The Huron News-Record, 1897-09-15, Page 6Well Satisfied with Ayees Hair Vigore "Nearly forty years ago, after some weeks of sickness, my hair turned gray. 1 Regan using Ayer's Hair Vigor', aria was so well satis- fied with the results that 1 have never tried any other kind of dress. ing. It requires only an occasional appli_ cation Of cQ AYER'S Hair Vigor to keep my hair of good color, to reprove 1 dandruff, to heal itching tumors, and prevent the hair from falling out. I never hesi- tate to recommend Ayer's medicines to my friends." -Mrs. fl. BI. HAIGHT, !Avoca, Nebr. ENor 919S Hair V11gor A.. prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer k Va., Lu well, Maar. Fake Ayer's SarsaparCla for the Complexion, Tihe Hliren News-Recora $1.26a Yaa!-81.00ln Advance WEDNESDAY, SEl resinER 15th, 1897 A billy story. Referring to the silly and mischiev- ous story set afloat by the Toronto News -an organ responsible to nobody and representing nothing -The Ridge - town Dominion very properly re- niar'ks :— "There is no need of any particular Body forming it league to defeat kIr. Hardy. That gentleman will be'Ittle- feated by the League of the people, already formed and determined to put an end to the trickery and centraliza- tion that have held sway too long at Toronto for the good of this province. If there is any leagne business on foot it is in the hands of Catholic Liberals who according to the London Record and Toronto Register, are not faring well at the hands of their friends at Ottawa. With the Conservatives have nothing to do. For Over Fifty Years MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their obildrea while toething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Tooth send at yr up" for Children Teething. It will re - the poor little sufferer immediately. Do - upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about and bowels, cures Witt& Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and eneo the whole systom. "Mrs. Winslow's Soo thin Syrup" for children teething is plea- sant to the tanto and isr the prescription of on of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five .cntA a bottle. Sold by all druggists through out the world." Be sure and ask for 'Alas, r WINSLOW'S SOOTHING .SYRUP. Customs inspectors atLarado, Texas, have found an unclaimed grip on a train containing $2110,000 worth of diamonds. jewellery, and other valu- ables. CAN WORK ALL THE TIME. "My daughter was sufferingwith, catarrh of the stomach, antried many different prescriptions withotit benefit. Finally she began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and it helped her• at once. She has taken fifteen bottles and is now able to work all the time. We prize Hood's Sarsaparillavery highly." ANNA AIERRi.LL, Eaton, Que. HOOD'$ PILLS act harmoniously with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cure all liver ills. 25 cents. Mr. Bliair's management of the Inter- colonital railway will result in is deficit this year. The falling oft is in the freight traffic department. BEWARE OF COCAINE. Thos. Heys. Analytical Chemist, To- ronto, says: "I have tome an exami- nation of Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure for Cocaine and any of its compowals froru samples purchased in the open market, ind find none present." Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. IS It cure- not it drug. Price 25 cents, blower included. The returns of the Soo citnial traffic rep to September 2' as coo pared with last season up to the sarne date, show it marked decreased. An ordinary cough or cold may not, be thought ranch Of at the time, but neglect may meta in the end it con- sumptive's grave. Dr. Ohase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine will not cure Consumption when the lungs are Piddled with cavities; but it will atop the cough, will euro Consumption in its early sages, find even in its last, stages gives such relief e.9 to be to per- fect Godsend to those whose lives are nearing a close. RIGHT FROM THE MiNES, FAMILY TIES MAY BE BROKEN 1N THE GRAND RUSH FOR GOLD, BUT WH.4.T'S WEALTH WITHOUT HEALTH —DR., AONEW'S C4THARRHAL POWDER IH A WONDERFUL CURE—IT NEVER FAILS TO RELIEVE IN TEN MINUTES. Fred Lawrie, of !Trial Creek, B. C., writes: "I have used two bottles of Dr. Agnew's Catharrhal Powder, and have been wonderfully helped. I can recommend it very highly to all suf- ferers from Catarrh." And here is •another: Mr. B. L. Egan, Easton. Pa. says : "When 1 read that Dr. Agnew's Catharrhal Powder would re- lieve Catharrh in 10-Inimites, I must say i was far from being convinced of the fact. I decided to try it. I pur- (•hased a bottle. A single pull' of the powder through the blower afforded instaneous relief." -Sold by Watts & Q0. THE LADY OF THE ROSES ♦ Southern Woman of Many Churws and nor Wonderful Garden. Nashville owns a lady of the roses. he is Airs. L. W. Uole, wife of at railroad king, but possessed in herself of so much that her wealth and social consequences are u ithuught of, save as a proper back- ground. tier home, Colemere, Iles some utiles outside the city. For it she left it most inugnihcent urban residence: "i 1l uuted to be where 1 could tread the untouched earth, and phrut In It, and watch tidings grow," she says. She has a farm which she superintends delight- edly, but her whole heart is bound up in her rose garden. Two years were si,ent In bringing the ground fur it into proper cordittm). Now it can show three feet of soil, us rich and light and porous as any in the world. ltuscs grow in It by thousands -royal ruses, red and white uud yellow and pink. '1•hink of clipping 2000 blossoms upon a single morning, each front live to seven inches acrossl Mrs. Cole herself dues the saost of the clipping. She loves the touch of her flowers us well as the feel of fresh earth. I\'heu she has done clipping she gives the flowers awn T hospitals, the schools, her friends, her tradesmen, any sick person of whom she may hear casu- ally, receive impartially the largest of bloom. Since the centennial opened she has sent flowers for all occasions, All the floral decorations in honor of Mrs. McKinley's visit were of her planning, find largely of her supplying. One espe- cially striking bit of it was the use of ,rueea stalk*, They were cut whole, and massed in open brass sutnds all along the stairway, with u backing orf reed stalks. Mrs. Cole has very many other claims to attention. She is a woman of the broadest culture and the 'most marked originality, withal singuaarly nraje>s:lt and beautiful. Her miniature,by a fa- inous French artist, is one of the gems of the woman's building, She dresses mostly in white, alter a fashion that would be overwhelming to it w-omap less striking, but which befits her indivi- duality exceedingly well. She is toll, of a gracious presence, with beautiful white hair, a fresh complexion, and a figure on classic lines. It is, Liowever, her manucr and conversation that most impress one.-Harper's Bazar. How to Make Lavender Sachets. To make lavender sachets, without rub- hing off the lavender Hewers from the stalks take twelve sticks of lavender with large heads, and tie them tightly together close up to the heads with a Pill ce of thread, and then tie around this the two pieces of ribbon, having first hastened their ends together. Bond the sticks down over the heads, and proceed to plait the ribbons in and out of sticks -first a row of one 'color, and then one of the other, giving the effect of basket work, the heads of course being packed inside. Continue thus plaiting until the heads are quite covered, and finish off m ith dainty bows. Twist the !ribbons down the sticks, which you can have any length you fancy --about four inches is generally considered long enough -and tie another little bunch of bows at the top to match the other ends. At first the plaiting may seem Hdgetty work, but after a little practice it is very quickly done, and the employment becomes quite fascinating. Great care must be taken to make the sachet quite neat at the top where the heads are soaked for a few nnhilutes in cold water, when they will be- come quite pliable, but it is better to use the lavender directly it is cut, when the stalks will bend over quite easily. To stake the sachets larger, a piece of cotton -wool, scented with lavender. can be fastened round the heads before the stalks are turned over. 