The Huron News-Record, 1897-09-15, Page 7It, .. % � . 4, "Swed MyLi . f eff . A VETERAN'S STORY. "Several years ago, while in Fort Snelling, Minn., I caught a severe cold, attended with a terrible cough, that allowed me no rest clay or night. The doctors after exhaust- ing their remedies, pronounced my . case hopeless, say- ing they could do no r4ora for nue. At this thue ,it bottle of AYER'S ' (, Cherry Pectoral was sent to neo by a 1 �?j friend who urged . �„�;'' ;�`< me to take it, which I did, and soon after I was greatly re:ioved, and in a short tinge was completely cured. I have never h:id much of a cough since that time, and I firmly believo Ayer's Cherry 774w, TI Il saved my life." -\1'. 1I. .A .D, 8 Quimby f\v., Lowell, Mass. YE -7i Cherry Pectoral Highest Awards at World's Fair. AYER'$ PILLS cure Indigestion and Headache The Huron News -Record -1`25aYear—$1.00InAdvance ` _- WEDNESDAY, SFPTEinIBER 15th, 1897. ONTARIO'S BEST INTL'RLSTS DIs- MAND A CHANGE. Because the Globe used the vague and meaningless phrase. "It is time for a change," as a key rote during the Dominion campaign of 1806, it now has the impudence to say that Con- servative newspapers should not use, in the coming campaign, the expres- sive epigram, "Ontario's nest interests demand a change." What monopoly has the Globe upon the English lang- uage that other journals may not use it phrase that suits the occasion, even though one word of the Globe's key- note is repeated? Is not the latter . much more replete and expressive than the former? We llesita.P.Ilot to say that it contains vola is more truth thanh t e Globe shr: se to i p and be so found when the ballotft�are coun- ted at next provincial Llection. It is customary in these modern days for p s to adopt a slogan or shibboleth id crlitical battles. The Conservatives in Provincial and Dominion campaigns We had such and so have the Liberals. des the Globe forget when it used to sing the battle song of its party. Ontario, Ontario, . The traitor's hand is on thy tbrotat Ontario, Ontario, Referring to J. Isreal Tarte find the Tory friends of that day. How would it do to repeat that par- rot song just now Or liow about a n)ore recent cam- paign slogan. "Has the National Policy made you rich." How quickly the Globe dropped this when is number of Reform nlaulufact- r tutee such as Patterson �\ I . tlelsol n , 1 f Brant- ford, and others, were twitted by their Political opponents with the truth of the quiry ! Is the key -note of the Conservative party in the coming provincial cam- paign portentous ? Does it express the true feeling of the electorate of Ontario toward the Hardy administrntion ? Will it be the rally -cry of thousands of independent voters all over the pro. vince, and will it be the silent monitor to thousands of unobstructive, discern- ing citizens, when the opportunity presents itself to pronouneq upon the course of Mr. hardy and his collea- gues in the government of Ontario? Never was an epigrarri more correct- ly applied. Twenty-five years of rule by one party, with the chief of that party fn whorn the people had cofidence transposed to another arenas, and it successor in whorn people never had cenfidence Bence reigning in his stead, is quite enolgh. Governments like individ- uals knave their day of usefulness and are then laid aside. It is not in the best interests of tiny country that one party should be always in Opposition. rhe world's history shows this and Ontario is no exceptiln to the rule. A CUBAN VETERAN. . Captain Pearson Now in Montreal 1 -\ A30UT TO HE SHOT, THv, ITViON JACK il SAVED HIM. ;: Montreal Star. i' A battle -scarred veteran direct from it Cuba isany town in the person of Capt. C. J. Peon, who, after having re- ` ceived wounds in the cause of If, the inatirgents in Spain's American colony, has collie to Canada to r ecuper- ;, ate avid try to recover from t tie effects Of his encounters with Uaptain-(Iener- al Weyler's myrmidons. An ):nglishmftu by birth, (%apt.. Pearson solved in the British ar•rny, seeing servico in the Zulu campaign of V�' 1879 and the Egyptian campaign in 1882. Ile was wounded in the latter cauipftign, find was then honorably discharged on account of his wounds. Subsequently he settled down in New York, and was It detective in the police department for several years before his sympathies were aroused for the (Jub:an cause, and he determined to i,:;; throw in his lot with the rebels. PT He was a military engineer by pro- fession, and began his work in Cuba as .A instructor of the engineering corps. 