HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-09-15, Page 3MINESS DIRECTOR'' _ Mange. _ � The McKiiiap Mutuai Fire � �- - I�� � SII,' I''I��I). _ . ._ ry�. � MI�C%1 MI'1 �1■1'�"fl@ Your assist is for our L. 0. L. No. 010, Our friends have already noluiurrted Y Y Insurance Company, Candidates ill a nuriber of Lite cuustitu- delicate child ; the child "--`- �-_--=- =-------- == C7LINT'OrT, especially true of f3ood's rills, for aomedb envies of Litelr•oviuce and rood select- . t TSB MULSONS ���� eine ever space. ao great sur hole power lq 1 t Meute naaoNn Monday of every �+ that in spite Of :.11 your ca: -.- month. Hall 2nd flat, McKay Farm and Isolated Towyn Proper- so email specs. They aro a whole rnetualat loos have been wade. Where con - block, Visiting brethren always t� oII1�7 IA$UTed. fuI over -watching keels madu welcome. vent.ions have riot been held no tiu)e r Incorporated by Act of Parliameut 1866, J. P. SHEPPARD, W. At, S Should be lust in ptitfittg a ciuldiclaLte thin and pais. E):el-C1Se P, CANTELON.JR.Soe. 'THOS. BEAOOM, D• M. orrlexxe. in the field for, there is m) certainty as CAPITAL $2,000,000 --- - Coorge Watt, President, Ifurlock P. 0,; Jaynes seems to Weaken her and Broadtoot, Vice -Pres., Scaferth P. 0.; W. J. 8han, Hood t0 when the ele(•tioris Will come Ulf. REST, 11,400,00 i> ou#c. non, Secy. Treas., Seaforth P. O.; Michael blurdln They testy be held in December or I food fails to nourish. That Iu.pcotet• of losses, Seatorth Y. O, ih9at, always ready, al- (yLiNTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F, & A. M. most i H@ad Office. - MONTREAL. V every Friday, on or atter themoon.VisitDIRISOTOxs, Waystfuclent,alwaya eat• they may be kept back till June next. child needs Scott'S Emulsion VM.iugbrethrencordiallyinvited James Broadtoot, 8eaforth;Michael Murdio,Sou- Iafaetoryi prevent a cold bit. Hard will bring tiledu all when - F. W LFERST, MTHOM S, GenON, President. T. C. BRUCE, W. M. E. McLEAN, Sm, forth; George Dale, Seaturth; George Watt, Hurlock Dr fever, Cure all liver His, ever it will hest suit hilhrself allot his with the Hypophosphites— F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manages, Thomas E, Hayn,Soaforth; Ales Gardiner, Lesdbury lick headache, p Clinton, Dec. 8, 1895. 'Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; J,.hu McLean, Kiplen, )aundlce, constipation, etc. 260. TUC 01111 rills W take with Hood's Sarea arilla. friends end Conset•vatives should riot not as a medicine but as. Notes discounted, Collections made, d)reft5 -- - -- - - - - - - .+exxrx, p ' ` � permit themselves to be sur Iisecl or issued, sterling and American ex- Thomas Nellars, Harlork; Robert Mebitllun, 3oa• - P ' K. 0, T. M. a food containingall the ; change bought snot sold. forth James Oumminge,Egmondvllle. forced into a fight unprepared. I h K cvrrlrh'?' 7'o!'!cs• elements of growth. It f Parties desirous to effect Insurance or tease• INTsaaeT ALLDtraDaN DaPOnITa Kearns Tent No. 80, 'Knights of the Muaoabeeeol (UnSerValtlVeS have .the following Q�• the World. $1,000,$2,000 and $8,000 Policies. Mem- act other business will f promptly attend• b ed ss d application to any of Lite eburs ntneern ad- Just its saute ('unservative journals Hauled in the field: means BANK, berehlp over'100,000. Assennment prluolpIn-has dressed to 6eirrusprectivepuatolBoes, means rich blood $tPOng never exceeded 12 assossments in a year. Cheapest b now declare that some of the nen who Dundas Lieut. -Col. J. I . 1Vhitne Interest allowed on sutns of til and up. and safest in existence, Meetsln Orange Rall, Cliu- - - y' esion banes health nerves sound led the Conservative part N Lanark .. , .. ..Col. A. J, .Preston ) , -- ton, firntundthlydFriday of every munch. party Irl tl1C ItLSt N. Lanark ................. dh•. Prestuu y >�'�R1VLFIR>~3- �� O'1'ICE. Dominion elections were discredited E. Northuwbeliaua. „Der. Willoughby diQestfon, No child refuses Money advanced to farmers on their own no ea _�___ --T_ - _.. - L �1 with one or more endorsers. No mortgage :e- , rneri because one chief province IV. York.......... ,.J. W. St, Joh° Scott's 1J'mU1SlOn. It 1S gaired assecurity. COOKS FLOUR Lennox ...... .