HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-09-01, Page 7W .:., .'�a ,,, hgib,, ,j , - q _—.-_.�,___.._-.--.__--.—._- _ _..r __-__ _^---.—.___T..—_____. _ —_-- I -. ___ 2 — p I Board" was the next,topic. Ur. Towler, ing the mantle of selfishness and ex- our own destinies and to the destiny Of and hit, love never tire,; and its in- Their great power of developing ail Tarp Hi!ron r'Y �nj�, e�� -Recorp Wlmghaut, was absent ski W. 11. Kerr, claiming wil•h Cain "Ail 1 ulv broth- the world in which we live. Let till s etuelice ernal ilal lever' Uuuc �. , I,et Christ the Inter-deuuwulatiuual felluwblllp war; of GI Brussels Post, wits called upon er s keeper•' or iu•H V011 bowl Og pride line up and inane(( forward td a our Model. He well. kill()". Beton e this and uthet 81.26% Te.r--;)t.uoin Ad,•auc" au(i oculi very ably iuul },ruHt;thly, and envy uud reaping haired and confidence ill the cause kit' l'tiribt tLud Lia)r� plLeyrih1ery Insuring luuung the beneficent influence the walls of sec- �__- -- --_ — tuusiciering thin his r/,a' uulrks were lualirr? %Ve. uee,l to sow good seed; having dune all to sial( , 'St tm. 17 t, I d their dead, healed tariall bigotry Fuld pride were ahead - - -- - entirely extrw writ"e()ub• Tho 131,Lck we lived the fl•ucLifyiug infiueuce Of tilt ye like lien." Line up fur every their sick, restored bight to the blind, decaying Find beginning to CL -otitic Y F g tVttUah uAY, EPCr titnt t 1st, ]a07. 13ou1(l was int the roust Important GO(I s Spirit and tlnvl we shall have fot•rti of c•hristjan work and fur the unstopped the eats of the deaf; in thing. H,' would ]write un it the Wool- yr'urF•lli ;growth in grace and knowledge overcoming of those gigiwLic evils short whenever he found til door of op- Dr. Meldrum of St. Paul gave a 11101st — -- _-- —Y ser uC hvuuls to be snug, tapir of les- of uta• lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, which Fire sucker -like drawing the life Porturuty for tile doing of good, he ell- e�(yL ° ►r elucidation of the suh,'1ect - -- - sou, &e. I I. ynutwiug up reports kit , blood Out kit 6111 beloved til; tive laud. tered tit. She their dwelt upon the int- d I tupottivaate(alvtug, Uay- ��11 'l thu school attendance, cullectiun, fits., T'hc I rpsi.luut then called for nett;;`'- Alen and woolen of (.(anttda, "IALle up,•' puetance of Lite medical del)artnnent lug his rumltrks kit► the passage in The S ��d C Lt cl11�V811t1011S atiuus of delegate to the Provincial of Mission work. The uludu'aI une•n St. Juhn's (Icbcriutiouuf the Holy Pity, S. S. ( C. E. url(l alutlgtiide of that the last year's, AbSo"itr•i0II. Rev. S. Acheson luuved The topic was ftu•tht+p d19CUS'sed 11-Y null lvuuu'u wore .a uu)sL etfretve I'he height and the breadth and toe thus ludicaLing pvogq' s kit dechuc'' shut Mayor Hulloes of Clinton be Lhe Messrs. Lough, 1•'isher, 13:111, Slulit, de nth of it were et lull." -- H Pet ill allnUllllCeW@uta the Sunil:ay Y tlteiins owl' breaking down prejudice and l 1 t 1cleyuLt ilial it w,as cin lied ntluuiuu,us- Little, W. (tubs and thv ehuirw"tn, Air, of rainin • access to the heathen homes In AN UNt'{tl+:CEDEN•TE1.) SUCCESS. berore. May write a 111.11111 (ill black ; �y, I herr. soul heard. �,ttvtrls rind toll"' we}� I Tltl' ►i:Nroportl0h At ones of society board if nut to book. 1s Mv. 1).( who was a(ldressing the " C'' E, iiud Teut�+etfauce IlefurM" will, also air etfeetiVP il]elLtls t() tl a brio i its exewplitliled in the )nodelu city -" AIr, Houston, Principal of Cl{utotl , H Ineethi of Scholars Irl Ontario St, dwelt with wit illi adnlh•ablo Manner b • r g i where clrss vvas sol , aipst clays, tltu l'ulie rt rte, thea cause for:vit'd and ) ;lib ,bunt of (hal' end, Pirh des %sin Hundreds of Delegates From All b a ALethutIlSt (I1111•ch Was nut Yetpresent, AJ r. J. A. Gregory kit Lxutt"1•. Isle out- 1 g tale pout•, the pour b Elwell the wnidel-fill strides of advance- The next tell minute address was I)y envyhlg the rich, was bet forth. Suuu• b illu�tralcd in ti yl'ry interesting Dan- ser the lucthod which he weekly uses. cal' d upon Al- his t'. Steven nd was Rev. J, S. llvadets()11, of hens,(!, the pen )le Iki•P as it Were, Lou lung,i. r, Parts of Huron. y culled upon fur his report tu"1 the 11x kit untule b the milt nem ]eranct+ 1 He happened to have ort the black fi ul'a; riven were interesting, The movellient, especiallyinCanada. It is subject bei()},* "Nation tvieuing of lung -headed Orl who opposvery hoar''1 Ills notes of the previous S, S' neralrreVOi is fur the esu were now admitted b politicians into the C!luistiun l'itizerlshnp." Suvo the in• strongly all Curuls of crookedness find THOU(It-ITGl'I., 8V(;(LbtSTlt'h AND SOUL- lossons which "Vere Its follows: -1, SuP- .yg3:01, for provinviial )ur oses $84.85, arena of Politics, Illntemperance 18 118 dividual and you Save the nation, not evil, howl, never gets his life ufiaulewitit