HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-09-29, Page 2=, .
ME ,
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and when the company waae gone noth•
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I 1
1 --."..�.—.�.,----,�,,�..",.,;:",.,.,�,,�--��,
ing bad been weld aWut her resuxming
her little rocin again,
The light on the mountain Palle -Blunt;
The Watts in the bush are -till;
+„ 1`he girls meed It to kelp their sum -
dresses in,"
(With apologies to Itudyard $fpllnq.)
A fool there- was and ho bought s
cricket cbltpa In the posture [[)lane
VVheu the cuw)kctitue over the pill.
mer said ?1lrs, VVIliatt.
"And Grace is just as well off with
(fit's- us you and 1),
eil iWI
Some leather and ruuber and u hunk -of
The swallows circle above the coves;"'They
A pule star mounts the sky;
wouldn't care if she coughed
herself out of the world entirely," said
(We knew how more In a week he'd feel),
But the tool only thought of the miles he'd
t}pv 1{+�l'IU1,N
} �;,r Jhl`
The syulrrels rustle the gulden sheaves
�v Leu toe cows are pusslug by.
"Worse' luck to 'ern," said N rile,
(Even as You and I).
" c' c
Over the valley the shadows creep,
"But no -body
y ever yet ground down the
liark'ulug the green of the hie;
Down In the garden the honeybees
orphan and the P:sthtrless without there
P all a Judg�ment on ern for it!"
Ob, the trouble he spent, and how double
he tent!
Missing the breath of the klue.
Mr. Folliott till this bate was
(The Pool with itis lea
Far dplof wheel),wheel),or the dealer It seemed of honest intent,
some Tried Recipes That Will
The tinkle of bells is sweet toe ear,
ming e be a little uneasy, His ,elegant
city relative wrote at stated intervaals.
And had told him 'twos cheaper to buy
Interest Housekeepers.
But sweeter the words of the sung
but her communications were eminently
than rent,
( But that wasn't the dealer
That the singer Is slowly bringing near
As she follows the cows along.
at all what
Homemade picleles are cheaper and in
certain respects fetter than the com-
She slugs of a lover whose faith is tust
I should like to see the child," he
I bind within hiaustlf. "And last night I
I ° (The dealer that. sold the wheel),
mercxal, which are usuaily put up in
the vinegar made from acids.
Wherever his footsteps room;
And haeec heck grows red when we meet at
dreattned Hutt Bruce Bellaire Oa me to
as he used to look,
For the wheels weren't round, and the tubes
weren't sound,
Cucumber pickles are the +'staid -by,"
me Lust inial asked
I had dune with hi ewe-
(The wheel that lies there on the heap);
and Marion Harland's new coop bunk
As the cows are nearing home.
-The New Bohemlan.
i lamb. I don't believe in su )er•untut')tl
And the tires were made of paper, he found,
While the bearings were cast -Iron balls-
gives the following recipe for pickled
gherkins --as the small cucumbers
I never had any faith in
signs and ouxens. But I believe I will
• And he'd hell the whole thing for a cent a
Select cucumbers three inches less
AN UI�PHAN l ll�1 �.
�x) down to New York and see if G.rac!e
Ls well."
(The wheel that he got so cheap),
in length. Lay theist in alternate layers
Mr. Bolliotl had just finished his dlu-
And so, late one snowy December
night, there came a tremenudow peal at
Short of 6'a
with salt in a large stone crock; let tine
top layer be of the salt, then pour un
Mr. Folliott was a very rich man, and
the door bell of Mrs. Jahn Folliott's
n.ansi011. That lady was absent at a
"We acre thurry to [hay," explained the
editor o1 'Ite Skeduuk Weekly News,
enough cold wetter tv cover them am]
turn u weighted plate un top of them.
his cook had once been a pupil of the
fashionable reception with her three
"that our compommg-xaum wath enter�Kl
Stir from the bottom ever other da
Y 3',
leave them in
great ;;oyer, so that the weal, nl_
though 1111OsteutanuuS in every respect,
daughters. No and Fanny had gone
III) visit a friend in a neighboring kit-
lath 1,tght •by txaxne unknown thcauu-
, drel, thole 'eth' !it the ethtaab-
and the brine ten days.
