HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-09-22, Page 3gz�cixgl'. Uver BUSINESS DIRECTORY -__ __ _ _ The McKillo,n Mutual Firet r- --' --- - L. 0, L. No. 710, Insurance Company. A e sta headache constf. &Ott D' C]L.XNrJVON, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND THE ---� y- - - 111L T�B OLSONS very °1a°tB . Hal �`d fla °` CKILY month. Hall 2nd ftre always block. VisitlnQ brethren always Prow, - Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ,ty only Insured, inoorporatod by Aotof Parliamoat 1866• mado welcome J. P. SBEPPARD, W. M. JR. Sec. THOS. BEACOM. D. M. OFFICERS. CAPITAL, X2,000,000 P. CANTELON, -J %Masoniilc. George Watt. President, Harloek P. U.; Jnmee Broadfoot, Vloe•Preu., S„alurth P. 0,; W. J• Shall, nun, Seoy.'freati., Seaforth P. U.; Michael blurdie P. O. REST, $1,400,000 CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP, Inspector utlossos, sonforth MONTREAL. /^tL1NTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. dt A. n. meets V every Friday, on or after the moon. ViBit D►REOTORB, James Broadtoot, Seatorth;bllohael Murdie,Soa• $@pill Ol'a0e, - WM. MOLSON, MACPHERSUN, President. lu brethren g T. C. BRUCE, W. bl. E. bicLEAN, Sao, forth; George Dole, Sealurtb; George Watt, Harloek Thomas E, itnl's,8eafortb; Ales Oardlner,Leadbury F. WOLFERSTANTHOMAS,GeneralManager. Clinton, Dec. U, 1896. ThowanGarbutt, Cli❑ton.' John McLean, Eiplen. Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts K. 1�1 B. O, T. M. Thomas Neiiar.s, Harloek; Robert MelilMan, Sea - issued', Sterling and American ex* tence Idition to the, quantity of course forth and James Cuntmings,Egmundvlllo. tr¢ne- change bought and sold. — Kearns Tent No. 60, Knights of the Maccabees of Parties desirous to effect insurance ( act other business will be prmnptly attend- INT&aRBT ALLewaDON DEPOSITS _ _ the World. $1,000, $9,000 and 58,000 Policies. Mom" 100,000. Assessment prinolple-Lae ed to on upplieatiun to any or the above officers ad• dressed to their rospective punt oaiceB, SAVINGS BANK. oil SUltls of $1 and up• bersliip over never exceeded 18 µsecasmeuts in a year. Cheapest and Batest in existenoo. Meets in or go Holl, Clin• overnment the price of wheat in Cana- da was alway s equal, and very often Interest allowed ton, flret andthird Friday of every month. __._- -- N-OTIc�, FARM&NIRS_ Hooey advanced to farmers on theft owl'riga notes with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re• �_�__-_ -. e f OK S FLOUR COOK'S lJ There being some misunderstanding with re- quired as security. H. C. BREWER, ManagerTolr. �'1ryt®•p �f' & FEE]) S �1+JCf gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that If tiny person takes possession of any kind December, 1896, rigs, Prices ouable. htables on Last Strect, near the oil , of wreckage and fails to report to me 1 shall at once take proceedings. Remember this is the ,. �',;�`-'6""SOON C1iI1L011, last warning 1 shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB, 19►�oTagg cart BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Ltucoderi of Wrecks, Goderich, Goderich, ,, Wrecli 7th 1801. i Small Quantities. BANKER OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEAR 0"IBERT STREET, CLINTON.www 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for One Bushel 'ir,r-sT Tea BUSINESS Oats DUNNS A GENERAL BANKING CLINTON. Study vour own interest and go where you can get TRANSACTED. D. COOK., L•Orn ? wheat cannot rise very high •• ,Monsoon •• Tea is put up by the Indian Tea P Notes Discounted. - - D9'Ct/ta Issued, 762•tf - - �-. -- - - BAKINC ,ia_ction of the Tea and its blend, that is why they ,,.it it up themselves and sell it only in the original Intereat Allowed on Deposita. PRODUCE EXCHANGE Clinton; JunoRtli, 1891 058y J is i ��l HILL L1 & J O V N E R 9 POWDER ...toots..... — - -.. __ Corner Storc, Albert St., ClintDn. Feed, Seeds, THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND o STEEL, HAYTER di, 00. � Dealers in Grains, Flour, LARGE SALE IN CANADA` -----�__-_'-_ - - etc. Teas It SpeCItL ty. _^ A_!. y.