HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-09-22, Page 5,• A Pickro Receiptxpensive c]• CALLS for Rood, pure, strong ((��� p p, spices, Any other kind is �� �� ��Vo•i AY`ds apt to Spoil ),out, pickles f) and discredit your handi- work. 144 are loukiug forward sD KidneyTrouble � ��led. --`- - County Curraucty.'- Have you tried theme Messrs. I ashain & Bell have sold the old Granthampr(,-tyf at Loudeabor� Massey.-m�'arris ]Bicycle to Mr. Thus. PalmerPer• of YLLI'lta. A W1+:LLKNOWN HOTEL KEI+:['ER On Tuesclay evening th(:'Trustees of Chi burst church gave a contract for RELATES 11I8 EXPERILNUE. nevseats to the Valley City Seating It is just what you have been lo0kinn for high rade Uompany of Dundas fur $lU ). n Wul. McAllister of Strtnley took 2nd easy running, fieri in appearallCe, stronLy and durable F) right nuw to your next years /1 rs, we have many of them mado HE SUFFE1:LD GREATLY FROM KIDNEY and third prizes for Berk ire piga at, �Uu Carl t break theta. 1., or $85 or a discount for Cash spice trade; by supplying you 4 � by t1Le best watch talent tv Toronto Iudustriat.- There were ai)out, ' this year with s )ices that arts Tlto( nLE ANu 1NDUiEb'r1uN-11H Dac- e Y 1 h0 found anywhere e t and 1W pigs in the class in which Ile enter- Brar�.tford! Ruby 9 b r fresh, and at t•uuR.:uid pure; trod entice to picric extr:ttvL;;ent taste. TuttED FUR A L<.NCa Tt�i,r t+'1Tuuo•r ed. 1 6,�1L yAims d by chat'gin,� you Ito More fur + But thele -keeping qualities do oun'TiNU ANY RELIEF. On Saturday Mr. John Glovier of this kind Limit you have been in fe I not always depend oil high Hullett, received froth London a six 0 the habil of paying for the coo,- a price- We sell it first c•ilLss twitch, one - -- i mouths Yorkshire boar, bred by �®.L �� dmon kind. �j we guitiantee to run within one ruin- From thu Standard, Cornwall. Featherstune of Streetsville. The ani- .h • - O ate n month at $8. if ik fails to clo 2110 rr7ttrch of the worlds pm teas is I rural is a beauty and will doubtless U WN Sell sickle bottle corks, this bring it back and we will exchange g prove a great acquisition to the hog all sizes. 1 t ire according to it Or refund force?], protracted and continuulls, the ' breeders of his section. �!�®� ��� ���� ��®� You your woney. If our i �i�✓ v size. (em Jar rubbers lUc a doz. q watch is sLuppiul or does noteep cc7lupc ition for auprewncy i 7 ke0u. ' The residence occupied by 14L•s. Horn, Q COVITA, tiule bring it to its and have it The roan of business must keep rank I Exeter North, wits struck by lighning, if he wliuld secure any covetable mNic f e current 0 •♦ repaired right. Molidlay morning last, thsure Of Success. Tilt) Watchfulness, phasing down the chiurney and doingRepairing? vigilance and thought involved in consideidble damage both outside and i 0 Cleaning, $1 W modern superintendency produces a in, - ¢-� Oruduata f;, Allen & ORUGO18Ts 0 "evere strain of) thephysicilll and lllen- Kelly, the Ulan who IigurP(1 in the We 1{Ilo6V 11o1V t0 give you a SatlSt'lCtoi'y job. lie q • �'�muA ND': n++- 0 Malrlapl'ing, $1 (N) till poll's of luodern busilivss tlleil, shooting affair ;it Centralia, has had b y c , sues exposes them to the attacks of the bullet extr7let.ed frons iIts aw. It riletriber a dry goods cleric Ina,y sell dry goods but it { Q �lSoltl opTlcfANs. o ��oz'-y certain 1 diseases. Cunsideving that had lodget: between the