19c 1 piece extra heavy all wool -45 in. Cashmere, reg. 65c .......... 49c 2 large webs Seal & Garnet 40 in. Box Cloth, reg. 30c...........'20c 4 special Dress ends, lover Tweeds, re 60c ... . ................39c 89c g Y g• 1 piece very fine $lk Winter Crepon (Priestly's) $1,`L5 Clothing, Overcoats, Ladies' Mantles, Jackets, Capes, Wraps, Carpets in Tapestry, Brussels, Wools, Unions and Hemps, Fur and Moquette bugs, Floor Oil Cloths, Linoleums, all to go out at Dissolution Sale Prices. Look out for another list next week. This Sale presents a grand opportunity to those about to start housekeeping, or hotelkeepers who wish to replenish their stock of Bedding, Table Napery, Carpets, Towels, Aze., as this store has always been known as headquarters for these things. Large families who require yearly a large lot of general goods will save a large sum as prices are made to suit. -<., 'This sale continues without intermission until this stock is entirely disposed. of. W11A Amml It wo' & IQ NE or .P�.e�e�•e•o•e o�.o�.e�.o4P The Risk of Bulling a Is Taken HwaU E� a ° ©Y OUR method of doing 41) 3 © business. Wknow that e, our drugs are pure and our v 0other goods right. So ° well satisfied are we of this, that we are not afraid to ask You for V your business, un the colder- m ° standing, that if ,you are not d satisfied with the goods you can ° have your money back. Patent c medicines are about the only things we except frofn this offer, to Not knowing their ingredients we can of course hardly be ex ° petted to assume such re- sponsibility as we. do with Our 0 Own Guaranteed Home Remedies, O every one of which has our guar- 0 antee behind It. We know what to ° these home remedies are. We d know what they will do. We Acan confidently recommend them 0 because we know that in the great ° majority of Cases they can't fail to dsatisfy. We will mention but ° one this week. C u Or Headache VOW- ° dere.--They are simple and c 0non-injurious, but are sure, safe, ° and swift. Under their influence o the worst headaches disappear in bor5cr 12 in t oPut up pacha geafo r gr 0 LIf, however your headache fails to 3 yield to these powders. chances re it V a comes from the eyes. Have uM test them ° ° anyway. It will cost you nothing and p may be tho nieanM of giving you per CjJ manent relief. to Allen &UGGIS DRUGGISTS ID �sb-AND' � (� w11SUY1 OPTICIANS. ° Seo Horne Rornodies in our Large Window. �.�.e�-e me�•e o-o.o-o•©�•o�d -1%. OTIOE TO CREDITORRS. In _10a matter of the estate of George McCartney, deceased. Notice Is hereby given pursuant to chapter 110 of the Revised statutes of Ontario and amending nets tbat all creditors end other persons having claims against the estate of George mecartney, late of the township of Goderich, in the county of Huron, yeo- man, who died on or about the 80tb day of July, 1897, are retoot "I the town tired toIlof ver0o orich, S )lienors for lien y Murphy and Samnel Lowery, the exeoators. of the estate of the Field deceased, statements In writing p�iiviog their names and addressee with full particu. Tare and proofs of their claims and the nature of the security (�nny) ho14 by them, on or before the 1st '" of October, 1897, after which said date, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceaRcA amongst the parties entitled thereto; having rogard only to the claims of which not goldthosnid Executors Exeodtorswill gnll not be liable for the assets so distributed or any part thereof to any person or poreone whoso claim shell not have been roocived at the time of the said GARBOw & PROUDrOOT, Solicitors for Execntera. Dsted at Goderioh this 16th day of August, A. D. J9A7.. Estray Hound. Came to the promisee of the undersigned, Mor cheater, on Sept- 6th, a rod, black and white Hounr The owner is requested to prove property, pay e) peaces and take the anlEOHIIARDT YUNGBLUT. Et's Time... To say something about ALARA OLocla. The still ,s not Tieing as early Its it did, and