HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-09-29, Page 3• • Ili �rl< 11�altrdfJl�,_,. •--.:_.{,.�., •
�/'j �A,�' C1�a �� �,�i�,�� .- - .,: ,�• ! •`.�""' �^kl�Nd c��'A�!� •:, S��kt's, Er�u�'sic�� mlal�es•
i� 8lt t I!S 4� , a 4 wn ants. crl�l?? ra. az+n r
1► L.
1io M�1Q �f**
O'CLOCK i; i • Tlik TRIAL WILL UINQU A� dges the an ter love tU 1 a It -
. Ls . L.. ,o � �Q � .QIrs�M� ON Ti4 ". Willi dancing erty the blood, riG�lel• olid i :?..
m -- at ir} AqutliulIIg iii the a1r.
m� 44141 ,Q � nay � Ile will view the pato proves the circulation. It
M.at..aooaa Maaday at '.very •r Galt, Sept. 21 -Both pr()seClltions As It !cups and attuggiea there.
n month. Ball 9atl !alit, 1teveryAretqVitirrefpeQuliart0iiood'i?Plilo, $1lwlllD r r 13ut there IsYrnothcr t.yvvard which his what increases the digestion z:ld
[loll defence ilia vvrarkltll, hale, getting Is turuing from du to day; fq
� 081 U block. Visiting brethren rlw.ye also,to4telttt9,efAotallt,ihWfotlgh. All 000 M" l,ea(ly for the Allison murder trial next Aucl dtsplte 11 lack nourishes the 1JOd �t Col'^
made welcome. month. As everyone knows, the fight lie will toast the pluck y•
1pagrpara<aed by Aotoi Par(lameup 1[166. P. *NT"' J P. SSE$PARD, W. M. will w abunt the hour the boy took Of the call rust got uvvu8• rests diseased action and
4 ON,JR.See. TOOS• BEACON, D. M.H o the cows to Barvie'3. The Crown will ne knows that it moves through the crystal
$2,000,000 '"• O ds endeavor' to prove that Allison and cool, strengthens the nervous sys- ,
►FI. $EST $1,400$2,0 � ip>1#IC. y With never a wave to show
Rodd were n• t there at the Solna The path It takes T
-.—. i/'ILINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. sit A. M. taeete paid. "You.neverknowyou time, and it is said they have found Where the minnow wakes I t@ill• TIZ a word, It places
@tad Office, - MONTREAL. V every Frlday, on or atter the mean. Visit have taken a pillttUitIsall a witness who saw Roddy a utile or- And darts In the suubeam•s glow. the body in the best possible
I Ingbrethreneo fallyinvitad Over." W. 0.1.H004&Co,, Pills more front Barrie's long before DI•y. There's uiunY a b(ntutyy who left the pool,
M. MOLSON, 111ACPHERS011, President. T. C. BRUCE, W. M• E. MoLEAN, Sao• Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. deo saw Alliston. On the other• hand, The pride of an idle day,
F,WOLFJ$RSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. B.ut those we caught condition for preventing the
_ Clinton, Dec. 6, 1896. ',Che only plus to takewlIh Hood'af tlraaYarlth' the defence will try to prove 611at Mrs. I Never hold our thought
Oolleotions made Drafts - "-"-` Orr could not do the milking in less Like the fish that got away. germs of Consumption from
' Notes discounted, , g O T M than tin hour, tend was therefore alive So, here's to the pleasures we might have
issued, Sterling and American ex- at eight o'clock, the Urne at which tied g beginning or continuing their
change bought and sold. 7'lle Polley Of Squeeze. Allison orris seen driving the cows If fortune had proved more true;
INraRa.T ALLOWaDoN DaPodiTs Kearns Tent Fo.66, Knights of the Maccabees of work. In that one sentence
the World. 81.000, 02,000 and 08,000 Policies. Mom- Let us look at the County of `'Vel- down the lane. The defence are con- For they cheer
apart he
fident of tin acquittal And they cheer the heart L B
SAVINGS BANK. berehip over 100,000. AeeeaemnnE pclnolp]e-has O'er the things we may some day do. 1S the whole secret. Book
never exceeded 12 assessments in a year. (theayyest land. And the dlsuppontmeut that now seems and,
Interest allowed on sums of $1 and up. and satevt in existe000. Meets in Orange Hall, Cltn• --�,► o asn.-------
The province used to ay to that As we lock on It later, )nay covering the subject very
ton, flrslrndthtrdFrlday of every month. p p 10 YEAR§ A SUFFERER Brace our nerves more
:W A.RM:E3Rf3- _ countq $1,160 in rash.
