HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-09-22, Page 61
�i• aWafefoonclintaq sewing bac iTl �
Saved sty Life"_ —0
"Several years ago, while in Fort p, lr! G
gaming, Minn., 1 caught a severe �) t al'
caK attended with a terrible cough, oil
that allowed me no rest day or LIGHTNING FREAKS.
night. The doctors after exhaust-
ing their remedies, pronounced my Queer ThOwe theSubtleished.Fluid Has `,
case hopeless, say-
ing they could do no Not far from aildgenville stands an
hhore for me. At old house which has u wonderful power
this time a bottle of for the attraction of lightning. It is In
an unused field, surrounded by shrubbery
i�YER'S and undergrowth. It is only the frame
Of a once cystis dwelling, and has been
standing there for forty years. Strange
Cherry Pectoral was its it may seem it has been struck by
sent to me by 8 lightning every time an electrical storm
has visited that section•
friend who urged The house was erected by a well -til L
a-.. do farmer years ago, and was intended
me to take it, which for a dwelling for his family, but had
Idid, and soon after I was greatly to be deserted on account of its habitual
relieved, and in a short time was subjection to li*htning It has never
completely cured. I have never had since been occupied. During a thunder-
storm one perpetual flash of lightning of
much of a cough since that time, plays about the old house. On a dark I'(
and I firmly believe Ayer's Cherry night and during a storm, a more beau-
Pectoral saved my life." -W. H. tiful scene. could not be found. The
uimb 1v., Lowell, Mass. whole sky and earth around the old house
WA11p, S Q y - is brightly illumined by the lightning.
Th house has been torn away strip by u
stri with each bolt of lightning, until w
now only a small portion is left stand- bi
ing. So far as is known no fatalities have a,
����� ����®��' ever occurred in the house, -Louisville of
Highest Awards at WoAdla Fair. Lightning has been very fatal in this i't
------- -- section the past month, over eight people a
(IiyEft'S PILLS cure lndlljestisa and ileadaella having been killed by it. Many strange o
incidents are related, the most extra
ordinary being a story from across the S
- liissimmce Itiver told here to -day. 13enry o
The' hl11ren News-Reeora Myers was killed 1y lightning there last n
week while in a field and buried the
81.26'a 1`ear-31.00in AdvancA next day. The second day a heavy
thunderstorm arose. His grave was N
-- struck, the lightning tearing open the
grave, throwing the coffin out and break -
WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 32nd, 1897 ing it open. It was thus fonnd two
days afterward by some relatives and
The Examination Ainddie• the bcxly reburied. The body was not t
disfigured by the last electric bolt, but .
the coffin had been torn to pieces, the �
An exchange says The Education body being left on top of the upturned
Department has adopted iNew plan earth with the splintered coffin fragments
this year of publishing, the results of around it. This is vauch(A for by see-
the midsummer examinations in little era] people from that section.—Fort O1;-
cb•ibletst a class of so at atitne, When den, Fla., correspondence Louisville
courier -Journal,
the results do come out, very few know
what they mean and even the success- Yosv,•r nr the Heart.
fill candidates are mystified as to their
actual stranding :and what honors they The human heart is practically a force ,
have won. Every year the classes are pump about six inches in length and four
hecaming more mixed up, and it would inches m diameter. It bt.als twvenly
be a blessing if Mr. Ross would get antes per minute, 4200 times per hour,
down to practical business and give the times) bines per day rank 3,,79'1.,000
chasses names which would be some times per year, and `dred 4-tO,Ueyc s:ly
aide -Junior Leaving, and Senior two thousand five hundred and dfory-
1; g• five millions four hundred and forty
Leavtn , and second, third and foutrh thousand -times in seventy years, which
fotms don't give :any idea as to the is '•man's apppointed three score years
standing of the pupils. and ten." At each of these beats it
forces 2 1-2 ounces of blood through the
- , system, 175 ounces per minute, 43,1A 1-4
Qn pounds per hour, or 7.03 tons per day.