��-- �- DR. W. �aLa1vN • Hetuiquattechfor all kinds rFieldaukandLitn Suu(ls. We uarl•y the Of l,'Je Steck and the - J. STEVENSON, C. R. C. P, ,nd L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. Orrice- Ont o BtroshClinton. Night calls tit front door of ro t i• un itattenbnry Street, oppvaita Presbyter• largest variety of seeds. Al11Ve pay Cash for N kgow 4 y kind f fbl'!L"1 c its Cash V Furniture Dealer, &e. Like untousness, yep p , , pation, sour stomach, Indigestion are prouiptiy cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work P o 0 easily and thoroughly. Pi ,Best atter dinner pills. 25 cents. All druggists. I Is Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, blues. The only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. 111tuy Hurder 'Trials This Fall Six murder trials will take place at i the assizes ill this ) .OVtuce this fall. This week Justice ievedith will try old [thin Convey at Woodstock for murdering it hired boy on his farm. I'Vru. Louut, M. P., appears for- the crown, and Wallace Nesbitt for the defence. Mrs. taternaluan is to be tried by Chief Justice Ar nIOLlr, tit Cay- uga, on Noveuther 16. W.M . Gerulan, 11, P. P., appears for the defence, and it is probable that B. B. Osler, Q. C. will take the crown's brief. On Nov. 'LS), tit Berlin Chief Justice Meredith will try the boy, Jim Allison, for kill- ing Mrs. Orr at Galt it month lino. In the same week the second trial of Will. H. Htunmund, the alleged wife murder- ( -I•, will take place lit Bracebridg'e before Justice Meredith. B. B. Osler, Q. C., and E. F. B. Johustou, Q. U., both figure in thiia case for crown and de- fence. The Week previous, that is to say, the week of Novemher'2'2, Chief Justice 1Vleredith will try the alleged accomplice of Troy in the Napauee murder case. Troy's sentence has been deferred until the restilt of the case has been made known. Thump - sou, the alleged Minden rnurdever, will •Llso he tried this autulnll it, all proba- bility. HAND -IN -11A ND. ban o h. tukeu l I exchange for Good H, Fitt,, JOYNER. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND THE HEAL'!D ANn H.\PP1NESs GO HAND IN - HA' _W "I'll STOMACH AND NERVE TURNBULL, 1,-11� HILL Lflada, is seen the g the month Of AngnBt, lit MGnt"e" HEALTI3 AND ry R— FUNERAL DIRECTOR. ALL OUT OF SORTS, ,1. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Unlv.; M. D. t 'low CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP, - Op�ositc Town Hall, Clinton, Ont HAPPINESS ARE UNKNOWN. �- M., victoria Uuiv. M. O. P & S. Ont, ; b t•trical sowety of Edinburgh. Late If natural repugnance to all fat, Frank A. Gadhois, Cornwall, Ont.: Abell$ Frio Vern. AnTmia means "want of rhe result of a good corn crop in the cited States and rile govelnnlent's blood," a deficiency ill lire olish admission of corn free into in fact that, dm• red corpuscles of the blood. Lflada, is seen the g the month Of AngnBt, lit MGnt"e" Its cause is found in want of one, there Wits iwported into this nutty vel -y neat-ly a million dollars, sufficient food, dyspepsia, Orth of .American corn. Here We Lve account of 3,000,000 bushels of lack of exercise or breathing werican corn coming into the coun- With it is a y at One point alone, to say nothing;) impure air. the quantity which was imported natural repugnance to all fat, Wing the same month, at ether• sisters atthe Oh, health 