HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-12-26, Page 8Fre PAGE EIGHT-I'IIE BLYTii STANDARD --DECEMBER 25T1'1, [907, HODCENS BROS., CLINTON Come and See How We Hand Out the Bargains on Our December Bargain Days, Saturday, Monday Tuesday, December 28th, 30th and 31st. Extra Uig inducements for the Inst, bargain days of 1907. Retiring sale prices cut deeper stili on many lines to make the selling absolutely certain. Time we have had at, our disposal for getting rid of this huslne9s is getting short. It must be closed up now jest as quickly as we eon do it. The best wn know is to make the. ;rico do the selling. Couto and see how we are going at it on bargain days. We have had other bargain days, lots of then, but take our word for it these Retiring Sale Bargain Days, the last for t907 -perhaps the lost we will ever hold in (Tinton -will he beyond question our BEST. Toadies' Coats Half Price Ail our Ladies' Coats going Burgnin Days et just mice. About twenty of them lett still to sell. teks and 'Tweeds, all new this season, Your choice mi any bargain day for exactly half price Children's Coats Half Price Half price for Children's Coats t00, natty, stylish gernleets, 'l'his 4(1%SOfl'S 11 rt 04 importations, dark and light colorings, good mutiny, Any one of them Bargain Days for exactly half price $35 Fur Coats $23.50 5 only Ladies' Astrachan end Electric S; al Jack - eta, made from choice selected skins, good Doings 081(1 <: thronighont. The last of our touts that sold at $32 to $8.. A good chance to buy a good coat for little money, cltoice of the flue Bargain 1)ays weed Skirts $1.48 $23.50 10 or 12 only Ladies' d'o'sed \Working Shirts, dark .and light colors, splendid thing for every day wear. Cleall;ttp of $8, 85.50 end Wines, splendid garments that. Will stand no end of hard wear, Special for Bargain Days each $1`.48 Millinery Bargains y Trimmed Hat $1.00 l or Is Trimmed Hato still left to sell, good styles good trinunings. No matter what the former price, maul Day's you can buy any or all at each B1 Wings and ' Flowers 15c A Clean up of the entire stock. No matter what the former price and some sold as high so $t. Bargain Days ytiu can take your choice of the lot mead) 150 Fur,Capes'$I.98 4 only Cloth Capes, black and dark colors, Splendid 41111g fordriying and rough wear, Special for Bargain Days eac 1.88 -r,c4pe $5'00 t2 only Ladies' Black Fur Capes, collar of black Aus- reliair opposum, fast dye, well trade, warn), comfortable and 3er3'iceable, regular $10, Bargain Day's each .$5.00 A iik Coat $29.00 Y only Ladies' Black Silk Coat, a very, hand8om0 gar - Anent, new this season, beautifully trimmed, wadded lining, regular $45, for Bargain Days...... ,..11429.00 Children's Coats $1.00 12 only Children's Short Coats and Reefers, small to medium size, splendid little garments, choice Bargain Days each . $1.00 Tweed Skirts $2.25, 25 only. Ladle.' 'tweed ,good ogles and well made made garments, regular $1 J)ays at each regular $4.00 and Cloth Skirts, ell cutin from fiord materials; tailor and $1;50, clearing Bargain ..,$2.25 35c Corset Cover Embroidery 25c 50 yards only Corset Cofer Embroidery, a good col - collection of patterns, good quality cloth, regular 35c. Special for Bargain Days per yard 25o 1;50 Silks 98c t end only extra qu tlity Black Taffettn Silk, full 30 Inches wide, just the thing for skirt linings or full dress- es, A splendid wearing 90914, our regular $1,50 line, Would like to clear it all out on Bargain Days s0 out it goes at per yard, ... .. goc 'I'affetta Silk 65c I end only good quality Black '1'nfette Bilk. imported by ourselves, getups'y width, our regular 90c line, Bar- gain Days per yard slat Cotton Batts 4 for 25c American Cotton Betts, good large size, clean and pure, special for Bargain Days, a case to sell at,4 for 25c Clearing the Fur Coats Not many Fur