HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-09-01, Page 8.4a THE STAVELY $10,W). -The Com- mittee are showing is still wrestliug with the detail g of this clatter. It is expected it final 1° decision as to plans, &c., will be arriv- ed at this week. JACKSON nn mmilll <,­ MARRIED. --On Saturday, August '21st, Mr. Sylvester Lawrence and Mise E FALL Lizzie Whittington were niar•ried lit A person's necessities is only an- Niagara Falls, N, Y„ and have taken other name for extravnglul4e, A up their residence here. We wish the lawyer needs his boGks, it sur_ y rung couple every furore prosperity, p�eeon his instruments, a carper- I {�� t,nBROS40 r his tools and those who have THE PRICE OF Vy HEAT.-Y.astThm•s- ESS G 0 0:� S . eist either ill pot or t•ui, and day the price of new fall wheat was qigiy1 -_,,, I quoted in Goderich by the local press �fA$ ttf I'ol,rtl� uiir • y thein' at 72 cents a bushel. Mr. Thos. Shervit The, �r �lshould see our stock of of Blake took a load to the countyte 'USES and dARDINIERS tor for which he was offered t30c., and letter i. He finally decided tel drive Fattions to Clintonntwhere he secured at Fair's mill 86 cents. It weighed 61 lbs. The The kind you always wanted but(lay before THE NEws-RECORD had the price seemed fn the way. See quoted 85 cents as the ruling local New Flannelettes � how easy we have made it for you price. The wheat was of the Michigan i to buy thein now. You will see Amber variety. Clothinthem in the Window with prices No. 1 quality 32 inches wide at g attached. They are not higher THE F4)R'ER SHow.-The flower ry , priced goods offered at less prices show under the auspices of the Hortf- i c and He a yard. -they were not made to sell for a culturol Societyu ened in the town cent more, nor we can't afford to hall yesterday and will he continued sell them for it cent less than the to -day and to -morrow. Thele is a 1010W prices risked. In value and beauty magnificent display and the arrange- ]Factory Yarns eop we think you will admit they ate latent is reallylgrand. The Society has superior to those for which more is it membersbip of 116. Since so many claimed. Compare them with those citizens have taken such An interest in In 2 and 3 ply in the leading shades < < >> t' for which higher prices etre risked. such +a laudable work, the show Specials That isn't saying rs are worth should be well patronized, This year at 45e a pound(a 6 a more than we ask.ouThere are two there will ne no competition, but every 8 • RUNAWAY. -Last Friday morning ways of marking goods, that's all. member receives seeds or plants of We like the honest and candid their choice to the extent of $1• way, don't you? Scotch ,Fingering Yarns Men's strong Working Pants e 50 Men's Apron Overalls - 50 4 when Keppel D}sney away from moorings horse broke -- a its oorings in front of 5c an ounce or 75c a pound. Men's Knit Top Shirts 50 TAY WA. Fair Coy' L- vis' implement wrtrerooms un Isaac street there wits great danger of sev- Men's Shirts and Drawers 50 seal fatalities. The arcual rushed a Dresden Saxony Yarns Albert street at a break-uerk speed, Men's Heavy Braces 25 turned into J. 11. Mc•Cool's, leered Boys Knee Pants 50 CLINTON. to R. J. Clutf's, and crossed At 15c a bunch. A,genta Parker's Dye }Vork,s. the corner of A. At. Todd's Boys Shirts 50 lawn, headed brick and fell on the Often the Cheapest, Always the Best. roadside in front of Jaynes Ross' where a it was captured. Fortunately there Rock Saxony Yarns` was little damage, although things The Huron News -Re -,oris looked very serious for a few seconds. - - 1 26 a Year -$1;00 in Advance AN OUTSIDE. ViEw•.