teeth of the , much depends on health in this strug- takes a machinist to repair' a Bike. We are not only j,,pgt� 1 h upper haw and it was only after the. O © I}va a 0 gle, it behooves thoseWhowould Ire extraction of two teeth that the bullet Machinists but We have tris 1T1aC11i1leP t0 d0 OUi between Brucefield and Clin- victorious, to guard against the first wits obtained. y y Risk `0 ton, ladies' open face silver appioach of disease. Neglect of At the manse, Win ham, on Tuesday work as it Should be done. to ,, earl g Y _Give us a trial. Elgin watch Finder will be y :cdjustnlent of digestive and afternoon at throe o'clock, Rev. D. kidnev disorders is Often fraught with Perrie performed the cereniony which •eYt9m®omen•®e000e®tbli This is )L great rtmere of Our V rewarded by leaving at this dire results, added to this is the nn u- uuitetl tthe hands of a happy couple Spectacle Department. We e store. donable trifling with health h P• know our business and s(il !, y ether s- whose hearts had already heat as one. The Onward Bicycle CtC?. 1 Clinton. youspectacles only when'lVe p �' �"� �' inentiug with tLli urinner of worthless They were JnnleS Purl+)u, Of West Know they will benefit you. decoctions. It is simply invaluable t•o Wawanosh, arid Miss Barbara Stein, OPPOSITE I4TAPKET S make rho ac( uaintrlue0 of a safe rind of East Wawanosh. After the sere- QUARE Clinton. Occasionally, though notP 1 0 often, we find medioal treat- effective remedy such as Dr. Wilhitms' InCiny they repaired to their home, ). 0 merit necessary, Irl such Pink Pills. J7unen Macpherson, hotel where a large number of invited guests j cases we recomulend physi- CPOW keeper in the village of Lancaster, made tuerry tib the "wee psora' hours,' t7 P Calengarry county, has dune bLiSiness The sporting season opened Wed - vice F once. Test and act A ® p o vice F1tElc. Gl+tases, if re- p , fol' it number of years in Lancaster, nesday. It IS now 1@gtcl to shoot —otpv� ' gushed, at reasonable. prices and having successfully eltteted , fur grouse, pheasants, prairie fowl., part money - and in every ease your money the patronage of the travelling public ridge, snipe, rail, plover, swans, 4 13 back if not satisfied for ITIS 0 Jeweller and thereture is favorable known not only geese or any other waterfowl j 0 OUR WAY OF DOING BUSINESS � at home but also abroad. In conver- or game bird or animal, includ- 0 AND IT PROTECTS YOU. Expert Watch satiun with it newspaper reporter he iris black of -gray squirrels and © murneralted some of his ailments and stares. Wild turkey must not be 4 �,p�,eOe�pp,�D0D0nq� Repairer. how lie was cured. About two yeali's killed till Oct. I5th, and no one person J ago he said, "Iny whole digestive ap- roust kill urove than 400 -ducks during _ �- _ m" ---._•_- .---- _,. pa,ratus seemed to becorue dis- the season. No one who is not a resi- ordered. some days I could dent of Ontario is entitled to hunt a I LTOTIC.E TO (,Itl_llITORIiS. Move around, then again I would without first procuring it license from se obliged to go to bed. I tstad the. Proven'iiLlSecretary, cortin ?) 