Gl �olled� All the blood in the body, which is about
The Grim Reaper thirty pounds, passes through the heart
every three minutes. This little organ
pumps every, (lay what is equal to lift-
ing J;_12 tons one foot high, or one ton
The Marvellous Virtues of Paine's 122 feet high—that is, one ton to the
Lop of n forty -yard mill chimney. During
Celery Compound Conquer and the seventy year's of a man's IW this
marvelous little pump, without a single
Banish a Lady's Troubles. moment's rest, night or duty, discharges
the enormous quantity of 178,850 tuns
_ of human blood. -Philadelphia Record.
"Unaccountable" FireR.
Five Doctors Were Unable To As is well known, a frequent source
Help the Sufferer. of "unaccountable" fires turns out to be,
in realty, the spontaneous ignition of
materials more or less saturated
with oils or fats. The f(rl)owing is con -
Twelve years of misery and agony sidered a reliable list of common tua-
from female, kidney and stoniacl terials of the class which, when contain -
troubles 1 Ph sicans were utters per ing conditions, tis matters, will, under naturally
plexed and unable to cure the lad 1 waste,
oftentimes ignite naturally:
Y • waste, tow, rage, sawdust, shavings,
In, a time of gloom and despondency cotton and woollen cloth, roofing felt,
the magic virtues of Paine's Celery and, in fact, all porous combustible
Com ound being joy and life 1 Tbest bodies containing an oily or resinous
nue the leading' facts in the followinp substance having an affinity for oxygen.
statement made by Mrs G. Stone, of All vegetable and animal oils have more
Eganville, Ont, or less affinity for oxygen, while those
petro -
"For more than twelve ears I war produced from the distillation of acted
Y scion and shale are practically unnoted
afflicted. with kidney, stomach and upor;. by the element; but the oils which
female troubles, and had been attend- oxidiie in the air most rapidly -are the
ed by five doctors, and tried medicine vegetable oils, such as linseed, hempseed,
after medicine, without any good re- poppy oil, etc. Briefly, by far the most
cults. frequent sources of fires from spOIItane-
outs combustion are those which result.
"My sufferings a year ago from the from heat induced by the absorption of
kidneys and stomach were dreadful. atmospheric oxygen.
I was in such a state that I thought I
could not live, and concluded there Riveting tt ith compressed Air.
was no use trying other medicines. In regard to riveting with compressed
"I was advised, however, to try air, the toaster mechanise of the Santa
Patine's Celery Compound, Land finally Fe road is quoted as saying that by the
decided to give it a trial. Before I had use to the Santa Fe shops of a station -
finished the first bottle I had improved ary riveting machine three men are en-
abled to drive 2000 rivets per duty of ten
very much, and after the use o a feet hours at •a cost of $4.75, as compared
more bottles I had not been so well with 2(10 rivets per duty at a cost of $7
for long years, and ata now altogether by hand labor; the truck riveters -the
a different person. The use of Paine't• rnachine, being operated by two laborers
Celery Compound also banished my at a total cost of $3 per day -drive 3000
nervousness. I can therefore recom• rivets, as compared with 175 rivets
mend Paine's Celery Compound to any driven by hand labor by three men in a
one suffering from kidney, stomach (lay at it cost of $,, while the staybolt
and female troubles." breaker makes an average daily saving;
of $10. Further, the mud -ring riveter:
-- +•� - will drive as many rivets as can nc
The Queen is said to he taking real handed to them and will make a aavinh
of x13 bt $15 a day for that el -las of
interest in the reports from the son work Vrtt only is this method cre+lirr-(1
dyke, and is anxious to know if there with the great saving named, but is de
is adequate protection for her subjects clared to insure every rivet hole bekik
in those regions. filled entirely find insures tight work
- while of hand -driven rivets in m•nd-ring
TORTURED AN DHELPLESS. a large percentage invariably leak..