1 Oh, since, cl'ulce doinult! )ints. And what is the result'? These roods. Scott's Emulsion is illions of bushels of American cure ke the place of millions of bushels ef' an easy food to get fat from Its, peas, barley and other gritiI s Zi in feedin�r, and the price of Lite and the easiest way of taking amadian products trust in conse- be very inuch lessened. The fat. It makes the blood rich tence Idition to the, quantity of course in just those elements neces-, raids grown in Canada of several illions of bushels Of cheap Anterieall t0 robust he-'th, by' wit trust necessarily hl iugg,r down the rice of the Canadian products. Nur Sary supplying it with red cor- that all. Conservative pUSCles. During the reign of the overnment the price of wheat in Cana- da was alway s equal, and very often For sale at So cents and $t.00 by all drvggis B 'igher than the price in United Still es realities (if equal distance front the I SCOTT .9t BOWNE, ilelkvtlle, Ont. eaboard. At one tittle the difference- years' standing by four boxes ence of millions. He says : "I always ulounted to lu evil Lb it bushet-the full A PERFECT TEA xtent of the duty. But uoty the price ,f Wheat in Uanadn is lower, than it it n corresponding points in the United rigs, Prices ouable. htables on Last Strect, near the oil , hates. On 'Tuesday wheat Was sold ice ,. �',;�`-'6""SOON . JONATHAN'VIILI,F•R, Lt 01 cents in Ontario, While the pl At Zurich the second Thurs- - n Buffalo was 07!6 cents for the same differ•- i ;rade. The same, ora greater, 'nce has been the rule for seine tittle. a journalist, of there is marked loss of power. The gurn,appointed IVhy should this be? Is it uotevideut ;,,_TEA shut the price of wheat in Canada is 'ir,r-sT Tea {epi d(riV tl ill sympathy wltll the pi.lCe •Iv THE 47ORLo if the other grains, the I)T•ICe, Of which Fn01A THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP s lowered by Lite importation of mil- Study vour own interest and go where you can get lions of bushels ()f cheap American IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. L•Orn ? wheat cannot rise very high •• ,Monsoon •• Tea is put up by the Indian Tea where Oats, peas, corn, rye and ba,, -ley are very cheap. It Was till: lU(:}LI de• {;n+o•cr.s as a sample of the best qualities of Indian I o -,i. Therefore they use the greatest care in the It tLmd which, In fePiCler years, Illade ,ia_ction of the Tea and its blend, that is why they ,,.it it up themselves and sell it only in the original wheat higher in Uanada than in the United ,S'taLeS at COlTeSpOnding points; „tak:tg .thereby securing its purity and excellence. 'I'„t up to % lb., r lb, and g lb. packages, turd never but Lire local miller finds that the price s, W in bulk. of his br till and shorts is lowered by the ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. importation of cheap corn, and lie call- '. if your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to not pay as much for wheat as he Colli( when the cheap corn wits net ad- o STEEL, HAYTER di, 00. � mitted free. We hear it on all hands ,1 and 18 Front 8tre4t Eaat, Toronto that times lite good and are going to he �—•' ----.-`---..