HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-09-15, Page 5m Expensive * WV arches Yits, we have many of thein made by the best watch talent to Ile found anywhere and cases to plexe extra.%ageut taste. But time -keeping dualities tlo not always (upend Oil high price. We sell it first class watch, on(' we gualanlee to run within ono iniu- uta it Month it $8. If it fails to do this bring it back and we. will exchange it or refund you your Money. Il'your watch is stoppitm or does not keep curreet, flub bring it to its and have it, repaired right. -- - Cleaning, $1 00 Mainspring, $t (9) Lost, between Bruc•efield and Clin- toll, ladies' open face silver Elgin watch. Finder will he rewarded by leaving lit this store. -P9 Ba crewsl TTM (:" O BETTER THAN GOLD telt REN 71 10fli 's. � � Have you tried the � " - 40 The ° Whitneywill tv') I+arlllers havinghogs Massey -Harris Bicycle, 0 Advance had better' r'ECT HEAl:l'll, d vin -.wheat P supplies the warket by selling NU ollu•r produce uteaus to frit of us. It A NOVA SCOTI t LADY SATS "I CONSLDR11 ,nolle luvat18 that we tall atior(l easy ]'MnlliIlhf rich in appearance, stl'ong and durable eonlfot•ts the really need The lust edition of the Godorich obut which we have heen doing 1,11.88 1101 ,.4 TO S('PPERING HUMAN- dwithout oil account, of the scarel- for ty of looney, such it comfort evop, M. P. for West Huron, its it notorious d --d liar, till office -seeker 0 instance as is securod by it pair 0 fll,tiuj5 to eye, Frun1 the Anlhut'5t, N. H., 5caliael. of perfect Masses -V readlllg jthat can't see ordinal yachter with ease or Unit call t; 0 o j 13 see Well 'it :L ("Stance Or that i w of perfect heall•lt. It. is only those ac -le or tire easily. Such cow- j V fort we call give yolk. Ulasst•S e O fitted as we fit theta ►cake read - 0 it nes,, will, feel that health is a trea- burr: to be prized Iuure than r• tri' Inn easy ---►sake comfortable. • tCBike ���� ®es y 1.®87 JE 0 They rest weary eyes rind pt e- aching the the Clinton town hall last Thurs 0 vent aching eyes and enced the truth Of this is Miss Siahra Itector of West River Hebert, N. S. Itis by knotting Ito HJ that 4) oNFIRN'fro it—that we Satisfy al- picture of it real live, fat hog. It is ways. Distinctly, your ►honey and wearisome illness, froul which track if you feel that we have best not given you the glasses for slaughter and the verdict of the people by their ballots will send the v suited to your case. It is our way health and strength to thousands of (� of doing business are( it protects you. member a dry Foods cleric may sell dry goods but it others, and whose luerlicinal virtues will work equally good results in all present Ontario Government. Allen & Graduate cases where it is given a fair tiial. 0 DRUGGISTS machinists ]Jilt We have the machinery to al, our Y Y r wi S- County Currency. The threshing season is now on And soPricln on 0 m Expensive * WV arches Yits, we have many of thein made by the best watch talent to Ile found anywhere and cases to plexe extra.%ageut taste. But time -keeping dualities tlo not always (upend Oil high price. We sell it first class watch, on(' we gualanlee to run within ono iniu- uta it Month it $8. If it fails to do this bring it back and we. will exchange it or refund you your Money. Il'your watch is stoppitm or does not keep curreet, flub bring it to its and have it, repaired right. -- - Cleaning, $1 00 Mainspring, $t (9) Lost, between Bruc•efield and Clin- toll, ladies' open face silver Elgin watch. Finder will he rewarded by leaving lit this store. -P9 Ba crewsl TTM (:" O BETTER THAN GOLD telt REN 71 10fli 's. � � Have you tried the � " - Whitneywill tv') I+arlllers havinghogs Massey -Harris Bicycle, IS'1HERAi ETRKASUR1110+•PER. had better' r'ECT HEAl:l'll, sell nuts before the Ontario govern- Ment It is just what you have been ]oolciutr for hi(rll grade supplies the warket by selling n p r, A NOVA SCOTI t LADY SATS "I CONSLDR11 its nue sohtaly shout. easy ]'MnlliIlhf rich in appearance, stl'ong and durable Dlt. tVILI 'A\Mic' 11INI{ PILL13 A PRICE- The lust edition of the Godorich You can't break; there. For $85 or a discount for cash 1,11.88 1101 ,.4 TO S('PPERING HUMAN- Signal did not stainp Mr. 14I. C. Gaut. —.._...