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The Huron News-Record, 1897-09-29, Page 1
, r ' �1l .. . _ a . . , • ,. • . , Ir. . N'�'I C . r;' W u L � �. T-.. I 111tR0 � , , E .RE COR, _ _ ,]Do 11 � -H E h J1D , • Q0 1N ._N tJF • ., . , I .. .1 1. - . , 'I,'J971L1t 5-41.25 per Annunq 1.00 In Advattee. - 11VAEPENDXNT IN Abb TNINGS--NNUTXdL IN S0210ING A. M TODD, 804ter end Owner VOL. XIX 0LINTON: HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1897' WHOLE,NO. 983• • • mare with foa1,G Dale,blre J P Fieher;filly Black Or White lavas, G W Irwin; field, R Curwen, Jno Salkeld.; Pumpkin, --^ rT 1w ,,0s�. If Your Digestive or gelding,2 yre old, G Dale,J Foreter;geld. Andalustans, Jos Whitely; Minarcos, CA Wells; Largest Squash, S Furse, T, '�/ THE TWO O A. aT. t�7.r/ ing or filly,yearling;G Pale,Innes & Sorton; I and 2, W Anetay, Game, brown- Howrie; Six largest Turnips, H Uur- •►�Pawers_r foal of 1897, G Dale, Mrs J P Fisher; span !breasted red, U A Wells; (dame, I wen: largest And best stalks Held Corn horses, mares or geldings, to wagon, Chris black -breasted red, C A Wells, Jas I Isaac Salkeld jr, John W Salkeld, I �'��%. Dale, J Forster; female, any age, G Dale, Postlewaite; Game, Bantams, black- FIELD GRAINS, ETC. -Red Clawson Invite _""� XXk _ Are deficient you need some- diploma. .IZreasted red, G W Irwin, R McLean; Wheat, S Furse, D Prouse; Dawson's ��"�"' thing new to create and main- SPEEDING TESTS. -The speed tests Baine, Bantams, pile, R McLean; I Golden chaff Fall Wheat G W An- tain strength for the dally Game, Bantams, duckwin E Belcher,draws, S. Furse ;any other variety Fall round of duties. were all filled, and, as usual, proved R, h Mrs Uam bell Bantams, seabri ht Jno W Salkeld S the most interesting feature oft a fair P• g Wheat, white, r A17tetly pure Malt Beverages. to a majority of the sight seers. They golden or silver, J C Lyons; Bantams, Furse; any other variety Fall Wheat, the popular Brands of Ales were not as closely contested as in, any other variety of fancy, Mrs Camp- red S Furse,--_ John Salkeld Everybody j; i, and Porters. some years, but some good work Was bell, Geo McKay; Pekin Bantams, R, Spring Wheat, Colorada, 5 Fruse, l �,� `,+ shown. The following were the speed- R StrlIowa, E Belcher; Red Cap`, Mrs Jos Salkeld; Spring Wheat, any other ing events and the winners: r br McCbronze, A ban, W Wallace Turkeys, variety, S Furse, Jno Salkeld; atx-row �Q call and inspect our large No. I -O en trot or ace -four 'en- bronze A Drysdale, Jno W Salkeld; ed Barley, John Salkeld, S Furse; • L,ack Keulne dy tries -Gus oebel's Miss Delmarch, Geese, +Embden, Jos Whitely, G W Large a Peas, John Salkeld, S Furse; Irwin; Gesso, Toulouse, W G Lamprey; Small Peas, John Salkeld, S Furse; y ClintonIst; J. O'Learv's Paddy R., 2d, and. Geese, China, os Whitely, Geese an stock of woollens and Gents Fur - The LLiquor Store. his Maple Leaf 3d. C. R. Pollak- J Yc ' Y White Oitda, a Curwen, S Furse; other variety, John Salkeld; Ducks, Black Oats James Davidson, S Force; owsky s mare took sick in the second W Wallace;Ducks, Pekin, I t nishings. We will make a spec' Phone 54. Rouen, Flax teed John Salkeld Josopb Sal - heat and was withdrawn. and 2, (* W Irwin; Guinea fowls, W keld; Timothy Seed, John Salkeld, 11 11No. 2 -Farmers' trot or puce --four Carter. Joseph E Whitley; Best and largest cal display during the whole of entries -James McManus' Smuggler, collection of Grain in the straw, S ' A TIP'- ^`�^- - - 1st; S. McPhails, 2d, and R. Frosts gyring Chickens -Brahman, light, this week. VV e! think we have -`"''O Grey R,, 3d. • R McLean, Jacob H Fisher; Brah- Furse. -�� �" No. 3 -Farmers' run -four entries- was, dark, G W Irwin; �Uochins, DA.InT PRODUCTS. -Ten pounds table -extra values 1n every line buff, W G Lamprey J G Lyons; butter, salted for use rolls