perhaps You Inay lie inclined to follciw Its example and need a refninder that, the day has commenced. There is nothing better than our NICKLG ALARM CLOCKS at $1.20; make enough noise to waken the I:oundest sleeper. GoodtiulekePp- ers too, and will last for years. TO THE BUSY MAN, An accurate Watch is a nec- essity, not it luxury, as sonde. ,eeni to think. To utilize every nowent of precious titue, to neet trains, keep appointments. ,o be always on time, one must lave a good Watch. Drop in tad let us talk Watch with you. [t will pay you to buy now, for Watches, like wheat, are advancing in ?rice. Fine Watch ]leparin= A specialty. — n G'lea)Ung $Y, Diai)f.spring $Z, and 2t will be doii+e -fight if we do it. Jeweller and Expert Watch ' Repairer. NMICE TO CRF,OITORH. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the Estate of William Grigg. Into nr thw r.navnah;n Of Colborne, fn the county incl day of .lanuary last, to Menu un Ur vc rv.� is 1st day of October next, full particulars of ncir claims to R. C. Hays Goderich, Solicitor )r 'aiatilda Grigg•, the wiministratrix of the Lid Estate. And further take notice that fter the said 1st day of October next the said Aministratrix will proceed to distribute the Lid Estate among the persons entitled thereto aving regard only t.o the claims, notice of rhich site then shall have received. Dated the 8111 day of September, 1897. R. C. HAYS, 981-3t Solicitor for Administratr;x. Che Workshop on Wheels Has Re- turned, The celebrated 9hef old Cutler, F. Taylor, las returned to Clinton and will remain for n 'ham, -t, time. The workshop on whools has been � ����� W. JACKSON, Agent [Have you tried theme Northwest Transportation Co, 1 -o0C.o-0Co— Massey n"arris Bicycle, • _ �y 1� It is just what you have been looking for, high grade inget r ;;'„ �,i� , , easy running; rich in appearance,' strong and durable You cant break them. For $85 or a discount for cash. -k =� Are evidences of refinement and �_ good] taste, when the gems are --- - ., _ - - :A�a-�� y d Brantford Ruby maims selected with care. We are showing some lovely For54• Rings in— Through tickets to all points in ItItANll'll`07iX :trld DAKOTA.Does your Bike need �.� At lowest rates. Clustors of Diamonds, For all information apply to above. Single steno Diamonds, Repairing Bands of Opals, ' opo Strayed or Stolen From the promises, lot 21, con. 1, Goderich °m0 township, on the night,of Sept. 22nd. 1897, a We know how to give you a satisfactory 'job. Re and in Combinations, with on io marc about 14 years old, with white star member a dry goods clerk may sell dry goods but it on forehead; has blenushcs on Proof Peet, no Pearls, Rubies, Sapphires, Tor -hair having grown where she had been blister- ed. Had no shoes oil. Informat'lon leading to takes a machinist to repair a Bike. We are not only cluoise, etc. her recovery will be thankfullyreceived by machinists but we have the machinery to do your The prices range from $1.7:i to i DAVIDDAVID CLARK, $5.00 983-tf Porters Hill P. O., work as it should be done. _Give us a trial, RS Wt1NTED e�oo��rau�usumtataatauta• J 0 Pr 71V l P TENDE Leader of Jewellery Fashion. FOR ERECTION or THE STAVELY MEMORIAL BUILDINQ, Watch Inspector For The People In the Town of Clinton. 0 20 to 0 23 Sealed tendero will be recelved by the undersigned 0 22 to 0 23 np to 7 p. m. on Tuesday, Sept. 29, for the 0 40 tc 0 45 erection of the Stavely Memorial Hiall. Plane may 0 89 to 0 40 be seen at the office of the undersigned, and copy of 0 40 to 0 40 the ,iooiflea tions will be furnishod each intending s 0 12 to 0 13 ontiactor. Tenders may be offered for the whole or 0 12 to 0 12 part of the work. The lowest or any toneer not 0 12 to 0 13 eeossarlly accepted. W. COATS, Town Clerk. Auburn. NOTES.