HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-09-15, Page 2r.,..-.., __. , . ; �,,.r. _ w w wT _ — .pan ..— ' y �, ,r . l frmle tm+11ESr11 I`'n1� A ly on a garden chair, her handson[e NEW BICYCLE FROCKS _- - __ ___-_._�.. -�— 1 young husband Standing ut its back, and t t UIRI1 I+ARS' - __ -_ she peeked and peeled With u shy, bright- 6utlag Oostumas Are Now llullt on LLHAMAr WA - L. ' Pecial to Camping g and Picnic Parties••• • % eyed audacity which wade one think of tinctly Nnwlntne Lines. Canned Turkey, l'hicko[!, Duck, Corn Beef, Lunch Tongue, Buneles'i Pigs Feet, t3ARONESSBURDETT-COUTTS HOLDSe•tt cuuur;v, secure to its familiar cage, but � 1''iuu:ur liaddie, 11L4tkeral, Ki}lpered lierriu� K• ready to hop u%+uy at the least susi,iciuu 1ludt-rutiuu ill bicycle and bull cos- HER DAINTY LINGERIE, HOSIERY AND )„ tiuhuuo, i'rehtt Herrin THAT DISTINCTION IN ENGL4ND. of Intrusion. Three, gurgenus Chinese tunics has at lust won the• day. very `FINEST BRFNUS SARDINES• - diguiturieS, ill rubes of blue brocade uud abort guw•us are no lungk•r wort! by the SHOES. with , we gold kurus uu their filed tic4lrio wlitylsmartest class Of wun,eu either uu the i Mullegatawny, Mock Turtle and Chicken Soups in Cans. A l'a„adfan (;Irl Describes }lel' Last Udl. hl91dN, K'Pnl a gravely diguilicd trio wheel lir uu ih4- lion$, k!'nuet+u uu4v -- - Picnic r den !•arty, WI,lch Was Atn.•niled by throvesnNlkthe gr•dullrls, o-asliog thlug 011 thioll is, wour si,wply a moderately diol•!. con. New Ideas to Srlpperki—furouze !seems to I icnic Ilams, English Breakfast BdeOn, Su,",ir Cured and .6woked Shoulders : y 1 visdu tri nit f SkuL %Writ! r 4 u-, to tlu the lav -rise 1'ur its Utility Ord l(illurd b Sweat Pickles a delicious re;sah. the sarones,l, of Lurnataitfe and the progrC*tised. The Turkish Amit:-Sad°r' disuuguish it Prom ally other beuyiLle � night )lou Sir Wilfrid l.aurl,•r, sod his wife wets !hest-, suu{ubly veal' frock fur country wear. The short-ltYcel Lustlug Nu -were -- Suuiuthiu4 Abu t �'jl'Robson, � Grocer, y twv, handsome eullpll,N ft'n3u (irt•eee. I'by fad fol' cull.,pirinull.,ly athlclir :,till.,, of hkl,•Lb Abou eeabUllabtu 11a1e, „�,OW9 bso Grocer Albert St., Clinton. ltipeelal correspoadoaee.t m,:uny unit lh•usNiu were represeule''l b>' tiny land ha.s almost euu„letwl dk•d uut I s j„� �/� Albert /\Jlf! U London (8Ilccial),-••The riche.! %Wotanl their ser•roe highucSses_ Prince uud Priv_ I atuong lilt- bo,t grooint-il wuuleu. Like The girt 44hu i, fund of biltiug in a ___ --- __W�._,_..-._..-- in all lu.laud was what we kept re- (es Ilrn, llolie nluhr•-\ e•hivahc a, and J,t • all (.sirens uurde•S. it Inks Seco .short- hau,[nut., shoaujd poly csperuU utteutiur, _- ---- .__ _.. __ -_ '- i:eisttug to (t+ts'sVIYPS. Yet we %solo )r"t Lau by two short and u«niietit ltl,able, i lived. At une tiame 4-vi,n wim,.un•+:s we'll. to thct•e things: her shows, hwr atucltsugs, �e� �%a p as wurrilippers of Mallilru,ll, It %%,,s yoaag nieu with uuprouuuncl,ahiv uawes• rd itnalit"l,t, but tilt•% sur now a thing and her pctttcna(s. Jf it 1, a pusslulu Waggon, Carriage and Repair Shop u erely the iuntneusity of the t14ought, for !ler royal highness, Priuct•rss Mary of , of the Aust, or shortly %rill be, I,•nst thing, the usual da[tiswl %years u di"Ly hero in Il, where w•t•ulth s u,ws Tet•k, sat drinking tea and 11mkiug 4'el"V Vests numeu nrudo curicutltrt'S of till Ili- II , the character and ,tyle of wtiwit t haute n sancd out un ltarttenbury stroel, next door to Ted ford's Stuck i all) ,ter } to such coustaul, strung relief. Ile rich• hot i« a gu4vu of purple unit greou, While I selvt s by trying to appemt• tuasculs:le, depeud's upon till. sr, le ul gonia,. S,,,,• ' altiith Shop, and stilt prepared to fill urtlet'S fat• Witgguus, 041'riagPti and all otbe r, t est w(tutan uP ihr land utast uecds hr the Duke of Peck and the young 1 riln'e of the tlatutit+.st shlypers ha%e upeuu+g$ , vehicles. Repairingand repainting promptly n(telided too. Katisfactioll stat suuu•Ihiug to Wunder at, Francis hovered about and tulkeri with I