-A private let- At 20c a bunch. E beg to advise our numerous ter from a Clintonian at Maple Creek, Assa., dated July 20th, says: -°°I get Customers throughout the WEDNFSDAY, SEPTE-34BER 1st, 1891, the Saturday Globe find my adippose f ___ ...._ tissues are flabby from seeing it. Nev- Mens Heavy Wool Socks West, that we have just open- LOCAL NEWS. er was there such r veering snout as ,/�/ there is with the Gxrits, particularly on At 2 pairs for 25c ; 15c pair, Zoe ed up two eases of English their Yankee proclivities and anti- Neckwear, Shirts and Collars, and three — English tendencies. I have always and 25e. In and Around the nab, been aReformer--a real Grit -gift rm cases of English and Scotch Tweeds getting over it: I am ashamed of their present course. Sir Richard Cart- per steamship "Vancouver" comprising, 9011vu 331hi. Wright is as great it fraud As over- he *.L, See our Bedroom Suites at $6.50. Grea called Mr. Foster. Sir Wilfrid Laur- Without exception, the finest range of Snap.-BROADFOOT. Box tic Co. ter has'nt so far luade it Fensible Speech in England. Any Canadian goods to be seen outside the Cities. school girl of twelve summers could do TOWN COUNCIL. -Labor Day being nearly as well. Sometimes I see THE _ next Monday, the regular meeting of NEws-RF,cORD, and I have come to the the Town Council will be held next conclusion that the New Era is "Troller Tuesday evening. in the butt," as the illustration explains, ILL, -His many friends regret to I thank you very much for the Mail TY10 learn of the illness of Mr. F. E. Karn, and Empire.,it was like a julip At acting manager of the Aiolsons Bank. Xmas or an ofchestra in the winter. oteoosoeoo4lo0000• His ailment is hemorrhage of thel un �, TENNIS AT GODERICH.-Last Satur•JIC' RIL130N BROS but we are pleased to say no iinrne!i. day the Clinton Tennis Club journeyed ate danger is anticipated. His father to Goderich where they were defeated BEESLEY Clothiers and Furnishers and mother are here from �Voadstuck }ly our lake town friends. The matchYand we hope to see him around in a took place on the rink court and was W' •H•f short time. Mr. Rhodes of Woodstock of great interest. The ground is not is relieving Mr. Karn in the bank here. as even or pleasant to play on as that of Clinton, and this may at least in THE LADIES FAVORITE ESTABLISHMENT.1j1,t(��3„ HELP WANTED. -A. newspaper man part account for Clinton's defeat. _ court go seven days fu a week, seven However, the reception and entertain- - - -- tunes a day, and ask different persons anent accorded the inlanders is worthy PROSPECTING, -Last week apple AGAIN ON Top. -Another Clintonian for the news and each time be told more than a passing mention and king Cantelon passed through Brant, hits secured more honors in the person that there is absolutely nothing going caused the Cliutonians to feel as though Oxford and Wellington counties pros- of J. Frank Jackson of Barrie, son of ���, r , V- on in town. When publication day the were the victors and they all pectins for apples He reports +fair A1r. John Jxcksan, Lown. The Barrie 4�New Fa1V- comas these people will say : , Well, 1 expressed a desire to again visit the yield and the quality of spys medium. Examiner gives the particulars as foi- " 1 there is not much news this week," County town. The events resulted as The market price is as yet unsettled. lows:-"Tbere is nothing too good for and then recall an item or two that follows:- I Barrie, as has been shown by the fve- did not appear and wonder why they THE Hot} 'MARKET. -For some time quency with which the good things NiiiiiiR were lornitted. When you know of DOI:BI.ES-GENTLEMEN. one of the hest paying products of the I come our way. There is one Barri 'it,�anything of •importance that has D. Holmes and F, Holmes beat McTaggartfarrn'has been hogs, and farmers gen- especially who believes ill landing r eSS O® S transpired te11 the printer every time. and Sharp 6---3:6-3. That's what be's in town for. -Ex. Dickson and Field beat Doherty and Terry ernlly stein to have engaged in the Ieverything in sight in the -,Ay of 6--2; 6-0• industry. One of the principal buyers I prizes and such things. Everyone, ,SERIOUSLY INJURED. -The following McTaggart and Sharp beat Bird and Gar- in this section is Mr. D. Cantelon, who I who knows J. Frank Jackson's re. from the Stratford Herald of last week row 6-3; 6-4, has this year spent, It very large Amount tiring disposition, can understand, refers to a eon -in-law of Mr. John SINGLES-GENTLEINIEN. of money in this one line, and nearIv why he satisfied