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The Huron News-Record, 1897-09-29, Page 4
New7linery - "AND— Mantle Stove - IN— C%IN T`ON.a 00000000 Opening, SATURDAY, SEPT, ' 251' I will ort Saturday everting open IN EMERSON'S STAND, near the Clarendon Hotel, a fine lot of New Pdillinery and Mantles, and have much pleasure in Inviting the Ladies of Clinton to come and inspect my stock of Stylish Fall and Wintbr Millinery. See the display of New Birds, Wings, Tips, ' 1owers, Velvets, Ribbons, &c., also our New Veilings. We will also he delighted to give you it perfect fit ill our nobby Mantles. Remember our openings, Saturday evening, Sept. 25th, and following week. MISS . E HILLIER, 1i111112ker: Emerson's old stand, near Clarendon Hotel. Fall House Clearers Will find our stock of Wall Paper AND Window Shades.. Just what they need to put their rooins in flrst class order. A large stock: of Window ,Shades just received. Wall Paper is always up-to- date and especially our prices. Special values in remnants. All paper trimmed free of charge. a 0ato0o000 1 CLINTON. �Cely ��ui.'1CZl��lixl'l:#$. • Tenders Wanted -W. Coats. New Millinery -Hod ens Bros. Expecting -The W. D. Fair Co. Millinery -W. H. Beesley & Co. Strayed or stolen -David Clark. New Shoes -Jackson & Jackson. It's just like this -Jackson Bros. The risk of Buying -Allen & Wilson, Dissolution'of pa.rtnersbip-Gilroy & Wiseman. We invite everybody -The two A. T• rhe Huron News -Record 1,26 a Year—$1.00 in Advance WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1897• Important to Sit scribers. ALWAYS PAY IN ADVANCE. On and after the first of January, 1898, subscribers to THE NEws-RE CORD are requested to pay strictly ir. advance. For many years we have carried frown $2,000 to $3,000 of small accounts -sometimes more. To us this is r large amount, but to our tndividua; patrons it is at mere drop in the ocean What THr NEws-REcoRD will insist is advance patrons. On the first o1 January, 1898, all names in arrears for mole than,one year will be struck of our list. Every patron can afford r. dollar a year in advance. The advance order is now open tit: old and new subscribers. You car have a trial trip to January, 1898, fol 15 cents in Advance Our old patrons are asked to renew promptly and new ones to take ad vantage of the cheap trial trip. Always pay in advance. Londesboro. MARRIED. -One of these veryy inter esting events tookplace last Tuesda3 evening at the residence of Mrs. Mo gridge, mother of the bride. when hei youngest daughter Miss Maud wa! united in marriaa to Mr. Charlei Manning. The Rev, Andrews o. Londesboro tied the nuptial bow. Tba bride wore a beautiful pale blue ppopplir dress trimmed ,with lace, she lookcc very charming_anl was given away b3 her brother Herbert. The usual ser vices of the bridesmaid and grooms trian were dispensed with. After thi ceretnony was over about 75 guests sa' ,clown to a grand dinner provided fol the occasion. The bride was the re .cipient of many valuable had costi3 presents showing the high esteem it which she is held. The evening wai spent in social game and chat, after tvhich they all repaired to their respec tive homes, wishing the bride ant (groom a long and prosperous mar ried life. r , �i�.ugh� ter Nellie .Mr. and Mve. JpJ. T. Acil.d� thrope, iar, Johro Waltzes tend s.or, Richard, Moor Beck. Mr. and Mrs, a Mason and r. and Ura. Albert Aoki• thrope took in the London. Rxhibltion -Miss Jennie McLaren returned from a visit at Lucknow.--..Mrs. Tupper Vance of Winnipeg has been vision_g ber uncle Mr. James UcLeu•n.--Mr. J, T. Goldthrope has commenced to build his now store. -Mr. Charles Symonds has moved into the house known et; the Union House and has opened• aur a temperance house. Heliras alsc opened a bat -her shop which should be well patronized. -Mr. John Hamilton trod faculty have moved from here tc Belfast. We wish bhu success. GO�/iC lel. THEY PREACHED ON ,SUNDAY.—A, and J. Caldwell, the Sccltch Twin Evangelists, conducted services in the Victoria-st. Methodist church, worn. ing and evening, and attended the Sun- day school in the afternoon. AN ACCIDENT. -On Wednesday afternoon at the •Fair a horse bolted And knocked down a little boy, the son of Allan McDonald. At the time of accident it was thought the boy was killed, but it turns out that the little fellow only received a very bad shak. ing up. A SHOOTING CASE. -Late on Wed. nesday evening it number of men were having a quarrel near the Colborne hotel barn, and one of them D. Carley, thinking the party was about to attack him fired a revolver in tte air. Car• ney was afterwards arrested for the offence. AN ASSAULT CASE.