ttrtxtttxc..tunttl•:SSs•.S. reulfuy of lave over eloquence, pro- uutkiug a tulailuf 6;118.1f1, The ]notion fl, firs butul in Lusa utitlbt of thu pulittel- the tarso taxes, hloudyke gold lnimeS etl3OtiOn Ills height, Ills breadth and 1)hecy, fitith,liberalit.y. iL Character- teas received and adopted :and it vote Ans whose evils both parties recognize, shikinp such hke, but l'htistian citizen. his depth are not equal. Soule are istic•s of love --patience, ki°dness, gen" of thanks was leuderi•(1 AZ r. Stevenson but from whit•(; they hath eudeavot' rp was the trust iu)port;Olt thing tU diSprupOI-tiouate by being tau broad. FUL% HEINMT ob' 'rill, MHETINO HEM) erosi(y, humility, courtesy, uuselliSh. fur his etliriuut, ulrurngeulent kit this to stand filum, culling upon the Other ' any nation. Vile legalized liquOe They are broad for tile' sake Of being IN CLINTON t.Ay r WEEK. nes,, good te,U )er, "mSUSpfcfuusness' departulent during the late )-ear. Al r, to remove it if lie dare. tratiic told rho threatened, secularize- blond. }} !tion of the C'hristiuu Sabbath tiy(; ought to build broad( lova of guu(t. Ill.' Love's perpetuity. Stevenson replied i° it few well chosen The greatest convention in the wrinstis •!Vile first, to Pic of tine afternoon "The 1 y� e have the W. U. T. C. laud many were some of the evils vvhtrh y. (,Ill riw } reularka and asked that to committee other temperance gUCletea which grave uur rhr(stifau ritiu %ship should be tianity opposes self-ce"tredness in all of Lhe histol UC Nurou opened in F,xercisu oY Ani Kuril kir the Sr.•hou1," hu wi P uinted to nud.tt the accounts. I H., tut alb; it teaches lib that We t'lde and 101111091116211 uesdity uuu11iug• The tV)Lg dealt -VIt11 Irl an yble iiud eloquent Messrs. J. Stott and R. HohM'S were aided very Materially in bringing this exercised.,ubuut. 1f we fee to save full with out. brothereverywhere. Sabbatchool Association and Chris- manner by Al". (,. b'. Blair, Brussels. appointed. tnuveuneuL iota the promulwut, It now uur Hatton wa %lust haves Putru)tlaiu ual,i It Otto ies. These societies aloe with and we ()lust ive our best efforts in ti so with the individual, it is ski with tian Endeavor l oleo of Hnro" UonntY P g g the nation. <1 sten% r )I The importance of keeping strict „Assoriution Claims" Wil thPsub eet Stich ,+t;rictl Christian or ulir•tationsas whatsoever s phere of work We engage •( f"" t, I ell wits made have previously held their conventions I " Y gI I b b' ur(ler in t11e S.S. was Pointed out Sts of unr I'rnviuciiLl Hecri•tary's next the Y. P. �. U. F:. co11re low for service to the service of out, country, veer re• l hu cuululvu brotherhood and suhd- separately :Lnd at different dates. The Y, latter have always been lar�},,re :Lnd ell- o°c+ Of the must important thin Is to be Address. The Objects of the assoc•ia- ,lust where the child has graduated tnembering that whim is "orally army Of nut% trod the huge was thusiastic rind ityvrls thou rht b some kept u] view ill huudlitig th(yse cuulplex Lica `wr.re, 1. edueaLfun, lI. ulalternity, fro"1 the public school and goes Out wru"g cat] never he politically right, earueatly expressed that the closing organizations. if Order is nut sustaln- till. Of the nineteenth cen- that b holding the H.S. convention lit "' 1[1, evungelizstion, into the temptations kit life. If they Christianity should not. be like Lhe Y ed the: rood influence of the t Ili ging e1 form aright the reit t.11sk cont- fabled ostrich which refused low earl till. Of wotild see rut Arbitration the Sallie tame and place that it Would p •' b great y catch some of the enthusiasm and re- reretve( is very much Iesseued. FVhe❑ Tire benefit of co-operation in the witted to the rn, intemPetancH shall gtycattrse it was it hird and refused to Treaty unite in one the two great ceive mare of the interest. and attention Pitpptis cuuie front the infant class his various fc r owls of work by the H.S. of soon be banished front our home and fly because it was a camel, rather' it C hn tato;% Nations of the world whose order is generally good, hut, it ,,then the different denominations was dwelt county should be like the ea le uoun"ou blood, IrLli care stud religion to .which it is undoubtedly entitled. Y g Which bothg )+ g The decision to hold the first of these ggradually becomes worse owing to the upon. Hu outlined the work which he carries its load rued soars, alleadq formed bonds of union, onventi a ill t. town of Clintonil of discipline too often Maintain- Las Provincial iltl Secretary wits c:arryi),g The cry of infringement oil our per- The report of the Nu t ill Whilst these and other broad-minded c o s he (w n ed llre[•e. Though undue harshnes; on to the inore retuot, districts of (conal liberty was dealt with and re- 1 Nominating Cons- cul'istian ideas were praised, yet thele presaged succe and the fulfilment should be carefully guarded