Coats left to sell, What we have you can buy for less than they cost to -day ` at shit feet my. Each garment thoroughly good 4119111 y. Race garment en undoubted bargain, 5 Coats $7,5o 5 only Astrachan and Near Seal Jackets. ;dein or with sable collar and revilers, stylish and handsome gar- ments, regular $50 and $55, for B irgain Days oach,7.50 6 Coats at $33,5o G only Ladled' Astrachan 1111(1 Near Seal Jackets, plain or with sable collar and reveers, splendid garments that you can depend on without a doubt, regular $45 and $47.50, Bargain Axys each .......... .... ...... ....533.50 1 Fur jacket $2o.00 10111), Ladies' Bleck Astrachan Jacket, made from pood quality skins that will give excellent wear, Ocular $28, Bargain Day's you can have it for.... ...... 20.00 Fur Lined Coats Too Fur Lined Coats going at bargain prices as well, We would like to sell theta all 00 Bargain Days if we can, We would do it if you realized how good the coats aro we me selling for such little money, 4 Coats at $39 5o 4 only Ladies' .Fur Lined Jackets, good quality beav- er with sable collar and reveers, muskrat or Minster lining, regular $65 and $57,50, for Bargains each..$39,50 t Fur Lined Coat $29.50 1 only Ladies' Fur Lined Coat, Grecian mink lining, black beaver sbell,'t'aenlallian stable collars and routers, regular $97.50, for B5009111 Days ..,,29.50 2 Coats at $45 00 2 only Ladies' Fur Lined Extra Quality Beaver Shell, muskrat lining, sable collar, regular $130 to K. for Bargain Days.. ,.'t`: ,.,846.00 I Extra Choice Fur Lined Coat, regular $75,for....$52.50 A better one still, regular $85, for Sargent Days..500,00 Great Dress Goods Bargains Toro big bargains from the Dtess Goods counter, Dozens of lines and qualities at prices that you. resllze how great the reductions are. We are bound to have the biggest Dress (foods selling we have ever known. ut.r'ru scfloor, ItEr'On'r, Report of the standing according to merit of the pupils of Blyth Public School for the mouth of December :- DI1', NO, 1, Forin III -E, Anderson, T. Edmes- ton, 0. Cowan, A, Coombs, J. Morritt, L. 'Scott; "•1'01'111 II -A. Tambly'n, R. Denholm, G. Stewart, W.'I'antblyn, C. (lopp. Form 1--A, Wells, L, Wanless, M. Pfeffer, F. Aiken, B. Potter,B. Ae- delson, A, Spafford, 0.'Pie.l'nay'. riry. NO. '2 Sr, 1V--Wil[ie Maine, Leila Begley, Wolter. Cowan, Dorothy Tierney, Liz- zie Lawrence. Jr. 1V-1'ranl: McCaughey, Willie Burling, Laura Jo[tuston, Maggie Johnston, .Jaulea Rhone, Florence Taman, Stanley Chellew, 'Wester Bell, Lilly Wettlaufer, Wellie Moon, Car- man Anderson, Jimmie McCommins, Jennie Kennedy, May Spafford, Hattie Spafford, Mabel Colclongh, Sr. III -John McCaughey, Russell Gidley, Elia Wettlaufer, Annie MR1110, Laura Wettlaufer, George Sloan, Ter- eesa McLaughlin, Willie Copp, Cres- well Anderton, Elva Fawcett, Doris Scott, Maggie Carter, Class B-Redolla McKenzie, Mary Millie, Meryl (lorry, Annie Robertson, Fred Haggitt, Eva Henderson, L11', No. 3, Ill class -Rhoda Phillips, Willie White, Merle Penney, Henry John- ston, Lena Burling, Mary Potter, Wil. lie Anderson, Elam Cook, May Rob- ertson, Rena Barr, John Cowen, Alex. Butler, Leslie ,McElroy, Minute Faw- cett, Eddie Mains, Sr, 1I, Pt. A-JCatie Habklrk, Wil - pert Spafford, fern Johnston, Tont Murray, Elsie Fawcett, Bortie Mc- Elroy, Edgar Cowan, Berta Stothers, Redgie Carter, Emma Tamen, Curry Campbell, Pt. B -Grace Habkirk, Willie Car- ter, Effie hath, Lorne Burling, Earl Taylor, Lit, 50. 4. Jr. II--Petlouce 800tt, Relies Ander- son, Gerrie Sims, Amos Andrew, Pearl Hamm, Mabel Hill. Mary ylcllurcltie, Fred Mason, Carrie Dctnpsey, Daisy Mason, Willie Hanan, Earl McElroy, Harold Bloor, Charlie Potter, Agnes Creighton. Pt, II -Luella Cook, Harvey Makin, Stewart Cowen, Wilson Rath, Susie Phillips, Susie Fawcett, Sr. Pt, 1 --Sara Milne, Emily How- ard, Iona Stothers, Zalnm Gerry, Gladys Pouney, Archie McKenzie, Anent' Spafford, Alvin McNally, Marie Mason, Willie Kennedy. Jr, Pt. I --Mabel Spafford, Jaynes Tainan, Fred Fawcett. 