HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-12-26, Page 7LESSON XIIL—DEC, 2g, rgory, Review.—Read Psalm g8. iuuunry,Lesson 1. Topic: Conditions of success in life Place: The Jordan, opposite Jericho. Atter inose; was Mead Joshua wvs told to arise and lead the people 0001' Jordan into Canaan. 'the Lord told Joshua to be very courageous, 100 no man would be able to stead against hint while he lived. He was also told to carefully oozy the law which tied had given tum. Joshua then commanded the people to prepare victuals, for in three days they were to pass over Jor- dam lt.crisis 'Topic: Forces For the times, Place: 'ehe Jordan, opposite Jericho. Be- fore they crossed the river two spies were sent over, w110 brought back word that the people were filled with terror. The ark of the Lord was to pass over first, and when the priests who bore the ark stepped into the water the river divided and the people passel over on dry ground. "Twelve men had been chosen who took twelve' stones from the ♦!ver- bottoul, and tarried them to Gilgnl, where they were set up as 0 memorial. .111. 11rpm I: }Pinning yietory through faith. Place At, Gilgnl, uenr'Jericho. The Lord gave Joshua -careful directions as to.huw to take the city of ,Jericho, and then Joshua told the people what to do. They were to march around the city once a day for six days and on the sev- enth day they were to nnudl around seven titles. Then the priests were to blow with the tr0upets and the 'people were to shout. They did as the bord had eonnnandel them, and the halls fell down flat, IV. Topic: Lag's of spiritual conquest. Place: (Algal. It 1108 been about six years since the Israelites entered Can- aan, They wen assembled at Gilgnl to divide the land among the tribes. Caleb wee'one of the two good spies and Moses had promised hint helicon. Caleb wits 85 years old, but he was still strong and able to possess his inheritance. Joshua blessed Caleb andgavehi111 Hebron be- cause he had wholly followed the Lord, V, Topic: Christ the sinner's Refuge. Place: Shiloh, The inheritance of :the t1fb0 of Levi was forty=eight cities, whleh .were quite evenly: distributed among the tribes. Six al' these cities were chosen as cities of. refuge. K0010511, She011em and Hebron were on the west of Jordan; and 13ezer, 0010001 and Golan on the oust, '171e cities were oil hills and the one who accidentally killed another could flee here for refuge. Today Christ isour. refuge. lie is accessible; ;it'd all who (('i11 can reach Hint, VL Topic: Reasons for worshipping and serving God. Place: Shechem. Joshua was now an old man, and before he died he assembled the people nt S1100110111 and gave them his parting advice. He called on then to choose whom they would serve, Jehovah or ;the gods of the Ca• naanites. Ile told them that he and his house would servo the Lord. The people also promised to serve and obey the Lord. Joshua told then that if they served the Lord they would be blessed, but if they foorsook Him they would be punished, VII. Topic: Conditions of spiritual warfare, Place At the foot of Mount Gilboa. ' The Midianites were greatly oppressing God's people. The Lord called Gideon as a deliverer,' Gideon called the Israelites together 'and assembled... an army of 32,001) 111011; this was roduced'.to 300. The Lord sent Gideon clovn,`to-tine Midi:millell camp to hear. the teljid o' 'a drpant whielt.eneouragetl' him verytmtlhha They' gained 'an'easy victory °ant -.` the ' Midianites. VIII Topic: Personal duty towwara,tite drink evil. Places 'Paul wrote fr'tim Corinth. He had never been at Rome; a misunderstanding existed between Jew• ish and Gentile converts as to meats and drinks and the observance of days; Paul urged then to have charity and love one for the other; our first and highest duty is to please God; the law of love forbids the use of intoxicating liquors; intemperance is always an evil; many besides the one who drinks err, likely to he injured; the family, the - church, society and the state suffer. 