– 1 evop, M. P. for West Huron, its it notorious d --d liar, till office -seeker ��tt•• • r Brantford Ruby Rims Frun1 the Anlhut'5t, N. H., 5caliael. under both Grit and Tory Guvern. The I'119ged llllll the 8LI'Olt(,g (lU not it"I"', iitt•e to iLs full extent the bless- meats, A nepotist, tit- anything else. But that don't alter firings It bit, tiny- For �� -�- i w of perfect heall•lt. It. is only those bows .SELL ' - ,vh. have passed through it trying ill- As Ian offset to the Ontario hog Mr.' nes,, will, feel that health is a trea- burr: to be prized Iuure than r• tri' fit. John so forcibly esposed in • tCBike ���� ®es y 1.®87 JE gold. Aluong those who havo experi- the the Clinton town hall last Thurs enced the truth Of this is Miss Siahra Itector of West River Hebert, N. S. day, the Toronto Globe uucon- sciOuslY tdves the other side; the p•�.ti�y •y�•� yy y. Repairing ep This lady has passed through a trying picture of it real live, fat hog. It is i.i .I..L�.Y� and wearisome illness, froul which quite /appropriate. The animal is ready happily relief was found through th­� 11ledillul (,fit Inedici11e that has brought for slaughter and the verdict of the people by their ballots will send the v We knout ]low t0 give you a satistactory job. lie health and strength to thousands of fatOntltrco liogto his long home -and the great Hut; is the Reform member a dry Foods cleric may sell dry goods but it others, and whose luerlicinal virtues will work equally good results in all present Ontario Government. takes a machinist to repair a Bike. We are not only cases where it is given a fair tiial. machinists ]Jilt We have the machinery to al, our Y Y Miss Rector says: --"I feel it is toy duty to recommend Dr. Williams' County Currency. The threshing season is now on And work as it should be done. Give us a trial. Pink Pills, its they have dune wonders for tile. About two owners of steals tlTreshers should see that their stoke Stacks are properly •oaoe®OtiiosetY�sti�0$O years ago t became very ill with it complicsttiuri of diseases. I was softer- ing with indigebtion, hiliousuess and rotected by screens, as called for by otos Any Ls who neglects this The onward Bicycle Co. Clinton.a on is liable to a heavy flue land Precaution liable i S% the resulting nervous disorders, such as sick headache, loss of a petite, land trr,prisuuulent. Farn)ers are also iso warned not to allow a traction engine OPPOSITE MARKET SQUAME Clinton. c- Hashes of hent, lout cold. I began due to he hitched to it cleaner in their barn, Lurie[;, land although I turd the best as this is x Of the conditions care I seethed to grow worse every day. I slept hilt little and when lying down would grow so )rot and suffer t till ins lard dowry in all insurance policies. Whiletaking,Clinton youngsteertoClin L Are you looking for a Snap front it sensation of smothering that I fur shipment to Montreal, AI lett 0 Gem ar rubbers 10c doz. Jeweller and would find it necessary to arise. Then Knox, of the base line, had it rather •••••••••••• Pure ickling spices -All the other extreule would come land l exciting till' - When Hearing the We have too many Couches in stock for the rtelOunt of meet we have, so in Q kinds --better than must would shiver with cold. Time wore town the beast went crazy, And broke order to clear out solve of them we are making a BIG