—We understand a reading �roorn is to be established in our village for the benefit of young men who have no homes in which to spend their evenings, and those who have homes had better secure reacting mal•ter and stay in their own bomes instead of taking a top story in which to spend their evenings trying to amuse others instead of their own family. It is understocd a checker board is to be added for the benefit of our professor. —Any one wanting to buy a first class bicycle will please apply to Miss Lau- tenslayer.—Mrs. Moses Holtzhauser, who was lying very low, is improving and her many friends will be glad to hear of her recovery.—Mrs. Combe of Clinton was the guest of Mrs. Caldwell the past week.—Mrs. Stevensonof Clinton was also the guest of Mrs. S. Caldwell.—Our village boasts of a pro- fessional cheeker player. Anyone wishing to play come along.—Miss Maggie King was a guest of Mrs. R. Stalker one day the pest week.—Mr. James Young is making things boom around the sash and door factory. This is theplace for business.—Mr. A. E. Collis is adding a new 'pier to his mill darn wb:ch will make it better able to withstand the spring freshets. —Mine host Mr. Kuntz, we understand is about moving from our midst and we will miss a good neighbor as well rhe Onward Bicycle Co., Clinton, OPPOSITE MARKET SQUARE Clinton. is it good citizen.—The youngest child held in Watson's hall on Tuesday if tlle.Rev, Mr. Howson, who is here evening.—Rev. T. E. Higley officiated )n a visit, is lying at the point of • in the English church, Ripley, on Sun- leath.—TheYoung People's Society I day. if Christian Endeavor, in connection vith Knox church, had a pleasant and I Mr. St. John, at Nest Toronto June - ,he meeting, their topic being ;he word '-Eternity," which was tion:—There were two institutions in dandled in a very able and appropriate West York for whose obliteration he nanner. The singing by Mr. , AlcGill should ask. One, a piggery, was !a ,vas excellent indeed. death trap for hogs. This was con- -- - - - - trolled by the government. Theother, a pool room, was a death trap for Blyth. BRinv,.9 —011e hand is practicing for ;he Blyth fall show.—Regular monthly nee'ting of our town fathers on Tues• My evening next in Industry hall, —Great preparations are being made 'or our annual fall show, to he held on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, Should the weather he favorable it is ?xpected there will be a larger crowd Shan ever.—Rain is much needed in this section for the farmers to do their rail ploughing.—Some of our citizens, ire attending the Clinton fall show this week.—Mine host and hostess of the C.lmmercial took in the fair at 3eaforth on Friday,—Rev. Mr. Frank• lin of Ripley officiated in Trinity church and preached excellent dls• courses to good congregations.—Work• men are busy re•shinglIng the Roman Catholic church and making other Improvements in the interior.—Or Sunday evening the English churcr was lit up with the incandescent light which is a decided improvement tc the coal oil.—Alex. McKenzie is en lar ng his residence on King street, Rsaglar ,neeting of the C. O, P. wa-f young men, and could he closed by the Government if they choose. (Applause.) MARXET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tueaday afternoon.) eLINTON. !all Wheat, new ............. 0 80 to 0 831 3arley......................... 0 20 to 0 23 )ats............................ 0 22 to 0 23 ?eas .............................. 0 40 tc 0 45 FLY .................... ....... 0 89 to 0 40 3otatoes, per bush, new... 0 40 to 0 40 Butter loose in basket,... 0 12 to 0 13 Sutter in tub ................ 0 12 to 0 12 'gas per doz.................. 0 12 to 0 13 7abbage, per doz............ 0 0 40 to 50 oar ...... ..................... 6 00 to 6 00 11ordwood....................... 3 00 to 3 50 fipples per bbl ............... 1 00 to 1 50 Dried Apples per Ib........ 0 04 to 0 04 Ducks per ib ................. 0 05 to 0 06 1 urkeys per lb .............. 0 07 to 0 09 3eese per lb .................. 0 06 to 0 06 "hiokena per pair............ 0 2$ to 0 35 wool ............................ 0 I8 t0 0 1$