HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-09-22, Page 4e �.r r e % Mil1 �neY,�% Our eiteented contemporary the Sial-� - Married the lleuttt 11'tltcit, y elle Reformer given the Toronto Globe News Notes, AND--- this well-earned dig in the ribs: The Colliber Herald says: -Mrs. W. Patteson of the Han}ilton Yukon Jph rt' Truskey, widow is of the tette Jos- party has been drowned in till' A t ha- rr��n•�-�tle re Thecllebeallrks to the level of the sulallc+t eOh LfWskt'y Whu W+tfi Ilan ttl on T)e- bitska, Mantle Store of the eotkatooa. It apt,uarrf to I,naa��lyre that. ' 1�" the last worst has been said and Mr. 'Parte comber 14, 1891, for the mureler of (%uu- - IN cleared b0yuud hope of contradiction byy atm ply stable Lindsay, lit (%utubet, utl itilay3rd, Mr• Frank Teft of Hit"Ovei• fell d0ita ������®�• Casting aspersions uu I n n the Llbe6a116u of thes}Lwe year, Was 11,}u Pit d Thure- on the Exhibition grounds While }Lt_ Upon having just what yell Dell for wl ,j[j�V11 of tl,e uuruals that have dared to critlelse. to tending the fall show at %Valkertuu, you o to buy Hoods Sarsaparilla. Th And )et the thou wits, and not so long loo day to henry Richardson, by x Learn- A g y ' ulther, w Iva the Globe talked of its fudepaud- irgton clergyman. A notable circum- Tile senior cily lacrosse chaluptoll- is no substitute for Hood's, It is ars i ftOtpOrAN• olive and boasted that it wore the collar of stance is that Richardson, het• present, fillip was won 1y the stats e,f Aliloi- cult to your intelligence to try to sell y ncitbe; party nor clique, husband, was the deatll watch for co, - - something else. Remember that •yy Truskey, ileo first itusbtaud. Since the Sir Charles ahs} Lady Tupper ar- efforts to induce you to buy an arti �JeYling, Very oftt•h when honest opinion is Ilangiui; of Truskey, his Widow and rfvotl at (Zuebec front 1,nglund till the you do not want are based sim 1 wanted 1110 hewhpapet• luau is caught sou have lived un the houleftead ill SS. Parisian, P Y S TURDr��I SEPT.j� try the ear, as THP NEws• Tilbury West. Her neifilbor•s speak TiePrinc•eiindPrinc•essofWales will t 1 Jtv )RD Wats beer h 11, F. of Alts. Truskey o a goo( , (luietueigl]- 7utgra ttrauy elites to London to ill Y Allen, 8 bur nod it lull^d Wtirlcinri ;vuulxn. tti ts. cuurag0 the tvtuter sensor,. I Will on Saturday evening open Pail Mall, London W., Lrigiand, who Truskey and liar sun, it htcd of probaD- j�r EMERSON'S STA ND wants to know if we are in It position ly 10 sut,ltners. have worked the fare, i Baroh Favor, the Italian Aurhassatlor U P to secure options un properties ill the and worked it well. They have boell 1 Wrlsltington htLfi been recoiled. He Clear the Clarendon Hotel, it lino able to loeet their ohli€,watiun aha u,tire, I 11, (1 his alike for eighteen Calle the desire to secure more profit. T'. lot of New A]illinery }Lod Alantlee. Yukon region Which we swill honestly too, the farm having been inortguhred Albert Lake was killed by being dealer or clerk who does this eares not, stud have nnu'h pleasure in invitin r recommend. 1111. Allen is about as to defend her husband at. the trial in drown illto rt threshing; machicl0 uu Ing for your welfare. Fie simply wan the Ladies of Clinton Cu come arid "`'"'' the Yukon in l$n laud as 1'iiP the 1'rt11 of I81>1. The people of Tilbury Mr, Lee's far•ul til Sarawak. your money. Do not permit yourself illspc'ct illy stock of Stylish Fall Nt•"tt-REE(lrtt, 'r in Clinton, and hE West have w74tthed with u,uch inter- The OLtrLlvtc city assessors believe be deceived. Insist upon having oust iVinter Winer See the r11igllt ,just attempt to take it ;vnik est the course Pt --led by the noble their returns will show a population of ■ display til' New }Sint}s, i'ini;s, Tips, over ! hetesuw0 Pool cl'trll; hefUle break- tittle tot... niuc0 she was her eft of ,�)0, an inare}tse of 2,1H1U for lily year. Flowers, Velvets, Itibbol+s, .