HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-01-02, Page 1taithd BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1908. „...GREAT REDUCTIONS ON . ,gam Me17eie pt„ 1, 'URNITURE, CARPETS,RUGS,OIL CLOTHS Thec.16th,cil metmers all present, on Dec. 10th, Members all praseut, , the Reeve in the chair, Minutes of lest meeting were readanti passed, Thos. Bernard wppeared requesting that s drsin be made en roadway op- posite lot 19 on Nth eon, line, said drain to be about 20 rods lu length. On motion of Messrs. SlcCurcheon and Shaw, the request of Mr. Bernard was laid over to be dealt with by the council of 1908. Ou motion of Messrs. Campbell end Teylcr, the taxes of Wm. Wiley amounting to 83,44 and Arthur Ceete- lon's amounting to 82 were remitted. Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows :- 1). Somerville, work with grader and repairing bridge $1 1 00 Nagle & Looby, 60 per cent on cement arches .. 705 00 P. Nicholson, payment on Kelly drain ...... ,..•.... . 700 00 Mr, Irvine, inspecting cement bridge 1 50 D. Agar, gravel68 Corporation of Blyth, hall rent for division court 7 50 Corporation of Brussels, hall rent for division court.,600 D, McDonald, filling and straight ening creek 55 00 H. Johnston, drawing tile and putting In culvert 8 50 John Mooney, gravel „ 98 Thomas Miller, gravel 1 61 Gee. Jackson, tile and under - bushing .... 24 00 John McFadzeati, gravel1 00 A. Knight, outlet for culvert,,., 1 00 F. Gutteridge, cement tile 88 25 Isaac Brown, cement tile 71 99 W. Maxwell, repairingdrain,,75 Jas,Cruickshanks, poste and re- re - pairing guard fence 0 60 Wm,Teylor, bridgeElllson dram16 00 Albert Kelly ” 15 00 J. 15 00 M, Coombs Healey .115 00 Jas. Scott " Kelly drain 15 00 Goo. Pierce, gravel 8 92 ohn McElroy, opening drain,2 25 hos, Miller, gravel and work.., 5 18 ohn Roger, engineer's costs 197 00 Mason, work on Mason drain2 00 Wm. Henderson " 1 00 W, Forrest " 2 00 J. Grasby, work on Grashy drain 8 00 tVgrd " 0 100 eo. Armstrong " " 8 00 Cronin a" 1 00 eo. Taylor " 4 00 , Craig " " 1 00 r. Hamilton, services B, of H7 50 Johnston " „ 2 00 V. J, Johnston II ., 2 00 Phos. Laidlaw " „ 2 00 erry & Welker, bal, on oement 1 15 Vm, Wilkiuson, gravel 8 18 L. Vint, cement arch 1 90 Vtn, Thuell, work and sharpen- ing grader hutfe 8 26 . G. Campbell " „ eo. Taylor, councillor fees 08 00 `55 00 W. H. McCuteheon " 50 00 Taylor .,., 55 00 , Shaw " .., 55 00 , S. Brandon, finapciat statem't 6 0u eo. Taylor '' 200 Vm, Clark, salary end expenses 1 82 ohn Cesetnore, the 1 00 orporation oGliullett. boundary exp. including cement arches -166 90 The followingg deputy returning offs- era and poll nlerka were appointed to eke the tote .in caa:rt poll be required t tateaw., comfO.•l" Fntlulrt 1 el4sidectionlaw :— d D•v,Ny m C anD. ai0 Div, No, 2, George P, McCall and aures Kerneghun, Div. No. 15,.S. Irvine and Rola, Mc - ren. Div, No, 4, Thomas Miller and Wm, hueii. Div. No, 5, Robert Garnise and Wm, amiss, Iliv. No. 6, Silas Johnston and James eacock, By-laws Nos, 11 and 12 were read nd passed. The Council then ad jo0Tneti. W. Clark, Clerk, LINOLEUMS, ETC. Wit /ER d4i J E G 1 H , G \ I \ 1 W N G J G c 1 a I, C G p a ,...mow+-,..+.- ... RCOSiS and vicinity, Your expenses paid both rips for the purpose. We tltiarntee you purchase. $2.00. Couches, $3.90. $8.50 to $40.00. .A.1 -43E.0 . The b18 Furniture Dealers of Clinton ober special redaotione to the people of Blyth ways and the goods delivered to your door without extra charge as we have our own a savlug of 20 per cent, which means $20 on the {;100 Mattresses, $3.00. Springs, $8.00. Cobbler Rockers, Carpets, 32c per yard. Rugs, all sizes, from UNIDEFtTAK1NG- We have thebeet equipment in Western Ontario, the best rubber hearse outside of Toronto. No charge for the hearse and a saving of 820 on the outfit. Our 'phone number is 28, Night or day any cell will recalva immediate attention. PIANOS AND ORGANS We beadle the best. General reprosentativea for the Gourley, Winter & Leeming, Your credit is good, any terms you want. Ile sura and hunt us up when you want anything In our line. We will make It pay you. WALKER & ROSS, CLINTON The Big Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. - - - 'Phone 28 YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED. Now for genas Santa Claus for Youngand Old. Santa Claus for All. For the next two weeks this store will bristle with Xmna Goode --the »nest ere' sortmeotmeat in town, A dainty line ef--lows PERFUMES It est glee. containers. The very latest odors in Bulk Perfumes, SpeclalA Yu• nova, Ideal, Steam's, Seely, Pined, Flyer, Roger and °allot. JAPANESE GOODS in Ebony, Rosewood, Whitewood and Red Cedar, LeathbrCaeePerfumes, Clove, Wateh, Jewel and Handkerchief Caeee, Puree, Chatelaines Hand Bags, BIlt Books, Wallets in Chatelaines, Turtle, Seal, Calf and ,Burnt Leathers. Our Optical department le complete— Gold, Silver, Rimless Mounts.,Mrs, Our line of Real Ebony Mirrors and Bradlee is the beet manufactured. WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J. MILNE For the Grippe try our Best•up'a•Coid Tablets• Morrie. Sire. A, I. McCall and three sons, of Chnthatn, are Christmas Visitors at Simpson McCall's, 7th line. J, E. Maunders, of Detroit Medical College, is a welcome visitor under the parental roof during the Christmas- tide, Everett Walker, teacher' at West- port, Ontario, is home for the Christ- matt holidays. He is enjoying his school work. Recently James Speir, 0th lite, sold a beef Animal to A. C. Dames, drover, poundBrussla, that tipped the stales' at 2620 pounds, Last week James Shurrio, 4th line, disported of two young thoroughbred Yorks hire pigs to John Shurrio and W m, Anderson of the same line, The total expeitditmt'e for Morris township for the past year was as fol. ,_ Loads and bridges, 88898 ; oflcers'sahAriee, 8761 ; schools, $6501 ; drainage, 85011 ; Board of Iiealth, ; bonus to C. I'. R,, $0500 ; in- forest, 8104 ; printing, 867, Mrs, Hansard Wright, of Crosewell, Michigan, is here renewing old friend- ships, It is 18 years since the family removed from the 4th line and 8 years have elapsed since Mre. Wright was here. Mr. Wright and members of the fatnil are well and doing Y C well we are glad to state, `"—"'-- "—""'---- —818,60 MONTHLY FAIRS AT BLYTH riday, January 3rd, - 1908 Friday, February 7th, 190$ Friday,March 6th,1908 9 Friday, April 3rd, - 1908 All the feeding horse end cattle buyers are epeoalli Invited ,to attend. Let everybody come. Welcome to all. A. W. $LOAN PreAldeat. \VM, JACKSON, VW President. J. LESLIE KERR, Secreta "y' Brussels. Neil McLauchlan is spending the holiday with relatives in Cheslo and localityY lv, MissMatelColvin has returned home again for her hotida's from Iter mu• illi ery position in Crediton, A number of the shop windows have been very tastily dressed for the holi- day season. John B. 1fcLnughlin is home from the West on a holiday visit and will not likely return before spring, g i is attending the Ivan Crooks, P, Pharmacy Collage of Pharmacy at Toronto, is here on a visit under the parental roof, James Forbes, son of Mrs. ,John For• hes, is a: elcome visitor In town, He makes headgnarters iti'I'oronto, Adam arcoe, a wsll•knowu former Brnkeetwho has spent several ysara in the st, is a visitor with friends hs e, late o S, , a Taylor and tm Calgary, Paris, are now locntad in Cal *eery, Mr. Taylor is teaching school and pushing ,J real estate, Miss Beryl Porter, of Corunna, Lamhton Co., who was visiting at her Rev, E. G. Powell, left for her r home last week. A Christmas collection was taken in the Methodist Sabbath School, Bruer ad, fthe t btel for Slck Children annd thehe respectectubla amount of 820.21 contributed, Dr, and Mrs. Gilpin, of Michigan City, Indiana, have been enjoying a few days with tate forrner's parents and go to Owen Sound to visit Mrs, Gilpin's friends for New Year's. A public meeting of business men and all cohere interested in the village and vicinity