—On Tuesday morning Alex. McLean, 31,, was aharg• ed before the P. M. with severely as- saulting Alex. McLeod, and with creating it disturbance at, Blaekstone's. Oil the first charge the P. M. sentenced him to ten days in jail, without the option of a fine, and in the second sus- pended .sentence. DEMOREST MEDAL CONTEST AND CONbERT.-A ,contest in elocution will be held in Victoria Hall to -morrow, Thursday, Sept. 30th, when a silver medal will be given to the one whom competent judges have decided recited best. Great care is being given to the musical part of the progritmme,• and the best talent will be secured. THE MAGFNISCOPE.-The magniscope was shown at the Vicioria Opera House on Tuesday and Wednesday tc very poor audiences. The show itsell was in every way a success, the jubilee parade being good throughout, but among the many good scenes some were better, and among those we would place Camels Crossing the Des- ert, Baby's Breakfast, Royal Family, Playing Cards and its Results, Bathers, nand The Angry Seri. THEIR BOAT UPSET. -On Monday morning last week F. Belanger and Malcolm McDonald left the river in a yawl to see it the storm had made the at, too high for the Daisy to pass out. While sounding the depth, the wind and current together upset the boat. throwing the Occupants out, Th( wind caused the yawl to drift int( hater 5 or 6 feet deep, but before it had got far the men reached it and held on to it, and after drifting to wards the northpier some live Or ter. minutes, Jas, McLeod and Angus Matheson swam out towards the men. ptishinq aplaank before fhem, and whet it came within reach of Belan ger he caught oil and • wit. soon on shore. Just as a seconc start was being made the Clam Youill's boat rounded the north pier and Making straight forMcDonaldanc soon had ham outof danger. Beltngei and McDonald were up town in thi afternoon, none the worse for thi unexpected dip. CIRCULAR CITY BRiHFS.—Mrs Wal of Clinton was in the circular town or Wednesday -Geo. McTaggart of Clin ton was in Goderich on Friday. -Mr And Mrs. Hobart of Clinton spent Sun day in town.-Jno. Harland of Clintor visited the county town on Saturday -Thus. Reynolds of Clinton Was it the circular town on Wednesday.- Mrs. C, A. Saunders of Highlanc Creek is at the residence of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Williams. - Holy Communion at 8t. George's nex Sunday morning. -Mrs. Vanatter at tended the funeral of the late Mrs, Me Kee at Norwich last Wednesday. - Mess Mabel Lawson of Stratfalyd -lef for home on Thursday after a pleasan visit as the guest of the plisses Craigie West street. -Mr. and Mrs. Jno Sloane of Morpeth, and Robert Sloane of Owen Sound were visiting At tha residence of Samuel Sloane last week -The dust was blowing on Saturda3 its freely as on Any summer day. -Thi sewer contractors are pushing along having twogangs at work. -Thing; were as a rule quiet at the hal bor thi opust week, though the babor mill was humming and lumber was moving. - The McGillivray Mission Band field it meetingin Knox church on Saturday -The cotch eviinpelists will continua the services in Victoria street churel all this week. - Sunday, "children', clay," was duly observed in Knoi church. -The Corbett And Fitzsimmon fight will b f Victo be the boards o iii g opera house to-rrrorrow evening. -Th new grist mill is being fitted up rapid ly and in a few days Chrystal wil have his part of the work finished. - The Autumnal equinox did not mar th great Northwestern show. -Mrs. Grefl and infant of Senforth are visitingg th lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wtn Acheson -Regular meeting night o town council, Friday. -The Choses Friends meet in regular session to morrow evening. -Meeting of the Pub lic School Board next Monday.-Mis Hattie Donogh has returned from i two months visit to the south. -Mise Ella Deans is visiting her Aunt Mrs, J W. Vanatter.