AND IS NO RESPECi'OR OF PERSONS- A peculiar instrument is described t)
SOUTH AMERICAN R11HUMATIc CURE Seienee us living in use at Columbia Uni
RESISTS HIS CRUEL GRASP, AND versity, namely, a dynamometer mode t
HEALS THE WOUNDS HE I�FI.ICTS- write on a kymograph. The maximun
RELIEF IN SIX Ii0(?inti. pressure of the thumb and forefinger o
the movement of a single finger eau this
Cleo. W. Platt, Mail er "World's" be registered, and a series of movement
g showing fatigue be recorded; the cu.vc
Newspaper Agency, Toronto, says: give the actual amount of work dun(
"I am at a loss for words to express the height of the curves being pmpoi
my feelings of sincere gratitude and tional to the pressure in kilograms. i
thankfulness for what South American comparison of this instrument has bee
Rheumatic Cure has done for made with the ergograph, curves bein
me. As a result of exposure I shown in which the movements made i
was taken with a severe attack lifting a weight. and in extending
of rheumatic fever which affect- spring were simultaneously recorded -
ed both rn knees. I sufferded pain the tact appearing that. the erasure(
Y p curves do not give a correct measure <
almost beyond human endurance• fatigue, and, of course, no record whe
Laving heard of marvelous cures by the weight is not lifted, whereas the d;
South American Rhenntatic Cure, 1 namoml•ter curves measure more tu•arl
gave it it trial. After taking three to precision in this reaped.
doses the pain entirely left me, and in
three days I left my bed. Now every A rials.nearing Oarlock.
trace of my rheumatism has disappear- The introduction of n new oarlork fa
ed." --Sold by Watts 8r; Co. boats is recorded by The Chicago Tt
_ bnue as involving an additiouod exte
~` Sion of the ball-bearing system in mh
The news comes from Ottawa that miring friction. As described the rot
:fir Oliver Mowat, Minister of Justice, locks in thin case are of brans, wt
will quit politics for good very shortly. three-point ball-bearing, caste hardens
He wants St-nator Mills to succeed bin,' steel working parts; they fire furnish,
but it is said the other Ministers iso hot in either polished brass or nickel plate
favour the admNsion of the Bothwell as may be desired. These materials w
sage into the Cabinet.
ein them nd or �alwaYs the find so the
Same, n
thus there can be no liability to nnev,
"Por years " says Capt. C, Mueller, rowing on Recount of the locks being
1 have relief more spun Ayer's Pills different shapes and angles, as is 9
than a thin else to the medicine infrequently the case with comPOIII6o
anything of a softer character. The stntement
chest, to regulate my Bowles, and those made that this ball-bearing rowlock ;
,if the ship's crew. These piils are not fords an ease lis rowing which is i
.4pvere in t heir action, but do their work markable. -
I have made arrangements with the NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE
OMPANY to handle their machines and ain prepared to offer the public an
ticle unsurpassed for durability and the quality of work. They will be placed
trial free; we compete with all machines on the market. 1 also have other
ades at less money. Needles and parts suppliedfor all snakes of machines.
WASHING MACHINES. -I am agent for the celebrated Anthony Wayne
Vasher, the largest manufacturers of Washers in -the Svorld. The machine
be beat in any respect. I still handle the Improved Ideal and Manitoba
Washers. Also Clothes Wringers, the best in the market.
'he101d Stand,
Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton.
First -Class Buggies oil hand and tnude to
dor. Prices to suit the times. Repairs and
muting promptly attend to. Prices reason.
For Over Fifty Years
rod by millions of mothers for their children
hile teething. If disturbed at night and
oken of your rept by a sick ehild suffering
id crying with pail of CLItthngl, Teeth send nt
ice and et a bottle of "Mrs. Winslo%0, sooth-
g Syrup' for Children Teething. it. will re-
ove the poor little.' sufferer imnwdiately. Do -
and upon It, mothers, there k no i nisttiko about
It cures Diarrhoea regulates the Stomach
A bowels, clues \'i-'iu ('elf(!, softens tho
utns,reduces fit flanimation, and Ivestoneand
ter ggyy to the tvholo ststem. ' Mrs. Winslow's
ootlni I Syrup" for eliildren toothing is ploa-
tnt to the taste and is the prescription of one
f the oldest and best female physicians and
nurses in the United States. Price twont),-five
ants a bottle. Sold by all druggists through
tit the world." lie sure and ask for "MDs.
Office SupplieS9
�1•��•ro••o ti •v1L 11 � �� �
Job Printing.
E3uron Street, Clinton. I
WANTED So1iette'" P°`' "tsands, An Nin The News Record
cyclopedia of the ('aunty,' in News -
Record Royal (,IuAl'to Volumes. No deliveringg.
Obinindssioul pitld weekly. A canvasser roports
lila first weal; unuklug over suveuty dollars pro -
'1']IE LINS(1UTT COMPANY, Toronto.