or Wm. Sterling, Ist; John Porter, 2d; Dorkins, any variety, I and 2 rime. Thee prizes use, >iven J. C. Lyons 3d. Jacob H Fisher; Hamburg5, spangled, by the Ban of Montreal, Bode- we carry. C / No. 4 -Open Running -J. E. Swarts golden and silver, R McLean, W Car- rich, and farmers only are to co ate. Is and John Porter 2d ter; Hamhurgs, pencilled, golden and Creamery butter excluded, W F Hicks onwaigrCall and see us before you bU No. 5 -Farmers' green trot or ace- sliver, W Carter; Hamburgs, black Mrs T Hamilton, A J Goldthorpe; tenr. y' ~ :E;;; _.. t g P six entries -R. Frost, 1st; John Wal- and white, W Carter; Leghorns, black, pounds table butter, salted for use, Jj T ` \ \ ter, 2d, and Andrews Bros., 3d, W Wallace; Leghorns, white, W Car- rolls or in prints; 1st and 2nd prize, L] Holloway.A VMorrish.Cattle-Durham (Tboronghbred)- Ball ter, J " Q Lyons; Legborns, brown, given b�yy Wyatt's Fair, A J Gold- • • A. J. 2 yrs old, ball 1 yr old, bull calf under one single or rose comb, Lack Kennedy, thorpe, Mre T Hamilton, R A Sprung; yr, cow in calf or giving milk, heifer 2 yr Jas Postlewaite; Houdans, W Carter, tub or crock of salt butter, not less �.r�.401int,on.-�„1 old, heifer I yr old, heifer oalf under one r�C Lyons; Polish, wlfitte-crested, black, than 40 pounds, prizes given bw Bank _ yr, Jae Snell. Carter; Polish, any other variety, of Montreal, W F Young, R A Sprung, Hereford (Thoroughbred) -bull 2 yrsoid, W Carter; Plymouth Rocks, W F Mrs T,Hamilton, ten pounds salt but- Humber, A Dodd; jar of honey,Mra Ham- ., ` , Dick, J C L ons; Plymouth Rocks, ter, Ist and 2nd rites given by James bee, John Porter; maple syrup, de 8evay, W Warnock, Eat J Stewart; W Elliott; bull l yr old, V. Elliott; bull y ,pp p y p, W IIartry, general hand, A MoD AllanJ E Holt; ' white, Lack Kennedy; Wyandottes, Robinson, Mrs I' Hamilton, A J Gold- Mies Nott. jr,I ' `' calf ander one yr, W Elliott, V Elliott; G W Irwin, J C Lyons; Wyandottes, thorpe, A Green; cheese, not less than Coe's golden drop, Eat J Stewart, W An- , ; cow in calf or giving milk, V Elliott, W white J H Fisher, Lit'* Kennedy; 50 pounds, factory made, James Con- Penmanship --Writing, 3rd class pupils, stay; peach, W Stewart; red egg, J White - Elliott; heifer yra old, W Elliott; heifer, Andalusians, WC Watson, W Wallace; noll W D Tbom son ; cheese not Kate McDonald, Eva Maynes; writing, 4th ley; Niagara, E A Allan, Est Jno Stewart; w;:` 1 yr old, V Elliott; heifer calf under one.yr, y' P class Pupils, Eye, Dunlop, Mabel Strang; Evans, E A Allan; shipper's prize, A McD ,� Minarcos, 1 and 2, W. A`Mtay; Minar- leas than 12 pounds, home made; let ".11W Elliott, V Elliott; best herd consisting cos, white, Lack Kennedy, W Cat ter; prize given by Sturdy Bros., silver tea drawing, 3rd class, L Vivian, A Garrow; Allan jr; any other variety, J Wilkinson, of one bull and 4 females, V W � , drawing 4th class V Bell, J Novena. W Stewart. '� i� Elliott. Elliott, Game, black -breasted red, ,1 and L, (. set, Miss Symington. ' ' t}� . A Wells; Game, brown -breasted red, LADING WOnx.-Gent's shirt, linen Amateur List, Water Colors -Any cub- Pears-8aaree Superfine, A McD Allan, ,'•. Polled Angus or Aberdeen (Thorough- C A Wells; Game, pile, J U front hand made. Miss L Buch- jest, Misa Doyle, Miss Stokes; landscape, jr, Benrre Hardy, E O Allan, J Dickson; Is octan not appreciated but when we g[vo bred) -John Varcoe took all the prizes in Lyons; Game, bantams, black -breast- anan, Mrs. T Hamilton; gerit's Mrs A 0 Johnson, Miss Doyle; marine Benrre Diel, A MoD Allan, A J Gold - you a tip on the superior bargains we offer you this olass, • ed red, E Belcher, 1 and, 2; shirt linen front, machine made, view, John Dickson; flowers or fruit, Mrs thropq; Be urre close, F L Bingham, W F m high clean tailoring, we know that you Jersey (Thoroughbred) -Ball 