&c., fast. !ler bread -wanner, rind all are loud in It is expected t.ilat f1Tr. D. L. Aluu(ly, also our New Veilings, - their prruhe of the atilt: manner in „he well.k low,, a:vrLugclist, will visit This week THP Nrwii-Ric ORD hrEs which she has faced the bittLle of Montreal ill the middle of next rl nisi. We will also he delighted to give you life. HoOdS it perfect fit in our nobby Mantes. received several Communications from Mr. Joseph Letoile, of Ottawa, iven. Bayfield criticising the Participants, +� --_ _ ter of 1111e subulUruce sealchli{,wilt, leas a Sarsaparilla Re1119, - t our openings. Saturday )rosecutues, appellants and lawyers 801.11 That bf �ly 1 scheme on hand to reach the Kloudyke And only Hood's. Itis no One True Blood ,unlit evening, Sepl. Tal h, and following 1 PP' Y __ by balloon, starting fr•utn OttrtwlL. week. connected with the unpleasant pro- London Free Peens, John Tlr•ittrtin l � easy to buy, easy to tag cee,dirlgs, a result of the recent boys { Ie,Lded },uilty in Hood's i����5 KISS E HILLIER brigade camp. Birth fides s Ly some At the Western Fair luncheon it B''a ntforcl Police. (lout t to robbbing the east/ to operate. 2t o. f loud things which mi ht be better was sought to eschew political refer- T•. H• & B. Station recently of $5L'U, flit if d. The case has teen apyealed eirces it, the speeches which were made. and leas held for sentence. Milliner. and is now befote, the courts, ]u the But the Hon. G. IV, Hoss, Minister of Reports of frost have been received 11ow It Works in Vork. Erne::non's old stand, near Ctarendol, uleandine Talo NPtvs_ltEroRn lilts de- Education, could not resift the terup- frOtn u1Luy points in Ontario. A thin Hotel, ceded to hold the letters in abeyance tatu'll to etuphasize his Grtt•isili, which layer of ice formed on pools of still We have seen that in Lennox An and await the decision of the Court, he slid rEfi follows Water. Addington the Provincial Go verirnen "sir s ILI carting hast retered to Ills early The Cxpitltls of Ottawa Vol, the la (txI>ctesey contributed that under thetlnewtsys ' �l douse Cleaners work as col ar rtcuituri,t. Though dirferink crosse championship of the world by 1 l'Oliticili Pointers. from him in po•itical opinions Ali-. !toss could I tool the Government, instead of help k ive sir John a very generous praise for the defeating the Shall, of Alontrenl ing the people, takes ruoney front then li,tchtRefit iaterost 110 had taken to agr•icultilre by 4 gair es to 2, h A visitor to ills To -onto Parliament ever since hu sat in Parliament, Flcremumb0r- to 1•lin the machine. Buildings sold Premier Hardy 24 cd flit' John's that election in London. At that Captain'General'Veyler assures the Here is the situation in another collo pounds of ruaple sugar, which turned flab the speakor had the holler of being a i,ro• Spanish Government that he will be t out to be 15 pounds uo being weighed. iii` di 1 h+iv n lie did not bilyo a old nt 1 tyro given e, 10`5 r able to pacify Ouba ill four months, y -York, including Toronto. At first it was }alleged in t Its depart- Joll", as he was not Luillot bore "e it way,,, Tho P:uis AIuniripal l;ouncil isdehrtt• drew frontIn the t 1e Princial Gcity rnrnew "]('fit, that the perpetrator of this fraud Whitt It confession froli one tvho as. suiitilsbuiltl figs furnishelittine Lt) erectd loop tiles 1sid 1 in license fees. county 67,80 Was It tory, but this is discounterlanc•ed picks to the rank of tru0 Canadian walks. �a q by the fact that he came from Sir It returned the following souls :- Oliver MoWat's county of Oxford, sten is actions ! Ifs is not to be !;aided Grants to .tilnnicipalities.... $ 7,009 5 3 E which is proverbially it grit helve. ill his aCtiOrs by the "gilt of ex sed Sir Adolphe Citron left England on w P Thursday for Canada, having cull'- (,molts to High schools...., 2,85-0 7c Sir Wilfrid Laurier, having 11tce of by the public• nerds from tin,0 Gr}trtts to public schools.... 