•. ..... .Dr. Meacham 1 There bels some misunderstanding with re. caused the defeat of the govorunient, I1, C. BREWER, Manager, g g N. Perth ...... ........'!'hos. Ma r tl� FEED STORF gard towrecka so will LibertLl auurnals dechtre after i,wuod pleasant and palatable. December, 1696. GLINTON. I , that if any person !takes possession lofuanyrskind tile defeat Of Messrs. Hardy, Ross & E. ,Silrl('Oe........ .....A. MiscampbelI of wreckage and tails to report to rue I shall at (;U. ill ale Codling Cirovillcial contest. P%- Victoria ........ . .....J. 11. Citrnel;ie SCOTT & BOWNE, Bellevdlc, Out. �iYlII'LO11, once take proceedings. Remember this is the That the latter are discledited leaders W. Victuria..................S. J. Fox last warning 1 ahall give. CAPT. Will. BABB. till(] that )ent...... . ... . . . . . . A. 111, IVIaSUn - G. A McTaggart ' BRAN and SHORTS in Large or last ver of N'rcclaa, Goderich, euplc+ of Al,ill shades of politi 1V. Bent, ..... g Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. cal Opinion have riot the euntideucr: ill • • •.. • • .. .....Dr. liall A PERFECT TEA Chem thta the had when Sir Oliver N. Grey ...... .............(r. At. Boyd BANKER Small Quantities, - _ _ _ they y OIL CAFE LINSEED MEALS Mowat was at the head of affairs is alp- W. Elgin • - • • • • - • • • • • • , .. • • McU(-rtnai,id MONSOAMN ' ,rent to the utast sal erficial uhscrv_ 1V. Hnr011 ....................Jus. Beck .0 op STREET, CLINTON, Pi P FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS er. 5. ilw•on............ ........H, Eilbet' 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel ('. Silucoe. ........ . . . . E. D. Thompson A GENERAL BAV ING BUSINESS Oats � � �r� ---- - N. Ontario ............ ..N, W. Iluyles Tiler•eisa,strol)gdisposilionthrnui'h- N Iventworth F 1 W ll TRANSACTED, Votes Discounted. - Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Dtpostts. Clinton, JuneAth, 1891 658y �iYcdi.rHi. DR. W. GUNN, R. C. P. vud L. R. C. S., E,Iinburgh. Office - Ontario slr,ett Clinton. Night calls at front door of residence on C..Ltet:bury street, opposite Presbyter- ian church._ - CAR. TURNBULL. .1. L. Turnbull, 11. B. Toronto Univ, ; M, D. ; M., Victoria, Univ. M. C, P d S, Ont, ; k flow of the obstetrical soeluty of Edinburgh, Late it London, Ell,,, and Edinburgh hospitals Oftice:- Or. Dowsley's stand, Rattenbury St. Nivilt calls arts.t'eted at UOiec. ~DR. SHAW. Ofldoe--Ont41'rio street, opposite Fnglish n'•, h, rol%nurly oucn;aic 1 by Dr.:�;tplolon. Jas. S. Freteborn., X -D , - .0 & S Sc. S, L. X. Sc a C. P., I„ .I P. U., Graduate of king's J, Qnecn's College of Pbysiclans, Dublin, Ireland, Licentiate of the Uoneral Medical Connoil, GreAt Britain. Member of College of rhysieiapa ar.d Surgeon9, Ontario, Formerly rest - dant o the Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gynw. :ological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of women and ehlldre.n. Office and residence, Rattan bury St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. 829-1y N: W. WOODS, L. R. C. P. 1.; L. M. It. C. P. Y,; L. A•i. Rotunda„ Dub)in; M. R. C. S., England; M. C. P. and S., Ontario. 96'9-y Consolations at the office recentiv occupied by Dr. Turnbull on Rattenbury street, Clint.ou. front 11 o'clock a, m. to 3 o'clock p. m. week days, ud other hours at the "Hut," Bayfield, ter. Bruce, surgeon. Dentist. OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre- servation of natural teeth. N. B. -.W]]1 visit Blyth every 1ldonday, and Bayflekl every Thurs(lay afternoon during Lite summer. Dr. Agnew, DENTIST. • Office hours - 9 to 5 •so60�90 At Zurich the second Thurs- day of each month, T J. SCOTT, Barrister, �c., ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. E. CAMPION, Q • C, BARRISTER, - - - SOLICITOR., NOTARY, eic., C-,rocdlerieh, - Ont. office -Over Davis Drug Store. Money to loan. M. 0• JOHNSTON, BARRISi ERIP - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC, Goderilch, Ont. Office -Cor. Hamilton and Rt. Andrew's SEs. W BTLYDONL. BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, c�c., OFFICE; 'BEAVER' BLOCK - CLINTON. 