- Ihen pour off the brine and pick over
was of the best and choicest. The us-
then, an<] Bridget, half asleep, stumbled
who every
lithnxeat and thucceede3d in making hith
the cucumbers, ejecting those that have
paragus Built), u delicate young baked
shin, roast ham with chuwpague sauce,
to the front door and opeua•'al it,etboa,pe
"Miss Graceis it?" she sta.tunered.
I "It hath been impothible, of courthe,
boftened. Soak the firm ones two days
' in fresh water, chane-ing it once or
U salad, coffee, sweets—all these things
Mr. l,olliott enjoyed because, in then
'Sure if yez'li step in the parlay I'll
send her up to you."
to proeure a mew thuppbv of elheth in,twice.
time for thith ilthue, areal we are thuth
to green the pickles line your proce-
wuy, they were perfect. And he was
just cutting out u tete strew Ler-
"Up!" repeated the keen old gentle-
wrm; "where is site?"
a•'nipelded to go to •preth in a thittuution
motht emibarra•thfng and dit'hreth:ng, but
lain kettle with grape leaves; arrange
the pickles in layers, scattering a pinch
ries from among their green loaves whenheap.
the kitchen, sir," confessed Brid•
we thee no other covrth to purthue than
of powdered alum over each. A
Ing teaspoonful.
a luu(step Bounded the veranda.
Ile: l(wketil up tall child uP
j • I'll go where she is," said M.r. Fol-
to make the betht tdttu.gger we ca11 to
g letter,
of alum will be sufficient
for a large kettleful. Cover the pickles
13 stOuat there,di.er Pates fiushe.l, ler itia.r
disheveled, and her thick boots powdered
Nott. me to her at Aaiee."
I nor Little Gracie sat before the kit-
we therefore Newgt.heoil
rcgardlleth of the loth we have thuth-
with cold touter, s p
spread a triple thickness
of grape leaves over them, cover, and
. with the tine dust of the roads.
, i am so hungry," burst Involuntarily
ch<n fire, the meekest and palest of Cin-
derella i, in all lmeonsciouely d.roop!ug
I "The motive of the mithereant doubt-
steam over a slow fire for six hours.
The water miust not boil. By this time
front her lips, "Can't 1 have One of
; ntti.tnde. Her dress was [turn and fnih.A.
her hair brush*- l,back in
ieth wath revenge for thome tuppothed
the pickles should be well greened; tben
those cakes?"
a1 r. b'ulliott frowned and shook his
is plain pl,lit,
her cheek transparently pale, and there
, inthult.
"It that] never be thatid that the Nit
throw into very cold water. While they
are turning firm and crisp in this, put
was an expression in her eyes, as they
I luoltevl into the real emubera, that made
th.pite of any thmall-thouled villain hat
a cup of sugar, three do:•eu whole doves,
If you are a beggar," he said, "you
Mr. Folliott''s heart ache.
ditlmbled the Ne+wth, and it thith mret
I the the detetlitable
three dozen pepper kernels, eighteen all-
",d better go aLrouad to the Luer, dour•
Mrs, Hanford will give you soxneihing, 1
I've not come any too soon," he
thought, and then he said
eye of ratheal we
: beg to nthure him that he nuderethti-
spice and twelve blades s of mace
into four quarts of vinegar and boil five
dare say.' +
The child blushed deeply, and drew
"Gra le! Little Gracie:'
W-irth a sudalon e
cry she sprang; to her
(mateth the rethGurceY.h of to firtlt-lath
uewthpaper when he think•th ins cam crap-
minutes. Drain the pickles, put into
cans or jars, pour the scalding
G vinegar
herself up with something of unconsciouB
feet and ran sobbing into his arms,
pie it h'opeleth.ly by .breaking into the
aalphabet. We take occathion to thay to
over them and cover, Beep in the cel -
lar. They will do to use in two months,
I'm not a beggar,' she said, "Can't
Oh. take me away!" she exela•Lmed.