11,72t1 0( g got• a}] to tune !rut by elle light with which Pleted It big Kloudyke deal til Pitt -is tits dinners and chee rh and honors he he was born, l)y the ubstinrtc'y' of the and London, (grants to other schools...... .3,,'2,'3,7 0t. can get out of Johnny Bull, is poly -old Adam" that descended ill hila. again tetlniug his t' Arroyo, who assaulted President Total....,, wl_ S cv atten }on to ilio Ile would not have voted for Sit. John Diaz ill the rit,y til' Mexico un 1'lun s- 1'h0 S -i,881 '3( i'rienci L;nc10 San), Who, if Sir (Vill'ricl because he wits born as his opponent ,on , clay, toss strtbbed to clew Province took :�1 804 from the emit arrange it, is to share the: • ,ref• the Way that he was "built" Was t) the srui0 ni wilt b €,cyhn ulhis call tuniclpahttes dna returned 4121,881. R by au I ;l fere itial" sc•bedule with Brent Britain, be the way that Ile hltd to go all Lnetgert, the Chicago sans, w , S(' that till' people were '$17,077 to *R r I.aurier's recent speech at Montreal his life lon r-} g t e tnalc- {, Lfull-Hedged Iltrr('asolling er, who •is on trial for the Inurder• of t.k iit�of direct taAnd xes relieved fa lilac ex - distinctly g� 1 ` 1)i. _• ,t distinctly indicates} that hl' was (frit at IrirCh, tlud so on till hl' should not; yet thruugli begging at Vl,cle end his days. Is a roan Su " It uessWife, is expected to take the wit- 1 _ ) Saw's dour. built anti on his own behalr. Il 1896 the Province took $52,316 in J fitted to exercise the duties of+L pub- The •bad harvest alteet, save license fees. Word d co, fres frit Montreal that Sir tic rLd1I11nI5t1rLt•Uf? Is such a Ulan c0 Russian provinces, and it is featud it Then it returned these sums 'Wilfrid Laurier bits received address- " ar, " ' bc, cow,,ared with a public ruin of will also be felt next ye}u, as tate C Prints to High schools..,. .... $ •1,037 ' es from the French National union and the largene,s and liberality of Sir drought has prelt net fit»vin Winter Public schools. Will find our stock of the British 1±mpire league. We know John Carling, whose "ilatellicwent in wheat in a IurG•e area, g ("ants to ❑ " 25 597 what the British Billtt)ire leagu' is, An ter0st in agricuit.urc' ever since he sat Grants to other schools..... , , , , 1,311 ��� addt'ess from that hody can Bono harm ill ParliatnenC Grit aid Tor The wife of Air, John Glass, of Kill- -• Paper to > the premier of a British colony, bane praised deservedly. It is toiIle caYdinedied snddclliv Satura,Ly ruorn_ Total..........................$;31,815 But what is the French National hoped there are Pew ,grocer boys" of in€, of boort disease. Shf, vvas an old The sum of $5`L,:31t; was taken from µ AND union ? What are its aims and oil- to -day built ill the fit; l,iou described resident of that plater, and highly res_ the tttunicipalities, unit $31,81u was re- �1 jests? If the title of the society is env by Mr. Boss. Such ,t boy ill these paet0d• turned. PlW' indication of its ideas, it is a society d}tvs of progress and all-around en. Earl Kiser of Dayton, Ohio, beat So that the people Were X17,.")U] to Which Should not he recognized by the lightpliment would be sadly haudi_ Bi Id' f'ougi,ead, G7Llduel: Couper }incl the bad. haC a Preanier of it British colony. capped in tilt: race of life. OLhers in the o, o .. A ruin who, under the charge of in- _ _��,__,_ ____ $- UOt) invihativ+r biryCle Under the old policy the provincial racy ( .tt New York. ir"asill•y relieved the taxpayers to the vest was shutes to plead eyed a to Inde- Maxinie Lepin, one of the most not tune of $17,077; under the new, the Just what Lhey need to put thea cent aesnult" and thou uHereddraulken A C`l�Nt lN1E liJl'i1 ,A3'Ji d�. ed ,lei a4nurl};at the AIOtis Of Manitoba t- Y wititdrayvs that relief, Plod ' morns ill first class order, Bess as his excuse, wits sentenced the r - treilsur anti the Northwest, died suddenly at a,ldition, takesfrom the