817-tf illr'tli�l�t "oney to 2vend. j JOHN RIDOUT. C NVIIYANCI:IL, COM1M1S9110NER., .VMC. Fire Lnsuranre.. heal Estate. MOuey to )(-lids Of�ce--FfURON STRiicET, CLINTON. —Cantelon Bros, 4ENERAI, GROCERS & PROVIS• ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glass cC Chinaware ALBERT ST., CLINTON. ONT. Highest Cash Price for Ratter and Eggs 6• •1 z y _ Run ust Rt r.in a t rho best t TS ] 3 R bin R AGENT for mmtoy making Von have soca for many a day. Your name and address will 1 bring the golden information. it. P. GLASGOW, Toronto, oak D. COOK, CLINTON. 762-tt PRODUCE EXCHANGE HILL & J OY`f4 E R, Cm•ncr Htore, Albert St., Clinton. Dealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds, etc. Teas a specialty. Headquarter,; for all kinds of F�-)cld and Carden Seo ls- We carry' the largest Stock and tho largest variety' of Seeds. All Goods will be sold at lowest pricer: for Cash. 1Ve pay Cash for KKgs. Any kind of rain taken in exchange for Gouds, same aH Cash, HILL _& JOYNER. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP. FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Havingbonght nut the above business, we intend to conduct it on the cash principle, and will supply our enstomers with the beat meats at the lowest pay ng prices. FORD & MURPHY. LIVE UOGS WANTED, Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. 1798-tf. J. E. SLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary inspector. Office on Isaac street next New Era utficc. Residence, Albert St., Clinton. B. THOMLINeON, VETERINERY SURCEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege; Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the most modern and scientific Principles. Day and Night Calls Promptly Answered. Residenoe-Rattenbury Street, West, Clinton Out. Geo, TrowM 1, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. TO THE FARMERS. Study your own interest and go where you can get . RIe11 bl g a e arnessr I manufacture none but the BxsT OP.g'rOCx. Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they have got to live tar Call and get prices. Orders by mail promply attended to JOJUIL1V Y3�Y.L., —HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYT11, ONT GOTO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first -cis air - F ss A Cttttin and Shaving. € Smith's block, opposite Post Office,' Clinton .1. EMERTON, Proprietor, WATTS & CO., CHEMISTS & DRUCCISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. PUMPS! PUMPS! if jos want a firsttelasr, well made pump, one Cha will give yon antisfactirn, Send your order toth undersigned. Ile will 2119 and elcan wells and do it a the closest prices. He also handles a first eta" FORCE PUMP. JAMES PERGUSON opposit Queen's Hotel - High Street Clinton. 809-tf Grand Trunk Railway. ()FI'ICIAL TIME TAnr.F;. Buffalo and Goderiell niarii•t,: - t Going West, Mixed ............. • .... 1015 a, in. Fxprom.. .... . . . ,1.03 p. nt. Mixed ...... ... ... ... 7.05 p. lit. " FxpreRR ... ... ... 10.27 p. m. Going FtiRt, Express..., .......... ... 7.40 a. m. IN91GNiFCANT l3r,0INNINGS-1117T THEY S'tl:Al, ON ONE AS A THIEF IN THE 2.55 p. m. Mixed ..... ..... ... .. 4.35 p. m. London, Huron and Bruce: UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS Going South, F,xnress 7.47 a. m. , - ,., .. 4.30 P. m Going North, . . ....... . . 10.15 n. m .. ,. . ...... 0. 55 .1 n p M. C. DlctcSOV,l DIV-OrderH left tit 13ROADFOOT & BOX'S R nim 1 a s en . Agent, ,tare, C RIIU a or SC001'th, will be promptly at Toronto. tolided to. W. F. DAvis, G. P. & T. A. kidney troubles. The formula, is com- Montreal. A. O. PATTIHON, G. T. R• Town, b ..•...... .