HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-09-15, Page 1• V 1 T11TJ l TERMS—$1.25 per Aiinum, 1.00 ifikAdvance. VOL. XIX INDRPIfNDIBNr IN ALL THINGS—NEUTRAL IN NOTHINO WS -RECORD. Q CLINTON. HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, SEPT.` 15, 1897 11 A. M TODD E01ter -,.d Owiker WHOLE NO. 981 Colborne. From The ID1d Sod. I Goderich. 'THF TWO A. If Your Digestive SA) DEATH. -A very sad death oc- TSE NEW HEN. -ROSS' incubator - v MR. R. J. CLUFF WRITES OF THF 'DRIP, cured at Staples, Essex county, ora Fr}- will he in full operation at the North - py P AND R11LATES SOME VERY P da September 3rd, it beingthat of Western, so that in the words of B1I1 �Powers� Mr. Samuel Walters, second son of INTERESTING FACTS, Barlow, we shall see them "a hatching I I TRY.... Mr. R. pJ. Walters of Ben iller, of -- I of chickens by steitul." Y Now Falfgoods i; Are deficient you need some- hop Kditor• �\ etas -Record, p. yea d Paver. His age was but Sl .. , J Hollowaything new to create and main- years. He. leaves a wife and one child DEAR S1It,-13y request i will hy t.o REMOVAL. -Ai. G. (aimer6rBarris- I In all the latest novelties.tain strength for the daily to mourn the loss of a kind husband describe Same of the places of interest tot- kind Solicitor, hias moved front over • • round of duties. and father who along with his parents visited during our trip to the "Ould G. M. Elliott's store, and his office is Melt's and Boys' Strictly pure Malt Beverages, have the sympathy of the community. Sod." now located on Hamilton Street, 2 FOR A All the popular Brands of Ales After a tedious journey of ten fifty$ doors North-east of Colborne Bros. dry HATS and Porters. leaforth. tumbling on the Atlantic we arrived goods store. ' at Londonderry on the sixth of July.CAPS Fall or Winter BRIEFe.-Mrs. T. W. Duncan of I The first lace of interest we saw wits THE FALL ArT.-The Fall s P cerin of the High h court of Justice will TIES j Guelph was in town last week renew- the historical "Derry Walls," which o en in Goderich on Monday,Se Item- Jt� bk Kennedy, in old ac( uaintances.-Mrs. Welsh encircle it small orttun of the resent p , I , A7U.Zt or $ ; P P bee Loth, before His Lordship Chief BRACES, it sister of Mr. John Weir is here from city. - No conception of these walls can Justice Aieridith. The Crown'business The Clinton Liquor Stole. Scotland on it visit. -The Misses Ache- be formed unless one inspects then). at the court will be conducted by J. F. and UNDERCLOTHING Overcoat son of Goderich were lit town last There are two solid stone walls filled Lister, M. P., Sarnia. p _ Phone 54. week. -Mr. A. J. Wilson, son of Mr. with stones find gravel, where, at inter- We always give satisfaction in O. C. Wilson, is at the parental resi- valS beautiful flower gardens a ear, g in hats is a g P LOOKING AHEAD. --At a meeting of The newest thin quality of goods, price, crake and '�. TIP dence.-Mrs. Cline of Wingham is the average width being from 18 to 21 the Ladies Aid Society of North -St GREEN FEDORA fit. 'a` the guest of her Sister Mrs. J. H. I feet, on which is placed the monument Methodist church held last week, it e Broadfoot.-Mr. E. Iiinchley, one of of the famous "Walker" and it few of wits decided to carry out their annual just imported ,from New York. e our most ppopular men took unto hint- the Old canon used at the neige. COn- programme in connection with Thanks- We. have a full assortment of winter See our $13.5 self last Tuesday, a partner for life in venient to this wall is tire. Cathedral, giving Day this year, full particulars Of underclothing in men's and boys'. the person of Mies Martha Van dating back as far as the 14tH century. which will be forthcoming in due Tweed Suit, „ > Eggmond, Huron road east of Clinton. It is a beautiful structure of arc.hitec- Lillie, t A special line of all wool undercloth- c,' `Ve. wish Mr. Hinchley and bride Lure, such its is seldom seen in ing one dollar it Suit. Made to order. health and prosperity. the present day, and also the OUR Tow.