111 elle itlatlE9' Of the estate of George g' $ I McCartney, deceased. sever7L1 things brit ,vit.lt indifferent sac Tile persistent -e with which the garne cess. Occasionally i felt relieved, hilt laws titre being enforced is increasing MONEY to burn is a common expression with some people, but Noticevft,ed Statutesereby o purerio acidtiant. to chapter Ila of in a (sly or two the old symptoms the number of birds in the West. theydon't have;it. the Rcvir,ed Htatutes of Untarlo and ninunding nein that all cruditors and other persons having claims 7 agsinst Iheostat: of aeorgo hire tit roto of the - - '- --'- TO blll'n r yy , that's more like it and get Coal that won't Our Doctor of Refraction township of laodcrich, it) t.hocolyfity of Huron, yw• - man, who diud ou or about the 3l hday of July, 1897, �; Coai transform into Clinker's. We have the re Has made a .pccial study of the human aye. are re aired to deliver to hlossrs. Garbe & Proud. '''t 'i : reputation q = Y, for sellingFlard Coal which is free of the Clinker font of the town of Oodsrtob.Sdnoitors for henry 3 If Your eyesQ'"" Slurphy and Samuel Lowerq, the oxc+stars. or tiro Substance, it's Clean Stuff when delivered, and Are weak or your sight poor, It in important estate of the said deceased, statements in writing i tars al their names and addresses with fou pant ire �;: - Hot Stuff when li hted. The only trouble with it is that it to have them Carefully examined. 2 lat•s stns woofs of their alarms and tiro mtture at the l • g No Charge security �if :-ny) hell by them, on or before the Is( day of October, 1897, after whls�>i said date, the •+4;., �.,,e - °r :` burns. Leave your' order with its. We are now delivering Whatever is nritde for 1Csting, said excautere will proceed to dietribu'fe'the assets . for the coming cold weather. Fine Steel frames Including glttgsos tiliud by of the said decoaged amongst the parties entitled �t s +hereto; having regard only to the notice end the LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED. our Specialist, $100. the said axing re rte o teen have notice, and the t( yA ur. Full stock of Gold Spec:+ and Eye (.htsscs, etid Executors will not be liable for the assets so W. Cooper rS`iC istributed a any part thereof to any person or O © r• Co.,O� � p p per one whose cinim shale not have been recuivsd at N , 1 • C P F' 11 l/ (% l� Booksellers and Opticians, rho time of the said distribution, ul i s'' : ) ; - - - cl-WroN, - - - GARROW & PROUDFOOT, .'t It a a. Fa•,,.+�y',aii solicitors for Executors. -,� CANADA'S POPULAR—­-- HarlandOntod at Godertch thin 10th day of August, A. D,, is* {utl "t4+ • a (! COMMERCIAL SCHOOL ! }r- I,4 ' �;�,` , � � i1 Bros., tt =fc' '0� Estray Hound. _�Vr i°rap; •L; r ` S�r ( s , { * �rt asrFt m �Stoves and Hardware.Came to the premiss of the n ied, unn. (horror, on Supt. 9th, a rad, black arid white Hound. t STRATFORD, ONT. The owner is requested to provo property, pay ex. Slwrthau(I, T pensee and take the animal swap. Typewriting, Bookkeeping, E(;Ki1A11DTyiJN0BI,CT. m�ppenmanshi ft., ra thoroughly'tau ht by firaL- The �a Q t� y� �-p �y p �p �7 �s 1: r�.i� i r xhib , t' f—VMassteacher . 'thorough prctical, up-to-date 1 e Ocean House, Godes 1Vh� .6 1 methods; moderate ratan: elegantly equipped apartments• gv%dnates highly successful :-KOTIC'J,' TO CREDITORS. beautiful admitted at any time. Write fur 1� '--- Capt. Babb Proprietor. �j Q� Co.eautiful aaGtlogue. Xoi.tct+ is hereby given to all )lions h4rigg, Broadfoot, Box (Xi (; W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal, a1:Lims almost fhi of Col of e, lilian) oullt , luta of lila township of Colborne, o tar (away f We intend tnaktrig an exhibit at the 11rirGn Central Exhibition to be held of Huron, fhollia. 