-'—._-- - -. __ better. We believe that it great im- 50 YEARS' provetllent is at hand. But would that EXFERiENr.E. Improvement not be so )ouch greater poisons the body, and headache, vertigo, gout, depressed spirits, and a 1, 1 t tit down the HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYT21, ONT of the ° a L FORD & MURPHY, f tdon, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals 011ie”: '`1 \vas for sevcriul years a greltt suf- It c eap coin ]a( no t DrDr. Doweley's stand, RattA» uq' St. Ni -,01150a lla (Succesgws to J. W. Langford.) Mp� N. answered at OtHcc. l�G , R`1�. WALKERf firer from indigestion, dyspepsia tun price of all gr vias -including wheat- . I took many remedies in this country . u�. SHAW- Having bought out the above business, we intend --the reliable— without• any relief, 1 saw youth Ain - DR. conduct it on the cash principle, and will B»ppiY UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS p DR. LAMONT'S STRONG FINGERS, em' customers with the best ❑teats at the lowest pay erican Nervine advertised. I procured Oti4ee-Oulario street, opposite I:uglislt ng prices. MAKER it bottle, and I can truthfully say it is I was afraid you were going to sliptpTRADE MARKS,uoh, form'lrly o ^upiud by llr. APPI°tO1' FORD& MURPHY. 1� , the hest inedlc'ine, I ever' used, enc] ISF.APURTH, UN'r• strongly recommend it to ihny through my Rogers," said good old Dr.DEs1ON8,4�Freeborn+ 11•D' I,aCYlomt. OPYRIQHTS duo• Jas. 1.• Parlor Furniture repaired s auk recovered. re One SL1trP.r'ing as I did. A fete Anyone sending aSketch and description may ��� y{;�r t arputs sewed and regi; Itl.�o cleaned and re doses wonderfully helped me, and The writer was a hey of at Oilt seven �ntoklsaa°ercal❑, free, omemunic°atiinvention tty L. B. C Q• C. P., I., M. C P. S. U., &a., &e. LI�� HOGS E novated at reasouablU prices. two bottles have made d new teen, that]. �VhilO a St ldent at probably patentable. Grndnate of Ring's Sc Qaoon'e College 0 Physicians, eonftdential, Oldest agency fur securing pfficO. &adoDublin, Ireland, Lioou Oon' o[ flip General Medical )eTOrderG left tit 13ROADFOOT & BOX'S nlal] Of me," It aures by direct action school In0[`e. their � des f['Ott] to America. We Lave a Washington office. store, canton or Scnforth, will bC proutptly at ou the nerve centres. -Sold by Watts home, I was t}L1-en d) n with Patents taken through Munn ec co. receive Cotonou, Great Rritain. Member of college of tended to, specter notice In the ehysieieea and Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly rest. and Co. pneumonia. 1 had a tough tithe, ` SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN dept o the Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gynte• - lind for two or three weeks my t ;ological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of Highest Market Price Paid, /� ' y women and children. OOloeandresidenco,Rettenbury D • ry h ,vTr��7�T•J/�]\Tr /'111IItOI1. McLeod s His Grace Arc4I ishop BruAesi will 1!fe was clespalt'E?d of. But youth and geas�t?eDltlftaitOUrnsl,sveekly tormstCist AOayenrtion t St,, next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. LJ LjA L1 ` lV V �/ q leave for Rome, via Liver col, on the good care won the fight, and one bright $$I5osia mon£ba. specimen copies and liAVn 839_ly —� v93-tf. System Renovator P tuornin r 1 wits i'eiLd to O helile tyllh BUUIC ON PATENTS soutfrC Address d Labrador, which sails from Montreal y g MUTS tit C. on October f)th, my dear father who had come for rne' t 11 d h2 ) 361 Itroudwnv, New Yuri.. t Na We WOOiJsl J E. BLAOKALL J. —AND OTI[Elt— 3 6 -1TCTi- 1 was weak still, a we an pl y _ clear ill) to the briul. Oh, what it 1,. R. C. P. L; L. M. R. C. P. L; L. M. Rotunda, I)uhlin; M. R, C. S., England; M. C. P. and S., I Veterinary Surgeon Tested Remedies. PShF,5 CURElp IN TO 1tbIGHTS INC. BURnING SKIN DISEASES RELIEV- ride 1 Oh, what sweetair t Oh, whata world I had got back into ! Ontario. W9 -y Consolations at the office recently occupied and Veterinary Inspector. Ens SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE ED IN ONE DAY. -- glorious and whata, reception from mther and famdiat hoose. 