Not the sport in store, thoroughly sent free for the
Money advanced to farmers on their own notes It took from it $1,057 of its license FROM KIDNEY DISEASE -GRAVEL AND Like the ash that got away. O J
with one or mart endorsers. No mortgage ire, COWS FLOUR fees. asking.
quired as security. V The county f eally paid 4107 to the STRIC'L'URE-AN ABSOLUTE CURE
•''° H. 0. BREWER, DlanaoiitriTON. FEED STORE, treasury. FOUND IN SOUTH AMERICAN ,KIDNEY News Notes. SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, Oat i
Now there is no cash grant, and the IN THE MOST DISTRESSING CABER. County Judge Woods has decided to
Clinton. sum of $5,759 is taken of the license ---- D.
money. resign the County Judgeship of Perth.
Go Dr NoTaggart BRAN and SHORTS in Large or The solid evidence of experience is
The Ontario Government squeezes behind South American Kiudney Cure. The Spanish Junta in 1Vety York au -
Small Quantities. $5,200 more from the municipalities in Mr. Wilbur Goff, of Chippewa, Out., is nounce the safe ,u rive! of three big ex- ty,
DANKER OIL CAKE LINSEED MEALS Welland than formerly, simply one of hundreds who have pedit•ions in Cuba for the insurgents.
' ALB RT STREET, CLINTON. It is of interest just now to show the spoken in equally strong terms. He Sir Louis Davies is likely to represent
10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal forone Bushel full extent by which the taxpayer is says: '`After tak 19 six bottles of Canada in the Official en uirey into
Oats South American Kidney (hu•e I ala
sweated. seal lite in the Behring era, which
A �bINICRAL BANKING BUSINESS Here are the figures for 1872: completely cured of stricture and will be held in Washington this fall.
T&ANSAOTED. T gravel, having from these cam
D. COOK. CLINTON. Taken oe license fees............$75,. �+5 plaints for over ten years. I found At Tuesday's session of the Domin- T
Cash pitid back to ruu11iciPal ides. 71,70`3 ( great relief after takfni; one bottle ion Cigar Manufacturer's Association Fi
762-tf but contiuued the remedy until I was in Montreal, a resolution was prtssed �"
Moles Discounted. Drafts Issued. --- - 552
p PRODUCE EXCHANGE Total municipal con tribntiona..$3, perfectly cured and I aur now enjoying declaring in favour of a Dominion
interest Allowed on Deposits. These are the figures for 1:. 3: the best of health." -Sold by V(�atts & bankruptcy law.
Clinton, Juneath, 1801 058y LL �iG JOl(IV ER `taken of I:cNnse fees ..........$273,212 I Co. The report that Major-General Gas-
....-..-- --- colt,
is about to retire is not credited
Corner Store, Albert St., Clinton. 0 Mr. Httrdv takes from tills Ontario - in official circles in Ottawa. The De -
municipalities $270,00') annually mote Verdict of Manslaughter. fie
Dealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds, than former! , and et there is an an- putt' of the dupartment says it is un-
Teas a specialty. Waal deficitof$".y ),(J0, and new founded. p
®R■ rt,%• GU N N, Headquarters for all kinds of Field and Garden schemes for taxing the people are oil RESULT OF THE TRIAL O CONVEY FOR PP
Seode. We carry the largest Stock and the deck. KILLING FR1187`. The Newfoundland Legislature-7dis-
R0. P, and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. Office- largest variety of Seeds. solved'1'uesday. Sit Herbert Murray, e
Ontario streriClinton. Night ealle at trout door offor Woodstock, Ont. Sept. 23. -The ad- the Governor, announces in his pro -
residence on Ratterbary ousel, opposite Presbyter- All We pay Cash for Eggs. ods will be sold at wAny kind of grain
ion church. taken m exchange for Goode, soma as Cash, ONE HONEST MAN. dresses of counsel and the judges clamation that October `L8 next is the I
Dear Editor: Please inform your readers. that H charge occupied the whole morning at date for the election of the new Parlia-
• written to confidentially, l will mail in a sealed let -
DR. TURNBULI.. HILL t& JOYNER ter particular. of a genuine, houesi,home oure,hy the Frost Into
trial. Wallace Nes- Inent.