Oh, I am so nt]-,*rable here!"
him furthermore that before next Thur-
. String beuns may be pickled in this
a kirl be hungry without being a bel: •
gar? I have come here to look for Paul
I The old main looked at her, with tears
!n his eyes.
tbdaay we than have three timeth us
niany etheth ath he tlltnlo,
For u sliced cucumber pickle which
I "I have made -a mistake, Graciie " -mid
the know havep.
cowardly tthl(u zf who o
is a novelty in many families, shoe two
"That's my naTae," said the old gentle
man, a little suspiciously,
he. "No man can do his duty by proxy.
! I should have kept Nevt'r
crgrrtmitted thith act of vnndalithm, and
dozen good-sized cucumbers, put in in
agate kettle with vinegar to cover and
"'Then," said she, composedly, "I have
you myself.
nnind. little rine, henceforward you shall
if he i1h ever theen prowlingabout th]th
ethtablithment again, by day or by
toil an lour, Let them sinal while
come here to be your little girl. I am
Bellaire. My papa was Cul.
be all my own." I
, He turned to Bridget:
night, nothing will give uth more that
ithftiction than to t hoot hith hide Pull
you prepare a pickle mode as Follows
Ona cup sugar; one teaspoonful, each,
Bruce Bellaire, and when he died he
j " s
Pack her clothes," said he, "and
of boleth."—Bouton Transcript.
f mace, allspice and cloves; one table -
said that you would take care of Inc.
lose no t]n)e."
spoonful, each, of horseradish, cinnamon,
Here tire his letters. and, now, please,
; Br'+ia o,t started. "Am- you going to
Overheard in the r'ark.
ginger, celery seed, black pepper and
let them give me something to eat."
i take her away, sir?" said she. I
"Don't you tbink," said the girl with
trimeric, half a teaspoonful f. cayeane.
And this is the way in which Grace
air. Folliott nodded.
" ,
the blue sash, that Charley I'ratvels
Put these into a gallon of cider vinegar,
Bellaire came to the harass of her father's
distant kinsman, Paul Folliott.
j it's glad of .it I am," said the
honest `Por
is -twat the Adliest thin, ,•
ver S
add the sliced cucumbers, simmer gently
two hours,
she was a, pretty child when the dust
; girl, thoulgh it's weariful
lonesome I .shall be without her. it's no I
+Olt, I don't know,"gryeplie girl
for then put into jars.
Cauliflower makes au eScellent pickle.
was washed out of her dimples and the
place for a gentlemen's daughter, is this .
n.i.th the red sash; think I've seed
mo -re foolish people than he is."
Cut a &rax head into small clusters and
shining rown curl were brushed into
I owld black -beetle -taunted kitchen. No
+'Bait he such stupid thingsl"
three four in scalding
somethinglike shape. She had Bruce
Bellaire's large, dreamy eyes and ex-
more it ax.!n't• I
I And when Mrs. Folliott and her
"Does he: Perhaps he only says stupid,
Drain them, put into a jar and
cover with cold vinegar, let stand two
quisite (xreek profile, and Mr. Foiliurt,
I daughters retttrned, trrcr] and cross, at
things when he hauppens to be in the
comt)any of sbupid people."
days, turn this off and then cover with
even while, he experienced u thrill of
this felt
two drlork in khd' mnrnirir„ 'there was
rib pn.tirnt Grace to do the duties of
++Why, Jess, how you tallol"You know
a spiced vinegar pre�ared by this for-
uKrusterilautSun at new charge,
his heart warm toward her.
]-ally's maid to thein. And a name front
you used to stay that he reminded ,vou
of a jumpim.g jack!"
mula: gallon vingar; one cup sugar;
one tablespoonful, each, of celery seed,
"My dear," said he, "you are a nice
little girl, but what can I du with you'?"
their rich relative on the .hall tarblc ex-"
phtined the dhenomenon. I
Alitme Brubank. I never Said such
a thing in my life!'
coriander seed, mustard seed and whole
white pepper, sliced. Boil five minutes
"I could stay here and play, couldn't
I?" said Grace, innocently.
i '.1lrs. Foll.1ott grew pate as 4, e read i
I the curt words in which C'uusnt Paul '
The girl with the blue sash was silent
for moment. Then she rather angrily
and pour over the cauliflower.