people $17,ii- �'' other dity to six nronths in goal. An- People of (Dnt.trio Cl antoring fora his home at Duck Lake. A larbe SCUCk Of tiV1l1dOW other "man" -seventeen years of age- Cliange Of Govrernmcilt, 501, Shades just'I'Cdeived. who committed that awful crime of -- Ten batteries of Horse rul(I Held' at -til- stealing the britse r•irl}s fl.OIll two OLD•TTritF LtBERAr.S DESEIITlti(i HARDY lery have been ordered tc, the Ill'k fur """' holes of a ship, teas condemned Oto & CO, A*, INTRiLVtE;V WITH India from England during the tenths Wall 'aper is alta s 11 -to- of SePternbetand October, NeWs Notes. �' j� four years in the Penitentiary, There AIR, WHITNEY, date and especially our prices. is certainly something wrong with a Whitney,ank Lr•ne'+, the lightweight chain Fire I;LsI night destroyed 1Iuranran's judicial system which allows shocking Air. J. P. �A the leader of the >'<'n' boxer, has been riatclled to box mill, Hull, (due., entailing a loss of M, Sp('Clal values ili�reninants. e('lltrasts of this kind, No one will P( osition in the Ontario Le islature Yres, Popp, the Canadian pugiNt, be_ al)ouE �lhi(I,OtN), O g pretend that the offence of the lad w is arrived in Tea onto Friday mornilrg fore the Tori,nto Athletic Club oil Oc- 1'Ir. John [fettle, the tepresentative All paper triwmed free of�charge. - e'ight ttures as heinous as the beastly front Naps pe. d tuber 2. of Turtle Mount;lin in the Alanit ive ®moon®O® crlrne of the roan -the reverse vvould"T}IE'reisagenninenpheavalthatrtu,_ At Brockville Mr. Grunt, clerk in the Legislature, is dead, indeed, be nearer the truth. not be mistaken," said Ail'. Whitney, Bank of Toronto, wits rifling bis wheel, Archibald Slciirlc', Country Set When the eonrt opened at Stratford thou seen by it reporter•. "I notice• it vv'hell he ran into a buy named Pell- Spector for ('tuleton County, is cleat, on'1'uesdav Judge berguson asked Mr. inore and urore, and if you had hoell nock. Tire bnq tv;as khociced d;non and AIr. Frank J. Rud�ors d. IdlingtOn to point hien to surae amerld. lvith uie you wools( have been sur}n'is_ sir seriously injured that. lie died. the Bank of Montreal at' Manager of moot to the statutes that teas under ed. There is the greatest objectirtlt The :appalling naulber of c3 cling ac- dead, eterboro' is WN s discussion. Ali'. Idlington laughed luuung all classes to t tic' present Do- cidents in Lt>ud<ar is laadiug to It cle- artily, and said they were so uuxed Intulon Government, an(1 till. OIlttLP, mall for legisbation to shute the ) etre aunivers}try of the Italian troops CLINTON'1v . up tln•uugh different })ages and differ. ill (iovernlnent Since Sir Oliver Ilorvat. tic fltruger. pill)- '��'iohdto aytthrousrhoucersal[Y cclebratea i -- volumes th7Lt it would puzzle theublest left. throughout Italy, I -- --•-- tatvyer to do sir on short notice. This "No; it is no singlc section that is cLntllfia•la } order for. tell batteries of hulse A letter fr•onr Juireau, dated .' 1 cYtiu ��tiUCt'tx iQJJtI'Jt g, is exactly what Conservatives have all 1 .ry to cnlhat,k fur lucha 13, says the first sno;vstol',,, has `vE)t, c dissatisfied. Evevy;vhere i go the frotu Ell€;lant raises the Suspicion that pt t along co it.euded• There has been sir 11}14110 story is told. Froll, all sections the insurrection it, India i, orOt rc�Y rivnntairts and further pro_ Lost -Tits; Nt.:wit-RECORD thutlthtinkLri kering Provincial laws and in alt classes the outcry coins. ons th74i ithns 1 € ruorf seri- P fi through the Skit ua Pass t One cent -The W. D. Fair Co. they lend to litigation, badly arid e only 7N Pr•<'eiever befoate the fact tie peri e 1 bc.ttu been consider- crTlie�t be made this season,g Y 1 s 1 No } p pro ince ed. i)orninion Oigar Manufacturers' Teacher-Aliss C. E, Clement.' tray t0 get ower th0 difficult • is to keel) plus. There. 