REDUCTION in the and as cheap as any. Expert Watch on and there was no 1111 rovenlent in Awa front the young men. It tore p p Y Y g price of a certain lure. This is a chance you should not miss if you require a my condition, I was not able to do through fences and over fields for Oouch: v m ewe o e o e o� o dro Dov a Repairer. tiny work about the house and even several hours, but was finally captured the exertion Of moving about and taken to the slaughter house and Undertaking. — i QTIC`1+.'1'Q (`ItEDiTU1tftS. t`oultl tine ate out. If I attempted to killed. It was one of the finest anim- walk any distance or hurried in the als raised iu the district, In this department we carry it cl,mplete stock, and give. a service that least 1 would gasp for breath and could Messrs. Lockluart & Co. have sold to cannot he surpassed by any. Our charges are As low as the lowest. We In the matter of the estate of George scarcely Speak. I had ager nor a have undoubtedly the finest hearse and outfit ill the county. McCartney, deceased. petite �in(' what food l at( (lid not blr, John Beattie, e1 Hallett, lot nTil Notice is hureby given pursuant to chapter I10 of seem to agree with toe or furnish need- price :33,idNconcession 11), McKillop. the •e•$Of•s$$o•� ( I, price praicl torts neatly $.4,000 in cash, /'`j I•'urnittlrs Dealers and the Reviled Statutes of Ontario and amending acts ed notirishment, hitt I also suffered Broadfoot Box & linton. Undertaker that all creditors and other persona having claims with it Severe pain in til side and back, The pUt'ChaSBC gets I,OSSeSS1011 till the , Co.,� against the estate of George mi-cartney,late of the T Y•' 1st of October. This enterprising firul J. W.CHIDLEY, MANAGER. Cti011 Wwnship of Godarich, in the county of Huron, yen- During this tithe 1 Wed "army re cue• }lave disposed posed of some 730 acres of Our ]Doctor of Refra titan, idle aiva on or shout the Suth day e! Jnty, iS97, flies, but Cht>_v >lt Ve I tt ) t elicf what- t g Night and Sunday calls un+tvored tit Residence of our Funeral Director. -J. AN'. Chidley, King 1 ever. I had'become so weak, and toy their land :since commencing, business Si.,upponlu: Foundry. Ilan Made a HPec13L1 study of the hltnau e3'(• are foot of 1jilla town icoft(,uderich,S lie torn for henry Solite eighteen months ago, besides If Your eyes .tlurphy and Samuel Lowtiry,the executors. of the tiystelll wits so flirt down that life was lrlanufactuving xnddisposing of nearly ------- -' ' estate of the said deconeed, statements in writing •L 1)ilyden t0 ane. At Lh18 Stage illy at - Are weak or your night poor, it is important giving their names and addresses with full parties- tention wits directed to Dr. Williams' `a million and a half feet of lumber, w. to have theta carefully examined. tars and ptoofe of their claims and the nature of the Pink Pills alid I determined to give which speaks well for the business security (if t:jo air, 8 team, nn of before the xst g push of the limn these hard t.trues.-101 e -� �0�-- No Charge �': Clay of Ucaoiper, 18(J7, nitur which sold date, the thein :L trial. e1bet rtusing fl,lll' boxes Whatever is made for testing• 'Pf said executors will proceed to distribute the assets i felt SO Jntich beLtcr that hope and The vonngest child, aged 16 months, of the said deceased amongst the parties entitled encouragement Carole. to ►Tie once more. A Mr. Fred. Fitzgerald, of Lucas, fell Fine Steal frames including glasses tilled by ,hereto; h;wirg regard only to the claims of which I Cm1L'Intle(1 the t1,P. of the Pink Pills ]stn tin open cistern and was drown - our Specialist, $100. the said Gutors ors shall than have notice, and the ed Monday afternoon while her irrn- Full stook of Gold Specs and Eye Glasses, said Executors rs will not thereof liable for the