� ode out the ptovince.to give 911•, 1Vhitney Welland .......... ..........J. I1. Pew SAK IN Caend the able will bemen i the C�)nserill t Ile E. luron .....li • ............ W.f. H. Reid t party who will be his colleagues in the E. Huron „ • • .l -l. Mooney N. Hastings ..... . ......... W. J. Allan POWDER viettse a fait' telae D'ir. 1Vhitney's Prince lidwar....... '.,...Jas. Gibson views please the people. He is well N. N%sstx.............G�•o. Wititermute N York— Icuot r tl � k••.-- ...Col. Wailing vl t< )e an honest, indu5triuus a(tici tt n g THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND- able roanE. , thoroughly conversant with York ...... .............J. 1V. Moyes l.A13GE S•r SALE S t FRIEANAD` provincial politics, enjoying the full eonffcdenc•e of his followers in t,lic legis- lature egis- (1 - ---- --- — - Iatureandtherespectufhisoppot)ents. THE OLD SYSTEM t, is not, in the best interest of Or, EM L10NEr J. C STEVENSON.y • I urniture Dealer, &C: that Ineu of the stanp of Hardy & Ross should be in power here with t Stich inert as Parte, Fielding and Blair THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND ;itOttawa. And the people knew FUNERAL DIRECTOR. - ---- - - - Opoposite Town IIall, - Clinton, Ont IT MOLDS THE KEY, M. N. WALKER, IN91GNiFCANT l3r,0INNINGS-1117T THEY S'tl:Al, ON ONE AS A THIEF IN THE the NIGirr, AND BEFORE ONF HAS TIME Mlillblo------ TO AVONDFit \VIIAT AILS HEM HF IS IN UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS THE FIRM GHASP OI` I)ISIiASF,-SOUT11 MAKER, A'MPRICAN KIDNEY CURE \VILLBRUCK THE 110NDS AND LIBE'I(ATR, NO MAT- SFAFORTH, ONT. TER 1101V STRONG THIS COItDN. Parlor Furniture repaired cad recovered. ('M-11etH 8ew(%11 ILTill Iltid; 10,o('10MU'd 1111d re --- The th(ltisands of cases that have no%uted at reasuaable prices. been helper], till(] cured by the great DIV-OrderH left tit 13ROADFOOT & BOX'S South American Kidney Cure Is the ,tare, C RIIU a or SC001'th, will be promptly at best recc'tunlend of its curat,lve qual!- tolided to. ties. The remedy i5 a specific f01' all - - ------ kidney troubles. The formula, is com- McLeod's pounded an the very latest scientific discoveries in the medical world. System Renovator There are thousands to -day who do truthfnll•y say I :un living because I used South American Kidney Cure," —AND OTHER— It relieves in six ltours.-Sold by Watts Tested Remedies. & Co' SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE 7'11, PROVI CIAL-AUDIT, For Impure, Weak mitt Impoverished Blood, There is not art independent man or Dyspepsht, S1eepl"Hness, Palpatation of the Heart, Liver C'omplaint.,'Neuralgia. LOHH of newspaper in Ontario that does not Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, GallStones, approve of the action of lair. Whitney lanndtce, Kidney and Urinary Diseases. St. Vitus' Dance, Felttale Irregularlties and Gen. and the Conservatives in the Legisla- oral Debility. Lure in asking for the appointment of LABORATORY, CODERICH ONT. an independent auditor, to supervise the J. M. McLEOD, \ provincial accounts and expenditures, Prop. and Manufacturer. Mr, Hardy and his colleagues in the Sold in Clinlon by Government opposes this proposal. J. H. COMBF, and A1,LAN & WILSON. They want It nlan who dace not be 011er's Omnibus Line independent of the Government but 1 who must do their bidding and sanc- Goderich, Ont,. tion the payment of any and every account that the Government wishes When in Goderich do riot neglect to secure Paid whether fair or unfair, or other. Miller's Omnibus to all parts of the town. Our wise be dismissed. The Public Ac. livery is well equipped with reliable horses and ; good rigs, and prices will always be found rea• COUnt<S �iOtlllltlttee always presided i Y P sonable. Stables on East. Street, near the over by It .member of the Government Square -telephone No, 5i' .JONATHAN VIILLFlt, or a leaden friend of the art has 1* enparty, Goderich. become a legislative farce -a star - chamber where anything that under WANTED disclosure might iujure the