against,, Ontario, folwnding H H., libraries, 'LLC. felted. The fawn of society necessarily illittee wits thee( read by ill. Oaten. was a danger to brDaden "tit until WA of these fondly-eTierished-hopes. wind though the power of lore should The ineeting was then dismissed with prohibited such acts its s.lealing, beat,- T,1e following were the Officers ap- fall Hat. i<et our height, breadth and Clinton is Splendidly adapted for the be the meat disciplinary force, yet its the benediction. ing false witness, Murder, &c., because p( luted : lues., Rev. J. S. Henderson, depth be equal. intertainmenGof alargecunventiun;its it is c $$em ski e1 S. 3. There should though th(: love of personal liberty IlOei l; list Vice -Pres., itis$ At. S. central loe+atiow as the hubof t.h( Loun ES ttvtacs. was *ratified in the commission of Washiubrtun, Clinton; 2nd Vfce-Pres., The beautiful way in which the U. 1.7. be a great reserve force which can and The evening nleetin r commenced b Air. U. F . Blair, Brussels ; Secretary fulfilled these qualifications wits the•() ty, its wide and shadystreet,s, its cool- will be called into requisition when h these yet they were fraught With dis- „ Y, l with :L half hour praise service• comfort, and Nitrol to his neigh) Mr. A. 1 Goo per, set forth. rood{ons churches, its comfortable necessary. '1'he cloGe of Mr. 131nir'st"low- r )or. } Clinton; (rests., Jas. Christain homes and its hundreds Of + The ganne ar lunent a )lied to totem- Scott, Barrister, Clinton; h:xecutive The close Of llr. Meldruul's eloquent, , quest oration was greeted with McKenzie, •Doors of Op�Portu11iGy was rho erance. But. some say intemperance COnull'ttee, 11ZisS G. Elder. Seaforth; oration was greeted with 1 earnest workers in the S,Schuol anti l•. of Applause. Mesa's. Keir, A1clienzp, subject dealt ";11111 by Dr, McDonald, P" Y• I. •, T. g th rou11ds OP E. Societies all contribute to the site: ,w cannot be entire( prohibited ; neither F. H. McCalhlun, Exeter; R. I. little, a) )lrtlise. Mr, tinuston Al, r1., thea Houston and W. H. herr then spoke, ALP., of 1' a,L Huron, "•ho Will lin lie Y P i 1 l cess of such it gathering. Thr: 1)lt'1•- their retrial ks being Along the shine reillembel•ed by the llppUnents Of till. ('fill Elle above 1lanwd evils. The op_ GUllel'iCh; anti Jtev. F. J. Oaten, Bel, moved a vote Or thanks to the late, chants nnanifested a praiseworthy ortunit and obligation Ltion resting upon brave. A vote of thanks leas then Speaker i lino of the necessity of maintaining Jesuit Act as one of the so-called I? Y f � f,• b P tendered the lute )ti()n uud billetitl who had so kindly favored the unallitnity in l:espondency to the. c•ail order at, sill h:lzards. "noble thirteen Christian l+.ode:avnrers in crystalizing i g meet;%}{. Air. Tiplady seconded the coul"littees for the efficient mtannes to decorate their }Premises. Flags and •' 1Tou)e llepaartnl(:nt" by t1le. Pro- 1 -lc Spcike Of the seriousness of lift•, the vote of the church i° the cumulq; in Which tdla noniron and the audience showed their hauling were tobe teen HveryWhel'a'• slot ifil SPc'et:Lr , ALr. lla was uu)st. l . PI I Nei tt•aS then cul ]hastzed, y had Pert'urtlled their t(C( u[egenCe b 1 f y a hearty Uhuteiuuluity The, station and the onini11lls Y 5 t� c must endeavor Go leave it better work, to the pastor and otiiceis of solute. excellently dealt with and followed than when we entered it. fie coutpar- .hiss J. Wilson, (Tinton; Mr. Ab. Willis church for the useoftheii beauti- for conveying tile, delegates to the very StlitiLbly the last topic. Order' ill ed the.wovid to it Stormy uteri(( filled CUopev, Clinton; Ret•, C. FI(AC11e1', fill find coinloodious building to the The Consecration Service was church was gaily decorated and oven the houso was almost essential to good with dangerous rous rocks and shallows. Tha.lnes Road; Jas, Scutt, barrister, a' one through With and r ilei( Willis church itself changed its usual b Clinton friends for their hearty g though the b order in the se)1oo1 Its the sellOhl" will To collie safely through these ditlicul- Clinton; Rev. Edge, Cloderieh; Rev hospitality which we have enjoy- lust, wits by no mems the Ie: SL iuter- sombre puritanical look to that of a t)lflu!rest then incoi•derlyoi' disorderly ties it is necessary that, we have a line .F, J. Oat"'%, Belgrnve; Rev. NV. Stunt, ed, to the retiring utlicers iced est.ing Or profitable of the exel•c•i •e blyL'her and rmore festive appearance. 1whits ill the school as ill the 1101"V•he Huron delegates were divided st, i The }targe Hutto "Welcome" atret.uhed T11C Ho tie Department has to du with connecting 11';111 the Almighty One. Clinton;(.'