-; BAND. -The town monument of the twelve 'Prentice band turned out in full strength on Hats a Specialty. 60000009 n - J Boys Who closed the gates of Tuesday evening and taking up a Goderich Townshiv. Derry n fainSt the enemy and returned position on the south side of the 00600600 r A LONG R[DE.-Air. and Airs. Henn the shell with "n0 surrender." The in_ square played an excellent ptograuime• A. .T: HOLLOWAY, Tebbntt, who were recently Married, scription on the monument is as fol- The band has improved considerably A. J. MORRISH, leave to -marrow for their hone iu Oak- lows :- . since it was first organized. CLINTON. '! land, California. "TuESE Attic Turco THAT CAME of^r or TuE NGRTIi WESTERN. -The clirec- Clinton. GREAT TRI11VLATinN AND HAVR WASHED tuts of the North Western Exhibition C,✓ VISITING. ---Air. John Cornish of St. THEIR ROBES AND MADu TREx WHITE IN THE Hist In LheC pllI't }3ollseUn Saturday and Snnunerhill. Thomas is the guest of his . He )raw, BLOOD 01THE'LAMB:' in the evenin earl leted the arran'e- Goderich. SCHOOL REPORT. -The The standin a' Air. Daniel Glidden, 1st con. He will The shell is still retained, in the g P g return this week. Cathedral 'along with other relics of monis fol the three days show. he FROM AIANITOULIN.-Mr. W. T. °f the public school for August indications are that the 1807 Fair will IS aS fo] ows :--Sr. 4th -Wen. Jor- CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS. -The by gone day-;. be ahead of previous years. Cook, J. P., from Silverwftter, Mani- (tan, O!lie Mellveen. Jr. 4th -Olive f,• young ladies of Ebenezer church have The next place of interest visited toulin, was In town last Thursday ort Hill, Ethel Huck, Jane Man. 3rd - collected enough money to paint and was the "Giant's Cauxway," which is ST. GEURoE's GUILD. -The regular business. He has been on the Island Lilv Butt, Annie Lovett, Louis John - ,p t paper the interior. The work will be one of the greatest marvels of nature monthly meeting of St. George's nearly a quarter of a century. During t,;,,.Lad - Charlotte Uolhuurne, started to -day on the face of the earth, and which I Ladies Guild was held on Tuesday that time he -and his brothers have Mabel Garvie, Harry Hayes, Sr. II FARMS SOLD. -The farul of the late cannot describe in a way to do It evening at which a heart vote of accumulated considerable first-class Y Part -Pearl WI lit., HmhY ICilty, Mrs. Burr of the 10 con. was sold on justice. Thence We proceeded on our thanks was passed to Mr. and Mrs. farming land cud have handle l an ire► Knox :flair. Jr. II Part -Russell Neal, n nota appreciated, but when we give Saturday last by D. Dickinson, Auc- journey, principally through the Pro- R. W. Logan for their kindness in I metase amount, of timber, ties. pave- Edna hardy, Ida Colhourne. Sr. i ,I , is oftenou a on tape eciaiod bargains en offel you tioneer at the Commerical hotel. Clin- vince of Ister. I may say here that granting the use of their lawn fur the. 1 ment material lumber, &c. Mr. Cook Y Y g g + Part -Lennie Jurctan, Maggie 11c - n highclasstailoring, we know that you ton. Mr. John Smith who has hail it this Province, taken generally, is like recent Garden Party. A vote of assures us that some of the. best farm- Luughlan, Sell Ball. Jr. "i pal cannot fail to appreciate it. we are showing leased for it couple of years was the cultivated gardens. The beautiful sympathy was also passed to Mrs. Lee, Ing land to be found is on the island, Annie Miller. Aland Johnston. this season a bigger range than ever in purchaser at the splendid figure of green fields and flourishing crops in her present severe affliction. aid t11at people w}th little Or much English Worsteds and Serges, $3 200. -Mr. Thomas Cottle of the 14tb inspire one to say with the Poet: 'J'HE TwINs.-The Scotch Twin Evan - I means could not go'to a better section - -- ' Scotch sultintrs. cion. has also disposed of his farm to "E'en now in m • thoughts I unit climb thy of country. Bluevale. Faney Vestings, &c. }lis son-in-law Mr. Winning. steep mounta its, gelists, of London, begun a series of k' imported direct from Glasgow, We saved Or roam throurh thy valleys where green evangelistic services in Victoria street AN EARLY (TALL. -On Thursday last BRIEFS. --Mr,. Il. Patterson and her money in baying. we eansaveyou rnoneyaieo. P1CNiC.