cul ill (nlfwreat putlerus uu the tut-, of I g ]". t Nile was plain Onuugb to look up tlu• roost Interesting people, Thr' wt-+'(' tilting thv upper edge, and through thebe stuLeeel ant! price+ the lowest COII,Asteut 'With Rood woik. ('till aur} See use he uu, its till couscuence, as she stood ihork' hosts of these for any to tinil. Couu,gs- I nue gets a glnupnc of the Stuekiug.., This fore you order. fecbily, uudrt the tussled hUao tit n by Disraeli, 1lamillon Aide, (l,(,or e ; j`+ is at is shuuild be, fui' while it would CHARLES WALKER. suudul,r tout, and welcuuted her guests (Irussuailh, Ch; Tics Wyrttlhan, autd Uary i 1 uevvr du to allow the stocking, however to Holy Ludg'•, Ile Burdett -Coutts' cuun :1lourt-, John Ilare, Clensent Scutt. .1u• ' fi _ Leuutifuf, to be se vii above tilt- top uY �--- ._ ^--'— --- — — —_ - ._--�., try liume, luiuetir ~testing, George Ah•�:uulet'I Sari os'cu ill(, low shut-, -it is entirely propos �M°'�"`—SPEC��►�. BARCAI�� —___� Iloly Lodge is old ,and heantirul, 'l'h•' Wilfrid Laurier, with his keen, nsct-tic t(t have the sbut, in evidence, and if it ' Itaruuoss Burdett -Coutts is old, but beau- filer, the Baroness L+'arnscliffe, once Ludy ' has holes tit it so the stocking shows i TEAS, TI X9, TEAS. Ceylon, Assam, anil Japaus, ti lbs. goon tiful she could have u4 -ver liewlt. L'ut her 111netlimald, and noted people f wu till t through it reall • cannot ire helped. t faee is alt kindly, uud her ulanncr is Over the world. b 1 pper, and one Young I.ysou for �1 lir l ie per Ib. graciousness itself. The uftrrnona or I counted five dueht-"ses, including The prettiest kind of sli her garden parr• was perfect. Ilad the ., Lily, Duchess of Marlborough (tilt' 1 I which is out very beaded ty worn, Is tle- Sugars, Sugars Sugars. .� 1 bronze nue with bended triannsingS. Be- t , younger duchess was out thorel, thre" iug rather shiny, it is delusive as to .Iuf,t to hand One car of Montreal Sur,ara. No, 1 Granulated, Collee and Itaw's isriucesseS, ttu(>e nwrchiuucsses, twenty- ( size, n quality uhvuys to be dytiirtecd to in bola, one hundred pound and dollar Iota, SPECIAL PRICES. live countesses and seven viscountess`''s' a wanutn s silttx>. It is soft :rail corn Then I gave up in des»air, and revived I ; fortable, as well, mix] is IikewLge very WE KEEP Th BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF WEDDINC PRESENTS iNTHE my Painting energies by taking nu inns• 4 durable. A bronze dancing slil,per with diaatcdy strong cup of tett with a Will'' COUNTY. Linuer Tea and Bedroom Sete Fancy China and Lamps. '� i / beaded toe and instRP strap is one o! ' , , tllla't oil) lady Ili grey satin; a Ovitsuiit I -.. file most tts0t1r1 pi0eecs uP foot -gear. 25 per cent. lass than regular rices. Call and see our Hoods slid get ;,I I talkative, entertaining old lady, whose �,, When it hers become too much stretchc � 0 p r. r illus e I had failed w catch in the juulbh' '0'/ m for dances sinal receptions it, can be (-oil prices. i,{ of ;lir introduction, but will) afterward I 1'itnotln , Ped and Alaike Clover T sorted into u hummock slipiper by set- SEEDS. y I transpired to be tt visruuuuss with s Turnip and Mangold. All I' Ipedigree as long as your aria, Aud She I ting a bow or buckle on the Strsip, 1'tesli and new seed. !coked so harallesS and inmoceut, tau. Sts, for for this yeuson are full of n � S By u+rans of this euwbluntiuu ,}uckwt u1e holes, for u work fa•vutS are e:otL. Gash Paid for Good Butter and Eggs.—- --o—, .` s <. You would never lit Vc a4-euseil her of . ��7 it. 111 r. Chamberlain was their 'With the ' dusty !'dist can al %wog a diuuer parry Sidemd more decorative, and certainly !/. , lir k'we, other suelnl 4-ugagrtuwutN ',,sere J. �� �-r ry9���^ t, ,_1 - inevitable purple orchid ill tori cunt; a" strtuify list dress is not uu fact. utur'e cuwfurtable tri hot lops, filial •�1ZN ate/` j if u toll suit dusky damsel, luukiug like au I those with heavy etubruider•y. Golf hose y - it tial) tducces ill a 1':ui$ :;king til' it rind their very attempt has killed the have had their iuflueuce, raid have stsrrt- _ _._.. _ . I � unwwortby, hideous arlueuts which they ell ordinary - - _------__._ __ __ _ ` .