(into%; Alit}or Hullers, Clinton; Rev. Executive Committee for the efficient 8 ed inti l Wu ought to have a purpose in life MI-. hall, Be'lgrave• man net in which they performed their districts ail({ each sting separately all along the front of the church, a two clitsses, those who cannot And find ntakc, everything else subservient r work sold to the choir whicll rendered called upon, res )onded with Suitable Standing invitation to the feast of guns} those who will not come to Sunda The nominating committee was then } Y t() the gftlUltlf� Ut tI1FtG object Ct ; then the read, the followin r nein r tip pointed c•-- such inspiring tuusic daring the even Bible gtiotsLtrons anti by singing a verSe things within and expressing in 011e School. If we can reach thein we will 1 €. f, tippointed,:.— tvurd the feeling of Llint•onians tothuir be as 1G were estithlishin r a new kind bat•rie•rsandditl{citlllc'slVllJ but Sharpen Iiev. F. J. Oaten, It. 13. .McGowan, ing sessiuny. of two of some fasuilisu• hymn. v 1.21f g delegates. The decorationsoheir of ,is tool( a GUI. sbing io stands in(t sell] quicken its for' ()int, onward path ]rev, Air. Hale, Rev. J. S. Henderson, The next topic "Ali alp -to -date lir• The audience thein joined ill singing Y • through life. Opportunities for gond Rev. Mr. Edge, g . "" 1 g g inside, whilst nutelaborate, were beau- Or 5th of all the North American.trues lie thiel; around it.,;. B • carefull • enl- b J• A. Ctr('eory. deavorer taFL9 lllti'Udt1CN[I by 11r. �(. "When the. roll is called tip yonder, tiful and appropriate. The Pulpit and Provinces in the percentage of her gelating these We becuule capable of A1iss Janet Nilson, county Tress- L. I usher, Holmesville. Tile ideal Ln- ill be there, and the greatest conven- was banked with the choicest of flow' children in the H.H., yet onl omc-tiftb r; urer, then read her I e )ort. Last ear's deavorer should be a tnan of his word. tion that Huron has ever held was Y takingadvantage of greater apportam- + Z Y ers whilst hunting and golden rods, tow- Attend. This is 'nst as lamentable its balance $7.10, this ear's receipts Secondly that he should Ile its e111i- brought to a close by the Rev Mr. l ties whim they present; themselves. Y I gether with such mottoes as, `•Look tip, it is true. The(bjectsand the methods He Laid stress upon the necessfty Of $45.50, expeases $3L,'L0, leaving oil neatly .00i able creature. He who Edge pronouncing the benediction. Lift up," ""For Christ and the Church," of the Horne Department was veru proper preparation and e ui ment. hand a bit atticc of $18.:55. The report could immediately %Make A stranger "Feed My Lambs," etc., adorned the (lain( dealt with and Air. Day's ad- } I 1 1 q P st as it waft received find Adopted and to vote feel at home in our church meetings is CONVENTION NOTES. walls. '. dress yeas of almost fascinating in. c+lirpenter Must hsust have 11 iee[a planctoubnild a of thanks ten iered bliss WilsUn for bound to be an influence for good: H•e Clinton, '07; the date will long be re - The Prayer and Praise Service was terest. We hope Mr. Day's thuughtfnl her work so heartil • rendered. should b. earnest and thorough m till membered by hundreds of teturne(i h•)use properly. Special opportunities 3 his work. Lastly to be au up -to -(late delegates. conducted by Rev. R. Alillyard, suggestions u,Ay be acted upon. lie were Afforded to each one of us to he Tile County Secretary Air•. A. T. Endeavorer he must be a good chris- The fit, subject—""Why am I here," would begin with the officers of the holiest, truthCnl and consistent. 'These (`super then read the yearly repo) t thinvorecitizen. The number of delegates present at was desirft with by President of the S. S. church and have them sign the pledge at•O the three fundamental principles and (he audience wits held spell -hounds the Wednesday evening service must A., Mr. J. P. ROSS, Exeter. I. Ile was that they will study the S.S. lesson for which Make a inan And make a by Ali-. Goober's liamAionfae eloquence Perhaps the most interesting thing have been between three. and four hun- ger' to attend tall meetings of (; ie wa- halt an•hour erlch week. Jf they would' Ly„;11;1"1, Yottng wrnnen hftve special and enthusitlSin. He all}.)lied the par- 1n the entire convention was then pre- died, a little congregation in them. tto nd not to see the town beauti• not Sign then he would commend them oppl,l'ountt.it's to try And rare by A ral,le of '"It is the gratin of mustard seated, being suune special exereises by Selves. to GIiP paSLUI• es there tunst be Holme- ,kind htlt fit- it tlIPtit(% the standard of seed to file U. H. if,()1'elllent; tie seed the JnIIlor:- of Ituron County. A The 11]elnber5 Of t.11f' varl()l1B C0111 - fall . decorated as it is. Il. To take. thing wrung. Then he would ranvass morality of the voting with whown being planted b Dr. Clark in his number of tready dressed Jit ill Ors carne mitteeS deserve credit for the whole - art and help, not alone to he helped. Y >; n 1 Y the church nlemhers, then the ad- the Ltibori:ate, thus I ringin L blessin »ivatt Parlor in the year 