'these lavender sachets form pretty little novelties, and sell well at bazaars and sales of work. They i ore delightful y 1 to la in dmwera g Y between linen or pocket handkerchiefs, strongly perfuming whatever they come in contact with —Philadelphia Times. .New Models for Wrappevs. gif • i T•„i t Vit. 14.at tll�. �jii A Bridr's Moderote Trams—ae. Imabel A. Million writes of "A Bricld@ Moderate Trousseau" in The Ladies' Home Journal. '•The girl who has a fortune at her command needs no sug- gestions," she says, "but the girl who has to think out the wisdom of every dollar spout on her trousseau is the one who asks for advice. Taking it for granted, then, that you will live a more f or less social life, having your day at home and visiting your friends, and go- ing occasiolally to hear good music, you eall decide exactly what you need, First of all, freshen all the gowns you pos- sess; then you know their possibilities; then I would advise one handsome silk dress, cambined, perhap4, with velvet. and linving, to go with it, two bodices - one for wear when you are visiting; the other to be used when rather more elab- orate dress is required. Have one simple, I but 'am art -loo king, wool dress, for street wear; if required, you might better omit your visiting costume than this. A black skirt, either of moire, silk or satin, will be useful, since with it there can be worn any number of elaborate bodices. Then you will want also a comfortable wrapper, to wear no place except in your , awn room; two pretty, well -fitting house Ir•esse>s; a coat suited to the season; a t wrap that is a little more elaborate if you can afford it; but do not make tho 1 mistake, so often made, of buying clothes that are not suited to your position in + life, or, what is equally as bud, of buy- ing such an elaborate wardrobe that it will go out of fashion." "1 Whacked so Hard." Svc quarreled for that I refused to kill A bold mosquito that bad ta'er him fill Upon her soft and luscious cheek, for I No reason saw why he, poor chap, should die Por merely doing that which I would give My life to do, and so I let him live. "'Tis well," quotb she, majestic In her scorn. As with head high she left me all forlorn "'that I should learn before It is too late The kind of man reserved for nuc by fate. The fair that fellow ever iII deserves Who'd let another feed oil his pn'serve; And If You truly loved me well, i know You'd jealously have laid that skeeter )owl" And then, Was, that Insect bold came back, And on her cheek renewed his vile attack And I—O heedless Wight—all kope, dlri wreck: I whacked so hard I nearly broke her meek I It Must Not Tina. There Is a very general Impression when hot weather eomes that if we get into looser clothing we. @hall feel much c(oler. As a matter of fact, this is an erroneous impression. The loose dress In- eloses a stratum of warm air which the tight dress excludes. Again, smooth and shining faces are beat adapted to warm weather, because they throw off the heat of the @un by reflecting the rays Instead of absorbing theme. Removal of Night Soil, Tho undersigned will undertake the removal of Night Soll and thorough cleaning of closets. on short nutloe, and at reasonable rates. All refuse r ovod out of town. 965 td ROBT. MENNEL, Poultry For Sale. C HARRIED PLYMOUTIJ ROCKS. I have for sale about flfty Barred Plyrnouth Ruck chickens, all bred from suporior thor. oughbred mtouk. The price will be rousonable• LORNE C. TODD, Clinton. Thoroualibred Poultry. I have for sale some ebolco Black biinorcas Indian Game, Grey Dorkins, little or female. Wil be sold cheap as I have too many. — — WALTER COATS, Clinton. LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND WAGON FACTORY, Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. First -(`lass Buggies on hand and made t( order. Prices to suit the times. Repairs and re ainting promptly attend to. Prices reason able. Be Calreful WithThat .amp I I Siucerily hope that Mrs. Filu)er has abandoned the custom of keeping all oil 1,11111) burning in her room of nights. She does not say what the necessity was, but I trust it no longer exists. If possible to avoid it, no light should burn in it r•ooui wherein people are sleeping. The reasons ought to be plain enough, yet we all need lessons in con)mon caution, This lady had her,, find was fortunate in coming uut of the affair its well as she did. Writing about it she says: -it was in the stl11tu)er of 1880, not long after the death of my husband. I had been used to keeping all Gil lamp burning in any room for convenience ;luring the night. One night I accidentally over- turned the lamp, and it baze kindled in an instant. Terrified half out of my wits I sprang front bed,seized ( tie burn- ing articles) and. rail downstairs with them just in time tb prevent further disiatiter. Happily for ►ne, I escaped with slight burns, but not from cuuse- quences of any kind. "The frightand shock quite prostrat- ed me. Do what i