Calls special attention
to our,Stationery and
+ Office Supplies and
Karon Street, Clinton. Job Printing Depart -
We are wide open for the hot weath-
er season and erre after your patronage.
our parlor is cheery and comfortable.
Lunches at all hours.
CHAS. WITTS, Huron St., Clinton,
ment. �►
We are unsurpassed....
By any town or city in the Goods we handle or the
prices we quote for Stationery and Printing and the
quality of both is always guaranteed. A perusal of
this announcement may suggest something you may be
in need of, and in such case we solicit your patronage,
Durham Bull For Service.`,,q�;TED_Farnn
ers hoor other indus feeling confident that our efforts to please will meet
For service on lot 12, 1st concession, linnet(, I lOf/ trioue persons of fair education to l
tat splendid thoroughbred Durban Bull I •. wltoin $60 It month would beau induce. 'with .the approval of otir patrons.
Champion," sired from Elmhurst Farm. ment. I could euguge a Pow ladie�al their own
crnns, $1 cash. with privilege of returninir. ' hones,
877 -At �u µ� -B, FitzrMAN, owner. I T, 11, L .NSC'UTT, Toronto, Ont,
�1r,1 -Agents for "QuoenViv-
��T AN .l ED toria, FTer i1cign and Farm For Sale•
Hamond Jubilee.' Overflowbig with latest "•.-
ad richest pictures: Contains the endorsed Lot number 18, con, 1(t, (lode•ich Township,
dography of Hot, Mulesty, with autbenic Isis- containing 80 11VI t'F, more or less, the property
her of hremarkable relun, and full acootint of the late :vin liarr, will be oitered for Salo by
f the I)iamond Jubilee. (illy $1.50. 1119 book. public action at the Contriteretal hotel, clan•
!'rennendous demands. Bonanza for agents. ton, oil Saturday, Sept. 11tli, tit 2 o'clock p:
'onuniesion 50 per cent, Credit given. Freight ,lir Terms --10 por cent of the l,utchase money
Aid. OUTFIT FREr. Duty bald. Write (snick dutt•n on the day of sato, tail t. nc balance iu 3U
or outfit and territory. I'HF, d)O1111\ION days thereafter, without interest. Further
-UM13ANY, Dept. 7, :i (i I)carborn St., C rk-ago. acinus unci particulars nuldr, knutcu at the sale
or upon:Sit,
i Mention to the uudcrAgnod, D. A,
FUltltl+�� It.
Plat 'ing the 1Dollllle-CrOSS• •ldniinistrator of the estate of docoased,
3 3176--3t
ani;• 9, 123. Sept, 1st.
The Signal doesn't want sympathy—
Froni the Spectator or tiny other rory
sheet, and won't take abuse without ��T r r AgcutS for'•(lneen Vic -
showing the sort of sheets that are vY Aiv niond -� , 1) towns, Her ]feign and
giving it.-Goderich Signal• and richest u��pictures. (onttninagthe ttendorsed
We are very glad of that., Ilan, fon' tbiiograpof hy f ]-letrkaUlcsty, %-ign, haut'll tic His
the Spectator 114s no syniyathy for of t. unt
0 Diamond Jubilee. 0111),$1.50. Big book.
you. You cons a man out
y conspired to put P P Tremendous demand. Bonanza for agents.
of a job in order that you might get Comnnission50percent. CreditgI ell. Freight
the Job,yourself. The Spectator has paid. OU•rFIT B'REr,. Duty paid. Write, llnit+ld
nosympathy fol• a man who could be for outfit and territory. TI{E DOMI ION
Silty of so exceedingly mean ;in ac -
COMPANY, Dept. 7, 3511 Dearborn 8t.•, Chicago,
tion, and if M. C. Cameron played the
Letter Heads
In this line we have a veru fine
stock of writing papers suitable for
every class of business represented
in this locality, also for private use.
Note Heads
This useful size is kept in stock,
the qualities being in several
Memo. Heads
These fill animpoitantplacein com-
mercial correspondence. See what
we have got.
Bill Heads
If the "pay-as-you-go" plan was
the ordet of the day the demand
for account paper would not be
so great; but there tare slime men
Who get so many dunners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is com-
plete in this line. Good paper and
double-cross on you he treated you y rex-
actlight. Don't throw away what
you have not, Dan. - Hamilton
For Young Women.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a secret
Aresgi.ite midal Fre.