adntinis- 1Ten and Women who can work hm.rd talking tratiun is purposely and effectively suppressed, The Opposition leaders and writing Hix hours daily, for six days aw•eek, and will be content with tell dollars weekly. are baffled in every attempt to carry Address, on fair investigatiotl and so flagrant NEW WEAS CO., Ivredical Building, Toronto, Ont. Iles this abuse t)ecorne than Mr. Whit - ney has declared that further attend - Pro err fox Sale p once. at the committee meetings would he For sale, on Princess street, Clinton, a one storey frame building containing three beet- but a waste of time. On this sub - ject the Sarnia Canadian very per•ttn- roonts, front room, kitchen, pantry, &c.; over quarter acre lot, bearing orchard, principally ently retuarks as follows :- plum treert good hard water; also sma11 stable, Rood hen houso. Price need terms reasonable, "Anyone who has attended a nteet- ing of the Public Accounts Committee, For particulars apply to Pnrr,ix HANI,ON, even 'as a spectator, could not bill: be Goderich P. O. impressed with the belief that the sole _ •Lnd only object of Committee was to Pasture to Let- burk inquiry, and prevent the search light of independent criticism to pene- Horses and Cattle taken Into pasture. Good fen(x+H, plenty of shade, water and salt. Noll trate into thedark corners of k o ens certain Barbed wire. Apply to C'. MASON, at Staple- tratlsacttUns. We look to Mr. Whit,- ton m• to M. GLI• , of OraLuge IIall, Hullett, ney and his associates, after the next 974t:f election, to introduce a different sys- �_____� CLINTON, tern of keepipf the public accounts, and to appoint by the joint vote of the WOOD AND COAL YARD representatives of the people an inde- pendent auditor -general. Subscriber is prepared to prompt.!y ill] all or. - der, for Wood Coal, will be Se-sion after, session the Opposition and which sold at lowest raleR. Ofllee on IRimeStreet, at LA VIS' iMPLb:MI,NTS I(OoM8. W. WHFATLF,Y complained of the system of keeping the public accounts, and the sys(ein of �_-� -- --� auditing Nvas pointed out its being no Estray Dog safeguard against improper and un - sut,hori"d payments. Bnt the Gov- -- :\ hundst t»c young' blael( Pointer or Ret.t.cr; erninent rehised to make any change which would weaken their control flat noticed on Aug. 71h. Owner can have wtnto On anplying nt Tim Ni..w•s-itFeoRD of- over, oflleials whom they wish to have tine, proving)property and paying for t.hfH as the saving Is, 'under their thumb.' Wvt. 977.4t For. Salo—Bargain. One advantage of taking Ayel's Sar-saparilla to purify the blood is that you Illy horse, 4 year -t o1d, well hred, good size need not infringe upon your h8virs of Strong, speed expected. Will take pony 141 labor nor deny yourself any food that hands part pity llient, to .nate a bay pony. agrees with you. In a word, you are E. N. LEWIS, Goderich, not conlpellPd to starve or loaf, while - -~ - taking it. These are recommendations Voters' List, 1897. worth considering. MCNJC WAIATV OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON, Hd;RON CO. Tile daughtet• of Mr. George R. Holmes of St. Catherines was so sever - Notion iH hereby given that I have transmit- ly burned by her clothes catching fire W or (lellvered to the persons mentioned in that death took place in a few hours. Sections 5 and 6 of the voters' LtHty Acts, the copies required by said sections to be so tram- milted or delivered of the list made pursuant What flood's Sarsaparilla has done P to said Act of all personH appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the RaldlMunicipal- for others it will also do for you, Hood's Sarsaparilla cures all blood ity, to be entitled to vote h) the said Municip- ality, at elections for mombers of the Isegiiata• diseases. Uve AHsembly and at the Municipal Eloctdons, and that said list wast tlrq posted up in my ---- - - - _ at Clinton, on the 12th day of August, 1997, Before froing On a sea -voyage Or into the be and remains there for inRpection, 