person so •Led found thyself steadily gaining Y distributed or any port thereof to any person or health and strength. By the tune I then way at, a neighbor's house. She 0 0 W. Cooper & Co., C p persons whose claim shall not have been reccieod at had used foul' boXes more T had fully was away about fifteen minutes, and the time of the said distribution, regained health tial, strength and I mleft the child at hoe with two older Booksellers and Opticians. GARROW & PROUDFOOT:1 CLINTON, - - - solicitors for Executors. ain not only able to do my full share children, who appr(rently knew noth- , Dated at Goderich this 16th day of August, A. D., of honseholil work, but also Attend to ing of the accident until the child CANADA'S POPULAR -----1897. lily Sabbath schol cl ss and other was discovered by its another, who church duties. I 1,' Gk a pen Dr. Wil. was frantic with grief, and unable to COMMERCIAL SCHOOL! Estray Hound• lirtuts' fink Pitt I -less boon to rescue the unfortunate babe frorn the Como to the premixes of the nndorsi sea, Men- suffering huim cistern. Ilex screatns brought Jas. It Stanley, a. neighbor to the. spot, but oil ester, on Sept. 61h, a rest, black and white Hound. Dr. Williams' lIy are A 3p(>c'►- y The owner is requested to prone property, pay ex- Rc for the troch ich make t.hr, his assistance was too late ;the child lllONi9:}" to burn i, a common expression with some people, but penses and take the animal away. was dead. they don't have i t. ECKHARDT IUNGBLUT. lit PB of s0 rTlally t O?hbuilburden, and The Huron V-eterinar Association STRA'TF()Rln. ONT. _-.- _--- --- speedily resWre th ow of health Y To burn, that s snore like it and get Coal that won't Slaorthatad, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, �TOTIVP TO CREDITORS, Cu pale and sallow cSold by all held its r-gular nle0t.iug at Goderich ®�� Penmanship, dtc., thoronklily taught by first- l,� dealers, or sent byy'" mail postpaid, at town hall oil Wednesday last. There t.tltnsform into clinkers, We have the reputation rials toachers. Thorough, practical, up -to date Notice to hereby given to all P�prcr oun having 50c. a box, or six boxes for tbS.:pU, by were present•, C. McGregor, Uonstance, for selling Hard Coal which is free of the Clinker methods; moderate rates; elegantly equipped claims tiguiust the N:+tttto'oP a1'ilh,tm Grigg. nddr-ssirt the Dr. WilliaTllis' Medicine president John Wilson, �Vln�hratn, , successful : into of the township of Colborne, 1n the county W. (l ibbs, Seaforth ; Win. Suhsttahee, its Clean Stuff when delivered, and iLptLl'tlllelltn; graduates higbl3' 1 g secretary ; student~ admitted at 06 Y time, write for 22 Il ay o farmer, who died n Oil about the Co., lls Judckvi ,Il Out. s allege Of inti J. llauliltun Goderich J. beautiful catalogue- •2"Ln(i dap of Jaanuu•y hast., to send el or before rations atxl substitutes alleged to he Clad:., , 1 Flot gtnlf tvhcn lighted. The only tt'ouble with it is that it �V. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, rho 1st (ln3 of Uetober next, fall particulars of Wacker, Londeyhoro; J. E. Blaekall, rho- Ist ams to R. C. IIa)s, (9odcrirh, SoligiLor "Jost as good.' burns. LOav- your order with its. «"e Are eery delivering ---- - Clinton : W. Farrow, Wl-oxeter. 