'Oh, lifer by Or. Turnbull on Rattenburvstreet,ClintO°' from 11 o'clock a. m. to 3o'clock p. in week q(Hceon Isaac street nexLNew office. Residence, Albert St., Clinton. servation of natural teeth. Blyth every 14ionday, and D[. A�new's Oit]t[rlent will cure all sisters atthe Oh, health 1 Oh, since, cl'ulce doinult! days, and other hours at the "Hut," Bayfield, J. For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, 1'Itlp'l pion of the cases of itching piles ill froth three to One application brings Such ru illness, it One survives _— T L1 &1 Qr%1U Heart, i,iver Co,mplaiF's \euralglit. Loss of 15tH o- six nights. f •t 1-- blind and bleeding piles d only makes the sense of existence and S A� atxt� tett. �•✓-----_-- B. THOM I MCoilory, l(tunrlicu, Bronchitis, colisl I tion Cal . n �, coil] Or . h,dney and l rinary f)iscases, St. it, is peerless. Also cures tetter, salt its blessings more keen anddelighttul. •hill. Lucky -- -- _ p Dentist YETERINERY SURGEON, R tl SURG I VitU� Ilonorar$ Graduate of the Ontario veterinary Col. Lance, I''emale Irregularittea and Glen- C11P.11ln, 1:C7.ema, t1nC1)CC'E ItCll'alld all It is good rather` than oral Debility. eruptions Of the skiu. Relieves fn a boy, not to have slipped through the Dl. Bruce, Sllrgeofl • lege, Toronto. the LABORATORY, CODERICH ONT. day. 35 cents. -Sold by watts & Co. doctor's fingers. _ Taylor's Shoo Store, moat 'Treats all diseases of Domestic Auimsle on modern andScientificPrinciples. J, M. \TcLEbll, - But when a man with most of his days behind hie] has to write aline like Y OFFICE -Over Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre- Day and Night Calls Promptly Answered. Street. West, Clinton oat. Prop. and Manufacturer. in Albert Mason, a oung farmer living the of Markham, committed ,this : "All my lift I have suffered more servation of natural teeth. Blyth every 14ionday, and Rosideuce-Rattenbtiry sold In Clinton by I3. 1:0.1181:, and ALLAN & WILSON. suicide vicinit Y or less front disease" -why that is by shooting himself through another and a sadder story. It is the J. N. B. -Will visit Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the summer. ry Trowhilll IM11UTrs the Dml IMS Line, Q MIMS bead _ Odds between an occasional thunder - storm and ;L sky always covered with — UUOr »�� Grate Ella Alton, llartland, N. clouds. �Ya• �g�.e�%� Horseshoer and General Black Goderich, 0111. B., Cared of Eezelna. we quote what he says, reminding I do hereby certify that tiny daughter, that in this matter Mr. Smith, the reader Grace expert - Ella was cured of Eczema of William Hodkinson voices the expert - Albert Street, North, DENTIST. - Clinton. Onulibusito all parts of the town. Our several years' standing by four boxes ence of millions. He says : "I always Office hours - 9 t,0 J Miller's JOBBING A SPECIALTY. ]lycry pro - I; well equipped with reliable horses and of Dr. Chase's Olntn]ent. had a bad taste in the mouth, no pro - ItIld will always he found rea- ` E. Thistle. Druggist. witness. relish. for• food, and after, eating Woodwork ironed and first cuss material and good farm implements and machines "tillable, rigs, Prices ouable. htables on Last Strect, near the oil , . per ANDREW AITON, and N. B. lied pain and fu:uess at the chest." 00009090 work guarantood; rebuilt and repaired, . JONATHAN'VIILI,F•R, -` These sensations are Symptoms of Mr. At Zurich the second Thurs- - Goderich. The announcement is made that acute indigestion. Irl.;l•the stomach _ A. a journalist, of there is marked loss of power. The gurn,appointed day of each month, TO THE FARMERS. WANTED o Maki', will be appointed secretary to Major. food is neither rolled ever as it should l e 1 Walsh, Administrator of the Yukon be so that the whole of it in turn may - to b 'legal, Study vour own interest and go where you can get Me,l and Women