4V' In Feburary of last year he crossed the Trocha with General Maceo and was appointed an officer of the Cuban army ` under General Augirrie. From that time until a few months ago he had plenty of moving experiences. He was taken a prisoner by the 6 �__ .- '----------... -..._— ._____ ----.—.- _.--..--4-_—.—.__..—.---..__--_.-•---- Spanish soldiers in December last and . was sentenced to death. The clay for Its councfllot• for St. George's ward.. i $2.00•I his death Was fixed, find in fact. lit: was Total paylnents,$'284.85, ed by Deputy -Reeve Coop0r, that tills led out to execution with It party of Englishtluvil, Aulerica ns and Cubans. , (onru•il du now adjourn --carried. ONE GIVES RELIEF. lint (xreat Britain came to their assis- .,cults 1 .15 R. ire nnlds luta sold �+ (ill 1 ,'l9. work .''14.1 ). "�" tatice unexpectedly, find, lit the lust Respectfully submitted, � minute, when in fact. the Spaniards had their• rifles lifted awaiting the , Dol.nft ® Spend a lar ' word of command, Geri. Weyler seat Statemen.te ItepUl't adopted, word to release all but the Cubans, I ole British consul Raving intervened for and informed Weyler that he would $9,571.'2.'i wits theta rend. Aloved by Councillor Searle, seconded I A Cure That Was Permanent. execute the 1':nglisl'inion find Alm'Ii- watchman be furnished with it dark cans at his peril. ! Medicinl'u- Th tt day is indelibly stalliped on Capt. Pr;rr•st)lr's inemory. After he uud his companions were released they ' , - until you have tried were compelled to witness the dozen the gravel should be put on the streets. Culbaus, wilt) had It few minutes before Moved by Councillor Gilroy, second- cares are heralded its the reatalt of us- been their companions, shot down like (lugs. One bl',Ll'(' y011llg fellOtl' I'eftlS('d to Obey the order, of the Spanish ing this or, that medicine. It is safe to 000(000 ••bnLchers" and kneel with his back to railway crossing to the Bayfield Road ters are bogus, and others will hardly the Spaniards. Ile had his head crush- bear the light of investigation. being put on. Lost on following ed by It blow froilh it rifle butt, awl was then shut its he Illy oil the ground. vote: Compound, are noted in the press of Alter this, (`apt. Pearson anal his the country, have all the ring of genni- e i British and Ant-•icall Companions Nay --Messrs. Searle, Plummer, Ford, I were deported from the island, with time by an interested public. Moved by Deputy -Reeve Cooper', warnings never to return. But Pear- seconded by Councillor Hoover, that you can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons soft's blood was lip, find its soon Its Ile PA!ne's Celery Compound are pernlnn- after 1st October, 1807 --carried on the arrived on Angel icon Buil he coinnlenc- ed to organize a filibustering expedi- tion, with such success that within •t following vOte:--- �-+ Ten Tabules for Five Cents. month he wits back a Pain to Cubit, with Ki )rl e, Postmaster, Inverness, P. TLIa sort fo put up cheaply to gratify the unrrerxl proeant damavA for a low price. '250 Texas rangers an fin luuple supply of the munitions of wal•, The work low, Gilroy, Taylor' -9. If you dont find this sort of of landing was attended with consider- serious and critical ever given to the Report Of I+ire find Witter Coln- able datltger, but eventually these were mlttee was then read as follows: - of his town. overcome, anti the rangers did good work for the rebel cause. 