1X. -Topic: A study of the Sanson character. Place; Sanson died at Gaza. The Philistines were oppressing Israel, and Sanson was raised up to deliver 1110111; he was a Nnzarite; lie departed front God; Delilah learned the secret of his power, his locks were shorn, the Philistines took him and caused him to work as a slave; a great company were gathered in the temple at Gaza, praising Dation; Samson moved the two 0entre pillars, and the mouse fell, causing his death and also the death of .the Philis- tines. X. Topic: Choosing the people of God. Places: Moab; Beth ehem. There was a -famine in tete land of Israel, and Naomi tiwith her husband 'and two sons went 'to the land of Moab to live. The sons married Moabitish women, but after a few years both sons and their father 4110d, leaving the w01110n widows. Noami then decided to return to Bethlehem, :Geniis remained in Moab, but Ruth elnve to her mother-in-law, and chose the true God. This is one of the most remark- able examples given us in the scriptures of forsaking home, country and kindred to be joined to the people of • God, This is the more remarkable from the fact dint she belonged to a heathen nation and knew comparatively little of the trite God. Xi. Topic: Religion rind childhood in their relations. Plnee: Shiloh. The child Samuel assisted Eli in the tabernacle ser- vice; God spoke to Samuel; Samuel at first suP posed Eli had called him, but afterward understood that it was the Lord; tho Lord told Samuel what He is tenet seen In Herne Iia intended to do against Eli, because his Fog ' y', y. Sons had "made themselves vile," and Eli had "restrained them not." Eli in- sisted that Samuel Sell him the message. 8Jalnliel was sincere and modest. He h00i- tnted to declare the message, not be- cause the thought of disobedience en- tered his mind, but because he as a child was called upon to deliver a mes- sage rebuking one so much older than himself. XII.'Topie: Hou' to find the Saviour. Place: Bethlehem, The w180 men passed through Jerusalem searching for Jests; Herod the king was alarmed at the re• port that another king had been born; he eonunonded the wise men to return and tell him about Christ, but they were warned in a dream to return another way. Tho wise men brought Jesus pre• clouts gifts. We, too, shall find Jesup when we search for Him. PRACTICAL APPLICA'l'iONS. I. The lender's promise. Moses 10a0 dead, and a new leader was demanded. This leader proved to be Joshua. Ile and of nbewas con ogled to b strong good courage. God's promise to hint was cal11culated to inspire him with indom• liable strength. "As I (0)19 with Moses so I will be with thee: 1 will not fail thee nor forsake thee.' He was to be strong, 1, in faith. 2. In expectation. 3. In zeal. 4. In endurance. 5. In patience. ti. In courage. 'there is no place for weakness in Clod's service. "Let the weak say, I am strong." IL The passage of the Jordan. The events connected with this remarkable experience. were calculated to slake a deep and lasting ifnpres5101 upon the minds. of the :Israelites, They could ser thinly. point to one place in their pil- grimage and exclaim, a"Thetoo Clod met us and brouglt ns through the waters dry -shod There the mercy sent, the 0ym10l of,God's;`-law and mercy, led us safely as did the pillar of fire in the wit dorness." III. Jericho typical of strongholds of iniquity.The'ofty was straitly shut up. No one could go out, nor could any one enter. The attitude of the people is very suggestive of the resistance of the human soul against the higher powers which would conquer it and lead it to a higaae•, nobler life. How are they to be dislodged? Some Joshua nnlst appear— a glint of faith and a Ian of persever- ance. The nun's:, horn blast of the war- rior finally laid her pretensions in the dust. Unbelief, impenitence, corrupt ,af factions, evil habits—all must yield, and righteousness shall everywhere and ever._ mere reign. IV. Caleb and his inheritance. 111 his service of God, Caleb was, 1. Independ- ent, 2. Truthful. 3. Courageous, 4. Unselfish. 5, Wholly devoted to God. For this service he was rewarded, 1. \Viten long life. 2. Continued strength in old age. Restful possession of his portion of the land. It is well to':re- member that the Lord always rewards those who faithfully serve hint. V. The man. -stayer and his refuge. The ('!tics of refuge were established in 00 cicr to put a limit to a spirit of revenge, while at the sante time provision was made for the adequate punishment of 001111e. 'The cities of refuge were not founded to protect the guilty, but for the shelter of the innocent, Christ is our city of refuge. 1. Ole protects and. comforts those who are.oppressed by -the hasty judgment of man, 2, lie, 18 al- ways right at hand. We may flee to him speedily. 