—_-� __ ---- _ low satin, vandyked front wrist to hem u ouustd. Naturals Lluuuiets never y stockings on a rampage ff. with white lael• insertinu, brLl ill tow 3 through the hcrlildry of Scotch plaids, CLINTON SASH DOOR, and BLIND FACTORY 'i. 'u blonde till,, vc,uthftti '•huuur;,IIle" bra- gait ovl footing among the best peer rte, itud having dune this, dies setticd down I,ut ill their place unnevesstu-ily shut•! €nto elutet backs and browns for theta- / I I th4-r to n mighty varl• .Tarts w.•ro wOru with kuickt-rtwckers. selves,- leaving unly a narrow arti- - %�1 �� I Visitors wore given actual fro.-olou, of 11•:ren kw,,ro w ruu•u are now w carding is P• - f yrs/ :. �� ' the house, gardens, cunsci•Wato:}es, eedurt(1 •lander tit the top hr indicatl, _O del ' <n e' , � � stables, dairies, urchurda uuti ev.at the !ticar bloomers for Skirts. Vottting urn their ,aPr•cit•a Of iQie genus hoar. .�' I k.ilcheu, lir Wegetable glildcus, 1t ont• I be acuter than :t well made, mxlarutely When it eozues to the subject of starts S COOPER, Proprietor. > end of ihr grounds the baud of Mer Jia- !short skirt for a woman when aLc plg,a till- quostion swsulves itself into a were ��' //- I jesty''s Scots Guards deult forth Gou1,u,1, ' gulf, shouts lir rides a w•huel, suit they iiiatter of lace. The more lace one call �� 11i•yurbl,er, 1lururt, Straus$ :and Pudet„ art, eilauily et-su say the bet- gt't un the edge (if one', petticoat tilt- General Builder and Contractor. ewski, while azar , Str frtua another ter clw+s of sport,wotuen, l•ougor skirt$ prettier it is, and any deficiency in thiN patch tit green ern avl curl Wil shrub' 'ire doing awuy with rite very high still particular must bo made up til the nttm- This factor has been under the personal supervision and Ownership for TILE IrAtt(s�19Nh ill'itnl:'L"P•t`OT;'[ PN• patc the baud of the loyal Artillery � boot; only the average high -laced bout }x,r of flounces of the material. I,:twn y p is new• nt•cessary. The fuSbioluLbte Skirt., to wv4ar uncles gowns of organdy eight years. We worry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and crashed out inusic "Wagnori:u,, Thi,60 It ive catirnates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on l (!aeon hecs(�If Leen in :Iticuduure it the cozy, unpretentious hitu.,e %ve went, snails and nu;rtrnus have laude• t.ix•m- or other thin nuit4-t-iul arc, a necessity S b he No. hole been characterized us seht-a very unpopular of lite by insist- in this Nu°it son of u«lin•rl ills+seri. 'L'hcy closest sloes. -All work is au rervi9ed n a mechanical "Qut-cu's wt-:rther." The rich baroness, through lurk-pamchtil dialog utxl light- ; iug ulx)n haviug their shirts, collars and are n.s•«a111y mark• with a wido ruffle ,it I 1 [ t I(, l way Rnu autinfaction her colr,red drawing-rootu., through roust i,ockties irtadc by the swellest ha.bcr- the buttum, and the, ruflle Itself is lair! guaranteed, We Boll all kinds of interior and exterior material. trtar,,liiul Ni�ui igingoyouugiluiau, i wits, after room that lrwketl all "homey," a daslers. They have crowded Lhe men in n row of narrow tacks near file edgo, , '[, Wright. have been her grandson. It. may blissful contrast to the Stiff asci futauul front the shops '4i)ich heretofore have with ;t Lancl or in.,erfiuit botweon and a �111111�e1', Z,lltll, Shingles, Lime, t5i1S11, Doors, �illll[1S, L,tC• lav(- been it foolish thing to do; it cer- parhu•s which 1 fear we too often af- ; catered only to ma.,eultmo trade: and flounce or ]nee around the ]wtto n. tainly was a daring experiment to try. ifet•t'. Isere to L+'ngland a drawing -route i when .tones now goes fain his hiller- , .Lu Odd faue ill Agent for the CELEY, Y is it place where one may ,write it letter - y Ixtwo-ars i, a pal-, g I'bATLl) G1tAY13ILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured The world of LOn(lon was set agog. Dis- P dasher's to ord0r :a dozen shirts ho tiuds blue lawn with threo twu•htch rutiles at in Waterloo. Call and get pr es and estimates before placing our orders, aster was predicted, but it has not come. or tits hutt'%u it tiler necwsury without �c(tsi I it diffivult to be served, ,is the tms.ploy- the buttuui, each haviug a narrow edge p 8 y Save, indeed, as the Queen showed her [ era are uc•c•npiett with women customers of Llack vulcucieuues as a tiui$h. Thi royal disaloprohation of such frivolity, tomttants. It is a resort lu be liTed in, selecting material for shirt waists. n of bl wake a ver• >rett -- ._._..