4 aldi �tratisfac� It is said that, the ghost of Anne, I3o1_ Association, will Cashmere Hose-I3eesleq & Uo. a9 naauY 17Lnyers ,rs possibleyout of the bah no sol ch orgauizetl in Toxon- = Furniture-Brottdfoct, Box & Co, house. tion. There is 7L great upheaval. eyn hrts I'e('0110Y appeared ill thk, to funs months ago, held its first an- Untside of the leader:9 we avant "Every person is asking for a aPprOa<hinrower of lY aexctll a sure sign uI' the anal session in Montreal Munch The nolo Alantles-Hoagens Bras. gond practicable business ten orfar. change. I au, getting letters every appy 1 chin Y, The Meeting A pickle receippt•-Allen & Wilson. tar's. 1 , of a tclirbcr of the g was beg=illy sati:f;letory. Wanted -T. H. Linscott, Toronto. day try scores from men I never saw, Un his tvaY home from church an Neto millinery store -Miss E. Hillier, �u :ditucoe Count train mien I tray neter see, who ILre rhe trouble rat the St. 'Vincent dl' Sunda ^ night Dining 1-001,1 gill wanted --Hotel staunch Liberals, who will opt) e. the Prtul penitentiary ec ntiuuec 3 t,ht ,lorry Uuellete, of Jei- %]arendon• I.'he Provincial Government has got verlyd Government. I meet such u,eu cohvirts 7Lppert.r deternriued tuj6ecpiiip Al. C. I1 rcrossl0nt., was killed at the 'Who's your HILCter" J;Lckson the Toronto Globe to dispute the „ Y Y' the role until tobacco is ,estored to gat Tilbury, Bros. figures of The Mail and L+'rnpire rola- The people, I believe, were never so thein. Lieut., Peary, Oil the steamer Hope., WAI'ted--Advertiser, ATedical Build five to its treatment of the taxpayer, interested in political affairs. Only arrive(( at Sydney, C,g„ from Green - A sensation has been caused by till' land, 16londi,y'• }1 Ll members of ingg, Toronto' Uf course; of course. ('ace m this busy time have rel of rnlr stalk nleut that t•he Arebcluk0 Fr}alit 1110 ex Edition are well, A enksTThe Bradley Co., meetings fallen its low as 400 ill attend- Ferdtuancl, heir presuwptive tO the back loth them the irn,uE:nse nll)rought ✓(' Liritted, Toronto, int. Let ns Hary tutu to the County of sues. throng of Austria-Hungary, married It weighing between sevOnCY and eighty a, Wanted -The Linscott f;ornplLny, Sinrcoe• nlidd[e-class lady in Lvrxlou last we01t, tons•ea Toronto, When the present, Government took the one. in ppcation eople are non enis ost•i inter- Three Three girls, daughters of Mr. Pres- Gen. Woodford,kn Agents SPIT "Klondike Gold Fields" hold the relations of the County of ested, and the all ience rises up in ap- ,had re r11 g be -The Bradley-Garretson Co.,Limited, Siucoe to the provincial treasury Were pl+Lnse whenever the subject Is oleo toil Howard, a farrier in Romney United States, had r4 r1' interview oil me Toronto, Ont. these: towshtp, about 20uliies from Chatham, Sundt , tioned. After that the question of the Ont., were burned to dratll in the farm Y with till' Duke of [etWah, in pre _ The Government took possession of country's finances seems most fnteros- Aiadtrd, In ;which it !s stated he said house, witch took fire early Friday that if ft,cg war in (%nbrt was not over, of the local license fees. ting." morning. The Huron News -Record Then it made these grants: '-What sents•will be carried? Mr. g y rumot,,.s qt the 0°(} of October the United All manner of extt•aordin}tr St+rtes will interveuo, ("ash to the municipalities..... , $2,040 Whitney was asked., are afloat in LvndOh with reference I.0 _ t.16 n Yearr=$lA0 to Advance Grants to High schools, .. .. , , • "It is too early to say," he re lie !. Messrs, Petersen and the fast Atlantic 1 572 P servi(:e. IVIr. I rtErr:til himself fin is « {- CVF,btiEBDAY, SPPTENBER 22nd, 1897. Grants to Other scllGrants to pub". lools...... , . , 7,888g'a y',,uow ver tellwhat Iam coinffdent that �oV i�, ---.. aiL h peen. I that, matters aro prn,rreasing well, but Lip If we went to the country to -morrow tt 's generally understood he has Like CL'RREVT 70PICS• $13,389 the Government would be beaten, dropped the turret ship and has revert_ So that the