which I was ermanently restored to health and bitt inwie it very eloquent plea fat the At.torne -General McKenna decided
J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto L'nly. ; M. D. ; meatyy vlgor,. ter years of suffering from nervous a ed CiaoneC and OrnfLted n0 point y
M., Victoria Univ. M. C. Y h unly. ; t now CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP. debllt sexual
te, eakneI was obbeQ nod losses and
Whichpcould be made to tell in his Tuesday that section 22 of the Dingley
s. quackeuntlliaearlyloatfalthinmanklnd,butthank tariff law does not impose a discriml-
of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Lasa ,f FORD (� MURPHY frtivor. He laid great stress on the natio r dot of ten er, cent. upon mer -
London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Ofitce;- hcavenIamnowwall,vlgoroueandetrong,nndwlsh Frost, had !� Y p p
Dr. Dowaley's stand, Rattentiury St. Night calls 1 to make this certain means of cure known coati out• fact that the deceased u in, Chandiae brought from contiguous
acres. I have nothing to sell and want no money been continuiLll persecuting and groas-
answered at Office. (Su to J. W. Langford.) but beluga arm believer to the universal brotherhood Y p COulltrles (Canada, and McX►C0) ed
DR. SHAW. Having bought out the above business, we intend of man [ am desirous of helping the unrortunate to t insulting the Old man in every wily brought by vessels WOG of the United
lheirhealthandhappines`. I promloony�pppeer• that the fiendish ingenuity of a Lon -
regain States.
+ to conduct it on the cash principle, and will supply fectsecrecy. Addresswithatamp W1S.T.MULl�00);
our customers with the beat meats at the lowest pay Agents, supplies, P.O. Box 59, St enrl1 Qua• dOCt guttersnipe aged devise. lie
Office -Ontario street opposite English ng prices. �. showed how rile seed Prisoner had A London cable says that British
ur�h, formerly oxupiod by Dr. Appleton. FORD &MURPHY. tried to avoid him, and that the con- shippers are disappointed that the pre-
��,,,,{{ Capt. A. H. Lee, of the Kingston Stant persecution that he was subjected ferential clause in tire Canadian tarrilf
Jas. 1SFreeborn, 1Yl•D + — Royal Military College. Who has for to by the Grovers and by the deceased law is not exclusively in favor of
st Q. C. P., L, M. °. P. s S. °•, &a., sea• EL some time past, been investigating the had fairly unbalanced his mind and Great Britain, and they are also anx-
L. K. of Bin 'e &Queen's college al Phyeiclane, LIVE HOGS WANT a overland route to the Klotdyde, gives had given him the impression or hallo- ions to know what the policy of Cana -
Graduate g a most gloomy de�cript•iot of the white cination that his life was in danger, da will be when the treaties with Get•
Dublin, Ireland. Licentiate of the General Medical d
Aug -
Connell, Great Britain. Member of college Lr pass an says the the death from cold. He further urged that the death many and Belgium expire next Aug -
I,! rhystolass and surgeons, Ontario, Formerly rest- starvation, and suicide will he the fate of Frost was probably the result of an oat.