1881. In on the platform sad whilst going heartedness with which the entered l,1:. Because of his great interest in H, 5' i •" ggi g } Parlor y 't throw r R here tits until the whole world shall all to the young r"en y,h a sort of diAlO;,'IIP, tllere lefts Y S. work the necessity of which i seen , themselves and to 1801 it h:u{ brow % loin a bennLihtl tree: into the work allotted to thein. uttite in bysteniatic and regular study their connt.ry. whose bra Overspread the, seen approaching ,rayed in Pictut•e- , by many of those who are not gtu]r.led I 1 'If there is one Party t Of the Sallie Bible lessons. The subloct world. The (lili`erc•nt 1)rituchP.S of the sque East Indian costunnes with bowed } y core than .tit- in the teachings of the Bible owl the ryas riot discussed, hot we ha -o now Missionary anfl other Such lines of heads and fettered hands and Misery clther, to when the success of chP c�n- time of their youth driftin'r two to work afforded n) )ortnnities to every Inion wcro the ,junior, intermediate s Y doubt t.hose )resent could not. lint d;s- 1.1 depicted in their Tool( iiud ever >,ctiuu. vclitions is due that person is undoubt- Infidelity incl wickeduess. 1 holly. The ennui% )lebescite would arld senior soeiei.ie, and the. Local 1 ya corn the far-reaching rrSIrILS kir the 1 They are told the uld,uldstury of.Jestls edly our genial friend "".�h” Cooper:. g Unions Of Goderic h, Clinton, Se.aforth Air. Kerr of the l3i•ussels Post then Homs( Department if carried into rtffurd a11 csccllent opportunity (L :and his love are induced to bole We know Of no Conwentiurl )i]t'aseo- gf ve:t1110St interesting r S )eeeh on the 1 and 131vth. low 1R) Ilurun )tad but 11i 1 t b i e11e(,t, lOrellortruui lot.oll out.01ilft ialli phy, their I(neca ill prityer, when lo! tile }('6 Y which wunlci adequately describe Same lines. He wits here l to brio r, '? , . , • , , nor piatrlotisul uud out. chr)stiftuit.y. C. F soviet ies ; ill 155)7 it had One gun- fetters of Hetttflcu darkness burst gnus but in couunon Slang parlance O t, O "1'he importance of Reverence in lh'ed. 'Jhoki,rh it (vas true that Huron pray, (3) listen to w•hatissaid good And the H.S." wet:+ dealt, will, in It vpr • ah)t• `Thy neighbor it is he asunder, they were taken upon the he would be called "a htuuper„ ":L had. 1) To retold the benefit he had 5 Whom thou hast, u,wov to Ness, ' c'(pu.uty had taken the banner Sallie, platform its thu others and it hustler," or ";1 whale." He had It kind (' not11ner by lies. W. ]:, lierr, s solSl ll• 1 it last year's Provincial Coliven- , } , teurcl for ever • person and flitted received in his youth front the S. H• 7'hc irreverent Spirit clasps his Sunl to 1S hoaatachiug brad and burning brow 1 s:Lhu of 1 raise ascuuded Co 1Jim who y } 1 „ tion at Ottawa for the number hither wind Lhit.her like solne lovely (v) To carry situ(( to his S. H. in Brig- t.ho 'rand influence owl' the Holy Spirit. 1'111 gulping loon; may pros;. always henrcth lint} anawereLh tette sels as much kllUw jC(I, e ()nil incentive r, i tit' Junior Societies organized dor•- sa p) u'i i; "Earths c•rannned with Heaven art(] We owe it to own. nci„hbor to re- ins; the year, yet it was.. also prayer. The whole exercise WAS So I I i tion but Was always in the right to the work els possible. t•very (,()trillion hush Afire with (sod. trove this great te11)ptat.ion. \Vp havo tree that progi-o,s in the propogati()ll welt rendered that. tile eye; Of Itntny a ))lace, "The h of (,Ile Lesson Helps." lie But only reverend .sonk5 take off' their tilt, great and ahnc:st, unspeakable op- ,if these Societies had been conn )arta- full grown ratan was moist, as A resallt, W. H. Kerr of the Brussels Post pointed oast thin it was helps, uothclp, shoes, the rest, sit down and pick I pnrtunity of wol-Shiping Cud accord- fisc iv slow. IaLst. year there (were of the vivid picture it presented to makes the hest, chairM;tu we helve seen because if lmulp singnlAr it would be blltckhcrrtes" The reverence -vit.h ing to the die twtlps of out, own tun- nine unior societies rp xm ted ; this hint ()C the hondage of heathen degrada- for ninny' A day, lie alwayfi gilys rho confined to the help find enlightenment which. we approach nature in her, science. yew()' Iwo have had 1 tell. Last tfuu and sin in which such a large propertliingfrld Says it in au exceeding - of the Holy Spirit. Question book, grandest or most inspiring Aspects The Provincial Seeret:u•y Mr. • Day year 2(N),(NY) Y. 11. S. C. l.. people fraction of the World's population is ly hun)orous tllw11.111e1', uarterlies, &c., should not be used in Should be ay nothing (•oil )a red "'it'll still held. It was a must excellent q P b 1 thea gave nnp of his characteristic had joined the various churches in ) Dr. Aleldrunl of St. Paul iS:aSrotch- rS'. S., but the elitss itself can be used its Lhe reverence with which we should Addresses