Government took $2,839 "Tile Government is ursuin a e- ed to the fir•st•cirtss Or ordinary type, Hamilton Spectator: -The Goclerich from the county ranrdtally 'Ind ave cnliar course. Their organs sit. P The Rev. Father Richer, who recent- Signal 1)Oasts that Huron county gave back $13 9 gy tor. ly eloped with bliss Cote, has been a , '1� have no charges against the Govern- 1- British C'olurubtu a prefnier in the per. Tile p0ople received $10,550, meat, and the Alinisters dwell rind (Pointed to a new parish, instead of son of tyle late John Robson, and gave For 1890 the Government took $9 78P ally on the weakness of the Opposition. Ipe'ng sent to a ton}Eatery, white Miss r , .; tri of tl,e license foes. Well, [ram not in 7L position t0 s oak (iOte i9 confined, against her will, in It . ` Manitoba a premie! in the person of P convent. ,Steps will he taken to Thum7tG Greenway. Dan ahould ami_ Then it returned to the scoot Of the Opposition, but I think that 0btaiu her relerase. grat0 from Huron turd become a For Nigh schools............ Y such a course shows a paucity 0f argu- pvernier tau. Then he could a $2,13.1 ment. The determination of Sir Oliver p 'Appoint For Yublic schools .. . ...... . .. . . 8,369 Alowat that Air. David Mills shall sits- himself to a postroastership, For other schools.. "As to the charges the make against _ 4i1 g seed him as Minister of Justice places _ th0 Government, of course people can 1 judge for themselves." P P Sir Wilfrid Laurier in an awkward tet,;_4XI` tJrr.. The Winnipeg Tribune, reviewing $10,934 position, as it i9 understood lie Ill- 1i•.r 't <r"' ,;; ' _ The crntnt now :lir. Whitneyill P > v : ; ; Fa•a.: Y gets back $1,136 Y go north to tnised theportfulio to Sir Louis Davies, . q the Manitob+l rrOP situation, says more than it pays in, instead of $10,550 the mining districts. He will ;vhv was to have been succeeded h ��; U''w;"'i editorially: "There is One important as forrnerl speak in North Bay, Sudbury, Thes• Mr, Fielding. qq Y :•• , t 1 point ab Ilt the Alanitolla crop this As the (lovernnent is taking over to salon, Sault Fate Marie and twice in After nearly three months' idleness �i;` Year, the satple is excellent. Most of itself it fame lir two out of Slhlcoe Manitoulin Island. between ]:i,fN)0 and IB,UtH) coal miners „+,4t;'+�i1a'?:.' y gh}+"•�,: Our wheat will grade No, 1 hard and Pills. "I Year there ought to be a sur_ "i am goingto s leak in these laces in the Pittsburg district have resuted "$''' ` +3" ~,l'ya there will be no frosted grades. These But there is no;. going said ar yleveyminin 'ri(lippn work. Itis estimated that the strike, t ;. » �>%t' pernicious frosted grades have enabled Whitney. g Wnga n which lasted sixty-five workingdays, tic, desists in the past to manipulate - - Ontario," cast the people of the Pittshur dis- c the wheat much to their advantage Thursday night of last week Jrlrnes trifrom $�i,(NX1,000 to $7,000,(1n(), Of Il Aianser of Corrie met with an unfov- Wm, Ewal't, of Ingersol is the proud ;+ Fy and greatly to the lass of the farmers, this amount the miners lose about vtmVr;a a f .I This year our farmers ought to et all tunate accident He was at a weddin possessor of it souvenir in the form of h P $2,2 10,000 in wages. p• Vit, r.. ( I1 g party a few miles from Gorrie xnc} an Old fashioned inarrie fo ser- their Mackenzie Bowell has accepted �' = their is in their wheat vert of it. They attern tecl to discharge tan Old un titivate from (lretnlL Green P Intel - are in a }.)osition to prevent the dealers p presidency Of the Belleville Intel- hoodwinking or victimizing them, and }or�ded with powder and g King- li€;encer Company, and, with his son Prtper. 