3 yrs old, Game, bantams, duckwing, R" Me- Mrs. � T. Hamilton, Mra. Stirling; Johnston, J Dickson; sepia, Mrs Johnston, Hoek; Sheldon, C A Wells, W Sterling; +;'. canno fail•to appreciate It. We are showing A Drysdale; bah 2 , this season a bigger range than ever in y yrs old, J L Aitkina• Lean, Mrs Campbell; Bantaam�s, sea- gent's fancy flannel shirt, map,%ine I Miss Stokes. Winter Nellie, W F Heck, J E Whitely; M' bull calf ander one yr, A Drysdale, John bright golden or silver, Mra Ca8•pbeli, made, ]]�ra T Harnilton Mias L iSuch• Professional or Amateur -Architectural Bearre Clairgeon, J R Ehannon, Estate J ,,r,. English Worsteds alt$ 8erl;es, Newcombe; best bail of any age, J New- Jae Postlewaite; Bantams, anyy other anan; 9', nt's fancy flannel shirt, bend Drawing, J A Fowler. Stewart; Howell, J R t hannon, J Rich. r'" Scotch Suitinus. comb- cow, J Newcomb, J L Aitkins; half. variety of fancy, J C Lyons, Geo Me- made, Mrs T Hamilton, Mies L Buch- Amateur List, 011 -Any snbject, Miss ards; Seckel, J Andrews. H Curwen; Clapp's '•, 0. Fahey Vestiln;;S,� er 2f?ra old. L Aitkina. 1 & 2 heifer 1 r Ka Pekin bantams, R R Sallows, W Doyle, Mrs A C Johnson; Landeoape, Jae Favo ite, C A Wells, J E Whitely; Law. I$ported direct from Glasgow. We saved cb , Newcomb, J L Aitkins• heifer calf Hartr ; RedCape,W Wallace; Turks s, Mian; night dress, Miss Symington, Dickson; Mrs Campbell; Marine View, Mise renee, A MoD Allan, jr,J R Shannon; Jose- r{; , Y Y Miss Nott; Tatting, M LSneyd. Mrs ) `� + money in buying. • We can save you money also. ,oder one r, W Bichan, J L Aitkins, bronze, Jno W Salkeld; Geese Emb- Stokes, Mips Doyle; Animals, Mre Gamp- phine DeMalinee, E R Allan, F L Bing - q' Y dna Jos Whitel Geese Toulouse, W Campbell; crochet work, in wool, Miss bel],Urs A C Johnson; Flowers or fruit, ham; Kirtland, A MeD Allan jr; Heiffer, J Snits to order $l0 up, Grade cattle- & 3 J W Salkeld, + yy Ellsworth, Mrs Howrie• crochet work, Y{ter' , G Lamprey; Gee, any other variety, in cotton Mrs Campbell; Still Life, Mrs A C John- Salkeld, E. R Allan; Any other variety, W F' deer' Coats t0 order $10 11p. P Stewart; heifer 2 yreold, l &3 H Corwin, W , Mrs Campbell, Miss Syming- 3"3� UR clothes will last !supger and your ap- J W Salkeld; heifer 1 yr old, 1 & 3 P Ste- Jno Salkeld; Ducks, Aylesbury, ton; Macrame work, Miss Symington, son; Original painting, Mrs A C Johnson. F Hick, H Curwen; Six varieties, W F 2{, : �pearance will be greatly, improved iP you wart, J W Salkeld; heifer calf, 1 c� 2 John Gat ter; Ditcks, Pekin, G W Irwin, J C M L Sne d crochet work and novelty Profas tonal, �� stem Colors -Any cab- Hick, H Curwen; Varieties, W Sterling, J -n,,•' ,purchase hero. Varaoe; two yr old ataer, J W Salkeld, P Lyons; Gd.ppea fowls, W Carter; col- braid combined, Mrs Campbell, Miss feat, J A' owler, J McKenzie; Lnndeoape, Aadrewe; Bartlett, W Bechan, T R Wall- et T. JACKSON SR. Stewart; yearling steer, J W Salkeld, P lection Rabltita, Mrs Campbell, Jas Washington; embroidery on linen or J A Pow er, Miss Frazer; Marine view, 7A is; Flemish Beauty, J Andrews, W F ,k o ! o Stewart; clear calf, 1 & 2 P Stew���i, beat Dickson; collection Pigeons, not less cotton, Mra Elsworth, Mir+s Qameron; Fowler, Mies AlcKonzie; Animals, Miss Hick; Duchess D'Angouleme, O A Wells, `s Clothlera, Furnishore`.and Hattora• female of any age, J W Salkeld, beat herd, than three pairs, Geo McKay, Jas E point lace, W Hartry, Miss Nairn; Frazer; lowers, Mies McKenzie, Miss W F Young;.President Druard, E R Allan; :l, ? Victoria Stock. - - - - - Established 1854. J W Salkeld, P Stewart, Mason; Incubator in operation, W A Hoaiton Ince, L Symington, Mise Frazer; till life, Miss Frazer, J A Fowler; Belle Lucrative, A MoD Allan it; Louis { .r..