85c to $(,OO Dress Goods, Bargain Days 55c Dozens of qualities, hundredsol yards, stylish and serviccohlb Dress Goods selling tit pretty nearly half their real Worth, Just a hint of what they au'e-Vete- tines, kauamnt+, 'Tweeds, Fancy Bleck Satin Cloths, Black and Colored Dross Goods of all kinds. Every shade in the lot, regular 85e, 90c and $l qualities, All new, correct end stylish materials, choice of the lot Ban' - gain Days per yard + ,.,66c hoc and,65c Dress Goods. 35c 400 yal'ds of Dross Goods worth GOc, 75e and in Rome cases 900 pery'ard, black nod colors. Some ore loltgt55 with only etlough 111 for dives or skirt, of others enough for 3 or 4 dre00es, ,t clean up of the en tiro dress goody stock all gatlttired together and marked at h price that will teaks the.0011i119 out e. No tauter what they sold for 1101' what they are worth, Bargain Days you can hay them at per y'ar'd ..... Largest Flannelette Blankets 1,28 IA pairs extra largo size Flannelette Blankets, the laruest that are made, heavy weight, gray only, regular $1,75, Bargain Ago per pair 51.28 Napkins 95c 11 dozen only pure linen Table Napkins, medium size, 1111 good quehties, bnported by ourselves direct, spscial Bargain Days per dozen 95c Unbleached Damask 24c Good quality Unbleached 'Table Damask, splendid qualities for ordinary use, It will give excellent tweet' Sud soon blench, special Bargain Days per yard 24c Good quality Crash Towelling, colored borders, good weight, suit! make a good dry towel, special for Bargain Days per yard,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5c GREAT REMNANT SELLING FOR BARGAIN DAYS Such yelling as we have hacl since this big Retiring Sale started, couldn't help but ave lots of remnants. There are whole piles of them here accummulated from a rith's extra big business. All must be sold on bargain days. Prices cut in two to ake the clearing absolutely sure., Remnants of all kinds, Dress Goods, Silks, Linens, Flannelette, Prints, Cottons, Sheetings, Carpets, etc. Ali on the remnant table at the back of the :tore at BIG BARGAIN PRICES Railway fare refunded on all purchases of $ to or over. HODGENS BROS.: - CLINTON Tells How to Mix It. A well-known authority on Rheu- matism gives the readers ol'a large New York daily paper the following valuable, yet simple and harmless prescription, which any one cell easily prepare at hone : Fluid Extract Dandelion, one -halt ounce ; Compound Kaegou. one ounce ; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking well in a bottle, and take a teaspoonful atter each meal and at bedtime, Ile states that the ingredients can be obtained from any good prescrip• (1011 pharmacy. nt small coat, and, be- ing of Vegetable extraction, ere harm- less to take, This pleasant mixture, if taken regu- larly for a few days, is said to over - wine almost en}' cera of ltheumatism, 'i`1ie pain and swelling, if any, dimin- ishes with witit,. dose, until permanent results are obtained, and without in- juring the stomach. 1V11ile there are many so•cnlled ltheumatism remedies, patent medicines, eta„ 801118 of which do give relief, few really give pernla11' cut results, and the above will, no doubt, be greatly appreciated by many sufferers here et this time, Inquiry at the drug stores of this neighborhood elicits the 11 fornuttitn that these drugs are hiermlea6 and can be bought separately, or the druggists here will (nix the prescription for our reader's if tiek0(1 to, NinetySlx Contests. reat Bargains Az Our Store Call and see what we are giving away There are local option campaigns on in 98 municipalities throughout the Province, mid lepeel contests in six, In thane munielpaiities thole ore 2711 licensee, A (centre of the campaign