3. No man can find safe- ty outside this refuge. The avenger of blood is on his track. 4. There is den• ger in delay in finding this spiritual re. Inge. VL Rededication of the service of God, The consecration of the fathers will nolt suffice for the sons. Joshua 1005 now3Jlt0trly in sight of .the city, and- his Heart's strongest desire teas to leavelbe• hind him a nation 1vh0Wy devoted to the service of the living God. God's service is a reasonable service, 1 0onscience requires it., 2. Gratitude requires it. 3, Windom requires it. A. H. 8. VII. What an army gathered at the calT'of Gideon, apparently ready to do and dare for God and ,Israel, But a few days of soldiers' fare, and threatening perils Froin' 111idian's formidable host dampened its ardor and courage. So that when Gideon said, "Whosoever is fearful and afraid, let him return and depart, ".,,22.000 returned home. V111, 'Intemperance is a national as well'ns an individual crane. God pro- nounced a woe on the drunkard and drunkard -maker (see Jlab. 2, 15; 1 Cor. 0, 10.) A fearful fate awaits both, while the nation that for revenue or what- ever selfish consideration protects and perpetuates the saloon hnd the liquor traffic, leaves a blasting heritage of dis- ease, crime, insanity, misery and poverty to the generations following, resulting in national decay and ruin. The faint• hearted have been weeded out. He now proceeds to sift out the careless, semi - careless, the headstrong and the undisci- plined. Nov only three hundred men re - meloid to entry out the purposes of God. And through these tried and true he broke Midiat's yoke and established his throne again in Israel. G, P. W. IX. Samson tv05 raised up for a pecu- liar and 111)008000)' w'or'k. He was set apart by the Nazarite vows for the ser- vice of God, but being weak in character he was overcome, and only at the close of his life did Tie recover himself, and 1000 empowered to be an agent in v-iudi- eating God's cause. X. Ruth's name 'has come down in (his- tory as one who was steadfast in her de- votion to the true- God and his people. Her life is an inspiration to faithfulness. Ruth was honored as being in the line through which Christ cane. Xl. 8010001 leas dedicated to God in his infancy. To him in his boyhood was entrusted a message of great importance to Eli, whom Samuel served. in this lesson is a powerful naming to parents respecting the training of their children. XII. The three great truths presented here are, 1, Searching for Jesus and find- inghim. 2. Worshiping Jesus. 3. Pre- senting our best gifts to hint. The Hog Problem Again ; .•. Ontario Department of Agriculture. It is seldom that the farmer allows himself to he artiest awes by a ptotic. Ilia customary hard common dense and conservative methods usually protect hint from this evil; bot,,lvlie; we )leas' of yoiungpigs -being sold at fifty mints cacti at )vcuning time, or slaughtered to stop their demands for 'food, it •would seem las .though something closely ap- proaching a panic must be abroad in the tend, Panics Aggravate' Evil. There probably never Was a petite which did not aggravate the evil which set it in motion, and the demoralizing effects of the present panic among fann- er; must he apparent to every eye. Doubtless there are 001110 farmer's who are forced to Nell their pigs through sheer necessity, but such unfortunate eases are not sufficiently numerous to account for all the young pigs and breed- ing 8011'5 which are being dumped upon a doubly glutted market at present. The farmer with feed In his bins has need to do some careful cele hating before de- ciding to throw sway his pigs, Selling stack on a poor nuu•ket in order to sell I ;An upon a high,market is not always a profitable enterprise, and the number 01 dollars coming:into the treasury dur- ing the year limy be considerably less nude this method, than had the grain been marketed in the -form of meat. Farm animals, and especially hogs, con- sume and turn into valuable meat, many products, which, otherwise, 1001111 111100 110011 wasted, and though'the farmer may net, alwaysrealizethe highest market prices for the giant fed to his hogs, the otherwise unsalable products for which the hogs have provided 0 market will generally, undo' a careful system of feed. mg, much more than make up the de- ficfcucy, Where