lento Lne Rotunda Hospital (Lylog•in and Gytitc• of hundreds this winter. The find OB
aologtcal), Dnblln. special attention to disease a of Highest Market Price Paid. accident, its the nervous, trembling On Saturday last the Supreme Court
t`y women and children. oafoesudresidenee,Rattenbury ANTEL(�N Clinton. gold is greatly and he says prisoner was incapable of airr►ing and at Bath, N. Y., awarded Nellie French,
St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parvona go, D. C , that a. wicked conspiracy exists be- ji.illg it pistol such as the one produc- who is 24 years old, $1,CL'0 as ditmatge
793•tf. tween the Paciflc Coast transportation ed. Mr. Nesbitt concluded his addresa fur, breach of promise to marry in her
N W WOODS, companies and the press to lure thous- of about, one and a half hours'duration suit against Alvin Hearnan, at promi-
ands to there ruin for the sake of their with a touching picture of the aged !lent farmer of Thurston, well-to-do
L. R. C. P: I - L. M. R. C. P. I.; L. M. Rotunda, J. E. BLAOKALL, fares and advertising. wife of the pt•isotrer, who lay on her- and 70 years old. The case was settled
Dublin; M. 1, C. S., England; M. C. P. and S., Veterinary Surgeon - -- bed paralysed by the nervous shock out of court Tuesday, when Seaman
Ontario. 969-y reduced by her husbands trouble, suddenly fell dead at his dinner table.
Consulations at the office recentiv occupied and Veterinary Inspector.
by Dr. Turnbull on Rattenbur street, Clinton, office on Isaac street next Now Era gfflce. A FEW WORDS OF ADVICE and asked the jury to give the Prison- The excitement and strain of the suit
from 11 o'clock a. m. to 3 o'clock p. m. week Residence, Albert St., Clinton. e( the benefit of every doubt. Caused his death.
days, and other hours at the "Hut," Bayfield, BEFURE YOU DYE. Mr. Lount opened with aresume of
In clearing out the McKenzie build.
the law regarding murder, and in elo in M. Beckwith of Wmgham carne
qu^nt words asked the jury to rernem across some candied pop -corn, suppos-
--- -- YETERINERY SURGEON, When you dye at home ypur chief ber that, the young boy Frost had also to have been left there by J. McAlpine.
HonoraryGroanateof the OntarioVetorinaryCol• view is economy. Horne dyeing econ- hard a life which was sweet to hila, He ave it to his children and one of
�.Dr. Bruce, Surg0OR Dentist. a Toronto. and that the law of God and roan call- Walter Green's, who sere la in
g , only mesas the very best results from p Y . -
ed for a life fora life. No mere plea of
Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the around. They were seized with viu-
" OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, moat,nodern and Scientific Principles. a minimum of expgnBe, time and hot temper or advanced age should lent cramps, and it was all that medi.
Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre- Day and Night Calle Promptly Answered. trouble. save the prisoner. Cal Aid could do to save thecal. It ap
i> Residence -Batterbury street, west, Clinton Ont. pears that rat poison had been put on
4 servation o'f natural teeth. Your objects end desires are fully Aman must render an accnunt or
N. B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday, and Tealized Only when the Diamond byes his acts and such an excµse, if listen- the corn for the purpose of getting rid
y3 ed to, would arra a nlnititude, of as- of rats and had not been taken away.
Bayfield every.Thursday afternoon during the Geo Trowhill are used for our work. If you are
summer. y y saslns and put every life in danger.
i+ _ s I one of the careless unfortunates who The facts were all agAinst the Orison- At Portchestrr, N. Y., the
�Y'. Agnew, Horseshoer and general Black- simply taloa a package of dye of the ere He bought the pistol for the aur champion pugilist, Fitzsimmons, des -
g color required from our dueler ou pose of attacking t,rr•over. He had it cribed to a court how Howard J. Pat
13mith, q y , y , • terson, Fitzsimmons' recalcitrant
will in nine cases out of ten suffer loss In his pocket the day ►i' killed frost,
DENTIST. Albert Street, North, - Clinton. although he had not been currying it coachman, hit him with a cane until
and great disappointment, as many for some time before, unless his state- "I wriggled and fell to my knees."