141,. Kilbride slays -. "Over three Ri � s ° Ta,abilles Captain Pearson's story of his escape 1. As authorized by the Council we 5-4 from the island reads like it romance. "To -day, 1 art, in splendid condition, When digging.at the depth of ten feet After receiving three bullet shots in his right leg, and enough bullets in his it was found that the quicksand was so deep that it was thought wise to At theDrugo-ist's head to make it look like Il, very good "i certainly owe my presetlt, health I limp of the scene of war, as well as a fa few feet of the tank fit the corner Of j bullet in his chin, to say nothing of such shall things las a knife wound in 1, condition bordering on insanity. I can r""°s , Send Five Cents to THE FIPANS CHriMICAL COMPANY, No. IO his right thumb, received while he was God for Paine's Celery Compound and at the earliest opportunity which they Spruce St., New York, and they will be seat to )•uu by snail; or giving all Apparently (lying Spaniard "i have received and answered 250 �� tP d,�t� is cartons will he mailed for 48 cents. The chancos tire t.n to 1 't drink of water. Captain Pearson lished. These letters came frorn all the flre engine pump and found toparts one that kipans Tabules are the very medicine you need. began to feel as if he would like at It has been a pleasure answering these to"aa letters from sufferers, and I trust my vacation frOnl fighting, if lie could recommendation of Paine's Celery des which have been purchased front - retreat with honor. ____ ----' The op ortunity came, and that is lowillg accounts :— I _ b Conlicillor Swallow, that Mr. Re Y how he is now occupying it bed in it Montreal hotel instead of a grave in 5,BEET Arrot N 1'.--J. Becker >.' $17.i).i, ❑olds be grouted one week's holiday Cuba. Ile and his company cit rangers C- Carter $16.25, S. 1,. Scott $1'1.:38, J. Slee) $6, D. AleC�uaig $3, G. Pickitt $3, the saint, ;is the other oftleevs, he to attend to the digging of odd graves went it couple of months ago to the town of G Illabacnllo, five llliles front \\ • A Neatly $`x.25, AV. Steep, Jr. $2.2;i• —carried. llavana, to sack it. The overcame Y the garrison, captured 375 horses and Isaac mezzo, cutting weeds, $5.00; Davis & Roland, sundries, $6.87; F. Report 'of Stately comnl!t.teo was then read its follows :-- miles, I8 baggage waggons laden with W. Evans, teaming, 80ets; Jas. Dun- arnls, ammunition land hospital stores, ford, tcatiluhg, $1.50. To the C(iuncil of the Town of Clinton and then sacked the town, setting fire Ch'METF.RY Acc'ouXT.--John Fos'.er, GH1ITLLJtEN,-YourStavelyronlmit- to white buildings were left standing. 5 days work, $6.23; Jas. Dunford, tee beg to report that having care - Just its they were making their way to teaming, $1.75; Davis & Roland, sun- fully considezed the plans for theO- safety they were surprised by Spanish dines, $1.50. I Hosed Memorial Hall subinittedpl.to troops, and it wasa, case of sauve qui FIRE AND WATEit ACCOUNT. -J. there they recommend the acceptance petit. Pearson saw it steam launch Becker, $10.46, C. Cavter $9.60, S. L. ' with such modification as the coni - lying in the harbor. Swimming out to Scott $9.69, G. Pickett $6.2-3, J. Fergu- ruitteemay deem expedient of the it, he managed to escape the sharks son $1.50; Phvis & Roland, sundries, plans sublilitt.ed by J. A. bowler and and gave thein instead of himself the $1.15; Albert Seeley, wrench for en- that the committee be instructed to Spaniard who was stet, rug peacefully pp, gine, 75 ets; treasuret; fire company have satisfactory specifications pre - s . This done he ir. the .tern sheets s + to pay well for filling tanks, $3.50, W. I Paled and Proceed with the letting of managed to steal through Havana Wheatly, drawing engine to fill tank, the contract for tit(- erection Of the harbor, and make hisway to Horidur- $1.5(). building at it.; eittly a date as possible., as, whence he went to Key West, Jaoksonville, and thence to New York. PROPERTY AcrouNT.-B. Webb, Itepectfully submitted, Captain Pearson has no ;affection for moving coal and cleaning ill), $1.25; Krug Bros., (Signed) ROBE11T HOLMES, Chairman. General Wevler. On the contrary lie watchrua.n's clock, $23.00; express 25c. ; Davis &Roland, sundries, Moved by Councillor Searle, second - says he deserves everything bad that $1.76. ed by Deputy -Reeve Cooper, that the has been said about bill. He is a human brute, accot Coling to this victim STREET ' WATERING AWCOUNT.