who can work hard talking and writingsix hours dally, for six days a week, District. -- - be presented to the digestive fluid, is it duly moved oil towards the -- , Reliable �a nessl and will be content with ten dollars weekly. Address• N P.1V IDA'.AS C'O., :lle(lient Building, Toronto, Richmond Fite Hall, nor outlet into the hovels. As a result it off Irritating acids J. SCOTT, Toronto, 26th Feb., 1897. ferments and gives Ba'r188tCr, ty0., I manufacture none but the BEST Fsrocs. as Beware of shops that sell cheap, hey have 011t. Property for Sale Proper Deal- Sirs, -Constipation for years hits been my chief ailment; it seemed p ns and gases, hence the patient comtu of pain, weight, dictensiou, acidity and Thence the ELLIOTT's BLOCK, - CLINTON. Dot to live xd• Call and get price Orders by mail promplyattended For sale, on princess street, Clinton, a one to come oftener in spite of all 1 could time ago I was flatulence in that region. proceed to every other part of Money to Loan, J��Z� � 1�, ���� storey frame building containing three bed- roots, front room, kitchen, gpentry, &c•: over do. However, some told to use Dr. Chlise's Kidney -Liver' poisons the body, and headache, vertigo, gout, depressed spirits, and a -- E. CAMPION, Q • 0, HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYT21, ONT quarter acre lot, bearing orchard, principally plan, trees; good hard water; also small stable, terns reasouabtc. pills, which I have done, with the re- stilt of what appears now to be aperfect rheumatism, score snore of evils follOW ; among BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR., -_- GO TO TAT: cal hen houses Price and Nor pitrticuhirs apply to P11F.LIx HANLON, cure. -Truly yours, J. HARILIS, them, possibly, nervous prosti.titiau, progressive atiminia, locon]otor ataxia, Goderich P. 0, and more or less complete paralysis. NOTARY, 4C., Ont. Union Shaving Parlor _ �� Pasture to Let. Both the Patrie, Mr. Tarte's pal-er, "Frequently, continues 1Ir, Hod- ' kinson, sick, and as time :vent t;,roderiieh, - Davis' Drug store. Money to loan. ?Torsos and Cattle taken into pasture. Good and La Minerve, the French Conserve- Live organ, express themselves in Q`I was ell I hecame very we and feeble. I om,c-over For first-class Ilair-Cutting and Shaving. fences, plenty of shade, watel-and stilt. No Barbed wire. App ly to C. MASON, at staple- favour of the appointment of Lord consulted one doctor after another, took various inedicines, but ob- M. 0. JOHNSTON, ten or to M. GLF,W, of Orange Hall, Hullett, Strathcona as Governor-General of and twined no real or retie£ from SOLICITOR, Sm1th's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton 974 VCanada. -`" - - isr'ing any of them. This describes my BA RRIS1 ER, - ETC., ,1, EMERTON, Proprietor. -- -- - ---- CLINTON. A MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO general condition until the fortunate clay when I react shuntsimpMother- neige) COMMISSIONER, Ont. W� TTS Cp•� WOOD AND COAL YARD' BOARD OF HEALTH SAYS: (,or, Syrup. I was impressed by Goderich, Ofrice-Cor. Hamilton and Ht, Andrew's Ste. E ISYS &DRUGGISTS CN M -_ Subseriber is prer)ared to pronwtlY fill all or dors for Wood sill ('oal, which will be sold at, "I have prescribed Scott's Emulsion in Consurliption and even when the di- the statements others had macre con- corning it, and proceeded to try it. bottle I found relief, _ W. BRYDONE., Great Northwestern Telegraph office, lowest rat,eH. Office on Isaactitroet.,at LAMS' I�41'LN:MHNTS ROOM6. W. WERA_I•LEY — restive powers were weak it hits been . € } followed by good results. After taking one and was soon entirely free from my BARliISTE1Z . - SOLICITOR. . Albert Street, - Clinton. _ _ Estray Dog 1-1. P. YEOMANS, A. B., M. D. _�----_._ �- old complaint. Since that tittle (now eight years ago) I have enjoyed good I1OTARY PUBLIC, , PUMPS! PUMPS! MPSAVER --- A l,n'ut`oinc young black iwnte' or Setter; have The mystery of. 1111 -the dead stranger at the Cadillac hotel, Montreal, is still - health. Knowing personally of its virtues, I have reeo]mnended this have CE; BEBLOCK - - CLINTON. OFFICE: .