Office hours - 9 to 5 JOBBING A SPECIALTY. merchants will hand you some Com- relent be accepted that he had carried Fitzsimblow to knock me down, Your
mons added naively: "It takes
.1 Woodwork Ironed and first class material and Rion dye ruinous to your goods, don• it for two or three days previous to the Hong ." Patterson, who is of medium
eRDORRDti work guaranteed; farm implements and machines gerous to handle and worthless as far death of Frost. size, was find $10. During this testi-
rebuilt and repaired. He had said in Davis blacksmith mony, Fitzsimmons said he ,had pro -
rebut coloring power is concerned and on P
At Zurich the second Thurs- which.a Yer lel a refit is made. If shop it few drays before that there .raised his wife he would never enter
day of each month, y g p would be murder on the farm before the ring again.
TO THE F•'ARMERS. you secure the Diamond Dyes your the first of March, and he was not
Study your own tntereet.nd go whore success is sure and certain. then quarrelling with Grover. Afier As a eeq ael to the assault case, Pitt -
',4; R j1)j you'can get Che she°ting he hid the weapon, and terson hatvmg sworn out a warrant
p Diamond Dyes have a long record said nothing about it until it read been ,accusing the champion of assault, Fitz-
;' J. SCOTT, Rehaible Harness °f triumphs in home dyeing work ; found. An innocent man who had siminons is under $o:J bond awaiting
r they have been used and tested in fired in self-defense would have told the action of the October Grand Jury.
'.free Barrister, c�c., I manufacture none but the BE.T Or STOOK. every land, and have become friends this fact at once, hire L ,ant said that
rantin the toss and vulgar insults William Graham, a consumptive and
II.LLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON, Bewarrofshopgthatsellcheap, as th%have and family necessities. Happy women g g
got to live � Call and get prices. urdera which the prisoner had described were his wife lived in a cottage at Santa
Money to Loan. by mail promply attended to everywhere dye with Diamond Dyes. truly related, they afforded no excuse Monica, Cal. On Saturday Sight Gra-
for the crime, and no one could sav ham apparently died. An undertaker.
JC>�1L_N �.rL� that a boy should be killed for gross was called in and prepared the body
E • CAMPION, Q • C, HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTII, ONT As the Ottawa Citizen sees it: -"The Impudence or insults. for hurial. The wife was Hnally al -
E. reception accorded Mr. p lowed to go into the room, and in a
BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR., — Whitney in his tour through Ontario Judge Meredith's charge vv,ts deliver paroxysm of grief she threw herself
GO TO THE gives indication that the ranch -needed ed in a slow and valorous manner.
NOTARY, c., hars a will come next election. upon the body. It was some minutes
Uolon Shaving Parlor g He carefully explained the law bear- before she cotld be led away, and then
C,,oderieh, - Ont• ing on the case to the jury and an- it was noticed that a sliight shudder
Ocoee -Over DAvis' Drug Store. Money to loan, nal zed the evidence adduced by both ran through the man's body. Restora-
For first-class Ha,r-Cutting TIDED, NERVOUS, SLEEPLESS aide6. The charge was, however, not tives and massage were applied, and
M. 0• JOHNSTON, and Shrving• Men and women -how gratefully they entirely satisfactory to the prisoner's within an hour Graham was able to
*: counsel, and Mr. Nesbitt requested his speak. Graham says that he went out
BARRiSi"'ER, - SOLICITO£Z, Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton write about Hoods Sarsaparilla. Once lordship to note a number of objec- of this life and journeyed into
COMMISSIONER, ETC., J. EMERTON, Proprietor. helplese and discouraged, having lost tions both its to the law laid down by another country. He describes it
Ont. all feith in medicines, now in good his lordship and as to the manner in beautiful road linea with stately trees,
Crodewieh, - - p r7�/rC1 CZ_ ('lO�' health and "able to do my own work," which he presented the facts to the strains of music were in the air, and
• `' omee-Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Sts. WATTS S & v because Hood'o Sarsaparilla has power jUrY• he says that along a pathway his
to enrich and purify the blood and At 2:57 the jury rendere3 a verdict father carne to meet hien. He tells of
W. BItYDONE., CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS of manslaughter in the Convey case. their greeting and conversation, and
i_ make the weak strong -this is experi then of. his being torn awil.7 called
BARRIST +.R - SOLICITOR. Great Northwestern Telegraph office, ante of a host of people. back to his worn and aching body by
NOTARY PUBLIC, c�rc., Albert Street. - Clinton. APPARENTLY A HOPELESS CASE the insistent calls of his wife. Graham
f 'i is still alive, but he cannot last more
"Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea
rowers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian
ease Therefore they use the greatest care in the
lection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they
ut it up themselves and sell it only in the original
ickages, thereby securing its purity and excellence.