5ev- --� for 3lntilda Grigg. the rtdnliuinlra+rix of thy. r , , a „•a a )urn war- rPao b Alcssts. H:LITI- for the Cenlina, cold Weather's quid Rstatc. And further tnke notleu thtlt Tile Little li rgaery eral p Y 'ifterthesoid lstday of October nuxttho i4ald ilton, (iibh, 11c(,regor and Blaekall, LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED.Adnihilstratrix will proceed to distribnte tit(, lliunilt;al Spectator. whi(:Tl elicited considerable discussion, said !:.auto uulong t- t persons cntiUod 4horct° lifter which Lhe Meeting adjourned to a J ewle.11ed s r having regard Shall 4n ale r•livot+, natieu of The ltnn„Ln CPlnbe and iLs followers "e title disposed to make little of the On- uu)c in 1Viu9htuu in December at, the Which lac 4bou shall have recgivud• 0 04 O a 0-) O o— Dated tile, 8th day of September, 1Y41;. t ario governinent's piggery htlsin-ss, PI'esident's call, ' N011cifnrII tmi11iLike the young wotuau's baby it is At a meeting of the board of dir-c- sirntrfs. _ _ _ Only a little one. The facts seen) to be tors of the Pennsylvania hospital in • • - __.___ _ _ ... __-- Ihat tin expensive piggery is Inaiu- Phillulelphia, P;1„ Dr.W. J. R. Roc.Harldiud •m • Dros'oq Fingers-�"-- ` w VOTERS' LIST CAURT twinedn-ardt-ni.ntr winga well•paid IloOf,tuba Hoc•,e the second line Of ",up-rinteudeut." residing in a cow- JlOrris, avrts el0et-d it rc'sulcnt physi- fortable house, built by the govern- titin.. During the past month 1661 --� TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH. Ihent, an for the benefit of one iniser- eMerg;(,licy cases were treated in the Stoves and Hardware. able -shoat" which, notwithstanding re-eivi.ng wards, 15:30 treated in the �.. Are evidences of refinement and the good care it has had.from ill(-; gov- outpatient department, and 30.4 all �'�-- Notive is her+:hy gh—VII that rn ivpurt will be-rnnlent for fourteen ►nouths, is not milted to beds, snaking the total num- , a cgood taste, when the 90111, arc yet fit, for the butcher. her of cases troated 352 _ ---- ,� held. purnuiu,t to The 1h1hu•io Voters Lia, tl. The nun 1-r _-------_---- selected with care. Ael, 1881), h)- itis 1101101- the,Jndge Of ill(, ('oun- r uC visit, marl- {,y tltP (l OCbotS t0 tv Court of the Connt.y of Hurotl lot life ('0unril Well, Il, Lhe Globe is right in one tvaNr. 14IRT HS. Mibi 'r HEPORTS,. We are showing souse lovely 1'lull, IiuhuOsvillc, oh the Itilh day of ticlitem• nut- patients wets 47/i). Rings til— bei•. 1891, ttt Io oeioelc in the muruing, to hear It is a su►ltll piece of husih-ss-Ito 0x I ceodin ly sulall piece Of business. The W- remreL to learn of the drat h of vttr.i'ros. -tit :Morris, on Heptculbcr 2nd, the (Corrected every 'Cuosdap afternoon.) —� and determine the tei•erlti cenpliints of crrorK gg " and omissdons in the voters' list of the Multi- exp')11(titure Of it thousand dollars It Mr. Robert Pickard, formerly of I+:xe vita of 11 r. 'Thoma Skelton, of a daughter. ar lNTON.. l cipulity of the ton nshtp of G«tcric)t for 1riu7• your for the benefit Of OHO poor lone ter, but lately of London, which oc- wu.a.rA Is. -in Dunlop, oil :Septy')N the ,t' ire Fall Wheat, new ............. 0 8T .to U 87 n tar place on TPUrsd- of A• A, ti•illl(a11N, of a daughter. All ;h.tiohs having btttiiit0it pinteandctlaCe�IL pt (losrp'L make much figure in the cM t0d in the lat�tc. I'i kat'tl was :L vie- Iiw.iTu.- In Gorris, SS Anuuht'29th, the ,vifc ,Fall Wheat, old ............. 0 87 to 0 87' (ousters of Diiunonrl.. required to att(nd lit tilt hu t p Ttt anal expenses of the .-Ontario gov- of last week. 4 of air. W. Ilctttl, of a draught(+r, 0 20 to 0 23 Dated lit Go icriel township this 28th day of ernrnent. That government is not in tiro of coulsuruption and had been ill Barley.. . single stone T)iamon'i" I August, 18)7. 94cI3Rlt:x. -In Maitland tiloek, Hallett, on Uate..............:....... . 0 22 to 0 `k.3 Ingle st opals, NIXON Tl'RD1 , a posit,ioll top throw away money in for several mouths. -lie leaves it widow iel,t. e til, wife of Mr, Ilonry Mcilrien, of a BlindsOHO C,e•k of Uoderieh township, such large quantities is the chaps it hind several children. He was a sun Of 5Ujl - Peas ............................ 0 40' tc 0 45 Ottawa managed to get rid Of. The JanTes Pickard, Esq., of Exeter. Ile gye.................... ....... 