— report of the Stavely Comrnittee be received and amended by additl}},r, Of his soldiers' bullets, and lilt) story Jacob Miller, j apilvopriation, $50.110. that the building be not proceeded can be too revolting that will tell the PRoi>>LRTY ACCOU\•r.--Electric light with this fall. . truth about the Captain -General's company lighting hall for August:, Aloved by Councillor Hoover, second - administration. $3.30• .. . ed by Crn licillot• Gilroy, in tunend= Air. Pearson will spend several weeks YItINTIN(I ACCOI,-NT.-A. AT. Todd, i meat, that tdle report of Committee be in aud,around Montreal in tdle endea- printing, $41.6(). itdopted---alllt:lldllie'11t Carried oil till- vor to secure restoration to health. CE•IiETPRV ACCOUNT. --R. Reynolds, following vote:- . .'although lie has thud so varied an ex- month's salary, $30.00. Yb;A -Messrs. Kennedy, Plummer, perdence. lie still knows the benefits of 11AUK Accou-,T --•rhos. Cottle, tile. j Walker, let) i(1, Hoover, Swallow, the protection of the Union Jack, and work un drain $4.15) • .John 5t(tpll. Gilroy. 1'aylor-8. Clinton Council. ItEPOtITED FROM TH E UINUTES 010 Tlrl'' TOWN CLERK. 7th Sept., 1807. The regidar nnonthly luecting of "ourlcil was held this dao at the usual .ioil e and place, Mayor Volutes in the U11111111. Present -- Mayor Holmes, Reeve Kennedy, Deputy -Reeve Cooper and 111 the Councillors. Minutes of last. meeting read and n)nfir'illcd. Communication from W. Young, Wiarton, with r'efer'ence to lumber bought from It. Laing was road and the Clerk wits instructed to write Air. Laing in connection therewith, The following communications were read :-- Toronto, August 19th, 1897. Wn, COATS, Esq., Town Clerk, CI' on. DEAR SIR, -Yon favor of 5th inst. received find I iMAe that your council have Ordered til Xcheulical extinguish- - heater for steanher and the extra 'appliances for the hook and ladder truck and I will be pleased to receive advice of their installation. f will lav your letter before the first meeting of the Association and I think that the proposed inlprovenlents will be accept- ed as satisfactory. J will ,advise you in the matter at the earliest opportunity. Yours truly, (Signed) W. ROBINS, Secretary. Toronto, Aug. 27th, 18A7. WM. COATS, I:H(j., Town Clei k, Clinton, Out, DEAR Sin,---Referting to your favor Stll inst., I to -day submitted same to a meeting of the ,association, find while the assumption of your Council that the deficiencies Nos. 5 find 6 were to be waived was not altogether war- ranted by the correspondence, they have decided to retain your town in its present class, in view of the improve- ments ill course of c•onlpletion. i will be piciased to receive •ldvilee of the in. stallation of the extinguishers, the steani heater and the additional ap- plitances foi the jlook and ladder truck. 1 -ours truly, (Signed) W. Ronivs, Secretary. Moved by Deputy -Reeve Cooper, seconded by Councillor Plummer, that this Council cancel the order given the Brussels engine works, and that the night watchman be discharged. Lost on the following vote:— Yea—Coope;•, Plummer, Walket-3, Nay—Kennedy, Searle, Ford, Hoov. er, Swallow, Gilroy, Taylor -7. Mr. John U. Elliott addressed 'til: Council asking permission to erect a concrete building within the fire limits No action taken. Report of finance was then read a follows: - To the Mayor and Council : Gentlemen, -Your finance commit tee recommend payment of the fol. ala: fu.. v.. .... ... .,A....-..WJu wt4r;........ ..e� _A.Wrt ..WN. 1a....a. n.v.�.�, ra. n.Yr�u. .x ae..n..� 4. u.0 (41M"l, repairing pullhp, $1.01); Davis I NAY.—Messrs Cooper, Seaile-- 2 & Ito! ;sod, sundries, $1.71 • AIi.. Searle tendered his resignation Climu'ry Ac•c•ot•N'r. -Mrs. Devine, Its councfllot• for St. George's ward.. i $2.00•I 'Aloved by Councillor Taylor, second - Total paylnents,$'284.85, ed by Deputy -Reeve Coop0r, that tills ]tr•.re;ri+•rH, -li. \Vclsh, proceeds of I , (onru•il du now adjourn --carried. scale;:, $1110; J. Whoatey, proceeds of The (Council then,ad•jonrned. .,cults 1 .15 R. ire nnlds luta sold �+ (ill 1 ,'l9. work .''14.1 ). \\'lLl.l.