1,1 t. rRA c o aro rculled� a on t,o 1 a (x mbr the p e to RaidY country, sure and put a box of , . et s Yll. to your valise. Y Y u Your may i,lHt a not if an s OmI, Call Y fllOn t; o y Other errors V have occlLsion to thank its for this are fotln( 1 therein, . b to take Im taL mediate r r, ed• p Oe �aRv to have said errorH corrected according to , hint To relieve e leve constipation, billions. nese, and nausea, Ayer's Pills are the WM. COATS, Town Clerk, Clinton, best in the world. They are also easy August 12th, 1897. to take. Better and Easier Work Done By Diamond Dyes. The dyeing of cotton rags for. Lhe making of carpets, mats anti rugs was for a tong title a tedious, ditlicult and Ill (t'sfa,tory operation owing to the (-rude and old fashiuued dyestuffs that home dyers were Obliged to use. Of late years all this has been chang- ed for the advantage and benefit of every home. Science has given the world the Diamond Dyes t.hiLt brought joy and coulfortto rililliuuS Of h011Se- tvives. The makers s of the celebrated DiaL- inond Dyes prepare spoc•i;tl cotton colors such as Fast Pink, Fast Orange, FastPurple, Fast Garnet, Fast Navy Blue, Fast Crimson, Fast Seal Brown, Fast Yellow, Fast Scarlet, Fast Cardi- nal, Fast Black and other, colors that -ire, unfading in washing, and fast ill rain or sun. No other cllyes in the world (-alit give such wondcdrful results on cotton ;;olds„arnd no others but the Diamond Dyes are fully guaranteed. WA!'CH THE •SCIIEL•'MERS, A recent paragraph in the Toronto dailies informs its that Inspector Cham- berlain has returned fromn a tour of the province acid that new hospitals will shortly be erected in Cornwall, Ottawa, Rat Portage, Whitby, Cobourg, Lon- I don, and Sault Ste. Marie. How adroit- ly the Government is working another scherne to assist in retaining its hold upon the constituences in which these cities and towns etre located. With perhaps one exception the candidates, of Mr. Hardy's machine will be beaten in all these ridings unless extraordin- ary means are taken to prevent it. A htvish outlay of public money to enable favorite contractors and furnishers of supplies to bribe the electors during the corning campaign it is hoped will pull the government candidates through,For a province that is al- ready millions of dollars ill debt and whose expenditures ;ire far beyond its regular receipts every year is it not tithe to call a halt . Ontario is well equip- ped with public institutions for the care of the unfortrinate, and lit unicipalities have it in their power to erect industrial houses and houses of refuge for the poor and destit Lite and receive Govern- ment aid toward such projects. Sure- ly this should he sufficient, for a few year-,,; until the affairs of the province could be so managed that its income would balance its outlay. If there were fewer officials of the Dr. Cham- berlain) type (party hacks defeated and rejected by the people and afterward quartered by the government) there would be less extravagance and waste uroand all the departments. But the prodigality of AIT. Hardy is not the only act that the electors of Ontario should condemn at the Par - n ,unit . R 'e t! Alr. Tarte liestopp tt y ea, n y , head of the Public Works depar talent lit Ottawa has been on a taunt through r • � sizing r ) i ti riot as the province cul tp tf e s t e 1 to hew hest lie c•anghel1) his friend Mr, Hardy at tho coming elections, in Ve- turn for the and Mr. Ilarrly and his (,ollea *ties gave Tarte. arnd La,nrier in the I)uu)inion elections. Harbors, bridges, post offices and other public works will be proinhwd in doubtful constituencies and rill that lavish ortt- ,,Ly can accomplish will be oh the hoards for months to runic to influence votes in favor of the Hardy Ross Gov- ernment, The Ottawa administration desires to sPe Mr. I lardy secure in power for another four years so that Tarte k Co. can make use of hint and it friend- ly government to rob Ontario for (Quebec and the Maritime provinces