of Brussels will be held iu the Council Chamber on the evening of Friday, .ian. 6th, at 7,80 o'clock for the purpose of considering tie question of i starting a canning factory here. READ the ads. in THE STANDARD Bargains for .New Yearuncle's, t�� ! Hannan. The Helvetii Foundry employees are , taking their annual holiday while the 1 institution is being overhauled. The annual Sabbath School enter- r tainment of the Carmel Presbyterian church was held last Friday evening t when Rev, Walter Moffatt delivered his t. illustrated lecture entitled "A Modern Babylon" or "A holiday trip to London t Eng." The Aliases Hart and Flossie 1 Bouthron took part in the program. '1 The people of Hensel! during the s past few months have occupied a 1, unique position, being without regular t hotel acconodation. Now that the r Commercial has been completely re- c novated and put in first-class condition '1 every effort should be made by our bust- e netts people to help it along by inducing c their commercial men to remain over e night, in town instead of getting out as e formerly, d 11. G Di 33.a r T H .ry Huron Fruit Growers. County Association Organised at Exeter—The (Mere Elected, L. G. Tinckeipnugh, of Toronto. was n Exeter loot Thursday and organized 'The Huron County Fruit growers' hssoeiation," to supplement the work f the Ontario Fruit growers' Associ- tion, of which W. E. Wellington is 'resident. The cftie,rs of the newly organ zed ssueietiuu to serve for the next three casae: —Henry E. Huston, horti- ulturiet and firm -mice broker, Preei- ent; John W, Ratcliff, Seaward, i, M. 5xndets, manner Of the Prmerv- ng Comp uy, Assistant Secretary ; N. Dyer Burdon, manager Molsons ,dank, 'realm rr ; also severe I Vice -Presidents nd directors, A committea was ap• wanted to draft by-laws and regnia- ions. The organization was an;,im- romptu affair. some of the members mly receiving three hours' notice;. Mr. inakelpauuh was heartily congratul- ted by the Reeve of Exeter on the te- essfui organiz,tion. All the farniers t Huron county are invited to join, ;titer by mail addressed to the Preei-: era or in person. Wishing all our customers and. friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year. For Housewife Chenille Curtains Chenille TableCovers Tapestry Curtains Tapestry Covers Rugs Carpet Squares Blenkets Lace Curtains Comforters Fancy Linens Table Cloths Table Napkins Carpets For a Girl Handkerchiefs Gloves Ribbons Dress Goode Grey Lamb Ruffs Gauntlets Cape Hoelery Combe Coate Fancy Goode Presents for All For a Baby Bear Skin Coats Iloodi Collars Mittens Booties Dresses Caps Shoes Rubbers Stockings For a Boy Suite Overcoats Neckties Mufflers Neck Scarfs Shirts Shoes Rubbers Cape Gloves Mitts For Men Neckties Neck Scarfs Mufflers Gloves Umbrellas Slippers Fur Collars Fur Coats Fur Caps Mitts Fancy Suspenders Fancy Socks Handkerchiefs Cardigan Jackets Sweaters Shoes Overshoes Rubbers Sults Overcoats Underwear Ouff Buttons Shirts Sleeve 1Ioldere Men's Companions Shoes For ladies Fur Neok Ruffs Fur Muftis Fur Coate Fency Collars !'envy Belts Handkerchiefs Nancy Combs Calendars Pin Cushions Chatelaine Bags Blouses Hat Pins Golf Jackets Feather Buffs Wool Scarfs Kid Gloves Lined Gloves Kid Mitts Stylish Cloth Coate Silk Dress Lengths' Silk \Valet Lengths'- Silk lJmbrellae Fanny Wool Mous- Inge Drees Lengths Slippers liouee Shoes Hosiery G. M. CHAMBERS & CO Grow Ontario Wheat. An advertisement in TDA STANDARD In the old days, when practically all out\ farmers planted wheat as their principal crop and our local millers were grinding this wheat into good Ontario flour, bran and shorts Hold for about half what, they do now. These feed stuffs were cheap because the mills had plenty of thetn to sell. When Manitoba flour pushed its way into Ontario, our farmers saw only the "big loaf of bread," They bought western patent flour, stopped raising wheat and made the Manitoba farmers rich, Naturally our millers had little wheat to grind. Bram and shorts