EnglCut wcaul]flowe
"But there is somethin • else in the
world for little girls to du besides play-
exnr•ess(Kl his uk,Nrl.i•nn,g,
We skull never have a cent from him
"we'll, I suppose yon have own
this one intoemeltay
tors, peel half a pint of small unions,
Ing," said Mr. Folliott—and so he took
Mrs.' Hanford, his house
� again as long as we live,' said chs.'
But Graefe, se,enrr in h]s )
reason for being contrary to -day.'
g '
slice sin green tomatoes, and "string"
counsel with
love, was hanDny, tt•nsl when she looked
not cnntrnrp," the girl w]th t:he
hall a pint of string beans; add a pint
"Dear heart, sir," said that kindly
b a<'k over those New York days t:hc!v I
ic(1 sa:~h replied, and thero, was a say-
age flash in hPr eyes• "If must
of small cucumbers sliced, and' four
small red Arrange the
personage, "it seems to me plain
' P'rrned like nothing but a trowbted
i d
know ,it, I'm ens ageKl to be married to
peppers. vege-
tables in layers with salt in a large
enough. Why don't you send her to !last
Julii l+olliottY Don't you remember last
From I
Fm.mt which she had a.wa,kecled, thank
hcmven. NV Y. Ledger,
Charl" Travers, Don't worry, though,
,[tont a wedding presplit!"
stone jar, using plenty of salt. Pour on
cold water enough to cover and put a
summer, when she was here and you
Then the girl with the blue sash went
weighted plate over them to keep them
helped her out with the debts that frou-
bled her so badly, she declared she would
Victoria's Precedent. I
over and sat on another bench, anri
punched . the gravel with her parasol,
under the brine. Let stand three days,
drain off the brine, wash off the pickles
do unything in the world to show her
When Queen Eliz&Deth went to St,
Paul's Cathedrol Sunday, '-.#th
and thought.—Cleveland Leader.
with cold water and let them stand
gratitude? And she's got daughters of
her own, hasn't she? Who is there in
on the
I tiny of November, 1588, she set Victoria
Johnny' at the Picnic.
twenty-four hours in fresh water. Spice
a gallon of vinegar as follows: One tea -
the world that could bring Miss Gracie
better than she'?"
the example for tun open a.11 -service
I Tuesday, June 22, 1807. ht is very curt-
«e had an awful time Johntuy
spoonful each of whole black v i
I 1 pet•,
up ++
"Mrs. Hartford, you a.re a genius:
I tis, shays The Boston Herald, to liud ?
l pi
Potts at the Sunday school picnic.
"What, was -the tromble?"
celery need, white mustard seed, horse -
radish, mace and whole cloves; two tea-
&dd Mr. I oILaott. "Why on earth didn't
I think f than myself?"
present Queen has as!mply fol-
11ow•ed precedent )n her Jubilee thaaks-
Why, John-" trure one of these belts
spoonfuls • of tumernc, one and a half
. Juht Folliott carne to the Grange
. giving, A co utem.pora,ry chronicler
with a metal clasp."
q.Ye9 „
cups of sugar (brown); three tablespoon-
foils of ground mustard. Bring to a
Ai cure a portly, smiling matron.