Collegiate and Fre.
preparation. Any physician may have
paratory Studies,
the formula on application. Theseeret
a .a Music. Fine Art,
of its success as a medicine lies in its
Moral in &.%tnr,s,
111orn1 and 1E:athrtic
extraordinary power to cleanse the
blood of impurities and cute the most
Advagtut;rs AM! -
slid with victrrria
deep-seated cases of blood -disease.
University. college Stun.wan eight acre park l.oa'
rates. For illI ustraledcataogueandparticular. ,:.d,h.>e:
- --" "•` - _
Rev. R. Warner, M. It., Frinelpel, St. Thcmaa, Ont.
In regard to the complaints made by
United States distillers against the
Canadian Custwwlaws, regarding the
shipment of whiskey in packages, Mr.
VASSF,RB - -Queen Victoria: Ilex
hcaptured the British
Life and Heign:' aS
Paterson, the Minister of Customs, Says
I.nrpire. Extiaordinarytestimonialsfronu
that there has been no change in thee
the great men; send for copy free. :Marquis
"Thc best popular Life of the
law in this regard since 1885.
""'- - --
of Lorne says,
Queen I have seen.' Her Alai ty sends n kind
(l Selling thousands:
Poultry in New Zealand.
letter of itpprociationr ,vUy
Shwas ent.husiastle sat.isfactiOn- Canvassers
making $15 to $46 weekly. Prospectus free to
The Auckland, New Zealand, Week-
agents. Tltr: 13R LIMIT D, Toronto, Ont
ly News gives a full report of the—Auckland
Suburban Poulty Fanciers
Club's Championship Geld Medal
To Improvers of Stock.
Show." The copy of the News, which
contains 48 was sent THE NEWS-
The undersigned has on his premises, 16th
REcoRD by Mr. C. A. Wells of Gode-
oo'ncession, Goderich Township,
A Thoroughbred Jersey Bull. Turms:-$i
rich, it breeder of hi h -class noes,
g g
and $2,
In that far off enuntt y we notice that
A Thorou glib red Chester White Boar, rcgts-
anioung the prize winners is Alfred
tered. Tcrnts:-$1, with the privilege of return -
Wells, R. G, and T. Todd, familiar
rlariles. The people there have earn-
A thoroughbred Tamworth Boar, registered.
estly engaged in poultry for profit and
Tcrnt4:-$1, with privilege of returning.
This is a rare chance to improve your stock
the Government has also become in-
T, C. I+:uMCOwnNnse,
terested and are lending their assis-
8G5•tf. r.
lance. We notice also that. the Gov-
ernment Poultry Expert, Mr. J. A.
Henderson, delivered an address on
McKillop Directory for 1897.
poultry matters to farmers and others
interested tat the club room, i%Ietropoli-
hirl Hotel. Mr. J. Wallace was voted
John Morrison. Moore. WindP, O.
Archibald, Deputy Reeve, hcadbar�' Y, U.
to the Chair, and there was to 6ro0cl at-
anicl Manley, Councillor, 13oechwood 1.O.
t'ndanc•e present. The speaker advis-
los. C. ;Morrison, Councillor, Beechwood 1'. O.
Will. Mc(=avis, Councillor, Leadbnry R O.
ed farmers to make poultry raising a
J"o• (1• Morrison, clerk, Winthrop ] O.
p uranin of their farm management, and
William Evans, Assessor, Beechwood 1'. O.
to look upon it as a branch that re-
David M. RoS., Treasurer, Winthrop 1'. U.
quired as; match attention and care as
any other section of their work, if it
CharlydDod rel, lnsper.th
was to be a success. Iie advocated it
first -cross fowl as the most suitable
Removal of Night Soil.
both for egg producing and table Fal
po. es, and expressed the opinion that.
I the export of eggs would be found
The undersigned will undertake the removal
more profitable than the raising of
of Night Soil and thorough eieatuing of closct9.
oil short notice, and at rbtasouttblu rates. All
poultry for table purposes. The in-
refuse removed out of town.
tention of the Governnnent in estaah.