141s diad n of about b Lhe � In <illn ton oil Sept. 28th and 'Loth. On account of the limited amount Ufa ace ------- ------ 2huldayof.litnuttrl' )cirri to send nn or bMor(r Froin tile Souvenir p t lhL Int day of October next, fill) part ivillars of Thie hotel, an ilhlstratioil of which accompanies tills artier•, is situated alloted to us,, we \VIII not be able to 1im.ke its full it display its we. would like tl itl0 l"Chilins to 11. C. 1 -lays. (lodel•teh, lolivitot• within it Stolle throw of the harbor, and eoilitllandi it, Spplendid vihw of Lake we, will llaw(f oyn exhibition in oni' Waverooni,; a GRAND +i ),,but for Matildasats Grigg. the (ur laistrit otic" of Lha IJurun nod its town ring• bmiks. The proprietor, U.l )t. I3NII), is all Old shit, 11:1,v- FURNITURE, an ASSORTMENT Ahing e MI.e of Jewleffiao..,ldgate E rain. Iris furrier oaks nuttla sant in raj l 1 1 AWAY Af1I::1D of anything evcrsc�e.n In after Lht; said 1st day eP October next the sttilt g 1; instead fennl Her <Iajn;ty s N;tvy, and initny interesting stovi(a Ire can this part of the Province. Y g C_0_<D 0 o•-O� O c>- ldmini.fruLrix {rill proceed to di�uibruc the t.t ll of his experience {while eonnecletl with it. HC is iLlsO c:lptLin of the life itid LstaLC M11011{ tae I)Crvwns entitled thereto, stiltinn here, and has reneivva the;hip*host )raise from h5th the overnments Of We invite: all visitors to the Huron Central to . take a look through our having regard oidy to the vlaan., notice of t -hit 1"acted Shoes ape Canada; in f seri tile former a few ycaalsg>gO, presented Waretf,onis and see wilco the have. Ren(ember we don't ask you to buy. which she than shall hav(o received. Fino-ers rho gallant: captainwith it gold 111pdal fur hravely rescuing Lite crew of a boat -i D.itarl the 8Lh day oP SO.ptentbar, 1s97. betonr7n��f tO third c ountr f' His hotel 11 s lately been retlOVate(1 and refitted,- R,('.ICAYS' bothiiliZ@anti out; ilia Slec, t� p Furniture Dealers and l+bt•3t Solicitorfut Admiuistr,ttrix. Ling LLpart,nent,s are pictures of cleanliness and Broadfoot, Box & Co,, Clinton. Undertakers. comfort, and til(: tom-iSt.,' it is sate to say, coil)(] nut du better than stop at the Ocean Nouse, whore he hits the advantage of splendid scenes at all times, cool J. W. CH1®l.iEY, MANAGER. v _ ✓___ _ Inllmv breezes from the ]like ;incl t]ne hest Of treatment lit the hands Of the rO- Night, stud Sun(l;ty culls ans(vored W. at Residence of our Funeral Diroetor,J. Chidley, Icing The Workshop on Wheels Has Re- prietor. The hotel is well. lighted by electricity, steam -heated and ill fact every St"app°seta Foundry, . Are evidences of refinement and turned, thing fil"t class. rood taste, when the b scorn are selected with care. - — ---- TAMBLYS-BaARE.-Ou September Sth at the MARKET REPOR'T'S. ran r0lrbrntCd iheffiold ('utter, E. TaS•lei, would Vei:t"", wit 11 a, more depressing residence of the bride's fattier, Toronto, by the (Corrected aver We are showing SOtne lovely has returu0t! to ('!into,, curd will rennin Pin )t The remains of G. R. Renfrew, the IZay. N. Bnrwasll, L. L. I)., tV (.langton V1 . s' Tuesda)' afternoon.) eff(!t. This kind of thing went on' Rings if)— short time, The workshop un {sheets hos been great for dealer, were berried Monday 'lamblyn, Esq , of Londosboro, Ont., to Miss CIANTON. a ria rebuilt and a itaw tit(,anl cnghle house adde(1, i111t11 I be0tllle troubled with my kid- i11 r Charlotte Beare, daughter l t L L, ne s, which wits a ver annoying i 1 Quebec. Thera was a large atter• t, ter of Robert Ilcara, ... pocket kinds i riudtu rand rhea ,t❑Iia •uf0uttary, q y nnuo in L(- Iraq., of Victoria College, Toronto. F&Ii wheat, C@w,.. 