__--__------ --._- But the Barouess is rich enough and Then we wandered through glass -ht- 3 I y foundation fur ckrsso verandas, lintel with rrlirS a tilt- + 1 l black erg wi triwntck with btu.•. Ilion Special Furnitur pow•t-rPul enough to live quite happily hvu:,trs of Coutts, a sort of f:unilP A Presentable [.Dancing versa• 1¢twu skirts with •L1;LcL• kuco U•i[iit»itLg e Sale without imperial favor, and }ler youngnniseum, llhore was u sm,ill consterya I A writc,,r in The New York herald would be were in harrnuuy with the pre - husband has remained both careful and tory leading fere the billiard) vo. m, and ' says: A lounging dre-ssoo•that is present- Beat style of'culur sebeme, which romiuds at11is °' be •and it hothouses in ,i eudid trim. able nS 'volt as comfortable is u rate we of a very pretty block uutl pink cos- ® COST T IIis was a difficult role, tau. httf he 3 ii j, has inken it with the same quiet an,l 'Phe vinery and tree notable stables were ' combination, and once d6covered it tune which I saw on all open cur tate resolute, dignity with 'eh1'ch he ucreptc(t not far off. a'n, these !utter utittswera 1 will !d Ile hold togother� its (lw,lung Of the P•enest tereada rn, w th.'lar e blotchesnight. It wits lit ii(if black and �l11riYl4" September. his wifeat- 's natnc. It was predicted that g1edt ttttructirnt, for BurdOtt•(.uutts �s little moral ii j,� dee es 1 have eti<pn this Of inik about a wally distributed. There. u lover of horses. and a fimnons breeder ! q We have too hi ,v stock of Parlor Suites Ile would tiro of his elderly spouse to suns ner is a ti °ured organd • with reen were four distinct Materials usod as trial- Lounges,Couches, Rasy Chairs six months. If he has, even in all til • of baekneys. Phe dairies, with then- , !, ) g and [hats other lines which roust go out if low prices ill do it. � ]Dray inN'rvrning yours, un one }ins per- cool marhlr floors and ''Walls, suit deep 'sI iips ill it, which the (rw•ner'vt•at•s over wing -black ribbon, pink ribbuu, .pink y tti i c0ivorl it. Besides tarn, is I:ind, ('%l,ui,I n•.eut,h(vi china howls of yvlluw crentn; it green lawn petti4-Oat tr-imntied with aiik and black lace, The pink silk To make round, the grand :u,,ortrnent of standard goodti'Yill be sold .�9't(J6n1' g the vegetable hie gardens, brad 4-uouglt and Ian's•• It N made l'anlrire fushtou, with A,riued a front, which was veiled with during September. if you ";int it Genuine Bargain casae to I3lllL sol 1"S, up thing., at last, and as these two stand g Side t'y side that blight snmm4-r a1't'twr- vart(vl enough to stock a big hotel; the a narrow yoke ill front and Lack furan black lace. A bolero trimuuiug hkuf Our Undertaking sidenoothere dirt not seem so much itis- Aurniner-hou"ee, the orr..hnrds and tho ' 'iug a square neck. I, lour -ccs that ran strips of narrow black riblx)n running t parity after all. The Baroness is slight form, 'sear points orf interest for those• , to s Pr,iuts in front arnl back err sower, up uud down. The neck ribbon with Department . . • I� and feeble, but rich, trailing silks, and who could suffer for a tine to lose eight ; over the Shoulders and edged with War• its fire loops iu the 'bask was e0uniosed P - wmiderfu-t tact- draperies softened tln, of the gay throng on for central lawn. I row lice. The sleeves are rather louts of half pink anti half black. There were Is well stock,,cd with modern 1•equit•e- Asperity ur sharp Ihv-s and lent her In tilt, tennis courts ,"no of the Truest., and have a wink ruflir at the dnu,d, but two rattles of file WLitterinl, etch Lound rneuts at rea.sunable prices. ' 1 p .