-The young people of the shamrock grow, Methodist church Sunda These t dao liter of Mr. and If3th held the annualpicnic onForster's or over thy meadows, where fledges of haw• y Nina, youngest g three little girls left, on Tuesday for Sults to order $10 ftp• Hats on Saturday. 'I here was if, large thorn Christian workers have been eminently Mrs. Will. Lee cliecl after a few weeks Stand gracefullyc•lipp'd-an impassajle row- successful oil the vamious fields where illness. Surae two months since the Boissevftin, Mnn. On her arrival Over l o;tts to order $10 up. crowd of invited guests, probably �� deceased suffered from an attack of there Mrs. Patterson will be married i OUR clothes will last longer and your ftp• And I see the thatched cottage where ori, !, the they have labored. Christian workers thirty families being represented. stntnger ' are -rdiall invited to assist in the pear ice will be greatly improve if you With kind word o4 welcome is met at the Y typhoid ft ver but made :a good recov- to Mr. John Robertson, -The Bluevale purchase here. There was a very Interesting foot ball door; meeting, and All, etre invited to attend ery find had been around for sortie flax company sold their first car load Match, races, &c., as well as moot)- The castle or tow'r, a shelter from danger, the services. time when Again stricken down. The of flax seed last week, They received T. JACKSON SR., p light rowing on the river. All enjoyed When foemon invaded thy sea beaten shore." cause of death was apparenAly a.disease eighty-five cents a bushel for it. -Mr. V rilothiere, Furniehersland Hackers. themselves immensely. Much praise The towns and places seen are too COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. -At the of t he brain, but whether caused by a Robt. McPherson is at Toronto at - a Block. - - - - • Establiehad �18U. is due the Misses Jenkins' and others numerous to mention. The first regular meeting there were present, bicycle accident or frmu % relapse we tending the marriage n£ his son Joe to for their untiring efforts in promoting public gathering I had the pleasure Dr. Ure, Sheriff Reynolds, and Messrs. have not been able to learn. Much at young lady of Haat city. -Mrs. the fete and we are sure the little ones of attending was the Orange celebra- Jordan, Acheson and Colborne. The sympathy, Is expressed for Mr. and Joseph Pugh and little Paul are away I �� 9"f' 4 y-� t� �' will not for Mr. FolatA�r'S genial tion of the 12th of July which was minutes of last meeting were read and Mrs. Lee on the death of their dough- on a trip to Toronto, Hamilton and s•°' "'�►uN. Vog nE. W -,D. Tu, r•Rr. der. countenance as he treated every child held in the grounds adjoining the aide Led. The following accounts were ter Nina, which followed so quickly Niagara Falls. -Hktrry lticliardy M` tiff.. I �� to a ride after his well trained goat in celebrated cathedral at Clogher, built read and ordered to be paid: D. C. that of Miss Grace, neither of whore Goderich Spent Sunday At !tome. -Mr. its tiny cart. A splendid luntheon by Saint Patrick, and which, since the Strachan, coal, $139.138• J. H. Worsell, had passer their teens. Around the William Messer and Miss Cora are 5 6 z 8 9 10 Zf was provided and all returned delight- conquest has been used as an English balance for roofing, $13'7.19, Star, print bier of Nina Agnes were many floral visiting friends in Harniltun. Mr. S '�'n•„' #2 t4 W 15 rig �f� 18 wily home wishing it c<+old Soon ,be church. This Orange .celebration was ing, $2; D. Stoddard, $2. emblems of the purest white sent in Messer will also take }n the Toronto s� s��/ qs� g c� / syr repeated. one of the most orderly and temperate affectionate remembrance by relatives exhibition. - Miss Diary Robertson 19 20 ,G! Fat'+ �GCJ �G*Y �Gci TxE NEW (GRIST MILL. -The roofing 14,°„a„ .,..a Noris. -Rev. T. L. Armstrong, of gatherings I liiwe ever seen. We then and friends. On Saturday there was went to Ma,nitobft rnn Tuesdity to keep ,21 .