0 S3 t0 U 84 dunce. pocket 1{niYali razors, en and Bre , Wtll ba d1L1o11 t() ally allff('I'Inga. I iV<LS rest- HAND5C'a9fnE—PRATT - At Sl. (saorg(rH Barley ..... .................... 0 2() t0 (] 23 rem tl � r • r p S +ltte,ll id to. i an rust pocket knives less with it sensation of sickness fit the The woman who committed suicide Church, Winnipeg, on Sept, 8, by Ray..1..1. Uata............................ 0 22 to 0 23 rabladad rind mala as good ai: nervi its well as ' p g, l Clusters of Diamonds, umbretlasilnd parasols repaired itnd bought• stomach, with intermittent pain in the at the Cadillac hotel, Montreal, has itoy, li. T. Harldscouic,nf Winnipeg, to Mary Peas ............. ..... 0 40 to; 0 45 ............ All klltCls UP •tial WY )7t11'ppa71Cf1, aCOsr•(!Ilt aal{'� Slnrlll Of my t)1LCk. I WAa miserable been identified as 11Iiss .tilattle Warren, Teresa, third daughter of Mr. hllas Pratt, of Rye......•..•....•..,., 0 39 to 0 40 Single stone Diamonds' ) utllnmt'd and sharpene(1. Your wants sheukl Clinton. Banda of Opals, bo attended to now. 1'110 steam Wort{shop ail enough when I consulted the doctor it dressi ntker of Schenectady, N. Y. i Potatoes, per hush, new.., U 40 to 090 olgy-v Whools Will be found un Dinsley's corner, who probably did file some good, be M, ThfrLlnous Tart Clrenier case, vnintso.r•-LIVINGSTON-On the 14th inst, t Butter loose in basket.... 0 12 to 0 13 Albert street, Clinton. cause J felt relieved. Tile doctors e , which by Rev. B. Clement, at the residence of tho opm ''� was set to continence before the bride's father„John Mathieson, Sauilac, Mich., Butter in tub ................ 0 12 to 0 12 medicine wits taken and his directions Queen's Bench in Montreal Monday, to Miss Elizabeth Livingston, daughter of Nir. .Eggs per doz.................. 0 12 to 0 13 O a0 obeved, but I did not improve. f had 'rhos. Livingston, of Iiullott. and in Combinations, with Dining Room Girl and Cook Wanted• heard of the fame of Dr. Williams' cyan postponed. I t 1s expected the Cabbage, per doz...... I..... 00 40 to 50 case will be opened to -morrow. STRONG-FERGUSON.-At the residenceofMr iia G QU to G 00 Pearls, Rabies, Sapphires, Tor- Wanted, a dining room girl, also a (rook, at Pink Pills. My wife believed in them David Ferguson, father of the bride, on Sept. y"""""""""" ... quoise, etc, the Hotel Clarendon. Apply personally. and urged me to try them. I am glad Following the report that ;Emperor 15th, by Rev. N. Shaw, B. A„ Mr. Cordwood ....................... 3 00 to 3 50 The prices range from $1.7:) to U82 -rt I did so for After ticking one box J felt William intends to visit the Queen at James Strong of McKillop, to Miss Mary For- Apples per bbl... 1 00 to 1 50 $5.00 — `” ` - --- - better, and I continued taking the pills Balmoral tonnes the statement, that the guson, of Tuctcersmitl' Dried Apples per lb........ 0 04 to 0 04 Lost, until I was completely cured. This J.inperor is anxious that the Queen Baowx-MVAnrER.