�I, grace. Il:•r sweot, pule, aristocratic old (li"portecl themselves mu.n-fully; and no i they are so t ntdrt that they can b0 pal14•,f n-ith black ribbon over the shonlders. 1 fare looked nisi from a comfortable bm,. mutter whore one went, thore apixar•ed ' up to the t•ll,crw, The dress, linims louse 'Phe IR-uty of this costume was its con- 11. C. .O��� r, ;ii�r� net tied hr•ncath tilt' ehiu, and evwr and tents, tables, kiosks, where fl(rwed the, I fm -m the yoke, but. wh(-t1 it is necessary sistemty. Che calor sch0me was p, r• - anon she sunk down to rest in a nest (-toting chlimpmgne Wild claret cups, au'l • to appear in it, lite owner clasps a gold- fomiy carried Out in the hut, with its FuitNI•runx,oi\r) 1�\lyHETAKINu, en girdie, not around hor waist, for rink ruses and ribbons and black fea- Iluron 5troet, next Gilt•oy &- Wisetnall',. - `y Of soft pillows piled high bencatti the w":ht-re hl)�e stranberrirs stood noaa to that would make an orlinary nl,ttln•i• tbt•r•s. awning, fat rrilver l4tohers of thiel, creans: where , hubbard affuitr of her otherwise artistic ' The Setitsk, of eternal fitness, which As foot- him -he who wits �Ir. Ash- rakes and sundwiebe,s, thin ?tread and --- ._ -- mead Bartlett, but is now Air. Burdett-' gowrcl, hurt a few inches vlxt'•e. Por a gait}eS the designers of fashions in hafts , bolter siiitl saltvis, And the+ inevitable los, Q i - - , Coutts --hi., frank, hl) mitre ezponsive gown one could use Figur- wore than is generally Supposed, has �U�i�j }(�{C(�{"j�7 pi>. face has nMny rtvted in abugo))," f A tannery person Mi China or India silk, but nothir+g irut wings on all the lute Suutmer hats t! 5 --the Old Reliable Furniture Store. -� 1UU 1 u deep tins in it, and hi. lair is .,priulcle,i +!sight len s gone for a ortn to) falls prettier or cor,ler rrruld hi, funnel than to make tbein st'asotta.bie for Septeni- with early get-,', besides growing thin and tnlcl'n Nltir}slies for a fortnight's nae. the or_'muly which I have ust ilescribcd. ber. 1 ® ��.�'1R►4O 'it filo tap. His laud wlasp }.,lvarin aur! Slipping down from the front of the Thr, low nook is e, (,itll•,v becoming •11111 . The hal that flares•aw•ay from the hearty, his msi«ner tsf extreuu, fronlinvss bm,se, wttb its fringe of OiSteninr holly �'"' ^ tninc•1wd with an •i hair I. , r t'1% filing 1lnwer beds of (till. ; is rnflrr ru.ro in thc°so days of,whulting fare. with nuxterately wide brim and ('rill ill suit see top stock of }ionsehnid 1'uruittu'o. sonar Into designs in 1 I less t trona,,, weer tun h]tTE`SION TABLES, BEDROOM SUITHS in_Ustk, Llnt, Ash, \Copts, &v. And I thought, as I drift:',, by with fasitioued L1(toins. and :s 'rosary all pint; 'Collars, .hat, strange to any, it dors not 1'e:oilers pc0Jlin over it, will Ire must t»ok incongruous. po pular next winter•, as it has been more 1'':\�(} Jt0(}Iip:ItS, U.1TT1t1s551e:5, tiI'lll\(a t31a:U�i, Y[f'T1;itlsti, ('1'It- tlu, oucnnling .,imam or guests. that ti and (-rirnsorr. yellow• and white, spread } A r.lish old world may tiger fill nn it; fragrano, frail its huge eirrk,. Undo, I th"ll once in thw past_ It will atru h;tvr `l: \1\T YULEti, 811.)EBOAdtt)S, 1,ASLES, CENTRE TAT3LE'S, c,c, liab,y !,hien. i a high, cuts box crown. It is raUler hind legs ;int snitch it., tail :nal hell'%%% n little stout- kiosk slit ihr sculpturtcl 1 ictnre, 1'riuned, glass used in picture. frnn,es, special! iurportetl. llonlelinRs, in angry eondeninatimt, hilt gonerahy til,, tigare or Oivlo Whittington in the at. Isere is a Nlatement of I.ho Srtiallest inter�titrg to nuts how sr,mo of the hat ;1'utericitn�;uul Catuuliau, 1'inc a•8,urtnaent hl'iuui�s for L'hotu,. � two people cuncer•ued know' what ill best titude nr listening, for+hereabouts tradi- ' rltuuher of artivivit of dross regaiairt-4 fru:nles are e•na.strnefNI. One of the high Prices right, * u) tion sait.h the immortal Mck heard the for a new horn iufaut, which, lir course, ' crown<,(i vnrivty loss a ,1)ir11 roll