is the Profit? What does the farmer gain 'by sacri- ficing hie hogs and selling !tis grain? L7 the first place, he obtains prevailing market prices for his grain, which might, or might not, have been obtained had 11e grain been fed to hogs. Secondly, 1L'savee the labor of feeding the 'hogs. Thirdly, he has less risk, and less capital inwesled. Against this, he has incurred a heavy loss by disposing .of his stock on a glutted market, He still lits the Into' of cleaning the grain and teaming it to market. He has lost the sale of a number of products which the (logs c1(11ld,900fftably utilize. He luta sold it lot of`'valuable fertility, the absence of which will lessen his next crop, and hence 1110010100, the cost of production. He has pieced himself in a position where he cannot take advantage of the high prices for finished hogs which seem certain to prevail when the 1,0100nt excitement has burned itself out; and, after all, he is not absolutely certain that lie got, any more for his grail t11an.if he had feel it to hie hogs. This last point calls for fur. titer consideration, Some Important Figures, During the 11081 two years the Ontario Agricultural College has collected some 001.3, valuable data regarding the prices realized for food consumed by hogs. 1'a 1 of the hogs were fed at the college, and part were fed by farmers in 41110001 t parts of the Province. The cxperimen s_ dent n•ith the food consumed by 207 hogs,' aggregating 50,718 pounds when sold, oft ee average weight of 100,1) game 0 each, ;1 variety' of foods was used, com- prising,batley, pens, oats, Middlings, brat, 0000, skim milk, roots and miscel- laneous foods, Which were valued bv the feeders at cer'tnin 0001s, and duly 01(004ed against the pigs. The young pigs at weaning time are valued at 1150 each, which is considerably above the cost of seising pigs from birth to weaning, in- cluding maintenance of. sow, etc., as shown by experiments conducted at the college. Deducting from the selling price the cost of the pigs at $1.50 each, and the charges for miscellaneous foods, we find as follows: If the pigs were sold at 48h ends per pound, live weight, they would return $20.46 per ton for all 1110111 consumed, in. p11u '`Ilial mels soy '1q.la,pa.tpt;nq eluding middlings end bran, 20 cents per emits per bushel for roots. At 5 rents per pound, live weight, they windd return $23.87 per ton for ,mens, 20 cents per hundredweight for skint milia, and '10 rents per bushel for roots.. At 3 t cents per pound, live weight, they lronld return $'27.20 per ton for meal, 20 cents per hundredweight for skim milk, and 10 cents per bushel for roots; At 0 cents per pound, live weight, they. would return $30.71 per ton for meal, 20 cents per hundredweight for skim milk, and 10 001115 per bushel for roots. At firth cents per pound, line weight, they world return $34.13 per ton for 100111, 30 cents per cwt. for milk, and 10 cents per bushel for roots. Considering that middlings and bran enter quite hugely into the mixture, and taking into consideration the prices re• eeived for laegs during the year, we must admit that this is a remark sill good showing in values received for feed, We must also remember that the grain was fed as it came from the threshing Ina. chrism, and the price ohtnined for nn - cleaned grain by feeding it to 111000 pigs should certainly leave a comfortihlc margin of profit to the farmer. Let Us Consider. The points touched upon would !1101 amplification, but perhaps, enough has been said to set same one thinkiug,',Let it be understood, however, that there is no attempt to dictate to the fainter, Ev. cry farmer must be his own judge as -a0 what is tine best 000150 for 111111 to put. sue, and the farmer who finds himself compelled to sacrifice his stock is de- serving of sympathy: But let those with feed on hand take careful counsel with thensel00s, and thoroughly consider all The features of the. situation, before de- ciding upon a line of action. Let our ac- tion be governed by sone deliberation, end let us do all in our power to stein the disastrous tide of panic which ap- pears to threaten. Geo. E. Day, Ontario A0011Ru :11 College. MAY OPEN GRAVE. HERBERT DRUCE WILL CONSENT IF JUSTICE DEMANDS IT. Warrant for Caldwell'a Extradition— Evidence of Nurse Who Says She Saw Druce Die and Saw His Body Placed in the Coffin. London, Dee. 23. --The