-At the residence of the I Ducks per lb................. U 05 to 0 06 1 f+ suirinier 1 bad an attack of the same should visit him either at Coblenz or bride's father, on Wednesday, September 15th, Turkeys per Ib .............. 0 07 to 0 08 j� y I�//(f 0 On Tuesday morning, Sept. 21, oil the Huron Potsdale in April.' by Rev..iohn Ross, B. A., Mr. John A. Brown, (}0060 er lb....... 0 05 to 0 Ori `JJ y W u�►� Rend between Shi ale s Corner and (,lintan, er,wplatnts and I found Dr. Williams' p f blorris, to Miss Kate MCArter, eldest P ......• and iems of cast iron belonging to a Sawyer Pink fills As effective as before. I had daughter of Mr. James MCArter, of Brussels, Chickens ar air............ 0 25 to 0 35 Leader of Jewellery Filshion, grain bac;, this advantage, m knowledge and The (the Winds r c customs has P p Teed )rig. will They were tied inn Y g notified the Windsor customs officials (3OnrrrN-Bovn.-On Sept.. 15th, at the resi- woo[ ............................ 0 18 to 0 18 1'hc tinder wilt confer a favor tt. lama belief in the pills sawed me from cost) Which Inspector For The People at Flynn's's blacksmith shop or or Tits Jswa- 3' LO stop til@ etttt'rLrtCO Of t11e Detroit Mr, T oP the bride'sfather, Mr. , bor . jllo by Rov, and tedious experimenting SL1C1t a9 I 1 Mr, Tiffin, of Walton, Mr. Albert F. lodkin, to TORONTO FARhPSLiLi MARKET. ItEcotto office. 982.1E N g Sunday Sun into the Do pion of • had undergone previously. I inay fur- MillsoyMatilda, fifth daughter of Mr. Anthony Wheat, white .......... . 8:i to .$ $ti '-' they add that both myself and Mrs. pens sit either i mail i ferry. Any Lloyd, both of Mctiillop• do red . , , , , , , , , , , , • , , • 88 to i)(1 person coming into Windsor with a c1() W. AC7KSON, Agent Miss C. E. Clement, Macpherson have derived much bereft r,AaaELa-Ht)MnER•-Ill (itiodorich, on �Vocl- goose • • • • • • • • • • • •• • ?» to 804 copy of the paper on his or her person nesda •, Se t, 15th, at the residonco of the R flraduate Alma (farrago, teacher Ot piano, iters- from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink s p ye . ........ ..... . . 40 to 40� ort hwest Transportation Co. d nco-Ontario Street Methodist Parsonago. Pills, and I can cordially recommend will be liable to arrest and imprison- bride's parents cornor Victoria and St. David's Oats• ... ,.. .. .. 27 to 2t3� Clinton, n)ent, the alternative to be a fine of streets, by the'llov. Joseph Edge, jiggle (Hark them to those who are suffering semi- Hunnbar, only daughter of r. A. Humber Esq,, Peas • • .. . . ..... . . . . ... . . 50; to 51 $2110. to Roderick ilLathven Cam, of Stratford. Hay .................... 750 to 850 Mrs. Sage of Walton and hPt• daugh• Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by Messrs. Gutteridge and Mustard MCWtimmm-KERB•-On 9optomber 8th. at Straw.. . .............. 8 M to 850 ter IVIIgs Alice, have returned home going to the root of the disease. They have completed the concrete piers for Lilo rosidanae of the brido:w paront9 by Itov. J. Dressed hogs.......... 7 40 to 7 50 + the iron ))rid a Mein erected Orr the W. Pring, Mr. Thames George Mei�hinnoy, of Lggs, new laid.. , .. , .... 13 to 00 frumtheTorontOLxhibitton. Miss Alice renew and build up the blood, and g g Colborne; to Miss Ellen Janc, eldest daughter Butter, lb. rolls......... 