oP i t, t,( d v:tine for your tlloney. (food Feathers taken in exchange, for !hon+ tto) , if they are hart braWc ' wire shout an to 'n ill diameter running €, enough cul h, bo sc:u•ed.Ly the mist- asst bells 1)l':uliug; can hr incroa,t�el: k ~cute good 3�ettfher5 for Sale. llte preaching! Turn agnh,, WIjittln •ton, Twelve s4irts, six groats caeh Of pique : around the edge ua the neper side of , n g. I 1t w•ns, next to that at `i•indsnr, ihr. Thrive Lord Mayor of Load+,n. and Lrillsmte. Biz marc of flannel, tw•elWe the brim. Another spiral of halt flue garden parry of tike season. For :t mile Across the lawim through long arbors I cacbe-millottes of flannel and Nix flsunitd dimmeter mina around the Brown at its Bert street-- ..��� or two tilt, streets were liner! with :ins- OP wisturiat and honepr,uckle, we found Jsu•k"ous," feral. nu,,erdr(�ses or per. ]uw-tion to ill(, brim. These wire skele- • •Stevenson, (}.) soStte Town II;Ll inua North End people, wild with a desire Traitor's 1I111, "'here the 0.uy 1 awkes I call-, four long robe,ol of nainsnok an -1 tuns aur t.ht- inundation for the rolls of 11 for m pwep at royalty and till, "tuffs" party stood that ineimira,lsie 5th of Nu- ' four of musl-in, iztx pairs of woulk•a tulle rbr velvet which Will dt,coratc the Leading Undertaken and lnlaalrner. siwks a•nd six pairs of wrio}lem �boot8, ! velvet hat next winter, who wero going ihat unaceustoute l w•ay• vkm)ber to watch for till' 1 ulac•e of West- , The IInly Lodge is at ]Iighg:rte, wiles(' uiinster U, blu%v to atoms'. ,Lod fleas , Two bath wraP11u'rs, citht'r of flunnol ltcsidcttceo'ofStote. - - - - - J. C. tirr•.%'ianu�, sew faslinnnLll' rwsident,es nhtnin, Nell plans of bWor• wars, like tle loriou. ' or of sponge t„•welliag; six muslin fich:rs 'on%e 1•:1TH811 fi(ylei, (l%rinnr lived at Iiighgnte, and Gootge nlsi"s of puildc3 pau�it�s brimming the I rut in triangle and trimmed with nal• _ ,>�, ..aa A:}ivt, Coli'ridge and Varaday are imried brobrlig,nogian vase at the housrfrunt -- r<nv lace. ftL iN there, hltt that was hll lung :y ti duel for thaughtN. Six woollen napkins and six of wh}h' T I '\ GUM Sewing n At nn Whet point have I vet Nrcrt I Pigne, Bis of finer quality, four dozru the typical i l live p ntlIv. of de lty ore ill No I 6 ! JoHaMno MOMS. d:la N�1'3 •and two doz0n larger E„r ni •hl 'r:.' ” terestrd ill live p0nple, not dead ouch. Wa' fine a view of L.rynflun a., bore fr(xn Y"kt-�� Ilenry to drive through such a pen- Traitor's Bill, at llighgat4-. It is won- 4vcwtr. hsL"t.ty, eight small squstaes of j- cession in a paltry hansom has its trial., derful how well `•0141 Smoky' call look S4)ngp r.�hriaguve stns! be ad(led the ( ti� " , ' �_ _0 to hear enc m tomrisitthtieockn vriihasrrlilsr)wonw, at it rbistance. All the misery, tile soil, chtriQt4-ning .rube nP muslin with pelisarMJ 11 r g the sordidness lies bfdtlo•u, and one sv.'s i I halve laude ;IN'angettients frith the N.EW IIOJII•; `;1-:11'1\(i Jl.k('lll,\l', owl hocxi, and the Passe-rrrrridnr, a kind. ('O,IiI'Ah1 fohtuullet.luir Cunehincs soul :Los prcpurrd to otter the }niblir on and to quarrel with n truculent rails+i+u r+ only flit 11uiltituule of buildings wrapped ; Of flalinel cilfw1hie, the eradle for the II -'. at Ile very g;tty is ignominy, But when well about in the sort sanoke-nin.ndo, I Sleeping infant, the dressing basket, 1 au'ticle allsnt'plts.-e(1 fat• durability and rho quality of'vurk, They will Ire plstc•w(l that Sol), on Of Belial demands double fare while the dome orf St. Paul's 'n•ith its . sheets and illy for the cradle, the ' p : ort trial five; 'Vecourlrelc with sill macttinos on the su:ukct. I also b:eWr otln'r oil the strength of having driven Pill golden eross fl<ntts like a syaubol at rhe n r, grades at )es, niuney. Needles and tarts sti t )tied for till tuakc. of nsatchine;. to a real live baroness', and the pleat door of very boaven, and the giant knitted counterpanes and coverlets nt I 1 stipplied white Pique. l i that it is lnp 'ill, it ae,ms limo to call tower" of I'arlimm,nt asst of West- _ _ i ) � •� �ti.':+Htxtt \f:'cHtxt::,. -I am agent lot• the celebrated :1ut.hou5• Y1'nynn a halt, and eonvinc0 a fe%r havrestvil minetcr upreur in st a.tely dignity to ,+ The arnAr Party, Washer, the Ill], est, Iniwufac•t firers of Washers ill the world. The naachinu pct-}dt- that all the gncsts of the ll,uon• skv that reollis to hover and ]N°nd in cwIllot be bent in :tit les )(Vt. I ;:till handle t.ho Im proved ideal nti(1 Mauitnha sari nre tint as rich us she, 5t- yo« en- ' greeting. Other• U",ring spires rise like Cellar parties are tilt- intetst original- p I ! , Y } r 1 Washen. Also Clot ties Wringers, ( tri the best ill the market. ler the trre•rt ant" with your fo»thers grim figures in supplication, and the ity and ore a Chicago invention. �, � g"', eonsidernbly rufilyd, followed Ly Iho nu ' Crystal Palitee, catching tlr last ray, A intmber or 'lloronto girls have gone +' nthouln., of the cuhmsui, unr! t!4- W,uy'ii)g of ills sun, lies like a surer alar in lately for the fvn. 1'hri idea is to T7[7"M Moo�v' comments ,if the crowd, who aro divided age along k0 aoeret the seheine of the entertain- �- ���// �J1 the murk• I keep • r, in sympafidet4 for the "Iaidy wot w,a' ' It is time t<, go homo. Wr know it meat and to invite your guests as it /\ i� h1liiposed lt'on' and the' csthnuul "%sot ; is, but we dO ant. want to an Ordinary everring' were "on the i salla i- 4 go home, Thr r honghter 'std n low more bub dr14in" Ftirrohess is a kindly snuff, a.nd we are I rnriret,' 1'hcv are eonduet( thr»ugh I ' t ;w The Old Stand, Huron Street, Cliziton. badly toffs Imp 'ill fit ter break then bleed- 'Willing to ,crept her for hosts ss, tvr (lark and desortal•looking dining hall, _ __,_-_._ _.-._. in' neeks: Puss." corridor, etc•., anal down Iho cellar stair =-. "�°�� - snv. T\'e think we will tell her that we Vountry tui;t•t in 34ng)L4h :,tyle in figur- Rat mice inside these imp sing gntr't I can easily remaiti for n.rintlor week. '►t way. This lt»v0r rtwon is rendered Ml bal:isf4- lir foulard. 1`hr tvltirt is corn and the shadow of irritation fell frons oar , , lovely with .lapanese LintOrns, ptlnls wliirh ternnrk ottr iord the t;httnr fella vl lir four volunis sttai,)td to the ro m fill, sii(,h mantle. There was uo ilrto "11011 evident distress that his mono_ ' 'Ind femvv, and a sttpix,r is set forth figure and set un almost plain. TheLoOk HERE� smotmwl � roam fur ,soil a assns in that parudi"'' cle gets twisted about until it is hung- • ttxm' The wonder of it. lilt was that thc•r•'' ; iwg down his }mock. afters the fashion of I h:xvopt the sapper there is n.n Special theanfrontliscrr})en(I over s lit LadachotuL,ette of to sttchlesl»pings tannin ilnnd (t;s of mcuulow�s,rrSen9r 1110 golden hair iWlon,ging to the yc+um ;thesronte pnrtios� i nt taoimti Ing nldd iiedmast plaited batiste with coquille revers l.2 •00.6060••006006600• labyritttl,s of gardens, and arbors mol ' lady in the song, unit he sititls the straw- npprnprinte. The "ho,r•ror meeting" Is faille, they are carried to the bask sod y� lodges, so nl,ar to London, so near tit berry i0e nil 1, his ►owelynn;y shiny pntolit much liked as a rnm•bination, ixrrd4-r(vl nail hlnclt tarsal, 1`h0 Nlecvs PL�Y'e manilla and streets, Ah pnA"inR non to sill the' root- nailer s'hors, wt- rattnut endure to ' }rave double epaulets, they are mads 'if _ /_� can", so Brent mentnt'prrturbation, and I stylish also lvuauln I foulard and pil"I with faille, The cra Own, it, of molropoliteur lite. .dud oils cnnr•age 1114-11.8 as melts that st.raw•- � e• 1 vat i" of )lain red foulfwd. !.hell, jnat ns the uunceuytomed visit ,r berry •}re. �'0 nr}"e snit make sur ' 1t a swagger afternoon tea in the : 1 °�'• begun to ehnn"P n way Iculing to ihr ' arl)cux, going forth roluctnntly, "°The , slthnrhs m couple of society maidens 7`uilnr-cut co"tumt- oP stlmRttrr clot!, i'. ►111�Je�' Shield lawn where tum Rmrbiw4i; and her hos• crowd is still waitingin tile dust The Ill till skirt is nclorned on the hips wont in for pretty domebicity with n hand wore reeriving, a servant in quirt 5 and tuhledr with buttons tabs, o which livery 1 , )roueh'd with + str0ets, cbtmoring, eomm,4-nting.g envy- vengennee' aro rluel,d oblong buttons o[ mother -of : I I : guide to il" . ung. We. 