is that 37 of those numieipalities now trying local option are incorporated towno and villages, Ia those places the 1[- 9001' traffic is particularly strong. However, organization work is in fairly good condition, ea reported to the sub - executive executive of the Ontario branch of the Dominion Alliance at its Inst meeting, Great Quantities of literature aro be- ing circulated, and the special cam- paign numbers of the Pioneer ore being freely used. The aggregatecirenlation of these special eampeiglt editions to date is nearly 200,000. Aember (cetera of this y'ear's cam- paign le the small number of places where repeal contests are on, There RIP 5t nnminipalitles [u the Province, where local option 11118 been in force three years or more, yet in only six of 111000 i9 there RI1 attempt being 11111de to repeal the len'. In those few, how- ever, the liquor forces Rre centreing their efforts. Notwirhstandingthis the tetnpernnce (orre8 are confident of vie - tory in all the places, .$1.355 in udvnt:ce secures THE STAxu.lnn and Weekly Globe, with illustrlite() magazine section, from now to Jan. 1st, 1909. This is certainly a cinch you should not 10199. firxr monthly,h0r1e fair wilt he held in Blyth orf 1"riday, Jun,'ard. B. GERRY All prices cancelled. Business Knowledge and Everlasting Push are the two essentials to success. Attend �lliott justness Coltago Toronto, Ont. and prepare for Ilret•clase business posh clone such asare open to our atudente. Hundreds of our etudente are going into good posltlone every year. Let us train you for one. We will do it 'right. Win- ter term opens San, 8th. Write for oats• logue and see wherein we excel ordinary business colleges. Location of College - Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets. W. J. Elliott, Principal. ROBERT H. GARNISS BLUEVALII -- - ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co, Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at Tau STANDARD Ace, Blyth. . Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach Liver, Kidneys and for cleaning the Blood. 200 days treatment $1, 30 days' treattneat n0, For sale at Dr. Mllne's DrOg Store Wholesale Froin the RIVAL HERB AGENCY Kincardine, Ont. LOOSE LEAF LEDGER SYSTEM 1 The nnly Commercial School west of Toronto using the 'sb,ve Modern 011loo Work of Actual Canadian Buntucos Procedure, Whole• rale houses eating daily tor graduates of Canada's Greatest Chain of High'grailo'I3ueiness Colleges, because our students "Learn to do by doing." Each student Mee louse leaf ledger, hill and coarge system, card 8ysteirl, bank book ; fills out scores of notes, drafts, doposlt supe, cheques, etat0ment9, leasee, mortgages, receipts, shipping bills, stn. Oar students do aetual business from the first day. Gregg Shorthand -AND- Touch Typewriting. taught by the most widely experienced teacher in Ontario ; she Is also a graduate of John It, Gregg, the Author, and highly recommend by him. Last yens our stenographers were all placed within ten dare of greduatlon. Many of those young ladies are now drawing $700 to $H(Itl yl*r year. It Is freely admitted that we train the most rapid and accord ti. Our Telegraphy Department is well equipped. Railways are short of operators, and salaries are advancing rapidly. Wide Attendance Students attending our chain from almost every county in On. tarlo ; many from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta hnd Brlti8h Dol. umbla ; some trout the United States, England and Scotland. We train more young people than any other management in Western Ontario. Average situation taken by our graduates Is not excelled ; we Invite comparison. Individual Instruetlon, Day students attend night classes free, and may take all of the above courses. Winter Term Begins January Sth. W7lI,'E FOa CATALOOWI. i Wingham Business College 4.. George Spotton, Principal..