• a/ the, firsts noticed on Aug. 7th. Owner can Itme Oil applying at 'I'liF' Nt,ws-HFCU)tD of. for this solved. The coroner's jury returned death by Suicide, Without remedy to huudreci4, and never, heard of Its having failed t0 give relief. Sl i tf I[ you want a arsGclasr, well•mnde pump. one will give you xatlsOtction, so»11' year order to lh fi p, prnvinl Property and paying n,rtvt. 1117.4t a verdict of having discovered the woman ideuti- g 13ut for Mother, Seigel's Syrup I should ---- _-- - - - - - - - --J nndersignod, He will dig and clean we]Is slid do it a -Ureides Ly. have been In illy grave years ago. p. M1'r n �pit�C� �� `�LQ1tD• the Closest prices. He also handles a FORCE PUMP. - --- _._,_..-_,-�--___--- (Signed) �Villiarn Hodkinson, IIolling- Staffordshire, - -- - - - - - -'- - JAMESFERGUSON For Sale= -Bargain. size, THE UNIVERSAL ANS AVER - tor,, near Uttoxeter, August 11111' 1803." JO IN RIDOUT• oppoait QueeD'sHotel ITighStreet Clinton, 809•tf BOF horse,4 yctir4old, well bred, good strong, speed expected. �1'lll take pony 14i bay Air. Hodkinson is well known and highly respected. lie is a local preach - _ hands part, piU menti to talc a pony , b.. N. LEWIS, GOilcric I. er in the 1lethudiet church, and by L"oNVN:v.\NcrR, (ortMrsslos];R, tire. -- _ __ --_--�- - What dyesare always guaranteed, employment a quarry master. 1 -fad Fire in,;urance. heal Fitatc. )101'eY to ]cud. Grlutd Trunk Itailway. -- _ _ voters' List, 18!17. And in our country take the lend . fihe Diamond Dyes! ire got into the grave, its be feared lie shoul8, he wo111d have been missed CLINTON. Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON• OFF/<'L\i, TIME TAi]LE. NIVNiCIPALTTY OFTTTU TO\vN (11' What Dyes stye strong, and bright and and lau]ented by the community in - -- - Buffalo and GOd6rlch District: - CLINTON, IIURON (:O• fast, And always dye to live and last? which lie has long been useful, and well live to he useful, We hope, fat Cant�lon gyros Going West., Mixed .................. 1015 a. n), " ;; I+'xpresR. . ..... 1.03 p, m. Notice Is hereby given that I have transmit, ted m• deli,•ored to the j)crsong mentioned hi t.ho The Diamond Dyes! years to come. 3 P h PROVIS- GROCERS t Mixed... . ...... .0.5 p, ill• Express .. ........ . . 10.27 p• m. scctlons 5 anti R of the N otem' Lists Acts, copluR required by said sections to be so trans- or dclh ore(t of the fist mad° not Whitt Dyes ?)ring profit, pleasure, peace, Now let as repeat our ,enc though tzYlbughr. Short illnesses, even though �TENLRAL SON MERCHANTS. ........... Going east, express... 7.40 a. n,. ;; -'•55 Zi,5 m. mitt.ed the to said Act. 04 all portions appeartsg by the last rovIscd Assessment Roll of the snitilMunicipal- And by their work a great increase? The Diamond Dyes ! sharp and dangerous, may result to good rather than harm. But a dis- Mixed. p, Lnndon, IIuron and Ili• ice; ity, to be entitled to voto in the said Municip- Gro�lt eri Glass Clai�accwerre l a11ty, at cicetiens for members of the Le South, ExpresR .47 a. ,n. tivo Assembly inti at the Municipal Electrons. What Dyes should every woman try ? cry - ease that drags its victim] through decades of lingering distress -what The J, I Going •• " 4.31111, nl and that sald list, was firRt posted tip In my Nnrlc ! Listen to that mighty n The Diamond Yes I