dramatic: dis- appearance from London of Robert C. Caldwell, Oho American witness in the Druce case, served to revive interest in the proceedings, and whet the hearing woo resumed to -day the court -room was crowded. Mr. Avery, in opening for the defence, denounced Caldwell as a "most noxious perjure." A warrant for the 0011001' tion of Caldwell was issued at the Bow Street Police Court this afternoon, and 1110 police of New York will be asked to arrest hint upon his arrival in that city. Mr, Avery announced that if necess- ary in the interest of justice Herbert Druce would consent to the reopening of the grave of this father, T. ;C. Druce, The only witness for the defedpoe called to- day 10)10 11 nurse 11n111ed Bailey, who testified that she had held the hand of '1', C. Druce when .110 died on Member 28, 1884, that she Mad seen the body placed in its coffin, and that she had been present at the funeral. The evidence given at previous trials by two doctors who have since died nae. these read. Both physicians had sworn that they attended T. C. Druce in alis ART THIEVES. TREASURES. WORTH MILLION FRANCS TAKEN IN FRANCE, Robbers , at Amiens Entered Building Fitted With Elaborate System of Burglar Alarms and Took Choicest of Eighteenth Century Paintings. Paris, Dec. 23:—Almost a million francs' worth of pictures and art oejects disappeared this week from french moa. emus. Following the robbery of the museum in Rouen, when many priceless treasures of eighteenth century culture disappeared, the extremely richt museum in Amiens was also entered. Here, too, the robbers devoted themselves to works of the eighteenth century, picking out works of the greatest value with the skill of expert connoisseurs. The Amiens museum, in view of the art robberies reported by other museums and churches throughout the country, has been provided with an elaborate system of burglar alarms, aid the usual force of night watchmen had been doubled. In spite of these precautions the burglars clambered up a water pipe to the roof, broke through the skylight and descended Tito the room reserved for eighteenth century masters byanetns of la knotted rope. The police are nonplussed. They do not know whether the miscreants are professional eraeksmen or art enthusi- asts suffering monomania. The former theory is considered the most likely, be• comic of all ltho recent art sales in Eu- rope the !works of the eighteenth century painters have commanded fabulous prices. last illness. Till, case was then adjourn- THE SEASON'S DISASTERS. ed until Dec, 20. --- IDA M'KEVEY SENTENCED, Eight Months for Swindling St. Cath- arines Banker. St. Catbariaes despatch:—Ida McKelvey, bet- ter known as Lillian Hamilton, charged wait having forged the name of m. C. Fairfield to a note discounted by L. II. Collard, appeared before Police Magistrate Comfort this morn- ing. She pleaded guilty, adding: "I have nothing to say. IIad I not been led Into it 1 would not have committed the deed.. It was suggested to me. I ask for leniency be- cause of my children and my mother. It Is mw first and last offense." Tmc Magistrate said:—"I cannot but think of your children, but this erlme is too fre- quently comunitted, and I must administer the law. The sentence is that you be confined In the Andrew Mercer Reformatory for eight months." TWO MEN KILLED. A RAIL WAS REMOVED AND TRAIN DERAILED. Accident Caused by the Tieglect of • Section Gang—Warning Signals Not Put Out—Men Thought Train Had Passed. A Port Arthur, tint., despatch. The minimal of O. 01111 ill o rock elft by the section gang, and neglect to put out the customary danger signals, resulted iu .the ditehilitc of an engin'. and two ears of.Cauadhn Puelfie express 1111111 O. 00, at Angler, 40 miles east of Schreiber, yes- terday, and injuries to the engine crew which resulted fatally. The Hegel men are Philip McAllen, engineer, of 8c11rei• Ler, uud William Small, fireman, of the same 'place. Both men were terribly scalded 1011(11 the engine went over, be- sides receiving other injuries. Small died on his tray to port Arthur, and McAllen succumbed in the hospital here this morning. the train was running six hours lute, and it is supposed that the gam, which was repairing the track were under the impression that she had missed doting the night. The engineer did not notice that the rail had been removed until his ergine was right upon the gap, and it was too late to check the speed. 