-Charley Blackston still keeps the lead in the oyster trade its he only handles the best, and know how to serve them up. -Jas. Rohinsoi is now "At Home" in his new store.. - Mrs. 1W. J. Fleuty of Wingham wit visiting friends in the circular town last week. -Deputy -Reeve Thompson' new dwelli�ngg is nearly ready for oc cupation.-�'Vm. Wallace is building two dwellings on Waterloo street. - Chits. Lee's dwelling on West street i nearing completion. --A new bake started nn his rounds. last week. -Nov the Fairs are all over business shonli boom. -Mrs. W. D. Shannon has as auction sale of furniture a the Park house this afternoon - Things are rushing slowl• at the breakwater job. -Harvest festel vals will soon be in order. -A far gg number of our citizens took in th Niagara excursion. -It is rumourei Dr. Thomson, whoso recently move into own, will shortly leave fo Londo. t "00wonsitl .$14014114 up 001*10ok" � l itiimetltll{.�, Under the above heading in oticfssue' Naxzcs. Pv. N#r. Rolln.1-Ae of aE Setptdwber Zst 1l letter waktt pulrllala+ "A e �VtN htngton was it caller in our; Oil, si'govd, Laver of Justice," its willtt a lust. week. --Miss J. Rudd which Appeared.- of Ulintou spent iv few days with 611A on4n by the name of I'rnudfnot friends berg.•• ---Mr. H. Glevitl of Nile called here last week. -.13t. number conducted the rase for the defence. It Is said Relives in Goderich. lie is front here took In the exetlyeion to Niagara, Aalang thein we,�re 1lflss iil$O called it lawyer; l)4,t V by that term we rrteau one who holds the high l.,avina Tebliititt, i)Jessrs. R. } i'eSte.r•, Firs Andrews, 1. of endeavoring to unwind the Lew. Tatibutt, Will J. ttiesbes of wrungg frotu right and son a.nd R. Holmes, -A, number from here attended the Great North - see justice done, then he does not de- serve the narne. ile made it most con-' western Exhibition at Goderich.-Mrs. . (Dr.) Hofions stud son Fred of Goderich temptible attack on Mr. Parke which no one but at base spent Friday in the village. coward would make on another when he carts 01IURCH.-On Sunday Mr•. _Coleman not in it position to defend himself.W preached from How. 1, 10, and in tho Every member of the rowdy eleasent, evening Rev, Mr. Shawl of i3ayfleld who was present cheered hVit to•the echo and he bass his No . preached from Psi- 0, 3, 7. -Remember the anniversary on the 10th and 11th, reward. won- der then like Burns and magistrates Rev. W. Ayers of Point Edward will throughout our hand find it ao hard to preach in the morning and evening' put down lawlessness, when then like this Proudfoot will stcop low to and Rev. 13. Clement of Clinton in the atteranon. Then on Monday evening so as actually encourage a youth of 15 years there will he the asrial tea. Every - body ii;-invitecl`to came. to perjure himself and continue in wrong -doing." PersonallyTHRNEWS-RECORD knows biter Many Years nothiuk of the trial or proceedings. The letter was published in the routine Sarsaparilla of hurried newspaper work. We have Is the One True Blood Purifier. Alldrugglsts. it. personally known Mr. Proudfoot for A SUFFERER IS RESTORED TO many years. We have never known him as a coward Or other than straight- HEALTH AND STRENGTH. forward and gentlemanly in the later - McRae was first prize man in Toronto, este of bis clients SUFFERED FROM WEAK HEART AND We regret very much that the por- COULD NOT SAFELY WALK ANY DIS_ tion of the letter quoted has given of- fence to Mr. Proudfoot. Unsolicited, j TANCE—HOW THa PULSE OP LIFE we have no besitation in snaking a full WAS ADJUSTED. and fair retraction and state that THE From the Cornwall Freeholder, NEws-RECORD has no knowledge that The romance of tinwr•itten facts of the statements complained, of are true, real life far exceeds the rich elabot'a- and certainly do not desire to insist tions of fiction. A peep behind the that there wits any justification for the scenes would furnish its with adequate publication of the article, and the are proof that there is more of care, trial quite prepared to believe, and do be- and severe anxiety in human life than lieve, Mr. Proudfoot's contention that floats on the surface. We find many the paragraph complained of was un- whoso experience basalmost incessant - just and unwarranted. ly fluctuated between health and sick- ness; little if any off this is obtruded lieve they are doing