" he darling!" she cried etthtxsiax.stic-
j writes of the originml affair: sove-
-.reign lady, Queen Elizabeth, rate with
„ And after be alto his dinner we
boil, drop in the pickle, cook five min-
an.11y, embracing Gracie, who luol<cKl ra-
Till much
great BOlcnxniiy in her drp(71 chariot from
i E.omerset FIouse in the to the
couldn't [unclasp it,
Goal gracious! What did you do?"
utes, skim out into jars, and cover with
the scalding vinegar. Let stand forty -
awr(1 at the sight oP so
splendor• I shall love her Its dearly
Cathedral Church of St. Pa,ul, in Lon
"We .tried to file It off -and couldn't
eight hours. Drain off the vinegar, put
its if she were my, own! Fawn, dear
don, where, -at the west door, betfore Her
get at it. Johnny squirmed and yelled
Like an early •C,hristian martyr all the
on to heat again and add a tatlespoonful
oncorn When the
Cons in Bruce! How well I reinemb+rr
him! You sweet une, you are the very
Majesty's cm,tra.nce in, •tho-re was provid-
, ed a rich claire o1 estate, and the I
hired a
time. At lust Rev. Mr. boat
man to take Johnny n boat and
powder. vinegar
boils pour on the pickles -gala and
picture of your papa!"
So Mas. John F�l�tfott, greatly re-
i gioand being spread .likewise with t'Lp- '
rets, Her Majesty kneeled down as auist ;
him out e
where the water was real
when cold put them into or us jars or
bottles and seal. Ready for use in two
acing: returned to the brown stone
a desk coverexl with vel.v princely !
y fur-
rcxxgb. Johnny wasn't used to rough
water, in a while thelt
or three weeks,
ren New York, whose rent was Sul•
paid, and to the daughters ithose e e
Citure and said the Lord's Prayer." i
+-•tltiarquently, with the whole quire
daaff of Itsnd
Blackberry 1'lavorinC.
pensive dresses were yet written rip
on the wrong side of :line. E irlitor's
I singing before her, slit proeeedc�cl I
the chanceld, tvihere within a t'ravers she
I How many hc.usekecpers have ever
rests*d until the procession and oilier
Cheap Doctors.
used s a rtavorin not b
t, y
the direct use of the fresh fruit, but by
•'It's positively providential," said Mrs,
Fol;fott. "A thousand dollars a
divine anthems weir. snag." Elizabeth
w•aitx'd for Bishop Sa}nsbury to
Mrs. Greene—Dr, Jaln,p is .such a nice
man? And he is so reasonable in Ills
means of an extract that can be kept
clearly added .to our Lncome."
, the sermon aamd then. with the whole
charges, taw. He only charged $2 to-d•ay'
the year round'? Probably there are
comparatively Yew who know what pa re
k what
Put there is that great, awkward
child to bring up," said Mae]alena Fol-
av9embly, she gave thanks for "that I
tr!nmphnait and ever memorable victory
He said that there really was nothing
tie matter with me, and that :ill I want-
table Natively can be accomplished with
tiott, a handsome brunette, who had just
over the Spanish fleet proudly by them '
ed wea good food and all the rest l
extract of blackberries. This extract
made her debut in society.
I cadlod Invincible." History repeats it-
could get.
cat be
Y prepared by the veriest
novice who will closely adhere to the
"Oh, that does not signify," said the
serene matron. "Her cost will be ab-
s,elf: the good" and "Good
' Quem Bess" are as oppixsute in charac-j
Mrs. Browne—Do you call that cheiap?
Why, Dr. Srtickem, the list time I call-
following directions: Weigh out exactly
solutedy nothing."
! ter as the poles, yet behold how they ,
ed on him, said I had a complication of
one pound of fruit; and place in a pre -
And so, 'ren the course of a few weeks,
Gracie Belharire found herself settling
have aacted alike.
diseases—just think of that,, a complic:t-
tion of diseases! --and he only charged
serve jar. Care must be taken that it
is ripe, juicy and of the best favor. Over
down to the position of lady's maid to
the three Misses
I An Frizilsh Wedding Celebration.
me $3.50 for all that. Talk o1 elimp-
teas!—Boston Traaiscript
this mass pour six ounces of 95 per cent.
alcohol, Now seal the jar, as xn pre -
Folliott. She sewed
the buttons on illadelena'a boots; she
A Liverpool medical man was calls. ]
in to attend n patient se.iz(+d with cholera
serving. Let the jar stand two days,
ran out on rainy days, when the ver-
chambermaid objected on account of
cramps as (the result aif excessixe drink-
Ing, acid found together mbout dozen
Why They Gave It Up. I
or, better still, three. Shake well three
or four times each day. On the second
the weather, to match shades of worst -,d
persons, mostly young women, In it room
Mrs, Bradish—I, thought you were go-
Ing to spend the summer in your cottage
or third day unseal the jar, and throw
the contents into a muslin strainer.
and for Alieette, the second
daughter; she washed Florence's poodle
with Pull glasses before them, a three-
gallon jar of strong ale on the table, and
Ott on the lake shore?