would, after the danger was till over, I was unable to banish the subject from my thoughts. lily nerves seeuned completely unlling- ed, atnd I rapidlygrew feeble, exci table, and debilitated. My appetite failed, and I had no relish un' my ordinary fond. There was •t bad taste in my mouth, !headache, distress after eating, loss of flesh and ambition, with a dis- position to worry and fret over things which, when I was well, had no influ- ence with me whatever. I sought to build up my strength with beef tea and other nutritious and digestible forms of diet, without success. "The doctors whorl I consulted said I was sultering from nervous debility and weakness. They gave ale prescrip- tions, which the chemist grade up for ine. ; but they had no effect, and what I suffered I have no words to tell you. My health appeared to have been all broken up suddenly, as as railway train goes tc pieces fn a Collison. Month after rm)nth 1 struggled with this strange ailment, but could fine no remedy to relieve me. Not uutiLJanu- ai y, 1887, did I see my wily out of the trouble which followed my adventure of that fearful night. "At that time (January 1887) I chanced to come upon a litt]e book about Mother Seigel s Syrup, as a cure for indigestion land dyspepsia find the complaints attending it. Letters that were printed in that book from others who had been cured by this remedy, gave me confidence, and I got a bottle from Mr. J. H. Brown, patent ruedicine dealer, 15, High Street, Margate. After taking it 1 felt def idedly better. 1 could eat and digest needed food; my nerves were more under control, fwd I got better Sleep and rest. I will merely add thin, feeling sure that Mother Seigel's Syrup was helping ine. I continued to (like it, and eventually recovered my health. For this I thank Mother Seigel's Syrup; and if you think so singular in experience ns aline would be of interest or use to any one, you have my consent to publish it. (Signed) Mrs.) C. L. Filmer, Thanet Cottage, Drapers Road, Margate, July 24th, 1895." , Now 1 invite the reader's attention to a double fact: First (as •is daily vhown in these iarticles), that indiges- tion will disorder and disease the ner- vous system ; and (second) that a violent shock to the nervous system will produce indigestion of it profound ind intractable type. The latter fact' S illustiated by the case we are now C There is no space here I treat of it at length. Let it suffice for the present that, either way, the remedy must he addressed/to the digestion --not to the nerves. No cnllm- petent physician treats R so-called ner'votld disease as it nervous dis- Hase. lie seeks for the location of the wit force, which is commonly the stou►ach ; corrects that if he can, itud eaves the nerves to right themselves, is they alwnrvs do. This is what Mot her Seigel s Syr ilp did for Mrs. Filmer, fine will do for you, in case which Providence forbid) you pre ever overthrown in like ruanue r. 1 round is likely to be visited by famm- It0 tlna conning winter, as the potatoes ire nearly all destroyed by bligght anti 'he heavy rains have ruined the oats ind other crops. CHERRY'S TROURLES 1071HR Of-' THIP HEART— HUMAN HKiLI. WAS DRFRATED WIII,,N DR. AONENY R CURE FOR THE HEART FULL iNTO THE BREACH. AND IN A FEW MINUTES AFTER ONE DOSE HE FOUND GREAT RELIEF, AND FiVE BOTTLES MADE A HAD HEART A GOOD ONE. Win. Cheery, of Owen Sound, Ont., writes: "For the past two year's I have been greatly troubled with weak- ness of the heart and fainting spells. I tried several remedies, and consulted best physicians without any apparent relief. I noticed testimonials of great cures made by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. i procured a bottle, and the first dose gave mear'eat relief. The first bottle did wonders for nae. After using five bottles thene are none of the symptoms remaining whatever. I think it is a great boon to mankind." -Sold by Watts & Co. WANTED SolfoltOm for "Canada, An En- Flve It. yal Quai W pVu amt N. t1tNoCdutivurinign is first weekpi,iaking elver oventy dollars pro Hc. THE LINSCOTT COMPANY, Toronto. STAR RESTAURANT, Huron Street, Cllrit % � •69et►oe1111110000 We are wide open for the hot weath- er season and are after your pat rwiage, ICE CREAM, COOL DRINKS, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS and TOBACCO. EVERYTHING IN SEASON. Our parlor is cheery and comfortable. Lunches at all hours. CHAS. WITTS, Huron Sl., Clinton, tf WANTED Farriers' Sons or