`2,6 `, �8 29 cls i4+ D+ Dungannon reached a harvest home proceeded to Enniskillen, where we of the new grist mill is about complet- a large attendance of sorrowing rela- house for bet, brother Charlie. -Mrs. sermon at Middleton, Holrnesville and spook passage in the "Lady of the ed. The concrete floor in tine cellar Livesandsympathysing friends at the T. J. Dillon of Charlottetown, P.E.L, ------ - Summerhill on Sunday last. -Mr. Gil- Lake” down "Lough bh,. ” to Ireland's Was finished last week. A car -load of funeral wh'ch took place from the was visiting old friends here last week. Exeter. - _ bort Mair is improving slow) Miss I popular summer resort "Bundoran," machinery arrived last week from family residence. The service at the She wits accompanied by her brother-, Murphy and Miss Thorn Son were v here I witnessed it genuine Irish Brantford, and is now being placed in Y NOTES. -Frank Snell of Ingersoll Q Y p' , g ositi0n. Mr. Echlin, the manager, iS house and grave was conducted by Mr. Gordon of Kenilworth. -Rev. W. spent the past week in town visiting visiting at Mr. Jno. Beacons this row, too comical to describe. The n g Rev. Mark Turnbull rector of St. J. West, M.A., is away on a two P P g week. -The Judges court of Revi- scene! on Lough Erne is rlove) here superinteniing operations. A. lits parents and other relatives. -Airs. g Y g y' S. Che stal and staff are avorking hard G©urge's. ,Messrs. C. Gamow, F. Law- week's holiday. He will visit London, Geo. Easterbrook returned from Bur- sion will take place to -morrow (Thur$- principally composed of islatifls, an- Y= ',, dence, LV. J. Doyle, P. Tom, Aub. Woodstock; St. Thomas and Toronto. p day) at 10 o'clock it. rn. at Holmes- tient castles and churches, several of on the borer. Owing to n misunder Dickson and C. Shephard were tires pail -The services in the Presbyterian lin ton on Saturday last after spending standing with the Grand Trunk, work a geasant week with relatives there.- vitro. -Miss Lillie Oliver of Clinton is which have a tradition. g bearers and over fifty carriages were church last Sabbath afternoon were Mrt visiting at the residence of J. G. has not been commenced on the aid- conducted by Rev. Mr. Anderson of . and MI's. Chits. Perkins visited re- g The greater part of Om time was ing• Mr. Echlin expects to have the in the funeral procession. Wroxeter. -Miss Lizzie Johnston of latives in Hamilton and Burlington Steep.- Rev, Armstrong of Dungannon spent among friends who treated us mill running in about two or three �..�- CxCllitn ed pulpits with Rev. Stout t3 Mrs.GodSto e hone for her ch on holidays. - last week. -Airs. Ann Heiman is visit- ii' } P most hospitably. Unlike some Clin• weeks. Mrs. Stowe went to Goderich on Mon - in her son Thos. in Brantford. -Mrs. last Sunday.- MI-. and Mrs. A. M. Todd tonians who formerly visited the is- Ashfeld- Vrn. Slavin of Lumley, moved to of Clinton and Mr. %V. T. Cook of land, we were treated to the hest of CIRCULAR CITY BRIEFS. -The rain day With her little granddaughter, `. Silverlvater, Manitoulin Island, were good cheer and not compelled to exist (,f Saturday morning did not collie ACowxs.-The rot in potatoes is be- EttwL Saults.-Dlr. and Mrs. Robert town on Monday last. -Miss Adelaine ,pests of Air. J. G. Steep find other g P Y g Mos rove and Dir. John Farrow are 4 Moilock left on Monday for Mitchell friends last Sunday. -The annual On pig's cheek and potatoes. 1 would before wanted. -The steamer St. corning veryy prevalent }n this loc,llity. to visit for a short time. -Mr. Hiram advise every visitor to Ireland who Andrew delivered M,0(10 bushels of Mr. W. McDonagh of British Colum- at Toronto Will vi'sding the fair. Mea. Sha ton and sister Ella returned on harvest name was held in Cole's church could not et ft square meal to travel Wheat at the G.T.R. elevator on Wed- Musgrove Will visit friends at NiagfLr;t p g q bia, who was visiting friends iii this Falls and Guelph before returning Saturday last front a pleasant visit Oil Sunday last. There were large in it more northwesterly direction and nesday.