had to be brought from the West, Freight rates were, and are, high. And our stockmen and dairymen. and farmers. too, are paying for this folly. The remedy lies with the farmers. They should refuse to buy Western flours at any price. The blended flours stilled right here in our own province, of Ontario wheat and a little Manitoba wheat, are better—both for bread and pastry—than tiny Western herd patent flour. By raising more wheat, and buying blended flours made of the this same wheat, our great farming popu- lation world not only keep their money at home but also keep our (lour mills busy grinding wheat. With plenty of wheat to grind, there would he plenty of bran and shorts for sale. And big'gmantities mean lower prices, This does not mean any hardship on the part of the farmer, As a matter of fact, when he buys blended (lour, he will be getting a better Roar that, he has ever bought before, These On- tario blended flours contain Ontario wheat and a small quantity of Mani- toba wheat, Ontario flour, while per- fect for cake and pastry, floes not oontain enough "strength" (or gluten, as the chemists call it) to make a big loaf of bread. Now, our millers have found out just how much gluten Onta rio (lour needs, and they Odd the gluten by addintra little Manitoba flour. which is high in gluten. So, in these Ontario blended flours, we get both a bread flour and a pastry flour, and the best of each kind. Certainly, when our farmers ran get it better flour, and at the same time create a new market for Ontario wheat and so restore wheat growing to its farmer fa.yor anoig our Agricnitarel populatiu, there seems no reason in the world why every farther in Ontario should not use Ontario blended flour, Auburn. Auburn loses a good citizen in the person of I), E. Mauro, who died yeomst'- day evening. For many year, a merchant in the village and tate Post- master, he Woe foremost 111 everything for the public benefit. He ,wits a member of the Methodist church and teacher of Bible Class, Just recently the church and class recognized his services in the presentation of an II - laminated address, He was instru- mental inkpestablishing the Auburn 'Union Sabbath School Association, A wife and four eons are left to mourn tate loss of an affectionate husband end father. Funeral is to -morrow (Friday) at one o'clock to Maitland Cemetery Goderich, pays. Stop a Moment and consider. 00 yuur gloms Gt you accurately mad give you perfect aye rest? If not, COKE TO LONDON sad haws your ayes thoroughly minified by NW specialists. We hove .very modern seient&G& isatrument for toting the .rrer, of the eye. Our success is eye feeling is the result of years of study and practice, end you will hermit by our free ceasoltatiea, THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. ETEstaiT SPECIALISTS. 237 Defies Syest • . • Leaden, Ont, Open Daly 110 to 5.00. Evenings, Tuesday, Thursday sad Saturday, 7.00 to 10.00. •••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••••` • • • •New Term• • • • • from January '2nd. Eu- • ter any dut•y for long or • • shot coltl•ae, New cats- • • rogue ready, Write for • • it if you have any Idea of • • a college course. Address • • W. 1-1. Shaw, Principal • • Central Business College. • • Toronto. • ••••••••• •••••••• •••••••i Your Hair Contrary? Is it inclined to run away? Don't punish it with a eruct brush and comb! Feed it, nour- ish it, save it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula. Then your hair will remain st home, on your head, where it belongs. An elegant dressing. Keeps the scalp healthy. Dees not change the color ft the holy. Formula with leek kettle p sic -,t to your cooter ors t : okoaw e We certainly believe this, or we would not say se. Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now made from our new improved formula, is s great preparation for the hair lad soap. Stops falling hair. Cures dan- druff. Promotes the growth of hair, —�7tea. by %a.7, 0. .Lyes 04., Lowell, Yeaa,•