'rhe dnm of hicotlrtnd, county of I)urn as business manager, is making the it is to ba hoped that in their Own weapon exploded, ,blowing ft the fries. It is printed on blue Intelligencer a first-class g 'p interests they will take full advantage thumb a.nd a portion of the left hand tinted bond www°f of the situation. If the frarmera Of tile anti shat it so that amputation It states that he �lnarriaa 1 is accord - West', as to • nn announcing the particulars as to man• by reason of their was necessary It i { t Tanglefoot,- Wilson Fly Pads, r: Insect Powder, o Insect Powder Guns. ill ria ' ao011119 araoo Cor abe's Iron Blood Pills 18 i' Are in great demand all is ,o till' year round. They aro it direct food for the blood, the use of these pills will change the pale and sallow eutnplexion into the ruddy glow of health. Price ?5c `- pet' box or 5 boxes for $1 ( Jas. 1I. Combe t � I -Chemist and Druggist. l WE Al�E� �dI IGHT At the verge of a period of activity. If you want proof of tilts Borne to Biddle- combe's an+t see what the have It .TT.I e i � nning �'`-'' gyp••-.•..•- � Of the F7L11 Season, Our Stock of Jewellery, Spectit. cles, etc., and pl.' will suit you. -�► Our Silv,irware o ' The prices on these are Away Down. Repairing of all ktucls guaranteed to give satisfaetioh. Estate e�r ��r1�C�](eG'0211�e� Tltr,e. and again r W1as advised it& treaders to havens little to do with law as possible. Tile rush. ing into court over trivi}tlaffairs, which night to he amicably settled, always ,ids in heavy los, to litigants, even .hough they will their easP. Take the. •ase of Sinton Lc'yburn, of Lo);an, He :htiurccf that t;v0 neighlwrs,'August ler bort itnrl Wal, Knot, had a few I;lcingof liafiiti title !feu e tir�hciiduc15e1 Fter hearing evidence, held that trite laintilf failed to Prove his ownership f the property claimed, and that, herefore, the action ruust'fail. The lists in the (•ase, it. is said, ;vill reach t least $1,000. IVherl will people am to be ;vise �OOD�S I'11ODITTE,. The Great English Remedy. Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently '? euro all forma of Nervous Weakness. Emissions,Sperm. X atormhea, Impotency and all of facts op Abuse or Excesses, ✓!rental Worry, excessive use efore and After. of Tobacco, opium or Stilantso Which soon mu wtit. Insanity, Consumption and an arty to grave. e been prescribed over 36 years in thousands of sear is the only Reliable and Honest Xediane own. Ask only for Wood's Phosphodlner It orthleine in place of to rorepr! a in tettersand we wills send by retturn lr. Price, one package, $1; six, $6, ono will ase. 61111 win oure. Pamphlets free to anyaddress, The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Sold in Clinton +uul ryerywhere in ('ansldn by all rosl,onnible druggists, Leather." Our New Fall Shoes. Our New Fall Stock of shoes is now coming rapidly for- ward and we will show a stock that for variety and assortment will not be beaten. PeOPlO tv110 appreci- ate gOOd goods lit low figures should make an inspection Of Our stock. f=it � J:• excellent crop the Kurt biuret couldsnvttbe fonndenor lan�lf � d agrees blahe rules of h to urchlof not agement, the (ntellrgencer calls upon �► f► �✓+► � �� � hod the hirpre prices, do not shake g its Conservative friends to strengthen JACKSON thelnseives rrP.e of the ehaklea Of debt could the aforementioned Ihuntb. Mr, ScoLln,nd. It was publf9�,ed about the it in its work for the county h it will be their Own fahlt. Providence Y y gin- ('� JACKSON Manser is gettingg along as well as , gittheir confidence, it points out�fr.C,G/. bas done much for them this serason could Ile expected, The accident is of an autograph! tterrfrI the prince to the Conservatives that the more and it remains for them to take }rr1- s"pF!)('se(l to have been caused 1Splltte of Wales and a new testament printed they strengthen the journal which ex- i and it r of the situation." wadding not being properly rammed in 1727. it a large edition with man Presses their views the better able is The Noted Shoe down to the powder. illustrations. Y the Paper to (rattle for good govern- mentDealers, and sound principles. L CLINTON. G L� R