and to assist Tarle and 111ir oil' their nefarious deals to tonrich their' allies and politi- cal friends oat of public monies. it will he much safer for the people of Ontario to have a government lit Tor- onto without any entangling alliances with the Government at OtUtwa., Economy, not extravagant outlays simplicity and carefulness, not pomp and a in q s after show and vain 3la, r is what ther vi suer, O nCe nePC1H and P it condition of things can he brought p ah( ut oil t � y )y aL change in the per, on- nel of the Government. Messrs. i Hardy, Ross & Co., have been there l long enough. Let us have it change, THE FINEST TEA IN THE WORLD I CAI FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. "Monsoon” Tea is put up by the Indian TeA growers as a sample of the beat qualities of Indian Teas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the orighmA V+ kages, thereby securing its purity and excellence. Yui up to % lb., r lb. and 5 Ib. packages, and never bold in bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write tv • STEEL, HAYTER & CO. It and 13 Front Ctr..t East. Toront(• 60 YCARS' EXPERIENCE. of, TRADE MARKSy DES! CNS Y COPYRIGHTS die. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention is probably patentable. Comm unicut Ions strictly confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents In America. We have a Washington oatoo. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of uny scientlfiekarnal,weekly,terms$3.Wayear; $1.60 six mon b8. Specimen copiesand HA.Nn BOOK ON PATENTB sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, New Yore. NERVOUS, DESPONDENT, 4(dEAK, DISEASED MENS Cures Cuaranteed or No Pav YOUNG (or MIDDLE. -AGED HIEN-Yon may have been the victim of Self Abase whou,oang. !satyr Lx-osees or erpoedre to 61"od (tn,en.es may havo completed the work. Yon feel the eymptome stealing over Fon. You dread the fatare roaWts. ,on knew you are not a man mentally and sexual I., tt by not he carer! in time end avoitd the eed experience of othnr wrecks of these dise".es. Oor NEW AfEf l= VREATMENTWILLCUREYOU AirrElt ALL ELSE FA1Lkl. Emissions, Varicocele and Syphiiis Cured W. Td. ;d ILLELL W. M. hULLIca i C U F [ 8 I#'foro'.rreatrrent After Treut:nent t � "At. c mmen(•e I o rain A the ;1^0 of 161 0 -, n:y hen Ih. Jritor on as •'oNE OI•' '1'111, P,.. Ht N-3" I el)"Ll'actod n wwintis blr,od dire ,e -SYi'I111.IS. I nw vweak ann1: d •rV,.H, r1 �,1.'w ,npglnnt t;m rinv sunken wes h nt•l,- .leers, iulir3louun' se, sure tmr;e and as mouth, drains in urine, vaii,oe; lel-I wu. F ' a wreck. I was in the J."t star a tvt(,n a'M 6 'riend reconum ro led Drs. Rot g is Cal 1L r m% A dozen nther doolors had ailyd ^} iat cru ing mo. Dr,. KeDne iv A Knrcau 1 ( Torr•(] me in a rota week" by their Vety Method'1'reattnent I woul-lwarn ei'nilar i rliaea-od men to hewa:•o of Medira:l Frand+. g •lw, are reliable hous,t nnrt Fktllfnl phyoicinns. W, M. NILLLIL CONSULTATION FREE. fl� We trcrtt rand care V(.rlca- ` cr.tt:, r.y¢itzt)fN, 1t:lroiiHatl<rtarl, Qle"t, (itrietuf e. PTery"rep lot - f btitty, ilnrir,.terrAl t[L4Fclrart;rA, ' o IKtett ey arras islander LD f b- 17 YEARS IN MICHIGAN ?.00,000 CURED rzo core, 1K(, Flay. Write f'"r !tvctatlrrrt !Zoller!(- for kWOxrre •i'rrAlLlrrrrt. rt3:n NIC dt 1rrCC;. {, yt •.rxryctltntfoti p^c[•r. Gl s a• rn 1. k No. 143 Shelby .1. t iiC:'i lZ7!'C, - - 6tRtCi9, G^fe t'ns��'�•'^%�4�3±�ni rA2L�ii Archbishop Langevin of St. Boniface IH 5niflrl)g front It V IldcPn attack of illtless, A, MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO BOARD OF HEALTH SAYS: "I have prescribed Scott's Enitilsion b1 Consumption and even when the di- �estive powers were weak it has been followed by good results. H. P. YEOMANe, A. B., M. I). The coroner's inquest on the (leath- of Win. H. Sawyer, who received fatal injuries in a fight near Minden, was begun, and Hit -an) Sawyer, the father of the deceased, told his story of the fight. Ask your grocer for , For Table and Dalry, Purest and Beat C I a