�-- --- -- Pat cattle --Ox or steer, J W Salkeld;,Rosa. Cameron: silk einbroiderr, .Mrs Ela• Gogy, J b a'owler; Sepia, J A Fowler, D2iae Bonne De Jersey, A Cnryan, W F Hick; • cow or heifer, Jos Snell, P Stewart. BreedingPens - Brahmas, light worth, Miss Cameron embroidered J ittoKenzie; L;rayon portrnib, Miee Frazer, .Benrre B'ADjou, T R Wallis A Drysdale. t•• - g slippers, Mrs Campbell, M L Sneyd; Painting on silk, or satin, J A Fowler. Apples -Ontario, T R !Wallis T J ,F , ,m' � . The Goderich Show. Sheep -Cotswold -Ram 2 shears and or dark, Jacob H Fisher, R PP p y ' Profrssioual, , Oil -Landscape, Jennie Naftei; Snow, I Salkeld, Mrs Attrill; Grav- Ru' over, Jae Potter, A Curzon; the rest of the McLean; Cochins, any color, J C workDrawed took screen, M' L Sneyd, McKenzie; Flowers, Jennie McKenzie. enatein, E ' R Allan, John Dickson, St. ' worked' whisk -holder, Mrs Elsworth; I; THE GREAT NORTHWESTERN A SUCCESS prizes in this class were taken by J Potter. Lyons; Legborns, any variety, J+a Flowers, -Gut Flowers, Eat, J Stewart, Lawrence, A MoD Allan, J Dickson; 0 -oz 4' ' , p- Ram, 2 shears and Postlewaite, Geo MCKa W andottes, Miss Nott; Worked parlor satchel, W Leicester Ghee Y: Y HJ Watson;Dahliae,CAWe11e,Wstewart; PippinOtCabaehen, Isalkeld jr, Mrs G rq• .r GOOD EXHIBITS AND A LARGE ATTEND- over, Jae. Snell; shearling ram, ram lamb, any variety, J U Lyons; Games, any Hartry; sofa pillow, M L Sneyd, Miss Verbenas.Mrs Attrill,J Dickson; Roees,F E Evans; Cayuga Red Streak, 20-ok apple, J 4 ` ANCE. 1 and 2, Jae. Snell; air of ewes I and 2 variety, C A Wells, I and 2 • Ham- Cameron; tray cloth, embroidered, L P Y+ Bingham, Est'J Stewart; Hand Bouquet, J Dickson, W. Bechan; Duchess of Olden. Jae. Snell,•ViOtoris Elliott; pair of shear- burgs, any variety, R. McLean, W Webster, Eva Nott; table centre piece, Tanoott Eat J Stewart; Table Bouquet, H burg, W Bechan, 6 Furse; Westfield's `u„ . The Great Northwestern Exhibition lin ewes, Jas. Knell air of ewe lambs, Darter. Miss Buchanan M L Sneyd; toilet set. 9 s , p L Watson, Eat J Stewart; Carnations, H Seek No Farther, J G Lamprey, I Salkeld at Goderich on Tuesday, Wednes- Geo., Henry, Jas. Snell; pair of leiceaters, Miscellaneous -'Singing Canary, W of any kind, Mrs. Elsworth, Mfss" L Watson, Eat Stewart; Dianthua, H L jr; Cranberry Pippin, U A Wells, J An - Nott; one set table mats,Mrs Elsworth, day and Thursday was on the ram, any age, ewe, any age, Jas. Snell. J Daniel, W G Lamprey; Collection Watson, Mrs Attrill Floral Design, But J drown; Seeding, I Salkeld r, J Porter Any F , P y' W Hartry; tea cosv, Miss Nott, g gW G Lamprey,IS J F Naf- whole a grand success, and ,he man- Soutbdowna.-Ram lamb, pair of ewes, Birds, �F J Daniel. Jno Porter; Shawl ' of any kind, Stewart, H L Watson; •Zinnias, double, H other variety, agement are to be congratulated on two shears or over, pair of ahearling ewes, PIGS -Lar . e Breeds. -Boar, 2 ears L Watson, W F Ketey; Truss Geraniums, tel; Crabapples, W F Young, E R Allan; " being favored with the very best of pair of ewe lambs, ram as age, ewe, any g Y H L Watson, Mies Campbell; single flower, Est J Stewart FG Bingham; tq4: ' Y g ' Y old Andover, W W Fisher; Boar, lit- g , , Quinces, J Andrews, W Stewart; Top t: � weather. The track, grounds, and age, Glen Bros. T Fancy Braiding, any material, Miss f,;' g, � p- tared in 1897, W VL Fisher; Boar, of Nott, Miss Washin ton : Fanc Knittr Trues Geraniums, double Sower, Eat J Ste- varieties, J Andrews, J Dickson; Six va- commodious buildin c are up-to-date Oxfordshire Downs. -Ram, 2 shears and g Y wart, H L Watson Gladiolus, F E Bin rietiea, John Dickson J Richards; Six va- `: in almo$t ever respect and the over, eheariin ram, ram lamb nix of ewes, any age' CN W Fisher; best pen of env ing by hand, Miss Symin ton,- Miss y P g ' P heeed, large or small, named, W W g ham, C A Wells; Asters, W. Stewart, H L riaties, J