other Indus triour persons of fair cdueatiou to iiiduc merit. I could engage a1few ladies ut their own homes. T. II. LINSCOTT, Toronto, Out. Farm For Sale. Lot number 19, con. 18, Godertch Township, containing 80 acrem, more or lens, the property of tho lato Ann Marr, will be offered for sale by public action tit the C7onunerelal hotel, C1111• lou, ou Saturday, Sept lith, at2o'elock P. m. Tol•nls-10 per cont, of theFF llelase motley down on the day of sale, and t•)ie balance In :i6 clays thereafter, without interest. Further terms tend particulars made known at the sale or upon i I�OICU1,fon to the undersigned: I). A, TORRES' Ek, Administrator of the estate of deceased. Aug. 4, 18, Sept, ist. 970--3t WA 'V'rL E��_ topic, ler Reign Vic. 1 to•ia, He ltci{;n and Diamond Jubilee." Overflowing with hel.cst and richest pictures. Contains the endorsed biography of Her Majesty, Nvithauthentic liis t'ot • of hot, remarkable reign, and full account Tfthe Diamond Jubilee, 0111Y 81.50. Ilii:' book. remendous deniand, Boniallza for •tKents. C' 0111 -.5 Creditft,iven. Freiftht paid. Oui,iorr vium Duty !1pilo. Write dluick for outilt and territory. THE DOMINION CO1fP:1NYI Dupt. 7, UW-boarborn St., (•htcago, ALMA C®I,.L,EGE For Young Women. A residentia! srhnel. Collegiate- and I>re. pparatory Studies. ,at usia:, Fine Art, tl I;Iocutien,Husinr�s. .p Morar ilndA'.slll.•Iil Advant.,;p:b Afiiii- ''�' ated with Viuora University. College stands in an eight acre park. Lua- rates. For illustrated catalogueandp;irticulars,ad lresb: Rev. R. Warner, M. A., Principal, lit, Thome:, 0it. WANTED. CCV ASSFRS - "Queen Victoria: Hcr Life and Reign," bits captured the British Empire. Extraordinary test imonialsfrom the great men; send for copy free. Marquis of Lorne says,"The The best popular idfe of the Conceit i have seen.' Iter Maiest ends a kind letter of gives et M making $15 to $4IJ Prospectus freo to agents. -TRE Y-GAURETSnN Co., -- TED, Toronto, Ont.— To Im ro-v0 of Stock. The undersig. his premises, loth conew3stor GO dcicIr �'ol,s)u A Thoroughbred ANcy Bull. Terms: -$1 and $'L. A Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, regis- tered. Terms: -$1, with the privilege of return- ing. A thoroughbred Tamworth Boar, registered. Terms: -$1, with privilege of returning. This is to rare chance to improve your stock T. C. ED\n'NDm, 965-tf. Owner. „McKillop Directory for 1897. Iohn :Morrison. Reeve. Winthrop P. O. Wn,. Archibald, Deputy Reeve. I oadbnry P. O, Dnnicll Manley, Councillor, Boochwoo��ii 11. O, Jos. C. Morrison. Councillor, BeeclNod 11. O. Win. McGavin, Councillor, Leadbury- P. O. Jno, C. Morrison, Clork, AVinthrop P. O. lVilliam•Evans, Assessor, Becel,w•ood P. 0. David AI.Roms,'rretasnre, Winthrop P. O. C'htl.ries Dodds, Collector, kenforth P. O. Itichard Pollard, Sanitary Inspector,Leadbury. The Merchant's Dispatch, Clinton. I have purchased from Alr.Thenas Iiilloc•k his d raying plant and ani prepared to execute all orders promptly at reasonable prices. Special intention w•ifl beKiven to the delivery ofallclasses of merchandise, the coovcatl.nee of goods toall residential parts of the town, and the removal of household goods and furniture. Every ordor entrusted to me will r eceive my PPesonal anti careful att,eut.ion. Residence on 'l (% street, one block south of Oliver John. ston's. Trunks and vaaaea delivore8 to and from the 'sta. Von to all parts of the timn, orders left at Afc- Clschert)'s or Hill d. Joynor's ,viii rcc0%c prompt attention, 977.21, .l dES DUNFORD. Good General Servant Wanted at Once, e In small fuu,mly, no mcrubbing, must be hood �� • • •s i.i 1 k willing to ice . ist in laanuluds, iu,d 1)l, r ono K rare of young child at. times. Wage,; $7 per month. \fust, have references. None bat it thoroughly competn.nt person need,apply. Appy afternoons between 3 and 5 o'clock!. Attts. w, FosTlat, Albert St., North. 1179.11• Librarian Wanted - A i.ibrarian, Indy or gentlenun.n, is wiuited for file Clinton Public Library; dwic, to begin about October kt. The salary to be paid will do end largely or wholly on tnetnbership fees t•ollce(ed by the Libraria n. ltogarding dntles. hours, &c."apilly to 1. 