them, a favor. upon the notice of the world, or Brief Town Topies, breathed into human ear. You may secure the confidence of some of these Mrs. John T. Hai land who was on a sufferers who will rehearse to you visit to Goderich has returned. dark catalogue of pains and itches Miss Murney of Goderich is the guest that are often ill understood by of Mr. and Mrs J. T. Harland. the friends and 'inadequately treated Secure a NEws-RECORD Map of by the physician. Thanks be. to the mighty genius that discovered the Huron County, Mrs. J. Grieve of McKillop is visiting now famous panacea for the ills to which humanity is subjected when friends in town. Fall shows, local platter and adver- suffering from impoverished blood or it shattered nerve system. tising have the floor this week. Thousands have, and thousands are Mr. W.i P. Spalding is confined to still. using to 'he greatest advantage his room. lir. Williams Pink Pills. They have "Finnigian's Fortune" troupe dose rv- passed the ordeal of experiment agttin ed •a good house Arid it received what and again with ever increasing honor. it deserved. The following statement is frons one 9 The Queen's Jubilee performance who was rescued front' seeming per, - enfeeblement and distressing was very slimly patronized. It de- served a Winch better house, beart action. Mary Fisher, of Lan - Rev. Freeborn of Blenhieni and , caster totvnsbip, Glengarry county, is it maiden lady. About eight years ago Miss A. Freeborn of Tara are guests of ' Miss Fisher was seized with weakness Mrs. (Dr.) Freeborn, and a distressing sensation in the Mrs. J. A. .King attended the mar- region of the heart, It was attributed riage of her niece Miss Mogridge on to several causes, all possibly more or Tuesday Inst, in Hallett, less true, they were overwork, ex - Mrs. Lennan of Formosa, Bruce posure etc. She was certainly AV?ak county, wits the guest of her lough- ter, Mrs. Donald Kennedy. and the action of the heart was ahnor- wally rapid. The doctor in attenda rice If you want a good thing push along a good pronounced the ailment nervous pal - THE NEWS -t, t i of Horan County. p patation of the heart and she received treatment accordingly for two YeAl's. Messrs. C. A. Humber, E. A. At this stage she took to her, bed she was -so low. For twelve months she Cawsev and Barrister Johnston of lay receiving only domestic attention. Goderich were in town yesterdity. She improved somewhat, however, and Broadfoot, Box and Co. have a was able to be taken to a friend of splendid show of their own furniture hers near Lancaster village, Mrs. J. at the Huron Central, Haney, where she was under medical Rev. Stgwart delivered a disconise attendance and took inedicine for on the outline Book of Daniel in the about three years. At the end of this Rattenhury St. Methodist eburrh Mon_ time She could not safely venture to day night, , walk out even a short distance. All Frank McDonald has (tarred rock this time she complained of her heart.. pullets which weigh 3.4 lbs. and cock- About two years ago she began taking erels 4}. The eggs were from Lorne C. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, from this Todd's pen of Superior- birds. date she be%;au whist proved it steady The loads of new stoves arriving nit Harland Bros. yesterday leads one to restoration of nervous energy. Dut the summer of 1896 the improvement anticipate a big stove trade this fall was marked, She was able by the middle of the summer -to do as much and winter. Mr. Ben Allen, it former Huron boy, lyork incl walking its tclost ordinary women, and so satisfactory and ap- now a Chicago sinillionaire, was on fa ppArently perina•aent is the cure that. brief visit to collector of -customs Biiss Fisher hits ;,,)ne to het• former Whitely and other friends. house. Such are. the unvarni-lied The Base ball thatch oil Saturday facts of a remarkable case. The between Organ Factory Club And malady was persistant, tenacious and Clinton Cricketers rdetiftedin 20 to 29 hard to fight. But the constant use in favor of the latter; a second victor y. of Dr. Williaun's Pink Pills wrought A Rev. J. E. Millyard from near nnarvelloua change, which Miss Fisher's Aylmer, son of Rev. Mr. Millyard, Clin- friend said might be profitably known ton, it is said will be appointed to the to many others. Nile