kit up in % Ib., i lb. and 5 Ib. packages, and never
old in bulk.
f your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to
0 STEEL, HAYTER sit 00. a
11 and 13 Front Street East. Toront•
Anyone sending a sketch and deeoription may
putotl� ascertain, free, whether an invention's
probably pyatentable. Communications strictly
innAmerlea Oldest
havenayWashington otfioe,
Patent. taken through Nunn A Co. reeatye
special notloe 1n the
beayYn�tifull77 illustrated, largest clroclstioyyne� of
aaa1.aU six men h rn Specimen terms
e$andaI NO
Bt,OK ON PATENTS Bent free. Address
361 Broadway. New 10r6 -
Cures Guaranteed or No Pay
may have been the victim of Self Abuse
when young. Later Excesses or exposure
to blood diseases may have completed the
work. You feel the symptoms stealing
over you. 'You dread the future results.
You know you are not a man mentally and
sexnally� Why not be cared in time and
avoid thezed experience of other wrecks
of these diseases. Our TREATMENT WILL CURE YOU AF Eli
Emissions, Varleocele and
Syphilis Cured
E .,
Before Treatment After Treatment
"At the age of 151 commenced to ruin
my hea'tb. Later on as ONE OF TIIi
il()Ys'•Icontracted aserious blooddisonse I
-SYPHILIS. 1 was weak and nervous.
despondent, imples, sunken eyes, bone l'
pains, ulcers, hair loose, sore tongne and
mouth drains in urine, varicocelet-I was
rt wreck. I was in the Inst sta�gges when a
friend recommended .Drs. Kennedy &
I: rgan. A dozen other doctors had failed
in enring me. Drs. Kennedv & Kergan
i4 cared me in a few weeks by their New
Mothod Troatment. I would warn similar
diseased men to beware of Medical Frauds.
Ther are reliable honest end skillful
physicians." W. M. MILLHIL
We treat and cure Yarleo.
cele: d,DhI1lq, Einlc•1eions,
ptlity, Unuaet t�zralxDischaruep,
Ktdisey and madder D i e-
200,000 CURED
Teo came, Pio Pay. Write for
galreatton mania for Yafome
m 11,4"Ittation nooks
No, 148 Shelby St.
HOOD'S PILLS are the beat amt y - - PPl1C!!• M
�f r u 111 A� i V Zri,i w+ cathartic and liver medicine. Goalie, EDDISTRESSINGLY FROM INDIGEB- �grry�•�►��
81 1 -tf reliable, sure. 'TION -APPARENTLY A HOPELESS CASE -.. • _ ___.. ___ _
I[ yon cant a first•elaev, well -made pump, one ilia - OF STOMACH TROUBLE UNTIL SOUTH @a��
will glue you eatiatnottnn, send your order to tb AMERICAN NERVINE WAS USED WHERE RHEUMATISM IS UN-
'Otxi' 1p�Clt�l, nnderaigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it a The Parliament of the Netherlands WORDS ARE: "IT CURED ME ABBo KNOWN. Willie McTavish, the 17 tuultlu-old
the closest prices.