Mrs. Huntley—We did intend to do so.,
Strain carefully until all the fluid has
fort• her, and wept many a tear of bitter
mortificatdon the while. And by degrees
several bottles of whisky, which from
time to time were replenished. This re- I
but we've -had to�ave It up.
Mrs. Bradis'h—Why, is it impossible
passed through. Next, gradually pass
water through the strainer, letting it
her shoes grew worn and rivoy, her
boalthy young growth outstripped the
mwrkable session was kept up for five
I days. It was in celobration of
for your h,usbmnd to attend to business
trickle through the fruit pulp until an
enact pint of extract in all has been ob-
limits of the coarse sere !
g gowns, ler
bonnet and became
a we -l-
(ling, and all had saved rip for weeks in
and go so far out every evening?
Mrs. Huntlp—Olk, no, ]ie could do it
tained. If these directions are fmplicit-
ly followed, 'failure is Lmpossfbi The
mantle so shabby
that she could riot go out except und•.r
anticipation of the event. The Pibther
� pawned his waitch saki mKmt of .his Par-
all right; but our hired girl's beau
can't,—Cleveland Leader.
extract, if kept tightly stoppered, will
cover of the friendly dunk. Once, driven
niture; rnip young fellow pawned his cont,
remain good the year round. Take
by desperation, she wore Florence's
bait and wp,tch, The whole pa.rty,hwenty
pain- to see that none of the fine seed
white chapeau and soft seal ipakot.
I or thirty in number, slept together on
A Criticism.
of this fruit gets through the strainer.
Bwt she never repeated the experilment,
t the floors, or am—the house be.
+d+g," remarked the elde+rLy
These vers
Owing toile presence of alcohol it is
for Mgrs. Folliott -net her on the Stairs
Ing a small three-momed pottage in one
mean, `have a very agreeable sound. But
well to remember that this extract, as
and flashed the light of her great bla7lc
eyes ,upon her In a manner that was
of thestreets of Tax Tetlr pari[. Whom
the rive days' revel
there's too much in them about 'ru®tning
brooks' to strike the popular chord."
well as all others, is to be bottled and
stoppered as quickly as possible after
trailsy appalling.
was ended the all
I `5proceeded to the house of FatherNu-But
it's something that most poetry
nae in
making. Is the flavor of elderberries
.you ever •presume to do such a
gent and signed the pledge."
pleasing to a family palate? If so, x
thirm again," she said, in a low voice of
"It that's the case, it explains. why
very strong extract may be made if the
comeentrated wrath, "You shall bo shut
To wear to school,
most poetry la not popular. The public
elderberries used are of the best by Yol-
up on bread and water for a month!"
' The first seen gowns wall be triads i -a
just now isn't caring whether the brooks
lowing the same proportions given in
"But I have nothing to wear," plealod
blue and green Scotch a
run or not What it wants is to see the
factories get started.—Washington Star•
the preceding recipe.
yYour clothes are .good dnotugh," -aid
with narrow blue satin Or velvet rubbon
I A model hats rows of velvet round the
For Disatiroeable odgr■.