himself with tak- W e have been busy the"past few days opening ship- Croll, town: -J. W. Green, editor of Hbodesbeat Field 6-1;6-4. every week snakes shipments. The ing third place in the competition ments of new Fall Dress Goods and are now showing the Tavistock Gazette, was seriously in- F. Holmes beat Sharp 6-0; 6-2. latest, shipment was made on :4londa:y among the finest artists of Canada r lured on Sunday evening while wheel- Dickson beat Doherty 6-4; 6-4. to Collingwood, for which farmers thst year. But this year uothicg but the finest and most complete collection of Dress Goods ing from Gurrie to his horse. He had DOLer,rs--LADIES, realized from $5.35 to $5.50 live weight. the best would do. He took it col- ever Shown in this section. In the past the superiority lection of 25 phot,rls to the meeting p p y travelled about 65 miles without asci The Flim d Curtis 6 and Elwood beat th P, dent when, as he was going through MiRReHFairandCurtlr,6-4;6-d, THEDIFFERFNCE.-While�,xlrcote ill, Of the Canadian Photographers AS* of our Dress Goods stock has been generally acknow- ° Shakespeare village at a considerable The Misses Shard and Elwood beat the declares that Manor Holmes prtid his Sociatlbn at London, A.ncl before he ledged and for this season we will SNOW a stock of rate of speed, he collided wits a rigg Misses Curtis and McMurray 7-6;6-4.6-2. car fare on the Cumberland, which we cattle away they insisted upon him ledged, ing in the opposite losite direction ancf BOwt.ING ON TIIF GREEN. -There do not doubt, and that we knew it., the taking the vice-presidency (he narrow- Black and Colored Dress Goods that for, Style and driven h Adrini Eller. As it was 9 P. were two ver pleasant contests be- New Era is not honest enough to say ly escaped having to bear the burdens y y } at the same time that Ti+F NEws-RE- of the presidency), also the old medal value Will be far in ad -dance of any we have shown m., and consequently dark, neither of tween Clinton and Goderich last, week. g the parties saw the other until it wits l3owling un the green is year by year CURD slid not charge him with not pray for the best exhibit. His retoucher, ill the past. ing his fare. We charged biro with DI r. Gowmrtns, secured a silver medal too late. Willing bands carried the becoming justly more popular. Dur riding in the same car he has denoun- for his re -touching exhibit. The phot - ■ unfortunate editors into the residence ing the past year the Clinton Bowlers sed Conservatives fere riding in. Per- grnphers in cities haven real advrul- of J. Wilhelm, V. b., in front of which have gamed at least a provincial re- sonally we see nothing wrong in it. tags over most of those ins small towns Columbiathe accident occurred, I)r. White- plaVin . r+thave put up some strong SultiRgsreran was uickl summoned and found llayin At Goderich on Friday, how- Under Conservative rule the New Lea in getting subjects, But Barrie has q Y 1 g did. Under Reform rule we do not, le.nt.y Of fit Subjects for the artis and the patient in a still dazed condition, ever, they were rlefeiated, and it is but P .l t no hones, however, being broken. As just to say that the ground was not, There's the difference. she is particularly fortunate in having the bicycle was a complete wreck, Air. as level As Clintonians are accustomed one who c;an do justice to thein. The 3 p OUR SHADE TREES AND Law Nh.--IC writer dare not, attempt to describe the Eiler drove My Green to Tavistock to play on, which inn, measure relieves is a great pleasure to note. the improve - and it was not until tie neared his the sting of defeat. In Clinton on illent in our shade trees, lawns and to but would lenses the judging y+ boulevards, During the least few clays to those who think it ,worth while home that he seemed to realize full Saturday Our nei� hives suet with a LMOST the first of our Dress Goods to arrive were our "Col - for the first time, where he was. At reverse find their defefit wits accepted Mr. Searle has im roved rnhn treys going to see thein, and if Mr. Jackson P y is in as good humor its he was when we urnbia