on `"The Teacher's Masker North Anicric•a, At the close of All. ubjee-t lesson (n the need of Missions elan by birth, a (`ri.nadiwrn b • educat ion a help and :L blackboard May be very npproacll Ilion who framed this world 1Cey." The S.H. leacher owing to the Cooper's :able address Ile Was tendered and of the hvneticual work which can ;uul ,in Amcriran b adoption. Being useful. There Are thre(> things necess- in the holding of His htuncl and launch- shortness of the tinle which he has to a vote of thanks for the efficient Tuan- be accomplished by Junior hudeavor- It SCOtchu11m he is to lisp Ili.,; town words, ary whetl we couue to Study the lesson, ed it forth into pace. To lift the teach has to he thoroughly prepared net, in which he had performed t -ti's and both children and teacher :u'e it Presbyterian "from the head down The raw, n)ateral is the Bible. I, what Sacred 1 salol of '/,Ion aS though we and know the Shortest road between his t u•'s work. The cha{rnlan wits to he congiatnlated. war&." ale is now a typical Wester - it says, 11, what does it teac:hfile? You s:ull; the song of Vanity Fair is verit- two points. The object is to reach the Alsokindenough to recommend lir. The last topic of the Afternoon ses- ower both in appeal'allee and language. must know scholar. `� 11ILt al' , you able SaCw'll0 111 tity H. S., in the SOLIIs Of till' boys And girls of his class. Cooper to the work of a local )reacher cion wits an interesting and ex;'vedirl going to teach ? and Ill, how to teach church, in our singing, fn ()tit' pricy- A very impotrnt thing in ati H.S. .ill view of his undoubted Ability in ly eloquent address nil "`Junior Work" called to rel enibra ce of at Col re - . He laid ,tress on danger, of allow- ing, in out, )raying :old fu uur reading r Y 1 e n til )lance how at College t, teacher• is personality. We Inust• Also that direction. by Aliss Al. S. Washington of Ullnton. liv find Dr. Meldrwinl together, "In ' ing any outside hell),, into H. S. either of that boo • where Olid makes known recognize the scholar's personality, ,She outlined the Itillis and ob'oc:ts of 1 b 1 rut: SN~tr:rtNooN, l riot revelry fend rout pursued the fool. to teachers or scholars. his will to inan, re-•ereuce ig of prime }snag pupil must be dealt with in a lhP Junior C. H. Society and no unpre- ball Ila The sixteen minutes discussion importance. God withholds his truth somewhat different manner but all The afternoon Session opened with judiced person could listen tO such at) play.,, which followed was both livelyfront the wise Fuld prudent but reveals the usual Serarce of praise cundttctedSome of the speakers look the op - 1. must be dealt. with kind( TO write ddress without being convinced that and very suggestive, and was taken then] unto babes—the reverential. If' letters to thew on their birth day and by [rev. U. F. F'►etchut'' they were autliciently iwlpurtanL to ilortnnityto mention the deuomluation h Rev. Mr. Hall and W. 1J. Kerr, You wish the children to be reverential such kind epee nations will show them The Subject, "The Power of per:�On_ to wh{ch they belonged and to sound a Y g 1 warrant the exisl,ence in evilly charch blast ()f Praise in its honor. Whilst :a Brussels; D. Tiplady, Clinton ; Mev, S. ill the, H. H. yoll will have to teach that th(' tPaC11Pt• is ill tallest and has allty," wit; introduced 1)y' Mr. Ii. F. of It junior Society.Wt) sincere( P' Bond, Seaforth lies. Stout I: pisco thele by pl,ecept and es Pecitll b ex- ArmsLron r of Goderich 111 .a cost Y pride in ones own church and its his- } i Y 9 ,a deep interest in them. b hope that this encouraging address pallia%, Clinton.' ample. clot Hent address. Mart ig, rind ever tory is at. all times fund in all places WEDNESDAY, 1 will act as an incentive to the forma- pardonable, yet WEI think that the (lis - The still ,.t was discussed by (. F. has been ail independently acting tion of inan more in our midst of The speakers seemed to be both tin gllllr, Brussels, R. W. Mc -Kenzie, Wednesday was entirely devoted to aniuuL}. I.ach roan must, stiLnd ,r titll y } and energetic in their plea + E. these organizations go useful in train- trete and prudent Would reil'aip from Goderich, Rev, J. Acheson, gi}.