�Irs. Folliott, sharply. "There is mo-
thi so sinful as vanity!'
bottom in graduated wicbths, and a box
A Compromlae tivlth c oaactence,
Disagreeable odors arising from decay-
"But when I go to school—" began
� plaited blouse' with square epaulettes
"Did you say, said the dramatic '
Ing vegetable matter ore dangerous to
cogering the shoul(lers, trimmu'd, to
critic, "that this (pugilistic star is in the
tolerate at any period of the year, but
"You are not going to school," said
Mrs. Folliott. It is business
match the skirt. Autumn jackets for
refs over 10 will be cut with double
habit of making a punching bag of any-
body who speaks FAightingly of his his-
most so during the height of warm
weather. They can be destroyed at
your to
stay here and help Jane with the
)reasked square front null loose belted
back, like that deperibed n%Ove for ail-
triondc indent? "
"'Ichat's his custom."
once by pouring over the heap two pail -
fuls of water, to one of which has been
(In(] se!ula
-rod silver, sand make yourself useful.
You are not a lady—like Miss
nits. They will make also box .plaited
"I don't like to mislead the public. I
added one pint of the liquor of chloride
Alic+ette and Miss Florence --you are
blouses of colored velveteen for wear
t with plaid wool or eurah skirts. The
guess the best thing ,to do will be to re-• ;
Per to him as 'an actor of great power.' "
of zinc, and to the other one pound of
chloride f lime. Remember, this is
ottl a working •girl l"
Child though she was, Gracie Bellaire
I skirt k trimtmed will have rows of velvet
—WaasWugton Star.
something not to be neglected. ` Delays
onmprehendeci the injustice of all this.
i ribbon to match -the blouse.
here are especially dangerous,
I -Ing old Mr. Folliott hadn't meant this
When he gave her over into Mrs. John
The Answer Depended.
Timely warning.
"Don't you believe all you see in the
To Remove Paint From Glass.
Folliott's charge. He ansa have tor-
gotten to send she money,Grace thought
you getting any bites?"
This question was asked of a man who
funny papers about -summer ,girls and
their engagements just for fun," said the
To remove paint from window glass
take some strong vinegar and heat it
or she never rwould have been trea ;j
was fishing off a pier at a New Jersey
sad-OTerl man.
very hot. Wet a cloth in the hot liquid
"It's 'luomdt
"Why don't you make
"Wdl.•v not?" I
and wash the glass with it and the paint
a ahnmel" said Brbdget,
the cook. "The child should have ex-
yodir querstion
mor explicit? he asked, by way of
''i thought I had met that kind o1 girl
last summer; but she married me goad
will come off quite readily. A strortg ao-
lution of oxalic acid will also remove
eretise, at least,"
do you mean?"
and tight before the year was out "—
dry paint.
If she was the eat they couldn't
take lees notice of her." said Norah,
Doi you mpaaax fish bites or mosquito
Philadelphia North A.merica.n.
Crow to Clear Fly Specks Away.
the waitress.
,bites?' Pittsburg Chronicle -Telegraph.
Seeking Information.
Are the window -panes and looking -
"And Just look at the clothes o2 her,"
asmld Fannie, the mnart a
To beep Salt D ry
Pette—Mr. Dvdda do oil ever have
? I
trouble the beach?
ql ses fly -specked? Then use a little
ale hof on them. It doe- wonders Is
++ herr cough
"She kept is awake with her cough
Oar two nights said 33 id "and all
In summer Baht is likely to become at•
Petted by the dampness and then be-
any on
Mr. Dude•—I don't understand, Petie,. ,
cleaning and brightening glass of any
1:he paregoric < give hen don't , loose it
I comae hardened In its receptacles. If
What do you menu?
:tip a bit'+
a teaspoonful of pulverized rla•powroat Or
Pette—Wii'y, sister s"s you're -not the
only .pebble on the beach, en' I was
To Keep 1?ilae■ at w DI■tanee.
For Mrs. 1 olliott,nutdeir a'n extra pros-
rtiuxie of om hand ordered Grade M
cornstarch is mixed with each halt dozer
trifectesponmt he e salt It will not Ile at,
Petted by the tempemattbre.
a-wonderia' S2 you hand ens troivble. will
de udders.—Philadelphia, North Amerl
To keep flies away from gilt frames,
four or five onions in n pint of
ts�eep wfi
I'd aet Yor a �niltht or two,
water and apple with a soft brush. Mri
Fly will then give them a wide berth.