-Ahout 20 scows are now en- vicinity, has returned gnome. with friends }n Toronto. -Mr. and Dors. congregations. I will guarantee they will not have to �•+aged in the stone business. -Jas. _ - he ilio. -)less Annie Corbett of Paris Ed. Hunt of Seaforbh, spent Sunday in A BIG FORTUNE. -The following complain of inhospitality, but, will, IiOhinson has moved into Jno. T, spent Sunday with friends in town.- town. -Plunks are ver plentiful. }n from the London Free Press refers to a like me, return much leased with a Acheson's old store. -Earl Commun_ a Dan McDonald and John Menzies of y p P Y fVln..hatu'Molesworth Sundayed at George A1c- }"D this section, selling for 23 cts. per. pail, cousin of Ali-. Joseph Archer of this visit and he benefited in health. iou lit St. George's next Sunday.- 1 ITEMS. -Alts. Win. Sadler Sufi child- Donald's. -Mr. and Mrs. John Patter- -The pears are selling at 15c. per pail. township :-The estate of the late _ _ Quite it crowd left last week for the -The Rgyal TemplArs of Temperance Henry Russ Archer, of Newbury, is Toronto show. -Miss Lillie Graha•in of ren, returned to their home in Sarnia son Of Molesworth and Miss Fannie added several new nleinbers to the roll in process of administration. Mr. County Currency. the New York general hospital is last week,-Aiiss M. L. Hessian of Tor- Patterson of Wingliam were visiting w ' on Monday evening last. They are Archer, who was fcr niany years a s endin a two week's holida at the in the village this week. --Part of the rapid) increasing of late. -Mrs. Thos. prominent resident of Newhurq,was Norma If ving, only daughter of Air, I Old hon e.--Blackstone's is the spat on1.o ie in town visiting her parents.- Salvation Army of CVingham held a Y I' and Mrs. Jesse Button, Of Winghatn, � Mrs. W. H. Hole has been awarded niecting in our village on Friday Hazelwood and Miss Edith White re for some tinne confined in the Guelph for fresh oysters raw a' cooked. - on Mondaylast from Toronto. I Asylum, and died on the Ilth of Jul died on Saturday, Sept. 4th. Our market is well su lied with fruit second prize at the Toronto fair for a evening. They were assisted by the _ Of this year. The estate amounts ,n' Air. Alex. Murdock, all old and high- pP 1 Misses Jules (colored) of Kincardine, 1? and vegetables. -The editor of the handsome lace handkerchief. -Mrs. J. ) AuUllru• ull to $ht3,:i13.84 of which the personal ly respected resident of Ashfield, died S{g li�ft! was in Toronto the past week. A. King was visiting in town last who rendered some beautiful niusic.-- it.•y is $11L,513.84, and the reahtp $10,_ on Thursday of last Week, after it —Manager 'Saunders of the organ and week. -Rev. W. Pocock Of Clinton Miss Burd Juun}esus of Fordwich NOTES.-•-JaniesYoung'Rphtningmillis g;);1. Che executors are Elizabeth Short illnuss. bicycle ffLcLorits, manager Logan of nvas }n town One dA last week. ---Miss spent Sunday at It. G. Cilsemap's.- r rune. i i, full blast with it full staff of Young Mercer and John Stalker, M. ^ One da last week a deer was seen in the North American Salt works and A. Jobb left last Wednesday fol• 1Cast Miss Da}se A16s of Bet -vie is the guest tneu.-Rohemt Leitch is wearing aseven I)., the solicitors employed being the vicinityy of Gorrie by Mi. D. San<i- innuager -Lewitt of the knitting fac- Saginaw, Mich., tO resume her duties Of Miss Jennie Jenkins of the Bluevale road' by fourteen smile. Why? BeGLUS0 it Fraser & Fraser, of this city. Besides erson aid Mr. Abe Strong. A deer at tory were in TorOmto last week. -The at college. is a bouncing baby girl. -Mr. Joseph it number of bequests and devises, the large is seldom seen nowadays. incandescent light struck out on Fri- Mr. - Dobie is lying very low, We hope to bulk of the estate is bequeathed to the da night. --The Horton -Jordan block _ John Blair, One of the most 'j. q Frank Falconer, it former resident Y g Holmesville. hear of his recovery. -Quite a few of executors to beheld in trust, the yearly of the town, but late of Strathroy, has challenged the Signal block t:p it prominea aged of Nest %orra,died r., our Auburnitis took in the big Speech income to be paid to the four daugh- will remove back to Wingham, taking game at ball. -Next week we shall WFilDiNo.