'rho engine turned turtle, with the two men under it, and two caws piled on top of it, A special train we; mpade;up at Schrei- ber, and -botli glen brought here, Small being It corpse w1101( the train arrived,' McAllen was 48 years of one, and leaves a widow and two children at Schreiber, 81na16 was 20 yeas of age, and also lived at Schreiber, where he was to have been married in a couple of weeks. Several passengers received Minor in- juries, but none 10ero seriously Mut, Thirty-eight Vessels Were Lost on the Great Lakes. Chicago. IC., Dec, 23.—During the season of navigation on the lakes Just closed thirty- eight vessels, with a total tonnage of 27,010, Dosed out of existence as a result of col- lisions, fires and other accidents. With the exception of one steamer all of thq boats loot were freighters. The aggregate loss in value was $1,692,1100. This does not include the very large sluts paid nut by underwriters for partial losses, This latter item doubtless exceeds the value of the vessels, which were total losses. The season was particularly marked by the large number of dlsnatrous collisions In the narrow channels couaecting Lakes Huron and Crte, Collision after collision occurred in these ch0nhels, until underwriters began to rear that nal the premiums on the busl000011 would be wiped out, with no margin to gtopi4 tad ioolea which might be expiated 1V )11) the fall storms. U. S. FLEET. TOKIO WILLING TO WELCOME IT TO JAP WATERS: Everybody Accepts Assurance of Friend- ship by the States—London Times Commends Roosevelt for Sticking to His Naval Programme, The Shepherd's Little Son. (By Emma A.'.Lente.) "0 mother, mother, hake, I pray! How' canst thou sleep to•night'1 I hear strange sounds along the wind, the sky is streaked with ligmt; There's -something stirring in. the 1111' that doth my heart affright!" '•Nay, nay, my child, lie still and seep, Enfo as the lambs the 011,0herd9 keep' "0 mother, cow: beside J.") door and hear the music sw,: •t, float nons that I And see these glittering along with movements floor; And 0, the star! it shrines so bright it makes my pulse beat." 'Nay, but 4am;' say, any, my son, thou dos, `,, ni 111 thins are 1101 what `-'•1 hey By g g seem." "0 mother, would 111.11 1, hall gouo,w1'11 father on this right! You. thought it was 1I') chili and dark, but see, how eery light! 0, let me follow—'tis not far -1'11 haste -with all my might!" "Nay, child; conte, Teat then in thy led, And sleep these troubles from thy head." )'O mother, mother, do '(tot sleep! an. angel dralveth near; The shepherds' field is all aglow, but they are bowed with fear; The g h t e angel speaks—what does ho say? 0 mother, help me hear!" "0 hush thee, hush, my restless child, And cease thy fancies strange and. wild!"` "0 mother, now I hear! he says a Babe is born this night; In yonder town He lies asleep—a fair and holy sight! It is HIis birth•star is the sky that shines so wondrous bright!" "Nay, nay, my child, thou dost but dreamt; . It is the olden stars that. glean ." "0 mother, wake and run with me -for, sec, the shepherds go!— There's one \rill carry ine across the fr0ety fields, .I. know, '1'o where the little Baby lies whom al• gels herald so!" Tokio, Dec. 23,—The announcement of l ' The mother slept, nor followed down the sailing of the Atlantic fleet of the Her little son to Bethlehem townl United States navy has not been re•—Lndependent, ceived by the newspapers of 'Tokio or by the Government officials. All public men who have been interviewed by the Associated Press regard the sailing of the fleet as tie foregone conclusion, and it is not likely that the actual start will cause the slightest ripple of oxeite- mint. Everyone accents the assurance of friendship offered by America, and concedes the right of that nation to send its warships to Pacific shores, Such sten as Minister Slaynshi, Count Okun, leader of the Opposition; - Marquis Ito, former Premier Katsur)1 and Admiral Togo have frequently said that the American fleet wound be heartily wel- comed by Japan should the vessels be sent to the for east. Commends Noosevel't. • London, Dec. 23. --The. 