>pen, the consideration of C. L Topics. b himself, We shouid hownker al g giving expression to these sentilnen>ws for the wise, of the Bible was the fount of Y ing the little hfinds rind hearts ,in the cat An inter denoutinrltiors cnnvirltJun. knowledge instead of it little leaflet. "Tire Character of the Teacher" wits The opening cation was the Sunrise waysexercise theinfluence of sympathy service of their Master. Though everything 1 the subject: next deal with. Miss Bond prayer -meeting front 6.30 to 7.30 which for others. I,xercisu that charity g ythin sassed off -without The Sect then read the general (>f Seafurth react a very carefully pre- "tis largely attended And exceedingly which gnffereth long' incl Is kind. The afternoon's nu'el.ing bird been ajar, yettheru waw ,an unnecessary risk committee drafted for the transaction parsed essa • brill�gin r out, the till tm_ ►pore than filled so that the+ executive I run, ""Out iS our Master, even Christ, 1 5 f, waren. It is Illy giving the bread of R a}1 business:—W. H. Kerr, Brussels ; )ortiance of the :i. H. teiteher, know- " . Life to those in need of it, h Found it necessary Cu "lake aarr:u)ge- and all WH ore }lrethrcn." i ` Ghri„tilt% I:ndestvorand Proportion- Y !it fin evening R. alt McKenzie, ni; It. ; Rev, J. An by personal experience the.Jeflts visiting the widow and the Afflicted g overflow meeting Tho convention wits it huge, slicceaa Hamilton, Win haM ; It. Holmes, I), :ticl ,joys of a saving belief in Jesus ate Giving” was the first paper of the g In the town hall. Both laces of g gg mornin r. The pill)(, was i and being At all times read to hold P from Sorlrt to finish rind there must Tiplady, Rev. H. M illyard, Clinton; I } g ven by Air. g Y trleetin r were well filled and each C,hrls((.. Sono' of these, it is true, rnaY R. B. A�cGowan, of Blyth, and was a out a helping hand to nor down trod- b have been something seriously wrong — Hall, Belgrave ; Rev. Bond, Sea- not btu good teachers, owing to his or y den brother, that we shall glorify (sod, Speaker delivered his speech twice. with" those who could not or did no;, forth ; —Wilson, Senforth ; Rev. A. g carefully prepared one. The necessity + her II, It proneness Go inspire interest fn of (vin was dwelt a Pon an(1 tile. bene- E'rideavor to increase your' influence Each sleeting was opened -with n ib receive benefit. E. Kerr, Hensall, others, a %oneness to deal too much giving I for out}. Becareful not to I Ace too minute raise .Service, the excellent fit Of having Soule systematic method g P i P "The S, S. worker and his Bible" with details, &c.,RLa; but the possession much confidence in and reliance on the choir rendering sumo fine selections -.--,.-------.--.-- Wits clear shown. We should give . was most ably dealt, wi h by Rev. W. of strong cnristian character' will"Accordingvarious forrnsof organizationsforwork, which were much appreciated. Muir, Brucefirald. The S. S. worker alwn •s ins ore confidence illi(] res Pect s."ian ie the Lard hath prospered 3 } 1 us.' In ancient times it was ruatom_ thus liliuting„your• power of r)ersrulal- The opening Address In W11Ilschurch must,,: converted fuel consecrated; even in the yonngest S. S. pupils. The ars to bring a tenth of their animals. ity. Gard playing and Slid, habits Was a most eloquent account of "The ITCHING PILES. most know his own wantsand of those person 'who can draw lessons frons We have no Food reason for discon- cattle fn for sonic scathing remarks. Pt'(rKreSs (if luno%}( Peonpie's Hoci"rt.irs whom he seeks to benefit. The most ever y phase and aspect of nature who tinning the tithe practice. If each 4 )a (r on `Haul Winnin oc the lit Canada by Rev. Jos. Edge of Gode- • some time ago I was completely important part of teacher was his own can fend "`SPrrnons rn stones, book, in christian -would contribute one tenth end VH kee in vie -v," was then ive% rich. He recounted the taking of inc%pacitated for business by p P g Itching Piles. I bought a box c life as it carries the most weight with running brooks and gond in evegrthing” of their yearly income how great by Miss Button of Dungannon. Aliss Canada by the British. The three of Chase's Ointment at Roper' "the child its with everybody else. It will, Its a general ting, niAlie, t(le most would ile the results? At a cent I -Tutton showed by her voice, Iliad- first generals tvho were consulted ,is to Drug store, and on applying must be the carrying out into action of practical find siiecessful teacher, Let th(• advisAbilit of talon J. . his own Advice. Character is contagi- the teacher first, cultivate his own ( week for each member of the ser arld Irecttmrent of the subject that ;Lve their opinion that CAnadatwit Ih have girelieved e, it to atonce.and Ous ane( is self propagated. ated. it not character find then seek to implant the L, FJ' :)()CIe.tIeB In (,tLr]ftda ti1H1'C fibe. wits fully alive to the till import. g } all bave been relleved. It I P g P would be it total of hundreds ante of this subject. We must start. hut, it region of snow and ice and wits bas cured eomethat had on}y reveals but transmits the grace of hest elements of it in the hearts of thousands of dollars. Let its cons(1 out with the love of God within us rant} not worth the Attempt. Wolfe Haid Ci AES undergone an operation. 