Tweeds." This season's designs in these popular first the doctors feared concussion of good-naturedly, as all defeats Should by lopping off the mouldering stalled to See his medal of the Klond ke Dress Materials are by far the nobbiest and most attractive the brain might follow, but late reports be. The official score in the two branches. The Council would be wise y indicate that Mr. Green is getting on matches isas follows:- in expending a. little time and money meta i he won't object Seriously to that have ever been produced by the milia. For a street dress or nicely. AT GODERICH-FIRST RINK. on the shade trees in Clinton. In do- explaining the fine points t the hest A exhil,+it of the Canadian Photographers one that will stand any amount of rough usage, send is at the same; FROM ALBERTA, N. W. T. -A former Clinton. Goderich. ing so the side%VnIks would be better Association," time stylish, there is no tnateriral equal to a Columbia Tweed. They resident of Clinton, in writin r to a fames Fair R. G, Reynolds preserved and the boulevards would friend from Lacombe Alberta, . W. L, Kennedy W. Campbell present a inure attractive appoarance, __ _ keep their good appearance as long as they last, and there is Almost Jos Rattenbury A. McD Allan Other towns pursue this wise course. no wear out to them, We show them in two qualities, at, 75c. per T„ says: -•`Here is a land, beauteous, W. Jackson -skip 16 J. Wynn -skip 20 P Brief Town Topics. void for the lowest and $6 the costume length for the better line. alternating grove and prairie, a land SECOND RINK' MORE HONORS FOR CLINTON (%O1. - that. knows not of drought, a region of ,i. ,Johnston V. Jordan ('ant,elOn Bros. rue snaking heavy Of these olds we do not show two ends alike I.EGIATE-The results of the Blake Rlllpllll'r1tS(+t g countless cattle and horses innunler- John Itansford W. Eliot plains. J. T. Harland 1), C. Strachan scholarship examinations for TorontGct 141 r. A. H. Beddoinr , nuunager of the able, where sheep range among ten J P. Tisdall-skip 13 W. Lane -skip 28 University matriculation have a� thousands, aIle all farm crops at-(- pet'- AT CLINTON-FIRST RINK been rat been published. Mr. Carl Engler, who Bank of Alont,real. London, witnessed �A Kid I Tia Uses feet. Since April no frust has appeared. Clinton Godericattended the Clinton Colle ie Insti- the bowling snatch here on Satu,-day. Oats I saw in shocks, and wheat yel- tv Jackson Major Jordan tote during the last veru takes the Miss M. L. Holmes Of Clinton left on low to the harvest. Raspberries ,john Itansford w, tRliot eighth general proficiency scholarship. Monday for G anranoque to take • paint the landscape red, blue berries Joseph Rattenharl• 1). i', Strachan Mr. Engler stands in first-class honors charge of the Principal's classes during �G1Uve� Pr>intS 'tr•e in luscious profusion, gooseberries 1). A. Forrester -skip 21 W. Little--skip13 in Mruthematic firRt slits in German, the Model term. everywhere,and saskatoons ebcn�,z? the SECOND RINK. vaulted cans It is refr•eshin to see J. T. Har'and It. G. Reynolds first-class in French field second-class Oil Friday last Miss P. A. Holmes g W. Rn -done It. Lega,n in En lish (the last three giving him • When the Prints we advertised two Again the ancient harvests renewed, J. Y. l:isdall Dr. ShanuO++ g g g Iel't town to resume her duties in Sud- weeks Ago carne in, they were not li rind stroll the regal woodlands. To G.D.McTaggart--skllllO,i1r. Sun -skip 11 first-class in rnodern languages.) Air. bury. taking the "Cityof Midland' At �U eC�a g it En ler has done. remarkably well for to the quantity We had only sold a I(tok, admire rind wondet is the KINCARDINE VS. CLINTON, g y Owen Sound and going by Way 'of small c nt Safe when we r withdrew sunny inheritance of an Opti_ the time he has been preparing and hip Algoma Mills. 