circuit. Dr. `Viifiams' Pink Pills cure by Mr. Andrew Millian of Colborne was going to the root of the disease. They in town Wednesday and Thursday of renew and build up the blood, and last week. He brought his wheat to strengthen the nerves, thus driving market, receiving A large price for disease from the system. -Avoid imita- it. a tions by assisting that every box you Capt. Sheppard left town last Thurs- purchase is enclosed in it wrapper beitr- the full trade day for his ftnte at Portage La Prair- ing mark, Dr. Williams' ie, M.tin., after spending it pleasant Pink, Pills for Pale People. two weeks with friends and relatives -- here. A Just Complaint- Kiticardine invites the Clintop bowl to play the return match at the Editor News-Record.ers lake town this week, saying they have DEAR Sin, --In the Expositor of secured a new set of bowls, Clinton Aug. Zith, I noticed a letter from F. cannot accept for this week, but ex- W. Hudson, Secretary of Farmers In- pect to play the return match in the near future. stitues, staling that the Provincial Government had appointed Col, McRae Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Simpson of Brucefleld are in town an for tuberculosis in cattle., and that farmers ht have his attending the m. set - fair and calling oil old -friends. Mr. vices by sending for him. and paying Simpson has not been in good health his expenses from the tiute he left for some time but we are pleased to home, until he returned there -to. He notice An improvement and was inuch would use the tuberculins test on their pleased to have a chat with Mr. and cattle And at the same time instruct Mrs. Simpson yesterday the farmer himself how to mille the Harland Bros, have laced In fur- test, and, I suppose, supply hitt) with a hypodermic syringe, chemical er- nicer for Mr. Gairdner Of Ba field and and Mr. H. Foster of Clinton. The same monster a quantity of eru- firm firm have contracts to put in furnaces Mr, H uston of Bayfield and Messrs. (rues from all which the Ontario Go o Gov- ernment might minks considerable pro o James Smith, Chas. Carline and W. W. Farran of Clinton. fit. Mr. Editor I it strikes me the On - The New Era wants TIIE NEWS'. t:ario Government is beginning to think they will need some votes At the RHCOD to give the antic all the Ma oi. g p y knows of bis double-dealing in con- coming Provincial elections, and they nection with the Stavely $10,000, thke this rather original Ian of securing tbem, perhaps it wont work When we cern afford an Xray mach- ne we will cheerfully comply with the Satisfactorily. I think the farming request. In the meantime the Mayor � community are too intelligent to be caught by such chaff. In the first might enlarge a little on the subject and tell the public all he clai,inns to place let them ask themselves if they k°On' can make an intelligent and reliable test without a medical education, if so, then Veterinary Colleges and two or three year'shniA study are unnecessary Huron Central ]Exhibition. and of no use. Besides I am not sure that Col. McRae is qualified, he rrray Yesterday the Huron Cetftral'Exhi- be, I frail to find his name on the rekis- bition opened as THE NEwq-RECORD ter of the Ontario College of Veterin- went to press. Secretary Coats in- ary Snrgeons, it certainly would be forms us that the entries are not as there if he were a graduate. I have a numerous for the insile departments copy of a letter received by one of our as.lagt year. Out, reporter noticed the but moot prominent Veterinary Surgeons, shortage, vie must say the quality of is from F. W. Hodson, in reply to a let - df` everything shown good. Theout- ter enquirey as to Col. McRae's side show of stock, etc., promises to be qual►ficaiions. The qualifications are Food and the entries numerous. As as follows; Vol. McRae has trao aona iia intimated in these columns last year, the Medical Profession one a lecturer the Horticultural society should ;join in Toronto University the other a lee bands with the Huron' Central. Curer In John Hopkins university. Col. '`�► Otttr Silverware Mpp," Goderich Townshio• NOTES. -Mr. David Clarke of the The prices on these are Ist concession had a valuable horse Away stolen from his field on Wed- Down. r-esday night of hist week. -Mrs. Henry Repairing- of all Alurphy was . in Goderich last kinds guaranteed week visiting the Sturdy Bros., also to give satisfaction. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beck at Saltford. -In some parts of the township there has been' very heavy frost,' while in Estate Other section%there has not been any. Ja Middle e-ombe_ Cook's Cotton Root Compound — — — Is the only safe, reliable Business Property for Sale. monthly medicine on which p ladies can depend in 'the That desirable brick business stand on Albert hour and time of need, street, Clinton, occupied by Mr. N. Robson, i otrered for sale, including rear lot and stable. Is preparedintwo degrees The location is one of the best in Cainton...The of strength. property is free from incumbrance and title No. 1 for ordinary cases •.. disputable. Price reasonable and terms to suit purchaser. Apply to GEORGE STAN - is by far the best dollar medicine known BURY, London Road, or address Clinton post -sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. office. 9804t No. 2 for special cases -Io degrees — stronger --sold by druggists. One boa, Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars. PLUMS. No. x, or No. s, mailed on receipt of �- priCe and two 3 -cent stamps. We are headquarters for Plums, Honey and The Cook Company, Onions. Conic and get it Supply cheap. ,My Windsor. Ontario. Apiary being too large, I can sell 10 hives rea- sonable. C. HARE, W -Sold in Clinton and everywhere in Canada Huron Central.Fmit Farm. by all responsible druggists, m 9814t One mile north of Clinton. -- - Furniture Exhibit. .Broadfoot, Box & Co. l We intendmakin An exhibit At the Huron Central Exhibition to be held in Clinton on Sept. 28th and 29th. On account of the limited aulnnint of space alloted to us, we will not be able to make as frill it display as we would like to, but we will have on exhibition in our Wareroonis a GRAND ASSORTMENT of FURNITURE, an ASSORTMENT AWAY ARHAD of anything overseen in this part of the Province. NVe invite all visitors to the Huron Central to take a look through our Waietooms and see what we have. Rem out ber we don't ask you to buy. 000900000000 and Broadfoot, Box & Co., Clinton. FurnitureD°aU.drtakery. J. W. CHI©LEY, MANAGER. Night and 9utidap calls answered at Residence of our Funeral Director,J. W. Chidley, King St., opposite Foundry. Nem Shoes-, for Fall wear. Considering the price, the quality of the leathers, ONO, workmanship, the fit and the style of foot forms, you will 406' find that we have the cheapest stock of boots and shoes in the west. An Ill-fitting Shoe Is like a bad conscience—it is always troubling you. You will not know that you have anything on your feet if'you wear our perfect fitting shoes. We carry one of the finest selections in the west. JACKSON & JAOKSON, The Noted Shoe Dealers,. CLINTON. Tanglefo at, ee Wilson ad Induced by the use of coca, opiate b>• its;. Insect Powder, cotic compounds is toad, decidedly bad, They undermine health and ehpttor the the Inseot Powder Guns.. constitution and patient is steadily growing into a worse condition --osteo resulting in the terrible slavery and ! •OiO000W misery of the cocaine and opium habit, } Sleep induced by the use of Hood's Saree- IQ he's Iron parilla does not perhaps come 4s quickly, but it comes more surely and more per- manently through nature's great rector- Blood. P111S tug and rejuvenating channel -purified, ' • • vitalized and enriched blood, This feeds the ngrvep with; life-giving energy and Are in great demand all builds up the system and constitution the year sound. They are from the very foundGtion of all health and life --the blood -pure, rich, red blood. at direct food for the blood, the use of these pills will o'am,od's change the pale and sallow complexion into the ruddy Sarsaparilla glow of health. Price Is the One True Blood Purifier. Alldrugglsts. it. per box or 5 boxes for $1 carliver , take, Hood's Pills sneere w operatelilaeasy. ?litocenq, O-G►•fri•0.01O.plla. McRae was first prize man in Toronto, Jas• H.Combe, when Dr. McEachran and Dr. Smith • first started a V eterinary School. Sir, I ask you and all intelligent people, Chemist and Druggist. what you think of Col. McRae's quali- fications? But leaving Col. McRae for the present, is it not most absurd to to send this man around the country, it is nothing