Dickson, J' Andrews; Northern -., thotisandtt of visitors to the 2 abeam and over, pair of shearlin ewes, g Nott ; Fancy Patched Work, Liby count town last week were not err of ewe lambs, James Tabb, g Fisher, Poland China. Watson; Pansies, W. Stewart, Mrs Attrill; Spy, T R Wallis, I Salkeld jr; Rhode Webster, Miss Washington; Etching P"': y p Stooks Spfkea, Eat J Stewart, H L Watson; Island Greening, J Dickson, C A Wells; slow to appreciating the ener and Sheep, An Breed, Not on List. -Ram, 2 HOME MANUFACTURES. - Woven or Outline Embroidery, M L Sneyd, PP 1; gY p Any'Breed, Petunias, single, $ L:Wateon, A Cucyon; Maiden's Blueb, J Dickson, J Andrews; lk' ush of Goderich citizens in so well shears and ovar, shearlin ram, ram lamb, quilt, home made, Eva Nott; Miss Cameron; Roman Embroidery, P g Petunias, double, EatJ Stewart, Lily Web- Alexander, W Bechan, O Johnston; Col 1; supplying all these expensive necess- pair of ewes, 2 shears and over, pair of patchwork quilt, woollen,. Eva Nott, in linen, Mrs Campbell, M L .1 1 ariem shearling ewes, pair of ewe lambs, A. M. MMrs. 'L Hamilton; patchwork wilt Sneyd; Darned Net, Mrs (;am star; Coleus, Eat J Stewart, F E Bingham; vert, C A Wella, J W Salkeld; Baldwin, t'"° y p Pollev, Campbell, quilt, g varieties Cannes, Eat J Stewart, H L Wat- Mrs Attrill, J Andrews; Hing of Tompkins fa:, , *ver department was well renre- cotton, Mrs Cam belt McMurcbie & bellMiss Nott; Patch on an old ar- s nted, the only odd shortages in Shropshire Downs, -Ram, 2 shears and Co.; patchwork quilt, Silk, Mrs,J ment, W Hartry, Miss L Buchanan ; son;'luberousBegoniae,rooted, blraAttrill, County, J Dickson; Spitzenburg &sopae, gg P J Dickson; Begonias Rev. F. E. Bingman, J Dickson; Roxbury Russett, Mrs Howrie; abundance or quality being where over, 1 and 2, Cooper &Son; shearling ram, Hole, Miss Symington; embroidered Fancy Netting, W Hartry, James E W F Keley; Fuchsias, varieties, in flower, Hubbardson's Nonsuch, J B Edwards; �{ („, nature had not so well provided As fn Glenn Bros. G. W. Sturdy; ram lamb, G. quilt, Miss Cameron, Miss LBuchanan; Mason; Drawn Work, Miss Washing- , fotrner years. Manylines worth of W. Sturdy, 'Glenn Bros; Y+ W Stewart Est Stewart; Geraniums, Eat American Golden Rassett, J B Edwards, J y y, air of ewes, 2 knitted quilt, Miss Washington. Eva ton, Miss Symington; Darning, best + ' P M J. Stewart, W 1, Kaley; Geraniums, single, Porter; Ribstbn Pippin, W Bseban, J B spb`Wal mention are omitted for want shears and over, Cooper &Son, Glenn Bros; Nott; crochet work quilt, Mias W Hin- and neatest on Stockings, ra T W F Kaley, Eat J Stewart; Geraniums, Edwards; Wagner, Mrs Attrill, JDickson; of g ace. The rizP list, as far as it air of ebearlin ewes, G W Sturdy, Percy ton, Miss Howrie; quilt knotted, 2nd, Hamilton, Miss Buchanan Queen Ann i ;;. pp p P g Y. Y double, Eat J Stewart, W F Keley; Geran- Beu Davis, J Dickson 2nd; Swaat, J Dick- . eopld be secured, is given below, and Stewart; pair of ewe lambs, Cooper & Son, A J Goldthorpe; symrna rug, EvM Darning, lira Ellsworth, W Hartry : iums, double, Eat J Stewart, W F Relay son, Mrs Attrill; Canada lied, W G Lamp. the balance wilt appear next week:- G W Sturdy; Shropshire downs, Cooper & Nott, Mra Ii Elsworth; twelve yards Carving on Wood, A. Burnie, Mise Greenhouse Plants, W F Relay, J Tancott; rey; Swazze Pomme Grise, J B Edwards, ` 'HORSES-TseROUGHbRED - Stallion, 4 Son• home made carpet, Mrs L Buchanan, Symington; Painting on Glass, Miss Foliage Plante,! J Tanoott, W F Kaley; G W Andrews. years old, P.A.Elliott, W. W, Fisher; Fat Sheep. -Fat abee Pero Stewart, Mrs T Hamilton; home made rag mat, Symington, Mrs Campbell;. Painting I, p, y badging Flower Baskets, F E Bingham; W 4 1 Brood mare, Alfred Dodd and diploma; James Tabb. D Prouse, Mrs T Hamilton Woollen on Felt, Miss