'Times this morning in au editorial highly eulogizing President Roosevelt, regards the despatch of the American fleet to tune Pacific as a dem0ntration of the 010100 enunciated in his presidential message, "IIis atti- tude; says the Times, "must command the respect and approbation of English- men. We admire the resolution with which he olings to 1118 naval policy, not less than the broad wisdom by which it is inspired." The 'rimes proceeds to confess that the misgivings which is formerly ex- pressed on the inapno'tuneness of the cruise have been dispelled by Secretary Prayer, Almighty and ever blessed, God, our.• heavenly father, who in Tiiy, wondrous love and mercy didst send Thy .Son; ,i Jesus Christ, to be the Saviour of the world, we thank Thee that to us have conte the tidings of great joy. Send forth the good news through all i:he, earth,. Let Jesus take possession of MS kingdom. kingdom. Long has the world been,' cursed by hatred, strife and cruoltyt; now let the Prince of Peace resign. Come once again, thou King of Love, and sub- due the hearts of the people unto Thy- self, hyself, Let Thy dominion extend to every land and let all mon own Thy away. Then shall the earth rejoice with glad- ness and be filled with the glory of God, Amen. Strength Never a Barrier, Strength of conviction is never a bar - .101. between two persons, It is often mistakenly supposed to be so, Two *len agree to work together for a, 00111' not ca1100; little by little they find it difficult to co-operate on certain details of the wort:, as both have positive and Wieling convictions; finally one or the other decides that he will have to abort- ion the attempt at co-operation, though the ;muse is fn every way adlnhrable. Taft's visit to the far East a111 the ad- , And he complacently accepts, ns the ne- 1011•41)10 temper and restraint shorn by ` cessity for this abandoning of a good Ila Japanese Government and people. cause, the fact that he is such a strong aan and has such strong convictions! Ito nay,be a strong mal, but lie misses the fact that, in this peculiar case, it is his weakness, not his strength, that separ- ates him from a Hutt with whom he A Hundred Men Caught Him and, aught to be a coworker, The strongest nen are always the easiest to work with Shot Him. and the readiest to work with others. For they aro big enough, and strong McHenry, Aliso., Dee. 23. — Sora enough, to sink personal feeling and unimportant details in their indomitable reached here to -day of the lynching lust purpose to bring about right ends by night of Patrick Husband, Cilias Pat a eowook with others who make have ,Tones, Ia negro, about eight miles east of NEGRO LYNCHED. here. Hilsballd was charged with as- saulting two daughters of Balton house, a well-known planter. About 100 armed men caught the negro end shot him to death. husband was convicted two' years ago at '1'e'kilstol, Miss., for as- saulting a white girl, and saved a term for this offence, O.• GOMPERS SAYS Labor Will Not Consent to a Wage Reduction. New Yore:, 1)r', 23. Sanmc l C 0(1111e•s Pteeidci11 of (lo American Fede(ntfolll'of Labor, speaking an Vice -President eif'4hc Citic hedutithet, declared that the4fol10' in mac realiz(1 that the f[nts11010 .itm widely different 010109 from their own. It takes great strength to work sucvess- fulyy with our eccentric fellow -beings. It is a humiliating confession of our weakness when we carrot work with theta. Christmas Bells. Ring p I lie -old, ring in the new, Ring <,' py Is ,hells across the snow; p let The, . 1 fps e ringhinnt e ; true, Ringo'�� b4j#�,, Ring out false pride In place and blood, The civic slander and the spite; Ring in the love of truth and right, Ring in the 001018011 love of good Ring nut old stapes of foul die (s "LSpeaking ,r Ring out the n0rrowing lust of g. Aden is not any fault of Ittspe no Ring out the Chou and Wars el old, of the threatened decreasein wages for . Ring in the thousand years of peace. labor, he said: 'Twenty times lit. the last 12 110008, Ming in the valiant nuns and free, 1 I since I have beep tan New York, 11(0(1 have con18ao 100 and whispered in my ear and, ttllil me that the workingnmu mast:ei me. down in their wages. But let OW employers of labor remember that if they attempt to force down labor they will nit have the easy sailing they did tears ago." , The larger heart, the kndlfer Rime out the darkness. of the land, Ring in the Christ that is to be. The claim is made that the railroad station at Juvisy, on the outskirts of France, will semi be the largest in the world.