0 8U to U 40 o y , Ontario legislature is but a big county was a gonial whole souled fellow and MAIILItIIAGES. Potatoes, per bush, new... 0 40 to 0 40 0�(D VOTERS LIST COURT council after all; but, in view of this was liked by all who kenty him. lie Butter loose in basket.... 0 12 to -0 13 and in Combinations, with __ pig business, it must be confessed that, was a native of Exeter and was a Con)- PASNIORF-Cgltsch.- At the. residence of the Butter in tub .......... ...... 0 11 to 'U 12 pearls, Rubies, Sapphire,, Tor- in proportion to its opporttlnif,y, the }ntratively young cnan' Oil soj t All, Mr, twiili{wo .i. i asr fore, of Tons- Eggs per doz................ 0 11 to 0 13 (Incise, etc. VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD, Ontario government is quite its waste- Nord has liven received of it, decision writer, to miss Sarah Jane Currie, of tvolghai»' Cabbage, per doz•...,....... 0 0 40 to 60 The rices range front $1.7� to fill xs the Tarte government at Ot- h the privy council of much impor• formerly of Morris.7 00 to 7 00 P g Notice. i+ lie Riven that a (court will be, Y l ' Y $i).0U held porsutant to The Ontario Voters' Lusts ttaw:l• tante rn the world of insurance. `the Poeoox--( zrtLt—Al.the BapLtnt }parsonage. aY............................... Act, 1t3t39, by His honor the .fudge of the r wilighatn• on septembor 8th, big itac, Jae. Cordwood ....................... 3 00 to 3 50 The latter has the advantage of effect of the decision which was given Hamilton, Mr. putrid Pocoekl of rumborry, to liipples per bbl... 1 00 to 1 50 ('oust) l^curt of theCounty ounty of I-Intou aC _ohs }lttvin L bi ,,,-r' pile of mono to ban- oils in London is that unless the pre. Atss teary A. Lyon, of t,aagsade• Dried Apples per ]b...... ,. 0 U4 to 0 04 Toi+n ITnll, Bayfleld, oil the '21st Clay of Hep• g ( kn 1 Y PP P P p y • - paid Mr'AR•rnvR-vVr:rst)r. - in Ilen4(LiI, at the Ducks per lb....... ..... U 05 to 0 06 t..p tcube• 181)'1, tate o'clock. lir 11 to hear and de- die, and Its other with rconcer cont- nuutu upon an insurance clic t5 .. Lornlius rho several eom ilaints Sf errors and pontes and other large concerns tit'P whether by cash of Otherwise, to th(: rcaidoneq of the bride'+ father, oil incH e- Turkey8 per lb .............. 0 07 to 0 08 Leader of Jewellery Fashions hnlinsions in the Voter i.tst of the municipal much more cosLl to the tax a ers, in company direct, the insurtunc- cannot gent• 7t.h, by ltea. �V. b:. Kerr, `tr..tamcs ]1tc• 0 05 to U 06 Y on ss Rn •field for 18ili. Y P Y P Y •-Arthur, Lo Alice, third dnughtcr of Mr. Richard Geese per lb .............. Watclr Inspector' For The People 3 Lhe ag *regale, than the niggeries of be colleted; and that notes given per- Welsh. Chickens per air............ 0 25 to 0 :35 All persons halting business at the Court are the lithe (xrit nvernment at Toronto. eonidl to LhP a -tit are not sufiicrent equired to,utend lit the said thne and place. g, Y g; T11NPfn,FP -Volld, roan, A4 the residence ���•• But this pigs business cannot be laugh- pat stent. The importance of this pre- of it, vanEgina,,,t, Mullett, brother ut the Wool......................... ... 0 18 F 0 18 - IT. W. i RWIN, nt1 , t 7• hY Iter• lits Musgrove, T(pR(,Y�.(p L.iyF t�TO('K M11LKI:TH. Clerk of lVfnuirtpalit) of Bay field. ed a wit Small AS it is, it is at safe Cee en t, alike to insui:tm•e en►upantes bide, h t0 .larUtn, second clLughter ,le of the doings of the little Grit gov- and to persons placing insurance on Ecta•ard Hine icy, W. JACKSON, Agent Iia held, sept.3rd, 18117. 1 b' of NL Vanh:gmead, all of iIullett• Milch cows, Pitch .... , . $25 00 to $45 00 3 ernment at Toronto, and the people. of their lives is obvious. The case i5 nxnptl ws-DRIVER.