>..1 COATS, clerk. , Total receipts, $59.65, I Respectfully submitted, - ' ISiorta opt CxiLRoti, Chairman. A Slinchina Statemen.te ItepUl't adopted, Treasuver's statement showinga balance on hand oil September Ist of -. -- $9,571.'2.'i wits theta rend. Aloved by Councillor Searle, seconded I A Cure That Was Permanent. by COuncillor Taylor, that the night watchman be furnished with it dark ]'Intern and oil -carried' The Medicine Used Was Paine's Councillor Plummer, chairman of street committee, reported an expendi- Celery Compound• ture to date of $1240 and asked in- . structious from the Council its to when the gravel should be put on the streets. Day after day home and foreign Moved by Councillor Gilroy, second- cares are heralded its the reatalt of us- ed by Deputy -Reeve Cooper, that ing this or, that medicine. It is safe to Isaac street, frotu the (strand Trunk assert that many of the published let - railway crossing to the Bayfield Road ters are bogus, and others will hardly be gravelled when the other gravel is bear the light of investigation. being put on. Lost on following The cores effected by Paine's Celery vote: Compound, are noted in the press of Yea- Alevsrs. Kennedy, Cooper, the country, have all the ring of genni- Walker•, Gill'Oy-4. neness and honesty about them, and Nay --Messrs. Searle, Plummer, Ford, the orignal letters can be seen at any Hoover, Swallow, Titylor--6. time by an interested public. Moved by Deputy -Reeve Cooper', It has also been proven in nnnlber- seconded by Councillor Hoover, that less instances that the cures made by no gravel befit oil the streets until PA!ne's Celery Compound are pernlnn- after 1st October, 1807 --carried on the ent. Another .letter has just been following vOte:--- received, this time front Mr. P. J. Yea - -Messrs.. Kennedy, Cooper, Ki )rl e, Postmaster, Inverness, P. Searle, Walker, Ford, Hoover-, Swal- F:. L, testifying to the permanency of low, Gilroy, Taylor' -9. his curl'. ' His case was one of the most Na Plummer. Nay serious and critical ever given to the Report Of I+ire find Witter Coln- public-, and his complete cure astonish - err his many friends and tilt, residents mlttee was then read as follows: - of his town. To the Mayor and Council : Gentleulen,- Your committee beg to 141,. Kilbride slays -. "Over three report as follows: -- years ago i gave you it testimonial for Paine's Celery Compound ;after it had 1. As authorized by the Council we cured me. ordered the excavation for tank at t}re corner of rLlrnn and Raglan streets. I "To -day, 1 art, in splendid condition, When digging.at the depth of ten feet and have not been sick a single da ( g Y since I used the fatuous Paine's Celery it was found that the quicksand was so deep that it was thought wise to I Compound. It furthre work oil it, and to "i certainly owe my presetlt, health change the location and place it within I and strength to yotn• medicine, and I fa few feet of the tank fit the corner Of fun fully convinced it saved me front a Rattenbury and Dinsley streets which condition bordering on insanity. I can has been done, now sleep fund eat well, and i thank 2. We ordered the firemen to fill it God for Paine's Celery Compound and at the earliest opportunity which they the great change. did and it ,appears to be holding water "i have received and answered 250 all ri ght. letters since my testimonial wits pub - 3. New spring's have been pla ced in lished. These letters came frorn all the flre engine pump and found toparts of Canada and the United States, work well. It has been a pleasure answering these 4. Your committee ask advice of letters from sufferers, and I trust my the council regarding the fire applian- recommendation of Paine's Celery des which have been purchased front Compound will help suffering hu. the Brussels fire engine compan Mgt' inanity." not forwarded on aecO»nt Of a letter received from the Fire Underwriters - _ -�"- �- - - Association. The Ontario Government has decid. Respectfully submitted, ed to send Prof. Willmott to the (Signed) GEORGE SWALLOW Chairman. Michipicoten