14 to I6 W r "�' "'" Bayfield road at Bannockburn. The fl �p bald a beautiful bout net Of artificial stroll then the If thus driven Y Y do tuba,.datir r I ,tl ll 1 g g have made at good rob and as these are of Mr. Win. Kerr, of the Nile, Ont. y, • , • • • , , 12 to 13 psi i� �. al �; U;'q�lill; i,,., Hewers Of her own rnicke on exhibition disease from the„system. Avoid smite- g ' Chickens ..... . ... . ... . . . 4» to a5 t i t tltltl ` l flie first piers made in this count —'-- not for competition but Simplq its ti tions by insisting that every box you p Yin specimen of her skill in this cls art- }ntrchase is enclosed in a tivr7Lp er this wt..y, a good deal of curiosity will DEATHS Turkeys, , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , • 9 to 10 ment, The display was 111` ed by »earring the full trade mark, Dr. `Vil. be felt as to haw they will stand the Potatoes per bitch....... 5U to C>� _ pp MARTIN. -In Exeter, on the 12th lnst„ Grace the manager of the N indsor Salt Harris' Pink Pills for Pale People. test. They are said to be even more Matthews, relact of the late William Martin, Spring lambs ...... ... 6 to 8 Company, who ave Miss Sage $2t) for _ ___.-.. enduring than atone arid much aged 76 years, 10 months. Mutton ................ 6 to 7 the collectiont was shown with his The disrespect for inw which seems Cheaper. MCFAnnrtN.-In Clandeboye, on the 13th Cnst., Beef, fore . . ........... 3. to 5 collection of salt hath at Toronto and to be a constituent element in the char- Samuel McFadden, agog 8o years. do hind .......... . . . 660 to 8 00 London exhibitions. Mrs. Sage has acter of the average American citizen I -- BOWERa. --In Clinton, on Sept. 16th Charles Veal .................. . . 000 to 8 50 Through Hind to all points in g' �'' , Edmund Bowers, second son of the Into Goo. ' MANITOBA and DAKOTA. several very clever daaghters, is really a product of the political syr- lillt7111b. TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Bowors, aged 29 years and It months. tem under which h0 is t iiised and in HANRra.—In Gley, on Sept, 15th, the wife of POLr.EY—At Amherst island, on Sept, 7, Cap- Milch cows, each .... , . $20 UU to $45 00 �•` AL lowest antes. Mrs. Waldron, wife of (xcO, Waldron, whose tenets he is educated from his Mr. W. W. Harris, of a tion. tabs Thomas Poriay, aged 79 years, father of r For all information apply to above. coachman, Montreal was arrested ]asL youth rip. From his boyhood he is _ Mrs. James momath, Clinton. Export cattle, per cwt....., 4(N) to 4 4> Friday night on a charge of kil. taught that he is one of the peoples and Sept.r11th, rho wife of Robert Auon stin, Saturday, CABEMOaE.-Tri Turnborry, on Sept. 14Lh I Butchers' choice cattle,cwt 3 50 to 3 80 s ling Iter husband. The killing was that the people are supreme in all. Margaret Ann Casomore, aged 35 years, +Butchers good cattle; cwt 3 (X) to 30 Business Property for. Sale, the result of it family trouble. Wal- Consequently it is difficult for him to M0Fl.Rov.--in McKillopp, on Thitraday, Sept months and 5 days, I Butchers' coin, cattle cwt,. 2 Cl0 to 2 Tai That deafrable brick business stand on Albert. dron, who was about 65 years old, understand why the State, which is the 10th, the wife of Robert N1eFlroy, of a son. ROnERTsoN.—At Konamore, Manitoba, on Bulls, per cwt ............ . . 2 50 to 3 75 street, Clinton, occupied by Mr. N. Robson, is was addicted to drink, and some time people., should have any views which September 3rd Donald Robortson, formerly of Feeders, per cwt, . . ......3 50 to 375 0 red for sale, Inch,ding rear lot and citable. ago he was bond over to keel) the shall be binding upon him should he Be vrave, aged 65 years. Stockers, percwv...... . 