P oay Gf it ? ttouhle and shall we ALBERT ST., CLINTON, ONT. Going Norl.h, 10. I1 n, n7 1 omee tit (Tinton, on the 12th day of August, Por inRPectlon. stifTering it inflicts is heyond estimate, dys- Highest Cash Price for Rutter and Eggs -. t;.d.; p . m 1897, "dremn.inH there - and its name is ,indigestion and H-ly M. DtcRsnN,l J)is. I mss. Aucnt., Pass, erecters are called upon to examine the said hlHt. Hort If any nmtsslnns or tiny other errors found, t,hevein, to take Immediate proceed• The inquest into the death of Wen- dell H. Ordway, who was killed on the a sia. P P And the, name of the'medicine that I am Inst starting the best thing oronto. AGENTS for money making you have seen W. If. DAVIS, G. P. & �. A. are Ing, to have said errors corrected according to Grand' Tritnk tracks, was again ad- g cures it Mr. Hodkinson has done you for many a day. Your name and address will bring the golden Information. Mohtrenl, A. O. 1'n rr[soN, p. R ls,w. 1VM. COATS, Town Clark, Clinton. journeci to procure the evidence of the showmen who witnessed the accident. the favour t0 ►)lellttOn withc earnese and emphasis. It. P. GLASGOW, Toronto, Ont. ( gown August 12th, 1897. EiVi tSSIONS Varicocele, Syphilis, Weakness and Diseased Men Gored. W W J W Z N A 1 0 O T 20 Years in Mich. 40 Years Experience 260,000 CURED. Thousands of young men are made nervous wrecks, unlit for business, So- cial pleasures or home duties by evil habits in youth, later exceses, or pri- vate diseases. W. C. Andrews. of Akron. O., says: •4 read this paper and have seen many reports of remarkable cures made by Drs. Kennedy and Kergan. I decided to treat with them. Indiscre- tion was the cause of my trouble. I was weakRpimples on'ambitionthe face weak, and haggard; eyes sunken and cheeks hol- low; dreams and drains at night; mem- ory poor; varicocele and weak parts: irritable; sinking spells; specks before the eyes; lack of confidence; no energy; and many other cAAcomplaints. Iliad tried fourteen doe re, bought four elec- tric belts took scores of bottles of patent medicines -all failed. I tried the New nathod Treatment of Drs. Kennedy and Kergan, and it cured me. t am a Man Again. I have gained twenty-six pounds and am strong mentally, physically and sexually. It is a wonderful treatment." Blood Disease -with the worst symp- toms : ymp-tome: Ulcers in the mouth or on the tongue, blotches, eruptions, hair fallon outtrou- bles, bsoreone t throat, yetceyes t,°positively cured forever. You dare not marry until cured. Cures u garanteed or no pay. We cure Syphilis, Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Fdlin"anhood, Stricture, Gleet, Unnatural "IsrhaIsges, Weak Parts, Bladder and Kldn (senses, Consultation Free. Books Free. If unable to call, write for Question Blank for bing confidential. NNothing sent C. 0. t D. NO CURE NO PAY DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, - - MICH. The electors of Prince Edw.Lrct cenn- ty were addressed We(Inesday after-• noon and evening at, F'icton, 0'It„ I)y Mr. J. P. Whitnev, the lea(ler of the Ontario Conservatives, Dr. Willeugh• by, and others. ETERNAL VIGILANCE 1.9 the Trice of perfect, health, Watch carefully the first, symptoms of impure blood. Cure hoils, ptrnplt•a, humors and scrofula by taking floods Satsap- ar•illa. Drive away the (pilins Ilnrl aches of rheumatism, inalaria and stomach troubles, steady your nerves and overcome that tired feeling by, taking the same great mediiene. T300n's PILTA nre the hest. faultily cathartic and liver, tonic. Gentle, tv liable, sure. Since the alliance between France and Russia wits announced the tone of the Uerman press has changed, and there is now a disposition to court the rlendship of Great Britain,