'fon. irarok baric and los } I g I '! hey w•.I�hrd the cn )s nn+i sauuw,rs in 'xrnun s acrd n programme of Lilo 'day's . ei'ph, rirhrst wrrman in h,nglanrl,' n,, the fuer of :til the %world. A hnge china pe'nrl. T11e a)rs,age vest is alao finished rriuMv, rind the rest w•na rnee, on the slveve•s •ind uu thN lengthened n mur'irmr again, and then we catch ,lMlt. Punch bowl, dweornted •in loves and front with stitcheed tabs unit buttons, it 1P 1t was a beautiful sight, the yello4% of the Rnroness, pallid, warn, fcvhD,. ; hloantns, +t-rced As a. dtshpnll• is cut. nix,n in trout aver n high plaited son pouring down oyer Jersey slopes nn'1 bring hrlped into her low pony-enrria;ry Ali the mt,n in the room, it Is elaime,l, faltering through thick trees of vizir( I were arotJnii f•he dishwnSher. 1•ihlc, silk eeintin and cut out at the neck ' to drier afiont 1.hesr grounds of hers. cr''0r a shailar phisttron, The belt fastone green, LkuggO as ole company was, it through whieh she is two weak amt old ; Verbuut amp. -Philadelphia! iress. ' at the back beneath a small heading; no mOrO thorn dotted the+ "poelou, to walk. Her httvhanil walks beside ' I ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• grounds, the ladi(w' dresses unsling to I Tl) Ctran 9D„r (arnDta, til, vest fastens In front. The revers and 9 The brightness, a" did the huge rhodndrn- the plainer maw vehicle, atlald the contrast collar of white satin are covered with 0 • dron bushes, the Flower beds, till, n•I.- to pl. no now. A hl) iplo, el who knows has discovered guiptiro• r a • NO. not 0vtbn The ri0hrwt woman in two Simple cics+nsers, both of which are • tarts. and huney"nekle-eoverod nrhot•s an,, Iingla,nd lei to be envied, until life is excellent for freshening carpets which k3legantly simple toilet for bathing re- • Prices (� • the gayly alriped ntarquers, or tents, with longnr, strrngth f11dler, happd'neas more • have become Soiled or marked with sort, of alpaca. The skirt is trimmer! l ���✓A7 1J ?0 • 0 their rugs and cushions and their fling+ erxlnriug! If one hurl an 0ternity in I grease. These are coarse salt and let- with three rows of cord, harmonizing in • • flyling blithely from the top. willoh to 0nj<ly thesoo thing" -bot I face leave". TO ase Irttucr the leaves polar, the Sixties has the swore trimming. • • 1t was n notable company, too. dn�t must be chopped fine and moistened fse plain black has no center "en.m, the •600060660006600060060666 6060 back of the Baroness, Sir Ilenry Irving, ' And after lits, la drat". FmA}I side .piece" are lervgtheneod into - T"Ia !s the end Df cont. mAws de"im. Slightly. In Irreproachable morning drk'ss, stood ! points and adorned with pointed pockets in earnest converse with hi" bighnes., i iuVA F1nODI.IQZ n I Sculptor the 11rinrerc. l.a0me- i Oto which buttcn.9 file placed. The shawl 6 0 the Rajah Of I{arparthala, n flno-lookinat The Princr"s I, uia0 iii voulpt,rfing the c011nr Of wdiite fail}, Js bordered with roan in jeweled turban, with magnifirent t>ntt and Dirty alntca. , gggnnre of an angel with outstretched atptsen and carrkad below the walat, 1111111111 gems ill his dusky ears. Ile Jiighness,' �'4hen the sink" become doll unit dirty, ' vring�, whir . is to b0 ala<(vl over She wlr0re the ends are :adorned with but. Harland• ! Bros., The Macherani of (lnndal, wrapped I de they are apt to in warm weather, akAz its[ the Prin,el• Ilenry M Bwtttw- tons. The eromed vert is made of alpnea• about In wonderful gnuzes, "at demure- I wash them with turpentine, berg MeniorW Chapel, ht t. Mildred's. � the plastron of plalt0d faille in fastenee lil I I 1 beneath a srna.l] 'volant. CLINIT'O1�T• a : � . . . . . . I . 1. . I . ....�.::.. _ :a: . . .. f .tta� ..., .,w } ' Y�;�J L1______' _.__:�...c��.._.,.w<: ..,.. .c:.s,.:r..q..� �.......:...: ..... .n ,... �; r���iwww,a,., ....,.a......tw. .;'C:YoriwasA.v:, , ...a14t,•w,.