-D, (;odorieh township' Export cattle, per cwt.. . too to 4 W ort hwest Transportation CO, _ _ �� Ontario Are not in rL noted to accept Fleming vas LrntdOn and Lancashire oil .L'gdnayday, Sr.pt.8, by Rev. W. (Itxlwin, P 1 r TOWN HALL, Laughter itnd funny pictures its quid Invurance Company. ('has. E. nnrlrcwa, of, Ruehos4er, to Butchers' choice caLLle,cwt 3 aU to 340 t Onl . - Pr'O ;tun fl,►' the money wasted on the Un Friday evening it number of charlotIe, third daughter of Jos. Driver, Butchers' good cattle, cwt 3 00 to :i 4O One nr�h y Onttarcogmernm0ntssolitar hog. The I'Fatnr'rt WAr%rrat• lAt thetown rexi,oncoof the Butchers' cot. cattle cwt.. 'L 5A) to 2 7:i Y friends Of Robert Richnrdson and bride, father, Goderich township, on Het)t, 8 Bulls, per cwt .............. 2 ill to 400 �,• —s OnLArio �overnmenc is a, government bride assembled at their resid-nce in by Rev. (.. w. Andrews+• Tl. W. Tobbutt, oP iters• PA A S t )'Oth ►;j f daughter of 11. Feeders, Per cwt, 3 p1) to :; �p F yeti s000nd da g ) �. ,°x '' ," ►� Ott ay, ep of Ittrle t nurgs, rtud this ht,tle thpng c I Exeter and spent an et•eurn9 very htndP, (.rtl., to .m �3tOck-rs, percwt.. , ... ... L , tO . +'u >r .r l; •C. y } b tvlLltur. y w Export she0p, per ctvt.. , . 3 tN) to :i 511 it I w. itT ti , s the piggery shows hew the other lit )lettstlnt] The hell -yin Tera Of the _ it �,f i ;✓ �c kip} M; at li h+,;, I{ , ,. m O tE� Ile things are managed, A thousand Trivitt Memorial church, of which A.Ir. tit•.'. •i' ? lllf c 9 dollars ct year is not much money ; but Butchers' sheep, each..... 2 50 to :3 2i5 �IIIl1��111Il� d ��`�3i'®®�1 Y li,icharclson is a memkp('r, })resented Mr. DEATHS. Spring lambs, per etvt..... 3:p0 to 4IX) t�3 when the governm0nt s wasteful du- and Mrs. Richardson with a harldsorne (salves, per head........... 4 O0 to 710 4 was., ('oath. Tu ('Heron, on NePt, ll, lvilliam 1+'., § SIS lei Ings aggregate many thousands of clock with bell attached, which rings (.are, aged M 3•aars. Choice bacon hogs, per cwt 5 70 to :p 75 dollars the people have a t ht Co at the ilsual hours at which bells are Light hogs, cwt.........5 25 to Sail i The Queen's qg to i,ucknoiv, Hept. 4Lh. 1897. John r r _ grumble. It is not the fault of '.Pricks- rung. A very c'omplimentry address Allin, aged 56 years, 4 months. Thick fat hogs per cwt.... 4 78 to 501 - = _f _ . _ • ter Hardy that the piggery business is was also read, after which the evening lICTTOY. In Avmgham, on He t. 4th, Norma Sows, er cwt..............:3 25 to 3 Ci) Jubilee not it greater scandal: give hint his was spent in social chat, dancing, etc. Irving, only child oP Mr. and Mrs- Jetcse Dart- P dear friend TArt.e's o ortttnides and he ton, aged I year and 23 days. Stags, per cwt .... ... .. 'L 0) to 225 PP Mr. A. �VAlters Acrynitt0d himself in his Through tleicets to all points in procession * * * * will g t in for the wholesale waste of usual superior style at. the violin. HNrr.h. In Norris, on Sopt.emher 2nd, (teege _ IlAI11ITORN ;incl DAKOTA• the peoples motley just the sarne av ire Snell, -aged infant nen of 1 r. and urs. Janice .-.-AL lowest rates. n Tarte has clone. 1'f r• •John (•a►nPl'P11, Of the OCh can- Hneti, ngs(I 1 month and 32 days. Df r. Andrew irving, rel;istrar, of Ren - ANN—+ As sllowlll by the Dlri.,niscope •* cesson of Tnckersillith, died on Tiles- ABRAHAM. -Ill at•• .I(rrpli sTtospital, London• frew county, died at Pembroke on For all infornlatiel apply to Whore. The people of Ontario will not accept clay last, Mr. Campbell was a couple. en Sept• :3rd. K•alker, son Of mr. and Mrs- Saturday. The Acme of moving picture the Globe's forced merriment as v' lee Henry Abraham, of Turnberry• aged 2 years ',,{{rr of years ago a strong, robust looking and 8 months. The Hingof Siam arrived in Parits rrutchines, for the money wasted by the OnUiril, young