-A very pleasing and at- Friday, ftged (i8. at Clinton last eek. The members ters of the deceased, and the widow I have the Jubilee over again at tit(- - -- of the English Church it having the position vacated by W. Carruth at g tractive took place at the reai- g daring life, and After death to the Thos. Bell 8� Situ's factory. Victoria opera toxins. -Mrs. A1+u•k dence of Mr. H. Walter when his their harvest home serriion oil Vee. children. Mr. Archer died since the Turnbull has been in Petrolia the past second daughter, Emma, was un .eel �('� ' �. nesday evening, when their thanks- will was maeli , and one of the daugh- Andrew McDonald, who has been week. -The schooner Youill arrived oil Y Y C EM S r ^'r rvin offeror Will he a;tkeu up—Mr. tern, a Mrs. Urquhart, is also sofas. operator at the C. P. R. telegraph of- in the bol bonds of matnurrni to +It gg g, 1 q Saturday with 3(1),0(X) feet of lumber 14. Tebb,utt of Redlands, Cal. The B. Qmfu1 and T. Quinn of the third ThoothcI,daughtersaveMrs.O'AiAllcy, fico Winghatn fol' ft couple of years for Mr. N. Dyment.-Charlie and Ina v coo le will leave on Thuvsday I were calling on old friends one clay of Niagara Falls; Mrs. Mercer, of To- past, has secured it good position at Harold Bl:wckRtone wheeled to London pP• P CEMS Fart William (tad will leave for there fOI' their future home and the good last week. -We understand that n new rcrntO Junction, and Mrs. talker, of and back last week. -The sewer ex- ..- lady doctor arrived in town. -The Ridgetown. The estate Consists Of next Alonday. tension contractors start Work this I Wishes of their runny friends go with GEMS 1 1,`. yb terian choir will take art in mortgages, es bank Stocky debenture,, The following appointment has been week. -Five young men left to last theur, Y P g g°•, Y u g {services in connection with the etc. gazetted : Bernard Loris Doyle, jqn- week to rursue their studies fit the (;liritcu.-The anniver:wiry serl•ices 'l _ — :— { I �T h;Al1lA' everybody NiK tobny a fele f;en1 harvest 1101710 in the English Church nor judge Of the county court of the school Of Pharniac,y.---The North of the Met,hcdist church Will be lu'id l� ,Jars every year to replace the brokeo on Wednesday evening. --Airs, Samuel A rueeting of the County Board Of county of Huron, to be stir Western directors will hage a bee on on October 1.11 run} 11. On Sunday it onus. we'are ancrtug them ,tr t.hu fob Caldwell has gone to London fair to Examiners was held in the Model I judge and judge of the adrniralt and 161+lug prires:— g J g Y t,lie show grounds to -day. -Rev. D, is expected that our former luastor, k. view the sights. -All's. John Collis has school, Clinton, on Saturday, August exchequer courts for the portion of McGillivray and Rev. Jo,. Hann ora Rev. W. Ayers, will preach morning i'ints', Me per dozen. one to London to visit friends and g 28th. After the rnntine business was the Toronto Admiralty district coni' are wheelie through Ontario. The ., On Monday evening the Quarts, $1 Imf• dozen. t�'.F. visit. the f:tir•,--Haa•ve,t is past, for this transfected, the canclididates for the prised in the counties of fiuron and g g and avenin{ Y g pp tour will taiko two weeks, -The North usual tea-rn0eting Will be held and ft > gallons, $1.2Ci pet' dOzru. 7",:; year and all the crops are Well saved Model schools Were allotted to their Bruce, street E. L, of C. Ir, had if latgely fit- large tints is exported. --Un tiuudil) Rubbers for sntne 10c per dui. y;! _-Threshing is the carder of the .lay respective places. The following resp- Mr. James Ballantyne of Brussels tended At -Horne on Friday evening.