He also handles s firet•olea was opened Tuesday, when the Queen son of Alex. McTavish, residing on
' ---_•- FORCE PUMP. Regent announced that she hoped LUTELY." William street, Stratford. was drown -
JOHN st.l R I ®O�T. JAMES FERGUSON Queen Wilhelmina, who accompanied NO MATTER HOW INTENSE THE PAIN ed in the nivel about 11 O'c10Ck Totes-
i/lO�I lt. _ her, would before the end of the ales- What this wonderful remedy for all SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE day morning. Mrs. McTavish had
Oppoelt Queen'aHotel High Street UI1�, on. WILL REMOVE IT (ZUICKLY-A LADY OCCasiO❑ to g0 up stairs, leaving the
CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETC. 80U.tt ant ced tole igtaTy at:8810n have cam forms of Btornacll trouble can do is
_ menced to reign. best told in the words of John Boyer, OF HIGHGATE TELLS WHAT IT DID Child below. Ob her 1 -el Urn the child
banker-, Kincardine, Ont. "About a FOR HER�PERMANENT CURE OF A was missing, and was shortly titter-
Insurance. Real Estate. Money to land. Grand Trunk Ba,ilway• year ago, as rL result of heavy work no cnBE OF YEARS STANDING. found floating in the river. Efforts at
Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON. "Only nervone" is a sure indication doubt•: I became very much troubled resuscitation were unsuccessful.
t1 OFFICIAL TIME TABLE. that the blood is not pure. Hood's with Indigestion ; associated with it It has been declared by scientip s -
Salsa urilla purifies the blood and were those terribly distressing feelings that every disease has a remedy. The
Cantelon gyros, Buffaloand Goderich District:- p that can hardly be described in any difficulty is to always find the remedy.
./• Going Wost, Mixed......... .. 1015 a. m. aures nervousness. language. I had tried various meth- In rheuruatism South American Rheil- Catarrali of Toil Years' Standing,.
Express ................. 1.03 t. M. ods of ridding myself of the trouble, ILlatic Cure has been found a certain Cured by Dr. Chase.
GENLRAI, GROCERS & PROVIS- Mixed...... 7.05 p. m. but without success, until I was in- antidote for this painful disease. It is
•• • Express ..•. .:::. . , 10,27 p. m. Since the outbreak of smallpox in fluenced to use South American Ner- always effective. MI's. N. Ferriv, wife I suffered from Catarrh for ten
ION MERCHANTS. Going East, Express ........:........ 7.4o a.m. Montreal on July, 2, there have been vine. The result•, and I gladly say it of a well-known manufacturer of High- years and was treated by some of the•
2.55 P. m• twenty-two cases with nine deaths. y best physicians in Canada. I was
Grockery, Glass & CIt naware Mixed."•" "'•
...... 4.35 P. Ill. for the benefit of others -this remedy gate, Ont., says: "I was serious) af-
London, Huron and Bruce:- cured me, and I never hesitate farted with rheumatic pains in my recommended by "Mr. C. 1'hompaou,
,1GICIER'1C ST., CLINTON. ONT. to recommend it to any person affect- ankles, and at times Was almost, dis-
Going South, E3lyresa................ 4.'410 p. n Ask your grocer for ed with stop form of stomach trouble." shied. I tried everything, as I druggist, 'l ilsotburg. to try Dr. ChRSA a
1.Highest Cash fries for Rutter and Eggs Going North, 10•i.,a.m
-Sold by �'Vatts & Co. thought. and doctored for year's with- Catarrh Cure, and can elate 'pos4tlVei
62.1y " 6.55 p. in ({ �(1y out much neneHt. I was induced to it anted my Catarrh and Lutarrhal
f�1T Solicitors for"Canner. M. C. DTCRSON,t�73 At Murray Lake, Quebec, two farm- rise South American Rheumatic Cure. Sore Throat.
WANTED lijD. An EncyclopoIla of Dia. Pass. Agent, �' To my delight th-e first dose gave rile Yours rappectfully,
the Country;' in five Royal Quarto Volnmoe. Toronto. era nnrned Napoleon Roy and Jerry more relief than I had bad for years,
No. delivering. Commission paid weekly. A W. H. DAVTA, G. P. & T. A. .. Brossean had a row over a game of i and two bottles have completely cured J. I). Phillips, J. P. ANNA A. !Io wlE
No. d iv reports his drat week corking over Montreal Croquet. Brosseau struck Roy a blow, r ,
seventv dollars prefit, A. O. PATTISON, G. T. R. FOr'ICableand DaIry,Purestand Beat I with hie mallet that may prove fatal.. me." -Sold by Warta & Cu. 1\ ltuees. Eden, Out.