0(35 t -f R011T. MENNEt.,
lisIng breeding stations, wits that
those who were prepared to enter upon
the improvement of the class of poul-
Poultry For Sale.
k try in the colony, rnight be able to oh-
I hull eg�y,•s and cockerels of suitable
nAtuar) YI-t•Afot••rn ROCKS.
' strains Io i- breeding purposes ata tuini-
1 intim. pprice. He thought that eggs
i have for sale about fifty Barred Plymouth
flock chickens, all bred from supofor t.hor-
Could be sat lied at 2s Rd er aettin ,
Pp P
oughbred stock. The prion will be reasonable.
h and cockerels at 5s each, rind thou
LORNE c. -rom), clinton,
g very little would be clone during t e
n present season, there should be no
difficulty in meeting the demand in
Thoroutrhbred Poultry,
y twelve months' time. At the conclu-
sion a vote of thanks was tendered Mr.
I nave for sale come chola Black Minorene
Henderson for his address.
indlan Omne, Grey Dorkins. Malo or female. Wil
be sold cheap as t nave too many.
r Trace Jackson was taken to the
1_ Central Prison this morning by Bailiff
------ - ---- --_-__.. -_- -
t John English tial serve four months for
Librarian Wanted•
;. stealing a bicycle. At the expiration
h of his term, Jac'ksnn will be taken to
d Whitby, to stand trial for assaulting
A Librarian, lady or gentleman, is wanted
for the Clinton Public Library; duties to begin
,d a turnkey with a heavy bammer and
1, breaking jail.
about October 1st. The salary to be paid wil
depend largelyy or wholly on membership fee
collected by tic Librarian. Regarding dutie
Ill Great excitement has been caused in
hours, &c., apply to
d the financial world by the announce-
.1, HOUSTON. Secretar)
ment thiatthe Bank of England intends
holding one-fifth of its reserve in sil-
Apples Wanted,
' A 1 I van bat
neat ruling.
Our stock is large. They corse
cheaper than bill heads, and are
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch hunt 'round-
We. inakea specialty of Envelopes.
You know it would be hard to
get along without envelopes, and
to keep up with the demand for
them we. keep a large stock on
hand. Plain or Printed we are
offering some parent snaps. One
line in particular is going off fast -
50 for 5c.
Commerical Printing
A vast amount of work under this
head to enumerate would more
than take up the entire splice oc-
cupied by this adv t, but we do it
all at THENEws-RECORD.
to an ,At Home" or a wedding
require considerable taste in selec•
tion sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping in stock
til(. very latest and best samples t(
be had. Call and see.
We. excel in all the different kinds
of work we turn out, and particu-
larly in this, and keep in stock
plain turd fancy papers sultable for
all requirements.
of entertainments and meetings
promptly turned out, frotn the
plain and neat to the roost elegant.
Cards and Tickets
These cover a large range of work,
from it bread and milk ticket to
a neat calling card, from an or-
dinary admission ticket to a tasty
business card or a handsomely
printed menihership ticket.
Memoriam Folders
In this line THE NEws-RECORD
can supply every design, quality
and price on the market.
Our facilities for turning out t1kM•
class of work are evidenced by the
fact that we always do good work
and give superior satisfaction in
all respects.
are greatly in demand. Our facili-
ties are superior, for this class of
work and the very reasonable
prices keep our presses busy.
Sale Bills
We make a specialty of thein
promptness being our aim in this
respect. A notice of sale will ap-
pear in THE NEw s -RECORD free of
charge when bills for stone are
secured here.
Ali. Kinds of Work
in the typographical printing line
can be done in this establishment
in an expeditious and artistic
manner ,in
Our prices will be
found'very reason-
Mourning Papers and
For correspondence we can give you up -to -(late goods. We
also carry full lines of
Pens, Pencils,
Scribblers, Tablets,
Erasers, Inks,
Writing Paper,
&C., &C.
e Jn thanking our' many patrons for the
very liberal support accorded us in
the past, a continuation of the saine
liberal support is solicited.
Tho t
i want all the Markeutb a pp es t'
` aid w111 pay the highest pprlce coin mensurate
The Confidence of the people. in q
with foreign uotations. Irbil your apples lin-
til you have (tsoorttiined from mo what I can
Ilood's Sarsaparilla is due to its un- pay for them. Do not make any mistake.
equalled record of wonderful cures• 878 t -f D. CANTELOM Clinton.