-- i afternoon the Harvest Home R"!vice Have you seen the a„ and everything is turning out well so lntion was then carried: "That all had the misfortune to lose his driver oil The Goderich Children's Ail Society wits held in the 81,. .John's chnrch f tr.-Mr. Richard ( Bullis of London teacher R with third class vet tifleates Sunday week last. He and Mrs. Ball- have a three year old buy for adoption. when Rev. T. 1. Arnlstion of Port TUMBLERS has been the guest of his brother Hart yy of primary standing who have taught antyne had driven out to her fathers -Jno. McMillan, M.P., wits it, town Albert preached to it c•rowdecl house. rhn.l. we ora ofroring at 40c imr dozen. the past few clays. --Some of the land- two years, receive. no further exten- near Senforth and were unhitching on Wednesday. -Sturdy Bros. would I I,eague meets next Monday evenin. if you are going to nut down nnr,p•lly lords here are asking very heavy rent Rion." Inspe< torr Robb strongly oppos- when his horse (a skittish animal) took like to meet all their old friends (luring the subject being "Motto Prngrmnnlc. flow is the time to bay your-0lasses, . for their houses, some without suibles ed this ruainbLinin that holders of fright an um ed, takingthe shafts of Fair week. -If runiour is correct there Roth Tumblers and Prims arc right. •'s, and others without wells, Some •neo- third clstRR certificates a Who had lost Six the buggy with her, ran away. She will he ft large number of entries in the Noire. -Air. W. Pickard and sister :tr.. pre think this could be avoided by months time or more through sickness ran across a Held to the line fence grain class fay the kupdal offered by Miss Rumball returned from 'Toronto For the Pickling Season We have leaving tl1 preteen vacitnt. Take or inability to obtain a school at n fair- which wits bnrhed wire struck the Bank of Commerce -After Janu- After spending it few days with friends Pure white Wine Vinegar., warning. pre: c', rind Hx up. --M aster ty remunerative salary, should be at -1 the fence and fell. It w'•ts found cry next dogs will not he allowed to -•-Hon. Mr. [lose, wife, and daughter Whole mixed Spiel" Willie Cumtnin .1119 through for this lowed the three full years' right to I that the wire had cut into het- run at Targe without timci a! tat ■ lit. of Fargo, Dak., are visiting Mrs. 1:1- Alast India Spice, Summer and home i diva. -Bert C ol- tench, covered b their certificates. ghoulder and ripped the flesh Etched to the collars. -The As�Heli ford. -Miss L. 'Talbot is spending A Tumeric, etc. linings is working in the planing mill).-- At the final examination AIr. Moore � and muscle out Pfor about eight and Wnwanosh fall Follow prize lists few days with lit parents in Birr. . 0000�000��6• An illustrated lecture on Formosa, in I wits appointed to read the papers oninches. A vet8411 . wA9t fOr find as he Are just published fund miry be obtain- Mrm Mrs Boyd of Cohre and daughter of ' g aid of the Woman's Foreign Mission "The Science of F,ducation"; Air. Rob)),I could not, give much hope for her re- ed Ly applying to the ae(•retary Wm. Mitchell spent Sund ny at, tho .parson. THE CASH GROCERY v Society will be given on the twenty- School Management, and "tI Papot• covery thh poor beast head to be killed. McArthur. � A pant and ovepp•itll fac- age. --Wm. h If< r•d find wife, ( e first of September in the Presbyterian in Methods," ; ilii. Tony, '1 Paper in Mrs. $alltnt.ync lead a narrow escape tory has been established on Hamilton rich, spent `4impdav lip the village. n Church. We hope to see a good turn Methods," and "H<ygiene," and Ali,. from serious injury front the Animal Areet.-It is said that the Gnderich AtrR A. Nlcoat of 'fnCkei:4nitth Spent OGLE COOPER & CO out. Come all and hoar something Baird, "Sebool Law.-GicoRG•E BAIRD, when it started and only h quickly amateurs will play }n Blyth on Fail' a few days with her daughter, MrR. � good. Secretary, Clinton, getting over the fence saved herself. night. Stanley. ---Phone Phone 2 r