Symington, Miss Buch- _ Foal of 1897, Alfred Dodd. Pigs, Duroa Jersey, -Boar, 2 year old stockings, D Prouse, Mrs T Hamilton; anan; Fire Screen, Miss Nott; Fancy Stewart; Collection Perna, H L Watson, Bueefield At A Young, Colborne. Heavy and over, W Parsons; boar, over 1 year and woollen socks, D Prouse, Mrs T Tidy, Mrs Campbell, Miss S min ton; F E Bingham; Collection of vut Flowers, C K, Y '+ ROADSTER -Stallion 4 p yy g A Wells, Rev Mr Turnbull; Dahlias, C A horses -Jos Vance, Hamburg, Cattle-- i ^ yr old, E Van Hamilton woolen loves, tine Mies Nevelt an kind, Jennie McKenzie, ' under 2 W Fisher boar, littered in 1897, 3'+ Y ..;,,,;°=y°1'•-" `Every; Stallion, 2 yrs old, Andrews Bros; + + + Wella, W .Stewart; Collection Roses, A ae Duncan, Drayton. Pipe -James ',',V, Stallion earlin T Gundr stallion an W Fisher, W W Fisher; boar, any age, W bVashinton, W. tirling; woollen Mrs Howrie; Crotchet L�nen Lace, Cur on; Hand Bouquet; Li[ Webster Jno Snell, Clinton. Sheep -Geo Stanbury, 1,4,1.1;. ,Y g+ Y mitts, fine, Miss L Buchanan Miss H L Watson, Miss Washington; Gundry; Fisher; sow, 2 sera old and over, W Fish- g ;r::w; , , ngs, E Van Every and diploma; filly or „ Y Symington; woollen � Crotchet Cotton Lace, Mies Washing- Dickson; Table Bouquet, LilyWebater, Jae Clinton; John Marquis, Goderich town- 4 :'• eldin W Straa ban 7 C Johnston G O or, W arsons; sow, over I year and under yarn, home made, Dickson;Two Fuchsias in bloom, W Ste- ship. Poultry -John W Dutton, Wood- �` g ' ' 2, W Fieber, W W Fisher; sow, littered in Mrs T Hamilton, Mrs Elsworth, ton, Mies S min ton; Chenille Em- stock, Grain -W Weir, Clinton. Ve t,i: ':�'.. Sturdy; filly or gelding, 2 yra old, Robert y wart, L Wobster; Three Geraniume,single, ge i:',j," :i:.; Thom son, D Lindsa filly or 1897, W Fisher, W W Fisher• sow of an broidery on Felt,st, not known, Mias W Stewart,Mrs H B Evans; Three Garan- table -W H Woods, Bayfield; Ladies' p y; gelding, Y GARDEN VsGrtTABLEB.-Collection y Work -M B H Wheaton, London, Dairy �+ -,yearling, Mrs Humber, A Evans; brood age, W Fisher. potatoes Mrs Hood, U A Wells; Nott; Ltchin On any material, tine iums, double in bloom, Mrs H B Evans, Y `,�` mare, A lt; Polly, John Knox, J W Yeo; Improved Berkshire. -Boar, over I year, burpee's+ early potatoes, C. A. or coarse, Misa Nairn, Miss Nott; �V Stewart; Foliage planta, W Stewart, Produce -H McCartney, Brucefield. Fruit f6ia for 1897, A J Goldthorpe, J E White- boar littered in 1897, boar of any age, Jas. Arrasene Work, Miss Symington, M Wails, W. F. Hick; white elephant Mrs B H Evans: Hanging Basket, Lily -T II Roca, Mitchell. Flowers -Horace Chisholm; sow, over I year, Percy Stew- L Sneyd; Crazy Work in wool, Miss Webster; Cactus, Mrs G Evans, Lily Web- Foster, Clinton, Fine Arts -Rev Mr ley, J McLaughlin; pair of matched horses, Y Y potatoes, John Salkeld, Wilson Bros; Stokes, Mrs Campbell; Crazy Work in Turnbull, C �V Wedder, Goderich. Do - J E SW&Cie, A M Polly, J C Johnston; art; cow littered in 1897, cow of any age, pittatoes, any variety, C A Wells, star; Begonias, W Stewart; Lily Webster. s Bingle horse, Mrs Humber, J McManus, Jae Chisholm. Wilson Bros; summer squash, for silk, Miss Buchanan, Miss Nott; Apli- Grapes -Rogers' No. 3, Mrs Attrill, W mastic Manufacture - Mrs R Proctor, Cheater White. -Boar, 2 .years old and ue on felt, Mise Symington, M L Lucknow. Oliver Johnston; female, any age, Robert + Y table, W Warnock, Mrs Attrill: Aub- Warnock; No 4, W Warnock, Mrs Attrill; �s Thompson and diploma, over, Wilson Bros; boar littered in 1897, bard squash, for table, C A Wells, neyd; Ladies Shopping Bag, em No 9, W Warnoch, Mrs Attrill; No 14, Jae Y Saddle -Saddle horse, J McLaughlin, J W Biahan, Wiison Bros• boar of an a e, ington; F Mrs E1Cush i n Miss Sym- g Mre. Humber roots white or olden Wilkinson No .t5 -Mrs Attrill