district to investigate Report, adopted. and report to the Bureau of Mlnee Moved h Reeve Kennedy, seconded Y y, concerning the report that there arc new gold finds thet•e, Too late fur Inst week. No•rFs. J.AIc•I,aul;11iu,wifeltrulfaln- ilo of 81111tlne111111 speOL Sabbath with his sister Mrs. Ed. \Vightinan. Rev. 1). Mc•Naoghtuu of ()wen Sotutd, who has preached ill linox church the last Iwo Subbatls, left, this weer. fur Whitec•lhurcll• .111-s Urisdaleatndt'auhi. ly, who have lesid0d with I— Little - fair for two yeal's, reuu)ved to \Viug. ha in lust weer.. Aliss ,lnuie liall of Toronto is Live guest of her brother ltrv. \\•. T. Hall, 0111. fair will ho held on Sept. '_1%Irtl and 2tth. Special attraction of this year will bb It tut; -a - war between Mouris and \Vawanosh. Jlho. Cotlltes, Sr., eajrtain 1'or \\'awa- nosh, It. MCAIL11'1-ily for Alums. Also oil the evening of tilt first day a con- cert will be given ill the Fol -resters ball by our local tfcleut. A good tittle is expec•Ied, cotyle one find •til. Admis- sion 10 rents, CituR('uNwrt•:r:. `I'11efulnualthanlcs giving service• of Trinity church will be held all Sunday next• '1t halt' past two in I he Ill'terot)on. --The f111nntl thanksgIving service of W. F. Al. S. will be !telt it) Kuox church oil Tues- day, Seppt. 14, fit o'clock it) the after- nucnl. Dr. ,Margaret McKellar return- ed ilnissiutlary front lud!ft will lecture. Music by ale choir and others. liuman Body as a lliernanical \Yonder. The greatest of machines is the human body. That is tilt, opinion of all eu- giueer who looks at the subject from the technical standpoint. Who would think that it) his eye there is u block and pulley, or "tackle," as the sailor calls it, us complete and etliel- vut as that with which It ship hcdsts her luaiusn!l? Tlxotre it is, huwt-ver, and i*j_:,�&sr;tr you look tit the tip of your nose the muscle that moves your eyeball works in it. Therg are several of these pulley's in the body. Another clover doilge iff Nature is shown in the bones of the face. Accom- plished engineer that she is, she tblways use's the smallest quantity of material sufficient for strength. la malting up the bones of the face she wanted a large I urface to which to attavii the ntuseles; but, as she didn't wish to encumber as with heads •Its heavy as ;OI elephant's, site burrowed hundreds of little holdstn the hones, called air coils, and thus se- cured strength, large surface and liglit- ness. When you get a severe cold you are apprised of the presence of another (,fill` niug device -the I'lustachiau tube. This tube is two inches long, wad passes from the inside of the ear to the back of the mouth. TC was put there to keel) the air at the same prossuro inside the drum as outside. Otherwise ther•t would be no vibration of the drum, and you would be almost stone dvnf. \Chen you get a bad Bold this tribe sometimes be- comes inflamed and blocked, uud you are macre quite deaf. Adam's apple, if it was once that fruit that brought •ht into the world all our woe, is now a useful organ. 1 servos s o It n. a sort of storage cistern of the blood for the supply of the bruin, \\'hon the heart sends up IN) much id0(Ki Adam's apple intercepts it; and when the direct supply from the heart temporarily rims sl)ort, Adam's apple gives ill) its store. One of the most valuable of all the inventions made for our oomfort and safety is the perspirative gland. It acts like the safety valve of a boiler, letting off heat when we become dangerously warm. If our temperature rose ,seven or eight degrees, wt, would lint nava twenty-four hours to lire. The valve of the sweat gland is therefore obvious. hear In Animal. Pack in prehistorie times our ancestors probably knew fear ivs a. constant feel- ing, 'They fought to defend their lives and homes from one another. \\'ith the beginning of agricullure find the ilumea- tication of animals, fighting ceased to be the eblef object of existenvv,Ip,vvntl,•r he had a chntwe in grow. Ind fear was not so common a state of nfind, But we are not in the cnndlhon of ,mage trihes. We do not live in fear our- selvos, and we understand