I �
� " . I K
I 1
1 --."..�.—.�.,----,�,,�..",.,;:",.,.,�,,�--��,
Neve Waggon, Carriage and. Repair Shp
I have opened out on Rattenl)ury street, next door to Tedford's bla.p
south shop, and am prepared to fill orders for Waggpns, Carriages and all othet
vehicles. Repairing-Und repainting promptly attended to. Satisfacti
anteed and pl•ices the`lowest consistent with on goat
good work. Call and see me at
Fore you order. OHARLIES WALKER.
SPvffi—__CdAL SARCAtNS•___.ao*-
TEAS, TEAS TEAS. Ceylou, Assam and Japans, 8 lbs, good
ycting Ilyeon for 81 or 15c per ib.
. . Sukars, Sugars, Sugars.
Just to hand one car df Moutreal. Sugars, No. 1 Granulated, Coffee and Raw's
in bbla., one hundred pound and dollar lots. SPECIAL PRICES,.
COUNTY. Dinner, Tau, and Bedroom Seta, Fancy China and Lampe.
25 per cent, leas than regular prices, Call and see our Goode and get
SEEDS.—Timothy, Red and Alsike, Clover, Turnip and Mangold. All
fresh and new seed.
Dash Paid for Good Butter and Eggs. -
J• W. IRWIl� , Clinton.
S. S. COOPER, Proprietor.
General Builder and Contractor.` -
This factory has been under the personal supervision and ownership for
right years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plane and
give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the
rlosest prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satiefaction
guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles; Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc.
Agent for tee CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured
n Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders.
Special Furniture Sale
during September.
We have too big a stock of Parlor Suites, Lounger?, Couches, Easy Chairs,
Lnd many other lines which must go out if low prices will do it.
To make room, the grand assortment of standard goods will be sold AT COST
luring September. If you want a Genuine Bargain come to BARLETT'S.
Dur Undertaking
Department .. . Is well'stocked with modern require-
ments at reasonable prices.IFI. C. S-AR 1-1,i-�T'TFURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING.3uron Street, next Gilroy & Wisernan's.*dig#-
1855---The Old Reliable Furn.itare Store, ---189r
Call in and see my stock of Household Furniture. Sonie late designs in
Pictures Framed, glass used in picture franies, specie# imported, Mouldings,
lmericalx and Canadian, Fine assortment, Frarnes for Photos.
Prices r! bt, good value for your money. Good Feathers taken in exchange.
]orae good enthers for Sale.
•�y Bert street
J. Ste V enson, Opposite Tow rex Ha
Leading Undertaker and Embalmer.
tesidence over Store, - - - - - - - - J. C. STEVENSON.
Special to Camping and Picnic Parties...
fanned Turks Chicken, Duck, Corn Beef, Lunch Tongue, Boneless Pigs Feet,
Finnan laddie, Mackeral, Kippered Herring, Salmon, Fresh Herring,
MuNgatawny, Moak Turtle and Chicken Soups in Cans.
)icnic Hams, English Breakfast Bacon, Sugar Cured and Smoked Shoulders,
Gillard'@ Sweet Pickles, a delicious relish.
9. Robson, Grocer, Albert St., Clinton,
Don't Spend a Dollar
1. for
until you have tried
Ny, q is =` '
�i�r 1".. R.
'��,`��y f� %� 4 , �1►:i '�v:..s+' `"'� �1■A!,I,i •vk'r�L t'7 r r;l' .,.'■1u
".0 n,,
You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons ''; •
Ten Tabules for Five Cents. L :
Was sort L put up a mply to gmtrfy the untrernx prmmt d.matia for a low prloa
If you don't find this sort of
• ;9
Winans Tabules I .":��,1.,I', 1.,,
At the Druggist's•I1,
lase[Send Five Cents to THE RIPAms CHEMICAL COMPANY, No. 10
Spruce St., New York, and they will be sent t� you by mail; or r.'
Vt., ra cartons will be mailed for 48 cents. The chances are ten to
one that RipAw Tabules ire the very medicine you need.
l. -11
r 09—M-9