nl:tn, b11t about tL ye)LI ago he Mcxnoc'x. 111 Ayhffnld, an Sept.. 2nd, Alex- I on Saturday and took tip his residence Business Property for Sale. IIE Toronto Dailies all refer to this series of government in its poor lone sheat. became, afflicted with that terribly andor Murdoch, aged 67 years. to a mansion provided by the Govern - fatal disease consumption, and after Ronr.RTs. -in Uoderieh, on Saturday, fient• went. That (lostrable brick business stand on Albert. pictures as the beat yet Ween hi'1'oronto, — - long and patient suffering passed awAY 4th, Alfred J., son of John Roberts, aagi 13 street, (•lintoo, oceupiod by Mr. N. Robson, is being, practically free front any vibration. party Theast Einnnilt n (wastforrcecl open rLutl as above stated. Mr. ()Ampbcll was 34) years, t month and 2a days • Mr. Windt,41 H. Ordway, the nlana- o rered for sale•, h»dudlng rear lot and stable. - $10$ stolen from it. The location is one of the boat. in Clinton. The years of age and was unmarried. His Mrd)oxer.n.- to (loderieh. Sept.. „ Aguio Mc.- ger of the Noah's Ark which shows k, ppcoppOrtyy Ira tlroe Oren, ineambraneo and title The OPorkshop on wheels Has Re- The assessment returns of London father died aevEral years rage, and his Donald, aged to years. 9 months an({ 10 ( aYs. the Industrial Exhibition la,9t week, indisputable. Price reaaonablo and forma to Lys. in Goderich, on Thorsdag, 9opt. 9th, was run over by a train in the freight amt ppure ,e. Apply to GEORGE STAN- turned, show an increase in the population der- mother, who wits a sister of the Messrs. Nina Agnosi Leo, aged 113th years and 7 months. yards on Saturday afternoon and in- BIIRV, Landon Road, or address Clinton post ing the past twelve months of 1,653. Scott, of the Kippen road, died a few Philip office. -_ 990441 The colobrated Sheffield Cutter, E. Tn tor, years ago. He was the only snrvivin LANG.—In a el Fears. , on rho 4th inwt , P errantly pari . y In a land quay rel near.Seeley's Bay, . Lang, n TlT t31 yoara. -- has returned to Clinton and will remaln for a The Spanish Government is to ing PLUMS Benjamin Kenney was shot by a cnan member of the family.• Mr. GAmphe McAnT,rvA,-At, Wheatland, N. D. on Ang. short time. The workshop on wheels has been g g, 26th, FHzabeth, relict of the lata Arch. MC- steps tp ret Ont all newspaper cam- robuilt and anew -Loam engine house added, Warned 13111 and very seriously wound- wasla urian, who oil muchandArthur, Lucknow, aged 77 years. ttle.rit Ott the condllet of affaivs in Cuba All kinds of grinding and sharpeningofouttery, ed, Y f We are hondquartera for Plums, Honcy and pocket knives, razors, Reimers, Rao., will be "IUy rmpeeted by all who know him. MARTIN.- in Exeter, on the 12th lest, (baro and the Phillippine Islands. Unions. (same and get a eupPly cheep. My promptly attended to. Pon and pocket knives Frank Bissonette, Joseph Troy and He was a native of the townshi of Matthews re)ictof the into Wm. Martin, aged Among the ifts which President, Apiary being a large, i can bel► 10 hives ren- rebindorl and in as good nil now, as well as John C. She.A, the three alleged colt- p 76 years, 16 months. Faure took with him to Rtissin were sonnbta. umbrellas and paraeola repaired and boughfia spirato -9 in the noted lacrosse case, Ttickersmith, and his early death is wAr,TttRa.- In Stnpplos.'on Sept.3rd, Ramo°i three dolls for the Grand DuchessOlgn„ _ C:. HOARE Your wants should be attended to now. T greatly regretted by a large circle of second tion of It. J, Waltors of Bonmiller, aged which can talk and sing in ]french. r , r Huron Central Fruit Farm. steam workshop on wheels will bo found on were committed for trial by MagisU Ate fri-ads. 31 years, On mile north of Clinton. Dinsley's corner, Albert street, Clinton. Ogara at OtUiwa. J I 1