that the nni- e: i •r 1 li q have. don] til (il ti I Il Il. t e mal. \1'P treated will, naiforin kindness. The horse is excetd!ugly nervous, while etude do not appetlr so nervous, unci dain'lilen will tell you that the utmost gentleness is necessary in raring for them. \ve elan reason away most of our fears; neither the wild nor the domestic ani- mals can do so much. The oil(, way to teach an animal to conquer fear is to let him feel that. he may trust its. It is the tree and only way, for it leads to lover and "perfect love casleth out fear." -Our Animal Friend. An Eastern 17unr1lfau14Pr1. Most of the stories told of seemingly impossible things are usually credited to the west, but they occasionally come across a Baron Munebuusen down east. One of the latest of tlhest' is Peter Pim- piere, a voting hunter just over thf' Maine line it) New Bruwswiek. Itis till., is about as follows: Friday afternoon he left home it the head of it party of young farnem for it day's hunt, nn eagle's nest on rho tap of \\ tally Aiounht11 , eight miles away, heiug the objective point of the expedition. The two parent birds were captured after a hard 41nig- gle and securely tied, claw to claw. The rope holding the birds was passed to Peter, who carried thorn out to the level edge of the towering rock and sat down on the cord to hold the birds still. Safldenly the eagles s( reamed and spread their wings and start('(] off with Pin- piere clinging to the rnifl% For thirty miles they carried him, when the young hauter's hands gave out and he. dropped to the ground. Pinpiere was unhurt,, but badly shaken up, ----- _•. ------ - -----_-- ' KIDNEY- UVEP PILLS BAD BACK PAIN. Being troubled off and on vllth pains In my back paused by Constipation, I tried several kinds of pills I had aeon advertised and to put the ttutb in a nut- shell, Dr. Chase's Kidney idver Pills are the only Pills that have proved effectual in my ease. JOHN DEVLIN, Unionville, Ont. Dr. Chase's H. -L. Pills are always effectual in the worst oases of Con- stipation, Stomach Troubles, Back Pains, Rhenmatiam, and all Blood Disorders or Impurities. ON4 PiLL A DOSE. 25 CENTS A BOX. dl HOArtE PASTEURIZATION OF MILK. Tho A1ode of Operation and the Utensl!(t Neved at.ry for Opera.riva, lu must large eines nue t4fli rhuw ub- Wu milli that is pas,eu'lzed uu a large acute fur general uistrthuUuu unit usual- ly at lilijumal priced. lit smullor tut1us uud isiul;ited holnestcu,t�, however, it tuunut be sreurell and Iolait be llrehumml fit home. The pracniv or builwg m11: is not all uncommon nue and beneticia; but fur tate hic•reusul dillieully of dig,as- tiuu, I,rudueing Jesulis quit(' us alarin- iwg fes ally likely to ovetir front the uhid, of urdifuu•y iaw utilk. Pasteurizing ac, ourplishes praetf:ta.lby all that boiling dots, 11111 that uitdluut to any uotieruble degrty' affeeting tither the flavor or digestive properi!es of the nadik. The provoss is nue abut is MV0,11- Ineudc,l by the nn.st Ihot•uugb fw(eteziolu- .Lsts of tbbV country ;11111 1.,un.lw•. Tho uecuurtill nying cut r,huws a s,in,ple household avlairatos, couslatillg of full or six bottles utade to so it) a pail which is .Iinwid(41 with •c rover. The milk is bottled and the bottle.. aro Idu,cved in the pitil, which lots been lill(41 with Witter. The whole is then heated to five required degree, about 360 degrees F. ,it rrn% $.L'6,, ' TOIL MILK PASTFVILIZATION. which temperature it remains for 10 or 15 minutes and ds tJta chilled down to 50 degrees ass rapidly els possible with- uu,t breaking the bottle,;. A friend of mine •bars puAteuvized out- cea,vffully by talking any urdinury hot - tiles, filling with milk to the neck or it 11ttb below, placiIbg a stoplx•'r• 5r Cottitt butting it) the ueck, thea ,setting un a thin strip of wrxxl fit• duverted pie -plate which has been perforatccl, in a tin bliAll or grail autid the -milk shows a temperature of tiearly 151.1 degrees, Tit-! fbuttle is then steppe r(xl and the pail fold contents ,are removeil to the back oi- the stove, where the Itc'mgN'rature will remain fairly cotista.ut for 20 min-tftes, espechtlly if covered with ,some non- conducting muterhfl, as a cloth ur dry towel or tit(, Rail covor. At the end of the 20 ill itutes the bottles are rvimove d ilnd set in warm wit -tor, which is gradu- ally cooled sanel thou iceti. Yl'1te b„ftile may finally be put -lit the refrigerator after being partially chilled iia water. Pasteurizing may also be accomplish- ed lvith equally guoil, if not batter, r(• - sults, in till veRsels, edtih{•r fi double boiler oatmeal cooker or two.dhdtts or. suitable oa-paci•ty, one with it cdiaatneter two inches shorter than tilt, »then•. The water is pourt,d into the outer dish at boiling point, the milk dish asNl con- tents being set in at once and the raAk- constantly 9tirrvil until •ibi templerattim is 150 dgrees. It is tlw'n removed for a mi >lrKmthlPr e w til water it) the darter dish is m " same, tempered to 'til. ,amt., c)n• n doyrree or two li g:lur. The milk is then set bask into the boiler, put to one side and closely covered and wrapped in order to r(,W-n the he'a't for 15 or 20 niannttec- The advantage of tin veascas is tont 4h(,Y' may he plunged from ,lot water to ice Water without danger of breakage aaad with positdve udvautage to the ruilk. If the object ore pasteurizing be to de- stroy the bacillus of tuberculosis, a mini- mum teinperatpre of 149 dogrees should be maintained for 15 ananu'tes, or P) degree,' for half an hour. If milk call be obtaintvl from a herd knotvll to be frtw� from tulivre d,r)sis or the person has no fear of this trouble. a pasteaTizing temperature of front 1:3:1 to 140 degr(rs nfailbbiined for 15 or 21) minuto.s is suMeient to give good keep- ing qualities. ane] to effectually. grt rid of 95 per cent• of all bacterin, Including, the forms which produce fltouiach dia• torbances, vomiting and cholera ialrfall- tlini in ehiddron, ' In all . pasteurizing work the sttildell ( billing to fill degre(Nn. or thterr•abonts. Is 1 m ,strut,. rbc milk shnall be kept eavereil :incl fit .as inw a temixmtture as m -n he nhla.nled. Treated in this mari- ne : of riz MI mills •fl be founil to r. titin t c n I P ate have n deight.fnlly sweet. Pure taste bmg after common milk hrl.4 lost its freshness. On tl'x' averaee it keeps iron six to al's hours fonger than unpa-Mmr- iwd milk in the same tomperatirre.-F. IV. Mossnulu, rn Orange Judd Farmers Stable Floors, Weare incliued to think. stays Il:oatrd•s I-airyina.n, that there is nothing; better for a cote stable flour, in the ba.semk-t or ground floor of a barn, than .I pro- perly eonstrueteft ec» )Crete or cittamt tloor. It will he durable, and can be kept clean, and will kpop out rat:R. I'lank floors uTe apt to be slippery, wear out, and frequently tv,t ant, and tlh,e liquid is limbic' to leak through and get under the planks, and be the 90111cei of foul (xlors which will be damagi-ng, not only to the cows, bill, rhe prwlnot. )ster(? is a good rule for maluug Cou- cr•ete stable doors: First, tame the ground solid where the fl(ie)r is to he sal Itere will be rt» svttli•ilg after it is m"de. Macke the floor six inches thick. 'The lower four inOws a.houkl be made of four parts broken stone or coars' gravel two palms satnl a.rld one part I'orthuld cement. The upper two inches of two parts eoars(- sand—if nixed with some very fine gravel all the 'better—and cine paint of cement. In finiclxtng off the 'floor go over it at the last with a wvoodeu float which will hake tae surface even, but not so smooth and slippxery, as though a trowel were u•secl. When fin.tshe•cl in this wav the cowy will not slip on it, wild tae bedding will stay on better than if it -was 9mool.her. H,%vint, (gra"„ S"41. It is an sassy matter to (save hay seed by a slantedmanger bottom (a), as .. GRASS SLED CATCOMP. shown In the out If the seed Is fawned. it mny be used for spring seeding. Or lit weeaiy, as poultry never void uixiiges� , ed seed, such seeds may be profitably fed to the poultry by placing in the samteh room each week. -rearm %nd Rome. A VaInablr Farm Cement. Wood a.shed and emman salt mixed with water to the desired emisisteocy •makes a durable and sane ecmei t for any ewnruon use aroatnd the fitt'aa. 'I