1 y y Kincardine. bowlers Arrived yesterday stlecess is an example of what, fully be. Cn 1-t attlyday last we placed on them front Serle at 6} and wrote Che' tnistic wanderer. No pessimist hits morningand a most excellent time done b tersist.enteffort and attention. Nur. T. .Jackson, of Jackson F3ros•• wholesale house saying that tv(: would A. ri int on the road Rave its } has returned front his business trip to wale a special bargain in T{[n ship the lot brick. To -da we receive(: K + was spent on Clinton's perfect grounds. He hay no thought of writing for P Y olicensed tramp whom it is every- our fresh water sea town friends scholarship until fru• on in the school Manitoba, He wet many nd three <arocrs. Ti pairs fine kid word staying that rather than h e + and secured between two and three them conic back we could have them ones duty to kick and send to the claim to be green at, bowlingon the year. loves, tans and blacks, regu- wrorkhouse. Albertais ahead of Assin- thousands dollars worth of orders, g sit a rice that lets us sell them at 5c. MhOill. SO far as improvements are con- de then,e )lvisitoi stimacle esoule1Psl lendicl HousE OF REvu(ir NOTES. Fast Mr. J. C. Stevenson, who has been lar $1 goods, sizes 6, 6;}, 6}, 6..T, per yard. So commencing to -day we cerned. The first 50 miles north frons shots. The ernes was:- Sundli� night, or Monday morning tirar user of the County S. S. for 15 7, at put the whole lot on sale at 5c. That G.`Itlgnry reveals few houses; the second Christin+a McMartin, who has been run years, retires with honors. The office,- 19 less than they cost at the mill. 50 is never without buildin s in FIRST RINK. inniate, front Orley township since of Secretary and treasurer have been 68C. C1;hrton. Kincardine. PES P IS We will refund the difference in sight-t•his h+t.lf hits four nice villages the open[ng, Absconded. She will ramnlgamated and Mr. Israel Taylor isand farin edifices alore. Iamnote113 W. Jackson It. A. Farquharsonhe brow ht brick if informationrice to any who bought them at Bye g B. Thomllnion 1. Atofl'att g the new officer. p milt^+ north of Calgary and 79 south of John Ransford W. Bishop can be obtained as to her a Masson was in toiyn last Sat- of they will let us know. Rdmonton. The "march of empire" Is J. W. Irwin -skip 17 W. Murray -skip 20 whereabouts. Atiy person drop- Jlltlg ttiday find witnessed the bdWling / north, and Klondyke intensifies it. Si;COND Rt -M. ping it card to Inspector Coats, Clinton, match between Clinton and Goderich. X51 Prince Albert, 250 miles north of Re- Jos. Rattenbury A. Macintyre • would confer a favor. -Wm. Griffith We were pleased to meet His Honor, iia, in Saskatchewan, has 3,000 in- John Wiseman (1. M. Mae endriek from EaRt •Wawanosh, aged 23, is the qq J. P. Tisdatl J. Gray along with the others who took part in 1►abit.ants. The crops are. excellent. � John Johmiton-skip 26 J.H.scoogall skipl2 last addition to the inmates; he is suf- the bowling snatch. Medicine Hat has become a fine town, SECOND MATCII--PIRRT RINK. feeing from bronchitis, bordering on I Rev. W. McDonagh of Stratford ornate with flowers; Calgary a onag city in Clinton Kindeardine consumption. -Poor old Tommy Sher- all but population, which is only 5,000. W. ,Jackson R. A. Farquharson pian is not very well. He Rays his w,jll preach in the Itattenbury street HODGENs OIn 89 it had no stone buildings, thou h John Ransfor(i John Moitat heart fails to drive the blood of life Methodist Church next Sunday morn- neen were then carving material for Jos. Rattenbury win. Bishop through.4is body, and he evidently is ing And evening. His many old-time Alberta Hotel: now there are streets D. A. Forrester-skipM will. Murray-skipl3 correct. "'There are in all 73 inmates.- friends will he delighted to once more of stone, many of them extra in de- RECOND RINK Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Pocock held sleet the rev. gentleman. Rev. Mr. sign, as well As Splendid water works J. T. Harland A. Mar•Intyro service. --Mr. J. A. King has been Mlllyard leaves oil Thursday to make I : Kennedy J. A. Norris his annual visit to his ru ents in Tor - and electric light. But, to rue, there J. A Tindall J.GraYy awarded the contract for bread for the I p The Dry Goods Palace, Clinton. it only the Rockies." G. D. McTaggart-sk.18 J.H•t3cougall-rk 14 next three inohths. onto'