1J;�RE$ . GOT A teacher must be a great gond- of his pupils. Prayer, fullness and he would take Quebec• kir (lie. He did WM. LEITH ent of the Bible and have it well stored faith are indis )ensable, "Afore thingg crate ourselves afresh and if possible that will give us the necessary earnest- CUTS • Caledoula,Ont. PILES ' 1 give More than It tenth. ness and sympathy by which we will both ; but little did he realize the far- e away in his memory. The annount of arc' wrnnght by prayer than this World ThH one minute discussions were bo enabled to twin Souls. Pau} nays "I teaching influence of his fent to Can- BURNS ECZEMA the teacher's Study will generally indi- dreams of." "Add to your faith, virtue rite interesting and suggestive, am all things to till men that I may rulta, to the British Hmpirt, tuttl to the Cate the amount of interest taken in to your virtue, knowledge to your q g gg , Rev. , g y world at bar re, whose noor neo Ie have " the lesson h the scholar find vice knowledge, tel% )erance, &c., Patience, Mr. Stout, Rev. J. Edge, Rev. J. Fisher, will Home.' Paul had great taste in ) 1 P CHAPS SALT y b } } dealing with perishing souls, The fund it home within her border.;. So Rev. F. J. Oaten, Miss J. Wilson, Mr, h P ° g CHAFES RHEUM versa. If thorough he will tranculit goodline.9s, BLc., brotherly kindness,&a' Bible is the best text book on son] win- with the founding Of U. E. societies. 'the "Bible studv fever" to hie class. (love." Discussed by D. Prior, Clinton, W. R. Lough, Rev. G. Andrews, Rev. Little (lid Ih. Clark dream when he. Rev. J. Ii. Henderson, HPngall Rev, J. Fletcher, taking part. ning. Study the Bible daily for in ' If the teacher puts himself at tine , then] ye think ye have enternal life. Opent d hiS Hrst little Society til 1881 SCALDS SCALD ,;feet of Jesus Christ when teaching and C • Pletcher, Thames Road, and Rev. The next topic, Line Up,' was intro how many hundreds of thousands that g Mr. ytotit Clinton.doted b Mr. Ed. Wrinleag, V(t na. Prager was also essential. "'There is STINGS HEAD teach as He taught, he alone efin Y movement was destined to bless, Now ,Pteach. Itisim ossibinthattheclasswili Mr. Alex SaunderR of Goderich in. He recalled the practice of his teacher a Power which man may use when p � there are ;i0,7�17 societies with 8,O(H),(NN) w ltlot come under the spell and Bee some- troduced the next paper whose, subject in school of lining up his clues to a other help is vain. The effectual fer- min people enrolled, a ha was "Reap Y a young P, P, PPY BITES ALT RHBUM (TCN- ;'£hing of the beauty Sind the heighth p What oil Sow'. The chalk -line. To -clay we are Fall in the vent pprrayer of fl, righteous ►elan throng singing ft united psalm of .nnd depth of the character of God and subject was dealt with in a thoughtful school. of Christ, the Great Teacher who availetll much. praise to their God of salvation. HIVE AND -INS jAis Son Christ Jesus. manner and many good suggeetions graduated with honors calm the trials Next Miss Wilson gave a most fits•. E Z MA _ were thrown out. Everyone of its and temptations of life, over death cinatin address on "World Winning The statistics of our own 1)onow i l Miss McGowan, Blyyth, and Messrs, Y g , g are also interesting. There are now ill I have nod base's Writ - , b, D. Wilson, Kerr, Mrllyard, Hall ; _ shall reap 'according to our sowing. itself, and is now the great Lawyer and Missions.' Though our effort Canada `2,8F>R societies with 121,830 ment fo salt heum and !Che nectjasit of comparing one aa- Are you sowing in faith? Are you ppleadin�, our (rause at the throne of should he first directed to the convey- Eczema a d it as worked a y P g P reaping in hope of freedom from sin Sod. The cal} to ""line up" comes to sion of thole nearest its, yet we should members pledged to work for God. wonderful o r me. I taker 5 ,gagge of the Bible with other posairges here, and salvation hereafter? Sow every one of its not doing our whole never lose sight of the great end in The Brat society organized in Canada alighttood anti �b those skin gitton e' &t1d thus getting light on difficult seeds of preparation, preparation for duty. if -ve disobey the moat rernem view, the salvation of the whole Lvoeld, of which the Speaker had the honor to rrw>nx eroBlNNox. R.mpton, P.E.T. 91 its was emphasized. The Bible our various taws throughout life ser 111%1 the way of the transgressor is One eat means for the accomplish- be the Pastor, was the Gnderich North 91 its. own best interpreter and eom- gg ' g p FSt. MPthodivt church organ in 1888. price, 60 %ud.elor•,ofm4nisn•on, notes kCo., preparation for our eternal ll ) beyond. hard. If we obey His presence His aid ment of this grand aim is the powerpf iC Toronto, Oct. ' puentary. Are we sowing the seeds o brotherly shall he with us. To be in line is a the tongue. The simple teaching and The various great influences of the 61flo proper place of the Black kindness and charity, or ar we draw• duty immeasurable fn its importance to preaching of the old, old story of Jesus C. H. societies were then set forth. �>. L' . —. ), '''�ye r�e_. , ' . 1. r 1 _ _. ..t O+°