No 19, W Wilson Bros; ow, two ears old and over, to ton; Miss 8 ni Cushion, Mrs Camp- C potter; o 44 F E Porter; pony in saddle, R McLean, Frank S Y celery, Jno Lancott, Jno Richards; N , Mrs Attrill; Iona, Three Years y years, R%ilson Broa, J S Salkeld; Sow, over I vr, roots, red celer Knit Miss ts, Miss ton; Crotchet or A Elliott; best bo rider under 14 y, Jno Lancott; heads Bingham;.salem, Mrs Attrill, ft Curwen; <A W Parsons; Sow, litter in 1897, Wilson winter cabbage narned, Jno Salkeld, Knit Slippets, Mis Buchanan, B[ L , W Warnock; Vir ennes, �i2oLean, F Wright. g ' Sneyd, Button Helen, displayed on 0 Moore's Diamond g Lad • Riders and Drivers-•Ld'd rider Bros: J S Salkeld; Sow, of any age, Wil- R Gibbons; heads fall cabbage, named Y W Warnock; Clinton I Salkeld W War- ,,,, Ago -----"� !S Y g different tnater•iala, Mrs 1 Hamilton jr,I 1'i -- ,;.�• , ins Wright; lady driver, Miss Green, Mrs son Bros. Thos Hood, Jno Salkeld; heads savoy ' nook; Diana, Jas Wilkinson, J R Shannon; Poland Obina-boar 2 re old and over MfasWaslrington;HandkerchiefSeichet, Niagara, C J Welle,Rov Mr Turnbull, Em- amilton, J A Walter. Y , cabbage, Jno Salkeld, Jno Lancott; g WE OPEN THE DOORS OF W W Fisher: boar littered in 1807, W heads red cabbage, M L Snoyd W Hartry; Glove Boa, W Warnoch• Jessica, W t\ ar• Carriage -Stallion, 4 yrs old, J P Fisher; g Jno Salkheld A ire State, , W Fisher; Boar, of an age, not known, Miss Symington; P A RR R Gentle- AllyS or gelding, 3 yrs old, J W Martin, M Y g . W W Fisher; Kirkbride; turnip blood beets, table,nock; Morningstar, , Jos S Salkeld; Moore's ear. THE CASH �lUQCORY Sow, 2 ears and over, W W Fisher man's Collar and Cuff Box, Miss Sym- LSneyd; filly or gelding, Lyra old, J 11 Y .Sow, Mrs T Hamilton, D A Wella; radishes,ll', S MorniDgetar, W Stewart; Winchell, over 1 year, W W Fisher, A Dr adale; in bon, IV1 L Sneyd; Kitchen Apron, Whitely, Thos Beattie; Brood mare, foal Y Y Jno Salkeld, U A Wells; table turnips, W Warnock, M s Humber; any other vAri- f?ow, litter in 1897, W W Fisher; Sow,an G Selman, Mrs Hocvrie; Laundry by side, G Weston, David Prouse; foal of Y S Purse, Wilson Bros; carrots, for � sty, W Warnock, Mrs Attrill; water melons yMarquis; p a e table, Jno Lancott, F ?J K p Ba , Mrs 4Ilsworth, Mias Nott; Em- , 1897, D Lindsa , J r matched age, W W Fisher, +Bin ham; ar• $ 1S Warnock, C A Waffle musk melons W For Business -three years ago we did sof s for tables, W Waring k + broidery with linen floss, M L Sneyd, not have a single customer, to -da horses, W U Potter; Single carriage POULTRY.-Brahmas, light, Geo W P + , frank Warnock, Rev Al Turnbull; nitrons, W g Y+ • hon,es T Gundry, J C Johnston, Mrs T Irwin, Geo McKay; Bra mak;. dark, Wright; twelve red onions, U A Wells, H L Watson; Embroidery with rope Warnock; whitg under glass, Mrs Attrill, we can coapt our customers by the Y: , silk, Miss Symin ton, Mrs Ellsworth; d hundreds, which goes to show that gamilton; female, any i-t{e, T Gandry; Geo W Irwin, 1 and 2; Qochinx, Jos E Whitely; yellow onions, C A no Tanoott; twelve ori glass, Mrs Attrill, E Beat collection Mt lint,ry, not lees than we are dein business the right. single carriage horse, W 0 Potter. white, J C Lyons; Cockins, buff, Wells, Jos Whitely; silver skin JnoTanogti;twelvevarietiee,WWarnock, K General Purpose -Brood mare and foal, G W Irwin, f C Lyons; Co bins, onions, C A Wells, J P Fisher; col- 8 Pieces, MissSgmington, Mrs Attrill; eight varieties, W Warnock, way, via The, Casii'"A'r°itic#plc.. "' Y lection sweet corn Jas Wilkinson; PRESERVEa,, BREAD. -Collection of home Mrs Attrill; four varieties, W Warnock, We buy our Goods for Cash and save. - '01.1. W Salkeld, J. B. Edwards; filly or gelding, partridge, W Wallace; Dorkins, 2 yrs old, C W Taylor, A Green; Yearling, any variety, G W Irwin, -Jacob H corn for table, C