short of a huutbng, and I J� hope farmers will have more commonWE 1 i <;� sense than allow the Ontario Govern- ment orany other government, to go clown into their pocket in this manner, and at the same time make thein be- lieve they are doing them, a favor. RIGHT �� The duty of the Veterinary profession in Ontario is plainly this, to cast their influence and ballots against agovern- At the verge of a period of activity. If stent which is doing its best to deprive them of their legitimate business, and you want proof of this come to Biddle - Biddle - consequently their living. Without Combe s and see what we have question the Veternary Surgeon is the N o make this delicate test. He is btit n i ly qualified man, and it, is hisATTHE<,� has the �M^ business, Land uo govPtroment right to take it fromhim, so lonq as he acts in an honorable and upright manner. Veterinary Surgeons have nothing to thank the Ontario govern—pleat for, never hand, and Apparently never will hitve. For years they have been turning out QwtcN alore from their institution at Guelph, and now Of the Fall Season. Our they propose to send it man around the Stock of Jewellery, S ecta- country to make them. Wbat next ? cles, etc., and prices will Yours &c., suit you. V, S. '`�► Otttr Silverware Mpp," Goderich Townshio• NOTES. -Mr. David Clarke of the The prices on these are Ist concession had a valuable horse Away stolen from his field on Wed- Down. r-esday night of hist week. -Mrs. Henry Repairing- of all Alurphy was . in Goderich last kinds guaranteed week visiting the Sturdy Bros., also to give satisfaction. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beck at Saltford. -In some parts of the township there has been' very heavy frost,' while in Estate Other section%there has not been any. Ja Middle e-ombe_ Cook's Cotton Root Compound — — — Is the only safe, reliable Business Property for Sale. monthly medicine on which p ladies can depend in 'the That desirable brick business stand on Albert hour and time of need, street, Clinton, occupied by Mr. N. Robson, i otrered for sale, including rear lot and stable. Is preparedintwo degrees The location is one of the best in Cainton...The of strength. property is free from incumbrance and title No. 1 for ordinary cases •.. disputable. Price reasonable and terms to suit purchaser. Apply to GEORGE STAN - is by far the best dollar medicine known BURY, London Road, or address Clinton post -sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. office. 9804t No. 2 for special cases -Io degrees — stronger --sold by druggists. One boa, Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars. PLUMS. No. x, or No. s, mailed on receipt of �- priCe and two 3 -cent stamps. We are headquarters for Plums, Honey and The Cook Company, Onions. Conic and get it Supply cheap. ,My Windsor. Ontario. Apiary being too large, I can sell 10 hives rea- sonable. C. HARE, W -Sold in Clinton and everywhere in Canada Huron Central.Fmit Farm. by all responsible druggists, m 9814t One mile north of Clinton. -- - Furniture Exhibit. .Broadfoot, Box & Co. l We intendmakin An exhibit At the Huron Central Exhibition to be held in Clinton on Sept. 28th and 29th. On account of the limited aulnnint of space alloted to us, we will not be able to make as frill it display as we would like to, but we will have on exhibition in our Wareroonis a GRAND ASSORTMENT of FURNITURE, an ASSORTMENT AWAY ARHAD of anything overseen in this part of the Province. NVe invite all visitors to the Huron Central to take a look through our Waietooms and see what we have. Rem out ber we don't ask you to buy. 000900000000 and Broadfoot, Box & Co., Clinton. FurnitureD°aU.drtakery. J. W. CHI©LEY, MANAGER. Night and 9utidap calls answered at Residence of our Funeral Director,J. W. Chidley, King St., opposite Foundry. Nem Shoes-, for Fall wear. Considering the price, the quality of the leathers, ONO, workmanship, the fit and the style of foot forms, you will 406' find that we have the cheapest stock of boots and shoes in the west. An Ill-fitting Shoe Is like a bad conscience—it is always troubling you. You will not know that you have anything on your feet if'you wear our perfect fitting shoes. We carry one of the finest selections in the west. JACKSON & JAOKSON, The Noted Shoe Dealers,. CLINTON.