2 25 to 2 75 The location SS one of the bogt.In Clinton. The peace towards his wife.. To-ni ht lie seriously think otherwise. Now, the MARRIAGES. ARMotTR.—In Wingham, on September 13th. Export sheep, per cwt.... 3 (N) to 3 50 ro ort is free from incumbrance and tttlo , Earl Bennet, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Butchers' sheep, each ... , • 3 OU t0 3 25 suip ape went up in a drunken (enact on to views Of the 3tntear@ expressed in laws. WErrztcL-PARR.-At the residence of the Armour, aged 2 months. Spring Iambs, per cwt, .. ,. 350 to 4 (N) t purehlane . ApplyyR to QrORah PTA t his wife's house, at 51 St. Urbian If there laws commend themselves to pp dd bride's parents, V�Ingham on September 144h Gum.—In Colborne, on Friday Sept. 10th, Calves, $�UReY, Iaondon Roll, , or address Cunttoon post street, and attempted to secure an en. hint he obeys, not so much becauw the by the Itev. Dr. I'asaoe, 141r. V. C. Wonael, t(i Margaret Young, beloved wife of rho Into John Calves, per head, ...... , . 2 00 to 7 60 _ _ trance, but was prevented. Shortly State has made the laws as that he Miss Annie May, daughter of Mt. Halsey Park, Glen, Aged 79 years and it months. Choice bacon hogs, per ewt 5 75 to 5 80 PLIIMS afterwards Mrs. Waldron and a friend himself approves. And if occasion 9AORR-91MraoN.—At rho rosidena© of the McLnAN.-in Goderich, on Sunday. Sept. 11 Light fat hogs, cwt ......... 5 25 to 5 50 1897, Florence A., dmighter of the late Noll Mc- Thick fat hog R per cwt.... 4 75 to 5 00 went out to make Borne purchases. arises where It appears good to him to bride's parents, near Newmarket, on 9eptom• t p --- Waldron followed thein into a store on break the. laws or take the law in his p Lean, agog 27 yaara and 11 months. , p t her 0th by rho Rev. C. E. Thompson, Mr, Sows, per cw .. 300 to 325 18t. Lawrence street, and , Frank A. 3. Shore, of Wingham, to Miss Carrie Rotten —In Brnssela, on Friday. 10th Inst., Sta s 0r cwt ............ Z W to 2 2ii eonsCam�gcindtora for Plums, Honey and dron Mrs' Wal- Own hands, i he not one of thepe0ple, Simpson, formerly of Wingham. Elfra Landosborougb, beloved wife of John g , p yy got a suppl cheap. My , who is lame and carries a stick, and are not the people supreme i' And Robb, aged 66 yearn, 4 months and 10 days, fApinblobeing goo large, I can sell 10 hives rea- struck herhusband on the head. Wal- from this point of view can readily be 9MrT1r-MirxE.—At the residence of Mr. MULaaxv. —In 9oaforth, on Monday, Sopt, 13, The Spanish Minister of Finance, C HOARF dron fell over, and died shortly after understood the lynchings of th0 south James Richardson, Flora, brother- law of the Edward Mulcahy, aged 60 years. who has. been excommunicated for Huron Central Wrest Farm, Innis, o September 7th by tae Rev J. Ma- COATa.-In Clinton, on Sunday,. Sept, 10, wards. Mrs, Waldron was nest. d and the utter disrespect for law in til© Innis, Goo, W. Smith, of Rockwood, formerly of . Georgic Hamifton, only son of waiter Coats, expropriating church treasure, is ex. 9814t One mile north of Clinton. and locked up to await the inquest. j great west. Wingham, to Miss Annie M ire, of Elora. aged years and 6 weeks. pected to resign.