A Wella, Jas Wilkin made preserves, Bohn Richards, S. Mori:- Mrs Attrill; Delaware, Mrs Attrill, W the discount and are in a position till or gelding, O W Taylor, J W Salkeld; Fisher; Hambur a s an led, olden son; egg plant, W Warnock C A ingatar; peaches, Mise Notr, Mra Howrie; Warnock;' Concord, Mrs Attrill, W G to give Oar customers Goods at the foal o! 897, J W Salkeld; matched team, and silver W Carrier; pRarriburgs,, pen- Wella; three heads cauliflower; J P pears, W F Heck, Jno Tanoott; oitron,Est Lamprey; Hartford, W Stewart, W War LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. W Elliott, A J Taylor, C J t3 Naftel. cilled golden and silver, W Carter; Fisher. A Kirkbride; ripe capafcums, J Stewart, WF Hook; ouaumber,MissS•vm- nook, Agricultural -Brood mare, foal by Side, Hamburgs, black and white, E Belcher, C A Wells; red tomatoes, W Stewart, ington, Miss Washington; quince, W F Peaobes-Early Crawford, Mrs Attrill, Our Stock consists of the finest tines J S Shckold, J W Salkeld; filly or gelding, 2 W Carter; Black Spanish, white faced, F E Bin hant; purple tomatoes, W !leak, J Aiobarde; jellies, Mrs Howrie, S g Morningiltar, Crosby, S Morningstar: of fine and Staple Groceries, Crockery yrs, old, 0 Dale, P Stewart yearling, filly G W Irwin; Legborns, any other ver- Stewart ,, E Bingham; garden herbs, Morningstar; mixed pickles, Mise Nott, Mountain Rose, Jno Dickson; late Craw- and Chinaware, and our Increasing- yrs, gelding, Innes•& Horton.'G Dale; foal of iety, W Carter, W Hartry; Lrghorns, C A Vtjell8, Jos B Whitely; garden Mrs Howrie; home-made bread, D Me, 'ford, W Warnock, W Stirling; any other business goes to show whether we are- gg roduce C A Wells. Brien, jr, J Toncott; bome-made bread variet g sellin thein at the right rices or not. X897..J tlnikeld, J W Salkeld; matched brown, single or rose comb, W Wal- P J Tan- q+W diohan,T J>" Naftel;seedlin , T g g P made with yeast cakes, D Proueo, R Wallis, W F Hick. I 11 teata,eldfdga o: mares, ,in harness, Citric lace; $oudans, W Carter, J O Lyons; FIELD Roo�S, ©itGIITABLEs, LTO, coil; home-made made with baker's Hoping to receive a continuance of Dal6:. Polfab, white created, black, W Carters Mangold Wurtzels, Jol1r1 Salkeld, flame jr; aShinf{ton, �V Stewart, AMO- Our ant. favors, the remain pure 11 )Ceav Drought, Im orted-atallion 8 Polish an other variet , W CMrter, ca Yeast D ,Bet Perot' t;Stewart;o layer Bradshaw, not known Est y y Y K P , y y W 4Vargock • Man old Wurtzela, D Allan, r; reapec fully 11 vrs old, lanes, & Borten, T Undr ; stat- W G Lamprey; Plymouth Rooke, John SAlkeld, g cake, A Green, Eat J Stewart; tea biscuits, W Stewart, Jno Y K Curwen; Inter- Stewart; Fondle seedling, Alias A. Mo R A SprTan collection of pies, lion, yearling, Innes do Horton, 1 & 2; a -tat• J D Lyons, W Q Watson-, Ply mediate MR old Wurtzein, Jnhn Tanoott; Vfatoria W Stewart t7 R Allan; j' {'on; s'>iy spa, Innes & $siren diploma; mouth Rocks, white, 1 and 2, Salkeld W Waruocic; Swede fur- Mrs A McLean, J Tanoott; fancy tarts, MaLauehlinm W Warnock; Smith's Or- ally wyh old,J Snell; filly yearling, Innes LAck Kennedy; Wyyandottkit, -8 nips, Tno Dickson, H Curwen; W Sterling, Mrs A McLean; special prize, W gtewart Est J Stewart e s J Snell and Belcher jt' J. U. Lyons; ry long Wright., Car- loans, , Y Ik w tfii8orton; female, any age, Ona W an rots, on red, Frank Wri ht Jno Sul- D MoBrien, Jr. egg, W Warnock, Eat J Stewart; Diana's THE CASH GROCERY. dijpldnxa, dottes white, Jacob H I?' ' ,r, keld; Carrots, W Warnock, Glen Bros; Honey, Syrup and Sugar.-�Utepplay of purple, W F Hick, W G Lamprey; Lom- Obnd,dfaa Bred Itesvy Draught --Brood Thos eatty; Langahans. J Q Lyons; Onions, C A Wells, D Prouse Corn, honey, W Hartry; honey in corn a, Mrs bard, W F Young, J >a Bolt; Refine Cloud k'hant528. , a'...a„ . . . '], =