110Secretory. WANEDi�SL�T1 -Agonl for "Queen Vic - traria, iter Reign and Diamond Jubilee." Overflowing with latest. and richest picturem. Contains the endorsed blography, of Her Af csty, with aulhenic His- tory of her remarkable reiggn, and full account of the Diamond Jublloc. Only $1.50. Big hook. Tremendous domandm. Bonanza for agents. Commission 50 per colt. Credit given. Freight paid. 017TMIT FRF,ra. Duty Paid. write, quick for outilt and territory PHA. DOMINION COMPANY, Dopt. 7-W bearbonn St.., flhicago. Durham Bull For Servioe. For service on lot 12, imt conoession. Hullett, that splendid thoroughbred Durham Bull "Champion," mired from Elmhurst Farm. Terme, $1 cash. with privilege of returning. 977-4t H, FREEMAN, Owner. Apples Wanted. I want all the Marketable Applem I can buy and will pay the highemt price commensurate with foreign quotations. Hold your apples un• til you have ascertained from me what I can pay for them. Do not make any mistake. 978 t -f D. CANTELON, Cilaton. E 'Stationer V Y Office 'Suppile ies Job Printing, •!•1.0. �'� 1-�• 1.'x,1.1• "�,'O.'d'`-�- �•�'� The News -Record Calls special attention to our Stationery and Office Supplies and Job Printing Depart- ment. We are unsurpassed.... By any town or city in the (foods we handle or the Plricos we quote for Stationery and Printing and the quality Of both is always guaranteed, A perusal of this announcement Inay suggest something you Inay be In need of; unci in such case w(solicit your patronage, feeling confident that our efforts tolease will p nlcet ' itll ,the tipproval of our patrons, Letter Heads In this line Ave have it very tine stock of writing pitpers suitable for every c•lasa of brisuu>8:; represented in this locality, itl"o ler private Ilse. Note Heads This useful size is kept in stot•k, the (Iuitlities being in several grades. Memo. Heads These fill an inipor tant place in c0ut ►nercial correspondence. See what we have got. Bill Heads if the "pay-as-you-go" pliuh was the order of the day the dernand for account paper would not be so great ; but there etre some men who get so many dUM)Pi'S that they wonder if the stock will ever' run out. We don't intend it to, and at present our stock is coul- plete in this line. Good paper and neat ruling, Statements Onr stock is large. They come cheaper per th an b' l h sadc, and are the proper thing to send after it delinquent once a )nonth. They are sure to fetch him 'round - sometime. Envelopes We nlakea specialty of Envelopes. 'You know it, would he hard to get along without envelopes, find to keep up with the demand for them we keep a large stock on hand. Plain or Printed we are n4rering some great snaps. One line in particular is going off fast - 50 for 5c. Commerical Printing A vast amount of work under this head to enumerate would more than take up the entire space oc- c•upied by this adv t, but w•e do it all at THE NEw's-Rxcolti). Invitations to an "At Hogue" or it wedding require considerable taste in selec•- tioa sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping in stock the very latest find best snll)plps to be had.. tall and see. Circulars We excel it, ;ill the different kinds of work we turn out, and particu- larly in this, and keep in stock Plain and fancy papers suitable for till requirenicnts. Programs of entertaininents and meetings promptly turned out, from the plain and nein to the most elegant. Cards and Tickets These cover a large ran of -work, from a bread and milk ticket to it neat culling cited, from an or- dinary admission tieket to it tasty business card or it haudsomel5- printed membership ticket. Memoriam Folders In this line THE NEws-RECORD can supply every design, quality and price on the market. Posters Our facilities for turning out class of work are evidenced by t e fact that we always do good work and give superior satisfaction iy till respects. Dodgers e are greatly in demand. Our facili- ties tare skiperior for this class of work and the very reasonable prices keep our presses busy. Sale Bills We snake a specialty of then) promptness being tiro• ahs in this respect. A notice of sale will ap- pear in THE NEWS-REeoRD free of charge when bills for same are secured here. All Kinds of Work in the typographical printing line can be done in this establishment in an ex,editious and artistic manner Rill Our prices will be found'very reason- able. If you want !Mourning Pa-pers and Envelopes For correspondence we can give you up -to -slate goods. lVe also carry full lilies of Pens, Pencils, Scribblers, Tablets, Erasers, Inks, Writing Paper, SLC., SLC. • *In thanking our' many patrons for the very liberal support accorded us in the past, a continuation of the same liberal support is solicited. Tide N8W8=fl8G0f67 CLINTON. X'k